crowsongcaws 4 months
Double Life Thoughts with Desert Duo (Grian/Scar) and Tragicomics (Jimmy/Scar): Everyone already knows about the whole thing with Grian essentially cheating on Scar with Big B in Double Life, and I'm not sure if anyone else has thought about this, but I'm far too lazy to go searching for similar posts. So, let's remember that Big B was, before the events of Secret Life, known for Cookie Castle, which he built in 3rd Life. You can see this with all the fanart of him wearing cookie related stuff or holding cookies. Anyways, when Scar "confronts" Grian about the secret soulmate thing, he gives Grian cookies, which has this barely concealed meaning of saying that he knows who Grian's secret soulmate is without explicitly saying so. Even with this sign clear as day, Grian denies even knowing what Scar is talking about and even looks away from him as he says it. So there Grian is, someone who is (at least in fanon) widely accepted to barely blink and stare into people's souls, actually backing down and looking away, and that's all the confession Scar really needs. So now imagine when Scar was baking these cookies. Obviously it's a bit of a stretch, but imagine Scar scavenging for the materials to make those cookies, taking the time to hide away from danger to bake them, rolling the dough so the cookies come out in nice, mostly round shapes rather than edible lumps. He bakes it fresh for Grian, he wraps it up nicely to present it, he gives them to Grian while they're still vaguely warm, and the only thing Grian can seemingly manage to do is to sound mildly annoyed for whatever reason (poor food source/useless to sell/generally just useless item to have in a death game).
So Scar is left to wander off and stew in his hurt, betrayal, grief, denial, and anger. The prior events happen after the water bucket clutch event, so as he's walking around, he realizes he hasn't seen his horse since the night before. He decides to investigate his first suspects, the Ranchers, because it would make sense that they'd be pissed at him after he not only burned down their ranch in episode 2 but also left them to die in episode 4 (again, water bucket clutch event. Jellies got prioritized over Ranchers). He confronts Jimmy and Tango in his usual charismatic way, except it's very clear that he isn't feeling well, and he eventually lets them in on what's been happening between himself and Grian. Jimmy and Tango are quick to empathize with him, and Tango briefly leaves the conversation to retrieve the horse that, as it turns out, he actually did steal from Scar. While Tango's gone, Jimmy asks if Scar still has extra cookies on hand, explaining that he and Tango had been craving something sweet and hadn't really had the time to go looking for the resources to make it themselves. Scar says he does, but he's hesitant to hand them over, reasoning that the cookies have probably gone stale by then, that they're definitely cold, that he had barely found the right ingredients to make them anyways, so they would probably taste off or unpleasant. Jimmy laughs it off and says he barely has room to be picky in a death game anyways, but when he bites into the cookie, his eyes go wide and he immediately starts loudly rambling about how good it is and how Scar clearly has some sort of talent with cooking outside of the games to have made such good cookies with such little resources or opportunity. And, of course, Scar isn't over Grian. He's only barely managed to accept what's happened, but the way that Jimmy looks at him, the way that Jimmy seems absolutely overjoyed over such a miniscule thing that wasn't even meant for him, Scar gets the feeling that his heart isn't going to start and stop beating because of Grian. At least, not after this.
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blocksruinedme 1 year
not sure if that reblog was an invitation to ask about a ship, and if not apologies for this lol, but scar/jimmy?
Scar/Jimmy - you want my brutally honest opinion? GIMME!
I don't have a story in it for me right now. I was hoping for Limited Life inspiration, and it's not ep 1 but who knows what could happen in this chaos series! I started sketching out a crossover "fwhip scott scar and jimmy" raunchy fic based on everyone having rooms in scar's hotel, but it didn't really come together and the moment passed.
They are good, good boys. Minus all the "constant assassination" with Scar and the "people don't seem to realize how much he causes the chaos around him" from Jimmy - no, that's good! But something about their at home, 1:1 kinda vibes works very well for me. When they were alone together in Trouble Town, they are happy and nice and comfortable and should kiss. When Scar did leave for hermitcraft, and jimmy locked him up... he didn't call him that word, he just threatened to, and literally only under the circumstance of "being kidnapped in the wrong dimension".
I want them to stay up late talking in TT and not be self conscious about not knowing how to say shit. I want Scar to teach Jimmy minecraft stuff. I want them to go out and murder together and cause problems! Hot Guy's got Cute Guy for his fellow-superhero sidekick, but Jimmy can be his... well, his Jimmy Olson, his plucky powerless pal who helps him on the ground. (I'm just coming up with shit on the fly now) I want them, for no particular reason, to decide to spend an episode running around LimLife scamming people and burning things down. (And then kiss.) If I get suitable content from LimLife I will write something. So, let's manifest, lads! MANIFEST!
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eluminium 2 months
If you showed this photo to a hermit fan a week ago they'd explode
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(taken from the Gamers Outreach Twitter)
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sprinklesharkie 2 months
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they need to be given nerf guns more often
(martyn doing first person shooter style with scar was so good)
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skygoldart 2 months
I made a series of card designs based on the canon and fanon curses from the life series!
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The Canary Curse:
Based on the tale of miners bringing a canary in a coal mine to test the air. If the bird dies, the air is unsafe. This player will die first.
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The Widow Curse:
This player is fated to final kill a close ally, friend, or partner. They make close connections that ultimately are betrayed, purposely or accidentally.
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The Red Insanity Curse
This player will go insane once reaching their final life and gain a bloodlust that reaches beyond anything in their previous lives. They become reckless and completely unhinged.
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The Enchanter Curse
This player gains an unhealthy obsession with enchanting tables to the point of life loss, endangering allies, and losing everything.
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The Coal Miner Curse
Also a reference to the canary in a coal mine. This player will die directly after the canary
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The Isolation Curse
This player will die alone away from anyone else, or to an act by their own hand.
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The Allies Blessing
Rather than a curse, this card is a blessing. Allies or players who have landed themselves in good graces with this player will come to win a season in the near future.
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The Winners Curse:
The final player of a season, the winner, will die after winning. To their own hand, or by other means.
Some curses are now broken! I still wanted to draw them despite that lol
Are there any you think I missed?
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applestruda 8 months
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i-am-me-i-am-sam 2 months
Scar: I told the chat, if we hit 500,000, there is Pain
Grian and Jimmy: nod silently with solemn expressions
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theminecraftbee 2 months
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b3l0v3dzz 3 months
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Life series text post memes but this time it鈥檚 BigB edition
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Round Four: THE FINALS
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tubbytarchia 6 months
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Derailing from everything to draw this because I can't stop thinking about "You're triggering my parental instinct. I want to take you into my hand and take you to a safe place" Doc
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liauditore 6 months
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i did the thing but i made it edgy. original by xmaruu11!!
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mossfeathers 8 months
oh btw im hoping and praying for bigb on a larger 3-4 person team this time around pleas eplease please please pleaseeeeee i NEED to see more dynamics with him. hes just a chill guy. let him commit unspeakable crimes with other horrible people.
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krashlite 6 months
OK part 1 of how I think the curses work in the Life Series
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This is something I'm gonna come back and update over time :]
Part 1 (you are Here!) , Part 2
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magpigment 7 months
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aka an acrylic painting i did for jimmy and martyns secret life episode 4! wanted to get this out before the next episode lmao.
original version under the cut ^^
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without the color tweaking 馃憤
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cheerioskid 4 months
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the lonely little sun :,)
this is a little skyblings comic i made for the moonrise au by @germworms and i!! more details below vv
some general context if you're not familiar with the au: basically it's a life series/hermitcraft au about gods and humans and kingdoms and all that cool stuff :) pearl and grian are the current moon and sun gods respectively (their predecessors are joel and lizzie but there are other posts for their lore)
now onto the comic vv
a big concern of grians is becoming too overwhelmed with his position as sun god as that can cause a supernova and subsequently the destruction of the entire system soooo
all throughout childhood pearl has made it clear to him that she's always available to talk to and as a way of looking out for him she often (not maliciously) speaks on his behalf and allows him to be a recluse basically (she just really cares for him as they're both the only close family they really have; jimmys like a distant cousin in this au lmao)
when they were kids and coming to terms w the fact that they're literal gods w responsibilities pearl would try to tell grian the story of joel (prev sun god) and his fate in a very roundabout way as to not scare him but warn him about the pressures of his future position and encourage him to be open with her
(also ik stars are technically scott's thing in the au but the sun is also a star?? sooo it makes sense when in reference to grian/joel)
the dialogue is taken from shane koyczan's piece "for instance" i highly recommend checking it out!! all of his poetry is insane and heart wrenching
check out the moonrise au tag and Sea's profile for more posts and lore!!!
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