zenitsus-lightning · 4 days
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- ,, 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐯𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
SUMMARY -> satochoso x reader (choso x satoru x reader) where satoru is on a long mission. its just you and choso at home,and its really... quiet without satoru. you miss him - that's obvious, but choso misses him more than he'd like to admit. he acts all tough and acts like he doesn't really miss him, but its pretty obvious that's a lie.
A/N -> wowoowowow my first jjk fic!! i hope this is good and i havent proofread this so there might be mistakes, and i cant even bear to read my own writing anyway cuz wtf its so cringey reading my stuff and i dont like this too much anyway. and i havent written anything in ages so i might be a lil rusty... also i never specified the readers gender (I THINK) so gn!reader!!
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Dating the strongest sorcerer obviously came with challenges. He'd be away constantly on missions, which were life or death, meaning you didn't see him as often as you'd like. One good part about it though is that he never came back beaten or bruised. All the curses he fought were nothing compared to him - like ants he'd tread on.
Luckily for you, you were never alone when he was gone. You had some very good company from your boyfriend. Well, your other boyfriend, because you had two. Of course Satoru was one, but the other was Choso. His tough guy exterior always meant he never showed signs of missing Satoru. He usually just went around with his usual schedule and comforted you if you were missing the sorcerer.
So Satoru was on another one of those dreadfully long missions now. You weren't worried about anything happening to him, of course. You just wanted him home soon. It didn't look like the mission would allow that, unfortunately.
The house felt empty and lifeless without him. He would often follow you around everywhere, accompanying you, or Choso, in whatever mundane task you set yourself to. His energetic voice would be the only thing breaking the silence.
It felt odd not having that voice accompany you as you were regularly sitting down in the living room. You could only really sit there in silence, head in your hands. The room's silence was awkward and almost deafening.
Of course Choso was sitting on the opposite side. He could barely take the silence. He looked at you, wondering if he should say anything. You did look like you needed a bit of comfort.
So he clears his throat, leaning toward you.
"You okay?" He mutters. He's not sure how to start a conversation.
"Yeah," You respond, turning your head to look at him. "are you?"
"Yeah," Choso says. Fuck, that was awkward. He curses himself in his head and decides to ask something else. "are you missing him?"
"Of course I am." You sigh, but you smile at him.
Choso always likes to make out that he's a big tough guy that never misses his boyfriend when he's on a long mission. He can handle himself, he can do everything himself, he's fine without him. He's independant. But you don't buy this for a second.
"Are you?"
"I'm fine." He says. He answers a little too fast. "I mean - I'm fine without him. I can function without him."
Yeah right. You raise an eyebrow at him skeptically.
"Yeah right. I see the way you mope around when he's gone." You say.
It's true. He does mope around when Satoru's gone. There's no more voice in his ear narrating everything he does, teasing the life out of him, when Satoru is away. It seems so silent, so lifeless. He can't help hanging his head.
"Fine - but you mope around as well." He doesn't even try to defend himself at this. If you can call him out for moping around, he can too. He crosses his arms.
"Yeah, but I don't pretend I don't miss my boyfriend." You retort.
Maybe he does miss him a lot. He doesn't like to look clingy or needy, which is why he always denies that he misses Satoru. He just decides to change the topic. You've won that one.
"He's supposed to be home today, right?" Choso says. He doesn't like to admit it, but he's been counting down the days.
"Is he?" You say, perking up. It feels like forever since he left.
"Yeah. I checked this morning." He says.
"And when exactly is he home?" You question further.
"... Late. He's going to be home late." Choso says.
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It feels like forever since that conversation with Choso. What time is it now? 6 PM? It feels pretty late, but not that late. Time just seems to drag on no matter what. You're just waiting for the sound of the door handle's click and for it to swing open and have Satoru's voice call out.
You're imagining it. You've imagined it - the door swings open, he calls out, and you and Choso run into his arms and-
Your thoughts are interrupted by the click of the door handle. You perk up - Choso does too - and you both get up and head toward the front door. The door swings open, and the familiar tall figure of Satoru strides in.
He's instantly greeted by your arms swinging around his neck. He loudly chuckles. He doesn't even seem fazed by the sudden hug. He wraps his arms around you in return, kissing your cheek.
You can't see him, but you know he looks up for Choso. He eyes him under his blindfold with a smirk.
"C'mon." Satoru says, lifting his arm out while his other arm still hold you.
"No." Choso says, crossing his arms. Satoru pouts.
"Pleasseeee? I can't have a hug with my favourite partners without my favourite boy."
Choso mutters something under his breath. Despite this, he approaches with his arms outstretched. Satoru's face lights up. He literally grabs Choso's wrist and tugs him into the hug. He looks delighted.
The hug lasts a while. That's because nobody wants to pull away. Nobody wants out of the hug. It's amazingly quiet. Choso isn't complaining and Satoru isn't going on about how much he missed both of you. It's just dead silent. You're just enjoying each other's company.
But you have to let go eventually. Satoru eases his arms off you and Choso.
"Now, what have you been up to while I was gone?" Satoru questions. But he sees the looks on your faces and his smile grows even wider. "So you missed me so much you didn't even go out?"
Choso crosses his arms.
"Aw," Satoru grins. He looks so proud of himself. "But I think I'm gonna go unwind. You'll be fine without me for a little, right?" He says, looking between you two.
"Yeah," Choso responds.
"Great. I'll be back in a few minutes." He says, grinning.
As he walks off, he pauses just after walking past both of you. He turns on his heel and goes back to the both of you, kissing your cheek and then Choso's. After this, he turns back around and leaves to go unwind.
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toj1kuna · 17 days
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I rlly didn't feel like finishing this cuz I don't like it but wtv
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ezralva · 1 month
Based on this and my post-canon Gocho AU where Gojo came back alive and became the Principal. He gave a written test to Choso for Jujutsu High staff recruitment.
😎: Yuuji asked me to teach you more how to live as a modern human. Also if you work here at school you can make a better living with more stable income.
🩸: Yuuji is the kindest kid. He loves me and cares about my well-being *smiles smugly*
😎: He said if you get a stable job as one of the staff then he can finally go to missions alone again without you following him all the time. You annoy him with that so he just tries to get you out of his hair.
🩸: Yuuji is in his rebellious phase.
😎: Whatever. Anyway, I've never seen grades this low before. Even Yuuji's language tests have better results than these. Could it be that you're not good at reading and writing?
Choso can't accept that, as a big brother he needs to set an example for his little brother.
🩸: It's not that. I was just feeling under the weather when I took the test.
😎: Okay. Then let's try again. Read the words in no. 1 and 2. You should be familiar with these since you know them a lot.
🩸: alright.
😎 : How do you read no. 1? (the kanji for Getou)
🩸: Natsuabura (summer oil).
😎: ....
😎: No. 2? It's something you eat with Yuuji before. (kanji for senbei=rice crackers, the word 'before' in Japanese is mae)
🩸: *squinting his eyes, trying hard* Mae...mochi.
After this Gojo has no choice but to give Choso private tutoring sessions 👀😏
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baconthedumb · 13 days
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waaa satochoso as garu and pucca
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dollsuguru · 23 days
i can talk about satochoso freely now :3
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ymkstsg · 1 month
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Choso doodle page ft. smol satochoso
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megumifushlguro · 3 months
do you have a Gojo rarepair?
i ship all (normal) Gojo ships. SatoSugu, Nanago, GojoHime, SatoShoko, SatoChoso, SukuGo, KashiSato and etc. my rarepair for him though would be with Kusakabe!!
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blublubang · 21 days
fav gojo ships in order?
1ª nanago 2º satoshoko and sukugo 3ª satosugu and gojohime 4ª satochoso
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kamiversee · 1 month
OMG?? I LOVE THE RISE OF SATOCHOSO HELP MEEEE >< ugh I wanna write my other fic with those two sosoSO bad
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terra-sketches · 4 days
A random multishipper's interpretation of some JJK ships
Gojichi – Jennifer x Needy (from Jennifer's Body) kinda ship, When asked why he’s with Ijichi, Gojo probably says the Jessica Rabbit “He makes me laugh” line, The mutual trust!!!
Nanago – Coworker Romance, Opposites attract, Queer platonic perchance?
SatoChoso – and they were both switches!!, almost PAINFUL slow burn with lots of misunderstandings but once they’ve overcome some differences they're a pretty great duo
Gohime – I can see them learning how to move on from their pasts together, also consider this: Rival teachers!!, honestly they'd make good friends if they sort out their canon grievances
Satosugu – Best friends to exes OR The highschool situationship they never got over
Sashisu – “Hey, let’s all kiss no strings attached!” and then the strings attached
Itafushi – Opposites attract: the remix, devoted to each other
OkkoYu – “Omg they tried to execute you too? No way, we have so much in common!”, alternatively: the weirdest people you know are dating now
NobaMaki – Black cat x Orange cat
YutaMaki – “Yeah, I’ll help you bury the body”
TogeYuta – Yuta’s bi awakening
ShoUta – They do taxes and laundry together, drunk ladies laughing too loud at the bar
Sukugo – Freak4Freak, they fight each other just for the thrill of it, I think it’s funny to imagine Gojo responding to Sukuna’s courtship offer with a “LMAO?? Chat, is this real?”
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zenitsus-lightning · 8 days
does satochoso even have an audience on tumblr?? i wanna write something for them here but 😭😭
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toj1kuna · 1 month
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rarepair connoisseur is back with more rarepairs
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zenitsus-lightning · 6 days
SOON i will get my shit together and write something i PROMISE ‼ wait a few days just lemme cook ‼
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zenitsus-lightning · 5 days
hear me out. satochoso x reader but satoru goes on this long ass mission and youre both missing him like hell (choso wont admit it) and then he comes back and thats the whole thing ‼
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