#sathia hawthorne
zenkindoflove · 3 months
Elucien and Sarion Parallels
Ever since I finished HOFAS, I can't help but think of all the parallels between Elain x Lucien and Sathia x Tharion. It's definitely not a coincidence and it makes me have big high hopes for both ships in the future of their series. So I made a big list of all the ways their characters and situations are paralleling each other. HOFAS spoilers under the cut.
This is the most obvious parallel. Both Elucien and Sarion are strangers finding themselves in a romantic entanglement. Elucien's mating bond snaps as soon as they meet each other, effectively making them strangers who are soulmates. Sarion is a marriage of convenience trope, where before ever speaking to each other, they both agree to marry so that Sathia doesn't have to marry one of the Murder Twins. Both have to essentially get to know the other one under the circumstances of having a romantic bond between them.
Tropes Are Troping.
There are tons of similarities in the actual situations that Elucien and Sarion first meet. They are both in a throne room, standing in front of an evil Fae King who is putting Elain and Sathia in a very high-stakes, traumatizing, nonconsensual situation. Before Elain is turned Fae and before the mating bond snaps, Lucien protests what is happening to her, leading to his bondage. He breaks through the bonds once she is dumped onto the floor, running to her to cover her with his jacket to preserve her modesty and provide her with his protection. As the CC crew bargain for Sathia's freedom, which is going nowhere fast, Tharion offers himself to marry Sathia so that she doesn't have to be shackled to one of the Murder Twins forever. He's effectively, like Lucien, the only one who takes the extra step to protect her.
Meet Cute.
Given the trope that Elucien and Sarion are both in, both couples effectively belong to one another right from the start. Lucien and Elain are often referred to each other as mates and Lucien's internal thoughts claim her as his mate. "Mine. You are mine, and I am yours. Mate". In Tharion's POV, he very quickly labels her as his wife and seems comfortable embracing that label for her. Literally, one of my favorite parts about these tropes is how these romantic and intimate labels now have such a distinct and powerful punch against the background of the tension behind the trope.
My Wife/My Mate
This section really deserves a bullet point list because omg, there are so many parallels in these two characters.
Lucien and Tharion
-Flirty rakes who like to "dally"
-Depicted as having lots of low-commitment sexual encounters before they meet their love interest.
-This part of their characters seems to be a defense mechanism to protect their hearts.
-As soon as they do find their love interest which is an instant high-commitment, they are both singularly focused on them and loyal. Feyre states Lucien no longer enjoys the company of females now that he's a "mated male" and we no longer see Tharion flirting with or hooking up with any other characters.
-They're both self-loathing, broody sad dudes who don't have high opinions of their worth. Lucien: "I am seventh son of the Autumn Court" And a whole lot of nothing. Tharion: Captain Whatever. More like Captain Worthless.
-Both jump around in their allegiances after finding themselves in abusive power struggles. For both characters currently in their respective series, they've jumped from court/queens several times, and essentially find themselves aimless and without homes, relying on the generosity of their friends to hopefully take them in and see their worth.
-Both have had someone they love tragically taken from them that greatly affects their motivations and self-loathing.
TBH there are probably a ton more but this is just what I'm thinking of on the fly.
Elain and Sathia are a shorter list but I think that is only because we know less about them than Lucien and Tharion respectively.
Elain and Sathia
-Both are a more traditional feminine archetype. They're described as beautiful, petite, with many characteristics associated with upholding tradition and fulfilling more stereotypical feminine roles.
-Both are shown to value marriage and seek it out from men with power and influence. Elain with Graysen and Sathia in the HOSAB bonus chapter when she asks about Cormac.
-Both fall madly in love with their first love. Sathia says her separation from Collin is her "Ordeal". Elain is shown to be horribly depressed and desperately runs to find Graysen the first opportunity she gets. As Sathia does once she sees Collin again.
-Both are described as having some "vapid" traits that makes people underestimate them. Elain's interests in gardening and cooking is dismissed. Sathia is described as a fairly stereotypical rich and prissy girl who Ruhn thinks only cares about her manicures and clothes.
-Speaking of that underestimation, we see at different points in their series that characters around them are often surprised when they reveal that they are actually quite intelligent, thoughtful, and brave.
-Both have a moment of "standing up" for their love interest. Elain's famous "His name is Lucien" line and Sathia standing up to the Viper Queen on behalf of Tharion when they meet her in the alley.
-There is of course a bit of a difference between them. Elain is described as being more timid. Ruhn refers to Sathia as "a predator". So they both take a bit different approaches to how they fit into their social groups.
Elucien and Sarion both enter into their romance trope with other love interests either in their pasts or currently that they're involved with. Lucien has Jesminda, who he still loves deeply and mourns her death. Elain has Graysen, who she is engaged to but her turning Fae puts a big wedge in their relationship. Sathia isn't with Collin but clearly still loves him. It's unclear how far their relationship ever got. Tharion is the only one who is emotionally "unattached" but he is very much still in the web of the River Queen's daughter and his 10-year long engagement of duress to her.
It's complicated.
In both cases, Tharion and Lucien are effectively unattached. Maybe it's complicated but they are more free and open to the bond they now have to this stranger. Elain and Sathia are not, however. Both Elain and Sathia show that they still have a deep commitment to their former loves and take similar actions by giving into their most romantic fantasies and running after their first loves to try and save the relationship. We know for Elain, that her seeking out Graysen was the nail in the coffin for them. With Sathia, her situation with Collin is left very open ended. But both are full of angst and both show that Elain and Sathia are very romantic at heart and commit deeply to the men that they love. Both Tharion and Lucien are shown to be very understanding and not possessive of Sathia and Elain. Lucien is not present for Elain seeing Graysen but he gives her space to work through her feelings and it's known he's met Graysen and doesn't think highly of him yet its implied he has left him alone. Tharion does not go after Sathia as soon as she leaves to find Collin and even hopes that should he die she'd be free to marry Collin if he can get away from the Viper Queen.
She is still in love with her ex.
Now we don't know how Elain or Sathia truly feel for Lucien and Tharion. We have neither of their POVs. We do however see Tharion and Lucien's POVs and at least based on actions alone, Lucien is clearly more interested in pursuing the mating bond than Elain is at the moment. When Sathia leaves to find Collin, Tharion spends a lot of time with her letter and its said he can't stop thinking about her as he makes his way to help Bryce with defeating the Asteri.
He falls first.
Lucien and Tharion both go to "rescue" their love interest. Lucien desperately wants to leave Spring to make sure that Elain is okay after her trauma in Hybern. He still doesn't trust the Night Court and has no idea what they're doing to her. He crosses Prythian with Feyre, going into Autumn Court where he knows they could kill him on the spot and where he experienced some of his worst traumas. But he braves it all just so he can see Elain once and make sure she's okay. He's fully aware she has a fiance and may not want anything to do with him. Tharion, after the Asteri are defeated, is seen in his last chapter of HOFAS returning back to the Meat Market where the Viper Queen holds a bounty on his head and essentially owned him as her slave. But he returns so he can make sure that Sathia is not in danger. Similar to Lucien, he's returning to the place of his trauma, risking it all with little expectations that Sathia will "choose him"
Damsels in distress.
Lucien is an emissary and he is well known for his social skills. Elain similarly has been described as being very charming and sociable, able to befriend servants or nobles. It's a common head canon amongst Eluciens that Elain and Lucien, once they start spending time together, will find themselves in a situation where they have to act as emissaries and Elain will impress Lucien with her natural skills. We see this scenario play out with Tharion and Sathia when they try to convince the River Queen to protect some of Crescent City's most vunerable members. Tharion is impressed at how skilled Sathia is when talking to the queen, able to charm and "speak her language" which is that of nobility and politeness.
Prediction: I have a feeling that not only are both Elucien and Sarion end game, but I think their end game is going to be mirror images of where they started. Elucien started with a mating bond and I think they will fall in love and choose to marry each other. And the reverse, Sarion started with a marriage but I also think they will fall in love and the mating bond will snap between them. It would just be such a cute additional parallel to how SJM has set up their characters and story arcs.
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tilseptemberends · 2 months
“What is this really, Sathia?” her father leaned back in his seat, arms crossed like Tharion was a bit of old homework she’d gotten a less than stellar grade on. They hadn’t even taken a seat yet and the interrogation had started? “You were raised better than this.” Lord Hawthorne bit out and Sathia nearly flinched. 
I’m disappointed, Sathia. 
You were raised better than this, Sathia. 
A proper lady doesn’t dye her hair and act out like this, Sathia. 
We expect more from you, Sathia. 
You need to grow up and act like a female of your station, Sathia. 
Sathia hated hearing him say her name. 
“Better than what?” She stared right back at her father. Lord Hawthorne gestured with a hand to the mer at Sathia’s side. Her mother lifted a hand to her cheek, her slight frown deepening as the atmosphere turned into something sharper. 
Sneak peak while I work on the second half <3
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elains · 4 months
Can you talk more about tharions wife and what he did in hofas?
Yeah sure
TL;DR of Tharion in HOFAS: mistakes were made.
Tharion opens the book as a fighter for the Viper Queen, one of her best ones along with Ariadne. She feeds him her poison, which is some marvelous drug and a very good high. The Frat Boys + Fendyr Heir & The Sprites come to try and take him out and it ends up in Ithan fighting and killing the Fendyr Heir to win their (his) freedom.
And when they leave, the 3 Sprites torch the place. The Viper Queen blames Tharion and places a bounty in his head. Then they go break Ruhn, Baxian and Ruhn out of prison and Tharion saves Lidia's life when she falls off a cliff.
The Ocean Queen comes to visit underground. She wants to know why there are two Queens mad a Tharion and threatening war. She bids him to stay goddamn aboard the ship. Alas, he disobeys and follows the Gang to Avallen. Three Queens angry now.
Some of the Valbaran Fae are fleeing there seeking shelter from the gathering storm, including the Lord Hawthorne aka Flynn's father, along with his wife and younger daughter, Sathia.
It's been a while since I read Ruhn's bonus PoV but she shows up there before here.
Anyway, Avallen is a patriarchal hellhole and Morven is demanding Sathia marry so she may stay, because women in Avallen are worth only the offspring they can bear. Positively charming place. She doesn't want to get married, especially because the two foremost suitors are the shadow twins, Ruhn's murderous cousins.
Tharion volunteers to marry her under the reasoning that had his sister been in the same position, he would have wanted someone to do this for her. Also what's one more whimsical decision anyway? It's not without consequence: divorce doesn't really exist for the Fae; Sathia would be persona non grata among them for doing so.
At one point the Asteri bomb Asphodel and Tharion goes back to Lunathion with Sathia to plead with the River Queen for her to shelter the humans. Sathia proves to be quite the talker here, he is spoiled, and fiery but has a sense of humor and is quite poised as Lady. I like how she handles herself and how she openly challenged Bryce when Bryce wanted all the fae to go choke. She has a backbone.
She has Earth magic! She can make plants grow!
Anyway, once they leave the Blue Court, they run into the Viper Queen and her two assassin-guards... and we get the reveal that one of them used to be Sathia's friend/bodyguard/sweetheart, Colin McCarthy. Her father said he got a new post but rather he just introduced him to the Viper Queen and now he only obeys her (that poison but way more late stage than Tharion's).
Sathia disappears, leaving a note saying thay she cannot leave Colin in the Viper Queen's hands and thanks him for all he did for her. It's time for the endgame so that'll be handles afterwards. Tharion gets the cure for the parasite dampening the Vanir's powers and goes to deliver some flasks to the Gang in the Eternal City wrecking shit up with the Asteri.
He helps them fight, gets shot, gets better with help of Ruhn's brand new healing power. He survives.
His last PoV in the book is he going back to the Meat Market to look for Sathia just to ensure she's okay and then follow their separate ways. It ends on a cliffhanger with him running into Ariadne.
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vermillionflames · 2 years
And They Were Roommates
AO3 link
yes, i really did name my fanfic this
Fandom: Crescent City
What happens when a bunch of Valbaran Fae live together? A lot of sex, drugs, and parties, that's what.
(oh my god, they were ruhn's mates (platonically))
Chapter One:
Ruhn tried to stop himself from reaching for the hidden liquor bottle inside his suit pocket as he watched every Valbaran Fae approach and bow to his father. He rolled his eyes as a female bowed so low almost her whole tit peeked out the top of her dress. Gross.
Next came Lord and Lady Hawthorne, Sathia and Tristian in tow. One of them was more pleased than the others as their eyes turned to his pierced lip, ears. Not that Ruhn could blame them, they were understandably upset about the boys' plan to get their own place to live. The family left, Flynn hot tailing it to the bar where Declan was waiting for him.
Ruhn would be there too, if he didn’t have his princely duties holding him back. Duties being standing by the throne and seeing if any of the females peaked his interest. Not that his father was serious about the latter, he’d likely arrange him a bride from another city.
Lord and Lady Alaway came next, fingers entwined, so they could brag about being the only mated, and heavily in love, Fae in all of Valbara. Ruhn was jealous, not because they got to marry for love, but because that love trickled down into their daughter, Samantha. She smiled at both The Autumn King and Ruhn at her parents' side. Probably so happy because her father had a strict ‘no arranged marriages’ rule on her. He wanted her to find her mate, or at least be in love, and he was low enough on the royal list that the King didn’t mind it. If only Ruhn had been born to parents who cared about each other, about him.
The night dragged on, and Ruhn was bored to tears at several points. Occupying himself with his thoughts to make it through the small talk and invasive questions about his Ordeal. Tomorrow would be better, tomorrow he would buy a house and start living with his two best friends. Tomorrow he wouldn’t have to ride home in his father’s SUV or hear him sneak in a lover. Tomorrow, he promised Dec and Flynn they would all have a nice cold beer on their new couch.
“I want this house,” Flynn told Ruhn as they stood on a lawn, checking out the porch.
“Looks like the realtor is here already,” Dec nodded to the cars parked in the driveway, “And like the previous owners might not be moved out…”
“I thought the deer said this place was brand new,” Flynn said as he walked up the pathway to the door, “And, in any case, it’s going to be ours.”
“You sound an awful lot like you want to pay for it,” Ruhn ticked as he followed.
“I will if you’re broke, asshole.”
The males laughed as they got to the door, Flynn grabbing the knob and turning it. Unlocked. The boys helped themselves inside.
“It’s empty,” Flynn crossed his arms, “Hello?”
“Maybe the cars come with the place,” Dec teased as he started for the stairs.
“I’m afraid not,” another deer shifter appeared in the balcony, realtor pin brightly polished on her blazer collar.
“Er- Hi,” Ruhn said, “We were expecting…”
“It appears someone else is viewing the house, Miss Alaway. Though our appointment isn’t over for another 20 minutes.”
Then Samantha appeared, her blonde hair still in the loose curls from last night, though she opted for slacks and a silk shirt instead of repeating her ballgown. She bit her lip as she stared at them. Flynn and Dec shared a grin before running to greet her. They probably couldn’t help themselves. Ruhn stayed on the main floor, staring, like an idiot.
“I’ll be waiting outside if you have any questions for me,” the shifter nodded as she left.
“Mommy and daddy too busy making googly eyes at each other to shop for houses,” Flynn teased her.
“No,” Samantha crossed her arms, “The house is for me.”
“Don’t tell me you make jokes on top of being incredibly hot.”
“Sorry about Flynn,” Declan said, “He’s been smacked so much he has brain damage.”
“Oh, so you two are his care takers then.”
“Yes,” Declan winked.
“Asshole,” Flynn muttered, “Anyway, who knew the Alaway’s were so progressive? Letting their daughter get her own house.”
“If I were a girl my father would have never let me out of his sight,” Ruhn finally joined.
“If you were a girl, you’d be married and pregnant by now.”
“Must be hard,” Samantha said, “Metaphorically, being a girl seems so hard for you, Chosen One.”
“She is funny,” Declan elbowed her while Flynn and Ruhn cheered.
“But my parents aren’t letting me get my own house… I’m just going to tell them about it later.”
“They’ll think we influenced you,” Ruhn pouted.
“I know. I should thank you three for being so ill behaved. Made it a breeze for the rest of us.”
“All in a day's work,” Flynn put his arm around her, “Good luck house hunting.”
Samantha’s eyes darkened, “This is my house.”
“No,” Flynn whirled around and gestured to Dec and Ruhn, “This is our house.”
“It wasn’t sold when I got here.”
“They’re not going to deny the prince.”
“Fine,” She crossed her arms.
“But, if you ever need a date for-”
“We’ll be roommates.”
“What,” all three males gaped in unison.
“A girl for a roommate,” Flynn screeched.
“Yes, I happen to be a girl. But, I have a job, I make my own money, I have a car that would fit all three of you plus a date, and I can cook and clean.”
“I’m in,” Dec raised his hands to high five her.
“What do you wear to bed,” Flynn put his finger on his chin.
“You’ll never know unless you agree.”
“Alright, fine,” he turned to Ruhn, “Please, dude. Unlimited access to boob.”
“Whoa, no. There’s gonna be rules,” Samantha grabbed his chin, “First of all, none of you,” she pointed to each male, “Are gonna fuck me. Second, you’re gonna teach me how to use a gun-or knives. Third,” she turned to Ruhn, “Say yes so my parents don’t make me quit my job and live with them until I miraculously fulfill their hopes and dreams for me.”
“Alright, Sam.” Ruhn grinned, “You can live with us. But we get to make some rules too.”
“I’m not showing you my boobs.” They all groaned in protest.
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zenkindoflove · 2 months
49 for Satharion, pretty please 🥺
49...out of necessity.
Sathia shifted her feet as she stood in front of the Priestess of Cthona. It was surreal, hearing those words she had imagined thousands of times, but with someone very different standing by her side.
They all had tried to talk them out of it. She could only imagine what horrid things her brother had to say about her. Ruhn did a poor job convincing her this was a bad idea. Unless Tharion was an actual cannibal, it was hard to imagine what could possibly be worse than marrying one of the Murder Twins.
He was handsome at least. Completely beneath her station, of course, and not Fae. Her parents would disown her as soon as they heard, but a part of her welcomed it. She was slowly becoming disillusioned with the entire social structure she had fought hard to stay on top of the pecking order for so many years. In some ways, this felt like freedom, even if she didn’t have a reasonable alternative.
Sathia darted her eyes to glance at him again. Golden tan skin covered his strong arms. He had wide set shoulders and a broad chest that tapered to a lean waist and hips. His casual t-shirt hung on him in a way that made her toes curl in her designer shoes. The striped markings on his arms reminded her of tattoos, but more fluid and naturally blending with his skin tone.  He was tall too. She would need to crane her neck to look at his face at this distance. The Priestess continued droning on and on about eternity and commitment, and it struck Sathia that she would have to kiss him once this was over. What approach would she take? Would she need to stand on her tip toes? Would he lean down to her?
She snapped her attention forward again, trying her best to focus. She was getting married and all she could think about were what Tharion’s abs might look like and getting the hell off this island, by any means necessary.
Her brother stood off to her other side, agreeing to be her witness to this union. He had done so reluctantly, furious that she was so resigned to do this. Sathia never realized that he cared about who and when she might marry. From what she could tell, Tristan would rather eat dirt than talk to her, especially about this. He hated their customs and their responsibilities as heirs to the Hawthorne estate. Yet he was the one lecturing her about throwing her life away.
What he didn’t understand is that Sathia had already been ready to throw her life away… for love. But that opportunity was ripped from her, and all that remained was angry bitterness. What was throwing her life away to a merman to save herself from a lifetime of darkness?
It was time for the binding. Tharion held his hand out next to her, and Sathia took a moment to catch up, tentatively placing her hand on his. The first thing she noticed was that his skin was warm. She didn’t know what she expected. Cold and scaly? Her heart rate picked up as the priestess wrapped the ribbon around their hands, binding them together as husband and wife.
They turned simultaneously to face each other. The final step. With a kiss, it would be done. She wouldn’t be Sathia Flynn anymore. She would be… Sathia Ketos? That didn’t sound too awful.
His eyes were kind, and she liked the way his freckles peppered his checks and the bridge of his nose. He gave her hand a little squeeze, and she could see he was nervous as well. At least they were in this together… the most impulsive idiots on Midigard.
She took the first step towards him, pushing up on the points of her toes as she used his biceps for support. He leaned down as well, meeting her halfway. Their lips touched for just a moment, quick enough that if anyone blinked, they would miss it. Goosebumps prickled up her arms as she dropped flat on her heels again. Nervousness swam in her belly, and she felt like she was a teenager again, kissing a boy on a dare. And she supposed, in a way, this was sort of like that, but much higher stakes.
They turned and faced their audience, a sad room of tight eyes and questioning frowns. It wasn’t what she imagined her wedding day would be. It wasn’t how she imagined this day would go. But now, Sathia found herself with a husband.
Kiss prompts.
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tilseptemberends · 22 days
Tharion spun a pen in his free hand, staring at the wall as the other line rang. The Lord and Lady Hawthorne were supposedly spending quite a bit of their time at the fae archives, not far from their villa in FiRo. He should be calling the villa in all honesty but they hadn’t exactly offered him personal contact information the last time they spoke. Which had been all well and good in his book. He didn't spend alot of time yearning for the approval of fae elitists but it made keeping his promise to Sathia, that he would deal with her parents, a touch more difficult. He could try going in person but in the interest of making sure Sathia didnt actually end up a single mother due to his sudden and mysterious disappearance he'd elected to subjects himself to a string of phone calls while she was seeing her doctor. She'd asked to do the first one alone and he couldn't think of a real reason to insist on coming along. The pen dropped to the table as the line was finally picked up. 
“Thank you for calling the Fae Archives, what can I do for you today?”
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