#sassy denji
batterygarden · 2 years
Sassy bf Denji...
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(sfw relationship headcannons; gn afab reader)
I feel like Denji is sassy without meaning to be once you guys get close. 
He’ll be like oh my god are you okay what happened to your skin?? & you’re just wearing foundation that got a little patchy. 
Any candid life advice from Denji is not only unreliable as hell but also delivered harshly. Despite his best intentions! It’ll sound gentle in his head till he’s like “If a person with no balls tries to fight you just fucking run baby you are not taking them… zero coordination and ya wouldn’t even have somewhere to aim :/“ 
Will air ur business to everyone unless you specifically tell him not to. “Oh don’t worry they’ll be here! They’re trying out a Diva cup for the first time and it leaked all over while we were driving so they had ta turn around.” (He feels wise and mature saying this having just learned what a diva cup was that morning) 
If he has a small grievance with you that for whatever reason he doesn’t mention right away, he’ll just incorporate it into your next nickname. Like you leave the fan on one (1) time when no one’s home he’s like ahh there’s my lil electricity vulture 😍. One time you forgot to clean up after breakfast and Denji literally said “hey dirty dishy! What is up 😁” 
If you offer to take over his video game for him while he pees he’s like “hmm I dunno if.…uhhh…” He trails off then never gets up.
“Geez baby, I think you need a good night’s sleep tonight. Like at least eight hours dude…”
He doesn’t really care what you wear but prepare to receive the stink eye if u ever try out a new/different style bc Denji will be lost and confused. Babe what’s up with the fit 🤨? What do you mean, do you not like it :(? Uhhh im not sure if it’s good or not but I don’t get why you’d ever wear that in the first place. Will give honest fashion advice if you ask, too. it’s not always helpful but it’s certainly unfiltered. 
“Shorty.. the poems you write do not make sense…” 
Denji will occasionally give backhanded compliments 😔. “It’s kinda smart how ya hit the curb every time you park next to the sidewalk like that… Keeps you nice ‘n close!” “Thanks for correctin’ the waiter for me, it’s so cool that you aren’t scared to come off like an asshole.” “I like how you look all messy today!! (senses malice from your glare) Like. It’s hot, babe. I mean you look hot!” 
He learned of One food that you don’t care for and he’s had the unwavering assumption that you’re a picky eater ever since. “Guess who scored some chocolate chip cookies at work today! Wait… I wonder if you’d even like these 🤔” 
Usually always sassy by accident! but if you wake him up in the night he’s sassy on Purpose. Like if it’s for a good reason maybe less so but if it's just to show him a funny video he is whining and moaning and insulting your sense of humor in one breath before turning over and snoring again.
Link to a more sweet & wholesome Denji work
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meownotgood · 1 year
Do you think they have year-end calendar shoots (like the sexy fireman ones) at Public Safety?
Wonder which month Aki would be? Would Denji be too young to be included? Would Kishibe be considered too old to participate? Haha
Ahhhhhh! 😌
oh my god 😭 I feel like makima forces everyone in the division to do it and they reluctantly have to listen because she's their boss lol
aki is november.... and he 100% poses exactly like this on his page (and he definitely thinks his pic turned out really good too)
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earphonejackx · 1 year
Could you do Denji with a girl who has a sassy and energetic personality (similar to Mitsuri) but clueless about dating/sexual matters thinking it's all 'friend stuff'?
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AN - sorry for the small delay my summer break just started and my birthday just pasted as well so I’m slowly taking it all in😭
Denji x Mitsuri personality reader!!
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- Oh boy Denji sometimes wonders how did you even bag him with the way you act sometimes…
- First off Denji personally doesn’t mind your energetic attitude and sassy mood sings sometimes he likes to play along but sometimes he is so frustrated at you😭
- You and Denji play fight prove me wrong.
- Denji was so irritated at you when you one time refused to give him a kiss on the cheek, you were genuinely not gonna give him a kiss because you literally said to him “Why would I give you a kiss we’re just friends silly.” This is right after you literally told him you wanted a relationship with him
- You and Denji got into a stupid argument because you ate all of his dinner Aki made him. “What? You weren’t eating it so I took the chance!” You adore Aki’s food.
- You and power actually get along quite well. She just adores your energy and glad that your able to keep up with her
- Back to Denji. Since you are pretty much clueless about dating matters Denji has a hard time telling you what he wants, say for example if he wants to do something romantic with you, you’d be so confused because you thought you and him were friends 😭
- Denji had to give you a harsh lesson about romantic shit and you still didn’t understand
- Denji sometimes notices that you have a somewhat sassy attitude. “You can’t sit right their since I’m the boss.” “You you aren’t.” “Are too!” “Are not.” “Are too!!” You and Power ended up jumping Denji together
- There was only this one particular time where you decided to act on romantic stuff with Denji and it was the time you gave him a kiss on the cheek. Denji was having a literal overload because you did that
- Denji is always scared to ask you to lay on you your chest, I mean this little devil boy just loves your chest so much but doesn’t know how to ask you can he lay on it, and when he does… “huh you want to lay on my chest?” “Yeah… If that’s okay with you..” “Denji I can’t hear you speak up..” you tease “I said I want to lay on your chest.” And he did. His face was all red when he layed on your chest and you never stopped teasing him about it
- Denji often has to teach you the basic things of romantic stuff even tho he has no experience because every woman he ran into tried to kill him.
- Denji LOVESSS devil hunting with you because he loves to show off for you
- Denji sometimes adores your sweet innocence on romantic stuff and other things too☹️ you are so precious so he must protect you
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Nah but fr, Yoshida left cos he was like "I've got exams" like bro😭that killed me
HSKSKKE YES I love his attitude LOL like he's still polite but also sassy and im here for it. AND HOW HE TRIES TO BRIBE DENJI- 10/10
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intotherumiverse · 3 years
ship your moots !!
I got everyone of my mooties in clutch <3 p = platonic
Edit = this is so long I can’t. I have everyone that are my mooties (or I think that are my mooties) and I hope y’all like ‘em. They took so MF long
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@katsumiiii + aomine daiki — cocky girlfriend with even cockier boyfriend. They’re playful banter is god-teir and for what? Daiki tries so hard for mira and she just plays it off. @katsukissy + bakugou katsuki — it’s >:) + >:/ moxie is such a menace to society and Bakugou is just taking it. plus they’d be such a power couple I can’t @koishiguro / @lvrgrlkoi + kise ryota — but like whipped boyfriend + “I don’t give two shits ‘bout your little fan club” girlfriend. kise tries so fucking hard for koi’s attention it’s funny. and she’s just 🤨 you done the entire time. @artof-apollo + p! denki kamanari — they the 2 pretty best friend. They are also crackhead x crackhea, with rare smart boy moments <3 @spike-this-ass + gojo satoru — dumb himbo boyfriend with secret smart partner <3. They’re the 🙄 +🤨. Gojo getting into the dumbest shit ever and Sunni’s just like “okayyyy? Tf you want me to do about it?” @myhoodacademia + power — cocky gf + cocky gf. Dee’s just like “I know you love me and power refuses to acknowledge the hint of the fact. But anyone else look at dee, she’s drop kicking someone
@lilsparkyswife + armin arlert — himbo + bf who tries to keep himbo safe. Von’s getting into the dumbest shit ever and armin’s just there like “ 🤨 didn’t I tell you fighting eren is never a good idea?” @katsuflossy + shiggy — I mean I guess he loves her. With them puppy dog eyes he makes everytime he want sum it has to be love. Ni on the other hand is just like 😐 tf you want now?
@noirstoxin + p! itadori — “yo ita. Try feeding sukuna hot sauce and see what happens” enough said.
@solar3lunar + megumi — quiet kids in the library vibes (even though nova isn’t really quiet per say) but megumi loves he and her antics. Would take on cafe date
@minruko + mirio togata — them nigh as would be so loud together I can hear it from here. Mini’s just daring Mirio the stupidest shit and Mirio’s like “okay!! I’ll do it for you <3”
@combat-wombatus + kirishima ejiro — soft gf + even softer bf <3. They are so sweet to everyone around them it’s crazy. Also parent couple me thinks!
@yuujisbby + itadori yuuji — dumb bf + smart gf. Ita’s doing the dumbest shit to impress Sasha and sash is trying to not let himself get himself killed by not letting him do the dumb shit
@bubblime + sukuna — it’s just overexcited gf + tired bf. Bubs is always down for anything and sukuna is the tried boyfriend telling her to come take a nap with him
@silkylious + shoto todoroki — analyst couple ; y’all can’t do anything around them unless you want to be roasted in the most blunt way. Just “is that why you make your daddy issues your whole personality? 😐”
@mypimpademia + taiga kagami — OKAY HEAR ME OUT BUT juice and taiga would make sense. Over excited bf with bf who’s seen it all. Will hit him if he over worked himself. also matching necklaces??? Yes.
@kunikida-kun + keigo tamaki — show off bf + ion care gf. He tries soooo mf hard just for rei to give him a blank stare and continue on with her day. @whipped-cream-writings + bokuto. Softest couple ever. Matching jersey hoodie and cafe dates before practice. @dragonsdreamoffire + shinra (fire force) — himbo + soft girl <3. Shinra loves dream with his soul and never leaves a mission without giving her a kiss @fatgumshoneybun + joker (fire force) — cocky bf with confused/shy partner. He tries so hard with princess and they’re either too confused or sleepy to make head or tails about it. They have the most amazing cuddle seshs though.
@tobi-momo + kageyama tobio — they’d be perfect together. Do doubt. kags always a stuttering mess when momo is in a 5 mile radius of him and it’s so cute I can’t
@angiebug101 + kirishima ejiro — himbo +even bigger himbo. They sound like they‘re on drugs half the time but they love each other. Always taking photos together.
@xetou + aki (chainsaw man) — she broke through him and now he’s stuck with her for life. He doesn’t even know how or when they got together in the first place. Xetou just popped up
@vilbabywritess + bakugou — angry boy with angrier girl. Vil will not hesitate to fuck Bakugou up but they in love I guess.
@lvvrboy + denji (chainsaw man) — seven will fuck over Denji so much he has to fall in love with him. The himbo is so clingy for him is terrifying
@sanemiya + sanemi — angry boy + soft girl. They are legit the “I hate everyone but you” trope and it’s so cute. Miya the only one he listens too with no doubt
@moonlit-xio + p! Denki — it’s the way he’d bully her with love for me. But they would scrap in the streets for some griot no doubt
@kazescartier + genos (opm) — confused bf with chaotic gf. With kaze’s high paced energy she needs someone to mellow her tf out. Genos <3 @myamuraaa + Shindou (Bnha) —flustered sim is the only way to go and shindou has no restraints with that. Also they would come through with the matching fits . @sassi-sunflower + p! Mina — the most chaotic pair ever and I’d love it so much <3
@mads-fairy + kenma — loud gf + quiet bf. Kenma is always so confused on how Maddie has so much energy while after talking to one person he’s drained. But he knows how to settle maddie down
@oikawaplssteponme + hanta sero — they are so flirty and lovey to each other it’s disgusting. They’re are always touching in some way shape or form and kisses are frequent with them
@sobaluvr / @katsupremacy + hitoshi Shinsou — :| + >:) Shinsou is so tired of theo’s antics it hilarious. But like the banter and funny quips? Hand them over to me now!
@fuckasslesbian + p! Bakugou — they’re are menaces to societ when put together. Enough said
@reject-human-return-to-elefante + tenya iida — >:) + :^). They’re a really good match, the right mix of chaos and sameness?? Tenya is so calming for Bat it’s insane. @tododekukisses / @tomiokariceballs + Metal bat — angy couple. They fits? Immaculate ✨✨✨. Will fuck up anyone and everyone. @hvnlymha + shoto todoroki — soft couple ever. They are so cute with each other. Soft kisses and rain shower dates
@miashimaa + denki — the most chaotic, off the hinge, high as fuck couple ever. It‘s a walking dumpster fire and they love it. @vodrea + Reo Mikage — Drea is a clingy mess and Reo loves it. They are so cute together and it’s full of loving looks and kisses @cloudytamaki + tamaki (Bnha) — soft nervous couple. Picnic dates, and late night star watching for them <3 @izukulus + izuku midoriya — match made in heaven. the cottagecore vibes in this are amazing, and they’re so MF cute I can’t @kozumeslove / @kozu-zumi + kenma — soft gf and soft boy >:3. Cat cafe and roller skating dates galore <3 @morosis-haze + neito monoma — asshole + snarky gf. They’d be at each others throat’s 25/8 and it’s so funny to watch it @cubbluv + Mirio — he’s so softtt??? And for what??? Sorry but they’d be a top tier couple @r0manz + yui (Bnha ; class 1b) — it’s legit 😩 + 😐. Roman simps so hard and yui doesn’t know how to react to it. She’s really soft and hate when Roman flirts with anyone else @izukxnnie + Tamaki amajiki — they’d be so cute together. Love letter in lockers and holding pinkies in the hallways omg @rosetheshapeshifter + Bakugou — rose is drop kicking this MF ever, punting him across the fields and having a smaller the entire time @ickyjiki + dabi — the “I hate everyone but you“ trope on clutch with them two. His gaze is softer around Juno and she loves it <3 @ryuvanaka  + denki — friends to lovers trope? Denki is so whipped for yves I can’t. Denki just fizzled out whenever they’re near it’s crazy. @shotos-noodles / @kuroos-ramen + kuroo — the science flirt jokes he would use to try and bag zay. And she’s laughing at his nerdy self. Best couple I say @asaincy + Shoji — Shoji is so nervous around quincy it’s insane. He tries to flirt but it’s so funny. But quincy is so head over heels for him it doesn’t matter. @dollops-of-delusion  + Izuku — Analyst power couple. Delusion knows so much it’s insane and paired with Izu? Off the walls
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eremiie · 3 years
charm i just finished csm and i’m speechless i FUCKING LOVE DENJI AND POWER PLSSSS and the trio of them+ aki kinda reminds me of nobara yuji and megumi aidixnwisn ugh i love them and i would die for denji bye -🥀
ITS SO GOOD I LOVE THEM TOO AND YEAH THEY KIND OF DO DONT THEY? i literally love when a trio or group of 4 (no i don’t know the appropriate name for it. fight me.) has the
calm, collected, stoic character
the rowdy, sassy, confident character
the loud, a little ditzy, determined character
and then the simp worthy mentor <3
like hellooooooo naruto??? csm?? jjk??? that’s how you KNOW the show is gonna hit gn
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meownotgood · 1 year
have u seen these…. aki my little meow meow…. - 🍊
I forgot these were coming out... I wanted to order the aki and denji one
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ginta-s · 6 years
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I never was able to do good artworks for my character Denji, but this is awesome! He’s got lighting powers, which he isn’t showing that often :D I really like how sassy and strong he looks in this picture! damn! The lighting effects are really good O_O I love it
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meownotgood · 2 years
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batterygarden · 2 years
even more bf Denji hcs
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Part 3; F!reader, suggestive moment MDNI, college age, very miscellaneous
m.list , part 1, part 2
One time you were complaining about your lower back aching all day and Denji was sick of it. “I could just crack your back right now and ya wouldn’t have to be hurting.” “Denji you’re not a chiropractor, it’s fine.” “A what? Here, just turn around.” You hesitantly faced the other way and Denji swiftly karate chopped your spine so hard it knocked the wind out of you. Then somehow your back did feel kinda better.
Animals absolutely love this man. Kids too. It kinda hurts your feelings that they seem to forget you’re there the second Denji walks in a room, but there’s just something about his energy that has them gravitating. Even your own kin!! Your own little cousins and family members. Like you’ll show up to a dinner without him and when they see you’re alone it’s all frowns and “Where’s Denji? Why didn’t he come?” 
Sometimes Denji’s openness with strangers leads to the wrong idea, and, occasionally, Denji will get hit on despite having a girlfriend. If no one else is there to notice, he honestly just gives a polite yet firm “I have a girlfriend.” in response. But on one occasion it happened while you were standing next to him, and, not wanting you to feel jealous, Denji crossed his arms and scowled. “Can’t ya see my lover standing right here?? Get lost, champ! I’d never be interested in you or anyone but her! >:-(“ 
The person promptly apologized and left. “Denji.. I’m glad you’re loyal but you didn’t have to do all that.” 
Denji has to mumble sorry in between kisses when he accidentally bites you. “No it’s okay, I like a little biting!” “Oh yeah?” He smirks then deliberately chomps hard on your lower lip. ”Ow! Not like that.” “sorry.” 
He is a talented sleeper! Before he met you, you could have named any location and Denji would have claimed to be able to nap there. Now that you’re in the picture though, Denji’s gotten a little more high maintenance. He still thinks he could fall asleep anywhere—but now it’s only if you’re there too. Denji feels your absence, he can’t relax the same way he used to be able to without you. So he has to be really tired and in a comfy bed to fall asleep somewhere you’re not. 
Speaking of sleep, napping together is one of Denji’s love languages. You have to be cuddling though, or at the very least holding hands, or else it isn’t the same. Denji’s favorite napping position is one where his head’s on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. He’s always happy spooning too. 
“Y’smell kinda nice.” Oh yeah? Only kinda? “No no very nice. Like, you smell like uhh.. that freezuh stuff you use.” My freesia perfume?? Thanks.
He’s a sassy texter for certain :(
You text him you won’t be home for another 30 minutes and he thumbs down the message and sends back “ugh! 😒” 
“If there was a zombie apocalypse I’d so die cause of you.” “Huh!” “I just know we’d be fucking scavenging in some old supermarket and I’d be getting us food and weapons and you’d be riskin’ it all to try and stock up on your see-rah vay face wash or somethin’” “You mean my Cera Ve cleanser??” 
He’d rent one of those electric scooters to ride around town and then immediately crash it. You have to make him wear a helmet next time. 
He narrates random things he’s doing. He did it all the time growing up with Pochita, and old habits die hard. You find it endearing! Sometimes it’s just mumbling “okay now I’m gonna get dish soap and put some on the plate… and now we gotta scrub it clean..” 
He’s careful as hell when trying out new kinks with you. He doesn’t want to hurt you and he cares so much that you’re comfortable!! Like if you’re asking for some bdsm he’s down to try! He is kinky too! But like… constant check-ins at first. And a safe word for sure. 
He will EAT UP some deez nuts jokes 😞. The day you were craving a Wendy’s frosty around him was the day you lost peace.
A mall trip with Denji… oh my god he’d have a ball. Getting Cinnabon and trying on a million pairs of shoes—there’s so much to do! Then you start tugging his hand towards the Victoria’s Secret and his cheeks almost burn off. He pretends like he’s been in there before and it’s no big deal but his brain is on red alert Where am I supposed to look??? 
Like he’s touched underwear before! While doing laundry and while looking for things in your dresser and most importantly while you were wearing it, but he can’t help but feel like a perv doing it in public. So when you ask him to “feel how soft this bra is,” he has to triple check no one is paying attention to him first.
This man is a board game CHEATER. And he’s never ever as sneaky about it as he thinks he is. He’ll ask you to leave the room to get something for him at the most convenient times and you’ll come back to missing chess pieces or your hand of cards laying in a different position. If Power is there she’s an automatic co-conspirator; you may as well give up and admit defeat the easy way. 
He’s convinced you have magic kisses—and maybe it’s a placebo situation but your lips do seem to carry healing properties for him. His headaches will go away. His sinuses will clear. He’ll get a boost of energy. You can always motivate him with them. If he was stuck in the desert for thirty days he’d take a kiss from you before taking water. 
kinda short but im thinkin im going to try and post csm stuff at least every csm tuesday! also sorry i've been slow on requests--I appreciate them and am working on them just slow bc im busy! I updated info ab those in masterlist <3
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batterygarden · 2 years
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18+ MDNI (all content belongs to me @mosesa )
content warnings at beginning of each work, usually all F!reader unless otherwise specified, no csm spoilers in any of these rn
Sitting on his face (smut)
The Texas Pussy Massacre (monster fucking)
Denji x clingy gn! reader drabble
Pussy magnet Denji x reader
Sassy bf Denji hcs
More bf Denji hcs
denji bf hcs part 3
Denji sucking ur tits while ur sleeping drabble (smut)
Hayakawa household smokes weed hcs
Study Session (semi public sex)
Asking Denji to hit u in bed (smut)
Denji x codependent gf reader one shot
Denji x shy reader one shot (smut)
Denji x gyaru girlfriend fluff
Taking a bath w him
Denji x Sex Fiend! Reader (smut)
Aki hayakawa bf hcs
Aki bf hcs p2 .
Aki x shy reader hcs .
toxic!armin x crybaby gf
armin x bimbo reader (breeding kink smut)
Drunk armin does ur skincare fluff .
Condescending bf armin helps u @ bank .
morning time w armin .
Armin, eren, & mikasa relationship hcs
Eren Jaeger:
step-bro eren (smut)
Aza Chobe:
love birds in a hammock .
Blue Lock:
play fighting ft nagi and rin .
train on a train (smut ft nagi, bach, isagi, chigiri)
SUPER slow on getting to these rn but I appreciate them!! & I might change the prompt around or not do it if I’m not into it,, but no judgement or kinkshaming,, i’m down to write dc, fluff or anything in between 💘
Ily, send in whatever as long as it’s nice,, if it’s a thirst or something I’m not into, then I may simply not respond though. Just bc idk lm not trying to be critical to yall.. no judgement I promise I’ll forget ab it 💘 also sometimes slow to answer these if I’m in a funk
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