tumblerweeding69 · 1 year
How To Make Santula - A Delicious Mixed Vegetable Dish From Odisha
Indian cuisine is beautifully rich because of its diversity. Every state and even regions within states have their own distinctive flavours, cooking methods and culinary practices. Today, we invite you to plunge into one of the lesser-explored regional cuisines: Oriya or Oriya food, The state of Odisha has a fascinating cultural heritage which is reflected in its cuisine as well. To get you…
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I hope Hasbro has a good reason as to why Ollie turns evil again, and if they continue that lord Zedd used the same technique as last time, it doesn't really work. Heres why:
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Ollie was evil because of a poison that Solon managed to remove, and due to the human body being able to adapt, it is safe to say that Ollie's body may have built up some kind of immunity to that poison. They could have zedd use his magic to turn Ollie evil but I feel like that is a wasted opportunity. Why?
Sporix energy turns people evil! Remember they did that to the Garcia siblings and came up with a really dumb solution to get rid of it 'happy memories get rid of the energy' what a really rushed excuse that seems like it was thought up at the last minute.
But even if it was, it would be more beneficial to try and go after the Garcia siblings again. Why? We don't know how sporix energy affects human, with terriak and santula it turned them into something else, but they aren't human. They are refkonian, meaning that Hasbro could have played this idea out a bit more and instead of making a evil blue ranger, have an evil black/green ranger.
This would be highly beneficial. Why?
1) evil green ranger will be a tribute to the first power ranger season, and a way to celebrate the 30 year anniversary
2) javi has lots of reasons to be evil: his dad, loosing his arm, his dad, Ollie stealing Amelia, his dad, his music being stolen, his lack of character development, his dad...you get the idea.
3) two evil rangers is a totally awesome idea and haven't had that since ninja storm, which is on its 20 year anniversary
And lots of other reasons why. But basically the point is: Hasbro wasted this perfect opportunity to have two evil rangers. They could have had lord zedd have some sporix energy he stole from terriak in his ship and originally wanted to use the power to make himself stronger, but than decided to use it to make his own evil rangers.
Anyways, this post turned out a lot longer than I expected, what do you think?
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ramayantika · 1 year
I totally need to go on a full santula diet to loose weight
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ask-the-ribbon-gang · 2 years
Vivi: *Whispered to Cynveon* Aaaa it's Team Freedom! Gosh I’m having a full on fanboy moment!
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*Team Freedom. A team consisting of three Pokémon. Edrick the Blaziken, Trent the Sceptile, and Yasuo the Espeon.*
Yasuo: Heya kiddos, I see we’re not the only ones who got a letter.
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Edrick: Oh hey! Team Ribbon, right? Nice to see you guys again.
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Vivi: Heyo Yasuo, heyo Edrick!
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Trent: So what’s the deal, Kel? That letter was kinda short, wasn’t it? Don’t tell me you’re makin’ us do extra work.
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Kelly: Well, while yes, it is a bit of extra work, it is still important. Why do you think I contacted one of the highest ranking teams? Plus these two need some experience. *Kelly Pointed at the dynamic duo.*
Cynveon: Experience? So is this a lesson of some sort?
Kelly: Yes, but there is more to it.
Edrick: So what is it? This mission I mean.
Kelly: I’ll get to that, but first. *He turned toward Cynveon and Vivi.* You two aren’t squeamish, are you?
Cynveon: Er, no, not that I know of.
Vivi: Not really.
Kelly: Great, great. So I guess I should begin the exposition.
Tomato: Wait, bro, is this about *that* thing?
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Kelly: Yes, yes it is.
Tomato: ...I think I’ll take my leave, I don’t want to throw up… *Tomato walked out of the room.*
Kelly: *Kelly rolled his eyes.* Anyway…
Recently there have been a large number of residents of Santula town disappearing. Several teams have been sent out to search for the individuals, but most of them remain missing. Keyword, most. Some of them have turned up, but those who were found, were found dead. Every single recovered body was found to be heavily mutilated, with giant chunks of flesh missing. *Kelly breathed in.* Bite and scratch marks were found all over each body, there’s also the possibility of the individuals being cannibalized.
Vivi: Oh… Arceus.
Kelly: Nasty sounding, isn’t it? We’re not sure what, or who is exactly causing these incidents, if it’s a Pokémon like us, or some sort of wild beast, either way, we need more info about these incidents, and that’s where you guys come in.
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Cynveon: What do you want us to do?
Kelly: Well, I need both teams to conduct interviews with the families and friends of those who have gone missing, or died.
Edrick: Makes sense, why two teams though?
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Kelly: As I said earlier, Team Ribbon needs some experience. They’ve been doing mostly simple tasks, rescues, item finding, etcetera. So I thought that they could gain a bit of investigation experience.
Trent: Act as teachers, got it. Sounds simple enough.
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Kelly: Of course I know Team Freedom is up to it, but what about Team Ribbon? You guys up to this task?
Vivi: Yeah! Er, like you said, it would be a good experience for us
Cynveon: I don’t mind.
Kelly: Great. Let me grab you guys a map, it’ll have the locations of all the people I want you to interview. *Kelly walked to a box, and pulled out a map.* Make sure you guys don’t lose this. *He tossed it over toward Yasuo, who caught it midair with her psychic powers.*
Edrick: Well, we shouldn’t wait, we got a mission to get to!
Vivi: Yeah!
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*Team Freedom and Team Ribbon exited the Guildmaster’s room.*
Kelly is open for asks.
Tomato is open for asks.
Edrick is open for asks.
Yasuo is open for asks.
(Ooc: A reference page will be created for the four new characters, later. Because at the time of posting this, I don’t have access to my desktop.)
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yfukuoka · 3 years
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【3217目②】2021-11-07 控えめに言って…今、世界一カレー密度の高い、カレー沼に行ってきました。オートリクシャで行った僕も変人だと褒めてもらえました。 東京マサラ部屋@豊島区某所 ‪____________________________________ 駅までマサラ女子を運び、ネパール食材屋までマサラ男子を運ぶ。オートにはいつも一人で乗っているのですが、人を運ぶ仕事はこんなに楽しいものなのか。 さぁ、ドライブを楽しんだあとは、日没とともに、東京マサラ部室の深層部へ。 キッチンへ行くと、挨拶がわりに揚げたてvadaとidli fryが出てくる この館…やばい。。。 毎月テーマを変えて延々とカレーを作り続けるシェアハウス「東京マサラ部室」。今月は、マニアックなオディシャ(オリッサ)料理です。 *Kukuda Jholaチキンカレー *Alu Bhartaマッシュポテト *Lobia Guguniロビアググニ *Chattu Besaraキノコマスタード *Chenna Tarkariパニール団子のタルカリ *Tomato Kattaトマトカッタ *Santulaパンチフォロン野菜 *Dalma豆野菜煮込み *Sambar 豆と野菜のカレー 近年、マニアの中では人気のベンガル地域の南に位置するオリッサ州。オリッサ料理は初めて食べます。 全面アースカラーの地味な見た目ですが、個性的な料理がずらっと並ぶと豪華なターリー。 特に気に入ったのは、チャットゥべサラ。マスタードの風味と少し口に残る苦みに病みつき。 チェンナタルカリも手作りパニールで作ったトマトマサラ。とてもいい。 ククラジョルは、けっこうベルガルっぽいというかネパールにも通じるものがあります。 いやぁ、本当に貴重なごちそうごちそう。 食後には、我が家のカレー王子誕生を祝ってくれて、オディシャの焼きチーズケーキが登場。 *Chhena poda チェナーポダ うまーーー。これは自宅でも作ってみたい。 ありがとう。ありがとう! このヤバい館の主と出会ったのは、6年ほど前。その頃は、こんな狂人になってしまうとは夢にも思っていませんでした。落ちぶれた文豪のようなただならぬ空気感をまとい。カレーに操られながらカレーを作る男。人間として発酵がはじまっている。 今日、ヤバい奴らに会ったのでした。 僕も独り身だったら、ここで生活してみたい。。。住人募集しているそうなので、ご興味のある方は、ぜひまずは食べに行ってみてください。 ‪____________________________________ 🇮🇳 #india #indianfood #asia #asianfood #foodpic #foodstagram #tasty #delicious #spice #curry‪ ‬‪‪#‬インド #東京マサラ部室 #スパイス #カレー #カレースタグラム #カレー好きな人と繋がりたい ‪#‬フクドローン #ふくすたぐらむ #autorickshaw #オートリクシャー #オートリキシャ #大人の三輪車 #インド愛 #日本の中にインドがあった https://www.instagram.com/p/CWP9rugvQKu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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madechoreturns · 4 years
The Two Minute Road To Happyness : My Discovery & Rediscovery of the Humble Maggi.
It happened just yesterday - I stood at a counter in a grocery shop well distant from the rest [ for all future purposes, this is being written at the time of the Corona Lockdown in India, and currently at Bhubaneswar. ], with a cart full of random food stuff, amongst which were all the TopRamen Curry (the best flat-noodles, everrr!!!) the shop had in stock. I looked across the partition, and there was this lady on the other side with her son, who didn't seem older than 10 years, constantly staring at her with puppy-eyes as if earnestly requesting for some treat while pulling down on her dupatta - forcefully enough to warrant attention, yet careful enough of the barrage that could ensue. And inevitably so, she finally gave into those tugging and calmly reaffirmed her predicament, "There is no Yippee left; You'll have to eat maggi". With all that's going around these days - the cooking and studying - that moment had just skipped the register of memories, until today's lunch when I Swiggied. "Veg n Cheese Corn Maggi with extra Cheese" is what I ordered and was delivered to me in under an hour. The moment I opened the packet though, I was hit with a smell of nostalgia. It has been ages since ordered food had "that maggi smell" in it. Of course, the menu did say maggi - but, with an emphasis on the but, it never was that maggi which I knew. It was either some other brand, mix, or ingredients which didn't make it the maggi that it should have been. If Shakespeare would have asked me then, What's in a name? - I would have surely replied, "Something different".
My tryst with Maggi was like any other kid of the early 90s. Easy to cook food, loved by the child and ate without a fuss. However, being an overweight child, in a very conscious family and yet giving into those wishes and cravings of mine - as my Mom at times was - I used to have maggi, once every fortnight. It could have been every week too, but I didn't want to bid adieu to french toast and thus reached an amicable truce. To be honest, maggi was the first thing I learned to cook (everyone's is), but rather learnt to experiment (which till date is how I cook anything). To adding spices and eggs to bournvita and ghee - I have had conjured all sorts of maggi - and never was a bowl wasted. I learnt how Soy sauce works, when once I had accidentally put half a bottle in a 2 cake maggi, and covered it up with sugar, for Taste!
However what fascinated me the most, and still does, is the taste maker. I can wager you anything for the statement that follows : Go to any hostel, get hold of the guy who wastes the most, and I am more than sure, even he/she would have patted the Tastemaker packet enough till every ounce fell into the mix and made sure any stary bits were properly licked. Thus, was the magic of that pandemonium of a multitude of spices and aroma that created such a distinct timid yet tempered flavour, one that suits, fits and satiates every palate.
In those times, when Chowmein was luxury, Ramen wasn't available, fastfood was looked upon and a Sunday breakfast meant the entire family at the table - Maggi was the perfect garnish. And not just family, friendships have been forged under the evaporation of the maggi mix. In school the maggi cake (cold maggi in shape of a cuboid tiffin) was the first to be eaten, notwithstanding who got it. The first time the entire boys' hostel of AIIMS Bhubaneswar congregated in a room was when someone took out his induction and cooked maggi. The first time me and the two roomies of mine got into a fight of who would do those dishes, was after a maggi meal. So much was maggi attached to me, and us, that in our batch magazine, the caption under my pic reads, "No one is alone while eating maggi" (thanks, Akshat!). And yes, all those were the stories of maggi - no Yippee, or WaiWai, or Pasta, or TopRamen or anything; plain and humble maggi. Yes, it never took two minutes to make, yet it was a wonder wrapped around a piece of yellow plastic.
It is said, Imitation is the truest form of flattery - and it's true when you see the variants available as options once you go to a store to get stuff. From brands to flavours, from taste to time taken to prepare - there is a plethora of option to choose from. Children these days know more about how which Instant Noodle (towards the end of the article, I mention the actual technical name for the first time!) goes with what sauce and what dip and so on; whereas, for me it was a bit soupy maggi, with tomato sauce, and a bit of chilli sauce - four gulps - and an empty bowl. Those were easier times it seems, and yet every child under 15 now will differ.
In hindsight, years have passed since those days when Maggi was a delicacy. Gradually as food style changed it just transformed for something looked upto to something looked down upon as being unhealthy and harmful. Everyone remembers the year maggi was banned, and maybe it was that watershed moment that made us look elsewhere. New flavors and taste became the norm while the OG of Instant Noodle was pushed into retirement. Also, I have nobody else to blame rather than me - in the meantime I became a connoisseur spaghetti, a lover of lasagna and a preacher of the perfect bechamel sauce pasta; and buried within all this was that guy who didn't even use a spatula but a fork and a spoon, checking the salt and pepper and "masala" in the water (just as Sanjeev Kapoor would have) while I was making something basic. But, the truth was, it was fun, it was love for the food. I wasn't trying to make something worthy of an Insta post or just a quick belly fill - but was putting in hardened effort to make something which I would sit in front of the TV and gobble it upto Mahabharata or Shri Krishna. Surely those days are gone, but not the characters involved (and also Mahabharata is re-running now).
So, when I opened my lunch I realised, how far have we come since those days. It was necessary and inevitable, but yes there always will be a longing, to go back to those "easy" days. As I always had a high BMI, I was always kept in check of the amount and quality of food that my mom cooked, and I always thought, once I go out of this cocoon I will eat whatever I wish for - sans restrictions. And so I did that, and a decade latter ask me, I will always wish to go back to that Santula and Badhi Chura (Odia dishes - Google It).
Here I am at a crossroad of time when I can make the finest Amuse-bouche or any hors d'oeuver right upto the dessert (and everything in between) - but will eagerly and happily and unflinchingly go back to the time when I could have some ghee on rice and posto-bara to call it a feast. The depth of this wish is, as a very good friend of mine would say, Unfathomable.
And as I finished my lunch, and was back on track to this semi mundane life of mine, I stopped for a while, and asked myself - Won't it be nice, to have a Sunday breakfast, with both Maggi and French Toast. Mama wouldn't say yes, maybe now she would.. But think, the dilemma aside, wouldn't it be aweosme?
As always, Bon Appetit 🍽️
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tattoo2me · 4 years
Destaques da tatuagem em 2019 e tendências para 2020
Confira o que foi sucesso na cena da tattoo em 2019 e saiba o que esperar de 2020.
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Photo by Katie Treadway on Unsplash.
Mais um ano que acaba e aqui estamos nós de novo para contar o que fez sucesso em 2019 e contar um pouco mais do que deve vir de novo na tatuagem nos próximos meses. Aproveite para relembrar a nossa matéria de tendências para 2019.
Nessa matéria vamos contar quais foram os desenhos mais procurados, os estilos de tatuagem que se sobressaíram e claro, os tatuadores que mais chamaram a atenção por seus trabalhos durante o ano.
As tatuagens de flores que já vinham fazendo sucesso desde 2018 continuaram em alta e transformaram pessoas em verdadeiros jardins ambulantes, foram muitos tipos e formatos de flores que viraram tatuagem e nós falamos disso em algumas matérias aqui do nosso blog: Tatuagens florais coloridas, Florais incríveis 1, Florais incríveis 2, Tatuagens botânicas e Tatuagem botânica de Laressa Wada.
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Da esquerda para a direita: Diogo Santos, Rebecca Nobre e Ricardo Garcia.
Outro tema de tatuagem muito comum em 2019, e que também vem crescendo desde 2018, são as tatuagens Geeks / Nerds / Otaku. Esse tema é puxado pela popularidade cada vez maior de séries, filmes e animes. E nesse ano o destaque vai para as tatuagens inspiradas no Coringa.
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Da esquerda para a direita: Caio Cesar, Cavalcant e Bianca Grego.
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Da esquerda para a direita: Isnard Barbosa, Daniel Luzardo e Bagé.
E os leões continuaram a dominar como o animal favorito na tatuagem, e as variações foram desde leões inspirados no filme Rei Leão, até as tatuagens super realistas de leão em preto e cinza.
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Da esquerda para a direita: Felipe Hernane, Michael D'agostinii e Samurai Standoff.
Além do Floral e Geek mencionados acima, nós também vimos crescer muito a demanda por tatuagens maiores nos estilos Preto e Cinza e Realismo, mas as tatuagens em escritas finas e pequenas também fizeram muito sucesso principalmente entre as mulheres. E um estilo novo que surgiu há pouco tempo mas ganhou espaço e mídia esse ano foi o Patch Tattoo.
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Da esquerda para a direita: Douglas Prudente, Pink Becker e Duda Lozano.
São muitos artistas no Brasil todo, só de artistas cadastrados em nosso site são mais de 3.000, e fora os outros milhares de artistas que usam a hashtag #tattoo2me no Instagram, mas nos esforçamos muito para escolher 15 tatuadores, que em nossa opinião, se destacaram em 2019.
Thaís Politi Londrina / PR
Gabriel Dario Palhoça / SC
Bruno Music Florianópolis / SC
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Da esquerda para a direita: Thaís Politi, Gabriel Dario e Bruno Music.
Felipe Gonçalves Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Milton Reis Goiânia / GO
Denise Limido Uberaba / MG
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Da esquerda para a direita: Felipe Gonçalves, Milton Reis e Denise Limido.
Edson Multarts Diadema / SP
Aline Firpe Belo Horizonte / MG
Joy Fava Uberlândia / MG
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Da esquerda para a direita: Edson Multarts, Aline Firpe e Joy Fava.
Dionatan Brasil Santa Cruz do Sul / RS
Wallacy Bronson Taubaté / SP
Renata Moyses São Paulo / SP
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Da esquerda para a direita: Dionatan Brasil, Wallacy Bronson e Renata Moyses.
Amanda Sant'Ana São Paulo / SP
Gustavo Teixeira São Paulo / SP
Débora Morrigan São Paulo / SP
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Da esquerda para a direita: Amanda Sant'Ana, Gustavo Teixeira e Débora Morrigan.
Apostas para 2020
Agora é hora da gente falar um pouco mais do que deve ser tendência na tatuagem durante o ano de 2020, e esperamos que isso te ajude na hora de planejar sua tattoo e de encontrar o artista ideal para sua tatuagem.
Mais uma vez vamos apostar nos desenhos Geeks / Nerds, até porque em 2020 serão lançados diversos filmes com temáticas de heróis e vilões entre eles: a Arlequina no filme Aves de Rapina, Mullan um clássico da Disney também vai estrear logo no início do ano, Novos Mutantes do célebre Stephen King, Viúva Negra que será interpretada por Scarlett Johansson, Mulher Maravilha, Minions e Eternos filme da Marvel que contará com Angelina Jolie. Sem contar as inúmeras séries que serão lançadas pela Netflix e Amazon Prime Video que com certeza se tornarão temas de tatuagens.
Tatuagens escritas nunca vão sair de moda, e se antes as escritas eram usadas para homenagear pessoas agora elas serão cada vez mais usadas para gravar na pele palavras e frases motivacionais ou inspiradoras. Em 2019 as palavras e frases mais tatuadas foram "gratidão", "permita-se" e "seja luz", em 2020 essas escritas continuarão em alta mas surgirão outras nesse mesmo estilo.
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Da esquerda para a direita: Lidy Correa e Renata Henriques.
As tatuagens nos estilos Florais e Botânicas continuarão em alta mas devem perder um pouco de força ao longo do ano. Depois de um ano dominado pelo estilo Blackwork agora será a vez de o estilo Colorido e Sketch Colorido voltarem com força e arrebatar os corações daqueles que gostam de desafiar o status quo. O estilo colorido também ganhará forças graças ao estilo Nerd / Geek que é uma super tendência para 2020.
As pessoas estão buscando cada vez mais por tatuagens maiores e com mais riqueza de detalhes e nesse sentido o estilo Preto e Cinza que já ganhou bastante força em 2019 deve crescer ainda mais.
E nossa aposta é que cresça bastante o número de pessoas buscando por tatuagens entre amigos, casais e parentes.
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Da esquerda para a direita: Natallia Tattoo, Victor Losni e Gabi Ink.
Escolhemos 15 artistas que são nossas apostas, e se você já estava pensando em fazer uma tattoo com algum deles é melhor correr pois eles vão ficar disputados ao longo do ano.
Victor Kappa São Paulo / SP
Paulo Montenegro Volta Redonda / RJ
Brian Santula Araraquara / SP
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Da esquerda para a direita: Viktor Kappa, Paulo Montenegro e Brian Santula.
Thiago Angelini São Paulo / SP
Raffa Lourenço São Paulo / SP
Gabriel Monteiro Belo Horizonte / MG
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Da esquerda para a direita: Thiago Angelini, Raffa Lourenço e Gabriel Monteiro.
Marina Maizel São Paulo / SP
Jessica Rocha Recife / PE
Maria Ferrari Porto Alegre / RS
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Da esquerda para a direita: Marina Maizel, Jessica Rocha e Maria Ferrari.
Maíra Egito Lisboa / Portugal
Fernanda Cezimbra Salvador / BA
Adriely Pauline Curitiba / PR
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Da esquerda para a direita: Maíra Egito, Fernanda Cezimbra e Adriely Pauline.
Yasmin Cortez São Paulo / SP
Alisson Souza Londrina / PR
Lucas Benjamim Rio de Janeiro / RJ
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Da esquerda para a direita: Yasmin Cortez, Alisson Souza e Lucas Benjamim.
E aí, gostou dos destaques desse último ano e das apostas para o próximo? Sentiu falta de algum tatuador, estilo ou desenho? Conta pra gente, sua opinião é sempre muito importante.
Uau, você leu tudo! ❤ Compartilha o nosso texto, vai!
Quer mais inspirações, acesse nosso pinterest.
Ainda não achou o artista ideal? Você pode encontrar os melhores artistas perto de você, acesse o nosso site: tattoo2me.com e digite sua cidade!
E nossos perfis no Instagram são atualizados de 3 em 3 horas:
Tattoo2us e Tattoo2me
Destaques da tatuagem em 2019 e tendências para 2020 was originally published in Tattoo2me Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
source https://blog.tattoo2me.com/destaques-da-tatuagem-em-2019-e-tend%C3%AAncias-para-2020-4b266475aab8?source=rss----4d8bbe49393---4
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laxmiscooking · 5 years
Sijha Santula |Mix Veg Boiled Curry recipe |No Spice Odia Recipe | ସିଝା ସନ୍ତୁଳା
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odishaphotos · 2 years
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Dino Fury Superhero au
Sorta a mix of the Justice League and Avengers, where Dino Fury team have superpowers.
Izzy: superspeed 
Amelia: super strength (link to her sentai counterpart)
Ollie: Telekensis 
Zayto: flight
Ayion: Electrcity manipulation 
not sure what Javi’s powers would be. maybe the power to make force fields? maybe no power at all? (again, links to him being a disapointment in his fathers eyes, who is a superhero)
anyways, the point is that they all work together to take down baddies, but at the moment are struggling to defeat a crime boss/lord who seems to anticipate their every move, has weapons that can defeat them/block their powers, and works like a mafia boss (in terms of henchmen and how he runs his busisess) and they suspect Terriak (he is not Amelia’s father in this story) aka void knight is the boss and try and hunt him down, but what they don’t know is that Terriak is simply the right hand man, he isn’t the mastermind, but simply is the one who makes sure everything is running smoothly, in truth, barely anyone knows who the boss is, as he always talks through video chat, wears a mask and their voice is distorted. Santula meanwhile is the recruiter, as the gang is made up of outcasts, ‘freaks’, or anyone along those lines, she makes sure that they are able to feel like they belong with the group, or something like that. 
they manage to capture terriak and think they’ve won because they’ve captured the boss, but to their surprise the baddies are still able to sucussfully continue to run their opperations, and assume that they simply have a new boss and decide to try and take it down from the inside. they are able to sneak into the main base to try and uncover the idenity of the boss and to their surpise-its javi! 
javi then goes on to explain how he’s lived in their shadows his entire life (they’ve all known each other from a young age as they trained together at an academt. sort of like Professor X’s school) and how he was sick of it. so he had decided to make a place where not only him, but other outcasts like him could feel like they belonged somewhere. 
i don’t know how it plays out afterwards, i have two scarnarios. the first one is where they have a normal fight, weapons vs powers where javi’s team gets defeated and they all go to jail. or where javi and his gang never used weapons and instead use superpowers (they werent born with them, as everychild born with superpowers is automatically registered into the school, like Hogwarts) and use them in an epic fight although, maybe that could work for a sequel.
ok. change of plans, they recapture Terriak at the main base because they broke him out the first time, this time he is in a much more secure vault and interragate him to find the idenity of the real boss, but Terriak doesn’t give it up. eventually javi tries to ‘interragate’ Terriak, but in reality he’s giving him plans on how to escape and where the other gang members are held. Terriak than ‘kidnaps’ javi and they escape together and free the other members of the gang. Javi then reveals that he managed to give them a higher edge over the other superheros...a way to give them powers. 
What do you think?
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odiafoods · 4 years
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Garam Santula http://odiafoods.in/vegetarian/santula/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CFzkgjOBhBq/?igshid=6ayo90wvppi2
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priyashreefood · 4 years
କ୍ଷୀର ଲାଉ ସନ୍ତୁଳା Lauki Ki Healthy Sabzi Bottle Gourd Diet Special Food - Khira Santula Odia RecipeSantula is a special Odia style curry recipe that is prepared with Boiled vegetable and simple Tempering. Khira Lau Santula / Lauki Santula / Dudhi Santula / Bottle Gourd Santula is extremely simple to prepare delicious recipe. Prepare within minute and enjoy with Hot Puffed Whole Wheat Roti for a Diet Friendly meal.#Santula #HealthyLaukisabzi #KhiralauSantula #Healthycurry #Bottlegourdrecipe #santularecipeodia #Odialaucurry #Khirasantula #Laukicurry #Laukirecipe #Bottlegourdcurry #Lessoilcurry #Odiarecipe #Healthyrecipe #VegetarianFood #PriyaShreeFoodandFashion #Laukisabzibypriyasree #Doodhikirecipe #Doodhicurry #Doodhikisabzi #Quickcurry #Quicksabzi #Easycurry #Lesstimecurry #Lessoilfood #Healthyfood #Kidscurry #Recipeforkids #Superhealthyrecipe #Ghiyakisabzi #Lautarkariodiarecipe #dietfood
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ask-the-ribbon-gang · 2 years
Gosh, you two sure are something together, aren't you, huh? Y'know, I wanna hear the story of the day you too met! From both perspectives, if you don't mind of course. I'm just curious as to how such a dynamic team was formed and how it evolved into you too dating!
(It seems the anon might have gotten the wrong message when they saw the two eeveelutions little "bonding moment"...)
Cynveon: " Uhh..."
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Vivi: " We're not dating. Sorry to burst you're bubble but we're just friends. Cynveon has no interest in me and I have no interest in Cynveon.
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Vivi: However... I can tell you about how I first found Cynveon."
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"It was during one of my walks along Santula beach, I saw someone collapsed on the beach. At first I thought it was a normal Sylveon, so I rushed over to them to help them up. However, if you know what Cynveon looks like, you can see that they don't look anything like a normal Sylveon." *Vivi laughed.* "So when I got a good look at them, I kinda freaked out... Can you blame me? I hadn't seen any Pokemon like Cynveon before! But I put aside my fears, pulled them away from the waves, and ran to get someone. I eventually found the Santula Guildmaster, brought him to Cynveon, and he helped me bring him to the town to be nursed back to health. The Guildmaster didn't even freak out at all. I waited for Cynveon to wake up, and eventually, he did. You can take it from here, Cynveon." *Vivi smiled at Cynveon.*
Cynveon: "Right, ahaha. ...It's hard to describe how I felt when I woke up... It was like... I had just been born? I had no memory of anything prior, so in a way, I was just born. When I woke up, I was greeted by Vivi, and a Ninetales wearing a cape. Vivi looked happy that I was awake and immediately began to ask me if I was okay, but was quickly and politely quieted by the Ninetales, who began to ask me many simple questions. 'Are you okay', 'Who are you?', 'What are you?' 'Where do you come from?' etcetera. I couldn't answer any of his questions related to my past. Then he asked if I had any memory of anything, and I told him I didn't. Eventually, he finished with the questions, and began to talk to me more casually. That's when he told me his name, Kelly, and that he was the Santula Guildmaster. Eventually he left, and Vivi stayed... We began to talk. He was the one who found me after all. Eventually we became friends, he invited me to live with him, and we formed our team."
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Vivi: "And here we are today~ Even though we don't have an interest in dating eachother, we're still best friends, basically like siblings!"
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memozing · 4 years
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urgentvisa · 4 years
5 Must eat cuisines of Odisha for foodies
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The scenic beauty of Odisha has been a reason to keep it full of tourists for the whole year. However, most people still consider this state a backward one that’s why they don’t know the qualities that this heavenly blessed state has to please its tourists whether domestic or international. If you want to get your Indian Visa Online done within some days, then we help you with it. Visit us and apply hassle-free. And one of the most underrated qualities of Odisha is its lip-smacking cuisines.
The best thing about Odishi foods is that they are less spicy and oily, which is why everybody can eat them without any issues in its flavour. These scrumptious dished are served on sal leaf plates with an aroma that increases the appetite of foodies. Odishi people are fond of eating sweet foods, so Odisha is no less than a heaven for the people with a sweet tooth.
That’s why we have prepared a list of the 5 best foods in Odisha so that our readers can know very well what to order and taste in this godly-blessed land.
5 most delicious cuisines in Odisha:
1. Gupchup
Gupchup is Odishi version of golgappas or pani puri that is famous in North India. crunchy hollow balls are made from suji, refined flour (maida) or atta with chana or chhole masala. People eat this food item by dipping it in spicy jal jeera. However, you must remember that if you are allergic to spicy foods, then keep yourself away from this or eat it with tamarind sauce, which lessens the heat of the spices.
It is one of the most famous dishes of Odisha and you can find it in any local street of the state. Its crispy taste leaves its magical flavour in the minds of foreigners and alleviates their tiredness by giving their taste buds a heavenly gift.
2. Pilaf
Pilaf is the Pulao version of Odisha and one of its most famous cuisines. It is a scrumptious rich food item, which is sautéed with oil until turning golden brown in colour. The magical aroma of its spices can grab the attention of any food lover and compel them to order a plate and taste that.
You can see a variety of Pilafs in many parts of Odisha in which people use different veggies, dry fruits and sometimes meat to prepare something special for taste buds. We assist you to get your urgent indian visa to travel in India, then do apply for your e tourist visa India within 24-72 hours.
3. Pitha
This tasty cuisine give taste buds a delight with its cake-like texture made with a cereal-based steamed cake. There are also many varieties of this cake-like Poda pitha, chakuli pitha and so on.
People cook this food item on special occasions and it is a very common food item in the plates of Odishi people. So, when you are on your trip to Odisha, don’t forget to eat this tasty staple.
4. Pakhala Bhata
If you are in Odisha and thinking of eating something delicious at breakfast, then Pakhala Bhata is the best food item for you. The best thing about this food item is that it helps you cope with the harshness of heat in the state.
This dish is made from soaking cooked rice in sour curd and water; it is served with potatoes, fish, papad, Badi choor and the like. So, if you think that your Odisha trip is complete without tasting this delicious item, then you must know that you have not given your taste buds the authentic taste of Odishi food.
5. Santula
There is nothing better than having a plate of Santula during your Odishi visit to taste the pureness of its delicacies. It is made with raw papaya, tomato, brinjal and some spices. This dish is not as heavy as people think of it.
So, visiting Odisha plan should have tasting Santula as its first point so that you can enjoy the authentic taste of the place. Some people add green veggies to make it more nutritious so that they can enjoy their trip properly.
This blog discussed the most delicious Odishi cuisines that are a must-taste for tourists, and your clear understanding of these foods is our target. Some of the tasty Odishi delicacies we included in our list are Santula, Pakhal Bhata, Pitha, Pilaf and Gupchup.
If you, as a foreigner, want to come to Odisha to see its heavenly blessed beauty and taste its mouth-watering staples, then you’d better apply for an Indian e visa.
If you have any confusion or question, feel free to reach us.
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junker-town · 4 years
Tactically Naive: The weirdness of watching sports in empty stadiums
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Juventus and Inter Milan played in an empty stadium because of coronavirus, and it was as eerie as we thought it’d be.
Hello, and welcome to another edition of Tactically Naive, SB Nation’s weekly soccer column. Today we have eaten half an orange. The brand is strong.
If a league falls in a stadium but nobody is there to see it …
In the classic Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode “Take Me Out to the Holosuite,” the climactic baseball game unfolds in front of a fully-simulated crowd hooting and hollering in the bleachers … for about a minute. Then Captain Sisko asks his Vulcan rival to dispense with the crowd, on the grounds that “The Niners” — his improvised team of Starfleet officers and hangers-on — aren’t used to the pressure.
The Niners, having had just two weeks to learn the game, are terrible; the Vulcans are remorseless. The scoreboard quickly becomes embarrassing. Sisko gets thrown out of the game, and takes a seat in the empty stands. It soon becomes clear the Niners have no chance of winning, and so, in that heartwarming Star Trekky way, the pursuit of victory is allowed to slide in favour of something far more noble.
In the ninth inning, with a runner on third, Sisko sends the clumsy Ferengi Rom back into the game, on the basis that since they’re all terrible they might as well all lose together. Then — spoilers! — he brings the crowd back. Spirits are lifted. Things are made better. And Rom accidentally bunts the ball into space and the Niners get their run.
In bringing back the crowd for the climax, Sisko honours and highlights one of the basic principles that underpins sport as we practice and consume it: events are both bigger and better when there’s a crowd gathered to watch. Indeed, that might be the thing that transmutes sporting moments into cultural moments: concentrated, engaged, responsive attention from those who are present but exterior.
This principle was reinforced this weekend, as Juventus returned to the top of the Serie A table with a 2-0 win over fellow challengers, Inter. It was a big game — it might, in the end, determine the destination of the title — and nobody was there to watch it. A game-breaking cameo from Paulo Dybala, the public dissolution of Ashley Young, and nobody there to shout “Hooray!” or “Boo!” or “Wait, what happened, I was on my phone?”
An OUTRAGEOUS goal from Paulo Dybala! Incredible skill from the Argentine, and what a finish with the outside of his foot pic.twitter.com/NaMHLlIUy5
— Premier Sports (@PremierSportsTV) March 8, 2020
There is an inescapable weirdness about games behind closed doors. This could be the most important result of the entire season, and yet the empty stadium renders it somehow uncanny. It is the performers who perform, but it is the spectators who make it a spectacle. Without them, the game ends up something between a training exercise and a curious parody. Dybala even begins to take off for the corner before he realises there’s no one there, and has to run to the bench to celebrate and feel some human love.
The spread of the coronavirus hasn’t just hit Serie A. This Wednesday’s Champions League last-16 second leg between Paris Saint-Germain and Borussia Dortmund will also take place in front of an empty stadium, and it would be a surprise if other leagues don’t end up taking similar steps. In years to come, assuming civilisation doesn’t collapse completely, this season is going to look very peculiar in hindsight.
And If Juventus do end up lifting the trophy, they could well be waving it around in front of nobody at all. Unless, that is, the footballing authorities take a leaf out of Captain Sisko’s book, and fill the stands with holograms.
All hail King Bruno
Bruno Fernandes is in the middle of doing a public service. Joining a club like Manchester United must be hard for anybody, so he’s putting together a practical How To Make Friends At Your New Job guide, and sharing it with all of us. For free! What a hero.
Step 1: Play well. Seems obvious, but plenty of United’s recent signings have fluffed this most basic requirement. But since he joined United’s midfield, Fernandes has been busy, energetic, and above all effective. There’s imaginative quick passing going on now. Been a while since anybody not named Paul Pogba managed that.
Step 2: Shout at your teammates. One of the most endearing things about Fernandes has been his fearlessness. Some players quail when they arrive at a Big Club, but from the outset Fernandes has been happy to call his teammates useless whenever they’ve failed to pass to him. And he’s usually been right, too. He always seems be there, on the edge of the box, unmarked. It’s a good habit to have. Somebody let Daniel James know.
Step 3: Score penalties, make goals. It’s a results game, after all. What’s been notable about Fernandes is just how central he’s made himself to United. He takes most of the set-pieces, he dictates play, he takes the penalties and scores them, too. And he does all this with a charming personality.
Step 4: Tell Pep Guardiola to “shush” halfway through a Manchester derby.
Bruno Fernandes shushing Pep Guardiola is what the Manchester derby is all about pic.twitter.com/kvzwivmGBC
— Football Daily (@footballdaily) March 8, 2020
It’s all so easy when you know how. Thank you, Bruno.
“Oh, no, I’m not that Ronaldinho.”
Let us consider Ronaldinho. One of the finest and most famous players of his generation. And above that, perhaps, one of the most instantly recognisable: that goofy grin framed by cascading ringlets. I know him, says the as yet undiscovered lifeform deep in the darkness of the Mariana Trench. That’s Ronaldinho. He’s Brazilian.
Now, let us consider the humble passport. Passports are fascinating and complicated documents, but at heart they all have two things in common. One, a picture of the owner’s face. Two, a note that identifies which country the owner comes from. Usually these are next to each other.
So let us suggest, perhaps, that of all the forms of fraud that Ronaldinho might try, the single most unwise, most ill-advised, most idiotically doomed form would be waving a fake passport around. One that claims he’s from Paraguay. After all, if one of the world’s most famous Brazilians had become Paraguayan, there’s no way every Paraguayan in the world wouldn’t have heard about it.
If the perfect crime exists, this is the farthest thing from it.
And so, of course, it happened, because we live in the nonsense timeline. And it didn’t work, because it never could have. And now he’s in the custody of the Paraguayan authorities, who we assume haven’t stopped laughing for a week. We don’t know much about the ins and outs of the Paraguayan legal system, or if he’ll end up in open court, but we have to assume the opening question will be: What the hell were you thinking?
Ronaldinho and his brother have been arrested for entering Paraguay with fake passports. His fake passport shows his correct name, birthplace, and birthdate, but it falsely suggests that he’s a naturalized Paragauay citizen. [@Santula] pic.twitter.com/qOVEi7xPmi
— Zach Lowy (@ZachLowy) March 5, 2020
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