#sanha's up next
kunfetti · 1 year
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ddoxhan · 2 months
all I wanna do
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like a rain shower in midsummer, I need you cuz all I wanna do is be with you
word count : 5.3k words
genre : fluff revolving around two goofballs; scriptwriter! ningning x office worker! reader; experiencing a disastrous date won't stop you from planning the best date for the love of your life
t/w : none :)
a/n : a light-hearted, playful date with ms ning yizhuo! imagine her laughters throughout the entire thing and just seeing how happy she is being with you 🤍 I love this baby so much :') anyways enjoy !!
outfit? check. water bottles? check. portable fan? check. power bank? check. umbrella? check. snacks for your pretty girlfriend? check. after that disastrous date with yizhuo last time, you were traumatized hence the over-the-board preparation for today's date with her. you had planned a lot of events for the day, hoping that she would be surprised with how you made sure things were to go according to plan. her reactions are just the cutest and no one can tell you otherwise.
regardless of whether it was going to rain, or if you lose her in a crowd as her phone dies, or if she gets incredibly hungry that she's in the mood to murder you. yes, that was how the entire date went the last time when you two headed for a mini concert in the outskirts. just thinking about it again sent chills down your spine. never again, you thought.
as you take a step out of your apartment, that annoying ringtone informed you of who the caller was.
"yeah, babe?"
'on the way? or you just woke up and getting ready to throw on just anything?'
"missy, I'm slaying my fit of the year. and yes, I'm on my way. maybe in another thirty minutes?"
'okay, missy. sounds good to me, see you then babe!'
"love you."
'love you too!'
her voice got softer, as usual walking away from her phone to do her own things. she usually lets you end the call, either you'd end it while chuckling at her antics or listening a little longer to hear her humming a song that's on her 36th spotify playlist.
the sun was shining, the clouds were fluffy, and the bus just passed by the stop before heading for yours. was it more than enough time for you to make it? sure, but, that was if you ran for it. you were definitely not waiting for the next one that was going to be in the next 15 minutes.
the run wasn't too bad, giving you a chance to try out your new pair of sneakers. definitely not made for running, but they were sure looking amazing with your outfit. yizhuo had gotten them for you when you had finished that torturing physics paper one semester ago but you couldn't get yourself to wear them. she insisted that you wore it after she saw them in a new display box you got for it when she slept over after spending hours playing animal crossing with you.
'jagi, didn't I get those for you?'
'wear them when we go on a date next week.'
'no buts.'
so that was how you were striding in these slides. they made you a little taller, which was the perfect height to pull yizhuo into a hug and rub your head on her hair. she hated those the most, but you love the scent of her vanilla shampoo, calming and soothing. as you stared out the bus window from your seat, your lips naturally curled into a smile as you reminisced those times when you and her took the bus home during your uni days.
when you had shared social law with her, you always took the bus with her after classes at the end of the day. you had known that she lived a little further from campus instead of the dorms and you happened to also take the same bus line as she did. acquaintances bloomed into friends, and you took your friendship with her to the next stage when you confessed that you saw her as more than a friend. you were the happiest girl alive when she said that she felt the same too.
when you had graduated with your psychology degree and her with her communication degree, that was when you found out that yizhuo had not lived three bus stops away from yours. and that was also when she had found out that you lived two bus stops before where she supposedly lived. in summary, you were two idiots thinking that you guys were so smart for trying to fool each other.
she did indeed live in the campus dorm, but just got down the stop where her friend lived at, in a way using her as an excuse to spend more time with you. you on the other hand, did similarly to spend more time with her by pretending that you got off at the next stop after hers. for four months straight, you had took a whole trip around the neighbourhood each time you had social law.
till this day, this was still something that you and her would bring up and laugh about at how stupid you two were. but you didn't complain, you were stupid in love with her.
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a ring on yizhuo's doorbell was enough to make her frown from finishing her favourite shampoo to smiling as it indicated that her huggable human was by the door. when she swung the door open, she was surprised to find you with a bouquet of crocheted pink tulips and a puffy tote bag. first, you hated tote bags because you were afraid of forgetting them on your seat. second, what occasion was it for the flowers?
"hello, girlfriend."
"hello to you too. what's with the flowers?"
a toothy grin was all it took to convince that it wasn't a special occasion that she knew, but rather one that you wanted to celebrate because, you just wanted to.
"it's 520 days since we've started dating. so yeah, happy 520!"
"and here I thought that I had forgotten our anniversary or something."
"well, it's still something to celebrate about."
if yizhuo had her clumsy and quirky antics, you had your puppy-like and unpredictable antics. it wasn't once or twice that you had showed up to her front door with tulips or roses, be it real or fake, or crocheted. or that one time you had a spur in the moment and made her beef wellington for lunch. you didn't even like cooking that much.
'I saw this recipe and I thought you would like it a lot!' as she quotes from you.
but none of that can stop her from loving you more as each day went by. the good morning and good night texts were a must and meeting up at least once every day was the base, whether it be face-to-face or through facetime. as much as she could feel her fatigue from her day fade away when she saw that smile of yours, so did you when you heard that laughter of hers when you crack a joke.
"thank you, babe. I like it a lot."
she tiptoed to press a little peck on your cheek, which led to that big ass grin on your face and your tail would have wagged hard like a helicopter, if you had one. seeing your usual reaction, yizhuo went back to her room to proceed getting ready for the day. oh, did you mention that she looks amazing even when she had her hair up in a messy bun, and the most worn out, comfortable home clothes? yeah, now you know.
as you took your spot on the couch, it didn't take her longer than 20 minutes to be in the cutest outfit for your anticipated outing. the opening of her bedroom door prompted you to stand by the shoe rack and put your shoes on.
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after you leaving her place, she naturally headed over to the bus stop while you stepped further from it, making her confused at the way you had a mischievous smile on your face. you walked over to her and dragged her along to the nearest car rental shop, rendering her further confusion.
leaving her at the entrance for a bit, you returned while twirling a shiny key with a far too recognizable logo printed on it,
"I knew we were going to the aquarium, but you didn't mention anything about driving there. when did you even have a driver's license?"
"well, surprise."
driving wasn't a practical option since you lived four bus stops away from your now alma mater. public transportation was a pain in the ass during before and after work peak hours but that was more worth than paying for the parking fee. that included having not told yizhuo about your driving capabilities.
your campus was practically in the middle of the city where most necessities were within public transportation reach. it didn't really matter if you had a car or not cause that was how convenient travelling for stuff was. if there was a need for a car, you would just ask minjeong for hers since she drives. even now, you could get to your job without a car, and you only head to office 3 days a week.
"and you rented a BMW?"
the look on her face darkened further as she couldn't comprehend your spending tendencies. you weren't a thrifty douchebag, so this was really a firsthand experience of you being willing to spend so much when there were cheaper options.
"please tell me you're joking. this could easily cost you half of your monthly salary for a day."
"okay okay, yes, I'm joking."
"thank god."
" but I did buy a kawasaki though."
yizhuo's jaw could not drop further as you said those seven words. she couldn't even form words, let alone sentences.
"wha- huh- you- eh?"
"come on, I got a second hand one so it's a lot cheaper. and it was a snatch with its low mileage."
the whole ride to the aquarium was just her bombarding you with questions on why you decided to get a motorcycle, when did you get your driver's license and a whole lot more. the entire ride there. though you weren't annoyed, you found it adorable that she wanted to know more. you being down bad was an understatement, you were just so in love with her that you don't see any chance of you getting back from being down bad.
you sure didn't need a second hand kawasaki to get to work considering the many reasons that would have stopped you from getting it. but there was one extremely big reason to get it that surpass every other. it was yizhuo. at the end of every day where you would drop by her place to spend time together, she would tell you about the things she encountered on the way home on the train, be it good or bad.
you were content with listening to how she would coo at the children and babies she saw, but grimaced at some things she would witness that you don't even want to reiterate. just then you thought, maybe you should get a vehicle to fetch yizhuo after work. as a scriptwriter, the expectation to get things done by her deadlines were brutal, from your nine-to-five job perspective. at times, she would finish past dinner hours and leave the broadcasting station with slumping shoulders while you waited for her at a nearby cafe to have dinner together after she clocks out. it always made a part of your heart ache a little when she drapes her body over you, with her basking in your scent.
she had always reassured you that she would feel her energy pick up when she spots you at your usual spot waiting. and even more so when she hugs you, as if you were her human energizer. but to imagine the days that you wouldn't be there, it was the right decision to get a vehicle for her to relax in after work on the way home. regardless of whether it was this nice BMW or the kawasaki you got, you get to accompany her back home while she talks about her day at the broadcasting station.
to head home together after a long day and lay in her arms on the couch while watching a movie was always your dream. usually her housemates would be around and it wasn't that comfortable to have the whole living room to yourselves. you would either leave after dropping her off or you would spend some time in her room for a while since she would reason that you have work the next day. one day, you would get a house together with her and make that dream a reality. one day.
"for me? this nice ass bike because you wanted me to get home safe?"
she looked at you in disbelief, worried that the cost of this damn bike would put a hole in your wallet while you had a sheepish smile knowing exactly what she had in mind.
"I know it sounds crazy but trust me, I've planned this for a long time."
"how long?"
"roughly 5 years."
as yizhuo mentally counted, she figured that that was when you were still freshmen back in university. although she was flattered by the fact that you fell for her since then, she couldn't help but feel bad. and you knew she would from the way her smile fell a little, just enough for you to be able to tell.
"don't feel bad babe. I did say it's for you, but it's also for me, for us. it's a lot better than having to squeeze into the train and having body odour rubbed all over my face."
the joke managed to lift her mood as she giggles at the way she could relate too. well, you could say that this kawasaki was a dream motorcycle that you've had your eye on for some time now too. her hand reached over to yours on the gear stick, her eyes looking into yours, feeling that she was the luckiest girlfriend on earth.
"you're welcome, and let's go see those penguins, shall we?"
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"welcome to underwater haven, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! I will be your guide today, so make sure to remember how I look like. you wouldn't wanna get lost and bump into the polar bear."
the crowd laughed at the humor of the male guide, before following to enter into the aquarium for the day.
in one hand, was your professional camera to capture the beauty of the animals (as well as your girlfriend), and yizhuo's hand intertwined with yours in the other. although she was more fond of furry animals in the petting zoos, she absolutely loved the way your eyes would sparkle when you tell her about your favourite aquatic animals that even she had managed to remember by now. you looked like an excited child jumping around and she just wants to give you all the kisses that you deserved for being so cute.
"oh! that's the angelfish. isn't it such a nice shade of pastel blue? and the way they just look so pretty."
"yes yes, very pretty."
and her gaze was just fixated on your smile that hasn't fell ever since you stepped foot in here. she couldn't give a damn about all these fishes that looked the same to her. all it did was make her crave for some good sushi, but she shall not talk about that while you're here. maybe in the next few days, she should bring it up. for now, she would enjoy this aquarium date.
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"did you have fun?"
"mhm. did you? weren't you bored a little halfway?"
"I mean yeah but when I look over to you, wow best day ever."
you shot yizhuo a glare before relaxing when you knew that she had eyes only for you.
"I love you too."
that sheepish smile on her face made you chuckle at the way you found it cute, realization for the nth time that you would never be able to win against her. be it her random rendezvous at odd hours or cheeky remarks like this.
"so where would lunch be, ms. 'I have a BMW now so we can go anywhere we want'?"
she's just not gonna let you breathe huh?
"well, it is a thursday today. so you know what that means."
"the bazaar!"
the first time she found out about the bazaar, she had always gone there either alone since her friend had clashing schedules or would resort to the cafeteria food which she disliked a little. after knowing you through social law, she deciced to persuade you to accompany her there.
'you mean be your chaperone?'
'I wouldn't put it that way, think of it that you're there as my food mate.'
it was a weekly food bazaar that happened at the city square, filled with all kinds of food from all around the world. yizhuo was always down to try anything that was edible, while you were just there to be with her as you didn't fancy trying new things.
'come on! try this, the vendor said it's glutinous rice cooked in a bamboo tube.'
'it looks questionable.'
but to be honest, it did taste good. while she had a habit of ordering a variety to try, she wouldn't hesitate to share it with her friends, encouraging them to head to the bazaar to try out too. when you looked back and thought about it, she was also helping out the local businesses that had a hard time. she tried to deny, giving you the reason that they had better food that whatever the cafeteria served. however, you would notice each time you stood by her while she talked to the vendors. the way her eyes fold into crescents, truly grateful that they were doing great.
as you spent more time with her throughout your days, you harbored feelings for her and they just grew out of control when you would malfunction from being around her. you were there once as an acquaintance, now you were back there again, as her girlfriend. wow, thinking about it made you feel overwhelmed.
"are you sure we're able to finish this?"
"if we can't, we could bring it over for minjeong."
"I'm pretty sure she would be too full from lunch with jimin. you know how those two are."
"well, I guess this is all for us!"
just watching yizhuo enjoy the food in front of her made you feel as if you had ate. if your girlfriend was happily full, then so were you. at some point, the vendors didn't change often, and they soon became permanent at the bazaar, being able to find a crowd of customers for themselves. you didn't remember how it happened, but when yizhuo would always recommend it to the people around her, you knew who it was because of.
"what? is there anything on my face?"
your gentle gaze had her rub the sides of her mouth, then her cheeks. full of food while she mumbles, it was just a sight too adorable. you succeeded at holding back your urge to squeeze her cheeks, or you would end up with a flick on your forehead.
"nothing, you just look really pretty."
"thank you, but I can't tell if you're being sarcastic cause I am stuffing my face full of food right now."
"nothing beats a happy girlfriend who loves her food. and it's cute."
extending a hand over to clear that sauce stain on the corner of her mouth, you looked so lovesick, it almost made the people at the table on the right gag. what did single people do to be punished like this?
you would only cut it out with the lovey dovey eyes when yizhuo made sure that you were eating enough unlike when you were in your final year. that final year research paper had you lose 5kg throughout the journey and you wish to not experience that ever again. sleep was an option and so was food. if it wasn't for her threatening to have your meals properly or she would not see you again, you would have probably fainted at least twice that year.
so now, you have a wonderful girlfriend and a stomach full of good food. the day was going spectacularly smooth without any problems. but you spoke too soon when the sun had set and night had came.
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after the bazaar lunch, you were to drive to a restaurant by the beach that yizhuo had really wanted to try but didn't insist on going as it was far. since you had rented a car, it was only right to bring her there. before night would fall, it would have been perfect to enjoy the sunset by the time you would have arrived considering the journey.
that was until the car started to smoke on the front all of a sudden. pulling over to the side of the road, you had to call for help from the nearest car repair shop to send a tow truck. you weren't going to risk driving there despite it being a short distance, not with her in the car.
as the tow truck arrived along with another car, you thanked the foreman for offering to drive you two to your destination when he couldn't get you a spare car. nevertheless, you managed to reach just in time to sit by the beach to admire the sunset with yizhuo. that was before it got windy and droplets of rain turned into a downpour.
"why is it always like this whenever we decide to go out for dates?"
she was feeling a little down from the mishaps from the car to the downpour. to be frank, you were too, since you had hoped that the date ended perfectly since she had looked forward to it a lot. although she didn't verbally express her excitement, you could tell from the way she had already put together an outfit for the day a week before and marked the date on her calendar with a big red circle and hearts around it.
"babe, things happen. plus it was my fault that I didn't check the car properly before today."
"it's not your fault, like you said things happen. just why on our dates..."
you were half soaked from the rain even with an umbrella. as you sought shelter at nearby shop, yizhuo wasn't soaked as much because you had wrapped yourself over her to make sure she didn't. that also made her a little more upset as she was scared you would get sick because of her. on the brighter side, you were at a vintage shop where they had quite a collection of film cameras. you had to take the opportunity to get one from here before you left. but first, back to making your girlfriend feel better.
"hey hey, babe. look at me."
you placed your hands on her cheeks and made her face you, squishing them a little. around her colleagues, she was competent and very professional when dealing with the producers and directors at her workplace. but when she comes home and relaxes around you, she would turn into a small little kitten that needed her favourite human pillow. just like how you had her pouting and leaning into your hands.
"things don't have to always go as planned. it's best if it did, but now that it didn't. we're here at this vintage shop and it looks like there's a lot of stuff to explore around here."
"sure we missed the sunset for a little, but we stumbled upon this place."
and with that, your girlfriend was back to her normal self.
"okay, but promise me you're not going to get too many things. nothing else is going to fit that glass case."
"yes, ma'am."
giving her a tiny salute and a cheeky smile, it was another mission success of making the best out of a (sorta) ruined date.
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"I did mention not to get too many things, but you did get something that was very expensive."
"but it does take really good film pictures. plus, a good camera to fit the most beautiful model in the world."
yizhuo scoffed at the compliment but couldn't help but blush a little. thankfully, the downpour had come to a stop, only a small drizzle remained.
as you headed towards the restaurant that you had made reservation for, you couldn't help but feel super lucky at that moment as the sky was still lit and the ambience of the waves hitting the shore, as well as the drizzle adding its touch. along with the beautiful sight of her while her hair is blown by the wind, that gorgeous smile making you fall for her all over again.
arriving there, you were brought to your reserved table before ordering whatever she wanted on the menu. the wait wasn't too long, which was good as it was quite eventful before this meal. as you indulged in the local delicacies, you couldn't help asking yizhuo if she was in for some alcohol. and knowing her, she wouldn't pass on the offer.
you only drank a little as you would still need to drive back, as the foreman had mentioned that it wouldn't take till the next day to fix the car. just as you wrapped up your fulfilling meal, your phone rang, indicating the caller to be the foreman.
"yes, mr. lee. is the car done?"
"I'm very sorry miss, but I've called to inform you that we've come across another problem from the engine as we looked into it earlier. we would need another day for it as we are closing soon."
"ohh... umm... alright then. we'll look around for somewhere to stay for the time being. thank you very much."
hearing how you would need to look for somewhere to stay and seeing that apologetic smile plastered on your lips, yizhuo just knew that the plans for the day had changed for third time.
"we need to look for a motel?"
"hey! you don't need to put it that way."
the ends of your ears started burning a little as you hid your face in your hands, trying to lower the rising temperature of your cheeks. her word choice had caught you very off guard while she remained calm.
"it is what it is. plus, we could get separate rooms so why so shy?"
she was definitely having a great time teasing you.
you managed to find a decent place after asking the locals. but being there on the weekends only meant that there was no such things as vacancy. however, you still decided to shoot your shot, praying for two rooms.
"we've got only one room left, with a single bed."
and you definitely didn't expect that shot to miss entirely. it was better than no rooms at all, and it meant using the same room as yizhuo. you had to repeat that to yourself several times to fully register what you had heard. number 1, you had not slept over at her place before as you didn't want her housemates to feel uncomfortable with your unfamiliar presence. number 2, it would only be you and her in a room. nothing would probably happen, given that you would be sleeping on the couch.
"where are you going?"
"to sleep...?"
drying your hair with the provided towel, you glanced over to your girlfriend who already dried her hair and changed into a set of pajamas that you had got from a nearby shop. you were in a similar one with a different color, reminding you too much of what married couples would usually where in dramas. 'enough!', you thought.
as much as you wanted to wake the next morning in your arms, you held yourself back as it might make her uneasy. what if she's not used to sharing the bed with someone? what if she thinks it would be hot? what if you snore? what if―
before you could complete all the possible scenarios from overthinking, yizhuo stretched out her arms, telling you to hug her. and so you did. as you fell for her temptation, she pulled you in closer to make you fall onto the bed. as she leaned over to place her lips on yours, your brain short-circuited with too many things happening at once. pulling away, all she saw was a shocked puppy speechless and thoughtless.
"you good?"
"were you going to sleep on the couch?"
it was as if you lost your ability to speak because all you could do was nod or give short answers to her questions. well, you were being considerate for your girlfriend in case she didn't want to share the bed with you and you were more than willing to let her have the bed for herself. after all, the bed wasn't the biggest and it was just fitting for two people, no more, no less. but she didn't mind at all.
"why when we could just sleep together?"
you hit her a few times for her choice of words and she just wondered what she said so wrong. 'sleep together', technically you were going to sleep together but not sleep together. there was a difference, but you were just being overly sensitive from the way that your body was in close proximity with yizhuo.
it wasn't like you didn't cuddle with her before in the living room while watching dramas and movies. it wasn't like you didn't hug her every single time you would leave by the end of the day. it wasn't like she wasn't already clingy and always finding an excuse to stick right next to you, be it be holding hands or just pulling you into a bear hug. but why was this time so different just because it was on a bed?
"you could take this as practice before we get married in the future."
right, that was why it made you so fidgety and anxious like a teenage girl who was in love with her first love. true enough, she was your first love, if you were to minus out the short fling back in high school that wasn't even a relationship nor situationship.
your relationship had not even turned 2 years old and yizhuo already had confidence in that you would marry her when the time comes. and she was darn right that you would. that day just sealed the deal where you definitely couldn't see yourself spending the rest of your life with someone else other than her.
the way she would enjoy your rants about sea animals that she couldn't care less, the way she reminds you about spending too much, the way she held your hand throughout the whole date.
although she wasn't interested in the many species of fishes that you knew, she didn't complain about it and just enjoyed how you were ecstatic about them. she would nag you a little about getting too many vintage cameras when you wouldn't even use some of them, but she knew that every single one you've bought had at least taken one picture of her. she knew that physical affection wasn't your way of expression where gift giving and words of affirmation was, she made sure that you felt hers.
just like this very moment, you could feel it through the way her gaze bores into your eyes, letting you know that she loved you as much as you did for her, if not more.
"okay, if you say so, wifey."
"oh? already agreeing to the proposal?"
"no way, I will be the one proposing to you in the best way possible when that day comes."
"but does that mean you want to marry me?"
yizhuo was glad to see how you snapped out of your trance with the playful banter between you and her. not only that, your string of thoughts had brought you to a conclusion that sounded like the best one to your life story.
"yes, ms. ning yizhuo. I would love to marry you."
"cause all I wanna do is be with you."
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pshcomforts · 4 months
➳ line without a hook | psh.
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collegestudent!sunghoon x fem!reader (feat. sanha from astro)
“all my emotions feel like explosions when you are around”
synopsis: you and sunghoon have been friends since high school and though you guys can’t admit it, you two are in love with each other.
warnings/content: written in third pov. college au. friends to lovers. idiots in love. fluff! slight angst? sunghoon gets jealous (i always make him get jealous hehe). happy ending. sickly amount of “loser” & “idiot” used a lot as nicknames. suicide jokes. cursing and not proofread. i think that’s it?
comments, likes, and reposts are appreciated :)
word count: 6.2k
a/n: fictional characters — dae (jungwon’s boyfriend), min-su (heeseung’s girlfriend), and ji-woo (jake’s girlfriend). another personal oneshot fav.
current song playing: line without a hook by ricky montgomery
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
0:32 ──|───────────────── 3:36
the early morning made its peaking cracks of sunshine as y/n arose in her bed.
she rubbed her eyes awake, hands reaching for her phone for the time.
[ 7:48 am ] — it read.
the girl groaned out a sigh. ‘whose idea was it to register for a 9am class again?’ she thought before swiping her screen to check her missed notifications. almost immediately, she jumped out of her blanket when finding a text from her friend, sunghoon.
hoonster :) :
y/n, you awake??
Wake up loser, I’m on the way
You better be awake when I come
“aw shit!” she yelled, pushing her tired body.
in a rush, y/n exhibited loud thuds of footsteps as she ran back and forth from the bathroom to get ready.
“don’t be here yet, don’t be here yet!” she uttered under her breath.
her hands shakily found some casual clothes once she was done with the bathroom area.
just then, her phone furiously buzzed.
“hello??” she spoke.
“hey loser, you ready yet?” she heard sunghoon ask on the other side.
immediately, her heart thumped. she felt the butterflies of a high school type of crush hit her stomach. she swallowed down her feelings for her friend as she murmured, “you’re already here?”
hoon gave a quiet chuckle that exerted more butterflies to flood her abdomen. “yes dummy, i’m waiting at the front of your house. hurry up, we’re gonna be late!”
y/n groaned out a sigh after coming into the realization that her crush was still her asshole friend after all. “okay, okay! i’m coming out now!” she yelled, digging her feet into her favorite shoes before running out.
a few seconds later and sunghoon found the girl he’s liked since high school burst out of her house. a half smile tugged at his lips as he watched her quietly fume out a few words that he figured was most likely about being late.
his eyes formed into half moon crescents in a glistening look, heart and mind directly falling in the thought of being in her presence.
his car doors clicked and in came y/n.
she huffed out a few breaths of air before buckling her seat in. “now why the hell did i choose a 9am class??” her hand reached to her chest, feeling her heart beat like crazy.
sunghoon chuckled. he was in complete love and there was no doubt about that. “because you wanted a class with me, loser.” he joked, hands reaching down to his cup holder.
the girl shot him a glare — “excuse me? you were the one who said ‘let’s do chemistry 2A together,’ and now we’re both struggling!”
he cackled out another laugh as he merged the car into the next lane. “yeah yeah, you know you wanted that class with me.”
y/n huffed out a sigh in annoyance. “hoon, i swear-“
“got you some coffee, i know you’ll probably need it.” he said, quickly cutting her morning anger off.
there it was again. that nervous sensation bubbling inside of her. “you did??” her head tilted down to find her attractive friend hand her the cup of coffee.
this is what friends did right? pick them up? get them coffee? have a class together? surely, sunghoon thought of her just as a friend?
no. the two were idiots in love, but they liked it. the mixed signals. the chemistry. the tension. they loved the game of push and pull, and it became obvious to everyone but them.
“don’t act so surprised,” the handsome male intruded her thoughts. “i’m nice to you.”
y/n automatically scoffed at his words. “nice?? you are anything but nice, park sunghoon.”
the car screeched to a stop with a red light in front of them, causing him to glance back at her. “so if i’m not nice to you, what’s this then? picking you up, hm?” one of his thick brows raised in question as his inner lips softly curled.
the girl had to look away with how handsome he looked. just a simple stare could set her heart off.
“shut up, hoon. we’re friends, this is what we do.” she playfully rolled her eyes as he widened his smile.
“yeah.. friends.” he murmured. his heart lightly sank at the friend zone but he couldn’t dare to do anything else other than stare back at the road. “take the coffee, will you? i need to drive, unless you want us to crash.”
y/n gasped at his suicidal joke but quickly turnt it into a mount of giggles. “do it, sunghoon! crash us! i don’t want to go to chemistry.”
sunghoon immersed into laughter as well, shaking his head at how his favorite girl just joked about death. “sorry, looks like we have to make it through another day of torture.”
she sighed. “fine but if the professor asks why we’re late, i’m blaming you.”
“right back at you,” he snorted with a head shake, causing the girl to nudge his arms.
y/n rolled her eyes before turning her attention to her phone.
jake’s girl 🫂:
are you guys almost here??
sunoo’s been wondering
y/n <33:
well tell sunoo to hold on bc we still have to find parking!
jake’s girl 🫂:
girl your class starts in like 20 minutes!
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
Just get your butt over here!
hee’s fav 🤍:
hee and i are about to leave before you guys show
y/n <33:
LMFAOO we’ll be there soon!
“hurry up, hoon! they’re waiting!”
sunghoon made a ‘tsk’ noise with his tongue as he said, “i can’t go pass the speed limit here y/n. what do you want me to do?”
she groaned out a sigh before crossing her arms. “geez hoon, you’re driving like a grandma.”
“i’m sorry, speedy, i don’t want to get a ticket this early in the morning.”
the girl smiled as she watched him pull up to a parking spot. “finallyy! you parked far but..,”
“just shut up and walk, loser.” he responded, ruffling her hair before walking out of the car.
she clicked her tongue as she obeyed, slinging her heavy bag around her shoulders. as she did so, she felt the weight suddenly relieve off of her.
y/n turned her direction to where her friend was, and found him carrying her bag.
“hoon what-“
“i can see you practically struggling and well.. you’re weak so i’ll carry it for you.”
she rolled her eyes before letting him in proceed. “that’s sweet but that’s still asshole-like.”
hoon chuckled at her words as he held her bag around his shoulders. “come on, we’re gonna be late.”
the two rushed to their friend group, legs speeding through campus to find them huddled in a corner.
“finally! you guys took so long,” min-su groaned.
y/n laughed before sending a smack to her arms. “shut up, we’re here now!” she yelled back as she gave a soft nudge.
sunghoon chuckled, laying his arm on his friend’s shoulder in comfort. “she woke up late as usual,” he said, ruffling his own hair. “that’s why you don’t see her with her usual makeup on.”
the girl took offending, gasping in shock before harshly hitting his arm. “i hope that bruises, loser!” she cackled out a laugh as she proudly nodded.
hoon rubbed his arm while displaying a smile on his face. “never, i’m too strong.” he teased with a shit eating grin.
the group shared their laughs before ji-woo intruded — “stop being lovey dovey, your class starts soon!”
y/n groaned, ignoring her teasings about her and sunghoon as she replied, “you just had to remind me..,”
“shut up and go!” her friend yelled back, pushing her arm with a wide smile.
soon, y/n, sunghoon, and sunoo walked to their dreaded chemistry class while the others stayed together.
“why don’t we just ditch??” the girl murmured in a pout.
“you know we can’t y/n,” sunoo scowled.
“you guys suck.”
“just stay for the lecture, our exam is next week anyway,” responded sunghoon.
before she could give another remark, the three entered in the class.
with them being a little late, scattered seats filled the room, causing the three to separate. sunghoon and sunoo sat near each other while y/n sat about two seats away from them.
she huffed out a soft sigh as she plopped down. “let’s just go through this for the day..,” she murmured to herself.
hoon glanced at her from afar, pupils basically forming heart shapes in his eyes that had sunoo scoffing. his attention landed on the male who was only shaking his head.
“what?” sunghoon seethed through a clenched jaw.
“nothing.. loverboy.” sunoo snorted in a laugh afterwards, causing an irritating sigh to come out of hoon’s mouth.
“don’t call me that.”
“it fits you, surprised she hasn’t noticed yet with how much you stare at her.”
the older male quietly fumed in his seat, rolling his eyes as sunoo was spurting out every ticklish bone in his body.
“seriously, hoonie” sunoo teased — “she’s gonna notice at some point.”
“shut up,” sunghoon harshly whispered back, hands almost raising to send a smack like y/n always does.
“see? you’re picking up on her habits too.”
right when hoon was about to speak, the professor intruded in with a clear throat, hinting that class would be starting in seconds.
“deny it all you want, but you like the girl.” the younger boy softly said with a lean towards him. “don’t take too long though, someone else might steal her.”
sunghoon’s head popped up. he instantly looked at his friend with confusion/betrayal plastered across his face.
“not me, dumbdumb.” sunoo tilted his head towards y/n. “look who’s talking to her.”
almost immediately, hoon found his close friend talking to sanha — a guy in their class who was a few years older. he sat next to her, taking the empty seat and made small talk towards her.
“sanha??” he repeated the name with a scoff.
���you don’t have to be so obvious about your jealousy.”
“i’m not jealous,” hoon lied, an oblivious amount of red tinted on his ears.
the taller male began to ignore the remaining words sunoo spewed out, tuning it away so he could distract himself from the hurtful sight.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
when what felt like long hours had finally passed, students scattered out of the class.
y/n stayed behind as usual, taking her time to gather her things when sanha approached her.
“hey, you said your name was y/n right?” he asked with glistening eyes.
“yeah, yours was.. sanha?”
her response that turned into a question caused a chuckle to erupt out of the tall boy.
“sorry, i have bad memory.” y/n quickly defended, allowing him to holler out a few more laughs.
“you’re okay, don’t worry. i was just wondering if we could exchange numbers? just if you want to have a study session together or something.”
the girl stood still in her stance. she’s never really been approached this way before. even if he was just being friendly, it’s definitely been a bigger step to how guys were upfront with her.
“oh.. yeah, sure!” y/n reached down for her phone and gave him the desired phone number.
it was then that sunghoon and sunoo walked in on the scene. “you ready?” the shorter male asked with lips pressing into a line.
“yeah, let me just finish this up.”
hoon took a quick glance down to her hands; watching how they softly grazed against some strangers burned his heart. he felt his blood boiling at how she was so politely nice to sanha.
“we don’t have all day,” he grumbled, causing a confused and annoyed glare to be shot at him from y/n.
she quickly turned back to sanha with an apologetic smile. “sorry, they’re in a rush more than usual. i’m always the one who has to rush them,” she cheekily said.
the older boy reflected the smile back as he warmly replied, “don’t worry, y/n, i can wait all day for you.”
sunghoon’s ears perked up at his words. ‘what is he trying to do? flirt with her?’ he thought to himself with a clear scoff in his throat.
the puff of air that left his mouth caused the three heads to turn to him. sunoo cackled out a laugh, hands on his mouth to shut himself up with amusement. he hit hoon’s chest while murmuring, “sorry he’s really cranky, he didn’t wake up on the right side of the bed today.”
y/n’s head cocked to the side. ‘but he seemed perfectly fine today,’ she thought. what an idiot.
“um, okay… well just text me when you want a study session.” she said to sanha, who began to furiously blush, pissing sunghoon off even more.
“hurry up, you’re taking a long time.” the boy who was jealous uttered in an eye roll.
she sent a glare towards him before turning her head back to sanha in a smile. “see you soon, sanha.”
he beamed an ear-to-ear grin to her before nodding and taking off from the scene.
“couldn’t have been more obvious that he liked you?” hoon unintentionally blurted in an eye roll.
“are you okay or what? why are you suddenly so bitter?” y/n shot to him with a side eye.
“yeah hoon, what’s wrong? cant handle seeing your friend get hit on?” sunoo intervened, raising his brows ever so slightly to display how much of an asshole he was being. he slung an arm around the girl, bringing her closer in his embrace as they walked out.
sunghoon let out a ‘pft’ before walking side by side with them. “why wouldn’t i be able to handle it? i’m shocked that some guy was even willing to ask for her number.” he said, causing a harsh push to be made from y/n.
“uh do i act like this when some girl asks you out?? no, i help you by giving advice..,” she rolled her eyes, ignoring the burning sensation in her heart before scooting her body closer to sunoo’s — allowing him to just chuckle alongside their bicker.
hoon huffed out a sigh. “can’t give you advice on this one then. sorry, loser.” he murmured. his attempt to play it cool was stupid, but the girl still bought into it with how annoying he was being.
“i didn’t ask for your advice, did i?” y/n snickered, causing another holler to be heard from sunoo.
sunghoon rolled his eyes and poked his tongue through his cheek. he hated how close she was suddenly becoming with their friend. usually, she’d be in his arms, his presence, and his care.
but all he could do for now was make snarky comments about some guy that asked for her number.
“so what? you’re gonna go out with this guy now? he’s gonna come to our hangouts now?” the annoyed boy half-heartedly joked, trying to let it come off as something playful with an awkward laugh.
his words only made sunoo and y/n look at each other. and with that, it only filled every inch of his body with more jealousy. he was a protective boy, what can he say?
he wanted to pull the girl he liked back into his arms but as much as he wanted to do so, they were still only friends — friends who joked and pushed each other around, not hugged.
so he scoffed once he realized it got quiet after what he said.
“what? our group is already big enough.”
“don’t tell me.. you’re jealous?” y/n replied, brows knitting together in shock.
sunghoon’s face began to blush in red, heart racing at how she suddenly figured him out. “what?? no. you’re stupid for thinking that.” smooth, sunghoon, real smooth.
she scoffed out a laugh as sunoo remained giggling. “you can admit it, i know you’re jealous.” she said with a tinting red starting to hit her cheeks as well.
her heart dropped at the thought that her longtime friend could be just ever so slightly jealous with who she was talking to. with their passing years of friendship, he never really took interest in her love life — or at least that’s what she thought.
the girl would tell him and he’d do his best in hyping her up, but she always secretly wished that he was the one she was excited about (and he did too).
but yet again, they were idiots in love.
“so are you gonna admit it?” she poked.
sunghoon rolled his eyes, jaw clenching with how well his favorite girl was provoking him. “what is there to admit?” he seethed.
sunoo laughed at his reaction. “geez, hyung, you don’t need to get too mad here.”
a scoff came out of the older male. “sunoo, stay out of this.” he murmured with a turned head.
y/n immediately took notice of hoon’s uncomfortable state and felt the need to stop. her light manner of stupid, silly jokes halted as she uttered — “okay let’s move on from this. should we meet with the others?”
“aren’t they in different classes right now?” sunoo asked, also attempting to move on from what just happened.
“well ji-woo’s in psych right now, i think min-su and dae are free, heeseung’s with them, jake’s in philosophy & ethnics, and jungwon’s in microbiology. and jay and niki are in.. forensics i think?”
sunoo and sunghoon looked at her in bewilderment.
“do you just know everyone’s schedule or what?” hoon asked, mouth gaping open in shock.
y/n sent a quick smack to his arms. there’s the girl he knew. “i have their schedule in my notes, don’t judge me! i just want to know our available times..,”
her crush grinned, eyes twinkling in delight of how thoughtful she was. “looking at everyone else’s schedule.. you’re such a loser.” he teased, smiling wide at her defended gasp.
she continued to bully him with a mount of insults and hits. sunoo watched it happen, shaking his head at how he suddenly began third wheeling.
“okay, okay, enough! dae and them are near us, let’s go meet them.” he intervened, swatting a hand between the two.
sunghoon’s heart filled with joy as he ruffled her hair. he heard her give a soft grumble, smacking his hand away that only caused him to laugh even more.
the three continued like this until they eventually reached the others.
“you guys got here a little late..,” dae murmured, side eyeing them.
“sorry, we got held back because some guy wanted her number.” sunghoon responded, feeling a hint of jealousy seep through.
min-su and dae immediately bopped their heads up. “oh??” they asked in unison, earning a chuckle from their friend.
“it’s nothing, this cute guy was just sitting next to me the entire lecture and asked for my number at the end.” y/n replied with a shrug to her shoulders.
“girl, nothing???” dae guffawed.
“cute? mm, i’ll have to see about that,” min-su added in.
with that, her boyfriend, heeseung shot his head up. “you want to see another cute guy when your boyfriend’s right here?” he pouted, causing his girl to melt right at the spot.
“no, baby, i just have to make sure he’s good for her!” she quickly defended.
the group giggled at the couples quarrel before sunoo intruded — “his name’s sanha though.”
sunghoon subtly rolled his eyes but it didn’t go unnoticed by heeseung. the older male looked at him in the eyes that spoke — ‘this must be bothering you huh?’ but hoon chose to ignore and act like he didn’t see it.
“hmm.. sanha.. do you have a picture?” dae questioned.
“she just met the guy, why would she have a picture??” the undeniably jealous guy spoke with anger in his throat.
y/n pushed her brows together before agreeing. “yeah i just met him so i don’t have a picture but..,”
“i guess we can’t see if he’s good for you, y/n..,” dae said. “i do know who’d be good for you though.”
the girl tilted her head to the side. “uh.. who?”
her friend wore a cheeky smile, brows slightly raising as he shifted his gaze to sunghoon, who immediately caught on and began to panic.
“yeah, who is this guy..?” hoon blurted, scratching the back of his nape.
“well he’s been jungwon’s friend for a while now and i’d like it if he had the courage to ask you out, but he’s been too fucking shy.”
y/n looked as if she was confused but she wasn’t stupid. she knew dae was talking about sunghoon, she just wanted him to actually admit it.
“who’s the guy? do i know him?” her coy tone was obvious to min-su and dae, and possibly sunoo but not her crush. no, he stayed oblivious but mainly because he was scared.
as dae was about to speak, sunghoon stopped him — “hey is that jungwon?? that’s him, right?” he pointed behind the boy’s back; and lo and behold, it really was him.
hoon’s ass just got saved and all he could do was sigh out in relief.
while jungwon’s boyfriend ran to the man in the distance, y/n exchanged a look with min-su that could only emphasize their telepathy.
heeseung noticed their look since he was alarmingly close to his girlfriend, and because of that, he spurted out soft laughs.
once jungwon came into everyone’s view, the topic was changed.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
after about an hour, jake texted that he was waiting for ji-woo and eventually, they came together, and then jay and niki as well.
“so are we gonna go eat?” niki asked.
“yes please, i’m starving!” y/n beamed, causing sunghoon’s heart to thud in his chest.
“where at?” jake’s voice spoke, scooting himself closer to his girlfriend’s embrace while pushing his glasses up.
“just anywhere,” min-su replied as her fingers clung around heeseung’s hands.
“okay let’s go to ‘anywhere,’ i heard that place is good!” yelled dae. the stupid joke earned a shrieking laugh from jungwon, popping his dimples as he kept hollering — “that was funny, babe.”
the group laughed as well, maybe not as much as won, but just enough.
eventually, they agreed on some fried chicken place and set out to leave. before doing so, the question that min-su just had to pop to y/n caught everyone’s attention — “so are you gonna bring your boyfriend?” sunghoon shot his head up, thick brows furrowing at the joke.
“boyfriend?? you got a boyfriend and we haven’t even met him yet?” jay instigated with a brow raise.
y/n nervously laughed once she felt aware of everyone’s stares. “that’s what we’re calling him now?”
“what the hell did i miss??” ji-woo asked, turning her head to min-su and dae.
as the two teasingly smiled, a low voice suddenly spewed, “he’s not her boyfriend.”
the attention that was once on y/n had now shifted to the voice that was evidently sunghoon’s. the girl he liked cocked a head tilt in confusion with how upset he sounded while the others were silently judging him.
jungwon had the look of — ‘you’re busted,’ and jake had the look of — ‘too obvious bro,’ whereas heeseung spoke with his eyes that said — ‘min-su and i are definitely debriefing about this later.’
the rest of the members also exchanged glances that were somewhere along the lines of jungwon’s and jake’s.
as they all stared at him, sunghoon’s cheeks flushed with a deep color of red. “i was just um.. there to witness it, they’re not together.” he tried to play it off, but ji-woo was obviously not convinced.
“so you just witnessed it? that’s it?” she questioned towards the awkward male who was just nodding.
hating how quick the atmosphere became awkward, y/n broke the ice by saying, “okay okay, that’s enough. i’m hungry, let’s go.”
the tense moment passed and each couple went in their own transportation (as did sunghoon and y/n), allowing jay to drive sunoo and niki.
while hoon drove, y/n controlled the music.
“oh come on, stop putting this song on.” he grumbled.
“what! come on, it’s cute!” she defended, lightly slapping his arm.
the boy sent a scowling look as he replied, “it’s not cute, it’s sad and depressing.”
“hoon, it’s lily of the valley, how can you hate it??”
“it’s not the vibes right now,” he uttered while making a signal turn.
y/n rolled her eyes. she played the song because it was thee song she associated him with. “fine..,” she groaned, fingers typing fast to change the music.
silence filled the air for a second before another slow and steady song played, causing sunghoon to shoot her another look.
“this song is still sad, y/n.”
the song that she put on was ‘everything’ by the black skirts — another song she associated him with.
“excuse me, you like sad songs! that’s what we have in common, loser.” the girl fumed while crossing her arms together.
hoon let out a low chuckle that sent goosebumps down her spine. “play something more upbeat, these songs are like something you slow dance to.” exactly.
her heart pounded at his words before grumbling out a low sigh. “fine… but just because you never shut up about this song.”
a click to another song was made and ‘mad’ by neyo began to boom in the car.
sunghoon instantly wore a huge smile. “that’s more like it!” he beamed, glancing over at her to shine that deathly grin.
y/n felt a butterfly tingle in her stomach but ignored it with her random karaoke session with him.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
soon, the group found themselves gathered around a table with large mounts of fried chicken and fried goods in the center.
“let’s eat!” yelled one of the boys.
everyone began digging in and enjoying the food in front of them.
the couples sat across from each other, being love sick in watching their partner eat and be full on their tummies.
meanwhile, the single friends were in absolute disgust. every face morphed into horror as niki uttered — “we’re trying to eat here, stop that.”
ji-woo rolled her eyes at him as she squished her favorite boy’s cheeks, causing his glasses to slightly fall to the tip of his nose. jake gave a cheeky grin afterward as he muzzled his head further into her hands.
y/n nudged her. “ew ji-woo, don’t do that.”
“we’re cute, shut up.”
the single girl turned her attention to sunghoon who was also mirroring her facial expression. she cracked a laugh as soon as she saw him side eyeing his close friend.
“alright, just because you guys aren’t together, doesn’t mean that you guys can judge us.” min-su murmured. “but that is disgusting, ji-woo.”
the group erupted into harsh laughs afterwards, allowing a few to choke here and there on their chicken.
the night continued on and everyone soon went back to their light jokes about other things.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
eventually, the gang gathered out of the restaurant and left in their separate ways.
the couples left together of course, and jay took niki and sunoo — giving just sunghoon to take y/n home.
“are you gonna play better music?” he asked while getting in the car.
“um.. sure!” she beamed back.
he let out a soft chuckle before driving off to her address.
once the car ride that was filled with endless talks of past high school memories reached its destination (sorry that was long), sunghoon stopped the car with a soft screech.
“so i’ll see you tomorrow?” the tall male asked with a slight eyebrow raise. he leaned his head closer towards her, causing her heart rate to rapidly increase.
she gulped down her saliva before nodding her head. “yes, i’ll be more ready tomorrow..,” she murmured, voice weakening at the end to highlight her vulnerability.
he chuckled at her empty promise — “yeah you keep telling yourself that, i’ll be here around the same time.” his sparkly eyes trailed down from her lips and back to her eyes.
a nervous gulp was taken as he leaned in just an inch closer, leaving an obvious gap between them. the gap that defined their relationship. the clear boundary that was between friends and lovers.
it only lingered for a second before sunghoon pulled away, not letting any suspicions creep in with his feelings for her.
y/n panicked for a second. she felt the yearn for their lips to connect, but she, too, ignored it with the way he pulled away.
the girl rolled her eyes as she slightly smacked his shoulder. “whatever, bye hoonie!” she tried to break the awkward atmosphere.
his cheeks instantly grew red at the name call. she’s only used it on serious occasions and for her to just randomly call him that throbbed his heart.
“b..bye,” he nervously stuttered, mentally smacking his head afterward.
y/n beamed a smile, waving goodbye as she rushed out to avoid any other tension-filled moment.
soon, hoon drove off once confirming that she entered in safely.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
a week had now passed, and their exam for chemistry was coming up.
y/n walked into the class, shoulders slumping down as she was reminded of their test. a pout formed on her face while taking her seat next to sanha.
the boy beamed a sweet smile towards her, catching sunghoon’s attention and causing him to almost break his pencil in half.
“hey y/n.”
her head whipped up to sanha in an instant. “since our exam is coming up, i was wondering if we could have a study session soon?”
“oh.. yeah, sure! when did you want to do it?”
hoon’s ears were colored red with every word that was processing through, but still, he was eager to hear more about the plans.
“how about today? are you free?”
“yeah, i should be after 4.” y/n responded, displaying a half smile towards the cute boy.
“okay, i’ll text you where to meet me at the library.”
she nodded in agreement before turning to the professor’s attention.
sunghoon scoffed like he always did, loud and clear. “study session my ass,” he mumbled under his breath.
sunoo laughed at his reaction as he softly ridiculed the older male. y/n didn’t catch on though, remaining attentive to the lecture; while hoon silently fumed in his seat even more.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
when the day was almost coming to an end, y/n found herself already done with the study session.
sanha and her walked out while he apologetically said, “sorry that i’m not able to drop you off, i would but i have to rush home.”
she shook her head at his expression of regret. “don’t be! it’s okay, i’ll find a ride home, a family member will come!” she lied.
he walked away from the scene after uttering out another sorry. in return, she waved goodbye as she huffed out a breath of air.
“i’m alone.. and it’s dark… and i’m on an empty campus.. great!” the girl cursed to herself.
she sighed as she reached for her phone. “my last resort..”
y/n <33:
um are you awake…
hoonster :) :
It’s 6, of course I’m awake
You need something?
y/n <33:
oh… LMAO
hoonster :) :
What happened? Are you okay?
y/n <33:
can you..
pick me up….
hoonster :) :
Yeah I’m on my way
You’re still on campus?
y/n <33:
hoonster :) :
Okay I’m coming right now
“that easy?” y/n questioned to herself.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
a few minutes passed and sunghoon pulled up with his car.
a sigh of relief left her mouth as she rushed to her passenger princess seat.
“thank goodness,” the girl mumbled with a clench to her chest.
“so this date of yours couldn’t even take your home?” hoon asked, giving an unbelievable scoff afterwards.
y/n rolled her eyes as he turned into a lane. “shut up. and it wasn’t a date, we just studied together,” she replied while looking out the window.
“you’re saying it wasn’t a date but i saw how you tried to make it subtle in touching up your makeup.” he paused for a second. contemplating whether he should say it or not, he impulsively spoke, “you looked pretty.”
her head quickly shot up. “what?”
“nothing,” the male swiftly shot back. “you really went out with him though?”
her heart began to burn at his question. “i mean.. it was just a study session, nothing more.” she nervously picked at her fingers, nails scratching at the barrier of skin.
a loud ‘pft’ left sunghoon’s mouth. “yeah that’s how it starts, idiot.” jealousy seethed through his body as he poked his tongue through his cheek.
“can i just tell you something real quick?” he asked, letting the car come to a harsh halt at a semi-empty parking lot.
y/n cocked her head. “sure..?”
hoon avoided eye contact for a second, turning his head away once he felt his cheeks heat up.
“you okay..?” he heard his favorite girl ask.
his throat cleared and he finally locked eye contact with her. “i can’t take it anymore, y/n.”
“take what?”
“i can’t stand seeing you talk to some guy you barely know. i can’t stand it, i hate that you’re talking to him like he’s your boyfriend when you…,” he stopped in a breathless voice.
y/n didn’t say anything, hinting that he should continue — “when you should be doing that with me.”
“i know we’re friends and i know i probably just made matters worse but i can’t stand it anymore. i want you, y/n.“
sunghoon’s hand firmly gripped onto the steering wheel in fear, heart almost beating out of his chest with how abrupt he was being.
“i’m sorry, i understand that you probably don’t like me back but i-“
his constant ranting was shut up with a soft peck on the lips. immediately, his eyes widened and he choked a little on his saliva with how quick the kiss was.
y/n breathed out a laugh at his reaction, grinning wide as she replied, “i like you too.. loser.”
sunghoon bit his lips in an attempt to hide his smile. he was feeling shy for a second before immediately pulling her back onto his lips. they smashed against each others, causing a satisfied groan to leave his throat.
he was finally kissing the girl he’s been liking since high school and all he could do was groan.
his hands cupped her cheeks as hers laid on his shoulders. his lips continued to firmly press against hers before pulling away.
hoon heavily breathed, eyes closing shut at the weighing relief that lifted off of his shoulders.
“like you.. so, so much.” he whispered in her ear.
y/n giggled, feeling the ticklish breath linger around her. “shut up, i heard you.” she teased.
he cackled a laugh as well before bringing his gaze up to her, letting his eyes stare at her heated face.
the girl quickly noticed and nudged his head away. “stop looking at me with those eyes,” she shamed her own head away before glancing at him again.
“what eyes?” sunghoon questioned, brows teasingly raising with a mischievous grin. his eyes trailed up and down as he stayed in a complete daze.
y/n groaned out a sigh as she pushed him away again. “stop it, hoonie.”
he felt blood rush to his cheeks with every heart throb that was taken. that nickname would now permanently be only for her to use.
“call me that again.”
“what? hoonie?” y/n poked, lips curling into a smile.
the male grinned ear to ear before pulling her into another soft kiss.
a second passed and he pulled away.
“i should take you home but i can’t stop kissing you.” he whispered gently against her skin.
“take me on a real date and then you can kiss me all you want.”
his hands intertwined with hers and brought it up to his lips, placing a gentle kiss at the back of it.
“okay i’ll take you on one tomorrow, show you what sanha couldn’t do.”
y/n playfully rolled her eyes — “yeah yeah you do that.”
he kissed her cheek before backing the car out of its parking spot.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
soon, the two arrived to her place late at night, and it was then that sunghoon promised her an actual date for tomorrow.
“i’ll see you tomorrow, gorgeous.”
“gorgeous??” her head bolted at the name, and he only cheekily smiled.
“yeah.. gorgeous.”
“shut up.. good night.” y/n’s cheeks flushed with red as she left the car.
he watched her safely get in and soon drove off with silent giggles and warm heart throbs.
sunghoon and y/n were officially a couple. no more being idiots, and no more being friends.
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hoshologies · 11 months
Seems like you got more markfs coming your way🤭
can i request mark+ice play? (i know you have written 2 mark drabbles+1 wip but please don’t get tired of writing for mark LMAO)
LMAO we'll see how my adhd deals w the influx of markfs asking me to write abt him, but i'm praying i don't burn out on him bc my life would be hell if i did fr
⌗ now playing ... bad idea, moonbin and sanha
warnings afab!reader (no gendered nicknames), ice play, mark being a lil sadistic
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you're not quite sure where mark got the idea from, what part of his psyche conjured it up and convinced him to try it just once. when he'd pitched the idea of temperature play, you'd tentatively gotten behind it; it sounded interesting at the very least and with mark, you were willing to give anything a shot within reason.
so here you are, on a saturday night, the only one bare to the room. your clothes are discarded somewhere on his bedroom floor (you care not, of course) and you're sprawled on his bed, head canting back against his pillows. mark himself is settled between your legs, fully clothed, and dragging an ice cube up and down the skin he has access to (which is, for all intents and purposes, all of it).
"stop squirming," he says, pinching at your inner thigh and drawing a whine out of you. when he glances up at you, his eyes are darker than normal, predatory in a way that he saves just for you, for moments like this.
either way, you're trying to stay still for him (you want to be good, after all), but you're not used to the chill of the ice against your skin. and you suppose that is the point of this whole experience, but still, your muscles can't help but tense up and pull away from the near unbearable cold. you will yourself to calm down, mumbling a reedy m'sorry, mark, which earns you a soft kiss to soothe the place he pinched you.
but before you can settle yourself, brace for the next touch of the ice, but it doesn't come where you expect it. up until this second, mark has been keeping it to your legs and your navel, relishing in the way your body reacted to the sudden cold; that's where you expect it to stay.
instead, he presses it right over your folds, draws it over your clit, along every sensitive part of you. you can't help but squeal, shift your hips to get away from it, crying out a it's cold, markie, but his free hand holds you down, the ice cube chasing after you.
in some twisted way, the biting cold feels so good, has white heat rushing through you. and even though you're whining, mark watches how your pussy clenches around nothing, how your slick seeps from it and coats his dark duvet. his hot breath soothes the chill, tongue lathing over you to get your skin hot again, just to bring the ice back.
when he offers you a reprieve ("you just gotta tell me if you want me to stop"), but in that same twisted way, now that you've started, you don't want him to stop. it's all too exquisite, the way he licks away the burning cold, driving you towards that precipice you so desire. you tell him to keep going until the ice is melted. and he so readily complies.
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© hoshologies 2023. do not translate, copy, or repost my work on any site.
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beautifulchris · 11 months
meteor shower
pairing: lee felix x gn!reader
wc: 3,9k
featuring: kim seungmin, yang jeongin, astro’s sanha, txt’s soobin
summary: it takes time to realize your own feelings sometimes. even if they’re for your favorite person
genres: hogwarts!au, childhood friends to lovers!au, muggleborn hufflepuff!felix, halfblood hufflepuff!reader, fluff, comedy, slight angst
tw: sickenly fluffy, kisses, sanha lives dangerously
notes: moodboard made by me, pictures found on the internet. reposting works from my old blog
order of writing: chan - jisung - minho - hyunjin - jeongin - seungmin - changbin - felix
networks: @kflixnet @k-labels @straykidsland @kwritersworld
tag list: @badwithten @soobin-chois @raethethey send ask/dm/comment to be added!
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“It’s still OK for tonight, right?”
Felix was your best friend since you were in diapers. Your families were friends, so you went to a muggle school and did everything together, even though you were a halfblood from your dad’s side.
When Felix got his letter from Hogwarts, the first thing he thought of doing was run to your house and excitedly shake it in front of your face. With a rather shocked expression—mouth wide open kind of shock—, you showed him yours. It was so unlikely to happen; you had prepared yourself for months to tell him you wouldn’t be able to go to secondary school with him. And finally, against all odds, he was going with you at Hogwarts.
You remember when he told your dad after learning about his bloodline, eyes wide and shiny, “y/dad/n, I’ve never noticed!”
You’ve been sorted into the same house and, four years later, you still don’t know if it was your will to stay by your best friend’s side or your personality that put you in Hufflepuff. Maybe both.
“Of course, Lix.”
One of Felix’s favorite spots at Hogwarts was the Astronomy tower. It was the tallest one of the castle, surrounded by a parapet and turret, and without a doubt the best spot to look at the sky —especially the stars and the moon. It was usually out-of-bounds except for classes but Felix was determined to spend quality time with you there every chance he got.
“Cool. I’ll bring snacks.”
The second favorite spot of your best friend was the kitchen. He found the entrance on a rainy Sunday during his first year. He was so bored he decided to touch every inanimate object in every painting of the whole castle —I agree it’s a rather odd hobby—, until the green pear in a painting of a bowl of fruit in the donjons giggled and turned into a large green door handle. When he entered, he faced a dozen house elves smiling and bowing to him, proposing tea and snacks. They were all wearing the same tea towel, draped like a toga, bearing the Hogwarts’ crest.
Ever since, you have been going to the Astronomy tower together with some food to share as you observed the stars, and sometimes your gaze shifted to the freckles on his soft looking face. You often thought the galaxy had nothing on them.
Tonight, however, as you left the common room to go to the Astronomy tower a few minutes after Felix, your luck left you. You only got to walk a few meters before none other than the head boy of Slytherin, Minghao you recalled, spotted you and mercilessly gave you detention for “wandering the castle’s alleyways in the middle of the night”. Shoulders down, you were forced to go back to your dorms, without the possibility of warning Felix —none of you had an owl.
Felix waited for you for two whole hours, mindlessly picking at the food he brought. Thinking you bailed on him, he got upset and sad, and eventually came back to sleep around three.
The next morning, he didn’t wait for you and directly went to eat breakfast. When you entered the Great Hall, Felix was eating and talking to Sanha. Feeling a hand on your shoulder, you turned your head; It was Soobin.
“He seemed a bit tense when he got up. What happened?”
You pouted. “I got caught.”
“Ah shoot. Come on, let’s eat.” You adored Soobin, he always knew how to comfort you (read: he doesn’t). Felix did his best to ignore you; it was unsure who was the most hurt by the other.
“Lix,” you called as you sat in front of him, “I’m sorry about last night. Minghao saw me and gave me detention.”
His eyes softened as he looked up at you. So much for being upset. He was relieved you didn’t stand him up. Not that you would… He just got insecure.
“It’s okay, I had fun with…” He was searching for some smart remark but couldn’t come up with anything. He was nervous. “Actually, I practiced the red sparks charm.”
“I bet you’ve mastered it by now,” teased Sanha.
“I waited for you in the common room. I revised for the care of magical creatures test but I almost fell asleep so I went to sleep,” you explained, deliberately ignoring Sanha.
“Are you going to keep breaking the rules for the sake of your little nightly dates the whole year?” asked Soobin, seriousness in his voice.
You snorted, finding the date allusions delusional, although the more you thought about it, the more your cheeks burned. Meanwhile, Felix choked on his pumpkin juice.
“We don’t—”
“That’s not—”
“You know friendly dates exist, right? Why are you getting into a stew? That’s suspicious.” Soobin snickered along the brown haired boy, amused by your alarmed states. For the rest of the breakfast, Felix and you avoided looking at each other.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
To no one’s surprise, Felix got the highest score on his care of magical creatures test about nifflers, while you got an E, which was a good score; you did revise after all.
During recess, Soobin wanted to work on his divination essay, or at least try to come up with something tangible. Felix helped Jeongin out with a flobberworm issue and Sanha preferred to find out how close he could get to the Whomping Willow without getting crushed. You had to work on a charms assignment but this was more interesting.
Soon, clusters of different houses and ages came to see the show. Sanha spent a few minutes carefully getting closer and dodging some branches, but couldn’t avoid the last one. He flew three meters away, his face first on the mud, under the laughing and clapping of the crowd.
You ran to him, suppressing a snort. “You okay?”
“Sure, that was fun,” he smiled as he dusted off his robes and pants. “Fancy trying?”
“Absolutely not, thanks. Come on, we’re going to be late for potions.”
“We still have t—”
The ringing sound shut him up.
You pointed your wand to his muddy face and whispered: “Tergeo.” All the dirt got sucked by your wand. He thanked you then followed you into the dungeons, where Felix and Soobin were already talking.
“Sanha, what’s with your robes? Is that… a tree bark?” asked Felix as he took a piece of crust out of his robes to take a closer look.
“Yeah, I almost touched the Whomping Willow’s trunk but a branch got me first.”
“You’re living dangerously,” laughed Soobin, quickly followed by the group.
The glee quickly died down when the potions professor opened the door of his classroom.
“I’m sure you’re having fun, however I’ll deduct twenty points to whoever laughs during my class,” the professor said with his usual monotonous voice. Several students sighed as you walked to your table next to your best friends.
“Today we’ll brew the Pepperup potion. Can anyone tell me what this potion does?” Almost immediately, Sanha raised his hand. “Yoon?”
“It cures the common cold and warms up the recipient.”
“Indeed. Five points for Hufflepuff. Now, who can tell me the inventor of this potion?”
Again, Sanha’s hand raised first. “Glover Hipworth, sir.”
“Good, five more points for Hufflepuff.”
Sanha loved potions, to state the obvious, and he had a remarkable memory. While he was impressive for knowing every detail about any potion, from the ingredients needed to the fun facts, Soobin’s area of expertise was preparing them. One could say they made a good team.
Felix and you weren’t that bad either, you always prepared your potions almost perfectly. What was for sure was that you never burned a cauldron or made any potion explode, which was more than Renjun and Jeno could say. The pair of Ravenclaws never seemed to stay away from trouble in this class.
Later that day, Felix and Seungmin were looking at the House Points hourglasses, debating on who had the most points when they saw fifteen sapphire gems being deducted. They looked at each other and the younger one sighed.
“Who do you think it is, this time?”
“Probably Jisung,” the Ravenclaw student answered. “I swear, he’ll be the death of me,” he wailed, rubbing his forehead with the palm of his hand like a tired-of-life man.
Felix tried his best not to laugh, feeling sorry for him. They parted ways after that, Felix going to the care of magical creatures class while Seungmin went to ancient runes.
Your best friend was outside, on his way to the edge of the forest when you spotted him from afar. Running to him, you tripped on your own feet and fell on his back. Due to the fact he didn’t see nor hear you coming, he couldn’t prepare himself for the impact, meaning he fell head first into the grass, his arms up in a dramatic way. As you got up, you profusely apologized for your clumsiness.
Felix sweetly smiled at you, and, while you were helping him up, he said: “I’m okay, Y/N. Are you?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m good. Are you sure you are, though?”
“I am, promise. Let’s go, we’re gonna see fire crabs today!” he joyfully said, taking your hand in his to drag you along.
They were cute from afar but kind of intimidating, these crabs. You knew they could shoot flames from their rear end, but you also learned a lot: They were native to the Fiji Island, their multicolored jeweled shell was extremely valuable and they were an endangered species. Noting every important piece of information you heard on your parchment, you weren’t aware of Felix’s gaze on your face every now and then. He loved how you looked when you were focusing; brows slightly frowned and mouth forming a thin line.
He ignored the pain of his limbs as he watched you in adoration.
While going back to the castle, Sanha pointed to a puddle of mud next to the Whomping Willow with a proud smile. “We still see the imprint of my head when I fell in the mud this morning.”
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
First weekend of March, the fourth Quidditch match of the year was about to begin, opposing Gryffindor to Hufflepuff. Felix was in one of the towers, being the commentator of the match.
As a faithful best friend, you went to every match to cheer on your team, but especially Felix. No matter who won, as long as your best friend had fun up there.
Gryffindor won this match, 360 to 210… For their defense, Hufflepuff didn’t have Hyunjin, Chan and his partner. They were a force to be reckoned with.
Felix’s mood was down until after dinner, when, on his way to the dungeons with Soobin and Sanha, he heard the astronomy professor say there was going to be a meteor shower that night. She was disappointed that it was Saturday, because she couldn’t bring any class to show them.
But Felix could show you.
He ran to his common room, searching for you. Seated on the comfortable couch near the fireplace, you were doing your care of magical creatures assignment. When he spotted you, a smile even bigger than the one he already had adorned his lips and he came in front of you, panting a little.
“Are you okay?” you worriedly asked, putting your parchment and quill aside.
“Never better. Date tonight at one at the Astronomy tower?” He looked more excited than usual.
“What’s the occasion?”
“We don’t need one, but if you insist, there’s a meteor shower tonight.”
You beamed; you’ve always wanted to see one. “Okay, I’ll come.”
Sanha and Soobin entered the common room together, sending a knowing look with a smirk at Felix then went to their dorm without a word. Following your best friend’s confused gaze, you saw your friends’ backs leaving the room through the round door leading to the boy dorms.
“Come sit with me, we’ll do our assignments then go to the Astronomy tower,” you proposed, and Felix gladly accepted.
You patiently waited for the common room to empty, and once your best friend and you were the only ones there, on the comfortable couch of your earthly favorite place of the castle, you put your stuff in a corner and left as discreetly as possible.
As you were carelessly running, hand in hand, to the tallest tower of the castle in the middle of the night, he exclaimed with a mischievous grin: “I promise Y/N, this meteor shower is going to be worth the detention!”
But you didn’t get detention that night. Instead, you watched a spectacular show in the sky next to your favorite person then went to bed, head full of stars, heart full of love.
“Don’t you think our friends’ smiles hit differently after their nightly date, Soobin?”
The four of you were seated at the Hufflepuff table in the Great Hall for breakfast, Felix and you opposite your two tall friends.
“You’re right Sanha, it’s quite the view,” smirked the black haired boy, clearly mocking you and your best friend, who was quieter than usual.
Quickly glancing at him, his flushed cheeks made your own face warm up and you looked away, clearing your throat. Taking a long sip of pumpkin juice seemed more interesting than anything else at that moment, making you miss the noiseless laughs from across the table and the shy eyes stealthily gazing at you from your left.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
“Felix, I appreciate your help on this essay, truly I do, but you’ve been staring at…” he followed his friend’s gaze, “the wall for a while now. Are you okay?”
Jeongin had asked Felix for help on his salamander essay, resulting in them being in the library, but the older one’s mind seemed to be elsewhere.
He shook his head and turned his attention to his friend. “Sorry, you were saying?”
“Are you okay?” he repeated.
“Yeah, sure. You wrote that salamanders live as long as the flames they were birthed from continue to burn, right?”
“And you didn’t forget to note that scale rot, if left untreated, can cause a salamander’s tail to detach?”
“Felix,” Jeongin cut him off.
“I finished the essay ten minutes ago. Are you sure you’re okay?”
He loudly exhaled, earning a ‘shh’ from the librarian that was walking by, and put his head in his hands. “Was it easy for you to comprehend your own feelings?”
Jeongin was taken aback by the question. Of all people, Felix was asking him for advice. The thirteen year old who liked and was dating his cute Slytherin classmate for roughly a month.
“I asked for advice myself… but in the end, I knew it wasn’t just friendship.”
The older one looked up to his friend and pouted. “I think I like my best friend.”
Jeongin beamed, clapping quietly. “That’s so cool!”
“No, it’s not!” he whisper-shouted, receiving a quizzical stare. “What am I supposed to do?!”
“You’re not just asking me that.”
Frustration built inside the blonde boy, he didn’t know how to deal with his newfound feelings. How was he supposed to repress them in front of you? Act normal? He knew it would be more difficult than staying awake during divination.
But he had to try.
Before Felix could join his friends at the Hufflepuff table for dinner though, Seungmin stopped him in his tracks.
“You look constipated. Lost house points?” The joke brought the shadow of a smile on Felix’s face, and that was when his friend knew something was wrong. “Oh.”
“Does Y/N know?” Know what? He was confusing the poor boy even more. “That you like them.”
Now, if Felix had a drink in his mouth at that moment, he would’ve spat it all. “How did you know?”
“Please, it’s obvious to everyone. So?”
“I don’t think so…”
“Okay. Don’t beat yourself up too much, alright? You can go for it,” he comforted him as he patted his shoulder.
He sat down next to Jisung before Felix could say anything. He finally joined his friends and sat across from you, his Ravenclaw friend’s words confusing him even more, if that was even possible at this point.
“I smell change,” Soobin raised an eyebrow, suspiciously looking around.
“What are you talking about now?” you giggled, nudging him.
“No, I smell it too,” Sanha added, eyes boring into the side of your best friend’s face.
Felix was concentrating on cutting his meat, trying his best not to spare you a glance.
“You okay, Lix?”
Your concerned voice was all it took for him to look at you. He was so weak for you, it scared him a little. “Sure,” he replied, giving you a small smile, holding so much adoration in his eyes as always. “Just tired.”
You nodded with an understanding smile, and dinner after that was rather silent. Unbeknownst to both of you, Sanha and Soobin shared a knowing look, shaking their heads in desperation.
The next day after class, the four of you were around a table in the common room. Two were working while the other two were bored, staring at the ceiling —guess who— until Soobin abruptly got up from his armchair. “I have an idea.”
“A good one?” Sanha enquired.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
Five minutes later, the two rowdies were building a house of cards with Soobin’s deck of exploding snap. Knowing the scaffolding could explode at any moment, Felix and you quickly put your school related stuff back in your bags in silence.
Deciding it wasn’t entertaining enough, Felix left the common room to do his assignments in the library. You wanted to see who would make the whole thing explode first, but spending time with your best friend you had a not-so-secret crush on was too tempting.
Too immersed into contemplating how or even if you were going to speak to him about your growing feelings, you missed the hole in the stairs. Felix, who climbed over it without thinking about it, flinched when the armor upstairs started creaking, bursting into a guttural laughter. Raising a brow in suspicion, he turned around. As he saw you knee deep in the stair’s hole, he hastily climbed down the stairs to help you up, putting his arms under yours.
Once you were out of ‘danger’, Felix dusted your robe and looked at you in concern. “Are you okay?”
Ashamed of your clumsiness —especially considering you knew exactly where the hole was—, you nodded, staring at the floor. “I’m sorry.”
You missed your best friend’s side smile and soft eyes. “There’s absolutely no reason for you to apologize. It happens. What’s important is that you’re okay.”
He took your hand in his and walked in the direction of the library, avoiding the hole and any other obstacle that may have come your way. His hand was warm against your colder one.
It felt nice.
You were in the library in no time, sitting at a table in the charms aisle. Concentration was difficult on both parts, the close proximity of a few minutes prior still vivid in your minds. Instead of diligently writing your essays, you glanced at each other from time to time, blushing like idiots.
If Seungmin or Jeongin were here, they would probably tell them to communicate. Like, it wasn’t that hard—
“Felix?” His face shot up from his rather blank parchment on vanishing spells, expectantly waiting for your next words. “Let’s go to the Astronomy tower tonight.”
He gulped. It was usually him that proposed the nightly dates. He felt so warm inside, he nodded and gave you his toothy smile you loved so much.
That night, when Felix came up to the tower a few minutes after you, his eyes widened at the sight. You had prepared a little picnic full of his favorite snacks and juice. The sky was clear so you could plainly see the stars and constellations.
“What’s the occasion?”
“We don’t need one, but if you insist,” you repeated his words from a few days ago with a grin, “I’m asking you out on a date.”
He blinked a few times at your bold words, processing the news. You suddenly felt shy, cheeks burning furiously when Felix got closer to you. He gently intertwined your fingers together, looking at you with such adoration, it was hard to hold his gaze.
“I’d love to go on a date with you,” he whispered, closing the gap between your foreheads. “Once more.”
Felix knew deep down that all of the dates you’ve both been on were not so friendly to him. It just took time to realize it.
You wanted to kiss him, but were too shy to initiate it. Thankfully he got the hint and, after asking for consent, gave you a peck, and another, and another. Each time longer than the one before, both smiling into the soft kisses. He then gave you the biggest loving hug.
Eventually you enjoyed the picnic, watching the stars like always. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, you turned to the human you loved most.
“The stars wish they were as bright as you.”
Felix blushed, burying his face in the crook of your neck to hide his reaction. You ran your fingers through his hair, kissing the top of his head tenderly. The night ended smoothly, both falling asleep in each other’s arms on the picnic sheet.
The next day, at breakfast, Soobin and Sanha spotted you coming from the stairs instead of the dungeons on their way to breakfast.
“Where were you? You never went to bed yesterday,” enquired Soobin, waiting at the end of the staircase in the Entrance Hall.
“Where did you sleep and what did you do?” asked Sanha, hands on his hips, looking at you both suspiciously.
“Went on a date, ate snacks, watched the sky, kissed and fell asleep there,” you recounted on your fingers.
“You WHAT?” Sanha choked on air while the black haired boy gasped dramatically.
“We kissed,” repeated Felix, beaming and showing your entwined fingers to your friends, which you know they had missed because their eyes widened.
“Oh, dear. It’s happening,” Sobbin said, clutching at Sanha’s arm. “The ship has sailed.”
Sanha laughed under your questioning gaze and Felix’s incredulous one.
“You knew, too?” he asked your tall friends.
“Please, the whole school knew at this point. You were probably the last two to realize.”
“Thanks for the precision, Sanha,” you sighed, “but at least we know now,” you added with a smile as you turned to Felix, kissing his cheek.
Soobin fake threw up while Sanha acted like he was framing the scene. “Cute.”
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
“Hufflepuff wins the House Cup this year!” the headmaster told the entirety of the students and professors. It was the last day of the year, you were excited for another summer with your best friend, except this time, you came home as lovers.
Felix hugged your side, happy your house won this Cup, if not the Quidditch Cup. He caught a glimpse of Seungmin shaking his head in disappointment and fatigue.
With reason, Ravenclaw was last with 380 points. Third was Slytherin with 395 points, Gryffindor second with 430 points and, finally, Hufflepuff had 495 points.
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please let me know <3 and here's the masterlist!
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blu-joons · 2 years
When You Meet The Other Members For The First Time ~ Astro Reaction
Your eyebrows knitted together as Moonbin’s head shook as he was the first member to greet you. You didn’t quite know what to do as you looked to Myungjun for help, fearing that they already didn’t like you.
“There is no way that you’re Myungjun’s partner,” Moonbin told you after a few moments, “you are far too pretty to be able to be with Myungjun,” he added, pulling you into a hug as you sighed in relief.
“Hey,” Myungjun gasped from behind you, shooting a glare at Moonbin. “I’m right here you know, I told you guys that you had to be nice to Y/N and be on your best behaviour.
Jinwoo appeared from behind Moonbin, “you said that we had to be nice to Y/N, that didn’t mean that we had to be nice to you,” he pointed out, with Moonbin nodding in agreement as they caught Myungjun out sharply.
“What the heck?” Myungjun questioned, looking to you only for your shoulders to shrug, deciding not to get involved in the squabble between Myungjun and the others.
“Did you really think we’d meet Y/N without embarrassing you?” Jinwoo asked him.
“I should have known better really, shouldn’t I?”
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You didn’t quite know how to react as you felt Minhyuk lean in towards you as Jinwoo stood up from bedside you. You were left all on your own as Jinwoo went to get a couple of drinks, leaving you terrified.
“Tell me honestly now that he’s not here, but what do you see in him?” Minhyuk jokingly asked you, loud enough so that Jinwoo could hear, turning back around to look across at the two of you with a weak smile.
“I literally left you alone with Y/N for less than ten seconds and you’re asking her that?” Jinwoo asked, rolling his eyes when Minhyuk nodded back at him with a smile.
His shoulders shrugged too as he leant away from you, “we want to find out all the replies to the juicy questions. I mean we can all tell that Y/N’s punching,” Minhyuk noted, hearing a quiet giggle come from you beside him.
“He’s not wrong,” Dongmin interjected as he heard what the three of you were talking about, “I mean Y/N, are you sure about this?” He then asked you with a laugh.
“Of course,” you smiled, glancing across at Jinwoo too as his confidence picked up.
“See, now stop being so mean to me you idiots.”
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Cha Eunwoo:
Your smile was wide as you welcomed the boys into your apartment, at last able to find a time where everyone’s schedules aligned, especially Dongmin’s as he hosted the boys in your home to take a seat.
“It’s so nice pointing a face to a name,” Myungjun told you excitedly as he sat in the chair that was right next to you. “It’s been so annoying listening to Dongmin sing your praises without ever getting to meet you.”
“He’s too busy, it’s his fault that it’s taken so long for all of us to meet,” you suggested, with the boys all quickly agreeing with you whilst Dongmin hummed disapprovingly.
As you fired the blame across to Dongmin, the boys soon found themselves warming to you. “It’s definitely his fault,” Sanha agreed with you, pointing across at Dongmin as his head shook in the direction of all of you sat around.
“You’re not supposed to start being mean to me as soon as you guys first meet,” he huffed, but none of you listened as you continued to tease him and annoy him.
“It is your fault though,” Myungjun sniggered, just to finish Dongmin off.
“I can kick you guys straight back out you know.”
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Your nerves were eased almost as soon as you greeted the boys, with each one of them pulling you into a tight hug as you met them. It took you by surprise how settled they made you feel, as if you’d know them for ages.
“I don’t know why I was so nervous,” you told the boys once everyone was sat down and ready to get to know each other. “I thought that you guys would be scary, I mean I can understand Moonbin’s your best friend.
“We’ve seen his smile ever since the two of you started dating,” Sanha told you, nudging Moonbin’s side, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him as happy as he is with you Y/N.”
Your eyes glanced across to look at Moonbin who shyly looked down, avoiding your eyes. “He gets all coy,” Minhyuk pointed out, knowing Moonbin so well. “Every time he talks about you, he gets all giggly and forgets what he was saying.”
“That’s not true,” Moonbin tried to argue, but all of the boys shook their heads back across at him, making sure you knew that they were the ones being honest.
“You can’t pretend when Y/N’s here,” Sanha told him with a laugh.
Why are you guys all doing this to me now?”
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Your grip was tight on Minhyuk’s hand as you walked into the dressing room to immediately be met by several pairs of eyes. Each of the boys glanced across at you, keeping the atmosphere happy for you to settle.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you,” Myungjun told you as soon as he met your eyes. “Minhyuk has told us so much about you, we’ve been trying to get him for weeks to trust us enough to get the chance to meet you.”
“You guys wanted to meet me?” You asked Myungjun in surprise before looking across at Minhyuk. “You always told me that the guys were too busy to be able to meet me.”
A shy chuckle came from Minhyuk, “I was worried that they’d end up embarrassing me if I introduced you to them,” Minhyuk informed you, “they’re all smiles now, but give them a few minutes Y/N and they’ll start joking.”
“I can’t believe you think so lowly of us,” Moonbin frowned, shaking his head at Minhyuk. “We always said that we’d be nice to Y/N when we met her.”
“It’s not Y/N that you’ll tease, it’s me,” Minhyuk swiftly replied to him.
“Well, we have got a few stories to share with Y/N.”
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Your smile was soft as you walked into the dorm to notice the five guys sat around on the sofas. Sanha took your hand as he led you through, inviting you to take a seat down beside him to help relax you.
“I can’t believe that Sanha’s girlfriend is actually real,” Jinwoo teased as soon as you were seated, shaking his head in disbelief. “You know we always thought that he was making you up Y/N,” he then added.
“Really?” You laughed, looking to Sanha whose head nodded back at you. “Did you not tell them much about me?” You enquired, looking across to Sanha in confusion.
His head shook back across at you, “I told them a lot about you to convince them that you were real, but they just seemed to think that I was lying. At least now that you’ve met them, they can stop teasing me that I was just messing.”
“All this time you were actually telling the truth,” Dongmin added with a chuckle, “no one ever thought you would be the first one to start a relationship.”
“I told you guys,” Sanha frowned, “why did none of you listen to me?”
“We can’t believe that someone wanted you.”
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atinyjules · 10 months
The mini masterlist for this series can be found here
Warning: strong language, rivalry, mentions of bullying, fighting, violence, suicidal thoughts etc.
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"What about the rest though? Who are we gonna get partnered up with?" I asked Sanha who could only sigh.
"Honestly...I have no idea. Madam Cha hasn't informed me about that yet...but we really need to focus now...no more distractions." he said making us nod as Haeri huffed.
"I don't know why I had to be partnered up with that bastard for both the ball and the competition..." Haeri said as her brother Hyunsuk patted her head.
"Don't worry...just focus on your part and if he doesn't cooperate then tell me and I'll knock some sense into him." Hyunsuk said making her whine.
"You don't get it! He's just...his whole vibe is horrible!" Haeri whined as Sua shushed her.
"Quit whining, you're not the only one with a shitty partner." she said as the rest agreed.
"If we don't want to be paired up with the ones we dislike for the ball we might as well just behave." Sanha said making Yuki scoff.
"Behave? They're clearly the ones who are trying to get on our nerves..." Yuki says with a sigh as she plopped on the couch next to Sua.
"Where's Sungchan?" Haeri said making everyone come to the realisation that he hasn't been seen since morning.
"Is he unwell?" Sanha said as I shook my head.
"I saw his bike parked at his usual spot." I said as Hyunsuk nodded.
"I swore I saw him at first period...where'd he disappear?" Hyunsuk thought as Sua waved off our worries.
"He's probably out goofing around somewhere like always." she said making Sanha chuckle.
"Probably." Sanha said and chuckled making me laugh softly at the thought.
"If you don't want to lose the scholarship you better start behaving cause if you keep causing drama you might lose all future castings and important performances. Because of the ruckus you were a part of...I'm sorry but you've been pulled out of the Ballet competition at Hungary." I nodded and apologized to the Principal as I bowed profusely.
"I'm sorry, I'll be more cautious from now on." I apologized as she nodded and dismissed me.
"Okay, you may leave." she said as I apologized one last time and exited the Principal's office with my head hung low. I sat on one of the chairs outside the office and rubbed my forehead and let out a sigh as I closed my eyes.
"Back then and now...I still get in trouble because of that rat Park Jisung...why does he keep appearing where ever I go?" I mumbled to myself and stood up, walking towards the parking lot where my bike was. I put on my helmet and drove home, not in the mood to take class today.
"I'll just sent them a text later..." I mumbled as I laid on my bed looking up at the ceiling.
"It's already bad enough that life at home is crumbling and now this...." I mumbled and tried to blink away my tears but failed.
I gave up and let the stray tears fall from my eyes and let out a shaky breath when a ding from my phone caught my attention. I opened my phone only to shut my eyes tightly to avoid myself from crying more as I looked at my messages.
I saw you leave
I hope you're okay.
Take care of yourself, call me if you need me (´ ▽`)
Don't worry, I'll take notes (´∀`)
"You make it harder for me to leave this wretched world..." I whispered and wiped my tears as I let out a sob.
"Lia and...Jisung...alright Lianna and Jisung, Seeun and Hyejin, Hyunsuk and Yuri, Minjae and Yuki, Sungchan and Hana, Sanha and Seunghee, Seunghan and Sua and finally Hyeonjun and Haeri. And that my students is the final arrangement for the ball." Madam Choi said as we nodded.
"Where's Sungchan though? He hasn't come to school for over a week now." Madam Choi said making me nod.
"He's probably unwell..." I said when I felt Jisung's eyes on me.
"Oh...alright." Madam Choi said as she turned to look at the papers.
"So...Neo..." I trailed and looked at Jisung who nodded.
"Yeah...and Seuli...nice...it suits you." he said making smile as I looked at my hands. I sighed internally at how dry the conversation was.
"Are you...fine with Waltz?" I said in hopes of getting the conversation to flow smoothly.
"I guess..but classical music isn't really my style." he said making me nod with an knowing expression.
"You never really liked classical music did you...?" I asked making him chuckle as he nodded.
"Yeah." he said making me frown.
So much for wanting to be friends again
Don't get me wrong...our friendship never broke...maybe it just disappeared since the last time we saw each other was back at middle school.
"Are your friends always so loud?" I asked as I looked at Minjae and Hyeonjun who held Sanha and Hyunsuk by the collar, throwing threats at one another.
"It's annoying at first but the more you get used to it the funnier it gets." he says making me chuckle as I stood up and started stretching since we were going to begin soon.
"Won't you warm up?" I asked Jisung who just shrugged.
"It's not hip hop so there's no need to warm up." he said making me scoff.
"As you wish." I said and continued warming up.
"Jisung, you're too stiff..." Madam Choi said making me chuckle as I told him to loosen up and shake his body.
"Why is this so hard...?" he questioned as I smiled and placed my hands on his shoulders and hand again.
"It get's easier..." I said as we started to dance again with his left hand holding my hand and his right hand wrapped around my waist.
"Haeri and Hyeonjun, if you don't want to stay back for private lessons I say you start cooperating~" Madam Choi said in a sing-song voice making them straighten up and start dancing a little more energetically.
"But ma'am! He stepped on my foot!" Haeri complained as Hyeonjun groaned.
"It's hard okay?! I do hip hop not Waltz!" He whined as Madam Choi shushed them by clapping her hands.
"Now, now...both of you will stay back for an extra 2 hours...Haeri stepping on your partner's foot is a very common mistake for beginners and Hyeonjun try to move in sync with Haeri's movement." Madam Choi said as they whined and eventually started listening to her instructions.
"Lia and Jisung it's a couple dance not an individual number...come on, scoot closer to each other...Jisung secure your hands on her waist properly, Lia scoot a little closer to Jisung." she said as we followed her instructions and moved closer to each other awkwardly.
"Come on, students let's show some chemistry! Seeun and Hyejin very good! Jisung, Hyeonjun elegance...elegance." Madam Choi reminded as Jisung began dancing with a more elegant stance.
I let out a content sigh as I laid on the soft surface of my mattress on the rooftop. After a tiring day at school it was an amazing feeling to finally relax and gaze at the stars.
"Hm...we still need to practice for the Winter Solstice group dance competition..." I trailed as I sat up and looked at Sungchan's bedroom window.
Still dark...
I thought to myself and sighed looking at his window which still showed no signs of Sungchan inside.
"He won't answer my calls or texts...what's wrong with him?" I mumbled as I took a small pebble and walked downstairs to my bedroom and opened my window which directly faced Sungchan's.
"Psst...Sungchan!" I whisper shouted and threw the pebble on his window hoping to get his attention...if he was inside that is.
I jolted awake when I heard a light sound of something hitting my window. I rubbed my eye and got up from the floor where I was asleep a few seconds ago and looked up to see small pebbles hitting my window, because I was still half asleep I opened the window without a thought and groaned when a pebble hit my head.
"Omo...Sungchan! I'm so sorry!" all sleep disappeared from my face the moment I saw Lia infront of me.
"W-What...huh?" I mumbled confused as to why she was by her window and looked at the time.
11 am?!
"Yah...shouldn't you be asleep?!" I whisper shouted as she scoffed.
"And shouldn't you have been in school this week?" she scoffed and climbed out of her window making me panic as I got up and helped her in.
"What's going on? Why don't you come to school anymore? Why didn't you answer my call? My texts?! I sent you hundreds of messages!" she exclaimed making me wince as I looked away and scratched my neck awkwardly.
"I was busy?" I said it in a way which made it sound like a question.
"Sungchan...the truth." she said in a warning tone making me sigh as I put my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes.
"Okay...the truth is I'm depressed and my life is fucked up...mom and dad are filing a divorce...I have no idea who gets custody over me and because of the conflicts we had at school with the students of Neo I might not be able to get the merits scholarship and because of that day I was forced to pull out from participating at the competition at Hungary." I said and let out a shaky breath.
"I'm sick of my life...how do you expect me to be able to come to school after all that?" I said in a broken tone when Lia pulled me in for a hug.
"If you were suffering...why did you stay quiet? You know that me and the others are all here for you, don't you?" she said making me break into a sob as she rubbed my back.
"I'm here now...don't worry. You can tell me everything." she said in a soft tone and caressed my hair.
"I d-didn't want to be a burden." I mumbled as she chuckled.
"We've been best friends since kindergarten, why would you think that?" she said as I pullled her closer to me.
"I just...could you stay here for a while?" I blurted out as she smiled and patted my head.
"Of course I can...my window is right there if you haven't noticed." she said making me chuckle as I cuddled to her side.
Chapter 4
Oml there's more Sungchan x Lia moments that Jisung x Lia-
I promise there will be more Jisung x Lia moments from the next chapter onwards, I swear (๑-﹏-๑) but I hope you liked it anyways!
Reblogs and Likes are appreciated.💗✨
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moonjinsan · 1 year
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BIN-ah, thank you for everything you've done for #ASTRO, for sincerely giving love to us, #AROHA. Thank you for making us happy and loved in your own way. Every moment with you will forever live on our hearts and minds. You're forever my favorite person, you're irreplaceable. From my heart, I love you 🖤
AROHA, we all loved #MOONBIN, right?? We've loved him because of how humanly he was. Words aren't enough to express of how much grateful we all are for having to know such a person like him. He may be gone for now, but please, let's never ever forget him. Let's grieve for now, and heal on our own times, in our own ways. If you need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to. We can even DM each other should you want to. Let's keep loving Bin, let's always remember him and while doing that, let's not forget to take care of ourselves as he won't want something bad to happen to his universe 🖤💜
To #MOONBIN's Mom and Dad, I am truly thankful that you've brought into this world such a very, very loving, kind, selfless person. Thank you for supporting him achieve his dreams. ROHA will be here protecting you the same way he did you. Please stay strong.
Our dear #SUA, I can't imagine the pain you're feeling - losing not only a brother but also someone you've looked up to since you were kids. Stay strong too, okay? Not only that you gave your 6 Billie sisters, but you also now have 5 brothers in the person of ASTRO, the ones who became family with him when he was away from home. I'm sure that you'll be able to care for you the same way your Binnie-oppa did. We too will be here for you.
To our dear ASTRO members, we pray that you all stay strong and stick together. You've all been through so much together - that's why it's more heart-breaking to lose someone who became family to you. You trained together, spent time together, lived and debuted together, you've all bonded and stated together both on the best and worst times. Sadly, it'll be different now, it won't be the same without that fun-loving, hardworking MOON. Cry if you want to, tell AROHA your worries, your concerns - all when you are ready. We'll always be here patiently waiting for you all.
Leadernim, #JINJIN... We understand that you may be confused right now, however I hope that you keep it together and be strong. Bin may love teasing you but we know how much he loves and respects you. Thank you for being patient with him and his crazy antics. Thank you for being there at times when he needed someone to talk to, for listening to him. Things are different now that you'll be the one to look into the sky and would want to talk to him.
#MJ, our dear Bin's M-hyung.. This must have been do hard for you. I cannot imagine how you're feeling - you leaned a lot on BIN but now, he's resting peacefully in a tranquil place. Thank you for always keeping up with him and baby-ing him.
#EUNWOO-sshi, I pray that you're staying as one of the strongest. Thank you for being a true, true friend and brother to him - your tight friendship was more than that, he became your best friend and you were each other's confidant. Thank you for staying by his side, talking to him just when he needed someone the most. Bin was the happiest whenever he gets to see and be with you. He may be finally resting in love now, but we'll surely see him on the next life, right???
#ROCKY, you've been in the group the longest with Bin - making you both ASTRO's ancestor line. You've known him the longest as you've trained together since you were kids. I could never imagine how you feel - as Bin and you have been together for almost half of your lives. I hope you stay strong, the dependable rock we all know. Be complete once again in the next life.
Our dearest maknae, #SANHA-ya. You've been with your Bin-hyung the longest. You've worked together so long, performed on a lot of stages together halfway around the world. And heartbreakingly, you won't be able to be with him like you used to for almost everyday. Thank you for being by his side. I hope that there will be someone who'll be beside you, someone you'd be able to talk to and do take your time to heal. AROHAs will always be here for all of you. We'll stay by your side, you can talk to us for as long as you want and we'll listen.
To BIN's closest friends, colleagues and everyone who has closely worked with him and to those who have witnessed of how a pure, fun, happy, caring, loving, polite and gentle and hardworking person that he was, I pray for everyone to be strong and still care for yourselves - be healthy. It's what he'd want for sure. I hope that you have someone by your side as letting go of someone so close to your heart is and will never be easy.
Let's all stay strong and remember always of how beautiful person MOON BIN is and always will be.
You'll always be in our hearts, #MOONBIN. You will always be alive in our hearts. Until we meet again, my love 🖤
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dailykoreanpop · 1 year
Grief and shock as K-pop star Moon Bin, member of boy band Astro, dies age 25
Seoul/ Hong KongCNN —Global fans reacted with shock and grief over the death of 25-year-old K-pop star Moon Bin, a member of the popular boy band Astro.
His music label, Fantagio, confirmed Moon Bin’s death Thursday, and said he has “suddenly left us and became a star in the sky.”
“All Astro members, Fantagio colleagues, executives and employees who’ve been together for a long time are deeply mourning the deceased in such great sadness and shock,” the music label said, adding Moon Bin “always loved and thought of the fans more than anyone else.”
The star was found dead in his home in southern Seoul by his manager at around 8:10 p.m. Wednesday night, according to an official at Gangnam Police Station.
Gangnam police told CNN Thursday that authorities believe Moon Bin had taken his own life. “No signs of foul play have been found related to this case,” police added.
Social media filled with condolences as fans expressed their upset at the celebrity’s death, the latest to cast a spotlight on the often intense pressures celebrities face in the competitive and stressful Korean entertainment industry.
The hashtag #moonbin on Twitter was trending globally with over 2.6 million tweets, some posts written in English, Spanish, Indonesian, Tagalog and Thai.
Meanwhile, social media videos showed fans in Chile setting up a memorial for the late star, lining a wall with white and purple balloons, the theme colors of Astro.
A fan who commented on the video shared on Twitter said: “Rest in peace Moonbin… You had words of [comfort] for others. I wish you had talked about your pain… Rest sweet angel.”
“You’re a star in the sky now and watching over the people you love. Hearts and thoughts go out to his loved ones and all AROHAs,” MTV Asia tweeted, referring to name Astro’s fans call themselves.
“We lost a bright light, who was really contributing to the lives of his family and his friends and his fans and that bright light is gone,” said CedarBough Saeji, assistant professor of Korean and East Asian Studies at Pusan National University.
Saeji, a self-confessed Moon Bin fan, said amid the discussion on the pressures of Korean society and its celebrity industry, it was also important to remember the accomplishments of the young star.
“Moonbin was phenomenally talented dancer and singer. In recent years, he’d started writing some of the material for Astro as well. And he’d also been acting in a bunch of web dramas that had been quite popular. There’s really no limit to how far he could have gone if he continued his career and continue to mature as a performer,” Saeji said.
Child stars
Many K-pop icons start training as young teens, honing their singing, dancing and acting skills for years before they are even allowed a chance to debut their first song.
K-pop idols are known to be subject to intense pressure from their strict management, which has been linked to a mental health crisis in the industry.
South Korea has the highest rate of youth suicide among the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) nations.
In 2021, the suicide rate in South Korea was 26 out of every 100,000 people, and while the country’s overall suicide rate is falling, deaths of those in their twenties are rising, according to the country’s Health and Welfare Ministry.
Moon Bin debuted with Astro in 2016. The other members of the group are Jinjin, MJ, Cha Eun-woo and Yoon San-ha.
He also performed as part of a subgroup called Moon Bin & Sanha, which toured in Asia in recent months.
Prior to his death the duo had been expected to perform next month in Busan, as part of the port city’s bid to promote the 2030 World Expo, and in Jakarta on May 13.
Moon Bin entered the entertainment industry as a child actor, making his debut in 2009 in the Korean Broadcasting System TV drama “Boys Over Flowers.” The series was widely popular and its dubbed version aired globally, gaining lots of fans from Southeast Asia.
His sister, Moon Sua, is also a K-pop celebrity, performing as part of the girl group Billlie.
Credit: CNN 
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belaephemeral · 1 year
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CW: discussions of Moonbin’s passing
Hello everyone, I’m sure you may have heard of Moonbin’s passing over these past few days. As a casual listener to ASTRO and the subunit Moonbin & Sanha, the news deeply affected me more than I had expected. ASTRO was one of the first groups that got me into KPOP in 2018 and Moonbin was my bias. He was inspiring, charismatic and he never fails to put a smile on anyone’s face. I admired ASTRO’s music (in particular the favourite title tracks that made me become a casual stan “All Night” and “KNOCK” - I can’t list down the rest plus the b-sides since it would take too long) and I love how they’ve flourished over these past years musically and personally. 
Over these past few days, I’ve been trying to cope with Moonbin’s passing. If you find it hard to console yourself or come to terms with it, you are not alone. Although it’s still shocking to me, I know that he’s passed onto a better place; he’s become another brilliant star in the sky - one that’s undeniably cherished by many that he shines upon and illuminates in the dark night sky. He will never be forgotten. His smile, his music and his legacy will undoubtedly preserve his memory in our hearts and for future generations. I hope you rest in peace, Moonbin.
As of now, his cause of death is not definitive. Despite this, I wanted to remind you that, regardless where you are right now, you are not alone. It may not be my place to say this, but there is always someone there you can reach out to, someone you can share your worries or anxieties with, someone who will listen to you and remind you that you are worthy. Because you are. Because you are so much more than what you think you could be worth. 
Lately, I’ve been struggling with certain thoughts because of the anxiety and stress I’ve experienced since entering university and my upcoming exams. I just want to say, with whatever you may be experiencing in your life, you can overcome it and persevere. This too shall pass. When I discussed my anxiety with my academic mentor, he told me: there is so much more of your life ahead of you, if you’re hung up this one chapter of your life, you won’t be able to turn the page and witness the adventures and opportunities awaiting for you in the next chapter. 
I know it isn’t easy to convince someone of this. I know this all too well. But if I could give you one assurance that you have the power to push through any obstacles you encounter in your life, that you are strong enough to face any hardship and grow from what you’ve learnt, and that you are tenacious enough to overcome whatever that may be plaguing your mind, I hope that this simple reassurance can support you. 
Thank you for reading this. Moonbin will always have a place in our hearts. 
I hope you have a great week.
0 notes
astrofireworks · 7 years
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introduction | rocky | eunwoo | moon bin | mj | jinjin
TW: a lot of mentions of blood & also kidnapping
Blood ritualist
Nobody knows for sure what happens in MJ’s ritual room because he’s claimed the top floor of their three-floor coven house
They just know not to go in the room to the right of the stairs if there’s a red ribbon on the door handle until MJ tumbles out of the room, exhausted and usually coated in a light layer of blood 
If you press your ear to the door handle you can hear vague chanting and sometimes a little humming if MJ’s taking a break
One time Sanha tried snooping and sat outside the door watching the crack at the bottom of the door for movement
he heard MJ’s chanting fade into silence and there was a flash of bright light
and then there was a knock on the wall somewhere behind him
Sanha doesn’t even dare go up MJ’s stairs now poor baby
Gets results like 777% of the time because he’s really good at what he does, bless his heart
usually comes out of the ritual tired and covered in blood but beaming
cue a dismayed jinjin because he has to do the laundry & even though MJ wears a hooded black ankle-length robe that should technically protect his clothes underneath from stains
MJ manages to stain them anyway
Jinjin has to soak all of his clothes in vinegar every time
Rip Jinjin
But MJ just smiles in his general direction and Jinjin is lost to the world again so never mind
Tends not to talk about his family
Tends not to talk about his life pre-KNK at all actually
What little Astro knows of MJ pre-KNK is what small snippets they’ve gleaned from conversations with KNK or from carefully inferring from things MJ lets slip during small talk
And this much Astro knows:
Whatever came before KNK has made MJ terrified of the dark – he has to have at least a source of light next to him or a human touch grounding him
What Came Before has also made MJ a vegetarian for life
KNK, our token immortal vampires (sparkly or not depending on how much Heejun has had to drink), have been moving around the country with MJ pretending one person or another is his father, uncle, cousin or brother and basically brought our sunshine baby up
Despite being a blood ritualist, MJ never goes near live animals to get blood – he always always always goes to KNK for anything he needs
And more often than not, MJ only accepts requests for rituals that bring small things back to life or rituals that locate someone or something missing
And those rituals exhaust MJ like nothing else can because MJ invests everything he has into getting whatever it is back for his client
Jinjin knows more than the rest, actually
Because the things that hurt MJ before?
If the rest of Astro knew What Came Before, MJ’s sure they’d attempt to form a game plan to go after them
And MJ’s sure they’ll lose
I mean, Astro might be powerful in their own right but they’re firstly newly established and secondly no match for that part of the magical world
And Jinjin, while as full as the rest of Astro (if not more) with the burning desire to punch whatever it was that hurt him before into oblivion, is the only one mature enough to recognise tha
 Also, he’s the only human and the only one incapable of contacting What Came Before
Also he kind of melted MJ over time so really it wasn’t entirely MJ’s fault stupid Jinjin came in with his dumb attractive smile and his stupid handsome face and his cute ass dimples and bright eyes and soft caring hands
And this much Jinjin knows:
MJ was kidnapped at a very young age by another coven, one that practiced sacrificial rituals
He spent a very long month in the basement with about 10 other kids until a rival coven broke into their house and took all the ‘would-be sacrifices’ with them
And all the kids were relieved at first until they realised
They were about to be sold in an auction to other sacrificing covens
And long story very very very very short, MJ was lucky enough to be shuttled back and forth between different buyers for about a year without being ‘used’ before landing into KNK’s lap
Quite literally
One of the cars used by the selling coven crashed into a lamppost on the street a couple of houses down from KNK’s
And upon realising that both the driver and the handler were dead MJ clambered out of the van, bloodied and terrified, right into Youjin’s arms
So KNK cleaned him and the whole accident up and questioned him gently and tried to get him back to his parents but to no avail
And so they raised him
oh my god I never meant to make his backstory like this it just came out
I’m so sorry
But yes brought up by KNK
And so imagine five grown-ass men (with an average height of 185cm, I might add) standing dumbfounded around a kitchen table with a young son with big, watery eyes and a trembling bottom lip  
Because MJ doesn’t want to eat any of his vegetables
Jihun at a loss 
Inseong trying to sing MJ into opening his mouth
I mean, KNK knows that MJ refuses to touch meat of any kind and that he really loves eating rice but they really can’t figure out why MJ refuses to eat his vegetables
It’s because KNK
Ok but to be fair they haven’t really had to cook for the past sixty or so years
And also they eventually figured out that they shouldn’t trust Seungjun with preparing vegetables at all and that the only one in the whole house capable of cooking any sort of green thing without burning it into a crisp is Heejun
Also, Inseong being the closest to MJ and teaching MJ to sing and harmonise and just playing with him and being twin sunshines
Heejun tucking MJ in and strumming lazily on the guitar until MJ drifts off to sleep
Jihun putting a smol MJ on his shoulders and dancing around their newly-installed kitchen while preparing orders for clients
Seungjun being the ultimate softest with MJ, bringing him different charms to play around with
Youjin the only one vaguely serious about giving MJ a proper education and so MJ from a young age learns how to charm clients (beam very brightly at them) and take orders and label deliveries
This makes me so happy adjfhsjkdf but I’m sorry for what’s coming
Had the worst time a couple years later when he found out how KNK was getting their blood and locked himself in his room for about 2 days crying not so much in fear (because really who can be scared of KNK they’re just very tol idiots) than in distress
Inseong sitting outside his room crying and apologising and trying to do everything he could to calm MJ down
In the end it was Jihun who gently talked to MJ through the keyhole about a human family that he was friends with for generations and generations that was looking for an heir and was more than happy to take MJ
And that KNK would get out of his life forever if that was what MJ wanted and if MJ gave the signal KNK would vacate the house for as long as it took for MJ to move out so he wouldn’t have to see them
And another very long story short, MJ decided that he would just stay very far away from KNK’s blood-obtaining means and stay with the hyungs that he loved as family
Because (as MJ came to realise) as vampires there really wasn’t another source to obtain blood from and it ultimately wasn’t really their fault
Loves teasing KNK about their fangs
Once made Heejun cry with relief because he panicked thinking MJ touched his fangs but his fangs weren’t out at the time
Dresses up as a vampire every single Halloween even though he never leaves the house
Knocks on every single member’s door asking for candy though
And he knows they buy candy only for him so he gets them all
Youjin has to make sure he brushes his teeth every time
Youjin: “or you’re going to get fangs and where will we be?”
Seungjun, lazing on the sofa, playing a game on his phone: “you can’t get fangs from eating too much candy”
MJ, a lil shit: “I heard seungjun hyung, I can’t get fangs from eating too much candy!!!”
Rip Seungjun
MJ, cackling and screeching to a distressed Jihun: “yoUJIN HYUNG SAID A BAD WORD!!!!!”
Eventually starts leaving the house on delivery rounds with Seungjun, but only in the car and in broad daylight
Seungjun complains about having to go out in the sun but Inseong just tells him to shut up, he’s in the car half the time anyway
Seungjun secretly liking having his personal ball of sunshine cuddled up on the car seat next to him and cracking dumb jokes
Sometimes has to stop the car because he’s laughing too hard at MJ’s dad jokes
All their clients cooing over the smiley human teen Seungjun brings around
Eventually one kindly client (affectionally coined the Nam-ster by MJ) offers to teach him some magic
And after a lot of discussion about safety and worried mothering by Youjin and Jihun he’s shuttled to Eric’s house every day for lessons
And so MJ picks up blood magic
And also picks up general human things that KNK has never thought to teach him (like cooking vegetables properly and dealing with other humans and how to pick fresh vegetables at the supermarket)
Anyways back to astro
Came in after everyone else (except Sanha)
Ok so Astro’s house is right next to KNK’s
and one day MJ peeks his head over the fence at their neighbours wondering who the hell moved in next door
and sees Jinjin watering the herb garden patch outside
and :---) well first sight and all that
insists on bringing brownies to their next door neighbours despite Heejun floundering a bit around the oven and burning the brownies slightly
Inseong quietly cheering his baby boy on
His son’s first crush!!!!
Not including that one really handsome client that MJ tripped over his own feet in front of that one time and refused to visit ever again !!!!!!
Bogum’s been stuck wondering what it was he did wrong that the smiley young son never visited again
poor dear
And so KNK clusters around the few windows that overlook the side of the yard that connects with Astro’s and spies on MJ ringing their doorbell
And they all watch as MJ proceeds to charm the pants off of Jinjin
And the rest is history
Inseong crying when MJ moves over even though MJ’s third floor bedroom window directly faces his own and they talk every night before MJ sleeps anyway
What a precious bean can you tell this man is my bias
MJ’s golden triangle (KNK’s coven mark) fading over time after being marked by Astro’s silver curve across his collarbones
Noisy noisy noisy
Oh my god Bin wants to kill him half the time MJ sings all the time and it always wakes Bin up from his post-afternoon-nap nap
If Jinjin wasn’t so attached to MJ and if KNK weren’t so threatening sometimes Bin would have probably charmed MJ’s pants to hang from their ceiling fan or something
I want to say he mothers the rest of Astro because he’s the oldest but really
We all know the truth
Plays very well with Sanha
Could spend all day goading the poor child into doing something stupid
Most of them had to do with bothering Rocky and Bin
Poor Sanha never asked for this
But ok also Sanha really enjoys it so he kind of does
Spends half the time hanging out with Jinjin in the kitchen or in his room
Bet you 10$ anytime you walk in they’re watching anime or cooking
He’s so painfully gone for Jinjin sometimes Eunwoo wants to whack their heads together and tell them to wake up
Sanha could already tell like 2 days after he moved in that something was up between MJ and Jinjin
Eunwoo: desperately crying for his two idiot friends to wake up and get together already
Me: desperately crying bc the colours I’ve matched to Astro in this AU doesn’t match their colours in baby & highly considering editing all the posts so that their colours match
i’m finally getting back to writing out my headcanons instead of keyboard smashing them out to Jiwon bless
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tytrack · 5 years
somebody stop him
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eunswoos · 6 years
hey astro if you’re reading this I’m free tomorrow so let me know if you can hang out with me tomorrow when I’m free
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webangchan · 3 years
Could you possibly do Astros Cha Eunwoo with numbers 17 and 25? It’s my birthday this week and this would be a great present! If you don’t have time, no worries! I just figured I’d ask! Thank you!!
pairing: eunwoo x fem!reader prompts: "try to stay quiet, understand?" / "hey. are you awake?" notes: happy birthday anon!
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It’s a random weeknight when you wake up groggy and more than a little horny.  You peer at the alarm clock on your bedside table through gritty eyes and frown at the bright red 3:27 that stares back at you.  You crane your head to look at your sleeping boyfriend on the other side of the bed and weigh your options.  You could take care of yourself and snuggle up to Eunwoo once you're sated.  Or, you could wake him up so he can do it.  Your decision is made for you fairly quickly since your horny gremlin brain is in charge at the moment.
"Hey.  Psst."
You try to keep your voice low so you don't startle him awake.  When Eunwoo doesn't budge, you poke him in the shoulder until he scrunches his face up and smacks your hand away.
"Are you awake?"
Eunwoo groans and rubs a hand down his face before he props himself up on his elbow.  The sheet slips down his half naked body with the movement and you're ogling his bare chest when he answers.
"I am now," he grumbles.  "What's going on?  Did you dream about Sanha getting kidnapped by his weird neighbor again?"
"No," you answer.  "Thankfully.  I just need some dick."
Eunwoo stares at you, unblinking, and you're starting to wish you had just touched yourself when your boyfriend moves to blanket you with his body.  You happily spread your legs so he can settle between them and when he kisses you, his slightly stale breath doesn't bother you at all.  He pulls away to plant kisses on your throat as he wiggles a hand past the band of your panties, chuckling into your skin when he feels how wet you are already.
"Let me take care of my poor baby, hmm?"
Eunwoo sinks his middle finger into your cunt and the moan you let out is a little too loud for the late hour.  Eunwoo quirks an eyebrow and slides his finger out just to thrust it back in and you bite your lip to keep quiet.
"Guess you don't want Moonbin to hear you screaming my name, huh?"  If your skin wasn't already hot you would've burned up instantly at his words.  Eunwoo knows that you're attracted to his best friend slash roommate and he teases you with it every chance he gets.  "Try to keep it down, okay?  We can think about inviting him to enjoy the show next time."
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sanhapup · 6 years
astro is wearing all white today 😭😭😭
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blu-joons · 2 years
When You Give Another Member A Perilla Leaf ~ Astro Reaction
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?” Myungjun called out to you as soon as he spotted you passing the perilla leaf that you had to Moonbin.
“I’m just being friendly,” you tried to tell Myungjun, but his head shook, grabbing your hands and bringing them away from Moonbin’s direction and over your plate.
“I’m the only person that you give a perilla leaf too,” Myungjun warned you, ignoring the laughs of the boys at how jealous he was.
“It’s just a perilla leaf,” Moonbin tried to tell him too, but Myungjun’s head shook, shooting a glare across at Moonbin to make sure he was quiet.
A chuckle came from you as Moonbin sighed away, “would it make you feel better if I peeled one of the leaves for you to eat and have this myself instead?”
“You didn’t think of me first,” Myungjun frowned.
“Moonbin said he wanted one.”
Myungjun’s head shook back at you, “next time tell him to get his own food and stop getting you to do it, he only does it to try and annoy me you know.”
“It looks as if his trick worked too.”
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“Does that not annoy you?” Moonbin asked from Jinwoo’s side as he watched you pass the other perilla lead that you had to Sanha.
“It’s just a perilla leaf,” Jinwoo tried to tell him, however Moonbin could hear the slight apprehension that was in his voice.
Moonbin’s eyes raised suspiciously across at Jinwoo, “are you really sure that you don’t care?” He asked once again, trying his best to wear Jinwoo down and annoy him.
“Y-yeah,” Jinwoo stuttered, looking down across the table. “They were probably just stuck, it’s not as if Sanha would ask Y/N for one.”
A chuckle escaped from Moonbin, “how do you know that for sure?” He continued to tease, unable to stop himself as Jinwoo began to get a little bit agitated.
“Stop trying to wind him up,” Minhyuk interjected.
“Who’s trying to wind who up?”
Minhyuk immediately pointed at Moonbin as Sanha asked the question. “He’s trying to make you sound bad for taking the perilla leaf from Y/N.”
“No way, it was just stuck stop causing trouble.”
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Cha Eunwoo:
“I think you might want to get another leaf,” Minhyuk joked beside you, noticing Dongmin sat with his mouth open, staring across at you.
“Who?” You asked, however your question was soon answered when you turned around and saw Dongmin looking across at you.
Your head shook causing his eyes to go wide, pointing down at the perilla leaves. “You can’t give one to him and not one to me, I’m supposed to be your boyfriend Y/N.”
“I didn’t give him one, they were just stuck together,” you tried your best to tell Dongmin, “Minhyuk just caught me separating them both.”
A shrug of the shoulders followed from Dongmin, “I don’t care how it happened, you have to feed me a perilla leaf now so that everyone knows I’m yours.”
“They all already know we’re dating,” you chuckled.
“They might be uncertain now though.”
A sigh came from you as you leant across the table and picked up one of the leaves, “will it shut you up and stop you being stroppy if I feed you this?”
“You have to do it nicely, like couples do too.”
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“Maybe you shouldn’t give this to me,” Jinwoo warned you as you offered the other perilla leaf to him that you had picked up by accident.
“Why?” You asked him, confused where the sudden change of mind came from after him excitedly asking for it a moment ago.
You followed Jinwoo’s gaze, turning around to notice Moonbin staring just beside you. “That’s why,” he whispered before turning his attentions elsewhere from you.
“Moonbin,” you whispered, waving your hand across his face to stop him from staring, “why are you looking at the two of us like that for?”
His eyes widened as you asked the question, “why are you giving him a perilla leaf? I can’t believe he almost let you do that; Jinwoo should know better.”
“You’re really that concerned?” You questioned.
“You know what they say about perilla leaves.”
Your head shook back at Moonbin, “I think it’s a bit different when one of you has a boyfriend and the other is your relationship’s biggest fan, don’t you think?”
“Perhaps, but you still should have shared it with me.”
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“What’s wrong?” You asked Minhyuk, taken aback by his blunt answers to the conversations that the boys were all having around the table together.
“He’s being stroppy,” Myungjun laughed as he listened to you beside him, “someone’s not happy that you gave me a perilla leaf.”
Your eyes widened as you looked to Minhyuk, surprised to see his head nodding back at you. “You should’ve shared with me, I’m your boyfriend,” Minhyuk told you.
“I only shared with Myungjun because he mentioned that he wanted one,” you told him, holding onto Minhyuk’s hand underneath the table.
A chuckle escaped from Myungjun beside you, “you’re not frightened that Y/N and I are going to be a couple now that she gave me a perilla leaf, are you?”
“Shut up,” Minhyuk told him, shooting a glare.
“It was just a perilla leaf, that’s it Min.”
His head nodded as he listened to you, forcing a smile back onto his face. “From now on, you only share any perilla leaves that you pick up with me Y/N.”
“Don’t worry, I promise I won’t make that mistake again.”
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“Look at his pout,” Jinwoo immediately called out, pointing across to Sanha as his eyes watched you peel off the perilla leaf that was stuck to your own.
“Are you jealous?” Dongmin teased as he took the other perilla leaf that you had peeled into his chopsticks to eat.
Sanha’s head immediately shook in reply to his question, “I’m not jealous,” he whispered, but his expression told a different story, “you’re just eating food.”
“Are you sure?” You asked Dongmin as the boys carried on reaching across the table, picking from the various dishes. “You look a little bit pouty right now.”
A sigh came from Sanha, lowering the volume of his voice. “I’m the one that you should be sharing perilla leaves with, don’t go giving them any ideas Y/N.”
“It was just a perilla leaf,” you assured him.
“It always starts with a perilla leaf Y/N.”
Your head shook as you nudged gently against Sanha’s arm, “I’m not going to go and run off with Dongmin now just because I gave him a perilla leaf, don’t worry.”
“There’s no way I’d let you run off with him, I’m better.”
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