#i need a myungjin tag tbh
astrofireworks · 7 years
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introduction | rocky | eunwoo | moon bin | mj | jinjin
TW: a lot of mentions of blood & also kidnapping
Blood ritualist
Nobody knows for sure what happens in MJ’s ritual room because he’s claimed the top floor of their three-floor coven house
They just know not to go in the room to the right of the stairs if there’s a red ribbon on the door handle until MJ tumbles out of the room, exhausted and usually coated in a light layer of blood 
If you press your ear to the door handle you can hear vague chanting and sometimes a little humming if MJ’s taking a break
One time Sanha tried snooping and sat outside the door watching the crack at the bottom of the door for movement
he heard MJ’s chanting fade into silence and there was a flash of bright light
and then there was a knock on the wall somewhere behind him
Sanha doesn’t even dare go up MJ’s stairs now poor baby
Gets results like 777% of the time because he’s really good at what he does, bless his heart
usually comes out of the ritual tired and covered in blood but beaming
cue a dismayed jinjin because he has to do the laundry & even though MJ wears a hooded black ankle-length robe that should technically protect his clothes underneath from stains
MJ manages to stain them anyway
Jinjin has to soak all of his clothes in vinegar every time
Rip Jinjin
But MJ just smiles in his general direction and Jinjin is lost to the world again so never mind
Tends not to talk about his family
Tends not to talk about his life pre-KNK at all actually
What little Astro knows of MJ pre-KNK is what small snippets they’ve gleaned from conversations with KNK or from carefully inferring from things MJ lets slip during small talk
And this much Astro knows:
Whatever came before KNK has made MJ terrified of the dark – he has to have at least a source of light next to him or a human touch grounding him
What Came Before has also made MJ a vegetarian for life
KNK, our token immortal vampires (sparkly or not depending on how much Heejun has had to drink), have been moving around the country with MJ pretending one person or another is his father, uncle, cousin or brother and basically brought our sunshine baby up
Despite being a blood ritualist, MJ never goes near live animals to get blood – he always always always goes to KNK for anything he needs
And more often than not, MJ only accepts requests for rituals that bring small things back to life or rituals that locate someone or something missing
And those rituals exhaust MJ like nothing else can because MJ invests everything he has into getting whatever it is back for his client
Jinjin knows more than the rest, actually
Because the things that hurt MJ before?
If the rest of Astro knew What Came Before, MJ’s sure they’d attempt to form a game plan to go after them
And MJ’s sure they’ll lose
I mean, Astro might be powerful in their own right but they’re firstly newly established and secondly no match for that part of the magical world
And Jinjin, while as full as the rest of Astro (if not more) with the burning desire to punch whatever it was that hurt him before into oblivion, is the only one mature enough to recognise tha
 Also, he’s the only human and the only one incapable of contacting What Came Before
Also he kind of melted MJ over time so really it wasn’t entirely MJ’s fault stupid Jinjin came in with his dumb attractive smile and his stupid handsome face and his cute ass dimples and bright eyes and soft caring hands
And this much Jinjin knows:
MJ was kidnapped at a very young age by another coven, one that practiced sacrificial rituals
He spent a very long month in the basement with about 10 other kids until a rival coven broke into their house and took all the ‘would-be sacrifices’ with them
And all the kids were relieved at first until they realised
They were about to be sold in an auction to other sacrificing covens
And long story very very very very short, MJ was lucky enough to be shuttled back and forth between different buyers for about a year without being ‘used’ before landing into KNK’s lap
Quite literally
One of the cars used by the selling coven crashed into a lamppost on the street a couple of houses down from KNK’s
And upon realising that both the driver and the handler were dead MJ clambered out of the van, bloodied and terrified, right into Youjin’s arms
So KNK cleaned him and the whole accident up and questioned him gently and tried to get him back to his parents but to no avail
And so they raised him
oh my god I never meant to make his backstory like this it just came out
I’m so sorry
But yes brought up by KNK
And so imagine five grown-ass men (with an average height of 185cm, I might add) standing dumbfounded around a kitchen table with a young son with big, watery eyes and a trembling bottom lip  
Because MJ doesn’t want to eat any of his vegetables
Jihun at a loss 
Inseong trying to sing MJ into opening his mouth
I mean, KNK knows that MJ refuses to touch meat of any kind and that he really loves eating rice but they really can’t figure out why MJ refuses to eat his vegetables
It’s because KNK
Ok but to be fair they haven’t really had to cook for the past sixty or so years
And also they eventually figured out that they shouldn’t trust Seungjun with preparing vegetables at all and that the only one in the whole house capable of cooking any sort of green thing without burning it into a crisp is Heejun
Also, Inseong being the closest to MJ and teaching MJ to sing and harmonise and just playing with him and being twin sunshines
Heejun tucking MJ in and strumming lazily on the guitar until MJ drifts off to sleep
Jihun putting a smol MJ on his shoulders and dancing around their newly-installed kitchen while preparing orders for clients
Seungjun being the ultimate softest with MJ, bringing him different charms to play around with
Youjin the only one vaguely serious about giving MJ a proper education and so MJ from a young age learns how to charm clients (beam very brightly at them) and take orders and label deliveries
This makes me so happy adjfhsjkdf but I’m sorry for what’s coming
Had the worst time a couple years later when he found out how KNK was getting their blood and locked himself in his room for about 2 days crying not so much in fear (because really who can be scared of KNK they’re just very tol idiots) than in distress
Inseong sitting outside his room crying and apologising and trying to do everything he could to calm MJ down
In the end it was Jihun who gently talked to MJ through the keyhole about a human family that he was friends with for generations and generations that was looking for an heir and was more than happy to take MJ
And that KNK would get out of his life forever if that was what MJ wanted and if MJ gave the signal KNK would vacate the house for as long as it took for MJ to move out so he wouldn’t have to see them
And another very long story short, MJ decided that he would just stay very far away from KNK’s blood-obtaining means and stay with the hyungs that he loved as family
Because (as MJ came to realise) as vampires there really wasn’t another source to obtain blood from and it ultimately wasn’t really their fault
Loves teasing KNK about their fangs
Once made Heejun cry with relief because he panicked thinking MJ touched his fangs but his fangs weren’t out at the time
Dresses up as a vampire every single Halloween even though he never leaves the house
Knocks on every single member’s door asking for candy though
And he knows they buy candy only for him so he gets them all
Youjin has to make sure he brushes his teeth every time
Youjin: “or you’re going to get fangs and where will we be?”
Seungjun, lazing on the sofa, playing a game on his phone: “you can’t get fangs from eating too much candy”
MJ, a lil shit: “I heard seungjun hyung, I can’t get fangs from eating too much candy!!!”
Rip Seungjun
MJ, cackling and screeching to a distressed Jihun: “yoUJIN HYUNG SAID A BAD WORD!!!!!”
Eventually starts leaving the house on delivery rounds with Seungjun, but only in the car and in broad daylight
Seungjun complains about having to go out in the sun but Inseong just tells him to shut up, he’s in the car half the time anyway
Seungjun secretly liking having his personal ball of sunshine cuddled up on the car seat next to him and cracking dumb jokes
Sometimes has to stop the car because he’s laughing too hard at MJ’s dad jokes
All their clients cooing over the smiley human teen Seungjun brings around
Eventually one kindly client (affectionally coined the Nam-ster by MJ) offers to teach him some magic
And after a lot of discussion about safety and worried mothering by Youjin and Jihun he’s shuttled to Eric’s house every day for lessons
And so MJ picks up blood magic
And also picks up general human things that KNK has never thought to teach him (like cooking vegetables properly and dealing with other humans and how to pick fresh vegetables at the supermarket)
Anyways back to astro
Came in after everyone else (except Sanha)
Ok so Astro’s house is right next to KNK’s
and one day MJ peeks his head over the fence at their neighbours wondering who the hell moved in next door
and sees Jinjin watering the herb garden patch outside
and :---) well first sight and all that
insists on bringing brownies to their next door neighbours despite Heejun floundering a bit around the oven and burning the brownies slightly
Inseong quietly cheering his baby boy on
His son’s first crush!!!!
Not including that one really handsome client that MJ tripped over his own feet in front of that one time and refused to visit ever again !!!!!!
Bogum’s been stuck wondering what it was he did wrong that the smiley young son never visited again
poor dear
And so KNK clusters around the few windows that overlook the side of the yard that connects with Astro’s and spies on MJ ringing their doorbell
And they all watch as MJ proceeds to charm the pants off of Jinjin
And the rest is history
Inseong crying when MJ moves over even though MJ’s third floor bedroom window directly faces his own and they talk every night before MJ sleeps anyway
What a precious bean can you tell this man is my bias
MJ’s golden triangle (KNK’s coven mark) fading over time after being marked by Astro’s silver curve across his collarbones
Noisy noisy noisy
Oh my god Bin wants to kill him half the time MJ sings all the time and it always wakes Bin up from his post-afternoon-nap nap
If Jinjin wasn’t so attached to MJ and if KNK weren’t so threatening sometimes Bin would have probably charmed MJ’s pants to hang from their ceiling fan or something
I want to say he mothers the rest of Astro because he’s the oldest but really
We all know the truth
Plays very well with Sanha
Could spend all day goading the poor child into doing something stupid
Most of them had to do with bothering Rocky and Bin
Poor Sanha never asked for this
But ok also Sanha really enjoys it so he kind of does
Spends half the time hanging out with Jinjin in the kitchen or in his room
Bet you 10$ anytime you walk in they’re watching anime or cooking
He’s so painfully gone for Jinjin sometimes Eunwoo wants to whack their heads together and tell them to wake up
Sanha could already tell like 2 days after he moved in that something was up between MJ and Jinjin
Eunwoo: desperately crying for his two idiot friends to wake up and get together already
Me: desperately crying bc the colours I’ve matched to Astro in this AU doesn’t match their colours in baby & highly considering editing all the posts so that their colours match
i’m finally getting back to writing out my headcanons instead of keyboard smashing them out to Jiwon bless
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parkminhyuk · 6 years
11 Questions Tag
Tagged by @dong-minie and @vocalpmh (Thank you~~ 💕💕💕)
Genevieve’s questions
1. what’s your favorite movie?
Captain America: The Winter Soldier tho maybe I if I truly thought about it I’d discover I have another. Probably something newer. But that’d take a while and I don’t feel like it.
2. do you like the bachelor?
Not my type of show
3. do you have any pets? if not, what do you want to have?
Not anymore T.T I want a cavalier king charles spaniel sooo bad tho (they’re so so so so so so cute~~~~)
4. what song are you listening to now/did you last listen to?
asbhdjnjks thank you for reminding me I was planning on listening to some music while I get a few things done
Last song: War of Hormone - BTS
Current song: Only You - Miss A
5. are you a skirt/dress person or a leggings/jeans person?
Wellll I can’t actually wear pants of any kind outside of the house (well, except pj pants but even those have specific people I’m allowed to wear them around), but I’m... kind of both? Depends on my mood. 
6. if you could dye your hair any color, what would it be?
I’d love to dye the bottom half of my hair turquoise. Or maybe a caramel-y brown? That’d probably look really good with my hair color. Or a cute cotton candy pink.
7. if your bias in astro wasn’t your bias, who would it be?
8. what’s your favorite book?
The Captive Maiden by Melanie Dickerson
9. what’s the weirdest food you tried?
Candied... orchids I think they were? Suuuper good
10. what phase did you go through that you most regret?
Oh goodness there are so many... but it might be this time I hung a large portion of my hair to the side of my face with the rest in a ponytail. I really wish I could go back in time and tell my younger self not to do that.
11. binu, myungjin or socky?
Socky all the way bruh. It’s such a cute, soft, and pure friendship 💕💕💕
vocalpmh’s questions (I am positive I have never heard your name akdfninf I’m sorryyyyyy)
1. if you could travel back in time, which decade would you go back to?
I kinda wanna try the 90s tbh
2. do you sleep on your side, belly, back?
My side tho I’ve fallen asleep on my back and my belly
3. favourite era of your favourite group(s)?
Oh dear. Ummm...
Astro - Dream Part 02 or Autumn Story?
Blackpink - lol I literally just started stanning and besides there isn’t a whole lot to choose from anyway =/ I’ll just say both~ 
BTS - Idek akbddbs I’m just gonna say Her because this was honestly such a great era (I really need to figure out which era is my fave >.>)
Got7 - No clue tbvvh (I haven’t been paying enough attention T.T someone force my butt to give my babies more attention)
Seventeen - I’m thinking Shining Diamond or Boys Be tbvvh
4. guilty pleasure?
Giving Park Minhyuk my undevided attention and adoration Jk jk~ Probably... leaving extra dough/batter in the bowl to eat :3
5. do you know how to play an instrument? if not, which instrument do you want to learn how to play?
None and none. I suppose it would be cool to learn how to play the guitar since I actually like the guitar but I don’t really wanna? *shrugs* Idk
6. pens or pencils?
PENS nothing beats that smooth flow of a good pen
7. most frequented social media?
Tumblr (big surprise~)
8. favourite platonic and romantic ships?
Are we sticking to just kpop? Because any and all Astro ships are 👌👌👌 plus Verkwan, Soonchan, Junhao, and literally any ship with Kookie, but I’m weak for Love Square (especially Marichat and Adrienette), TimSteph (do they have an actual ship name???), Dibs, Spitfire, Steggy, SPEEDEMON (why the heck didn’t this come up first, it’s literally my favorite ship), Batcat, Pepperony... tbh I favor a lot of ships :3
9. siblings?
2~ both older
10. favourite mode of transport? (LMAO I RAN OUT OF IDEAS BUT THIS ONE’S INTERESTING I SWEAR!!!)
I’ve only ever been in a car and plane and on a bike sooo... car? But I’d love to take a train :3 I wanna experience that
11. when did you create your tumblr acc?
April 18th, 2017
@starsforastro @eunrocky @softrocko @scoupsadaisy @smileyrocky @astrcs @m0onbean @blueberrybins
1. If you could spend one day with a member of Astro that isn’t you bias, who would it be and what would you do?
2. You can only see things in one color for the rest of your life. Which do you choose?
3. Oversized hoodies or fuzzy sweaters?
4. If you could spend a year in another country for free, which country would you choose?
5. McDonald’s or Burger King?
6. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
7. Pretty pastels, bright neons, or darker tones?
8. Would you rather be able to breath underwater or fly?
9. If you could have any eye color you want, whether it’s a natural eye color or not, which would you have?
10. Favorite item you possess?
11. Best food you’ve ever had?
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vonseal · 7 years
what im weak for this week
so it’s been two weeks AND I APOLOGIZE FOR THAT!!! next week, i probably won’t actually deliver anything either, as next week is when school starts back up and i need to prep for that!
for now tho, pls enjoy this! its long. 
edit halfway through: ITS VERY LONG. READER BEWARE.
clumsy touch by sarangway
i like fake boyfriends. i really like fake boyfriends. it’s a cliche that i am proud to embrace (tho, tbh, i embrace all the cliches). and who better to write socky fake boyfriend than @revetoile!!! it’s a nice, quick oneshot that i was so happy to read! <3
his ray of sunshine by SummerSnowflake
yet another really short drabble, but OH MY GOSH if it isnt just the cutest fluff you’ll probably ever read in your entire life! i loved reading it, and even if it’s short, it really made my heart all fluttery and warm!
sugar and fluff and all that good stuff by jimblejams
whats not to love about this fic??? it’s got the holy trinity of ships, binu and myungjin and socky, all wrapped up in one deliciously sweet oneshot that i’ve read at least three times since it’s been released. @jakganim came into the fanfic community with a bang, and i hope they never ever ever leave <3
where soil lies, a new beginning blooms by parkjinwoes
i’ve probably already recommended this fic before, but im going to do it again because it is the true love of my life! it’s based off of witchcraft, and i’m honestly still so so happy that @vocalpmh decided to write this for me! the myungjin is adorable, and minhyuk’s deadpan delivery is golden! thank you once again!!!
to kiss a rock by jinwoosmile
i, too, stand by the belief that myungjun would be the best kisser, bc have you seen those lips. this fic, tho, is really really fun. i like the creative ways in which minhyuk has kissed every member, and i like the CUTE SOCKY I LOVE CUTE SOCKY. @jinwoosmile blesses us with her fanfics. (go send her love and encouragement to get through these coming school days!)
im a mom by heybinnie
BOY IF YOU CANT SEE THIS HAPPENING THO. it was such cute fluff!!! i always love the creative ways in which @heybinnie writes; it leaves me melting into a pile of goo and happiness. this one’s a little shorter and features moonbin as the title character and it’s worth every single second of reading.
not an ikea story by Maye_C
@maye-c has always been able to capture myungjun’s dorkiness, childness, and yet maturity (sexiness, too, hOLLA) in her fics and this one just swung right into my heart very very very very quickly. it’s adorable and funny (I LAUGH SO MUCH) and every single bit as perfect as all of mayec’s other works, i love her and her writing!
ferris wheels series by aloharoha
i think i’ve recommended the first one in this series; if not, i definitely should have at this point! binu and ferris wheels and absolute precious fluff and it’s one of my favorite things??? also my sweet anon child wrote it, whom i adore, pls go love on all this writing <3
because it’s you by marojehca
did i like the myungjin at the end??? yes. i did. myungjin trash CONFIRMED. but all in all, this WAS a really fun story, and i’ve definitely been keeping up with it since it first came out. good job, sanha, good job.
take a picture (click, click) by floatingquietly
i believe the tumblr page is @floatingquietlyfic, but correct me if im wrong and just tagged someone random lol. THIS WAS REALLY CUTE! it was soft and nice and i loved reading it ;A; let jinwoo live, he has nasal inflammation 
mahogany by yehetno
@yehetno strikes again! she comes when i least expect it and when i most need it, it’s uncanny. this was really PAINFUL TO READ ACTUALLY it made my heart ache, but we have been gifted with the Happy Ending, and i couldn’t be more excited over that! great binu by a great human being!
the cat’s out of the bag by aloharoha
some more from my sweet anon! she’s such an amazing writer and im always in awe of the works! this socky was definitely no exception; i felt really giddy, and i was cheering BOTH sanha and minhyuk on the entire time. bless the cat for causing our two boys to confess ;D (when will my cats get me a cute boy)
hit me up by lee_dongminhyuk
my star anon has arrived! @lee-dongminhyuk wrote some amazing bullet fics (i’ll recommend those a little further down, getting A03 fics out of the way first!) and then this one is just SO GOOD. also it reads like an actual chat convo, with the topic at hand escaping once or twice before it’s reeled back in. also jinidiot. 
insomnia by parkjinchu
i can relate, dongmin! this is written so well and just so nice and pleasant to read??? but then again ,every single fic from @parkjinchu is my new favorite fic, i swear. it’s like god’s gift to earth lies in mary’s fics. bless u <333
the slushie disaster by Lunapie
i need to keep writing sad socky so luna can keep writing happy socky, AMIRITE, LUNA??? nah fam @moonbinpie SRSLY does have some really cute socky up in this here joint; just two teens being teens in the summer, and i loved reading a nice snapshot into their lives!
i want to keep these feelings forever by junhoonie
i like the socky we have recently. i mean, dont get me wrong, im always myungjin trash, but socky is soft and pure and i need this purity to cleanse my soul. THESE LITTLE CHAPTERS ARE THE MOST PURE OF ALL and i love love reading them <3 @donghyucklees is the incredible driving force behind these fics! 
out of the closet by jimblejams
i requested this. i am so happy i requested this bc i cried when it was published haha im weak. BUT SERIOUSLY, MYUNGJIN WEARING EACH OTHERS’ CLOTHES??? WHAT MORE DO U WANT. jordan strikes again with their amazing writing im going to die.
socky coffee shop au by @jakganim
tagging ur main blog BECAUSE I CAN AND NO ONE CAN TELL ME OTHERWISE (but linking your fic blog so ppl can request, go go go request!). i loved this fic. i would give my life for this fic. it was perfect, from minhyuk’s infatuation to my fave part, jinwoo’s ring (keels over) and i need everyone to read this pronto.
puppy love by @jinwoostro
i love me some domestic astro adopting puppies because of sanha. also hiding puppies bc they’re weak for dogs. come on, it’s the purest premise in the world, written by lanna-kokobanna. 
bowling blues by @maye-c
i think i state every day (and multiple times in here) that im myungjin trash, but i REALLY LOVE just astro familial fics. just fics when they’re ASTRO, when they’re friends, when they’re just enjoying life together! and mayec delivers, once more, something pure and gorgeous! also bowling is hard.
college myungjin by @jakganim
i ghost-requested this. i was ghost-gifted this. tbh i was gifted this, along with the rest of the aroha community. I LOVED IT. I LOVE THIS WRITING SO MUCH AND I HOPE WHEN IM ON MY DEATHBED, JORDAN COMES AND JUST BURIES ME WITH ALL THIS WRITING
kid!myungjin bullet fic by @lee-dongminhyuk (part 2, part 3)
to be honest, i actually teared up at this one. especially part 2. gosh i loved it all but it was so rough sometimes, but it had such a nice, sweet, happy ending and i just wanted to clap and yell really loudly because i loved it so much! thank you for sharing it with me, my sweet star anon!
fashion designer binu by @astrofireworks
this was just complete perfection! it was cute and fun and short and also i am 100%$ behind the myungjin at the end. dO YOU HEAR ME, IM HERE FOR THIS SORT OF QUALITY CONTENT
dream come true by TheOrgasmicSeke
stray romance by Alette
tbh if you havent heard or seen this fic, idk where you’ve been living, but there is GOOD REASON why it’s so popular, i cry
hot-line bin by peachybean
i laughed a lot. dongmin is all cool and composed to bin but he’s a literal mess to jinwoo, perfection!
full bloom by peachybean
centaurus a by astrobinu
reading this always makes me feel like im floating around in space and clenching my teeth in excitement!
and if you ever have anything you think i need to check out, hit me up with that fic, fams. i dont even care if it’s your own. i check a03 regularly, so if it’s something posted elsewhere, pls let me know!
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vonseal · 7 years
what im weak for this week
SOOOOO i haven’t done one of these in almost a month! i think it’s high-time to get back on track again! hopefully i can come out with the next one on the 11th instead of a month later.
this is long. like srsly long. like wow. it took me an hour. i could’ve written a whole fic.
call me maybe by shinigamibutter
i’ve got this weird thing with library aus. i love them. maybe it's because libraries are elusive and mysterious to me now (i checked out a book back in middle school, i still have it on my bookshelf and im too scared to return it), but they’re something so nice about libraries. also there’s something so nice about SOCKY and MYUNGJIN and BINU all in one lil fic, holla for a dolla! this is really nice and cute and i loved reading it! <3
out of my league by koutarous
BINU!!! DRINKING TOO MUCH (bad bin)!!! i loved this prompt and @shouldveheldon did it so much justice, it’s unbelievable how good it is (but i’ve never been disappointed from her writing). the set-up is good and even if bin should lay off on the alcohol a bit, at least it got him a cute guy’s number, AMIRITE.
i’ll pick the white and fluffy clouds from the sky for you by spaceviolet (vividplum)
did you guys know im a fan of the cute fluff? did you guys know im a fan of the socky? did you guys know im a fan if you combine both those things? heck yes man, this combination was so amazing and perfect. ALSO, ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP??? im in, im so in.
Does Lonileness Ever Truly End? by MidnightsDeath
i should stop writing angsty stuff bc people take it as inspiration to make even angstier stuff and then im all sad and depressed lol. especially WHEN I STARTS HELLA CUTE WITH MYUNGJIN. thank you for writing this, and thank you for making me cry and ruin my makeup haha.
(my) hot antagonist by rubanrose
we’ve been getting this nice influx of moonrock here lately, and seal approves. i mean, tbc was basically moonrock (did you see the way bin smiled when he brought up rocky???). ALSO ANOTHER ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP, YES. and just moonbin and rocky being cute dorks together and making my heart die of fluff, wow <3
you captured my heart by binubin
some people say that the fake boyfriend au is overdone. i say it’s UNDERdone. like, seriously, i love the idea of people pretending to date and then legit falling in love (the proposal is one of my favorite movies if you guys wanted to know), and WOW IM SO HAPPY THIS ONE EXISTS! bin is a photographer and dongmin is a (un?)willing subject, and i just want you guys to read it. it’ll be six chapters of awesome sauce.
home is wherever the heart is by diametrical
NO GUYS YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THAT DOMESTIC AUS ARE JUST THE GREATEST!!!! AND MYUNGJIN???? DOMESTIC???? wow, just shoot me now, @leedeermin, bc you stole my heart already. i thought nothing could top binu domestic au, BUT THIS DID (mostly bc myungjin > everything for me, im trash, send help). thank youuuu for this, it’s all i needed in life 
i get to love you by asteraa
aka, lanna still tryin to make up for making me sob over trains to busan au. well it worked. it worked so so so well. and the song choice for the end I HAVE IT ON MY PHONE BC OF THIS NOW WOW i get emo over it thank you so much. this is all around just funny and cute and heart-wrenching and fluffy and perfect.
moving on by slaymyseoul
your username conveys perfectly what you’ve done to me, @slaymyseoul: you slayed my soul. slayed it hard. slayed it nasty. and then you acted all happy in the end notes like you didn’t just slaughter a thousand hearts all at once. this binu just...all 700 words of it just ruined me for the rest of my life. you’re such a good author and it shows in my tears.
baby by beifomg
tbh now all i can think in my head is BABY whenever they call each other that, bless astro and their bitchin tunes. NAH BUT THIS FIC is so pure??? so so so pure and i just wanted to touch the screen and somehow lengthen the story with nothing but this pure moment between eunwoo and binnie. at least im so happy this was created, it’s perfection.
Let's go on an adventure! by Rach4040
BINU!!! CUTE BINUUUU!!! also rulebreaker binnie and SUDDEN RULEBREAKER EUNWOO??? i love the idea of cute, romantic teens going off in the middle of the night just to be cute and pure and getting back home in the morning and knowing they won’t get any sleep and will be utterly exhausted all day, but it’s worth it because they love each other AND THATS WHAT THIS IS!!! it’s so cute, gosh golly.
rock show by roobix
i know a few people wanted bartender jinwoo, which i might still write, but i think this one is even better than what i could ever do. it was so short and i longed for more BUT MAN what we did get was fantastic (and made me imagine bartender jinwoo, haha yessss)
oh, the stars shine by parkjinchu
the stars shine for @parkjinchu and HER BEAUTIFUL FICS!!! i missed her writing in the lull after the year we met (go check it out, go check it out on her page, wow i cry), but she’s back with DOMESTICCCCC (im so happy with all this domestic we’re getting) JINCHA!!! why is there not more jincha, they work so well together. (i’d write it but also im myungjin trash, i cant escape my hell). also cute new parents peeking over a bed at their fragile baby just warms my heart (also, relatable, how do you touch a baby without breaking him)
summer paradise by aseuteuro
nopenopenopenope. i shouldnt recommend this, so dont read it unless you want to cry at work like seal did (not safe for work, bc you CRY). it’s binu and i sorta expected it to be happy despite the angst warning in the tags (im not smart, i dont claim to be intelligent) but it WASNT, it just RIPPED MY HEART OUT, HOW DARE
colour me by heybinnie
i will be honest, i dont normally read reader-insert fics like this, but i thought, “it’s @heybinnie and she’s perfect so i bet it will be perfect.” guess what? it was. it was so dreamy and beautiful and breathtaking, and i seriously cannot wait to figure it all out! (JINWOO SELLS DRUGS, PASS IT ON)
flytrap by tinytaeil
MYUNGJIN, i thought. METAPHORS, i thought again. BEAUTIFUL WRITING WOW IM JEALOUS, i thought once more. and then it ends with my cries, why can’t jinwoo just LOVE and have HAPPINESS, why this, why the poor fly, why the amazing description and flowing narrative??? tbh, i think this fic was a flytrap.
forbidden love by jiminaddiction
MORE MOONROCK! look at us getting blessed with all this moonrock. i love this one a lot bc minhyuk is deaf and bin is colorblind, but WOW they’re so adorable and blushy around each other! each chapter that comes out makes me so happy and excited, and i can’t wait for more of it!
Loop by ContraryNonsense
WOW MAN THIS IS SO INTRIGUING!!! i dont read tags, tbh, i just click at this point when i see the description, so i didn’t expect the ending to the first chapter (then i read the tags and thought, “gotta trudge past the angst to get to the happy ending.”) and we’re ALMOST THERE!!! ONE MORE CHAPTER!!! definitely read this, pls do so, it deserve so much more hits than it’s got.
where soil lies, a new beginning blooms by @vocalpmh
THIS WAS INSPIRED BY WITCHCRAFT WHICH>????? how did i do anything to deserve this amazing piece of perfection??? i still read it a lot, it’s one of my go-tos when im feeling down, and im so blessed you gifted it to me, i just absolutely ADORE this fic. pls pls pls read, it’s pure and perfect myungjin (also butt groping, my legacy spreads)
breadtrayed by @glowingjinjin
that pun. get in my home, lanna, i need your puns. i think we had a discussion bc i actually dont like bread all that much but NO WHAT HAS BREAD EVER DONE TO ME??? or to eunwoo, who apparently can find time to bag up a bunch of bread, what a great boyfriend.
a love stronger than furniture by @glowingjinjin
stop writing funny fics to make up for train to busan, you can’t replace my broken heart. IDK THO THIS CAME CLOSE TO DOING SO!!! everything about it was perfect, and you’re so amazing with writing these cutsie fics??? (and then you’ll turn around and rip out my heart, i know you will)
witch coven au by @astrofireworks
i still havent read the newest addition, but i have it up right now to read after i post this. i love your imagination. i love your ideas, i just need to tap into your brain and steal some of this brilliance, thank you very much
because of hani by gachigallae - have i mentioned how much i love these kids and domestic stuff??? because i do, i truly seriously do, and i love this fic and bin’s affection for dongmin’s daughter is so cute
5+1 by heybinnie - this makes my heart wrench, but in a good way, and makes me realize how fantastic of a leader jinwoo is to these boys.
stray romance by alette - @alette-stars done did it again, stole my heart and made binnie and dongmin both all so jealous, wow this is cute
medley by sassysavagesanha (RedJusticeLibra) - QUEEN OF SOCKY!!! MORE SOCKY FOR ME!!! more socky for you if you click right now, guaranteed you’ll enjoy it
short moments by Mieun (snowsketch) - i love these cute little movements, and new chapters always make me so happy, especially the myungjin in the last chapter!
inked by jinwoosmile - i figured you out, @jinwoosmile. you tryin to get me to cry. and you succeeded, congrats, you can stop bashing my heart apart now.
leave me dreaming by desiderate - im hooked. im so so so so hooked and idk how it’ll end but im so anticipating whatever happens because it’s such good writing so i know it’ll be fantastic (even if i’ve been so sad with this lol)
the language of flowers by birdbrainberke - I LOVED THIS PROMPT so obvs i love this fic, especially bc it’s @payneinthearsenal, who really knows how to write amazing fics.!!!
and if you ever have anything you think i need to check out, hit me up with that fic, fams. i dont even care if it’s your own. i check a03 regularly, so if it’s something posted elsewhere, pls let me know!
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vonseal · 7 years
So I've managed to write my first astro fic ever on ao3 and then I wrote 3 more fics this summer before I started school, but now I want to write more because I have a list of AU's for myungjin, Binu and socky. Sadly I'm in my first week back at school and really itching to write something even though I have things that need to be done this week. :') I wish I'm able to balance writing more astro fics and school work. Your fics and other fics in the tags are keeping me alive at this point.
balancing fics, work, and school is always the most difficult thing to do, tbh, and i start next week, so im dreading how slowly i know i’ll be producing fics from here on out. it kills me inside to know that i won’t be as speedy as i used to be. 
AH WELL the fics on A03 always keep me alive throughout school! im glad i could help with that, too!
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vonseal · 7 years
what im weak for this week
yet again, im dumb so we have two weeks worth! i’ll be on top of it next time, i promise!
this is real long, forewarning, but you guys are such good writers sooooo
(from now on, im keeping a running draft that i will just post once a week, this takes so long when i wait two weeks omg)
two boys; one bed by fivepixelphan
(tbh this sounds like it’s going to be dirtier than it is) (and in case you’re wondering, it’s 0% dirty, 100% cute) i love socky and i dont love unrequited feelings and so i was pretty covered in this fic, because it’s SOCKY WITH A HAPPY ENDING! all i wanted was a happy ending while reading through this fic, so bless fivepixelphan for coming through for me! <3
faking it by koutarous
when moonbin needs a fake boyfriend, who does he choose? obviously eunwoo because binu lives forever in our hearts!!! this sort of reminded me of coffee prince, without the whole “eunwoo is a girl holy cow” type of thing going on, which is just fine with me! i love the plot, because it’s corny and cliched and that’s legit my middle name (corny and cliched - it’s no longer Vonseal). please please please read this! it was just perfect!
you & me by sanhasbinu
why do i expect happy fics, all of a sudden there is an influx of angst and my heart is being ripped from my chest. sanahasbinu has been on here before with an angsty fic (cotton candy, check it out), and i thought maybe i wouldn’t have to deal with the pain anymore, but i do. i do. and i love every second of the heart-wrenching feels (i’m 21 and i still use feels unironically, lord save me).
i saw an angel by parkjinwoes
SOMEONE GIFTED SOCKY TO ME!!! i cried reading it, it was long and funny and sort of sad at times, i just wanted them both to be happy together, but then this line: However, Yoon Sanha is also terrible at keeping secrets and feelings to himself. Oblivious to him, Park Minhyuk is too good at doing that. THAT MADE ME REALIZE i gotta trudge through the sad first before getting to the happy. but when i got to the happy, BOY OH MAN it was definitely happy. big recommendation right here!
centaurea cyanus by A_N_D_Y
I WAS SO SCARED OMG. usually with these hanahaki type of fics (tbh i still dont fully understand what the hanahaki thing is or how it came about, but i’ve read three astro fics relating to this so i may or may not be a sorta-expert), someone ends up dying??? annnnnd i really thought death would come in this fic. and i dont want to tell how it ends, but pls understand binu is forever alive and well within our hearts (and maybe the fic, i may or may not be giving away the ending)
shopping list by Shinigamibutter
when she releases cute myungjin, she really release cute myungjin. i mean, this was so fluffy and domestic and i just wanted it to go on forever and ever. never before has a shopping trip been so interesting!!! never before has it filled me with such joy and happiness! also BUTT GROPING YES (you guys learned my weakness)
like a game of hide-and-seek by kimtaehyungsleftpinky
frat boy jinwoo is something i never knew i needed in my life, but good golly, i did need it. coupled with cat owner myungjun (also my weakness - cats and myungjun, how dare) this fic was just perfect??? i want to know more about their relationship and  “I don’t like your cat.” Jinwoo muttered and looked at Marco in disgust. Myungjun gasped and covered Marco’s ears as if the cat had understood what Jinwoo had said. this just made my entire day, that’s a me thing, hashtag relatable.
our own space travels, shall we leave? by spaceviolet (vividplum)
MINHYUK IS THE TRUE MVP OF THIS FIC. i wish i had barista minhyuk all the time. but we have more socky (i am REALLY loving this sudden rush of socky fics, you guys rock!) and SANHA GETS STOOD UP and i’ll punch whoever stood him up. but minhyuk is ready with the correct drink order, bless this barista, and his pals are hilarious and i just had a lot of feelings for this fic <3
soft rock by birdbrainberke
soft pebble minhyuk, so soft and so in love with yoon sanha. this is the socky sequel (is it a sequel?) to the broken bones fic i posted and raved about recently, and oh my good golly, i love this so much. i love the insight to minhyuk’s character, and the reasons he does the things he does and says the things he says. also he is #savage towards bin, which cracks me up, and i love birdbrainberke and all his beautiful, wonderful fics <3
blood, sweat & tears by jiminaddiction
(is this a bts reference? i’ve only heard three bts songs, but i think this is a bts reference?) so im a little nervous about this one because it’s got some crazy tags that make me scared for the future. I DO NOT LIKE SADNESS AND PAIN and i think i’m going to get it. im a soft, meek marshmallow, and i finally found some Moonrock and I KNOW THERE WILL BE SADNESS AND PAIN. but i think i can trudge through, i will be strong!
cliche by Shinigamibutter
THIS IS SO SOFT AND CUTE BINU how do you write such cute and soft binu??? idk, but i love the little descriptions of bin’s smile and eunwoo’s absolute infatuation with him, like this is short and sweet and it pierces my heart with the cute, bless u for this!
the sweet ride home by diametrical
idk if you guys know this, but i love kids and i love families and i love astro, so when you just combine all three of these into one, im just a melted pile of gooey feelings. binu and eunwoo as a single dad kills my heart it just melts it all completely. this was so well-written, too, and i found myself ready to sacrifice someone to get more of it (i jest only slightly).
made in the a.m. by koutarous
tbh mj is me drinking - i’ve been forbidden to drink at work events anymore because i am easily drunk, i am not sorry for my low alcohol tolerance and neither is mj, apparently, because he does it regardless. i didnt expect the MYUNGJIN BUT I GOT THE MYUNGJIN and i may or may not have just fallen in love with it???? bless u for writing this (underage drinking = big no no)
secret by j_kwanboo
JINCHA!!! JIN. CHA. tbh thats all that i need sometimes, some good ol jincha (flashback to jinjin calling eunwoo pretty and my heart melting, that was so cute), and this is cute jincha and also SANHA LOSES HIS INNOCENT EYES, PLEASE SPARE MY CHILD!!! i really loved this fic, i laughed at it and i will hug poor sanha and give him back his purity.
who wrote the book on goodbye? by Rach4040
when i was younger, i thought i was so mature for liking that dear john book by that-fantastic-romance-author-whose-name-escapes-me, but then i realized i hate those goodbyes for lengthy periods of time, so by all accounts i should hate this, but i can’t because it’s cute and pure and it is a little sad, but i know it will be happy in the end!!! <3
train to busan astro au by @glowingjinjin
i am still very mad at this whole fic, do not read if you value your heart in one piece, im not even kidding i just cried over this a lot and im waiting for some cute myungjin, lanna, or else i might punch someone in the face, not naming names at all, but even going back to link this fic made me get flashbacks and i feel empty inside thinking about it. how dare u. dont read this, on second thought, it’s painful.
problems with pastry by sanhasbinu: im glad mj survived war  ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^
hide and seek by Mintwho (NaCltyRy): mj, why do you gotta be this way??? also why do you gotta write a fic making me choose between my bias and my bias wrecker, like im so sad
medley by sassysavagesanha (RedJusticeLibra): i get so hyped whenever this gets updated, you always deliver such cute socky!!!
stray romance by Alette: MJ: im an adult i cant just come willy-nilly. ROCKY: eunwoo has boyfriend. MJ: im coming willy-nilly. i love.
and if you ever have anything you think i need to check out, hit me up with that fic, fams. i dont even care if it’s your own. i check a03 regularly, so if it’s something posted elsewhere, pls let me know!
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vonseal · 7 years
what im weak for this week
you guys really put out so many quality fanfics the past week, im jealous but more than that, im so happy that we have so many awesome astro fanfic authors. im going to shower everyone with dollar bills.
btw it’s long, you guys really showered the world with so many this week, i loved them.
three times the moon shined for minhyuk, and one time it didn't by koutarous
spoiler alert: IT DOESNT END IN SUNSHINE AND RAINBOWS. but i dont even care, i seriously loved this fic through and through. it was sad at the end, but reading it through was so satisfying, so even if this moonrock fic doesn’t leave you smiling and cheering, at least it will leave you in a puddle of goo, wanting more from the author. bless.
cant keep my eyes off you by arohawe
MYUNGJIN! im always game for some myungjin, if you guys havent guessed at this point. and this myungjin just left me feeling like a toasted marshmallow. actually, probably a gooey marshmallow. a marshmallow you toast so much that the outer portion comes off and all you’re left with is the gooey, innard marshmallow mess. that’s how i felt reading this fic, not even lying. i want everyone to read it and we will all become gooey, marshmallow messes together.
for aroha by shinigamibutter
MYUNGJIN! i ignored the hurt/comfort tag warning and dived into this fic expecting nothing but pure, cutsie fluff, and i ALMOST got that, but the small douse of hurt/comfort it did have was really nice to read, anyway. idk, im such an emotional girly girl, so people being sensitive to comments and what have you really gets to me, and i like it when authors explore these insecurities, and Butterfly does a FANTASTIC job at it. also, eunwoo at the end is hashtag me.
mistletoes and christmas by rach4040
guess what i am always in the mood for? christmas. guess what im also always in the mood for? cute binu. GUESS WHAT ELSE? harry potter aus. ONE MORE THING? rach4040. that’s stuff im always in the mood for, and so this was a quadruple whammy right at my face, like someone just gifted me a pecan pie, and i ate this fic up. it was perfect and amazing and i REALLY can’t wait until rach4040 writes some more, seriously, this piece of work was flawless! <3
alone by gachigallae
be still, my binu-loving heart. but my heart can’t be still after this fic. it can never be still again. the thought of moonbin waiting for eunwoo to return from his busy schedule, texting him to display his loneliness, accidentally - i dont even want to say it all, so pls do give this one at least ten read throughs, like i did.
problems with pastry by sanhasbinu
this fic manages to leave me hungry for pastries while also filling me up with myungjin. and, tbh, i’ll die of starvation if it means i’m full of myungjin (maybe not that far, you guys get me, tho, right?). MYUNGJUN BURNING COOKIES THO! AND JINWOO BEING ADORABLY HELPFUL! and love and romance and great golly gee, i seriously cannot wait for this fic to reach the true romantic plot, wowie gee, i’m going to pay my dollar bills for this, i promise.
deaf by shinigamibutter
the butterfly struck again with more myungjin, holla for a dolla. ALSO SHE GIFTED THIS TO ME, I AM NOT DESERVING OF THIS. it was seriously so adorable and cute and a little heartbreaking but, like, in a good sort of way, just imagining jinjin communicating with myungjun, i just - and the last line, if you read it just know that im going to marry that last line, gosh darn it.
the death of a potato by slaymyseoul
THIS IS SO CLEVER! this is so cleverly written and hilarious and i couldn’t stop laughing at the conclusion. i mean it, it was perfect, and i can actually see it happening, no lie, and also i just want everyone who reads it to know that i am Team Sanha and i will fight you for that crime, im serious. otp = sanha x potatoes.
give me a 'e-u-n-w-o-o' by adri_ya
SANHA AS A CUTE CHEERLEADER! (would you guys know it, i went to one of the cheerleading tryouts in middle school, but i was hella ugly and not cute at all back then, but also i backed out bc i hated the idea of attending sport games). also SANHA HAVING A MAD CRUSH ON EUNWOO! tbh, all of the boys get along so well, so while i definitely have otp preferences, they all work. and sanha and eunwoo work super duper well, and i just loved this fic. eunwoo was flirty and sanha was dorky and it was perfect <3
we've never met but, can we have a coffee or something? by hyngwhn
i never commented on this on a03, i am SO sorry, im going to totes leave a comment im just behind, but I DID LOVE IT SO MUCH! the way it was written was so poetic, and the way it ended made me all warm and gushy on the inside. im going to pay you money to write description for me, okay, because wowzers mouser, this was beautiful.
because of hani by gachigallae
do you guys know that im the biggest sucker ever for fics with kids and loving fathers??? do you guys know that? do you know it, gachchigallae? you must have because whoa my goosh, you wrote this and i just collapsed on the ground and died of pure joy. im dead, pls go dig me up so i can read the following chapters. ALSO EVENTUAL BINU! holy cow eventual binu, and the setup is just perfect, and here, take my life.
inked by jinwoosmile
tattoo aus and binu and SASSY DONGMIN! this fic has it all. this fic is going to be tattooed on my back (ahahaha, nudges @jinwoosmile, find me a bin tattoo artist pls, i’d like that). so far two chapters are out and i’m anticipating at least 97 more chapters, because i want to be 34 years old and still waiting for updates pls. thank you, i know this will happen.
worth the wait by @heybinnie
minhyuk, you’d better make money bc my boy binnie needs his steak. NO MAN FAM, this fic was such a nice, wholesome fic. i love heybinnie’s fics, they completely brighten my day in ways only heybinnie can do, honestly. i hope they make a new bet of filling out stadiums with 7000 seats, they need to do that, my sweet boys. <3
hide and seek by Mintwho (NaCltyRy) - tbh i think i keep switching out between jinwoo and myungjun, i dont know who to choose, im like a girl in a kdrama, send help.
new phone who dis? by moonbinsonesie - petition to shun lee dongmin for not knowing what the sims is 
the year we met by fivepixelphan - once again how dare
stray romance by alette - this will never not be perfect. oh my gosh, im in love with alette and this story.
and if you ever have anything you think i need to check out, hit me up with that fic, fams. i dont even care if it’s your own. i check a03 regularly, so if it’s something posted elsewhere, pls let me know!
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vonseal · 7 years
what im weak for this week
im a little late in the evening, but we still have time before the day is done! read these and just go shower everyone with dollar bills pls, they all deserve it so much.
punishment in the form of an angel by ikindawrite
(did i enjoy this because it had a lot of myungjin? yes) BUT SERIOUSLY, i think the world always needs more binu, and guess what this also has? binu. and guess what it also has? this fantastic little exchange of lines that i really can’t give away, but oh my gosh, i was clapping the whole time. the dialogue is fantastic and quick-paced and it just is so much fun to read. if this doesn’t leave you grinning, you’re out of luck, this is perfection.
operation: frenemies! by yehetno
yehetno is my queen tbh. back when i started writing myungjin, there was a few fics here and there, but yehetno’s fics really pulled me into this pair. so whenever she updates, im going to reread it at least ten times. this one i need to reread twenty more times. it’s the rocky pov of her amazing socky fanfic all is fair in love and war and i never knew how much i needed the rocky pov. she’s really outdone herself for this one, and im just going to melt while reading her fics, i love her.
diamonds are forever by slaymyseoul
i think @moon-hyuks one time drew a pic of rocky playing baseball (and moonbin, too, if i remember correctly, link me up with that if you got it bc it was probs one of the best things ever in the world ever), but i imagine that pic while reading this here fic. and BY GOLLY i love this fic. i’m so pumped for the next chapter; binu baseball with moonbin getting too flustered up at bat and just - it’s amazing, it’s so good, pls read it!
taekwondo 101 by sanhasbinu
tag yourself, i’m sanha’s KAPOW. like, all i need to say for this fic is KAPOW. i was smiling like an idiot the entire time while reading it, and i know this fic is going to make me turn into a pile of goo. it’s so precious; socky and taekwondo and sanha being an absolute child is just three things i always need in life, so thank you so much for this fic
hide and seek by Mintwho (NaCltyRy) - i think im finally choosing jinwoo here, even if mj is my bias, but mintwho has made me fall for jinwoo send help
aspiring rebel, lee dongmin by sarangway - never before has a fic ever made me laugh so hard. “my mom dressed me,” i swear lee dongmin, i swear mama eagle...
the year we met by fivepixelphan - “there’ll be angst,” says she. “i didn’t know you meant i was legit going to die crying,” says i. dont read this if you like smiling, im so depressed and now i need new chap asap.
problems with pastry by sanhasbinu - if you ignored my warning and read the year we met and are now suffering from heartbreak, read this because by golly it’s so cute and fluffy and sweet
stray romance by  Alette - !!!!! how many exclamation points until you guys hate my guts, i want to give this fic a million dollars pls, it’s sooooo goood.
and if you ever have anything you think i need to check out, hit me up with that fic, fams. i dont even care if it’s your own. i check a03 regularly, so if it’s something posted elsewhere, pls let me know!
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