slunecnibistro · 10 days
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bunedycom · 2 years
Jorge Jesus istemedi! Okan Buruk onayladı
Jorge Jesus istemedi! Okan Buruk onayladı
Fenerbahçe Teknik Direktörü Jorge Jesus’un veto ettiği Samet Akaydın için Okan Buruk onay verdi. Bu sezonki formuyla milli takıma kadar yükselen Samet Akaydın için Galatasaray Teknik Direktörü Okan Buruk’un “Stoper rotasyonumuz için mükemmel bir takviye olacak” ifadesini kullandığı ortaya çıktı. Galatasaray’ın özellikle Ross’un sakatlanmasından sonra stoper rotasyonunda yaşanan eksilmeyi Samet…
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Bike #phuket #samet #crystalclearthailand #thailand (at Samet Nangshe - Viewpoint of Phang Nga Bay) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjEd0mnPlBc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ordupress · 2 years
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Giresun'da Lunapark’ta oyun treninin raydan çıkması ile gerçekleşen talihsiz bir kaza sonucu Kumru #Demircili Mahallesi nüfusuna kayıtlı olan Özel Harekat Şube Müdürlüğü görevli Polis Memuru #Samet #Dilekçe eşi Hacı Dilekçenin gelini Giresun Çevik Kuvvet Şube Müdürlüğü’nde görevli Komiser Yardımcısı #Sinem #Gülşen #Dilekçe vefat etmiştir.Cenazesi 10.08.2022 Çarşamba günü İkindi namazına müteakip Kumru merkez caminde kılınacak cenaze namazının ardından aile kabristanligina defin edilecektir.Merhumeye Allahdan rahmet kederli ailesine başsağlığı dileriz. https://www.instagram.com/p/ChEjJRRMcaE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deniz-mehtap · 30 days
Adını yazdım çizdim kalbime
İşledim seni santim santim
Toz olup gitme sen orda hep kal diye
Raflara koyup resmini silmedim...
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uzaaklar · 9 months
Şimdilik küçük, değersiz bir ağaçtım, buna rağmen önümde parlak bir gelecek vardı.
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whumpookies · 2 months
Yan oda bölüm 3 cousins fight.
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said this to a friend before so apologies for being tacky by repeating myself but consider the doctor's discomfort with being placed in Man as a category as less of a refusal of gender than a refusal of adulthood
because thats what it is, right? the doctor's always been vaguely not-a-man in the same way and maybe sometimes in the same breath as they are vaguely not-a-human and also purposefully childish
Man and Woman are adult categories. you get to be in them by performing gender the right way, but also by being mature. and when youre in them you get a certain amount of respect for being Man or Woman, the respect of doing gender right PLUS being an adult right. degendering and infantilisation and dehumanisation often happen like, together, right?
i think the doctor's refusal of being put in a category of Man is about that maturity thing a lot more than it is about gender. i think the doctor has actual thoughts and feelings about adulthood, or maturity, or Whatever, about Being A Child and Being A Not-Child and Being Not A Child and Not Being A Child. i think they have ACTUAL opinions on that whereas they havent given gender more than a sideways glance. i think it makes a lot more sense and is a lot more true to the text to interpret their statements about manhood through that lense than anything to do with gender
theyre a lot more of a posterboy for children's rights than a posterboy for nonbinariness and i like them way better that way too. if they met a nonbinary person they'd not be surprised or confused it'd not be a deal to them but also i dont believe they'd relate it to themselves at all. when they meet children they do relate, they do place themselves in the same spot, they are on the children's side.
#i dont know why this is so agressive apparently i had some Feelings abt this fhkghjg that i finally managed to articulate#the genderness of the doctor has been frustrating me on some level for like years#like at the same time im like okay yeah obvs trans sort of inherently but also at the samet ime no theyre not????#like YES they are. i think Renegade is doing trans the gallifreyan way#it's going your own way. it's choosing your own like caste. it's picking your own name#becoming a renegade IS the gallifreyan or A gallifreyan way of transing yourself i do believe that#but also. the doctor isnt trans in a human way at all#and like every statement hteyve made about gender you have to be like. deluding yourself at least a little to take it to be abt gender#in my opinion#like ive done. enough times. sure. it's fun to play with interpretations#but also it deosnt feel honest#it doesnt feel honest to take anything the doctor at least from 9-13 has said about gender to be about. gender#it really isnt most if not all of the time!#an di think THIS is why#and theres also like the... the doctor's concept of maturity and growing up (ive got old meta where i say it's about#dont do genocide = growing up to the doctor and i still stand behind that)#and also all this is then interesting with 13 bc i said to the same friend yesterday (sorry ymae) that 13 is kinda like an anti-coming of#age story to me. but im not putting that in the post bc thats like. reaching i think a little#in the way that im not reaching about this child stuff#but it's interesting how it interacts with 13. this seeming transness that isnt abt transness/gender#bc she transed her gender but she DIDNT. her story was about something entirely else#anyway#if i manage to articulate that in a good way i'll add it to the post for now it's this#theta sigma#also wish i had quotes at the ready abt Man and War and Children but i dont#gotta rewatch#smth smth doctors daugther beast below twice upon a time the doctor dances etc#eaters of ligth also
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downfalldestiny · 1 year
Samet Nangshe Viewpoint - Phang Nga 🇨🇷 !.
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yeryuzugokyuzu · 1 year
“Büyük balık küçük balığı özleye de bilirdi. Ama siz, balıkların birbirini yediği bir hikaye anlatmayı tercih ettiniz.”
Küçük Kara Balık · Samed Behrengi
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dusteddpetals · 1 year
In my "Bikharne ka mujhko shawk hai bada" era
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quo-usque-tandem · 17 days
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Samet Nangshe, Thailand
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bizimcocuklar · 3 months
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Special post for my boy Arda ! 🥰🥺
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The Center Cannot Hold
A kaleidoscopic journey through a divided country
By Elizabeth D. Samet | March 1, 2023
Jeff Sharlet’s new book, The Undertow, plunged me into a vertiginous fever-dream. It induced a physiological response similar to the one I experienced while reading Joan Didion’s Slouching Towards Bethlehem. Both books are mood-altering, mind-altering odysseys; both set forth visions of a weird and roiling body politic. Didion’s title invokes an earlier account of disintegration, W. B. Yeats’s “The Second Coming,” to frame its anatomy of American chaos in the 1960s. “Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, / The blood-dimmed tide is loosed,” Yeats wrote in 1919. “And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,” he wonders in the poem’s final lines, “Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?” This is the question hovering behind Sharlet’s essay collection, which spans a period of approximately 10 years, ending in 2021—an era he describes, borrowing filmmaker Jeffrey Ruoff’s coinage, as “the Trumpocene.”
On finishing “The Undertow,” I realized the degree to which the revelatory terrors of Didion’s American surreal are mercifully muted for me because I am not old enough to have known them at first hand. But I live in Sharlet’s America, a world of apocalyptic pulsings and unnatural peril made all the more visceral by the author’s capacity for ventriloquizing the grief, rage, delusion, racism, misogyny, and bad-faith histrionics that he encounters on his journeys across the United States. The river of bile on which Sharlet fights to stay afloat courses from one end of the country to the other. He ushers us into the front yards and houses of radicalized private citizens, draws us into a conference for angry members of the “manosphere,” sweeps us from the violence of the Capitol steps on January 6 to the conspiratorial depths of QAnon. He immerses us in political rallies and megachurch services, which often sound very much the same in their embrace of a prosperity gospel derived from Norman Vincent Peale’s The Power of Positive Thinking (1952). The same association between faith and material success that makes the “church of Trump” appealing to so many infuses some of the actual churches Sharlet visits.
A consummate long-form journalist and a professor of creative writing at Dartmouth College, Sharlet is also the author of several books, including “The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power” (2008) and “C Street: The Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy” (2010), which together formed the basis of a Netflix documentary series. The evangelical Christian communities that Sharlet explored in those works feature in The Undertow as ecstatic, often paranoid, and usually armed. The book alludes to the long, sometimes violent history of American evangelism that stretches back to the Puritans—a history eloquently traversed several years ago by another intrepid journalist, Frances FitzGerald, in The Evangelicals (2017). Figures like Jonathan Edwards and John Brown make cameos in Sharlet’s book, but its focus is, emphatically, on the now. “The Undertow”, Sharlet advises readers, “is written from the middle of something, a season of coming apart.
”Sharlet is a kind of anthropologist of the Trumpocene, and the richness of his dispatches derives from his ability to inhabit a broad range of sensibilities and psychologies. Camping out in the “funk” of Lower Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park in 2011, for example, he tries to account for the oddness of the Occupy movement. “Occupations were literally about re-filling a hollowed-out public sphere with an actual public of breathing bodies,” he writes. The protesters made headlines, even as their agenda remained somewhat unclear. They were, he concludes, holy fools: they offered poetry instead of platforms and spoke “not truth to power but imagination to things as they are.”
Despite this interlude, Sharlet is interested primarily in the imagination of the right. In his telling, it assumes more sinister expression as cant, violent fantasy, and vengeful prayer, which combine to create an “alternate reality” bolstered by “the juxtaposition of the verifiable and the absurd, each vouching for the other.” The Steal, Pizzagate, the deep state, red-pilling, the Great Replacement Theory, the satanic Clintons—these are the “feverish dreams” coursing, in their various permutations, through the book. These are the descendants of dreams, Sharlet insists, that have been “twisting through the American mind since the beginning.”
Sharlet, who has attended services in all manner of places—“megachurches and chapels and compounds and covens”—visits several in The Undertow. An early essay features Miami’s slick, celebrity-linked VOUS Church, “born on an Oxygen reality show featuring beaches, bikinis, and screaming fans, called Rich in Faith.” Sharlet’s handlers are friendly, keen that he have “fun,” but he finds only emptiness: a gospel of “style and good feeling.” Later, he attends the more “militant” and considerably less hospitable West Omaha Baptist Church, where Pastor Hank singles him out as a journalist purveying lies: “Your sin will find you out.” What finds him out first, when he is talking with some worshippers in the parking lot after the service, is an obviously armed security guard and an usher, who persuades Sharlet to leave with a threatening question: “How do you know I don’t have a gun?” The incident raises Sharlet’s blood pressure and brings into focus the autobiographical story that threads through his narrative. He reveals that he has had two heart attacks, and so the heartsickness of the body politic finds its physical analogue and somber echo in the heart disease of its chronicler, as he is dragged, and we with him, into the undertow of a distinctively American kind of sorrow and hysteria.
In “The Undertow”’s title essay, Sharlet takes up the case of Ashli Babbitt, the January 6 rioter killed by a Capitol Police officer. For some, Babbitt has become a martyr, a harbinger, the “first casualty” of the “slow civil war” to which the book’s subtitle calls our attention. Her death, together with the swirling fictions about it that have now replaced the facts, becomes the emblem of a Yeatsian center that “cannot hold.” Yet the book’s first and final essays offer a counterpoint to the processes of disintegration and drowning in the portraits of two musicians and political activists: Harry Belafonte and Lee Hays (a founder of the folk group The Weavers). Sharlet restores the voices of these singers, whose “best songs” have been “forgotten or worn smooth and seemingly safe by time.” Rescuing their music from the distortions of history, he reveals these artists in all their lyrical splendor as mourners, elegists. Sharlet sees these men—one Black, the other white—as heroic singers of “a kind of secret code of resistance” to lies, delusions, and Trumpian “vulgarity masquerading as candor,” as well as to the violence such rhetoric summons.
Remember grieving Orpheus, torn limb from limb by the frenzied bacchantes, his head carried along the river, still afloat and singing. Nothing could drown out that voice.
Elizabeth D. Samet is a professor of English at West Point. Her latest book is Looking for the Good War: American Amnesia and the Violent Pursuit of Happiness.
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uzaaklar · 9 months
Eğer bir şeftali kurtlara kanar, onların etlerine işlemesine, çekirdeklerini kemirmesine duyarsızlaşır ise ölür. Eğer çekirdeğindeki gizli güçle yaşama bağlanırsa ve gelişme ortamına sahipse her şeftali gelişir
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whumpookies · 1 year
Three questions for thee, mi' lady. Answer them all and you shall be rewarded with cookies! One) what is your earliest whump memory? Two) do you have a favourite setting when it comes to whump? And Three) what is your favourite actor(s) to get whumped? Now take care and has't a valorous day! P.S cookies shall beest f'rward'd to thy mailbox!
Wow, what a deal, cookies for three questions and so polite almost knightly 🤣
Okay let's see my earliest Whump memory 🤔 sesame street when the chef got hurt or even power rangers (okay cheesy I know) and then there's the little house on the Prairie and Bonanza I remember those episodes with The Whump and Getting the Whumperflies Man I loved that feeling growing up 🤔🥰
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Favorite setting? Oh jeez, err depends on the mood I guess 🤔 I'm the kind that enjoys almost all settings .. but I think I mainly go for the comfort setting 🤔
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Last question actor(s) hummmm let's see 🤔 there's so many!!!
Newest is Samet kuyucu in gülcemal
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Then there's the usual tolga Sarıtaş, Aras bulut, İbrahim, Engin akyürek..i could go on and on 🤣
So cookies? I'll expect half s dozen minimum 🤣
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