#sakaya miki
sayakasblogg · 2 months
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samble-moved · 1 year
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bubbleteaop · 11 months
Taiga Woman as Yachiyo Nanami || Mega Man PMMM AU
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For those who have been watching me, I made this “Mega Man Puella Magi Madoka Magica AU” which I made during Inktober and later on I thought to myself “I wonder who’s gonna be Sayaka?” at first I was gonna draw Taiga Woman as Sakaya Miki but then I realized I already drew one of my friend’s OC as Sayaka which was a bummer but then I remembered one of the characters “Yachiyo Nanami” and so I drew Taiga Woman as Yachiyo and let’s just I was a bit proud of how it turned out.
Taiga Woman is owned by @ministar100
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seer-of-queer · 4 years
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Thats it. Thats the post.
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amr102-art · 6 years
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The one anime I still watch every now and then? Also oops in Sakaya’s skin tone.
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bronzeporcart · 7 years
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day 28 // sakaya miki
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cruelangel94 · 3 years
The cutest, most harmless magical girl anime turns 10 years old today ✨
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witchypuffball · 5 years
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Blue blue blue
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] PAT Company ミュージカル「眠れぬ森のオーバード」(pat company musical nemurenu mori no aubade)
the show will be running from August 19th, 2021 to March 29th, 2021 (Tokyo) @ オルタナティブシアター (Alternative Theater)
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Torigoe Yuuki as Homuro (ホムロ)
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Shiina Taizou as Watou (ワトウ)
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Aihara Mika as Moe (モエ)
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Kachi Hiroko as Rin (リン)
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Harada Yuuichi as Ghost (亡霊)
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Oreno Graffiti as Miki (ミキ)
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Koyanagi Shin as Sakaya (サカヤ)
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Kujirai Kousuke as Shougo (ショウゴ)
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Tategata Hirokazu as Ayase (アヤセ)
homepage twitter natalie
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charc-arts · 7 years
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have some meguca sketches I did to procrastinate on studying for my exam tmmrw :^)
clcick for captions
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mistbornthefinal · 3 years
Madoka Magica Aniversary Analysis: Part 8
Song of Sayaka
We begin the episode where the last one ended with Sayaka hacking away at the Witch. As the labyrinth fades we se glimpses of Sayaka’s injuries but her magic quickly erases them. With the witch defeated Sayaka gives Kyouko a very unnerving dose of the Shaft Head Tilt.
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The she throws Kyouko Else Maria’s Grief Seed telling Kyouko that she doesn’t want to owe her anything. As she releases her transformation though she nearly collapses and has to leave the scene heavily supported by Madoka. (cue connect)
Rain falls on Mitakihara, Madoka and Sayaka have taken shelter in a bus stop. Madoka asks Sayaka not to keep fighting the way she did against Else Maria, recognizing it as being more self-harm than battle-strategy. Sayaka says that she couldn’t have won otherwise. Madoka says that even if she wins that way it won’t help her in the end (which is true a battle strategy built around dehumanizing yourself and taking punishment is going to hold out over the long term. Not when you’re a meguca and thus have a very fragile critical hit location and a fatal allergy to despair)
Sayaka brandishes her soul gem. “Now that I’ve been turned into this thing how can anything help me?” She continues this line saying that she’s just a rock that pretends to be alive by puppeting a corpse. Madoka says she just wants Sayaka to be happy again, and Sayaka attempts to guilt Madoka into making a contract. Madoka says she can’t but is unable to articulate why. Sayaka indicts Madoka for remaining on the sidelines when she could be all powerful and storms off into the rain telling Madoka not to follow her. As she runs she calls herself an idiot and says that she can not be save now.
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As the scene transitions we get a shot of Sayaka’s Soul Gem and the curse growing inside it.
We then get our first glimpse of the Homu-home which is Magia Record anime levels of cursed architecture. Kyouko and Homura are having a meeting and as always Kyouko is chowing down. Homura indicates a location on a map and says that Walpurgisnact will appear in this area. Kyouko asks how she knows that Homura replies “statistics.” Kyouko is knowledgeable enough to realize that is a non-answer but before she can inquire further they are interrupted by an unwelcome guest. 
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(seriously why is this place like this Homura was in the hospital less than a month ago)
Kyubey has stopped by to inform them that “there is a curse growing within Miki Sayaka”. When Kyouko asks for clarification Kyubey passes the buck onto Homura saying that she already knows the answer. When Homura does not dispute it Kyubey wonders where she got that particular piece of info. Homura dismisses him, he leaves, and Kyouko wonders why she just let him go. Homura replies that killing him would be pointless. 
At school the next day Sayaka is once again absent with Madoka regretting not following her the previous night. We then cut to Hitomi walking alongside Kyousuke as the sun sets, Kyousuke being neutronium dense only just realizes that Hitomi house isn’t this direction. Back with Madoka we find out that Sayaka didn’t come home the pervious night. We see that Sayaka is behind a pillar looking on while Hitomi and Kyousuke talk, though we don’t get to hear the conversation.
Regardless we see Sakaya drift through a dark blue background before we cut to her venting her emotions on a gaggle of Familiars. Homura steps from the shadows to confront her saying that she can’t afford to waste any more magic. She tosses Sayaka a Grief Seed saying that she must purify her Gem but Sayaka kicks it away. Sayaka makes it clear that what she’s doing, recklessly rushing into battle and refusing Grief Seeds is a suicide attempt. She intends to burn up all her magic fighting and expects to die when it is exhausted. 
Homura ask why Sayaka won’t accept her help Saying all she wants it to save her. Why won’t can’t she believe her? Sayaka says that she can’t trust Homura because her words fell empty to her and it’s clear from her eyes that she’s given up on everything. Homura showing her yandere side claims that she only cares about Sayaka in so far as her suffering causes Madoka to suffer. And then says the if she keeps causing Madoka pain she intends to
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Given how long she takes to make her move and how little she resists when Kyouko grabs her from behind I’m not sure how committed to that course of action she was. Kyouko notes that Homura’s “weird technique” can’t be used if she’s being grappled. Homura responds by pulling a flashbang grenade which dissuades Kyouko enough for her to make an escape. 
We find Sayaka listlessly riding a train and sharing a car with a pair of assholes boasting about how they abuse their girlfriends. Needless to say this is exactly what she didn’t need right now. She feels like she’s tried to do the right thing only to be used and abused and now she has to hear these shitheels gloat about how they treat the women in their life. She confronts them and doesn’t so much talk too them as at them. She openly wonders if the world is even worth fighting for and then a labyrinth-like texture over takes her body and scenes cuts implying but not showing some serious violence.
Meanwhile Madoka is wandering the city trying to find her friend when Kyubey steps from the shadows. He asks if Madoka hates him as well. “If I said yes would you turn Sayaka back?” Madoka asks in turn. Kyubey claims that such a thing is beyond his abilities. Madoka then asks that if she accepted Kyubeys offer would Sayaka still have become a magical girl. Kyubey says that was Sayaka’s own decision. That said Kyubey reiterates that Madoka has enormous potential something that confuses her as much as him, if she wished for it even the laws of the universe could bend she could be an all-powerful god. Madoka asks if she could do what Kyubey couldn’t and return Sayaka to normal. Kyubey says that this would be childs play for her and as Madoka is about to accept the contract... 
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It’s interrupted by Homura filling the bunnycat with lead. Initially Madoka is shocked by Kyubey’s death but as distress becomes evident that come to occupy her focus. Homura’s façade finally breaks and she grabs Madoka by the shoulders with tears in her eyes. 
“Why are you always sacrificing yourself? Don’t demean yourself by saying that you can’t help anyone of that you’re useless. Think about all the people who care about you! Just cut it out! Why don’t you understand that there are people who would grieve if you died?! Why don’t you consider the people who try so hard to protect you?!”
Homura’s tearful plea seems to trigger some kind of timeless recollection in Madoka but ultimately she rushes off to look for Sayaka, despite Homura’s pleas.
“You knew that was pointless but you did it anyway”
Another of Kyubey’s bodies is perched on a nearby fence. It hops down to the bench and eats his corpse. He notes that this is the second time Homura has killed him, but he’s starting to understand how Homura fights. Homura’s power is time manipulation and she is not from this timeline. Homura fires back that she knows what he is and his true plan. The Incubator asks if she is that determined to change Madoka’s fate
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We find Sayaka experiencing that post murder depression when Kyouko finally catches up to her. Kyouko asks how long Sayaka is going to sulk and Sayaka simply apologizes for wasting her time. Sayaka has given up she can’t even remeber what was so important to her what she was protecting. She reveals her Gem.
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It’s almost completely dark. Sayaka repeats Kyouko’s line that the balance of hope and despair always zeros out.
“Sure I managed to save a few people but in exchange hatred and jealousy filled my heart. I even hurt my best friend. Whenever we prey for someone else’s happiness someone else must be cursed in exchange. Turns out that’s how we magical girls work.”
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As her teardrop hit’s the Soul Gem it releases a wave of force that throws Kyouko back and then it shatters becoming a Grief Seed. Just like that the last secret if revealed and a sketchy Oktavia rises from the dark blue depths.
In the last scene Kyubey seems to address the audience. In the world women who are not yet fully grown are called “girls”(”shoujo”). Thus should those who will become Witches (”Majou”) not be called Magical Girls (”Mahou Shoujo”)
This episode is one of the big episodes of Madoka Magic we get the two revelations that we’ve been building up too for most of the show, and the culmination of one of it’s longer character arcs of Sayaka’s fall. Though we get to see Homura’s backstory in full in EP 10 the core details are pretty much laid out in this one. Homura has gone back in time to try to save Madoka from contracting. We also learn the dark truth of magical girls and witches, just as a Soul Gem is born from a girls wish and hopes a Grief Seed and it’s Witch are born when that Gem is overtaken by her curses and despair. It’s clear now the “protecting humanity” is not the goal of Kyubey’s system though we’ll have to wait for the next episode to find out what it actually is.
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sayakasblogg · 2 months
Do you think that since magical girl get a ring when they make a contract (their soul gem) they are all technically married to Kyubey
That’s a…really weird way of putting it… being married to a…cat…alien…?
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astrophilix · 7 years
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Let’s make this “can’t choose a version” a thing, yeah, sure. Have a Sayaka! > Original/Traditional ★ Commission Chart ★
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pythonissam-despair · 4 years
❧ More Info On Wishes
Wish - To feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that is not easily attainable; want something that cannot or probably will not happen
Hey everyone! The PD Mod team has been excited to open applications and to see everyone’s creativity starting to form some ideas! Before we get too far into the apping process, we wanted to address some generalized questions about how Wishes work and what we will/will not allow for the sake of the group! Generally, we don’t want to stifle anyone’s creativity, but we have some very general rules we’re going to try and follow for the general roster.
Our 2 main ground rules for the results of wishes and their accompanying abilities are that:
Wishes will not affect other Magi, as we want to avoid forcing other muns to RP a certain way and cause OOC difficulties in that department.
Wishes will be reasonably limited in power and effect. This means that your character’s wish’s effects largely won’t be capable of rewriting universal laws or constants, such as human nature or space/time itself. 
With the second point, this is partly due to the fact that we are in a RP Group and need to maintain some level of balance between the cast, as well as the fact that Incubators won’t cause changes of that scale unless they believe the pay off for them will be worthwhile. Chuubey always wants the “larger stick” in Soul Gem Contracts, as it were. That being said: given the nature of this game, we’re giving the Mastermind more leeway with their wishes. Antagonist applicants are encouraged to put two wishes down (perhaps a nerfed version of their original wish) in case they aren’t selected as a position that wish would apply to. So while wishes like Homura’s are very interesting from a narrative standpoint, the Mods will need to keep some sort of hold on these effects for the sake of keeping some order in a rp group setting. However! That isn’t to say that we aren’t open to more experimental wishes!
Apping using Homura’s wish from PMMM canon, for example, would be difficult for us to implement as a general wish, as she can bend time to her will whenever she wants for as long as she wants. The Incubator from canon, Kyuubey, only granted her extreme wish because he thought it was futile… as Madoka could never be saved from her fate to turn into a Witch. This being said, wishing to save someone from death will not save them from their fate forever. While your ocs will not know this while making their wishes, death is a law of the universe that cannot be completely avoided or circumvented. As in canon, those who are fated to die will do so even with the use of a Magus’s wish, often soon after the wish appears to save them. This varies somewhat, as explained by Mami’s wish below. (Furthermore, a more reasonable time travel wish, at least in this game, would involve an ability where one could rewind a few seconds with a need to recharge)
For clarity, I’ll go over some canon wishes and why they’re solid examples. General spoiler warnings for the series below!
1. Sayaka Miki’s Wish: 
In the Puella Magia series, Sayaka wishes for her crush’s arm to be healed after a terrible accident that renders him unable to play the violin. As if by magic, his arm heals instantly. This is doable, as it’s a non-lethal injury, but would not have healed the same had Sayaka not intervened. 
As a side-effect, the wish granted Sayaka the ability of fast recovery. The downside was that it wasn't really what Sayaka wanted; she wanted her crush to heal and also for her to be recognized for doing that… and be loved by him in return. Instead, Kyubey only heals her crush’s arm, and her crush starts to date another girl. (As a side note, those who make wishes for the sake of others may have that person represented in their design or magic motif). This truly represents the genie-like nature of Magi wishes, as they’re often not quite what the Magi wanted.
2. Mami Tomoe’s Wish: (cw: car crashes) 
Mami’s entire family is caught in a car crash, killing them instantly and leaving her on the brink of death. Kyuubey appears at the critical moment, asking if she wishes to be saved. So, her wish is literally “I don’t want to die!” While this does save her from immediate death, as a Magi, her death is certain in the future (and would give Kyuubey much more energy, as Magi are expected to turn into Witches eventually). So, it’s permissible in this universe. 
Given that she wishes for her life to be saved, Mami has notable combat powers. Her ribbon weapon is related to “wanting to be tied to life,” as she was about to perish (don’t look at me, that fact’s canon and it’s from a magazine interview).
3. Kyoko Sakura’s Wish (cw: religion, alcohol, domestic violence?) 
She’s one of the few wishes that the exact phrasing is known for: "I wish that everyone would listen to what [my] Father has to say." In her past, Kyoko's father preached at a church, though many would not listen to his passionate but radical ideas. So, Kyoko wished for others to listen to her father’s preachings. As if by magic, he started attracting followers, and the pew of his church were full. For a time, they were happy. 
However, once her father learns that his followers are spurred by magic and not by faith, he claims that it’s the work of the devil and snaps. In the end, he succumbs to alcoholism and kills everyone in their family aside from Kyoko. While the negative effects of her wish take longer to show than Sakaya’s wish, this one also shows the genie-like properties of Magi wishes.  
Although the anime never gets into this, Kyoko does get magic related to her wish, but seals it away due to the trauma caused by the effects. The show’s writer states that “because she got her wish of ‘getting people to listen" while in fact it was something like charming or hallucination, Kyoko got magic related to those things. However, because she lost her family due to her wish, she totally negated those powers with her subconscious mind.” As such, she only uses physical attacks. 
And keep in mind this quote from the anime: 
"Miracles aren’t free, you know. If you wish for hope, an equal amount of despair will be rained down upon you, too. That’s how everything stays in equilibrium…….. and the world’s balance doesn’t get disturbed."
Some more information can be found on the blog at: https://pythonissam-despair.tumblr.com/worldbuilding-info-wishabilities 
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sweet-energy · 7 years
So there's a new Puella Magi album coming soon
A “best of” collection of songs (official title: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Ultimate Best) from the TV & Film series, to be released on August 9th, 2017.
- songlist (announced)-
From the TV series:
また あした
and I’m home
Credens justitism
Sis puella magica!
From the Film series:
she is a witch
Now what is of interest for me is the 5 new songs included at the end… specifically the new character songs:
• naturally / Madoka Kaname & Sakaya Miki
from SLOT Puella Magi Madoka Magica 2
• あこがれ咲いた
new character song for Madoka Kaname
• Mebius Ash
new character song for Homura Akemi
•  ユメおと
new duet song for Madoka Kaname and Homura Akemi
• stairs
new duet song for Mami Tomoe and Kyoko Sakura
Honesty, I thought that naturally would remain as an exclusive to the slot machine game but that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore; I’m curious as to what style/genre the remaining four songs will sound like. Oh, the most important part is that this album will be a limited release until December 31, 2017.
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genericplantkid · 7 years
I was tagged by my kid @yazawapda Name: Rowan Nickname: I have no nickname tbh Gender: why Star sign: cancer star, Taurus moon and Gemini ascendant Sexual orientation: like everyone but cis boys (jessexual) Hogwarts house: slytherin Favorite colour: blues and soft greens Favorite animal: snek Average hours of sleep: prob 8 Cat or dog: both honestly Favorite fictional character: Sakaya Miki Number of blankets: 1 Favorite singer or band: hozier Dream trip: Australia or Japan Dream job: some kind of investigator or smthn When was this blog created: eight grade when kenny told me to Current number of followers: When did your blog reach its peak: it has ebbs and flows since I could be blogging like normal then leave for months What made you decide to get a blog: kenny I'm gonna tag @flowerboyayato and @spritelypixie
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