#safety blanket
filmbyjy · 1 year
okay but can we discuss why jay has his chest out there for FREE???
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ukegeek · 1 year
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I love my safety blanket ❤️
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staygoldtf · 10 months
My tiny necklace is my safety blanket, my fidget toy, my heart and soul.
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ipusingularitae · 11 months
linus so real for walking around with a safety blanket
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bld-collective · 56 minutes
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Another user on Reddit is looking for a Safety Blanket like the one shown above. This is of unknown manufacturers, the tag now only containing the letters, “ifl” which are hardly visible. The blanket does resemble the Angel Dear’s type but no match has been made. If you know where to locate a replica, please state so in the comments!
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starrystevie · 1 year
"what are you doin', baby?"
there's 2am moonlight flooding into the bathroom before steve turns on the light, chasing away the pale blue with warm orange. eddie's standing in front of the sink with clippers in one hand and scissors in the other. he's in boxers and one of steve's old hawkins high gym shirts with a foot propped up onto the other as he leans over the countertop to peer at himself in the mirror.
"shit, sorry if i was loud or if i woke you up or-" eddie's voice is low, like he has to talk quietly so he doesn't wake someone up even though it's just the two of them in the house. has been for a while now.
"you didn't wake me up, you're fine," steve mutters back. he wraps his arms around eddie's stomach, one hand finding it's way under his own worn out shirt to press into the warmth of his skin.
they stand quietly for a bit, wrapped up in each other. there's nothing but the crickets outside chirping out a lullaby and the wind whistling through their chimney and the slow drip of their tub faucet to break through the silence. steve sways them back and forth slightly as if he's rocking them back to sleep without knowing that he's doing it.
"are you going to cut your hair?" steve's whisper breaks through the ambient noise of the house and their eyes meet in the mirror. he looks tired in the way that steve knows he's tired. he's physically drained but it's more than that, lies deeper in his bones than a good night's sleep could fix. he feels his boyfriend tense the tiniest bit in his arms, so he pets his fingers over the soft skin of eddie's stomach until he relaxes once more.
"i think so. it's too much, it's like... too much, y'know?"
the silence is back as quickly as it had vanished with eddie looking at himself in the mirror and steve mapping out eddie's face like it's the only thing to lead him home. he watches as eddie's eyes dart over his long curls, back up to where his bangs are growing so long over his eyebrows that he has to shake his head to clear his vision. eddie's hand that's holding the scissors comes up to pinch a strand between his fingers, pulls it across his face like a habit, like a crutch.
"do you need me to help?" steve asks gently because he's always so gentle with eddie, who pulls his eyes to meet the ones peering into him. he presses a kiss to eddie's shoulder and sighs as the other man's head thunks softly onto his own. he feels eddie nod.
"it's a fresh start, right?" eddie laughs this little watery thing like he's trying to convince them both it's a good idea, so steve grabs the scissors and spins eddie around so he can run his free fingers over his cheeks. he traces over his lips, the bridge of his nose, and pushes his bangs out of the way which has eddie nuzzling into his hand.
"a fresh start sounds nice."
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pixelatedraindrops · 21 days
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Happy Birthday Yakou! 🚬💙🎉
The best roommate, mentor, boss, father figure and caretaker Yuma could ask for💕
I had to try to make something for him. I’ve grown to adore him almost as much as yuma as I kept putting them in various scenarios the past half year.
(its kinda for both of them since their birthdays are only a day apart from each-other??)
So yeah, birthday cuddles for them both~ 💜💙
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keithsautism · 8 months
I feel like Keith and Lance are both ND but in different ways. Keith is the kind of guy who would really like physical contact and words of affirmation as love languages. He's pretty good at telling Lance how he feels about him later in the series. He'd probably appreciate the lack of ambiguity and take things at face value/put trust in I love yous.
Meanwhile Lance grew up in a big family so they might not have had as much money. Receiving gifts was a really big deal for him growing up. I can imagine Keith giving Lance a cool blue shell he found at an alien market and being all confused, thinking Lance doesn't like it when he goes still. Like he wants to take it back and is disappointed that Lance doesn't like it. But he does, he's just a bit overwhelmed by the gesture. Trying to show why he thought getting some silly shell was a good idea, Keith meekly tells him to look at this pretty part of it, turning it over in Lance's hands, pointing out an opalescent part that's all different kinds of blues. Says it reminds him of Lance's eyes.
Lance says something like "How would you know what colour my eyes are" because eye contact is not Keith's forte, but there's no bite behind it, and Keith doesn't get the joke anyway, just looks nervous. Keith just says they're pretty, as if he couldn't not have noticed. Lance puts it down on his side table gently. Keith says "You don't like it?" Lance gives him a super tender kiss. They kiss for a while holding each other, and Keith hugs him, sighing with contentment into lance's shoulder. Says "Holding you feels like home" then Lance dies on the spot
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chthonic-kids · 8 months
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wrenchy you're the only person in the goddamn city i can rely on
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dunderbread · 9 months
actually looking like you're in Metallica is ez cuz in the 80s those guys had four outfits: denim on leather on denim, merch for their own band, shirts making fun of their alcoholism (cheaper and easier than rehab), and something involving at least one misfits logo.
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anaflcres · 5 months
canon lelana ending
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birdietrait · 1 month
ngl that new simandy hair is making me want to shave my head
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justsasuke · 7 months
Went to bed last night thinking about that scene in shippuden where Juugo jumps in front of Sasuke to protect him from the Hokage reincarnations and how it parallels all the times Sasuke jumped in front of his team mates (Team 7) to protect them except this time in reverse. And then I thought about how until Team Taka no one ever jumped in front of Sasuke to protect him, and how surprised Sasuke looks when Juugo does it. . . and anyway if anyone asks why I love Team Taka and think they're the best thing that's ever happened to Sasuke this is one of the reasons why.
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saltydoesstuff · 7 months
I know realistically the turtle's chests would be hard and tough and stuff but DAMN IT TITTY PILLOWS
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THISSS ^^^^^^
I want to just lay on them and sleep cause they look so comfy and I wanna feel small and wejbiadsknm
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dathen · 2 years
I hope Jonathan Harker had a good day today and ate warm soup and daydreamed about Mina showing up as he rested and that at least three nuns told him he’s such a dear young man.
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