#s08e13 “Man of the House”
thankstothe · 10 months
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timelesstimesgoneby · 2 years
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statusquoergo · 5 years
And we’re back! Everyone will definitely be bringing their A-game after that nice little hiatus, yeah? This episode is going to hit it out of the park for sure.
Well, maybe.
The sexism and misogyny really hit the ground running as Harvey, preparing to accompany Samantha to Pittsburgh to meet her biological father, ambles into the living room to ask Donna if she’s “sure [she’s] okay with [him] going on this trip” because “not a lot of women would want their men doing this.” Fortunately Donna is “not a lot of women,” so Harvey has permission to go hang out with other girls, and without supervision, even! What a lucky guy. Not only that, but Donna points out that while any of them would willingly accompany Samantha, Harvey is uniquely qualified to understand what she’s going through because of his long-term estrangement from his mother, which, I mean, yeah, I guess so. Except then she says she loves him and he replies “Thanks,” which is a huge waste of a perfect opportunity to say “I know,” and then, for the first time this season, he says “I love you too,” smothered under an obnoxious cough into his fist, because he’s a mature adult who’s in touch with his emotions but he’s not too mature and he’s not a girl or anything.
Back at lawyerly headquarters, Louis takes advantage of Harvey’s two-day absence by sitting in his desk chair and contemplating listening to his records, gushing that he “can finally be Harvey Specter, and no one will ever know.” Yeah, there’s definitely no way anyone who works at this firm knows that’s Harvey’s office and might walk by and ask what he’s doing in there, of course not. He then sets off the comedic half of the episode by answering Harvey's phone and sort-of-but-also-not-really-accidentally setting up a meeting with “the Ted Tucker,” who wants a meeting with Harvey and he wants it today. Fortunately for Louis, Tucker has never actually met Harvey, and…you know where this is going.
Harvey pulls up to Samantha’s place in a vintage Ford Mustang (I want to say it’s a 1967) that stirs up some Feelings for her; he offers to take it back to the car club and exchange it, but she says it’s fine because she just wants to get on the road, and here comes the sentimental half: Twenty-five years ago, twelve-year old Samantha was…in a group home? With one other kid? Unclear, but the important part is that she lived in a house with some kid named Adam and their abusive father…figure, Ron. One day Adam and Samantha accidentally broke the tail light on Ron’s brand new car, a Mustang identical to the one Harvey’s driving; Samantha took the blame even though Adam threw the ball that broke the light, and Ron beat her for it, so. Feelings.
Louis shows up at Donna’s office in a truly horrifying wig (he calls it his “Harvey wig,” if you’d like to conjure up that mental image; yeah, kind of, but more chestnut-colored) for some information that’ll let him demonstrate to Tucker that signing him would be a conflict of interest, and to her credit, Donna begs him to take the wig off, but when Louis explains that he just wants to feel like Harvey for one lunch, she agrees to help him even though it’s “a really bad idea.” I’m gonna give her partial credit on this one; good intentions, poor execution.
Except then we actually get to see Louis at the lunch and dear lord, Donna, how could you let this happen? Someone on the writing staff (Korsh) is definitely indulging in one hell of a narcissistic fantasy by way of Louis, who, doing a pretty decent imitation of Harvey’s walk, waltzes into some high-end club or resort or something, passing through an endless gauntlet of waiters and attendants who each usher him toward the inner sanctum with a Stepford smile and a solicitous “Mr. Specter,” until he ends up at a table with Tucker, who informs him that the reason they’re surrounded by a ridiculous number of trays of food is, get this: “Well, I didn’t know what you liked, so I just ordered the entire menu.”
This fucking show, I swear.
Things only go downhill from there (from my perspective, not Louis’s) as Louis boisterously recounts a number of stories from Harvey’s life, including “Life is like this, I like this,” and that time Harvey brought Rachel to pick Mike up from prison in a limo. Tucker grinds the festivities to a screeching halt when he asks if Harvey knew Mike Ross was a fraud when he hired him, but fortunately for Louis, A Few Good Men is Tucker’s favorite movie, so screaming “You can’t handle the truth!” in his face is enough to make everyone forget about that silly question and get right back to their sinful indulgences. These people all have such integrity, it’s amazing.
Turns out a traumatic childhood isn’t Samantha’s only connection to the Mustang; Eric Kaldor also used to drive one, which skeeves Harvey out until Samantha assures him that when Harvey drives it, he does “make it look cool.” This dynamic is weirding me out so much; a week ago, she fucks over Mike Ross, Harvey furiously declares that he doesn’t trust people who lie to his face, Faye (justifiably) fires her, and then suddenly, with zero transition, it’s all hands on deck to get her back at the firm, and now on top of that, Harvey's her biggest cheerleader and also road trip buddy? That whole “I don’t trust you anymore,” was that just a hissy fit or what? I don’t… I don’t know what to do with this, I don’t like it.
Oh, wait, more flashbacks: Samantha and Adam steal Ron’s car to drive off in the middle of the night. Samantha, evidently recounting this story to Harvey, explains that they were pulled over on account of the broken tail light, but she assures him that “it could’ve been worse,” being that she ended up with a new family and neither of them had to go back to their abuser, and also she doesn’t know whatever happened to Adam so I guess he might show up sometime in the next three episodes maybe. I really wish I cared more.
That sounds mean, but hear me out a minute: Samantha was introduced in the beginning of Season 8. In fact, “The Greater Good” (s08e13) gives her her very own expository sub-plot courtesy of Judy O’Brien, through whom we learn…very little about Samantha’s experience in foster care, except who Judy is and what Samantha’s relationship is to her, which doesn’t matter at all because it never comes up again. (Well, it will in a bit, but not in any really important way.) It’s basically a waste of an opportunity to tell us things about Samantha that we don’t already know because all it does is build incrementally on things that we do, but in ways that are irrelevant. All the rest of the hints the show drops throughout the season about her backstory are shadowy and vague and mainly serve to establish her as an enigmatic figure whose mysterious past I guess I’m supposed to be dying to learn about, except that right from the start, “Right-Hand Man” (s08e01) establishes that she lies about her past to suit her own interests, so from the very beginning, I’m inherently suspicious of everything she says about herself, which makes it really hard to empathize with her.
The problem with the way her past is revealed is that it’s not really a running subplot, or a continuous arc; little hints and features are dropped here and there, but only insofar as they relate to a given episode’s broader narrative (i.e., she was a Marine, which is only relevant in “Special Master” [s09e02] for that odious misrepresentation of PTSD), which makes it feel like they’re invented on the spot because hey, we don’t really know much about her, who’s to say this or that didn’t happen? If you pay close attention, you might be able to collect enough clues to piece together a complete story, but with everything else that’s going on in this show, I gotta say, I really can’t be bothered. Especially when I have no idea how much of that story is even true.
Right, so, remember how Samantha knows that Kaldor has a Mustang? Well we seem to have graduated real quick from twelve-year old flashback Samantha to twenty-seven year old flashback Samantha, who reveals that while working a case together, she and Kaldor became…involved.
Oh but wait. Out of absolutely fucking nowhere, present day Samantha decides “it’s time [she and Harvey] talk about the elephant in the room.” Not “[her] getting fired because of [him]” (she didn’t, she got fired for fabricating evidence), but “why [she] fabricated that evidence in the first place.” Harvey points out the obvious, that he already knows she did it because she hates to lose, and she asks, if he knows that, why he got so mad at her for doing it. (Oh I don’t know, maybe because she fabricated evidence.) Answer? “Because [he] told Mike [they] wouldn’t cross any lines.” And even though their client wasn’t technically doing anything illegal, “Mike’s always on [him] about doing the right thing, and now he’s out there walking the walk, and the least [Harvey owes] him is to think about right and wrong once in awhile.” (Uh, yeah, did he miss the part in “Promises, Promises” [s08e03] where he got their landlord to pay the maintenance staff a fair wage because he felt bad for the facilities manager? And I quote: “David, all I’m asking is do the right thing.”)
Oh but then.
“You really admire him, don’t you?” “I don’t just admire him, Samantha. He went to prison for me. Talk about someone who’s got your back.”
Okay. So… Okay. Yes, that is a thing that happened. It was a very big deal. Mike and Harvey spent six whole episodes fighting over which of them was going to be the one to take the fall. Except then Season 7 happened, and Mike spent sixteen episodes becoming increasingly distant from and combative with Harvey, culminating in that disastrous farewell at the wedding that Mike didn’t even invite him to. And then “If the Shoe Fits” (s09e05) happened, wherein Mike literally started off the case by promising Harvey not to do anything that could result in either of them being disbarred and finished it by doing exactly that, wrapping up his visit by condemning Harvey for having lost himself because yes, of course, Harvey’s the one who was being a dick that whole time.
Yet apparently, even after all that, Harvey still thinks Mike walks on water. I guess that does kind of help explain his behavior and the exceedingly weird dialogue the last time Mike showed up; Harvey’s got a little hero worship going on, or at the very least, he still has an enormous blind spot where Mike is concerned. On the plus side, there’s my quota of evidence for the episode that Harvey needs to go to therapy like, yesterday.
And about that whole evidence fabrication thing, props to Samantha for admitting that if “[she] could go back and do it all over again, [she] wouldn’t.” Donna could learn a thing or two from her.
Speaking of Donna, Louis hurries in to tell her that his lunch with Tucker was “the greatest lunch of [his] life,” all “because [he’s] Harvey Specter.” But things hit a little snag when he tried to demonstrate that SLWW would have a conflict of interest representing Tucker as well as some company called Reed Communications, because Tucker waived the conflict by buying Reed Communications on the spot, and that’s not even Louis’s only problem because Reed Communications’ in-house counsel is, dun dun dun! Harold Gunderson! Who wants to set up a meeting with Harvey, who knows nothing about any of this. Louis determines that since thinking like Louis got him into this mess, thinking like Harvey is going to get him out of it, and I’m confused, wasn’t the whole point of all this for him to be Harvey? Who’s he been thinking like all day? Way to commit to the role, man, no wonder you’re not an actor.
Filler time: Ten-years-ago Samantha and Kaldor have been together for six months and it’s been “one of the best six months of [his] entire life.” (Seems to me like a weird unit to increment his life by, but hey, man, whatever floats your boat.) In the present day, Harvey suggests stopping for burgers, but Samantha wants to get to their destination before dark, so he’ll settle for some M&M’s at the gas station. Equivalent exchange for the win.
Part II
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huntertales · 5 years
Part One: I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here. (Everybody Hates Hitler S08E13)
Episode Summary: Sam, Dean and the reader investigate the death of a Rabbi who spontaneously combusted. The case becomes ever more confusing when they learn that the Rabbi was researching Nazi Necromancers. The trio are attacked by a Golem who turns out to belong to the Rabbi's grandson, Aaron. The key to the case lies with the Golem but Aaron doesn't know how to control him, which leaves everyone in danger. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 5,799.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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You didn't have much expectations for what this Men of Letters safe place was supposed to be. After several decades of abandonment you highly doubt it was still standing anymore. Or even in conditions well enough to step inside of from the years of neglect. If nobody had made such a fuss about this place you doubt you would even consider checking it out. You wanted to see why Larry Ganem instructed you to lock the door and throw away the key. That wasn't going to happen until you had a good through look around the place, maybe then you'd decide to listen to the old man. Little did you and the boys realize how important this place was going to be.
You had little luck trying to pinpoint this place on the map to try and figure out what this place might look like. You only had the coordinates to guide you the place that was a good distance from town. The scenery during your drive to the Men of Letters hideout contained not much but trees and paved road. However you noticed something coming up in the near distance the more Dean drove forward.
There was a tall hill, and the closer you got, there was something which appeared to be a building. You had to squint your eyes at the sight of the hideout you weren’t expecting. It looked like a well built establishment. Long windows and rusted industrial looking pipes on the top of the roof. Time hadn't been kind to it, yet the place was still standing.
Dean parked the Impala just a few feet from what appeared to be the entrance inside the place. You and Sam followed suit, your eyes wandering around the place in curiosity at how intimidating it looked from the outside. You suddenly felt a sort of...excitement hit you out of nowhere. You began wondering what was inside. What kind of secrets that had been hidden away for so many years.
You could only imagine what Bobby's reaction would be if he were still alive and what you discovered. His home always was like a hideout to you, a safe place to rest your head and scour through his years of dusty books to figure out an answer to solve your problems. It was eventually burnt down by a few levianths from what you heard. This place looked like nothing much of anything could take it down.
“When’s the last time somebody was in this place?” Dean asked, taking notice of how worn down everything looked from abandonment.
You shrugged your shoulders, taking a wild guess at the last time someone even stepped foot around here. “Sixty-five, seventy years ago.”
Dean took out the box from his pocket and opened it up to reveal the key that looked just as old as this place, the only way anyone could get in. You followed behind the boys as all of you made your way down a small flight of steps and to the building to see what was inside. Dean unlocked the door, and stepped inside first. The first thing you were greeted with was pitch black darkness, which was to be expected. You took out your flashlight from your pocket to turn it on, finding your way around the place as you approached something that looked to be a railing and a flight of stairs that lead down to another layer.
You cautiously made your way to the edge of the railing as you peered down to see what you could find. The flashlights from the ones you and the boys were holding illuminated all sorts of equipment and technology that looked straight out of the fifties. You found yourself in awe as you gawked at the things you saw below, making you realize something. This wasn’t just a hide out for the Men of Letters. This was a bunker. A place that was all yours. You found yourself wanting to run down the stairs to discover what else this place had to offer. It looked specious from the outside, but it was so much more bigger on the inside.
“Son of a bitch.” Dean found himself muttering out loud. The man was taken back much as you were from what he saw.
“Look at this. Ham radio, telegraph, switchboard.” Sam listed off a few of things he could see when he made his way down the staircase to get a better look at everything. You followed behind him while Dean stayed up on the top. “This was their nerve center.”
“Henry did say that they ran dispatch on their own team of hunters.” Dean said. He walked over a few feet to what appeared to be a place dedicated to a good old fashion game of chess. Someone was in the middle of one while they smoked and drank their coffee. Dean grabbed the cup to see there was barely anything left, but the years of abandonment left a ring around it. “Wow. Halfway through their coffee and a game of chess—looks like whoever was manning the hub left quick.”
“On the alarm call that ended the Men of Letters.” You said.
Dean continued to wander around to see if he might be able to find anything more interesting to inspect, and in doing so, he found the switch box that had to be what powered up this place. He decided to take a chance and push up one of the levers. It took a second for what sounded to be the generator that sourced power through this place to kick in after so many years of being off.The lights flickered as they slowly began to grow more bright before going to their full compacify. He did the second one, and in doing so, gave full light to the entire bunker.
You found yourself being lured into a room right across the way, the sight of it felt like it was a dream come true. You felt a smile slowly creeping at the ends of your lips while Sam stared at it with astonishment. It was something that felt like it was straight out of your dreams when your sole job was researching, spending hours cooped up in your house or at the public library checking out books. You wanted a place that felt yours and housed all sorts of books you could use at your disposal. And might have just found it.
“Son of a bitch.” The both of you rarely had the talent like him and his brother did at speaking in perfect sync. But the sight of this place made you and Sam stare at it like it was the best thing you ever saw. You began making your way forward, Dean headed down to you and his brother to see what this was all about. Even though he wasn’t the type to get excited about nerdy things, this place was something to be admired from the beauty of it alone. What you and the boys were staring at was a library, an exquisite room that had all sorts of things for you to admire; from the polished wooden floors, shelves of endless books to read. Not to mention three wooden tables that must have been used by the Men of Letters themselves to do research. All of this had been gone for decades, but it didn’t look like it was. This place was a God sent. A place to explore and do whatever you wanted with. A bunker that was yours. “Guys,” Dean spoke up a few seconds after he inspected the place for himself. You felt what sounded to be a laugh coming out from your throat at everything that was going on. “I think we found the bat cave.”
+ + +
There was no denying you and the boys found something special here. And for the very first time in a long time, you felt at home. More than you ever did back at your own house that was miles away, abandoned for what felt to be years. Unlike your house that you tried to make homey, there were memories that haunted you for years. It felt lonely, too. But this place made you feel safe from all the dangers of the world. And a little closer to a man you lost when you were just a toddler. The bunker was like a hidden gem that you were supposed to discard after you discovered it. But there was nobody to tell you to do so. This was rightfully yours, to whatever you pleased. You explored more of the bunker to see that it had everything one could need; an impressive kitchen, a garage filled with a whole bunch of sweet rides, gun range, the library that you could spend hours just exploring and skimming through the titles of books you’ve never heard of before that were calling your name to read. And not to mention the bedrooms rooms belonging to fellow Men of Letters. There were so many of them, and Dean wanted to pick the very best one to sleep in for the night.
Sam was too caught up in his urge to explore every book in the library to do much of anything else, leaving you and Dean to figure out sleep conditions tonight. You were fine with pretty much any one to rest your head and get a good night's sleep. Dean wanted to pick the very best. He looked like a kid in a candy store, endless options he could choose from to call his. You saw him in a way that you never quite did before. And it made a smile stay on your face, along with a warmth in your chest at how comfortable he looked. All of you were in and out what felt to be a dozen rooms until he found one that looked clean enough and had a comfortable feeling bed. Dean bounced on the edge, resting out the mattress to see how good it felt. You stood in the doorway with your arms crossed over your chest, finding everything he was doing absolutely memorizing. Even if it was something so small. When Dean looked in your direction to see you staring at him with a smile on your face, he momentarily stopped bouncing, wondering if you thought the way he was acting funny. Dean rested his hands behind him as he leaned back, “What are you smiling at?” “Oh, nothing.” You said, shrugging your shoulders as you felt your smile grow even wider. “I was just thinking about how adorable my boyfriend is." “Adorable, huh? Well, I'll show you how darn cute I can be.” Dean said. His lips stretch into a smirk as he got himself up from the bed and walked towards you. He grabbed you by your hand, pulling you close to him as he shut the door behind you, giving all of you some privacy. You raised your brow as you wrapped your arms around his neck, having a feeling where this was going. “Let’s see how good this mattress is, huh? Give it a few rounds. I'm sure Sammy's gonna be busy all night long." You didn’t know how long it had been since the sheets were washed, but your mind slipped away from that thought as you pressed your lips against, Dean, spending your first night in the bunker in complete bliss. You hoped there would be many more to come. Because you had a feeling this place was a blessing in disguise. And it was the start of the life you wanted...the one you needed for your family.
+ + +
You might have had the best sleep of your entire life, the kind where you slept for more than four hours and didn't have to worry about keeping a weapon close to you in case something broke in to try and kill you. The best part of it all was waking up in the arms of the man you loved, who looked the happiest he had ever been in a long time. You and Dean found yourselves lying in bed for a little while longer like a normal couple, with your head on his chest while he ran his fingers up and down your arm, enjoying one another's company.
Much as you would have loved to stay there all day, you eventually rolled out of bed when Dean decided to take a shower and check out the plumbing system to see how it was working after so many decades. A few minutes after he tried to find the bathroom, you searched the floor for any clothes you could put on. Your care free attitude for the morning left you grabbing Dean's flannel shirt and buttoning it up to keep yourself somewhat modest. You made your way through the bunker until you found the library, where you had left Sam after unexpectedly spending the rest of the night in bed.
"Good morning, Sammy." You greeted the younger man in a cheerful voice. You noticed he had been busy at work from all the books and written logs spread across the table. Heading over to where Sam was hunched over examining a book, you picked one up yourself and curiously flipping through the pages. "How are you on this beautiful day?”
Sam had been deep in concentration before you walked in here, the Men of Letter literature and information was enough to keep him glued in the library way until the late evening before he picked it up again early this morning. He looked up to see you looking a bit disheveled from how you normally presented yourself. He noticed you had this dreamy expression on your face that seemed like nothing could make it leave. "What are you so happy about?"
"Oh, you know. I might have had the best night’s sleep since I started hunting.” You shrugged your shoulders as you began to walk over to a record player you spotted yesterday that was calling your attention. You noticed there were a few records lying on top of the machine, at the sight of a familiar name, you popped the record on and let the soulful voice of Ella Fitzgerald fill the bunker. "We discovered this sweet, sweet bunker.”
“I’m gonna take it you like it here?” Sam asked in almost a teasing kind of voice.
“Sammy, I feel like a prayer of mine has been answered.” You whispered to him, admitting about how you felt about this place. You looked around to make sure Dean was still showering to continue discussing this matter in private. "This place is like God sent. Or whatever. I don’t care how you want to call us landing an actual place that is fantastic as this. It’s probably the safest place in the world. And it’s ours. I’ve wanted nothing more than to give you and Dean a home. What if this is it?”
Sam knew the bunker was something special that he didn’t want to lose or leave, even if all of you had just spent only one night here. You and him discussed about what you were going to do since in about six months you were going to be bringing a new life into this world that was going to need a home. While the plan was to go back to your hometown and settle down, the bunker came along, and it seemed too good to pass up. It was big and safe, not to mention all of the things that could help hunting. All of this was how you wanted to balance life and raise a child. Maybe then you would finally tell Dean the good news…
You found yourself skimming through a book of lore that caught your attention while Sam went back into his routine of continuing his search through the Men of Letters information and logs they collected over the decades. Dean made his way out of the showers a little while later, a lazy smile on his face, feeling relaxed and refreshed from the good night’s sleep he got along with a shower that was to die for. When you heard his footsteps across the library floors, you turned your gaze up and gave him a smile. “Good morning again, handsome.” You greeted the man as you stood up straight to give him another kiss. You noticed he wasn’t dressed yet for the day, instead he was wearing a gray robe and slippers that you knew he didn’t own. “Morning, sweetheart. Sammy.” Dean said to the both of you. Sam didn’t even bother looking up from his books; he muttered a morning as he kept on his search. “The, uh, water pressure in the Letters' shower room is marvelous.” “Yeah. I still can't figure out how we even have water...or electricity.” Sam thought out loud. You had a feeling the reason why he was going through all the books and files was to find blueprints of this place to see how it all worked from the inside and out. “Yep, well, I am putting that under the ‘ain't broke’ column.” Dean said, not wanting to bite the hand that offered such a sweet pad that he was enjoying too much to care about the technical part of things. He wandered over to the table where Sam had been hunched over before he moved over to the book shelf to grab another book. Dean skimmed the page and flipped to another, finding all of it the least bit interesting to keep his attention for less than a few seconds. “Listen, little brother, let's not go all geek on this stuff, okay?” “‘Geek’?” Sam repeated what his brother said, wondering what exactly the man meant by that. Dean’s eyes caught sight of what appeared to be a scimitar on display that was calling his attention. A smile crept at the ends of his lips, suddenly feeling like a kid in a candy store with itchy fingers to touch things they really shouldn’t. “Yeah. Yeah, I mean, don't get me wrong.” Dean continued on as he lifted the weapon off the stand to see if it was the real thing. “This stuff is awesome, and it looks like they ran a real tight outfit here, but I'm just saying, you know, don't, uh, don't think that they knew some big secrets that we don't know.” Sam had his back turned on his brother while you had wandered over to the book shelf to skim the spines once more. Dean struck a pose with the scimitar when nobody was looking, and just as he was swinging it, he suddenly stopped when you caught him red handed. “Dean, what are you doing?” “Nothing.” Dean muttered, your tone of voice suddenly making him feel like a child caught doing something he shouldn’t. You rolled your eyes at his behavior and the urge to touch things he shouldn’t. “Dean, they were a secret society.” Sam said, continuing back on with the conversation. “Which means that they made crap up and wore fezzes and sashes and swung around scimitars. They probably didn't even sharp—“ Dean thought he was right about his opinion on the Men of Letters and what they did, presuming all of this was some kind of facade for a cultish group. However he was proven wrong when he pressed a finger against the blade, cutting his finger instantly. You crossed your arms over your chest when he flinched. “That's very sharp.” “Dean, look, I think we might have something here—something that could help us, help humanity.” Sam said. You felt your lips stretch into a small smile, persuading his older brother into thinking about the idea. “Henry certainly thought so. I mean, you know damn well we could use a break. What if we finally got one?” “Sam’s right. This place is the one of a kind. It’s got so many things that can benefit the world. And you want to know the best part of all? It’s ours.” You said. Dean looked away from you for a second, as if he was thinking about what he could say to make you change your mind. “Don’t tell me you really want to ditch this place. It feels right to at least entertain the idea of sticking around and seeing what we can make of it. I mean...the bunker could be our home. For good.” “You guys seriously want to live here?” Dean asked in a more serious tone of voice. He put the schemitar back to its rightful home where he found it to continue on with the k conversation he didn't think all of you were going to be having after spending only one night here. It seemed you and Sam found yourselves thinking about the future. "How about we call it a trial run. Give it some time, and if it's not what we think it is, we'll stash it away when we need it." You persuaded the man into at least entertaining the idea of what you wanted. Dean fell silent once more as his gaze fell away from you. You still weren't going to back down. "I say we pick a room. Make it ours." Dean's expression faltered slightly from what you were suggesting, accidentally giving him the wrong impression you were trying to get at. “You don't want to bunk with me anymore?" "What? Of course I do. I'm just suggesting all of us have a space that's just ours. I mean, don't you want a 'Dean layer' you can decorate how you want?" You asked him, proposing an alluring idea that you knew he would be a fool to say no to. "A room where you can go to be all by yourself?" "Yeah....yeah, I like the sound of that." Dean agreed with you. His lips stretched into a small smile at the thought of being able to do something he never did before. Settle down for once and call something his own. You felt a sense of relief come over you at how he was starting to warm up to the idea. "Obviously I call dibs on the room we slept in last night." "Actually," You gave the man a bashful sort of smile as your fingers slowly weaved themselves together from what you were about to ask of him. And how it was going to be like pulling teeth to get him to agree. "I was kind of hoping I could take that one. It's closer to the bathroom." "Hey, it's not my problem you have a tiny bladder lately. I spent forever searching for the perfect bedroom. It's mine." Dean said, pointing a finger to his chest to prove his point. "I earned it fair and square." "But I'm your girlfriend." You reminded him. It was a cheap shot of what you were doing in an attempt to get him to sway his judgement for him to do you this one little favor. While you would have happily chosen another room to let Dean be happy, there was something about that one in particular you really wanted. "Don't you want to do me at least this one favor?"
"You want it so badly? Fine. Let's settle it this was. Whoever wins get the room. And they get the right side of the bed." Dean proposed a friendly wager to see who could decide the winner.
When he outstretched his hand to make it into a fist, you knew right away he was trying to settle it with a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. A game that he wasn't exactly known for being a champion of in the past he played his hand in.. You weren't the least bit afraid when you copied his actions. Sam stood back and watched as the both of you acted like the grown adults that you were. Your lips stretched into a smirk as you both shook your fists in the air a few times before you drew out your choices; scissors vs. rock.
“You know, I haven’t played in a while, but…” You resisted every urge inside of you that wanted to gloat at the victory from how easy you won this game. “I’m pretty sure rock beats scissors.”
Dean didn't seem to realize his plan would backfire so badly in his face. He persuaded you to play a few more rounds, thinking his luck would kick in and he'd get to win to claim back the room he secretly wanted. But he lost the three games that followed after that. And you didn't want to go for a fourth time when he asked after swearing underneath his breath.
“Screw this stupid game." Dean grumbled.
"Don't be mad. You can still sleep in there. You just can't decorate it. Or sleep on the right side." You playfully taunted the man, making him mood and glare only grow. You gave him a smile as you decided that it was time to hit the showers, and for Dean to put some actual clothes on. "Are you gonna take off the dead guy robe? It's starting to creep me out."
+ + +
You had a feeling almost all of your worries had been solved. The Men of Letters bunker was something that felt like it was straight out of a sci-fi novel, too good to be true. But it was. And it was yours and the boys. A home you've been getting quite comfortable in for the past two weeks. No hunts, no nonsense calling your attention. It was the very first vacation all of you took in a very, very long time. It felt good to sit back and catch your breath, think about the future that didn't really like it was really happening. Until you went to your very first doctor’s appointment.
You felt like you were walking on cloud nine when you got back to the bunker a few hours later with a smile on your lips that was starting to make your cheeks hurt. But the pain went unnoticed by how good you felt. You announced your arrival when you made your way down the staircase and through the war room and straight to the library that always made you awestruck at the sight of it. That was where Sam was when you left, and still was after you returned. You greeted him with a bubbly hello as a continuous smile while you took a seat across from him.
“Hey.” Sam greeted you with much less enthusiastic tone of voice, too caught up in his research to see why you were so happy. You broke his concentration when you set something down on the table near the corner of his eye. His eyes wandered away just a few short seconds later to see what it was as he reached out to grab it. “What this—”
“Oh, it’s nothing much. Just the ultrasound picture of your future niece or nephew.” You tried your hardest to sound casual but the excitement at what was happening couldn't be contained anymore. Sam stared at the grainy black and grey photograph of the small being growing inside of your stomach, a look of surprise crossed his face at the good news. "I'm officially in my third month. Everything looks good for the baby and me. And you want to know the best part? I got to hear the baby's heartbeat, Sammy. Oh my God. It was the best sound in the entire world."
"That's great." Sam said. He continued to stare at the small little thing in the ultrasound picture, a sense of relief coming over him at hearing about how everything was going smoothly. You had taken a few tumbles here and there that made him worried. But it seemed you were just fine. He put the picture back down on the table and slid it back over to you. You picked it back up just a second later to stare at it with a dreamy sort of smile on your face. "So...when are you gonna tell Dean about the good news?"
You found yourself being forced to look away from the picture and to the future uncle. “You really know how to ruin a good moment, don’t you?”
"Hey, I'm not trying to be a dick here. I'm just curious." Sam said. He put his hands up slightly in the air to show that he meant no harm. That didn't stop you from giving him a look. "Y/N, you don't have a lot more time until he's gonna start getting suspicious.”
You knew he was right about that, and it was the thought that crossed your mind every single time Dean was around you. You managed to keep it a secret over the past few months. You just needed to wait for the right time. You had a feeling this was perfect. And time was passing faster than you expected. You kept pushing it off because you wanted to wait until the time was right and you had a few problems solved. You had a feeling this was the perfect time.
You could have told him the news when you heard his arrival by the sound of his shoes on the staircase and his voice echoing not too far away. But a sense of panic washed over you when you realized that you were still holding the ultrasound picture. Thinking quick on your feet, you reached for a book that Sam had lying on the table and quickly shoved the picture inside.You knew it was a stupid thing to do, but your jumpy behavior went unnoticed by Dean after you saw him make his way into the library. You rested your elbow on the table and gave the man a smile at the sight of him after being away for a few days.
"How's Kevin doing?" You struck up a conversation with the older Winchester for the reason why he was gone in the first place.
"You know. He's okay, I guess. In his corner, hacking out his Da Vinci code. Nothing actionable yet. Gath says hi, by the way." Dean gave you a small update about what he found out after checking up on the prophet, along with passing along a message from the hunter that was keeping an eye on him. You smiled slightly as Dean dropped his bag to one of the tables and made his way over to the mini fridge conveniently stocked with beer. He grabbed one and twisted off the top, only to throw the cap to the table and make his way over to the one you and his brother were occupying.u. "Anything from Cas?"
"Not. Not a peep." Sam said. You shook your head at the lack of contact you had gotten from the angel over the past few weeks. It had been complete radio silence since he disappeared in a very strange way. And it was starting to worry you at his lack of contact. "Why? You?"
"No, he's not answering." Dean said, standing over the table for a moment to flip through a file out of curiosity before taking a seat next to you.
"Right. Well, I have been trying to chart out the Letters' network of hunters, their allies, affiliated groups they worked with, kept files on." Sam explained the things that had been keeping his attention over the past few weeks. And all of the papers around the library. Going through documents that dated back to 1958 was tedious work. "Most are dead or defunct, but others—I'm not so sure about. And this one, you should definitely check out."
You reached for the file and opened it up to see what he had found. You skimmed the first page to see that it was something that was rather interesting. "The Judan Intintive?"
"European team—they were active during world war two." Sam said, giving a few more rather interesting details.
"Really? Hunters fighting in a war," Dean leaned over slightly to take a look at the file for himself and see what he could learn. "that's cool."
"Not exactly hunters, not exactly fighting," Sam corrected his brother. "But, uh..."
“Rabies. Rabies?" You found yourself figuring out what the younger man was trying to lead with. You looked up from the file for a moment with a slightly arched brow at what he found. "Really?"
"The Letters' file on them is sketchy, but, apparently, they were hard-core saboteurs. So, I ran a search on the initiative's entire roster, and I got a hit-- one rabbi Isaac Bass. He was seventeen years old when he joined the initiative and eighty-five years old when he died...two weeks ago." Sam went on, explaining the situation that lead up to all of this. He turned his laptop around to show you and his brother the news article he found online. "In a college town back east, he was capped.”
"'Capped'?" Dean repeated the younger man's words. He reached out to grab the laptop and drag it closer to him so he could read the article for himself.
"He was there doing research, and according to eyewitnesses, he spontaneously combusted." Sam said. He gave you the reason why this caught his eye in the first place and was worth mentioning. You've heard of previous cases in the past about people spontaneously catching fire, but in this way it sounded all too suspicious. And the fact that he was affiliated with the Men of Letters was enough to make you realize this couldn't be ignored.
"So...this is a case?" Dean took a wild guess about all of this and why it was important. He wasn't exactly too thrilled about leaving the bunker once more after being gone for the past few days. He wanted to sit back and enjoy his beer, relax after being able to do so for over a week. He grabbed his drink and leaned back in his seat, slightly annoyed with how none of what he wanted was going to come true. "I just got back."
You found the annoyed look on Dean's face adorable for some reason. You decided to let him rest and enjoy himself for a little while before hitting the road once more to figure out this case. You grabbed the file to look over once more, but before you left the boys, you leaned over slightly to give Dean a quick peck on the cheek, mumbling a reassurance that all of you would be back home in no time. He didn't pipe up to correct you about calling the bunker a home, because after a few weeks, he was already settled with the idea of staying in this place for a very long time.
[Next Part]
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frivoloussuits · 5 years
The footnotes for my next fic (Theme and Variations) got monstrously long, so I’m putting them on tumblr!
“Then you don't know what you're talking about, because I've lived my whole life - not to be her.
“And when people do that, they very often become that very thing in a different way.”
- Harvey and Paula, S05E07
“And then, he just climbed up on the piano and started singing . . . Six years old. Right in the middle of the dinner party.
“My goodness. What did you do?”
“Well, the only thing we could do. Gordon grabbed his sax and gave him some backup.”
“You never told me you could sing.”
“Because he can't.”
- Lily and Paula, S07E13
The canonical timeline on Lily’s adultery is complicated. There is a flashback to Harvey walking in on her and another man when he was eight in S05E07 (“Honey, you remember our cousin-- my cousin Scott . . . And let's not tell Dad about cousin Scott, okay? 'Cause they don't get along.”) Harvey tells Mike in S02E10 that he discovered her adultery at age sixteen but didn’t say anything for two years. In S0507, Harvey discovers his mother cheating again and waits two weeks before informing Gordon about the affair. His relationship with Jessica is well-established at this point, so I speculate he is in his mid-twenties.
“They told me this is where I'd find women's softball.”
“It is now.”
- Harvey and Gordon, S03E06 (practicing baseball together)
“I don't know how to say this . . . Your dad, he had a heart attack.”
- Donna, S02E08
“It's my condolences, which I expected to leave on your desk, because I thought you'd be out mourning your father.”
“I had--”
“What, bigger fish to fry? Don't you see? That's what this place does. There's always bigger fish.”
“I am dealing how I deal.”
“Harvey, you've lost your way.”
- Zoe and Harvey, S02E08
Charles Bradley and the Menahan Street Band released “The World (Is Going Up In Flames)” as a vinyl record in 2007. This song plays repeatedly when Harvey’s dealing with emotionally charged situations. It was introduced in the pilot, in the scene where Mike reveals that he “failed . . . to not be awesome,” dances around Harvey’s office with his fingers in his ears, and then pretends to shoot a finger-gun at Harvey’s heart. Harvey pretends to be shot.
Here are some Gordon-related images, such as one of Harvey and Gordon drinking together in S03E06 and one of Gordon’s grave inscription. Harvey left scotch as an offering at the grave in S02E08.
The marijuana-induced conversation, along with gestures and expressions, is from S02E10.
Mike moves to investment banking at the end of season 3 and goes to prison at the end of season 5. He asks to have his wedding at Harvey’s apartment in S06E13. In S07E16 he has his wedding at a hotel and informs Harvey that he has accepted a more socially responsible position in Seattle.
“Harvey, you and me are going [to box]. Right now.”
“No, we're not.”
“Yes, we are. And it's happening whether you like it or not.”
. . .
“Just let it go, Dad.”
“Since when do I do that?”
“Since when were you around not to?”
“Excuse me?”
“I said let it go!”
“I'm not letting it go! You disrespected me, and you disrespected your brother and your mother and our guest. Now, I know something's up with you. I want to know what it is.”
“It's nothing.”
“It's not nothing!”
“Why are you doing this?”
“'Cause there's something wrong with my boy.”
“Something's wrong with me? What about you? How can you not see what is going on under your nose in your own goddamn house?”
“All right, son, stop!”
“I told her to stop, but I shouldn't have had to.”
“It's shouldn't have been me!”
“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.”
“You told her to stop what? What was your mother doing?”
- Gordon and Harvey, S05E10
“I don’t follow orders, I don’t bend a knee, I win.”
- Harvey, S08E12
Harvey repeatedly tries to make social plans with his coworkers in S8 and often fails. Gabriel Macht highlights this pattern in a recent interview.
Harvey and Robert get drunk at the Machel wedding reception in S08E01.
The scotch-laced phone calls to Mike and Donna occur in S08E13.
Gordon discusses his retirement plans before he finds about Lily’s adultery in S05E10.
Ginger and vanilla are common flavors in Macallan whiskey.
“When I was a kid, my father put me in boxing camp. Middle of summer, 90 degrees. Every day after sparring in that, they'd make you do 100 laps and 50 pull ups. They'd push you until you either threw up or passed out or both. Anyone could leave at any point, all you had to do was quit . . .  I quit every goddamn day. I just never said it out loud. Because no way was I going to give them the satisfaction of breaking me.”
- Harvey, S04E11
Bobby attends Gordon’s funeral in S06E12.
Harvey gives up managing partnership semi-willingly in S08E01. The privilege scandal occurs in the last episodes of S8.
“He pretty much said that he was about to lay himself down on the train tracks for you, and he wanted me to help tie him down.”
- Thomas about Harvey, S08E16
Harvey and Donna have sex in S08E16, before Donna and Thomas have ended their relationship. Aaron Korsh clarifies that while a Thomas/Donna break-up scene was filmed, it was cut to preserve the ethical complications of infidelity, in order “to have something to deal with in 9.01 and Season 9 in general.”
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thankstothe · 7 months
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I can't believe they pull this disneyass plot point off
47 notes · View notes
thankstothe · 9 months
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42 notes · View notes
huntertales · 5 years
Part Three: The Book Thief. (Everybody Hates Hitler S08E13)
Episode Summary: Sam, Dean and the reader investigate the death of a Rabbi who spontaneously combusted. The case becomes ever more confusing when they learn that the Rabbi was researching Nazi Necromancers. The trio are attacked by a Golem who turns out to belong to the Rabbi’s grandson, Aaron. The key to the case lies with the Golem but Aaron doesn’t know how to control him, which leaves everyone in danger. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 5,975.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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A little note: I added German into this part along with translations that are going to be marked with a * at the end to help make things easier to understand. I don’t know a single word in German and relied on Google Translate to help. So if I’ve severely fucked it up, sorry to all my fellow German speakers!
You liked to think you knew libraries pretty well; from spending your late teens into your early twenties in one for hours at a time, several days a week to do research and other times for your own personal enjoyment. You got to know the structure and how they organized things pretty well after a while, you even thought about going to college to become a librarian to make something of your life. You loved books and thought it would be worthwhile to spend your days being paid to roam around a place you spent a majority of your time in beside your house. But then hunting fell in your lap and this was where you ended up in your career, breaking and entering into the college library to find a book that a man was killed for by a bunch of Nazi necromancers.
It was normal for you and the boys to bend the rules wherever you went, it was part of the job you learned not to feel so bad about. Aaron, however, felt a little weird when he realized he was trespassing on college ground after hours. You and the boys didn’t react much about making sure not to get caught when you made little effort to see if there was any security or anyone else around that might spot you. You were the first one in, the boys followed behind as Aaron trailed behind, who was a little hesitant to be part of breaking the law.
"What, do three just break in wherever you go?" Aaron couldn’t help himself but ask, his golem following behind him, making the giant the last one to step inside.
“Yeah, well,” Dean opted for the sarcastic reply when he put away his lockpick back into a safe spot for next time he’d need it. “our dad wanted us to have a solid career to fall back on just in case this hunter thing didn’t pan out.”
You looked around the library and spotted the directory of the place, telling you every section of this place and what level to find it on. You skimmed the many different subjects the library had to offer until you find the science one, which was on the second floor. "Okay, so if I'm right, then I think your grandfather switched manuscript FD113 out of the archives.”
You told the boys that you'd be right back, thinking it would only take a few minutes for you to find the book on your own while they waited for you to return. You jogged up the staircase and made your way to the second level of the library that was eerily quiet like you suspected, finding the science section that got you started on your hunt for the book. You weren't exactly sure what you were looking for as you walked past dozens of bookshelves with hundreds of books that were properly protected with a little white sticker to help keep track of them. All you needed to do was find one that wasn't like the rest. It shouldn't have been too hard.
You skimmed a few more shelves until you found the section you were looking for and made your way between them, skimming the many spines to find the one that was missing. You furrowed your brow slightly as you tediously read each one, until you noticed a leather bound book that was unmarked, seeming to be hiding in a spot where someone would find a book on bird watching. You took a chance by grabbing the book off the shelf to find that it was much heavier than you realize. And would soon know you weren’t the only one up here looking for such an important thing that was worth killing for.
As you were about to open it up and see what was inside, you found your hand moving from the book and to the crook of your neck when you suddenly felt almost like a pinching pain. Like you were stabbed with a needle. Your fingers brushed against something small, the slightest pressure you put on it made you wince, and with a forceful tug, you pulled it out of your skin. You lifted it up to see that it appeared to be one of those small darts you'd seen in plenty of adventure movies where the hero was shot with from a stranger in the shadows.
You weren’t sure what was going to happen, but when you felt your body starting to feel weaker and the room spinning, you had a feeling you weren’t going to pass out. The pain in your neck from where you were shot started to grow worse as it began to change into a dark purple color that you didn't notice. You were too busy trying to stand up and make it out of here alive.
You felt yourself stumbling backwards into one of the shelves as you felt yourself growing even more dizzer. You forced yourself to inhale a deep breath and pull yourself together long enough before you could get another dose of the poison. When you were first hunting after you got back into your own state of mind you didn’t face any real danger you couldn’t get out of. But why was it once you got pregnant you were finding yourself on the chopping block more than ever?
One thing was for sure, there was no way in hell you were dying before you gave birth, especially not at the hands of a damn Nazi. You forced yourself to start walking out of here fast as you could, but you didn't make it very far when you came face to face with your attacker.
“I owe you thanks.” You saw a man come out from behind a bookshelf, holding what appeared to be the weapon that hit you with the dart. As he got ready to load it once more, you blinked, watching everything around you start to grow even more blurry. By the thick German accent, you had a feeling you had finally met one of Nazis who killed Isaac Bass. "The rabbi got me this far, but you...took me all the way. Now, give me the ledger."
"Beißen Sie mich, Nazi-Abschaum.*" You might be dying from whatever kind of poison that he gave you, but you would never pass up the opportunity to bad mouth one of the worst people the world had ever seen. You smirked to yourself before you roughly used all the strength that you had to kick a book trolley into him, buying you some time to get out of here before it was too late. Somehow you managed to stagger to the top of the staircase and weakly called out for the boys attention to tell them what was going on. “Help! N-necromancer!"
*Bite me, Nazi scum.
Sam saw you struggling to make it down the stairs on your own, prompting him to push himself up to his feet and race up fast as he could to figure out what was going on. The book you had found was nestled underneath the crook of your arm as you did everything you could to make sure it was still close after you managed to get away. Sam managed to catch you when you felt your knees buckle underneath your weight. Dean wasn't too far behind his brother as he pulled out his gun, having a feeling he was gonna need it in a moment.
Sam shifted your limp body to try and figure out what was happening to you and why you were growing sickly pale. He noticed something on the side of your neck that seemed out. Brushing away a bit of hair, he noticed a patch of your skin was turning into a concerning shade of deep purple that almost appeared to be a bruise. There was a tiniest puncture hole just below your jaw, making it almost seem like you were pricked with a needle. What the boys were seeing wasn't a bruise at all, it was a side effect of something. You must have somehow been injected with a poisonous spell and it was spreading through your body—and fast.
Dean noticed for himself about how badly you were handling whatever kind of supernatural spell you were hit with while you were alone. The purple color was starting to spread up your jaw and down your neck. You were barely holding on as Sam heard your groans from the pain you were in, making him fearful if him or his brother didn't do something soon it might be too late. But the boys were about to have one more person to worry about from what happened next.
The boys had been so focused on your well-being they forgot for a split second the enemy was still without eyes on him, giving a perfect opportunity to strike again. It was when Aaron let out a painful noise of his own that made them realize he was hit by a dart, but before Dean could see who it was, they disappeared from sight. Aaron fell right to the ground; the poison working quicker than either of them were expecting.
“Crap!” Dean repeated himself when he realized things had turned from bad to worse. He didn’t want to leave you and his brother alone in fear that someone else might get hurt. There was someone Dean had to count on. He looked to the golem and made use of him. “Hey, big guy, they're both gonna die unless we get whoever cast the spell.”
The golem seemed to understand this was a life or death situation for Aaron and yourself when he went running up the stairs to where the person who caused this. Sam shifted your body around so you were at least sitting somewhat straight up while you rested against him. Your body language and symptoms showed no signs this thing was slowing down. Dean let out a frustrated sigh, a sense of dreadful panic coming over him at the sight of you, knowing he was a sitting duck while he looked over you and Aaron.
All was quiet for a minute or so, making the boys unsure of what was going on, and if letting a giant made out of a lump of clay was a such a good idea in the first place. Dean contemplated on heading up there for himself to see if he could fix this problem once and for all. Before he could do so, the sudden echoing noises of banging against metal made the boys look up straight ahead and to the top of the staircase, wondering what the hell was going on up there.
Dean slowly pushed himself up to his feet and cautiously peered up to the second to see if he might get a glimpse at the action going on. When he heard footsteps, Dean quickly pointed his loaded gun at the top of the stairs, ready to shoot anyone who came down. However he found himself lowering it slightly at the sight of the person who was to blame for all of this as he was being dragged across the floor by the back of his jacket before the golem dropped him down on one of the steps. The necromancer had taken a few rough blows to the head, but it seemed he was still conscious long enough to lift his head up just enough to give the brothers his dying words.
"Long live the Thule." The necromancer spoke his dying words in a thick German accent, his lips stretching into the kind of smirk that made it almost seem like he was going to get out this as the winner here. But that wasn’t the case when the golem didn’t waste a second in twisting his neck it an inhumanly possible angle, making the boys flinch slightly at the sound of bones snapping.
"Or not." Dean muttered underneath his breath.
Now that the necromancer was dead it meant that whatever sort of spell he put on you and Aaron should start wearing off. Sam noticed the coloring of your skin was starting to go back to normal as the deep purple started to fade away. You felt the effects of the poison starting to wear off as you began to become aware of your surroundings and feeling better than you had just a few minutes ago. While your neck still ached from the dart, you were alive and well, which was more you could say than the dead necromancer lying face down on the ground.
Dean made his way over to you and crouched back down on the ground so he was now back at your level, relief coming over him at the sight of you looking a little more human again. "How are you feeling, sweetheart?"
"I've had better days." You admitted to the boys. You managed to get yourself up to your feet with the help of Sam, making sure to grab the leather bound book that had been worth the fuss from all the trouble you went through to find it. "But we've got the book. And one of the bastards is dead. I'd call it a successful night."
Dean felt himself breathing a little easier knowing you were slowly getting back to your normal self. He directed his attention to the dead body all of you needed to dispose of still and Aaron, who was taking a little longer to recover than you had. You still felt a little dizzy as you made your way down the stairs, Sam made sure to help you before you could take a tumble and hurt yourself even more tonight. While Dean checked on Aaron and the golem took care of the necromancer he killed, you and Sam made your way to the door, the both of you were a good distance away from everyone to talk in private.
He shook his head as he stared down at you, but you could tell from the look on his face that little scare earlier had shaken him up slightly, his mind fearing the worst outcome. “Why do I get the feeling I don’t want you leaving my sight for the rest of these six months?”
“It’s okay, Sammy.” You reassured the man. You nestled the leather bound book underneath the crook of your arm, the size big enough to hide when you pressed your other hand against your stomach, feeling the outline of your growing bump that was starting to becoming more prominent each day. The one that you'd do anything to protect, but also knew wasn't going to stop you just yet from doing what you've always wanted. “It’s gonna take a lot more than a necromancer to take me down.”
+ + +
A little while later in the middle of nowhere you sat on the hood of the Impala and watched the boys dig a grave for the necromancer that would soon becoming nothing more than ash. You were feeling more yourself now, but it was taking Aaron a little longer to come back around. He eventually did after the grave was dug and the boys were ready to throw the body into the hole. The sound of Aaron shifting around in the backseat made you look behind to see he was sitting up now, wincing in pain at the area where he was shot with the dart.
"The Men of Letters healed you." The golem told Aaron. "They saved your life."
"Don't be so modest, big guy." You said, turning your attention to the golem as you gave him a small smile. "If it wasn't for you, the both of us would be dead."
You turned your head back forward to watch as the brothers dropped their shovels to the ground and grabbed each end of the dead body that was covered in a white sheet for the sake of not getting the car covered in blood after the golem hit the necromancer's head a few too many times. Aaron watched from the backseat as the boys dropped the dead body into the hole they just dug, prompting him to ask what they were doing. You crossed your arms over your chest and casually replied they were burying the necromancer. Well, that was really only part of it.
You've been apart of the ritual of burning the body to keep it from coming back to life, becoming unfazed by the sight of the boys grabbing a few gas canisters and pouring some into the freshly dug grave, probably talking among themselves about what to do with the golem, another problem you were going to have to deal with after taking down this Thule society. Dean finished up things by striking a match and throwing it into the hole, igniting a fire that lit up the night, and prompting Aaron to freak out slightly from what he was witnessing.
“Oh, my God." Aaron muttered to himself. "These guys are psychopaths."
You chuckled quietly at his reaction to the things that he were seeing that was unsettling to the normal bystander. Aaron had a giant man made out of clay and his grandfather was murdered by necromancer Nazis to get a hold of a book that you still weren't sure was so important. You were pretty sure he was far behind the line of what normal was anymore.
+ + +
The next morning you and the boys were back at the motel Aaron was renting to see what you could find out about this book. Everything was written in German making it hard for Sam to figure out anything and would require him to translate it to English. However, he almost forgot that you knew more than English and Latin. You spent a little while flipping through the pages and loosely translating the words to see what it was. While you were a tiny bit rusty on your German, you got the gist of what you were reading was about the horrors that went on decades ago. And why the Thule society wanted it back so badly.
Dean made a coffee run into town since there wasn't much he could really do at the moment. The man avoided research like it was the plague, only doing it when he absolutely had to. You sent him off to be useful by grabbing some caffeine and breakfast while you and his brother worked together in trying to figure out what made the book so important. A short while after he left, you moved your gaze away from the laptop screen and to the door when you saw Dean had come back with a tray of paper cups and a box of what you presumed was breakfast.
“What did you guys find out?” Dean asked,
"If my translations are correct, I think it's a logbook from a Nazi compound in Belarus." You told the man, grabbing the cup he sent down for you and sliding it forward. "It was run by the Thule."
"This is the red ledger." Aaron said. He had wanted to take a look for himself at the book that was the reason why his grandfather was dead and he was dragged into this situation in the first place. Dean took off his jacket and dropped himself in the empty seat to get himself comfortable. "It was lost in the fire that destroyed the compound, but my grandfather was convinced it had been found after the war."
“Well, it describes the horrible experiments performed on the camp’s population...magical experiments.” You explained to them. You let out a sigh as you stared at the laptop screen where you had already translated a passage before while reading, you just wanted to double check your work to be sure. “Manchmal denke ich, dass Menschen die echten Monster sind.* I mean, what these people went through...” 
*Sometimes I think humans are the real monsters.
You've seen evil up close and personal during your few decades of being alive that weren’t for the faint of heart, along with going to hell twice. Not to mention the sick and horrifying things that happened to you that still gave you nightmares to this day. All of that was consequences of what you knew was going to happen, done by creatures that tortured your life was created by the devil himself, their souls were tweaked and sculpted to be heartless and cruel. But humanity...it was something you still didn't understand. And probably never will.
You had people like Hitler and Nazis who outed a group of people based upon their own religion or didn't fit into what they thought was the "perfect" race. Hate groups for people who didn't share the same skin color, who loved someone of the same gender. Anyone who didn't fit into their ideal mindset was a problem that deserved to be wiped out. Nobody deserved to be treated as if they were nothing because they didn’t fit into someone’s ideas and had their lives tortured because of something so significant. You made your own misery, you had time to come to terms with what you did. But not these people who were hauled off and dragged to concentration camps were they most likely were shot and killed if they were lucky.
Those who survived were forced to live through horrifying conditions, treated like guinea pigs for these sick bastards for their experiments and enjoyment. What you wouldn't do to personally put a bullet in their brains. Nazis and ideas alike was what real evil was all about. You could kill everyone still remaining alive today, but you couldn’t destroy the ideology behind their thinking. Much as you would love to. Evil comes in different forms, and they were just one of many.
"More horrible than words." The golem seemed to have finished your thought when you found yourself trailing off. You looked over to see the giant was standing towards the kitchen window, falling silent once more. You furrowed your brow slightly from what he said, making you wonder if all this talk about the  holocaust and its tragedies hit close to him. As if he witnessed the horrors himself.
“You were there, weren’t you?” Sam found himself asking. “At the camp?”
“I was made in the ghetto of Vitsyebsk to tear that hell down. I broke its wall, its men.” The golem said, turning around to face the four of you before he went on. “The commandant burt the place to ash around me.”
“Okay,” Sam said. “what does it mean when you tell Aaron to take charge?”
“The boy would know…” The golem said. His gaze fell to the young man sitting in front of him, a hardened expression fell over his face. “if he could consult the pages.”
"Pages?" Dean found himself repeating after the giant. "What pages?"
Aaron swallowed slightly when he felt everyone’s attention shift towards him. "When I was as bar mitzvahed, my grandfather gave me this little old book. It was in Hebrew. It was like an owner's manual for a golem." Aaron explained to you and the boys about what the golem was talking about. You raised your brow slightly from what you were hearing, giving you a false sense of hope when you thought the tension between Aaron and the golem could be solved if he found this book. Aaron let out a sigh, knowing it wasn't that easy. Because there was no book to be found. "I can’t….exactly. When I went to high school, I sort of drifted. I started getting off the academic track, and, uh, I kind of...I kind of smoked it.”
All of you did a lot of stupid things when you were in high school, but Aaron had to take the cake. You found yourself shaking your head slightly from what he admitted to. The golem wasn't the least bit amused at the confession he heard. "The boy smoked the pages."
"They were these thin, vellum-y pages. I mean, it was perfect for rolling. Look, they were driving instructions for a clay man. Okay? It was nonsense. Right? I mean..." Aaron tried to defend himself about the decisions and actions that he chose when he was in his teens. He chuckled nervously when he realized how bad it was when he said it out loud. "Okay. All right. Look, I'm sorry, okay? Why can't you just tell me what I don't know?!”
You made the rightful decision to get out of your chair to grab one of the pastries Dean brought back. You made it a few steps out of the way before the golem lurched forward, slamming his hands down on the table so he was now staring Aaron directly in the eye, finally having had enough of the boy's childish behavior. "It's not my place to guide the rabbi, to teach the teacher! It's not my place! Yifalchunbee!"
“Gut! Beruhigen!*” You commanded to the golem when you found yourself becoming overwhelmed with frustration at the constant bickering between him and Aaron. All though you didn't know Hebrew, you had a feeling the golem understood German as well. You gave the giant a look of your own when he turned his head towards you before he walked off. You scoffed to yourself and reached for a donut. "Ich werde dir ein oder zwei Dinge beibringen, du Lehmklumpen.*”
*All right! Calm down!
*I’ll teach you a thing or two, you lump of clay.
"That's not super-comforting," Dean said, his lips stretching into the smallest smile from what just went down. Aaron seemed a little shaken up himself, and guilty at what he couldn't do. You tried lending out a helping hand much as you could, but your talents and expertise didn't cover Hebrew. Or Jewish religion for that matter on how to control a golem Dean got himself up from his seat to join you at the counter, grabbing himself something sweet to pair with his coffee. "Did you happen to translate anything else that could be at least useful?”
“Kind of. As far as  I can tell, these experiments—the thule were murdering jews, gypsies—just about anybody and everybody—then trying to magically reanimate them.  They were trying to figure out a way to bring their own dead back to life. Which I'm guessing they figured out because—this." You put your cup down on the counter and walked over to the table, grabbing the heavy book and flipping to the end. "This last page is a roster of every dead Thule member who was reanimated.”
"This is why they killed my grandfather?" Aaron asked, you shrugged your shoulders. This was much bigger than either one of you had realised. Not only was it almost like a scientific journal for necromancy and their experiments, it was a hitlist you could use to track down every thule member that might still be alive today. To them, it was worth all the blood they would have to spill in order to get it back into their rightful hands.
it would be worth the blood they would have to spill to get it back in their hands.
“Anything in there on how to kill it?” Dean wondered.
“Apparently they experimented with that, too. Headshot.” You said. The bit of information was going to be useful if you ever went up against one of these people, it wasn't going to put them down for good. “But if you don’t burn the body within twelve hours, it reanimates again.”
"Nazi bastards.” The older Winchester muttered underneath his breath, finding all of what he was hearing about this society skin crawling.
You didn't need another reason to take them down once and for all. Before you could take on an enemy big as a secret society, you needed to learn more about them. Along with the instructions on how to control a golem, and worst case scenario, how to stop it.
+ + +
Sam spent some time trying to find out anything about golems while you stuck with the Thule society, hoping the internet could provide you with at least something to give you a clue of what they were besides evil at its worst. But it didn’t give you anything at all. You grew frustrated at the lack of findings you were getting, Dean decided to call around the hunters he knew and try his luck with Garth, who had trouble understanding what the man was saying.
"No, no, Garth, not a tool society—'Thule—T-h-u-l-e. Yeah. All right. Call me if you find anything." Dean finished up his call with the hunter who had been looking over Kevin for you and playing Bobby as well. He dropped down the duffel bag full of weapons all of you would need soon enough once you knew more about this secret society. But it was risky when you didn't know almost nothing about them, besides how they were evil bastards. "All of Garth's contacts are stumped. Nobody on the circuit's ever heard of 'the Thule society.' Whoever these people are, they've been flying beneath the hunter radar. Anything with you guys?"
You shook your head no at the lack of information you could provide, knowing if Garth didn't know anything, you highly doubt you were going to be able to come up with anything. You rubbed your eyes in frustration when you felt a headache coming on, along with the urge to be sick. What you wouldn’t do right now to be back at the bunker where you had an extensive library and your disposal and the comfort of your own bed to relax.
“Nothing solid. I mean, the lore is all over the place.” Sam said. “According to one legend, it can be shut down if you erase the letters off its forehead.”
“I didn’t see any letters on clayface.” Dean said. He shrugged off his jacket and was now leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, listening to the lore on the golem his brother had found. None of which sounded useful to you.
“Exactly. So, side-burner that. Another one,” Sam said, looking over at his laptop to reference the website he found on ancient lore dealing with golems that sounded useless. "'Some have a scroll in the mouth you're supposed to rip out.'"
“Wouldn’t that give him some sort of lisps or something?” You wondered.
"Well, classically, they're not even supposed to speak. We do know that he took on an entire camp full of heavily armed German soldiers and Thule necromancers and won.” Sam said. All you knew about the golem that he was one badass hummel figurine, in the words of Dean. “We have no idea how to put back in the box.”
"So that's your plan?" Your attention drifted away from the younger Winchester and to Aaron, who overheard your conversation that he didn't seem to taking a liking to. You would have never thought he cared for the giant from the way he constantly talked down to him and yelled every chance he got. "Taking out my golem?"
"It's not a plan." Sam tried to explain to the man.
"We would just feel a lot better if we knew how." Dean said, making it sound simpler than what it really was "That's all."
“What makes you think you have any right to make that decision?” Aaron questioned you.
"Believe me," Dean took a few steps forward to the man and told him how things were going to be, whether he liked it or not.  "if we need the right, we will take it."
"Look, he may be a pain in the ass, but he's my responsibility." Aaron said.
"No offense, but you sort of suck at taking care of him." You couldn't help yourself but tell the truth that nobody was going to say to his face. "This thing is more powerful than you realize. The golem was built to go to war. You're not trained for that. Now, how are you gonna take on that?"
Aaron fell silent at the reality he knew was very much true, but he wanted to prove himself wrong. He wanted to make his grandfather proud. Much as you hoped this situation would have worked out in his benefit in the end, all of you had unexpected company. You expected to face against the Thule society at some point, knowing you had something they very much wanted and were actively searching for. But you didn’t think it would be so soon in the future, and right now. 
You felt yourself jump a few inches out of your chair at the sudden sounding of the front door swinging open after someone broke it down, and you had a clue of who it might be. Without even thinking, you quickly grabbed the red ledger and dashed for a place to hide it, choosing underneath Sam’s messenger bag, giving you enough time before trouble came running in. Dean pushed Aaron out of the way when he saw what could only be three men belonging to the Thule society come running in. He reach for a shotgun, but before he could use it, one of the men beat him to it, ripping it out of his hands and punching him hard enough to knock him down to the ground. Sam attempted to take on one of the men coming his way, but it was no use. You saw a gun peeking out of Sam’s bag, and while you would have grabbed it, you found yourself stumbling upwards before you could even reach for it, a hand grabbing a fistful of your shirt and yanking you back up to your feet. You found yourself starting down the barrel of a gun, prompting you to temporarily forget about your own if you didn’t want to end up with a round to the head. While things seemed grim for all of you, there was someone that you almost forgot about, a giant who had taken on the Thule before. The golem came in charging into the room, growling in anger at what was going on. He flipped over a coffee table that stood in his way, making as if it weighed nothing when it went crashing into the wall before he set his eyes on the man holding a gun to Aaron. He grabbed the man from behind and lifted him up from his feet, choking him the process, but before he could do anything to harm the man, a voice called out for him to stop.
“Enough!” The man spoke with a German accent, making it clear enough they were all apart of the Thule society and looking for their fancy book. And it came as no surprise the stranger standing in the doorway was familiar with the golem after their encounter decades ago. “There you are, you clay piece of work, after all these years."
The golem dropped the man he was holding down to the ground and turned his attention to the stranger standing in the doorway, known as Eckhart. You saw the golem start to step a few steps forward to Eckhart, wanting to take him down first, but it seemed the giant was no threat at what he did next. You heard what had to be Hebrew come from the man’s mouth as he lifted his arm to the golem coming in his direction, and in the matter of seconds, the golem stopped. He became frozen like a statue as his shoulders slumped forward.
Eckhart walked past the giant, lightly patting him on the shoulder before he made his way in the living room to face the four of you. You let out a quiet sigh when you saw the one last hope you had against the Thule become useless. "Verdammt noch mal.*"
*Damn it.
[Next Part]
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