#s. vampire the masquerade
sidver · 5 months
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lgbtmi · 8 months
it's truly a testament of my sanity that i still play vampire the masquerade even if the core rule book is completely illogical
there's one mention of the amount of thin blood flaws and merits. it's not with the thin bloods, it's not with the thin blood flaws and merits, it's an offhanded comment on the character creation summary sheet.
needless to say one to three thin blood flaws and as many merits is now Ignored and I will be taking four flaws and four merits. don't worry about it. my st agrees with me.
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vtm-nightcity · 4 months
Palla Grande. The Sabbat in Miami know how to party. (from last year's Chronicle)
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dymdrimluga · 11 months
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redratt · 11 months
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so walk with me walk with me don't let this symbolism kill your heart (this song is not for the living.) (this song is for the dead.)
slipknot's 'XIX' is like... maybe my high point of Riley themes? anyway, i was listening to it a bit, feeling kind of out of it for personal life reasons -- all of that aside, i realized I hadn't quite ever depicted for other people how i interpret riley d'habi's little "boon" that she was given by the true black hand, haha. Not that she even knows what they are. there is a cross sewn into the flesh of her back, made of her own flesh and the flesh of her new masters. when Riley is in the presence of a specific target (often non-Koldun, or tremere, or-) it begins to burn and warp and twist. It becomes a "blossom". A blessing from God. It hurts. Revenants have shitty lives, even the ones who manage to escape the circumstances of their birth. There's a reason the Grave Watcher revenant-pack is so tightly-knit, because nobody understands them but themselves. No other being knows what a Revenant bears.
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
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Publisher Paradox Interactive has announced that it will refund all physical pre-orders for Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2. The company has also shared some new post-alpha screenshots and teased more news coming in September 2023.
Dear Bloodlines fans,
It’s been quite a while between updates while we’ve had our heads down working on the game. We remain just as dedicated to delivering a great Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines game as we were when we announced, and are looking forward to showing you more in September this year.
We acknowledge it was a long time ago that many of you pre-ordered Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2.  As development continues, we will be updating the game’s editions and bonus content, and we want to provide the best value to those of you who supported us via digital pre-order after all this time. We are thus offering refunds to anyone who has pre-ordered any edition of Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2. As part of this process, we are proactively refunding all pre-orders of physical products, including the Collector’s Edition. The digital versions of the First Blood Edition, Unsanctioned Edition and Blood Moon Edition remain, but can be refunded if you choose.
We’re excited to show you more and hope to have all of you with us in September when we reveal more. We know you are eager to see how the game is coming along so we’ve put together a fresh batch of screenshots to share with you.
For more information about refunds and how to submit your request, please visit our FAQ.
Until then, The Bloodlines Team
Stay tuned here and on the Bloodlines 2 Discord server for more news.
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faneth · 2 years
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designed some more nosferatus for shits and giggles
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st-guliks-fnord · 10 months
Who would win? 3/4 of the main political factions of Kindred in Los Angeles, or 1 (one) Nosferatu with a bush hook
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mrboomtin · 11 months
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you have no idea how long this took me to make for such a simple comic but here
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I am really tired rn but i stay strong for the sillies
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marmoladon · 1 year
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bambirosedoll · 7 months
inb4 everyone realizes, Ravnos, known for dreams and illusion, faked their own Final Death
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bearsgrove · 1 year
i cant do this anymore. i Need more vampire content in my life. more blood. etc. for the love of god im dying
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brawler1993 · 9 months
The Entertainment Dome Episode 227 - 19 Inches of Venom
This week on The Entertainment Dome, James is thrilled to hear updates on Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2, we discuss the announcement of Final Fantasy XVI‘s DLC and various Final Fantasy rumours, and we mourn Saints Row developer Volition being shut down.
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violetfoxsketches · 1 year
🖊🖊🖊 >:3
You want 3 shorts, you will get 3 shorts >;3c General tw for blood, body horror; these are shorts about Javier's turning
🖊 Hellbent
“Would you get off my back?! I don’t wanna hear it, man!”
Javier snarled at the figure in the passenger seat of his danube blue ‘65 Impala. He’d agreed to drive Lucas home from work, not to another lecture about Riles. As they pulled to a red light, Lucas gawked as Javier propped a cigarette between his lips and flicked a lighter.
“I thought you said you quit last year.” Lucas drawled, “Where are you even gittin’ the money for those? You couldn’t even pay yer half of rent last month.” “Seriously, dude what are you, my ma?” Javier growled in response, “Wouldn't need ‘em if you’d stop stressin’ me out so much with all the lecturin’.”
“I wouldn’t have to lecture yer ass if you’d just break up with yer crazy chick.” Lucas spat in response, “You don't drag yer ass in til dawn half the time, you stopped goin' to Mass, you miss work, and now yer smokin' again? It’s like I don’t even know you anymore, man. Whatever she's doin' wit'chu you ain't right. You need to git rid of her.”
“Lucas, I’m warnin’ you…”
The car fell into silence as the light turned green. The fuck did Lucas know about Riles anyways? He’d hated her ever since he met her. Javier took a long drag and let his breath fill the car with smoke as he eyed Lucas in the passenger seat, almost daring the man to say one more thing about Riles. Lucas glared right back. Then, without warning, he snatched the cig right out of Javier’s mouth, cranked down the window and flicked it out of the car.
“What the fu—?”
“—Stop bein’ a dick and I’ll stop treatin’ you like one.” Lucas cut in.
“If anyone’s bein’ the dick, it’s you!” Javier bellowed, “What the fuck is your problem with Riles? The real one, not the bullshit you keep makin’ up about her.”
“I ain’t makin’ up shit, Javi. I went with my gut and made some calls at work. There ain’t no Riley Reid from Tampa that matches her in the books. She’s lyin’ through her teeth, and yer eatin’ it up!”
“Yeah sure. You’re stalkin’ her records, but she’s the crazy one! Do you even hear yourself, man? Maybe you're the one that's changed.” Lucas went quiet. Javier scoffed.
“She told me you were gonna try and use some bullshit story to scare me away from her.” Javier’s voice grew cold, “Can’t you just go be happy with your fiance and leave me the fuck alone already?” “...I gave her til the end of the month to git the hell outta dodge before I call the feds.” Lucas responded, tone equally as icy, “I can’t let her ruin yer life with whatever scam she’s pullin’.”
Tires screeched on pavement as Javier swerved to a stop.
“You WHAT?!” Javier practically roared, “...Nah. Get out of the fuckin’ car.”
Lucas gave Javier a hard look, but it went ignored as Javier jerked the keys out of the ignition and stepped out in a rage. He rounded the front of the Impala and yanked the passenger door open. “I said, get out of the fuckin’ car, Lucas!” Javier yelled, “Or I’ll make you get out.”
“You can’t make me do shit, Javi.”
That was it. Javier reached in, grabbed a handful of Lucas’ blazer, and tugged him right out of his seat. He didn’t care if it was Lucas, he was gonna feed the jerk his own teeth for threatening Riles. Javier drew his fist back and swung, but Lucas banked to the right and before Javier knew what happened, Javier’s back slammed against the hood of the Impala and Lucas had an iron grip on Javier’s jacket collar. Stunned by the impact, Javier flinched and closed his eyes for a punch that never came.
“Believe it or not, I’m doin' this because I care about you, pendejo.” Lucas huffed, still holding Javier in place by two fistfuls of jacket.
“...liar.” Javier managed, “You just can’t stand the idea that I’m not the sorry little queer that needs your protection anymore. God forbid I find a woman to be happy with. What; did you think I’d never get over you?”
The grip loosened. Lucas looked down at Javier as if those words had been a switchblade to the chest. Good. Javier took the chance to shove Lucas away and got back on his feet.
“Up yours, Lucas. You can fuckin’ walk home.” Javier spat as he fixed the jacket’s popped collar, “You’re not makin’ me late to my date.” Javier slammed the passenger door shut, slid into the driver’s seat, and flipped Lucas the bird before revving the engine and peeling out, leaving the other man to choke on exhaust in the rear view mirror.
🖊 Love Me Dead
Javier felt like he was on fire. His ears were ringing, the smell of something foul assaulted his nose, he could taste an entire ashtray on his dry tongue. His fingers stung as he groped blindly along… dusty concrete?
Bleary brown eyes finally cracked open to take in his surroundings. Blood. It was all over him, old, dry, flakey blood. It was the only thing on him, he soon came to realize.
Okay, focus. Try and remember what happened…
He’d been furious when he got home. Packed a backpack for everything he’d need overnight and tossed it in the trunk of his Impala before going to meet with Riles. She’d cooed and smoothed his ruffled feathers, she’d made him forget his anger, but things got fuzzy from there.
To Javier’s surprise, his sight was the only one of his senses that wasn’t overwhelming him. He was in a basement, or at least, what once was a basement. It looked like a tornado had blown through the place. What had happened down here...?
The world around him was moving too quickly. He crashed into a wooden banister, and splintered it. He went headlong into a stack of old boxes and scattered their contents. He remembered the headache that was denting some kind of pipe. Then there was the door. Clawing and clawing at impossible speed with his bare hands like a trapped animal. Desperate. Screaming. Starving.
Javier rounded what was left of the banister up to the basement door. Deep scratch marks, highlighted with more old blood. His blood, he finally realized. In his frenzy, he’d worn his fingertips down to blood and bone. What kind of drug had he been on last ni— OhhhhHolyMotherOfGod there was a hole in his chest.
“HELP!” Javier’s lungs burned as he filled them with air to scream, “¡AYÚDAME! SOMEONE; ANYONE!”
He grabbed the doorknob. He twisted and pulled and pushed and rattled but it wouldn't budge. He pounded and pounded on the wood, first with his fists, then with his shoulders. Until finally he heard the sound of footsteps.
The groan of a heavy object scraping the floor. The rattle of a chain. The sliding of a deadbolt. The twist of the doorknob. He came face to face with…
“...Riles?” Javier uttered. A wash of relief crashed into him, “Riles, thank God!”
She simply stood there, amusement growing on her lips and a folded pile of clothes in her arms.
“Ohh, Pobrecito~” Riley snickered, “Still reeling from that tantrum, I see. C’mon, let’s get you all cleaned up.”
“Riles, you gotta get me to a hospital before I bleed out!” Javier urged, unsure why she was so calm. Jovial, even.
“Baby… you’re not bleeding out. You’re already dead.”
“I’m… —Riles, c’mon, that’s not funny.”
“I’m serious. You’re dead. Although damn; did you come back swinging. What a display.”
Riley chuckled darkly, gazing him up and down with pride in her smile as she handed Javier what he now realized were his duds and jacket.
“Everything is going to be okay now.” she reached up to caress the side of his face. Anxiety and panic fluttered away as Javier practically melted into her touch, “You’re free, Baby.”
Javier found himself grinning right back at her. He wasn't entirely sure why. “Free, huh? Free from what?”
“Your miserable life. Your awful friends. Your pointless studies. Sharing the same fate as your father. You’re more than all of that now. You are the night personified. Beautiful. Eternal. Vicious.”
Riley drew Javier closer with her touch and cradled him against her neck. Something inside Javier stirred. A foreign instinct, demanding to be acknowledged. Or had it always been a part of him? He kissed her, gratefully. God, she was cold as Death.
“Go on; I know you must still be hungry.” Riley whispered as her fingers slid through the hair at the back of Javier’s head.
He was still hungry, and somehow he already knew what to do. He curled back his lip and bit sharply into her neck…
🖊 Teeth
He was met with the bright amber eyes he’d fallen in love with. His senses weren’t screaming, the hole in his chest was gone, and his fingertips were whole again. Thank God it was over.
“I must’ve been on a helluva trip if you stayed with me all night. You never do that.” Javier snorts out a laugh, “I don’t even remember what I took, pero I was loco en la cabeza last night. I was convinced we were both vampires. God; I think I even tried to bite you.”
“Oh there was no try, Baby; you did.” Riley smirked, “And we are. You just might be a little hazy on the details, seeing as you went so buck wild I had to stake you for a couple weeks.”
“Seriously, stop pullin’ my leg, Riles.”
Riley tilted her head and smiled at him in a way that didn’t need words: she was patronizing him. Then she flashed her teeth and Javier’s own smile dropped. His gaze darted to a mirror on the nearby vanity and in what felt like a blur, he was already there, rattling the furniture with an unintentional collision. Reflexively, he steadied the wobbly mirror before it could topple. The sight that greeted him was paler than ever, almost no color to his lips. The dusty eyes looking back at him were sunken and dull. He looked half-dead. Behind him, Riley giggled.
“Cool the jets, Babyfangs, there’s no fire.” she purred.
“Babyfangs?” Javier wrinkled his nose at her reflection.
Instinctively, he curled a lip and sure enough, four massive fangs protruded from his gums.
“...Madre de Dios…”
“Oh Baby… God didn’t have anything to do with this.”
Reality hit Javier like a speeding car and he staggered backwards. Cold arms caught him and snaked around his middle.
“I had to do it,” Riley insisted, “He was trying to take you away from me; look at how much he upset you. You’re better off without him. Without all of them. We’ll hit the road tonight and leave this miserable place in our dust. You trust me, right?”
“Yeah…” Javier found himself saying, almost automatically. Of course he trusted her. “I just need to tell Ma or she’ll worry.”
“Oh, I already took care of that. Your funeral was last week.”
Something hitched within him. Not his breath, not his pulse —he’d already come to realize both were long absent. No, this was something deeper, in the pit of his stomach. His poor Ma.
The arms tightened around him and cold flesh pressed against his back.
“You don’t live in their world anymore, Baby. It had to be done. They can’t come looking for you.”
“...How? What… what do they think happened to me?”
“Oh, you can read about it if you like.” Riley almost sang. She removed one hand to grab a newspaper clipping on the nightstand and handed it to Javier.
Fiery Crash Leaves One Dead And Rocks Nashville Suburb
Javier Andres Peña of Nashville, Tennessee was found dead on the side of Bell Road this morning by police after reports of smoke in the area. He was tragically killed in a vehicular accident on the evening of August 15th, when he lost control of his vehicle and struck a telephone pole. Evidence suggests he had been drinking and that a lit cigarette started the blaze that later consumed the vehicle. There was not enough left of the body to identify, but the plates on the burnt out shell of the 1965 Impala found at the scene matched a title in his name. His girlfriend, Riley Reid, reported he was meant to show up for a date that evening and never made it. Peña was 25 years old and is survived by his mother, Celestina Peña. The closed casket funeral will be on August 18th at 10pm at Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic Church. Wake to follow.
He almost choked. That pit in his stomach started to burn and boil. How… how could Riley do that… to his car. To whatever poor fuck she’d passed off as him. To Ma. To Lucas. Oh God Lucas. He felt sick. Angry.
“Baby… this was for your own good.” she whispered, “You love me, don’t you…?”
“Yeah…” Javier nodded tersely. The arms wrapped tightly around him once more. Guilt suddenly overwhelmed him.
“You trust me, don’t you…?”
“... Yeah.” What was he upset about again? He couldn't remember.
“You want to be with me forever, don’t you…?”
“Of course, Riles. Siempre.” He couldn’t have been more sure of anything in the world.
She turned Javier to face her and stood to meet him. Cradling him close to her neck again and tracing fingers through his hair.
“You’ll feel better once you’ve eaten, Baby. I promise.”
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redratt · 11 months
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what you're given, what you live in darling, it finds a way to live in you i wanna run against the world that's turning. i'd move so fast that i'd outpace the dawn i want to be gone.
a piece of Perry Zantosa, because Hozier's 'De Selby (Part 2)' fits her super fuckin well, especially when you take into account the revenant pack she runs with. i wanted to do something weird with the background -- grit and gore, but neither actually. there.
she loves her packmates, though, each and every one. riley isn't the only member of the Revenants to have killed a Cainite -- Perry did it too, because nobody suspects a goddamn thing from the Zantosa.
she's a joke, a trophy.
just ask Edouard Giovanni how that turned out, though, yeah?
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demifiendrsa · 9 months
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 | 2023 Official Announcement Trailer
Studio Reveal
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 is now in development at The Chinese Room and will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam, Epic Games Store, and GOG in Fall 2024. The previously announced PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions are no longer planned. A full gameplay reveal is planned for January 2024.
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Latest details
The Chinese Room, a Sumo Digital studio, is developing the highly-anticipated Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2. The Chinese Room brings their award-winning storytelling to Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2, creating a high-quality Vampire: The Masquerade action RPG by talented developers with triple-A experience. Fans eager to sink their teeth into Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 can look forward to the gameplay reveal in January 2024 and its launch in fall 2024. The Chinese Room is known for creating ground-breaking first-person titles that have won awards from BAFTA, TIGA, and more for their emotionally rich narratives. The studio’s world-class background makes them well-equipped to tell a Vampire story set in modern Seattle reimagined for a World of Darkness action RPG. Bloodlines 2 is the successor to the cult-classic Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines. Bloodlines 2 takes players to the dark underbelly of Seattle, where vampires struggle for survival and supremacy. As an Elder vampire, players meet compelling characters, maneuver complex political relationships, stalk the city streets for prey, and engage in intense combat while balancing the need for blood. Throughout the game, players must always be mindful of their surroundings or risk breaking the Masquerade—the absolute law of secrecy that keeps vampire society hidden from humanity.
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