#ruta 1
idioter · 5 months
Tiden går så fort, varje dag är likadan
Man drömmer om att fly, att lyftas till ett högre plan
Ruta 1, Kent
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Rita Hayworth (Gilda, Cover Girl)—Absolutely, drop-dead gorgeous. She steals every movie she’s in; she was Fred Astaire’s favorite dance partner, as you can see in clips from their movies [link][link]. Born Margarita Carmen Cansino, Rita's story had its tragedies—her father was awful and had her performing in nightclubs way, way too young; the studio totally remade her look because they were afraid of her hispanic image, putting her through painful treatments and diets; she had a string of failed marriages. But beside all that, I think there's something about Rita that still glows through—an inner beauty that has nothing to do with the studio, or the men who pinned their dreams on her. Rita brings an incandescence to roles that's impossible to replicate, and was truly a great actress in that she could switch from herself—shy Margarita—into a bold and glamorous femme fatale so convincingly everyone fell in love with her as Gilda. She's my favorite movie star, and I think she was a beautiful human through and through—Rita, gorgeous and real and shining bright.
Ruta Lee (Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Witness for the Prosecution)— She was a memorable part of a very memorable movie and she was out there with Hollywood legends and still made an impression on me. And also she's soooo pretty
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Ruta Lee:
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Rita Hayworth propaganda:
Do you need any other propaganda? Here’s the video.
She was not called "the love goddess" for nothing: beautiful, glamorous, despite playing sexy and provocative roles her inherent shyness somehow also would shine through sometimes, creating this contradictory and incredibly attractive image
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Often played "the bad girl" who tempted the male hero away from "the good girl"; but did have roles that broke her out of that mold. She was also the inspiration for Jessica Rabbit. THE pinup girlie.
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She was soo beautiful when she was young and she MAINTAINED that beauty into her later years and I think that old lady glamour is hot. bombastic sex appeal
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every line she delivers in gilda is so flirty and passionate or absolutely desolate and it's so good
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I just have a lot of feelings about her
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hufflesocks · 11 months
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Botw champion symbol wallpapers
I made three because I could decide which version I preferred(tho # version 2 is a bit of an eye strain)
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theroute-20 · 1 year
well, here is part of the team of drivers, there are 8 members and they operate in their town, their team is called "las águilas de Iztaccihuatl" they have been operating for 15 years and they are the best friends they support in any difficult moment
bueno aqui parte del quipo de choferes,son 8 integrantes y operan en su pueblo ,su equipo se llama las "las águilas de Iztaccihuatl"llevan 15 años operando y son los mejores amigo se apoyan en cualquier momento difícil
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-jeckol unit °25
-pedro alias "la lola" unit ° 16
-Francisco alias "pancho-panchito" unit ° 17
-isaac....dubious information
-Eduardo alias "lalo, edu, edi, the sausage, the lunch box, the lombella, the locomotive" unit ° 21
-cärm3/0 alias "ghost" unit °7
-pedro aka "Aguilar" unit 8
-ivan aka "marucha hair" unit 1
-jeckol unidad °25
-pedro alias "la lola" unidad °16
-francisco alias "pancho-panchito" unidad °17
-isaac....dudosa información
-eduardo alias "lalo,edu,edi,la longaniza,la lonchera,la lombella,la locomotora" unidad °21
-cärm3/0 alias "ghost" unidad °7
-pedro alias "Aguilar" unidad 8
-ivan alias "cabello de marucha" unidad 1
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(Esta reseña y su descripción son obra de Consuelo del Río, quien ha puesto todos los medios a su alcance para que la ruta fuese un éxito, tal cual ha sido). --- Desayuno, a partir de las 07:30 h, es buffet. --- 09:00 h, súper puntuales, salida del hotel, todos andando. Trekking. Desde cala Jóncols hasta Faro del Cabo de Creus: === Ruta lineal. 15 km. Desnivel total acumulado: 470 m. === Pararemos en Cadaqués y tendremos tiempo libre. Típico de aquí, son las anchoas de Cadaqués, que están deliciosas y los Taps de Cadaqués, dulces con forma de tapón de cava, elaborados con huevos, azúcar, harina, mantequilla, almendras molidas y azúcar glass o glasseado por arriba. === Proseguiremos nuestra ruta para llegar hasta Portlligat. Donde visitaremos la Casa de Dalí. La visita es por grupos de 8 personas, cada 10 minutos. Los primeros entrarán a las 13:30 h y los últimos a las 14:30 h. === Comida picnic en la playa de Portlligat. === Continuaremos la ruta, hasta el Faro del Cabo de Creus. Donde nos recogerá el bus. --- Llegada hasta la cala Montjoi y desde aquí, traslado al hotel, en turnos, en las dos mini van. --- Cena en el hotel.
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jujuygrafico · 1 year
Limpieza de arroyos, canales y cauces en Palpalá
#Servicios #Municipio #Jujuy | Limpieza de arroyos, canales y cauces en #Palpalá
Se mantiene limpieza de los arroyos, canales y cauces en Palpalá trabajando desde hace semanas bajo el puente derivador a la Ruta Provincial Nº 1 liberando los dos canales, en barrio Constitución conexión a Martijena, además se efectuaron labores en el arroyo del medio entre los barrios 9 de Julio y Santa Bárbara A.Los trabajos son de vital importancia para que en esta época estival no ocurran…
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alertachiapas · 2 years
Ya les deben mucho a los del Conejo Bus
Ya les deben mucho a los del Conejo Bus
Ya les deben mucho a los del Conejo Bus No les va a alcanzar, ya son más de 114 millones lo que les deben a los socios del extinto servicio de transporte público. A quienes todavía no les resuelven es a los socios del extinto Conejo Bus, quienes desde hace varios años están esperando a que la Secretaría de Movilidad y Transporte pague lo que les debe. Alejandra Chagoya Labra Vocera de socios…
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Cuando todo empezó:55 aniversario de la primera sonda en alcanzar otro planeta.
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55 aniversario de la primera sonda en alcanzar otro planeta. El aterrizaje de Perseverance fue todo un prodigio tecnológico, fruto de la experiencia y unos avances a todos los niveles, especialmente en cuando a la capacidad informática que le permitió tomar sus propias decisiones a lo hora de elegir el lugar de aterrizaje. Pero hace medio siglo las cosas eran mucho más complicadas, y los horizontes soñados se limitaban muchas veces al simple hecho de llegar, cosa que no era ni mucho menos segura. A partir de aquí la suerte tenía un peso crítico, y muchas veces esta solía ser adversa. Los éxitos eran más por insistencia, de intentarlo una y otra vez, que por una sola apuesta a gran escala. Pocos insistieron tanto como los soviéticos al principio de la carrera espacial, tanto en Marte, con resultados funestos, como hacia Venus, donde los éxitos fueron notables. Se podría decir que ambas superpotencias, EEUU y URSS se repartieron los dos mundos más cercano a la Tierra, aunque no fuera algo buscado. Simplemente así salieron las cosas. Y fruto de esa instancia, fueron estos los que lograron alcanzar primero otro planeta, algo hoy día casi "normal", pero en ese momento un acontecimiento que parecía casi de ciencia ficción. El 1 de Marzo de 1966, hace 55 años, la Venera 3 se convertía en la primera sonda en lograrlo, en una ruta de colisión programada en Venus, lo mejor que se podía hacer en ese momento. Por desgracia el sistema de comunicación falló antes de que pudiera enviar datos del planeta, por lo que no se sabe exactamente donde ocurrió, aparte de que fue en el hemisferio nocturno, pero eso no redujo el triunfo que eso significaba, después de dos intentos fallidos (Veneras 1 y 2), y que abrió el camino a sus predecesoras, hasta la Venera 16, y las más modernas Vega 1 y 2, que heredaron sus diseños.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 11 months
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Joan Watson
How were BBC Sherlock shippers so rancid about a WOMAN who wasnt even in the SAME SHOW?????
Lucy Liu real life victim of yaoi despite being on a DIFFERENT TV SHOW. And everyone was so busy hating her for getting in the way of johnlocke that they ignored the massive yuri potential of Elementary :(
she wasn't even in the same SHOW as the yaoi I've been convinced she deserves to win the entire poll. I was a Johnlocker but I did watch the first season of Elementary and it was fine????? It was totally okay????? Especially in hindsight given how hard Sherlock season four flopped. Also Lucy Liu is a queen and deserved zero vitriol for *checks notes* playing a character???? A fucking fictional character???????? Oh my god we were all SO mean to this show and we (or at least I) thought it was like The Good Fight™️, like we were defending BBC Sherlock against copyright infringement and straightwashing and Jonny Lee Miller's bizarre scarf, (it wasn't a good scarf I do stand by that) but then Elementary didn't make Holmes and Watson a couple either???? And also it didn't insult its audience constantly etc etc we've all seen the Hbomberguy Sherlock is Garbage video. This is really long sorry hashtag justice for Joan Watson.
Honestly she's not just a victim of yaoi, tbh. Basically: she canonically had a massive crush on the protagonist, Link, which consistently gets swept under the rug or ignored entirely in favor of shipping Link with her brother Sidon, their fellow champion Revali, or Zelda herself. She deserves nice things and so many people just... completely overlook her??
She has a crush on Link, but so does her younger brother Sidon, who is much more affable and outgoing. Link/Sidon is the more popular ship. Mipha gets a lot of flak for being a weak female character who's only defined by her romantic relationship to the protagonist. That's not really fair; she has her own storyline about being the golden girl from her town who everyone looks up to, and the hole that's left in the town after her death. It is unfortunate that she is better remembered as the less compelling corner of a love triangle.
The princess of the Zora, sweetheart of the Zora's Domain. Champion pilot of the Divine Beast Vah Ruta. Master healer, cut down in her prime by an ancient evil. But you wouldn't know it, because she's reduced to someone who was in love with Link (the game's protagonist), and therefore has to be sidelined and villainized to ship Link with her younger brother Sidon or her fellow Champion Revali.
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dantevhell · 10 months
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(1): Franz Kafka, "the metamorphosis" ; (2): Ruta Sepetys, "emilia - salt to the sea" ; (3): Susan Sontag, "as consciousness is harnessed to flesh" ; (4): Walton Ford, glepnir ; (5) Mitski, "cop car" ; (6): Franz Kafka, "letters to felice" ; (7): @soapstore ; (8): witch hat atelier, ch 43 ; (9): Olivia Laing, "the lonely city" ; (10): @fagromyzidae
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About the apple merchant story (it lives rent free in my mind always): Please let me hug Link please. One hug. Just one. Please he makes me so sad dhshsjsj
For the little shadowling that came to say hello.
Embrace [BOTW!Link x Isekai!Reader] (Apple Merchant Extra)
What if Link had teleported home immediately after defeating Vah Ruta? (An alternative route for after Part 6.)
(Far too tired to edit tonight. I'll do it later.)
Part: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Alternate Extras: Embrace
TW: Choosing not to display warnings. Read at your own discretion.
Disclaimer: Don't own The Legend of Zelda franchise.
Blue had come to you in the dead of night (just as you were finally getting ready to sleep after a long day's travel), dressed in full sheikah armor and eyes as dispassionate as they've ever been. And maybe you'd have believed that too, had Red not confided in you all those weeks ago. And if not for the words that left her in a low, monotones whisper.
"Courageous One's beloved. I request your presence." She'd intoned, but you could hear the command in her voice even as she remained in a subservient position kneeled at your bedside. "Master Link is in need of your comfort. Lest he falter in his duties as Hyrule's Hero."
You wanted to question her as to this sudden and unexpected change of heart regarding the sheikah's intentions, but you restrained yourself. Taking that prickling curiosity at the forefront of your mind and pushing it away in favor of the unease that permeated within your heart instead.
"The zora." You mumbled quietly, letting your gaze fixate on the blankets laid warmly on your legs. Displeasure trying to crawl up your throat and take home in your thoughts. But you shook away those spiteful whispers before they could poison your heart.
You disapproved of the hatred the elder zora held towards Link (and by extension, hyrulians). It was cruel of them to lay blame for Ganon's crimes upon his victims without regard to how the story had unfolded. To use them as scapegoats when the true focus of their ire was out of reach and far beyond their power to defeat.
It was an addicting kind of self-soothing that had been left to fester throughout their long lives, fueled by their guilt and fear. Guilt for their powerlessness, and fear not just for the world's future, but for that of their beloved royal family.
As told by the grape vine that weaves thickly through the Stable System, King Dorephan had lost his beloved mate too soon (the cause was kept quiet, but rumor has it it had been to birthing complications). Shortly after the birth of their son, Prince Sidon, in fact (thier second child and their only spare).
And after her passing the King choose to never take another (a controversial decision), instead spending the rest of his breeding years grieving his dearly departed and raising their heirs instead of producing more spares to ensure the royal bloodline in those turbulent times.
(Yet, the King received only whispered sympathy from his people, and the young Prince adored all the more for his status as final heir to a beloved, departed Queen.
It's always been easiest to demonize an unfamiliar face, after all. Easier to spit upon another race than to fault the heart of a grief stricken man and an innocent child.)
With the death of their Princess, Mipha, the zoras had lost not just a beloved healer and gracious future ruler. They lost half of their royal bloodline, their future. They who's ears reach the Goddesses' songs, or some such saying (in other words, gigantism, an inheritable trait found only in the zora's royal family line. by magic or genetic mutation, you didn't know).
And so, the zora of the time had taken their fear and guilt and unspoken grievances and shaped it into the hatred that only future generations seem to have been able to deluded from their racial conscience. Sidon, the Prince himself, being a shining example of this. And honestly, may well have been the spark for this (positive) change in the zora's newest generation as well.
There was a reason you never bothered trying to enter Zora's Domain. And it wasn't even the lizalfors. Though maybe in a few decades, you might give it a try.
Blue nodded at your quiet utterance, eyes cold and sharp under the veil of feigned disinterest. And you wondered, silently, what she was feeling right now. If she was truly so angered on Link's behalf, or if she was frustrated at her superiors for making this level of secrecy necessary (it had not escaped your notice that everyone in the stable was far too quiet for simple sleep. even the desk attendant was slumped over, quiet. chest barely moving. drugged).
Maybe even both. Even as removed from the sheikah's plotting as you were, you still understood that the girls were making independent moves outside of their given assignments. Perhaps even going against orders (their direct superior's orders, not yours. surprisingly. or perhaps not so surprising given Red's apparent fondness for your rupees, the opportunistic jerk).
None of that mattered right now though. Not even the yiga and the very real threat they still posed to your life.
All that mattered was Link, and that he was distraught enough to force the twins' hands to such an extent. That the situation was bad enough to ask permission to temporarily disregard the established agreement (bound by contract and enough rupees to tempt a saint).
"Take me to him." You said quietly, hands clutching the bedspread. Fingers twisted into silky cloth tight enough to hurt. Letting the soft, plush weight of it sooth your agitated nerves. Grounding yourself from the whirlwind of emotions that wanted to overwhelm you even as you kept your tone smooth and even. "Please."
She nodded, moving closer with eeriely silent strides and plucking you from the bed with frightening ease (you hadn't even realized what was happening until you were in her armor clad arms). The suddenness of the action nearly pulled a gasp from your lips. But it caught in your throat at the sudden speed as which she was all but flying through the moonlit fields.
She was such a a small woman. Seemingly delicate as a butterfly's flutter and soft as blossom petals. Yet you could feel the way her muscles pushed at your weight with unyielding strength.
In that moment, she felt as tall and imposing as a mountain. As solid as stone and as powerful as a hurricane ripping along the coastline.
In that moment, you were reminded that this woman (these women, beautiful and graceful and spirited both) were warriors. Born and raised. Trained until their hands bled and their bones twisted into the steel of a tempered blade.
And you had never felt more protected than in Blue's arms.
(Spit in the eye of the elders, Red had said. You were certain this woman would sooner stab them in the face.)
You just hoped that strength would be enough to protect Link until he was strong enough to protect himself. And enough to protect her as well. From whatever it was that had stolen the light from her eyes.
You weren't sure whether to be impressed by Blue's speed, or irritated that she managed to undo a day's worth of travel in just a couple hours (how the in world were you going to explain this to Skims and Adino? Red most certainly won't be any help. you can already tell). But one thing was for sure, you were never going to piss this woman off. That was for damned sure.
That wasn't what had your attention at the moment though. That was the sight of Link tied by the wrists to his bed, blindfolded.
And why was Red here, sitting at the table as though this was a perfectly normal thing to walk into (how had she even gotten here before you and Blue? why hadn't she been the one to take you back to Hateno if she was going to be here anyway)?
Link was awake and alert, pinched brows and down turned mouth looking just as befuddled (and maybe even a bit scared) as yourself at the current happenings. His delicate ears tracking your footsteps (Blue's were quiet, even on hardwood floors. what a scary realization) as you moved up the stairs and closer to his bed (your blanket dragging slightly across the floor, too heavy and thick to comfortably carry in your arms).
He was handsome for sure, all long blonde hair, elegantly sharp features and lithe muscle. But not quite as flawless as he had been portrayed as in the games (which was to be expected, but was still jarring. even after having come to terms with the reality of this world's imperfections).
The scars were by far the most prominent detail about him, even accounting for his noble features and toned physic. Hard, knotted patches of discolored skin sprawled across the left side of his face, shoulders and chest. Pink and raw looking, for all it was plain to see these horrendous burn marks had long since healed.
His skin too, was another thing that set him apart from his game presentation. Where as the game had shown Link to possess a pretty peach complexion with rosy cheeks, the man before you was off-puttingly pale (almost grey in the cheeks). So much so it was concerning. With the beginnings of a tan just beginning to take form on his forehead and the bridge of his nose.
Sick. You realized link was sick. No. That wasn't quite right. It wasn't sickness that seemed to be clinging to him like a veil.
Had Link ever fully recovered from his time trapped in the shrine?
Your memories of the game were foggy and unclear after so much time spent in this world. But there was one thing you did remember clearly when you pulled at the strings of your memories.
It was Zelda's voice, urging Link up from his slumber (tired and pleading, after 100 years of fighting a battle of wills). And Link, hitting the ground running. Without thought for his own wellbeing. Without consideration for his still recovering body. Just bullheaded determination and an unbreakable spirit driving him forward.
Your stomach clenched at the realization. Something that hadn't truly hit you with its entirety until you had finally cast your gaze upon the very man who had lived through it all (was still living through it).
Not a game character. Not the concept of heroism given humanoid form. But a man, small and confused and fighting to right the wrongs of a hundred years ago. Having to accept that everything he once had was gone now. And that he must now fight a battle he doesn't even remember having a stake in.
You cast a questioning (concerned) look over at Blue. But she ignored you, instead saying softly (and far less tensely than when you were at the stables) to Link. "Courageous one. Your beloved is here to offer you comfort."
Link tilted his head. Uncomprehending.
Blue cast a glance towards Red, who nodded quietly. Not even looking up from whatever she was doing at the table.
At the gesture, Blue continued. "They may not speak to you." She cast a cool glance your way, the hard glint of her eyes telling you more than a thousand words ever could. "And you are forbidden from touching them. This is to ensure you will not be tempted to- memorize their voice or distinctive features."
A moment of silence. Then confusion. And then (finally) the dawning light of comprehension seemed to line every inch of his diminutive form.
The change in him was immediate. Link's whole entire body tensed, the bonds at his wrists creaking under the pressure he was exerting on them in his stiffened state (as did the headboard. and you had a feeling only Blue's presence was keeping him from breaking free with brute force). His chest nearly shaking with the intensity of whatever emotions held him in their sway.
His face had twisted into a complicated expression. Lips taunt, scars pulled tight at the skin of his face (what was visible through the blindfold) and fair brows pulled into an almost grimace.
One breath. Two. And then, he spoke. "AM." He breathed, quiet and shaking. Raspy, dry and unpleasant (and beloved. so much so your heart ached with the feeling). "AM. I-" And just like that, his voice broke. Fractured. Shattered.
His hands tensed into fists, his teeth grit against the pull of his lips. His shoulders shook.
And you just. Moved.
Dropping the blankets, nearly tripping over the bulk of them in your haste, you fell hands first onto the bed. Barely taking the time to regain your balance before slotting yourself into Link's side (warm and solid and so very alive) and pressing yourself into his space.
You ignored his tensed form. His shudder as your night chilled clothes pressed against his own skin warmed ones. And spooned into his side as best you could with his arms bound above his head. Your upper body laid against his own, arms wrapped around his chest and head tucked under his chin. Trying to cover as much of him as possible (trying to hide him from the world and everything it demanded of him. trying to absorb all that pained his heart into your own body).
You squeezed him with all your might (pitiful though it may have been to someone physically blessed as the goddess' chosen champion), words sitting at the tip of your tongue, begging to be spoken. Unsaid and burning at the base of your throat. Held back only by the strength of your resolve, and the silent promise to do better.
To fight with everything in your power to do right by this man.
A man who had been demanded to give everything for the greater good. Even if it meant making a deal with the devil itself. Even if it meant losing himself. All. Over. Again.
You would make sure this man succeeded.
You would make sure he thrived.
His chest heaved under you, breaths coming in short, ragged gasps (quiet though, as though afraid to rise above a faint whisper). His throat bobbing under your cheek in thick, painful sounding swallows. His entire body was shaking, and you could feel the warmth of something wet soaking into the crown of your hair.
You squeezed harder, pushing every once of your care and devotion into the action. Gritting your teeth against the torrent of warmth that flooded behind your eyes, burning, demanding to be released. Demanding that you do more than just cling to him in a bid at comfort.
The tension in his body released all at once, and a ragged sob forced its way out of his throat. Long and raw and achingly vulnerable. Like nothing you've ever heard before.
And you sobbed right along with him, bitting back all the words you wished to tell him more than anything. Cursing the circumstances that had led to this moment.
And so thankful too. Thankful that you could be here in his time of need. Even if all you could do was hold him as he cried. As he broke apart beneath you.
And so, you sobbed all the harder. For the Link that had had to cry alone once upon a time.
Back to the shadows.
Tagging: @littlepanda7 @2000babies @danyzta
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tally-ace · 7 months
So one of my all-time favorite ways to play through botw is without teleporting. I adore the additional challenge it brings and it adds a certain level of planning ahead and requires you to become familiar with the layout of the world and locations of things.
I've been upset to find out through testing that a TRUE teleport-less run of totk is impossible thanks to the tutorial island. So I have yet to try a "partial" one to see if it's still as fun as in botw.
(EDIT: I've heard conflicting things saying it's possible to get to the fourth tutorial shrine without teleporting? I haven't tried it myself but when I say true run I also mean without exploits. If you need to do some precise exploit of the game to make a run like that work, it isn't really that fun for me anymore. I'll attempt a teleport-less tutorial island one day so we'll see)
I have, however, found a fun way to play totk through accident on my second playthrough.
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In botw, it is impossible to finish all 120 shrines without completing each of the four divine beasts. That's because there are exactly 4 shrines (1 in each region) that only become available after completing a shrine quest that does not unlock until after the respected divine beast is cleared.
(EDIT: Correction, there are exactly 2 shrines that are inaccessible without the completion of their respected divine beast. So all the shrines in the game can be completed with the minimum completion of 2 divine beasts. These shrines are the warbler's nest shrine in rito and the sand seal race shrine in gerudo. I mistakenly believed an npc for a shrine in goron did not spawn until after rudania and that the ceremonial trident did not spawn until after ruta (my searching skills are abyssmal and I missed both those things on my playthroughs prior to the beasts lol))
In totk, NONE of the shrines are dependent on the completion of a dungeon to access. All save for ONE SINGLE QUEST in Eldin that requires Yunobo's sage ability to access the shrine.
AND through the heart container granted after completing the tutorial, the heart containers granted after completion of the rito, gerudo, zora, and goron dungeons, and choosing the heart container granted by the bargainer statue beneath the great plateau... You can unlock the door to the underground dungeon without spending a single spirit orb.
Meaning that the only required story progression beats in totk to witness 80% of the (non-flashback) cutscenes with link as a silly little fucked up beast is getting the paraglider and getting up to the point in the goron story line to have Yunobo as a companion. Also meaning that every dungeon in totk can be completed without spending spirit orbs beyond the tutorial.
Playing through totk on a mission to get every shrine without upgrading health or stamina ONCE is more fun than I ever thought it would be. I had a BLAST. As someone who thinks the building mechanic is neat, but not really made for me, it made me interact with a mechanic that I never really enjoyed and find something to appreciate about it.
I also added the challenge of NOT upgrading my battery charge at all, which I would recommend if you're really wanting to make the game a bit harder.
AND it has the added bonus of Ancient Link staring into everyone's soul in every single cutscene.
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So get out there and run around as a little beastie.
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latinotiktok · 8 months
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Matt Murdock
-Mateo Murdock (aka Matt Murdock/Daredevil) He's mexican. TLDR: he was originally written as an irish immigrant in a poor community facing gentrification but that doesn't make sense anymore. Modern version should have him be latino. Long version is here: https://www.tumblr.com/usaigi/710810141798400000/how-yellowocaballero-and-i-fixed-daredevil-by?source=share
Taylor Hebert
Taylor Hebert porque soy una persona completamente diferente a la que la propuso antes y debo aplicar la Estratagema Bodoque
Taylor Hebert - Insisto y confirmo soy varias personas diferentes no es fraude si no hay policías
Taylor Hebert, latina honoraria, nominada por una persona completamente distinta si señor
Taylor Hebert. Es una revolucionaria latina en su interior. Se unio a un grupo criminal encubierta para ayudar a su ciudad y termino uniendose de verdad. Es absolutamente incapaz de confiar o creer en los empleados del gobierno o en la autoridad del gobierno. El gobierno al busca. Rescato civiles mientras el gobierno fingia que todo estaba bajo control. Esos civiles despues la ayudan a tomar control de parte de la ciudad. Como buena latna amenazo al alcalde y su familia en su descenso moral patra ayudar a la ciudad y para terminar la ruta revolucionaria hizo lo mas latino posible que fue unirse a las fuerzas corruptas del gobierno despues de matar a un par de altos mandos.y la tuvieron de RRPP pa que la gente no hiciera preguntas.
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lil-tottie · 1 year
Sidon in Totk and why it's a problem
Let's talk about this. Spoilers for TOTK. This is an off-brand, slightly more serious post.
Here's a TLDR:
1. Sidon fills a niche few other characters in LoZ fill
2. Nobody expected SidLink to be canon
3. Sidon's fiancé felt shoehorned in and served no purpose other than pissing people off.
First of all: As someone who has been playing LoZ games for a long time, there have been very, very few options for attractive male-presenting/male characters. And before you say that LoZ is not a romance game or meant for people to be thirsty, please understand that there is an obscene amount of explicit content for nearly every attractive female/female-presenting character. Ffs, there's a Zelda for all the season. There's Midna, Din, Ilia, Ruta, Mipha. When players were into these characters- and believe me, doesn't matter if the game isn't a dating sim, they were- they weren't shamed for them. Sidon gave players this option, but since Sidon is a guy and the part of the Fandom that likes him is predominantly female or queer, it's suddenly a problem. And yes, maybe the fans are more fiesty than the rest, but can you blame us? How long have we waited?
Secondly, I see the Fandom split with one side in mourning and the other side celebrating in news of Sidon's fiancé. I've seen quite a few posts- some here, but a lot on reddit- shaming Sidon fans and Sidlink fans. Considering that we live in the world that we do, I'm pretty sure everyone knew that Sidlink would never be canon. It was still fun and gave players something to look forward to and attach themselves to. You can take your puritanical high ground that Sidlink is "annoying" and never call yourself homophobic or fragile, but there's no reason to hate a whole subgroup like that. We can just pretend that Zelda wasn't a bunch of people's sexual awakenings. Imagine your ship being canon (ZeLink) and still bashing on non-canon ships. Fuck right off.
Lastly, Sidon getting a fiancé served no purpose. She has never existed before in any game and has virtually no connection except for the shoehorned exposition dump in Sidon's diary. Even from a game development standpoint, why would you slit the throat of your cash cow? You had to put in so little in like a few lines of dialogue and 1 or 2 cutscenes, and you cultivated a massive following. So, is this your version of slash-and-burn because the "wrong" people liked LoZ for the "wrong" reasons?
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elperegrinodedios · 29 days
Km. 0.000 Fin da ruta, fin do caminho.
E mi sarete testimoni in Gerusalemme e in tutta la Giudea, in Samaria, e fino all'estremità della terra. (At. 1:8)
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L'ultimo scoglio di Finisterra - Oceano Atlantico.
lan ✍️📷
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avirtualboyfrien · 2 months
Hola creadorx (no conozco tus pronombres :c ) espero te encuentres bien 👋✨, tengo varias preguntas
¿Cómo conocimos a lxs chicxs? (Si es que no es motivo de spoiler -w-)
¿Candy tendrá ruta? (Esque la amo 💖, es mi favorita aunque Lien se enoje, si es posible, la voy a proteger)
¿Como reaccionan con los apodos cariñosos? Por ejemplo que les llamemos: "corazón"
¿Que piensan sobre las mascotas?
Si un día los invitamos a ver películas y de repente Y/N dice: "Te mentí, vamos a ver Netflix, te voy a enseñar a jugar league of legends."
¿Cómo reaccionarian? 😵‍💫
Holas xd, buenas (pronombres masculinos jsjsj)
Respondiendo cada una de tus preguntas..
1-. A Candy y Drug los conoces desde secundaria/preparatoria, entonces son amigos que tienes de años✨, en cambio Lien, lo conociste por internet (dentro del juego se va hablar más de eso)
2-. Tenía el concepto de que tuviera su ruta y algo muy "especial", pero nose si podre incluirlo o no (ya que no soy experto en programación ja)
3.- apodos ... Jajaj
Drug: estás drogadx o que?...
Candy: awww, dulzura~
Lien: *no dice nada pero le gusta*
4.- Drug ama los animales, pero por su falta de tiempo, prefiere no tener ninguno.
Candy ADORA los animales, pero es alérgica al polvo y pelusa, entonces le genera molestia cuando tiene algún amiguito peludo en cada
Lien: el tiene un gato de mascota y lo cuida y quiere mucho
Drug: JA! yo te supero en ese videojuego!
Candy: no Roblox?...
Lien: lol?... Bueno. Si tú lo quieres...
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Por cierto, a Candy le agradas~
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