#runa diary
foxgirlmoth · 2 months
Actually I'm deleting the app. Peace out Tumblr, its been a hell of a decade.
Cohost, Bluesky, twitter, Steam, Twitch, and Discord are all: Windfaemaiden
Might be all lowercase on Discord, and thats the best place to reach me. After that I might be on Cohost, my Twitter is a bit dead, and bluesky is. Eh. Talk to me on steam if you wanna game.
My alt accounts here are Windfaemaiden for my art blog, and my alt blog which is 18+ is mothgirlmilk.
I might check desktop tumblr in a while but this place has become too hostile and its just painful. I met the love of my life here by talking about Metroid. I love this girl so much and the place we met has been so actively hostile I just can't be here any more and it sucks so much. I get sentimental about so many things and I'm crying over losing the place I met my wife. Fuck.
I'm gonna miss a lot of you, if we ever even exchanged a reply or dm or ask or two, I would love to hear from you in the future. If this place gets better I might even be back, who knows. So many of you have become friends and people in my circle who I love to learn about.
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harupiacha · 10 months
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rkiszn · 2 months
“hey, you wanna come in?”
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jortschronicles · 5 months
Coronet V: Sheep and Bears
Armiger Runa Bjarki fought for me at Vindheim's fifth coronet tournament, after fighting for me for the first time at Vindheim's fourth coronet tournament.
This will be a bit more of a costuming diary than anything, detailing my process from design, to drafting, to learning new arts, to the finished project, and what I learned along the way.
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Our arrangement began prior to Vindheim's 4th coronet tournament, arranged by my wife and Runa's teacher much in the style of an arranged marriage. Runa would fight for me in exchange for me making our coronet garb, giving me an excuse to step up my garb game and enjoy some pomp and circumstance and giving Runa a growing closet of fancier garb. Our arrangement stipulated that I get to make Runa wear Pink, sometimes at least.
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Our first outfits were pink and orange with black accents, which is TECHNICALLY Vindheim colors (dark Or, light gules, and sable :P) and includes the pink and orange which I have become associated with in the kingdom. These outfits would not have been possible without Dvorianka Anastasiia and Boiarynia Koia, who loaned me veils and undergowns, gave me instructions on drafting and assembly, and zhuzhed me incessantly day of to make sure the Rus impression was both up to their standards of accuracy and made me feel pretty.
A fun fact about this procession, we were the first ostensibly f/f entrant couple in a Vindheim coronet tournament, we were dressed as lesbian flags, and our procession was riddled with pride flags. Overall, a good day.
I created the following patterns for Runa's and my outfits, respectively:
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Our arms:
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Time passed, the second coronet tournament was fast approaching, and per our agreement, the next set of outfits would be Vindheim/ Free Company / Runa's own colors. Rather than struggling with pens and sketching over and over and over, this time I simply made "dress up dolls" in GIMP to present design ideas to my fighter, which included the following:
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I cannot recommend this process enough. I just sketch outlines of my design on paper, upload into GIMP, adjust levels and brightness, then set the alpha channel to white. Under the lines layer, I make a series of layers in neon colors of each of the "sections" of color I might want to adjust, which allows me to bucket fill to make different designs.
After selecting a design, I obtained stamp carving supplies and sent them to Runa for her to carve my fleece and her bear, the animate charges in our arms, to be applied to the final product.
I commissioned trim by trade from a local to me, Lady Kenda, to accent the borders of the red facings. I only asked for 6 yards. This would prove to be a mistake, although the trim itself was LOVELY
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My first attempts to use the stamps were...fraught. Many inappropriate jokes were made about the sheep, in particular. Koia and Anastasiia troubleshooted the problem remotely and provided better paint, respectively, resulting in the superior stamping on the right.
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Not a single picture I've taken captures the depth and warmth of the brown in the bears, unfortunately. In natural light, they're clear, vibrant, and a warm coffee brown. In every photo i've taken, they're barely there. With stamping conquered, so began the cutting, serging, and assembly.
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I used the crimson and the black linen from OKC fabric market, which are both soft, mid-weight linens with an apparently short staple, but are plenty affordable for my needs. After cutting and labeling all t he pieces with chalk, I ran them through the serger to keep the pieces from fraying while I work. This also let's me be lazy and not do any seam finishing at the end of the proecess, when I may be very pressed for time.
I prefer to attach the two body pieces at the shoulders and apply the neck facing ASAP, as it's easier to cut and turn before the entire tunic is assembled. I also attached the facing to the cuffs before attaching the cuffs. I lay everything flat, attaching gores to the sides of the gown and tunic, then I run one seam each up from the hem to the cuff. The exception to this is the side on which I include my pocket, since I like to have my phone, emergency meds, eye drops, and lip balm on me at events. Runa's tunic does not have this pocket, but her pants have both the cell phone pocket and the Jameson pocket. I should make a post about these pants at some point ;)
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I didn't bother turning in the edges on much of the facings of my gown, anticipating applying trim over the top. Then I looked at how much trim I had left, and quickly decided to trim both of our sleeves, the bottom of my skirt, and the neck facing on Runa's tunic.
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To the places I did not actually add trim, I embroidered the edge with a tacked herringbone stitch to add visual interest. Luckily, it turns out this particular design delights my fighter, is fairly strong, and has a very pleasant texture to the little hamsters in the brain.
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Overall, I'm incredibly satisfied with this result and look forward to wearing so much Rus in the future. I finally feel comfortable enough with the construction of both of these tunics to offer them on commission locally.
Some more glamor shots:
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Endless thanks to Dvorianka Anastasiia Dmitrieva Sokolova and Boiarynia Koia Karasova, my Rus Mamas and tolerators of many midnight questions about stamping and styling.
So what am I on to next? Med Fair cotehardies. I'm currently handsewing the supportive underdress for my own impression. Fingers crossed I maintain my sanity!!
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ghoul-oya · 24 days
ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰 ℑ 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔨 𝔄𝔯𝔢 𝔙𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔡
𝕂𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕘𝕦𝕣𝕚 𝔸𝕕𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 :
Midari - Reads Hentai but Watches it More and Sends Links
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Mary - Definitely Listens to Vocaloid (Mostly Hatsune Miku)
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Ryota - A Tier 2 or 3 to ANY Egirl Streaming on Twitch
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Yumeko - Likes to Play Video Games (Enjoys Playing Fortnite and Apex)
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Ibara - Lowkey Loves to Write, Has a Diary/Journal
ADDED IBARA - Uses TOO MUCH Hair Gel/Hair Spray to Maintain His Signature Look
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Rin - Him and Sayaka Go to the Same Hairdresser
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Runa - HATES Cool Ranch Doritos
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heroesofhyrulerp · 2 months
The Royal Library
Hyda Runa, with a keen eye for the curious and the unknown, couldn't help but express her intrigue upon their discovery. Vagari, ever the spirited soul, perched atop a nearby rock, greeted the group with excitement and a playful declaration of their arrival at the "spooky big mansion place." Their enthusiasm was infectious, hinting at mysteries and forgotten tales waiting within the mansion's walls.
Sidlua, with a gentle nod, found a strange sense of comfort in the towering relic. For all its disrepair, the mansion held a promise of adventure and, perhaps, the chance to encounter the elusive ghost once more. With a scholar's eye, Duncan noted the mansion's noble, if not royal, heritage, evident in the Hylian crests that adorned its architecture. His observation sparked the group's newfound interest, urging them toward the mansion's imposing entrance.
With a shared sense of curiosity, they ventured inside, the creaking of the old, rusted door heralding their entry into a world forgotten. Vagari, with childlike wonder, called out for the "ghosty guy," their voice echoing through the vast, empty halls. Hyda Runa, ever the artist, took a moment to sketch the intricate symbols that adorned the walls, her diary a testament to the mansion's lingering mysteries.
As they delved more profound, the group stumbled upon the remains of the ghost. The once animated spirit, now at peace, offered no response to their calls. Duncan mused on the spirit's passage, hoping for its well-being in the afterlife. Vagari, undeterred, scoured the area for a keepsake, settling on a vibrant, circular earring that once belonged to the hero whose spirit they sought. Now tied to Vagari's bag, the small treasure reminded them of their adventure and the mysteries still hidden within the mansion's walls.
Sidlua, intrigued by the remnants of the past, discovered a shard of a mirror with Hylian inscriptions. The message remained cryptic despite Duncan's attempt to decipher the text, a fragment of a story yet to be fully understood. Hyda Runa, respecting the sanctity of the dead, chose instead to capture the moment through her sketches, her art a bridge between the past and present.
As the group moved on, led by Duncan's determination to find the mansion's library, they speculated on its royal connections and the secrets it might hold. The statue in the foyer, possibly depicting a princess from a bygone era, sparked a debate on its identity and significance to the mansion's history.
Amid their exploration, Vagari's sharp eye caught a peculiar detail within the grand room they had entered. A table stood out among the furnishings, not for its grandeur but for the oddity of one of its legs. Unlike its counterparts, this leg bore a unique shape, a secret hidden in plain sight that only someone of Vagari's small stature could quickly notice.
Hyda Runa, intrigued by Vagari's discovery, approached to find out what had caught their attention. Upon closer inspection, they realized that the leg's distinct design concealed a switch, a cleverly disguised mechanism that hinted at secrets yet uncovered within the mansion.
With a mix of apprehension and curiosity, they debated the wisdom of activating the switch. Duncan, ever the voice of reason, suggested that the effort to hide it so meticulously might indicate its importance rather than danger. Trusting his judgment, Hyda flipped the switch, stepping back protectively as she awaited the outcome.
The mansion responded with a low rumble as if awakening from a long slumber. The statue at the center of the room slid forward, revealing a hidden passage leading to an unseen basement below. The discovery of the secret passage filled them with a sense of achievement and wonder, prompting them to descend into the unknown.
Carefully navigating the stairwell, the group found themselves in front of a door leading to the mansion's hidden library. Hyda, with her hand ready on her sword, cautiously opened the door to reveal a young boy engrossed in the books around him, oblivious to their presence.
This unexpected encounter in the depths of the mansion prompted a mixture of caution and curiosity among the group. The boy, named Twain, revealed his allegiance to Ganondorf, sparking a tense confrontation. As they tried to reason with him, it became clear that Twain was driven by a desperate desire to save his people of Lorule, a land unknown to Hyda and Duncan.
Despite their attempts to convince him of Ganondorf's true nature, Twain remained steadfast in his belief that aligning with Ganondorf was his only option to save Lorule. The conversation revealed the depth of despair that could drive individuals to side with darkness in the hope of salvation.
In the end, Twain, clutching a tome, escaped through a dark vortex, leaving the group with more questions than answers. His departure marked the end of the encounter, but the revelation of Lorule and the complexities of alliances in their quest against Ganondorf lingered in their minds. The hidden library, with its secrets and revelations, had deepened the mystery of their adventure, setting the stage for the challenges and discoveries that lay ahead.
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Codex entry: Mysteries of the Frostback Basin
A voluminous pile of notes and observations. Half diary and half research notes, these parchments have no clear order, if they ever did. At the top, someone has written "Observations of the Mysteries of the Frostback Basin, and their Hidden Connection to great secrets buried by the Ages."
“The Mystery of the Aqueducts (located on top of the aqueduct, near the shard found through the ocularum near Runa's first climbing marker in "Up and Away")
After much reading, I know the Tevinter walls by the lakes were called "Aqueducts," which were Roads that carried water to their Forts of Stone. These aqueducts Drained water from the lower regions, but that is not the Whole Reason the Tevinters changed the land. Parts of the Basin have been Altered in the past, which one can see if they are of the right mind for it. There is only one explanation: paths of Mystic Resonance, or Mystic Lines, or "Ley Lines" run through the land!
The mages in the hold deny "Ley Lines" exist, but they are Protecting Secrets of Fraternity, or else are ignorant of secret lowlander rites. As proof, Professor Whalen Vankin maps Lines of Power Across the Basin in his book "Ode to the Ordo Templis Royalis." He does not SAY so in the book to a Casual Reader, but certain secret signs left by the Professor to befuddle his Enemies point to it very Clearly, if one reads the text eight times.
Secret Prisoners of Tevinter (located behind a locked cell door in the cave where Storvacker is held prisoner in "Storvacker Caged".)
Long ago, this would have been under the water, until Tevinter drained much of Swamp Kuldsdotten to build this prison. Why make a jail so remote? For Prisoners they wished to Hide. Tevinter has Made War on Orlais many times, but I now believe there is also Secret War between them that the Common People are not allowed to see. This prison is a Remainder of this Secret War that continues in our time.
I speak of Orlais' attempts to rouse the Snake Kings of the Earth against Tevinter's alliance with the Moon Men.
This is explained in Ser Ycke's Pamphlets, of which I have read many, which explain things such as why the snake appears in Tevinter drawings, and how the Snake-Kings came to exist. (Crystals.) Did Moon Men have their Tevinter Allies keep the Reptilian Ones here, so they could interrogate them at their Leisure? None can say, but I will say yes as that would Fit My Theories.
Secret of the Rockspit (located to the right of the trail marker while facing the lever.)
The Rockspit is an island of Great Significance. Its sides are steep, but the top is flat, and there are pillars and a Dragon's Statue perched Proudly for all to see. Would Tevinters put these items here for no reason? Nay! I believe they were meant to be seen from a great height, for river and island would make a good landmark for a bird's eye. This island is obviously the place where Tevinter first Contacted the Moon Men.
This would explain why the River was Clearly Diverted from its original path in the past, as one can see if they follow the old river banks! Did Tevinter use the Ley Lines to do this? Did the Moon Men fly? Do they look like us, only greyer? Much remains to be Discovered!
The True Purpose of the Crater (after closing the rift at the Fortress Gate, circle around atop the ruin to your left. Jump down to the tent and collect the notes)
Lord L'Rouche of Montsimmard once was Witness to "tremors that collapsed an old Chantry, along with a meadow, into a deep and giant depression." He blamed it on "the Fereldan Crown" using "dark magic to disrespect Orlais' superiority." The Orlesian was only half right, for I know now this was the work of the Serpent-Folk instead.
If one looks keenly, once can see the Frostback Basin must have been manipulated by the hand of some Vast Thing. The crater in the Lowland Fortress was not the natural settling of mountains, but came to exist after the shifting of Something Below Ground! The Snake-Kings must be vast, and their movements powerful to cause the Earth to Quake with their moving. It is Clear as the Sky that Ancient Tevinter, along with the Moon Men, came here to make an Attempt to kill a buried Snake-King under the crater!!! Too many Signs and Portents are aligned to think anything else.”
Someone has sketched landmarks on the back of the papers: a crumbling Tevinter wall standing in a shallow marsh, an island in the middle of a river, something that looks like a Tevinter prison, and a small Tevinter outpost with a terrace on one side and a metal sculpture in the courtyard.
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mikumanogi-blog · 1 year
2023-03-14 “Let’s ride this big wave!” Tereblog 24 [ENG]
Good Morning 🌊‎🤍
I’m Nogizaka46’s 5th generation member Ikeda Teresa! Please remember how to spell it (●︎´▽︎`●︎)
 Everyone, did you watch yesterday’s Nogizaka 46 minute TV? I watched it all the way through!!!!! 😆
I’m so glad that I got to see the MV for ‘Saza nami ha modorenai’!
The outfit for the MV is really cute! I really like it 🥰🫶🏻
Together with Hayashi-san😎
“Saza nami wa modoranai’ is a Ito Riria-san and Hayashi Runa-san Double center song! The formation has already been announced hasn’t it, this time I was placed in the middle of the second row along side Aruno. Right in front of me is Hayashi-san, and beside me is Aruno and Aya. I’m so glad that I was given such a wonderful position ✧٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧
 It’s currently available on Nogizaka’s Official YouTube channel!
Please check it out 🌊‎🤍
Iroha and a playful me, yay
We all took pictures of each other.
When I asked the others if I could upload the pictures on my blog Miku said ‘Aya is in the picture so ask her permission first’ is what she said!!!
The 5th generation members are working well again today ( -  - `)
 Announcements - ̗̀📣
“kotoge Eiji no nante Bi da!”
On TOKYO MX, today March 14th at midnight📺
The theme for this episode is ‘African Art’
The guests on todays episode are Nakamura Yuko-san and SHOGEN-san ✨
Let’s enjoy the journey through the history of African art and it’s charm together 〜((φ))>ω<((φ))
“Nogizaka46 32nd SG Under Live’
It’s been announced that the will be Under Lives for the 32nd single. This time the 5th generations will be joining the concert. One year ago, I was able to witness the wild enthusiasm during the Under Live that was held during the 29th single. I still remember it even now, and those emotions are still hitting us now, we’re going to do our best (ง •̀_•́)ง❤️‍🔥
Schedule ⤵
Wednesday April 5th: Doors open at 17:00 / Live starts at 18:30
Thursday April 6th: Doors open at 17:00 / Live stars at 18:30  
Grand Cube Osaka
Saturday April 8th: Doors open at 16:30 / Live stars at 17:30  
Sunday April 9th : Doors open at 16:30 / Live stars at 17:30
Nagoya Congress Center Century Hall
Tuesday April 11th: Doors open at 17:00 / Live stars at 18:30  
Wednesday April 12th: Doors open at 17:00 / Live stars at 18:30  
Tokyo Garden Theater”
Wednesday April 26th: Doors open at 17:00 / Live stars at 18:30  
Thursday April 27th : Doors open at 17:00 / Live stars at 18:30  
 Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya and then Tokyo again, we’re going to be holding a lot of concerts. Please come see us ⸜(◜࿁◝)⸝︎︎
 I hope to work hard in my activities to make everyone remember this single!
In order to bloom where I’ve been placed now, and to aim for even bigger hights I’m going to put my heart and soul into doing my very best! IF you like please come see us m(_ _)m
 Thank you for reading until the very end 🌊‎🤍
See you soon
#Tereblog #24 (Recently I’ve been waking up at dawn… after saying this I was asked ‘Are you an old woman?’)
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queerfemboybf · 2 years
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arievir · 2 years
Chapter 14 - Read Between The Lines
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Warning: emotional issues, family issues, mentioning; hospital, accident, cheating, suicide, manipulation, attempting murder, and physical and mental violence (please be aware of these)
**if you need any emotional support or help, please don’t hesitate to reach out  any department that offers help in your country. If you need someone to talk to and you think I can help, you’re welcome to text me!
Masterlist LFTM
You sat in Satoru’s car to go to his mansion. You hoped you could find something to motivate you more for your work, so reading Runa’s diaries would be a good idea.
You looked away remembering the day you went to Toji’s house. After everything, you felt better that you could meet Toji and Kiko and talk to them like friends.
Suddenly, the memory of when you talked with Megumi before leaving with Yuji replayed in your brain.
“y/n, can we talk?” Megumi grabbed your wrist and took you to his room after you left Toji’s office.
“What is it?” you raised your eyebrow.
“About Yuji, I want to tell you about yuji and Fumiko”
You looked up into Megumi's eyes and nodded your head as a signal that you were ready to hear.
“Fumiko has liked Yuji since we were young. She met him because of me. She...once hurt his first girlfriend. Fumiko pushed Yuji’s ex into the road to get hit by the car, but Yuji helped his girlfriend on time. Fumiko’s smarter, she took a risk and got hit instead of Yuji” Megumi clarified.
“M-Megumi, this is too much for an adorable woman like her to hurt people, when did it happen?” you asked.
“High school” he answered.
“Megumi, that was too young for a girl to hurt people because of jealousy or love. It’s illegal and dangerous. People can die” you commented
“y/n, first, do you think laws can rule all people? Don’t you see how some people get treated in this world when they have no money or power?
And…Fumiko was raised differently. Her mom was the oldest daughter and was forced to marry a weird guy who always cheated on his wife. I’m not saying my life is better or my mom’s life is better than Fumiko and her mom's. Still, Y/n, things are different for each person”
You were silent. It was like as long as humans existed, no matter where they were or lived, bad and good things occurred.
“Why did you tell me these?” you questioned Megumi.
“Because there are more... whenever some people like Yuji, Fumiko will always consider them as a threat and she’ll threaten them or their family”
You enlarged your eyes shockingly. These were too much for a sweet young girl like Fumiko, if a person who told you about her weren’t Megumi, you wouldn't have believed what you heard.
“Those women will say to him that they like me more than Yuji. She wants him to feel low self esteem. She wants him to feel that he doesn’t deserve anyone and Fumiko is the only person who likes him even he’s not good enough, she wants to be a person that Yuji will only look for”
“Megumi, why does Fumiko need to do those kinds of things?”
“Y/n, she’s evil and I pity her. We all suffer in our way” Megumi replied.
“And, why didn’t you tell Yuji, if you knew everything?” asked you.
“She was in ICU for many months. Yuji’s kind, too kind, he blamed himself. What if he knew, the woman who he believed saved his life did all the horrible things behind him, ruin his life what do you think he would feel?”
Shortly, the picture of him and Junpei in the anime played in your brain.
“Megumi, maybe we could talk to Fumiko?”
“Maybe maybe not, some people can change and some can’t” Megumi commented.
“Why are you telling me these exactly?” you asked.
“1. I want you to be careful. You know what Yuji feels now and everyone knows. That idiot doesn’t know how to hide his feeling, so he’ll show everyone and give you everything.
2. Yuji has a soft spot for Fumiko. I guess she will use that and find a way to hurt him even more. She may not use me this time, but use others instead, I think you know what I mean” Megumi explained.
You thought back to those conversations you had with Megumi on that day. Nonetheless, you admitted Fumiko was wise, you didn't foresee her doing those cruel things. Humans were truly a mystery.
You deliberately stared at Satoru. You assumed Fumiko would use him to hurt Yuji’s feelings. However, no matter how much you loved someone, you shouldn't hurt them to get what you wanted or change to be someone else that wasn’t them.
“Are you thinking why I am so handsome and what should you do if you want to take me on your bed tonight, baby?” Satoru asked.
“H-huh?” you tilted your head.
“You are gazing at me for many minutes now” Satoru said while reaching his finger to touch your cheek.
“Oh, just so you know, I don't want you on my bed At ALL” you replied harshly.
“Wowww, can’t believe you are so mean!! But luckily, I’m in a good mood today” he replied cheerfully.
“Why? Did you get to meet new girls?” you playfully asked.
“Can’t do that baby, I’m at risk to lose you now. Y/n, thank you for wearing the necklace I bought” He grinned from ear to ear.
“mhmm, it was because of you. You said that day it was okay for me to be myself, so I think this is pretty much I can do to thank you” you lowered your head and touched the necklace.
“I gave you because I think you deserved it. And the night I kissed you I remembered I told you that I love you for who you are. I think you twisted my word” Satoru held your hand.
“Well, did it mean it wasn't okay to be myself? Ohh, you missed her? I meant myself before the accident? Maybe I shouldn’t wear it today, I’m sorry” you decided to wear this because you hoped you could appreciate Runa in this way or maybe, maybe you already gave up and admitted that you should live as Runa’s life.
“Y/n, I think I give you this not because you like the moon, but because you are right now shining to my life like the moon in the dark sky. You are shining so bright that can lead me back to my home” Satoru kissed your backhand.
“I disagree. At that time I was with Nanami, I can’t shine anything” you studied how he laughed at your thoughts.
“First, please don’t mention about his name, actually you know what, don’t mention anyone names with those soft lips. Second, it’s true, but at least it made me realize I love you, even more, It made me know I can’t let you go” unexpectedly, the scene you and that pink haired boy kissed each other played in his memory.
“So that's the reason you chose the moon for me?” you asked.
“Oh, well part of it. I don't know anything about what you like now since you don’t LOVE me anymore and you never SHARE anything with me either. Still, you were born on a lunar eclipse, so I think the moon suited you” Satoru explained.
Your eyes were widened. You slowly looked at him. “H-how did you know?”
“Your mom told me when I was young” he replied.
“M-my mom?” your heart pounded as quick as it had even done.
“Yes, I remembered I met your mom before the accident happened. I would always ask about you and she would always tell me everything about how special you are” Satoru parked the car in front of his house and gazed at you.
You bit your lower lip and understood he meant Runa’s mom. “Do you think I can find more about it in the diaries?”
Satoru's face was twisted a bit although he changed back to his usual cheerful expression, you were confident he was unhappy for a brief moment. “Yeah, I remember you mentioned you asked me to take you somewhere in Turkey”
“Turkey? Hmm Satoru, I’ll go to read those and see you in the kitchen. Don’t disturb me too!!” you quickly got out of his car and ran into the mansion after telling him.
“B-baby, don’t run, you’ll hurt me if you hurt...” Satoru chuckled at how cute you were. You didn’t even listen to him and ran out like a kid, like you ran when you were young.
He got in the house and informed the maids to prepare your favorite dinner for both of you. He walked to his office to do some work.
He remembered the time you were here with him, the time he was back to see you greeting him, the time you always had dinner with him, or the time you both spent quality time in this place. He imagined what it would be like to see you live here with his children.
His face brightened up before the picture of his dad came up in his memory, before the picture of you crying came up in his heart, or before the picture of his mom came up in his mind. His eyes and heart were heavy and his jaw was lightly clenched.
You came into Runa’s room and looked for her diaries. You started reading slowly from one page to one story until finishing one diary to the second diary.
“Today, I told Satoru I came out to meet my friends from high school. He was so mad and he said I would meet a new guy. I told him I wouldn’t I knew he loved me, I did know that. But why... When I came back home earlier than I told him I would, I found he was on the bed with a woman. It hurt so much, so I cried again… and yes, I knew I was weak, but I loved him. I wanted to, I wanted to be stronger too”
“I met a guy at a Gojo company party. He was…a decent guy. His name was Suguru Geto. Seemed like he cooperated with our company. While I was looking for Gojo, I saw he was with Utahime, a person he used to date with. They kissed each other. It hurt me a lot. I decided I would be and I could be stronger. I accepted Geto when he asked me to go on a date. I thought it was time I should love myself more. The date was lovely. I felt loved...with Geto. Still. When Satoru knew, he was mad. He smashed everything in the house and screamed that I would do the same as his mom. It hurt me more to see he was in pain, so I decided to make him happy as long as I lived”
“Satoru came back to the house today, he said he had a surprise gift for me. I…I really thought he was gonna ask me to marry him >///<. Stupid me!!! But I was wrong he told me he would find the time to take me on a vacation because he made a good deal with Mr. Fushiguro Toji. My heart almost blasted out. I felt like a teenager. Finally I got to have him all to myself. I would prepare something to surprise him instead…^^”
“We went on a vacation to Hawaii. He said to wear something beautiful for dinner. A deep thought said maybe he might actually be ready to marry me this time? It turned out I was wrong again, silly me hahaha. Utahime was there with her friends. Seemed like Satoru invited them. I went back to the room and woke up alone on the bed next morning. Looked like that night, he didn’t come back to the room. What I should do, I loved him so so much, I couldn’t be mad at him :(”
“Today I found something interesting on Google @.@ The MOON was as special as I thought! I remembered my mom said I was born to be special too. The moon got a story though most the stories about the moon were too sad for me. TT Anyway, I decided I wanted to go to the Temple of Artemis in Turkey. When Satoru came home today, I would tell him!!!”
“Fi-nal-ly after 3 days I got to tell him. As I expected, he said yes!!!! My Satoru is the best of the best >\\\\< I was so happy that we could go traveling together again. Oh noooo, I had to buy some new clothes too. Maybe, he may think I’m beautiful and wanted to be with me like like marry? Aghhh, I was embarrassed. Satoru and I could spend our time together like he and me hehe. Hope he would be happy since he’d been too busy lately”
“Satoru had been coming home late and I barely saw him. He didn’t talk to me much like before anymore and he just went straight to bed. Did I do something wrong? Did he think I was useless for him like his dad told me a long time ago? Tomorrow, I would follow him like a detective to see what happened. I wouldn’t believe anyone except my love, Satoru. That was my promise with him since we were young ><”
You could stop when you found out about the moon, but you kept reading until finishing more than 4 diaries of hers. Yes, you found what you wanted to know. Though she didn’t mention much, you were sure you could search it on the internet.
However, you were sorrowful your heart was so tight, tears came out of your eyes. Runa was an optimistic person. It would be fun to be friends with her. It hurt you so much to know what she had faced. Why a person who was always kind would meet with bad luck.
You wondered why Satoru's mom and dad were mentioned again and again when Satoru and Runa had a problem. You thought of Satoru's words ‘I am still scared. I hurt you because I thought you would leave me just like my mom, my real mom’.
You stood up and brushed the tears from your cheeks. You were sure that if you continued reading more diaries again you could find out what exactly happened about Satoru’s family. Nevertheless, Satoru was here and he wasn’t the same guy anymore, you believed. It was time to ask him now.
You came down to see Satoru trying to set up dinner at the table awkwardly. It was like he hadn’t done this before. It could be since he had maids and Runa to do it.
You noticed how he calculatedly placed the spoon and fork next to the empty plate, how he fixed a glass of water to find a position he wanted to place it, how he whirled around to meet your eyes with his blue eyes and smiled warmly at you.
The dinner was nice. You and Satoru talked and shared about each other work. You were a bit quiet because of the feelings you had after reading diaries, Satoru also noticed. He chose not to ask in order to respect you, he waited patiently until you were ready, and finally, you were.
You both were comfortably on the couch. “Satoru, can I ask something?”
“Yes baby what is it?” he looked up from his phone to meet your eyes.
“Why did you hurt her?” you asked.
“Who is it? Kiko?” he leaned his head to the side.
“Myself in the past, why did you hurt her? Why did you cheat on her so many times with many women, including Utahime, Kiko? Why couldn’t you only love her so the accident wouldn't happen?”
“B-baby, w-hat’s going on? What in the diaries were in the past, we are good now and I love you, and please don’t refer to yourself as her” Satoru shockingly replied.
“Satoru. I’m not angry. I-I’m trying to understand this body that I have to continue to live in, did you know I followed you? I followed you that night t-the night you met Kiko”
“Baby, don’t say anything more. Don’t talk about it, I-I am sorry” Satoru rushed to sit on the floor at your feet. The fear and guilt that he tried to dig slowly crept into his heart more and more.
“Please, Satoru. If we can talk this out, we can finally move on. We need to understand more about each other. I want to know what happened with you, about your dad and your real mom” you held his hand firmly.
You watched as Satoru lower his head on your knees closed his eyes.
“My mom was a maid in the Gojo household. My grandma hated her so much because my dad fell in love with her, with a maid, not a daughter from powerful clans my grandma found. At first my mom didn’t like him because being in love with the son of Gojo clan was more like a curse than a cinderella story that had an happy ending
Yet, my dad fought so hard to win over my mom’s heart. He had only my mom, rejected and punished everyone who dared to say or do something to hurt my mom both physically and mentally, my dad even fought with my grandma so they could marry. He told my grandma if he didn’t marry my mom, he wouldn't want to live in this world.
Since my mom was young, she was already destroyed by my grandma. My dad just didn’t know. He realized that after my mom gave birth to me. I was 8 when I saw her get in a man's car. I ran following that car until I fell, until I couldn't see a car anymore
I thought I did something wrong because my dad always said I could do and get whatever I want. No one could stop me because everyone was born to be under me. I was born special, I was born to get everything. I didn’t need permission or the allowance from anyone or anything.
I didn’t know why she left me, I guessed my dad knew. After my mom left, my dad had changed from a person who was happy and came home on time. He changed women every day as changing his neckties in the morning. Finally, he ended up marrying someone from a powerful clan too.
Luckily she wasn't a bad person. She did everything as my dad told her to do. She didn’t even cry when my dad brought different women into the house or when my dad didn’t come home for weeks.
I found out I was right. My dad knew why my mom left us, he told me before he died. She confessed to my dad she never loved him. My grandma forced my mom to marry because my dad wouldn’t marry anyone. The clan was worried they wouldn’t have someone who can be the next heir.
They threatened my mom that if she didn't marry my dad and give birth, they would punish my mom’s lover, her real lover. After my dad passed away, I searched for her. I found she had a daughter and a son, and lived a happy life with them, with children and a husband that she loved. Y/n, I wasn’t born from love.
I guessed that was why my dad didn’t want us to be together. You’re sweet and kind like my mom. You reminded my dad of his first and last love. He always warned me you would hurt me, leave me, as my mom did. And you did, you left me many times with those men you dated like Geto and you also left me to be with Nanami”
You studied him. “But, you did it first, Gojo. You changed. You could only have her, but you did otherwise. You cheated, why?”
“I don’t know” he replied softly.
“You do, Satoru, just try to understand yourself. Tell me why”
“I don’t know, y/n” he replied with a stern voice.
“You told me you were scared, what are you scared of?” you asked.
“Stop, y/n” Satoru stood up and walked away but you grabbed his wrist.
“Satoru, wait I-”
“STOP!! I’m scared, scared that what my dad said would be real. You, you left me. You tried to leave me many times. You wanted to have a good life just like that woman wanted. Being with me is bad. Because I didn’t deserve love.
I realized you weren't different from my real mom when I was in high school. We studied in a different school, and you, you had a boyfriend. Then, you went with Suguru and you chose Nanami over me” Satoru shouted.
Things were connected. Kiko was the one who made him distance himself from Runa when Utahime or others couldn’t. it was because Kiko was warm like a mother.
Runa was kind and sweet, but Runa was different, she was actually Satoru's first love, he just couldn’t understand, he didn’t know how to handle the feeling when his dad kept painting Satoru from white paper to be a color that Satoru couldn’t recognize.
You were also shocked. You never saw he was furious and vulnerable before. He was scared you could tell. You felt bad for him, you really did.
“Satoru, I know you are scared. You didn’t want to get hurt. You’ve been hurt, so please don't hurt yourself. I know your dad told you, but you can trust yourself. You are the best Satoru right?” you bent your head to meet his blue eyes.
“Then, promise me you’ll always choose me. You will never leave me” Satoru asked with a low voice. His expression told you he didn’t beg, he ordered you.
“No, I can’t” you stepped back from him.
“Why?” he glared straight into your eyes.
You got goosebumps from the look of his intense eyes. “I will be with you and support you, no matter what. Yet, I do have my own life, the life I want to live on my own. Whether what will happen between us in the future, myself right now can’t make a promise anything when I’m still finding myself”
“Let me help you find yourself unless you are a liar like that woman. Don’t you think I didn’t know you kissed that stupid kid? Finally, you found someone you wanted to spend a happy life with huh?
Come on, no one will accept an older woman to marry their child. The Itadori clan is famous for a chain restaurant, they are powerful though less than Gojo clan. Unless you want to destroy his future with your hands” Satoru smirked and stepped forward.
“Gojo” you spoke with a low voice.
“So, we’re back to Gojo now? Baby, you should know you’re mine since you lived in my home”
You were speechless. You began to understand him, but why did he need to say those words? There was the ache in your heart to see how much a cheerful person like him had been in pain, in hell that his family created. Your vision was blurry with tears.
“See? You’re weak. You always cry when you are sad, even though you said you changed after the accident, you still cry, right? I’m always here for you, my love” Satoru stepped close to you, he reached out his long fingers to brush tears from the corner of your eye.
You shoved his hand harshly from touching your face. “No, you’re wrong. I cried because I thought we were friends and I wanted to help you I want you to be happy”
“y/n, we weren't friends and we never are. Friends won't sleep with each other. When you were HER, you slept with me every night since we were 20. We were lovers and still are.
Do you want to know why I cheated on you? Because other women give me love, but you, I have to beg you to come back, have to beg for your LOVE” he yanked your forward by holding your wrist.
You looked up at him. It hurt both your wrist and your heart to see how painful he was. You slowly hugged him.
“I’m sorry. I wish I can do more than say sorry. Satoru, I am not HER and I can’t be HER, can't be a person I used to be anymore. You can hurt me as much as you want, but please release yourself from the fear you have had, from the pain your family poured on your heart. You are the strongest. You can do it, Satoru. What I know is She as this body loved you, I as this soul want you to be free”
Satoru widened his eyes in shock. He had a lingering sadness in those ocean eyes. The fear he had that concealed his heart slowly breaking because of your forgiveness. He was frightened, his eyes were trembling with a foreign feeling.
“Go, y/n. I want to be alone” he said with a weak voice.
“I want to be with you” you replied.
“I don’t want to. I’ll ask a driver to send you back” you didn't get to protest because he left immediately.
From his bedroom, Satoru watched you get in the car. Once he saw the car left of the mansion, he crouched down on the floor and wailed. He wanted to embrace you in his heart fully, wanted to take your body in him. He said he would change and he intended to, but he was never sure if he could do it.
What if he hurt you again, this time you would leave him alone forever. He was disgusting and selfish. He hurt you but why why you still forgave him. He hated his family who made him a disgusting person. He hated himself who caused that stupid accident. If he realized sooner, he would have been with you happily by now.
Today, you would go to Yuji's baseball game. You asked Yuji to pick you up at the coffee shop because you had an appointment with your boss.
A week passed, you hadn’t talked to Satoru at all. You called him but it went straight to voicemail. You came to his office, but his secretary said he was out. You came to his home but the maids said he wasn't there.
“Satoru, if you aren’t anywhere, where will you be? In your domain? Silly you that try to avoid me. Let’s see who will win” you murmured alone.
It was funny when you tried to find the moon information, you came across the gossip news
‘Back to his usual self. Gojo Satoru has been seen on a date with a model. 3 days ago we’ve seen he left the hotel with a famous actress’
“Ohhh there you are on my laptop, Gojo Satoru” you shook your head slightly and closed down the page of the news. At least he wasn't sick you told yourself.
You began to search about the story of the moon. There were many different stories about the moon. Many names were involved with stories such as Selena, Diana, Luna, Artemis, or Chang’e.
You searched more about each name. These were goddesses and they were related to love. You couldn't tell which legendary stories were true. Each culture passed stories variously from generation to generation.
A couple legendary stories that quite caught you were about how most women had a failing love story. They were mournful and became goddesses on the moon.
Your breath quickened to recall all the dreams you had about Runa, especially the last dreams you met her. You remembered there were many women from western to eastern. The atmosphere was dry and sorrowful though there were colorful flower gardens.
Suddenly, you recalled Runa’s face when she spoke to you. Those words came through your mind “these women were similar to me”.
“Similar to me...” you whispered.
You understood why Runa wanted to go to the Temple of Artemis. She loved the moon. She might feel that her life was miserable. No matter how hard she tried to move on, she was still in love with the same person until the day she died.
She loved the moon as she was born on lunar eclipse day, just like you....
“We both were born on lunar eclipse day...that could have been a reason I got in here...Maybe I should go to Turkey then” you bit your lower lip to finally discover the connection you had with Runa. Then, you quickly texted Shoko.
You placed your head on the table to think about Runa and Satoru, what could you help them? how could you help them? You tried to think how you could help Satoru to be happy. If he was happy, Runa would be happy since that was her last word.
You were busy thinking about what you’d just found out until you were startled hearing your boss call out your name.
“Hey boss!” you shouted.
“Don’t call me that, y/n” Nanami smiled with his red ears.
“Well, you publish my books” you made a duck face.
Nanami chuckled with his deep voice. This was the first time you asked to meet him alone after breaking up. He was so so happy to meet you again after everything.
“Why do you want to meet, just because of work?” Nanmi sipped his coffee.
“Yes! I want to get some advice, as well as I-I, want to ask about Satoru” you placed your palms down flat on the laptop and leaned back to your chair.
“Yes, besides work I want to ask you that too, why did he get back to play around with women again?”
Your heart sank. “I-I don’t know”
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to hurt you. The last time we met he said he would make you the happiest woman in the world, so I wondered what changed him” Nanimi spoke calmly.
“You’re close to him now?” asked you.
“No, I don’t want and I will not call that too” he replied.
You laughed at how he refused but you could see Nanami cared about Satoru. “Actually I think I knew why he did it, let him be. Give him a chance to find what he truly wants”
“And what do you truly want?” Nanami asked while looking at you.
“Hmm, dunno yet. Maybe I want to start writing a novel book. The genre that I have never thought I would be able to do it. I-I mean again...”
Nanami didn’t feel bad talking to you about what Gojo did. Actually, he felt bad more to see your sad face. It still hurt him to see you were unhappy. It still hurt him to see you weren’t confident in yourself when he knew you were truly capable of doing whatever you set your mind to.
He caressed your head lightly “why don’t we discuss work y/n?”
Hours passed, you were done working with him. You covered your face with your palms. You weren’t aware of Nanami who reached out to use his large hand grabbing your hand out of your face.
“Don’t cover that cute face” Nanami smiled while holding your hand.
Right on cue, Yuji arrived at the disaster moment again...
“Y/n!! W-what a-are you doing with him?” you looked up immediately after hearing his voice.
“Yuji!!” you smiled brightly and gestured your hand as a sign for Yuji to sit next to you. You unconsciously took your hand from Nanami’s grip to move stuff for Yuji to sit.
Nanami eyed both of you in the curiosity of the energy you both shared. You noticed his galre, so you introduced them to each other.
“Nanami, this is Itadori Yuji. Yuji, this is Nanami Kento” Yuji bowed politely to Nanami while Nanami nodded back.
“Nanamin-san, you are really handsome. I would like to be a cool adult like you” Yuji said.
“You don’t have to be like me, just take time to grow up, enjoy your life, do whatever you want, and be yourself. Also, it’s Nanami” Nanami sipped his coffee.
“I don’t want to take too much time. If I’m too young, Y/n would think I’m not reliable and people will think I can’t take care of her. I want to spend my life with y/n. I swear I'll take care of her very well. So you don’t need to worry, Nanamin-san” Yuji smiled cheerfully.
“You do know y/n and I was together before?” Nanami asked Yuji.
“I-I do, but you both are friends now and I believe y/n” Yuji responded with his doe eyes.
“And Gojo likes her too, you know that right?” Nanami questioned again.
You saw how Yuji swallowed hard before answering.
“Yes, but I set my mind that I’ll step back only when y/n tell me to” Yuji spoke with his deep voice.
“Then, I’m happy now to see my y/n is in a good hand” Nanami smiled.
“Don’t you trust Gojo? You both seemed to be best friends” Yuji asked.
You saw how Nanami shot Yuji a fierce glare before replying. “Go check your vision, Yuji. It’s quite insulting to say that and I’m on y/n side only”
“Just so you know, I’m here and I’m not the air or a ghost. Don’t talk to each other about me like I wasn't here” you glared at both men.
“Y/n, you are always in my vision no matter what” Yuji replied with his innocent tone.
Nanami coughed his coffee to hear how honest Yuji was. You quickly gave him a napkin.
“Y/n, we gotta go before the game starts. I parked my car quite far from here, I’ll drive here and you can wait for me outside, so you don’t need to walk. Nanami, sorry for leaving so soon, I have a baseball game and Y/n is going to watch my game. I hope we get to meet again” Yuji bowed politely and walked out of the coffee shop.
You waved your hand to say goodbye to Nanami before getting in Yuji’s car. Nanami watched your back. He slowly touched his heart lightly. It was pain, but he was satisfied to see your smile that he missed, that he used to be a reason for.
“Such a good boy, no wonder why Gojo keeps complaining about how kind Yuji is” Nanami murmured.
You watched Yuji’s game with his high athletic skills. He was born to be strong and skilled at sports indeed. Yuji was shined in the field. It was like he was the only player you saw.
Megumi sat next to you. Nobara and Fumiko sat in front of you. You and Megumi shared popcorn and Megumi explained rules to you when you were confused.
The result was that Yuji's team won. You, Megumi, Nobara, and Fumiko met Yuji in the field. Yuji was too happy, he ran to hug you before asking to meet you 20 minutes later at the locker room after he changed his clothes.
You checked the time to see 30 mins passed, you walked to his locker room. You waited outside before hearing Yuji’s yelling and things fell on the ground.
You opened the door and stepped in to find Yuji. You saw he sat on the chair and Fumiko was on his lap. Her lips pressed on Yuji’s lips.
Chapter 13 < Chapter 14 > Chapter 15
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26) SUNDAZE [Romance, Smalltown, Urban Fantasy, Magic, LGBPQTA+]
"A blossoming story about Dahlia, the new florist in town, Lori, the local singer who lives next door, and a secret that will change the small peaceful town of Sunsea forever. Irregularly updated do to work. (/~\)"
27) The Crooked Kind [Supernatural/Urban Fantasy, Magic, Cops/Crime and Mystery, LGBPTQA+]
"Updates Weekly! An incubus and a gorgon are partnered together to fight crime for the monster police force. What could possibly go wrong? Crime, mystery, comedy, adventure and romance all come together in this comic created by Kataraqui and Keekal."
28) THE FIRELIGHT ISLE [Mythology, Spirituality, Coming of Age, Self-Identity and Loss of Self, Magic and Power, Friendship and Love]
"A tale of coming of age and cultural discovery in a civilisation guarded by a mysterious religion. Sen and Anlil are childhood friends about to be parted as they undergo the trials of adulthood..."
29) The Fisherwomen of SAADI [Urban Fantasy, Magic/Supernatural, Empowerment and Understanding, Slice of Life]
"When a girl from a poor family is determined to join a group of fisherwomen with mysterious backgrounds, all kinds of adventure await her!"
30) The Sea in You [Urban Fantasy, Romance, Cruelty, Mermaids, Coming of Age, Confusion and Gaslighting, Magic and Cost, LGBPTQA+]
"Corinth was just trying to clean up the beach, she never expected to meet a mermaid, let alone be nearly drowned by one. It was the start of a very strange friendship."
31) Three Times a Charm [Historical, Farming, Slice of Life, Romance, LGBPTQA+]
"The year is 1860 and Jake and Lucy are struggling with a bad harvest in rural England. On top of lambing season, Lucy's father falls ill and they can't keep up with the work load anymore so they're forced to hire a farm hand as fast as possible. Updates every monday patreon/rotenkehl"
32) TIN HEARTS [Sci-Fi, Friendship, Drama, Technofuturism, Romance, Little Fish Big City, Naive Protag, Robots that Bang, LGBPTQA+]
"This is a story about a girl and her robot roommate. Rebecca the naive and romantic girl, Eros the realist and practical bot. This is the story of their everyday adventures navigating the dating scene in the search for love and romance. Tin Hearts will update every other Saturday."
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foxgirlmoth · 4 months
I wish strong feelings and emotions had a better way to feel like they translate to physical space. For me, personally, I get that shit cranked to 11 and if I can't get that shit out there and verbalized or shown it ends up making me cry. Fear about loss and change and thinking 30 years into the future? Cry. Have so much love in your body at once and can't let enough of it get shown to those who matter to you? Cry a whole lot. I used to put it towards art and especially personal poems or made up song lyrics or something but idk. I can't be staying up sobbing at 4 am due to random thoughts. Its always when I feel like I'm doing my best that this happens, idk if its just processing everything.
I know my emotional regulation skills aren't the best and I often go from a thousand yard stare to crying or a laughing fit or something. I don't want to be like this really, and often times this does happen when I think about loved ones a lot when I'm alone and I just end up wishing I was around someone I can feel loved by and love so much. Maybe I just want to be anywhere besides this 'home' where I know I'm actively seen as a nuisance and treated as a lesser person.
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To readers of the Shift Diary...
Currently the restaurant where I get all of my inspiration is closed due to the pandemic and Shelter in Place orders set in San Francisco.
I’m sure we’ll be back soon, but please support your local restaurants with take out whenever you can and practice good hygiene.
Stay Safe, everyone.
-Liora, Runa, Zain, Roman, Lucien, Emeril & the Turnips
(In the meantime, please follow Runa on Instagram:
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lethesomething · 5 years
Campaign resources: Torotuga, the pirate den
After three days of sailing, land finally came into view. A large island, with a small fortified city on one end, cut off from the rest of the island by steep mountains and dense jungles.  To my dismay, however, the captain curved away from that crest of civilization, turning the ship in a large arc towards the back of the island, where nothing but dense forests and swamp greeted us.
“Hoist the flag” the captain shouted, and one of the crew came out with a piece of black cloth, which he unfurled to show a white painted, rather crude depiction of a turtle. With that, a hush fell over the deck and the ship veered into a large mangrove forest, a maze of brakkish water, low fog and bleached trees. I swear I saw movement in those trees. Little flickers of light, be they lanterns or will o’ wisps, and the occasional glint of steel. It was clear to everyone traveling with me, that we were being watched. (from ‘The Sea-Faring Adventures of Milton Hornswaddle’)
Torotuga is your prototypical Pirate’s Den. It lies on the swampy half of Rhea Island, in the middle of a heavily contested region in the ocean. The island itself ‘belongs’ to the sea-faring and conquering nation of Pardoba, and it holds an outpost in the form of the military fort town of Santa Gasso. However, most of it is densely forested and if not unexplored, then at the least uncontrollable, blocked off as it is from the fort by a sheer mountain range and dense jungles. It is here, deep in a mangrove maze called the Forest of Skeleton Fingers, that you can find the bustling city of Torotuga.
The ship continued on through these treacherous waters, narrowly avoiding collisions with trees and rocks, until we finally reached what I had feared all along, a dead end. It was then that the captain came out and marched up to the bow. “Oy! Open the facking gate, ya crusty cumstain!” To my wonderment, I heard a voice coming from the nearby trees. “State your name and business,  cuntwaddle” “Marston ya old pissdog, you know damn well who I am.” There was a moment of silence, and I held my breath at such signs of incivility, praying for the gods to save me from the arrows that were sure to befall us, when the ship’s captain sighed. “I am Captain Orsric Graverobber Bones, of the Drunken Elephant. Me and my crew kindly request entry,” he said, in a tone that suggested ennui to a point i would not be able to muster. “Good enough for ya, ya vomit covered sea slug?” And with a creaking sound, a wall that had appeared to only be dead trees blocking our path, was lifted, revealing a hitherto unseen waterway further into the forest. (from ‘The Sea-Faring Adventures of Milton Hornswaddle’)
A Safe Harbor
The town of Torotuga holds about 500 semi-permanent residents, a number that can be boosted up to 2.000 by visitors.
The populace holds a few notorious criminals that have settled down far away from the law, as well as travelers and actual colonists that have stuck around. About a third of the permanent residency, however, consists of escaped slaves, either native  to neighboring islands or brought here from far-off places to work on the plantations and farms of Pardoba and a few other nations.
It is clear almost immediately to any somewhat intelligent adventurer, that the economy of Torotuga is mostly illicid, and largely circular. This is a trade hub and stock-up place for privateers and pirates, though adventuring parties, specialized traders and even certain military groups (of the underground variety) also frequent the place.
The largest trade here is ‘entertainment’. The economy of Torotuga consists for about 60 percent out of brothels and bars. Coming off a boat in the bustling harbor part of the town means  weaving your way through runners and trade deals, to be met by a veritable row of… very friendly people. Men and women beckon you, wearing bright clothes, some quite revealing, and made up with red lips and dark eyes.
Another large trade here are pawn shops or, if they try to be fancy, ‘antiques stores’. On the outskirts of the town you’ll find fishermen and a few farming communities, eking out a living on the edges of the jungle.
Architecture and craft
Torotuga gets most of its supplies from passing ships, and it shows. Most of its buildings are made out of scavenged wood and smelted or otherwise repurposed parts. Newer buildings use a mixture of ancient techniques, such as woven vines, and parts made out of metal or imported bricks.
Everything about this town has a distinct improvisational feel. The furniture and decorations are either made out of barrels, stolen off of ships or built new, with themes that remind you of the cultures native to the islands here. The whole town is a mishmash of styles, techniques and bits and bobs. True master craftsmen, however, are few in number.
There are a few carpenters, mostly specialized in boats. Apart from that you can find some relatively skilled weavers, leather workers and woodworkers, as well as smiths. Any mastercraft weaponry or armor found here is probably found or plundered, though.
It is, however, important to know that you can find Anything here, if you search hard enough. The people of Torotuga are good at finding ways, certainly if there’s coin in it. If you let them know you need a seamstress, for instance, they will absolutely find someone, even if it is the cook’s old nan, to do your thing for a pretty price.
Torotuga runs on ‘pirate’s honor’, which is to say, controlled anarchy. The place does not have a single point of authority, but instead had several factions who look out for their own. Some of the most feared of these are the Whores Patrol, a group of vigilantes that see to it that the prostitutes of the island can do their jobs safely. The artisans also have a neighbourhood watch of sorts, which is Extremely Protective of its members and most shops and bars will employ a very ostentatious group of guards.
Since there is no justice system, those caught committing a crime against someone in Torotuga will need to appeal to one of the factions or lose their hand and/or life.
Torotuga has a mixture of different cuisines from the islands, mixed with the kind of stuff the pirates would know from home, in so far as this can be found. The different inns and bars serve mostly beer, but will whip you up some soup or bread and cheese, or grilled meat, when asked. Notable delicacies can be found in The Temple Bar, which serves a special stew, made of rice, wheat, sharp spices and seafood. There’s a bunch of not particularly identifiable stuff in there, but it’s very tasty. From food stalls, you can buy a simple type of taco, made of flatbread folded around a mixture of meat or poulty, mixed with random vegetables and spices. Most of the best and cheapest food can be procured from the smaller sellers, such as The Baked Potato and Kulita’s.
Notable shops
The largest pawn shop in town is The Hoard, run by a steel dragonborn, Dimitri Helfdal and his mate, a sapphire dragonborn named Irin. This shop stands in the very center of town and has carved stone walls, seemingly built out of the ruins of some ancient structure that stood here before. It is a fairly large building, with a stone and wood front and a large shop sign bearing a carved wooden dragon head, apparently an old masthead. Inside is a quite literal hoard. Dimitri and Irin tend to get the pick of any treasure troves that come to Torotuga, so you can find the best and most expensive stuff here.
Sulejman Sirk runs the apothecary, the Glass Shoal. It’s meticulously clean and organized, seemingly made out of the hull of a downed ship that was outfitted with a brick and windowed front and plated with iron shales. The centerpiece in this store is a large chandelier, a mobile of glasswork fish surrounding a steel brazier that lights up the place. He has your basic health potions and a Very Expensive set of water breathing things (like, super overpriced, guys). Also stocks an impressive amount of poisons.
Davy Jones Locker is a thrift shop of sorts. The proprietor, Antanen ‘David’ Jonesin, is a halfling that collects the mundane and the useful. The interior of this classic brickwork building is made with a number of treasure chests that have been stacked and arranged along the floor and on tables and sideboards. These things are not what typical pirates care for, but he does good business because they do tend to be things sailors Need. His store has stuff like barrels of rope, caltrops, a few smoke bombs found on drowned assassins. He has oil skin bags to keep books and letters safe from the water, sealing wax, forgery and climbing kits, a few block and tackles, fire stones, that sort of thing. Nothing magical, nothing glamorous, but exactly the kind of thing you need to survive.
The Silt Reader is a very small book shop that specializes in literature and poetry. Mostly second hand, a lot of them waterlogged. This store is owned by a half-elven woman, Runa Pavalur,   who keeps it very organized, with tomes neatly stacked on shelves and arranged by category. Each book has been outfitted with a bookmark made of thin rope, with a little card attached to it that gives a short summary of what the book is about. Most of the books in The Silt Reader are travel diaries and novels, a fair amount of those of a ‘popular’ variety. This is why, apart from categories like Studies, Travel, Political etc, the shop has shelves named things like the Rose section (hetero romance), the Heather section (mlm romance), the Calla section (wlw romance) and the Orchid section (straight up porn).
For maps, it is best to go is the Crow’s Nest Cartographer. This is a very small house that has one entire wall made up of shelves holding a large amount of rolled maps. It is owned by two gnomish brothers: Illilniss and Omulnis. They will also pay for coordinates of places that have been discovered, or were hitherto unknown.
Lavar’s Smelter: Lavar is a fire genasi, who isn’t too crafty, but is very good at, well, smelting. He’s the one that melts down all the anchors and random steel and iron that is hauled here, something that should not be possible with a smithy as small as his. Is smithy doubles as a blacksmith for basic tools. When asked, he can shoe a horse and provide stables overnight.
Shell and Shield: The only somewhat skilled smith in town. The Shell and Shield is owned by a tortle named Perrahar, whose main trade is tools. She sells non-magic weapons and some simple armor as well but mostly she’s very interested in learning new things. Bring her some new metal that she’s never seen before and she’ll happily craft new things out of it.
Other establishments
There is a church, The Temple Bar, dedicated to Dionysus, the god of wine. It’s not clear if this is a sanctioned church or not. Mostly it appears to be one of the largest bars in Torotuga. Its purveyor is a dwarf and beer connoisseur named Mazzoum Hornmail. The interior is decorated with fake grape vines and filled with assorted furniture. This one is fairly fancy, with a little orchestra playing, and a dance floor. The rooms upstairs can be rented by the hour. The bigger ones are outfitted as meeting rooms, serving the purpose of neutral ground for pirates to strike deals or talk strategy. The smaller ones tend to just have a bed and a washing tub.
Despite the name, The Baked Potato does not sell potatoes. It does sell yams and sweet potatoes, stuffed with a variety of fillings and baked in an oven.
Kulita’s sells a lot of fried things, including fried fish and fried chicken, combined with dumplings, corn bread and pickled vegetables or stewed beans
The local bath house is called the White Whale. It rents out large, round tubs in private rooms to interested parties. These are pretty nice and use, important, ground water, so any visitor can finally get all that salt out. Rooms are outfitted with scented oils and soaps and come with one complimentary towel. The rooms are priced fairly reasonably, but the rate goes up quite a bit if you opt for one of the companions or masseuses that are offered.
The Sickly Shrew: A Very Seedy bar and one of the cheaper establishments to acquire a room for the night. Also a great place to find, like, a specialist to kill someone for you.
The Foghorn Inn: The most boring and basic of inns that Torotuga has to offer, if you’re into that kinda thing.
Assorted locations
Thaba’s Hut
Take the road out of town, past the farm fields that have been planted here, and into the swamp. Follow the set of foot bridges and walkways, till you reach an island, a clearing in the dense foliage. Standing here is an ancient looking hut, built on stilts. It has a thatched roof and a porch, with stairs leading up. The railing of the porch and the stairs looks solid from afar, but upon closer inspection, they are laden with offerings of a sort. Little dolls hang from string tied to the wood, shells, glass vials, trinkets and shiny objects, all tied to the outside of this house. In front of the hut, a small crackling fire burns in a fire pit, tended to by a tall, broad-shouldered man. This is Thaba’s hut, and if you are in need of special magical services, this is where you go.
You pay Thaba for entry, and for the privilege to see the wisewoman inside. Should you enter, you’ll find that the entire place is overstuffed with jars and more dolls and trinkets. A bunch of objects, too, are suspended from the ceiling, much like they were wrapped around the railings. Some tools hanging from twine off a crossbeam, glass and brass pitchers, something that you very much hope is a wig. There’s dried herbs, ham, but also bones, something that looks like a dead snake. There’s… a lot. The hut is where Iyabo, sitting in the middle of the floor in a magic circle, performs magical services. Most likely this will be along the lines of identifying items, removing or placing curses etc. Nahin’s fighting pit
Walking around town, you may hear a number of shouts and just general noise, originating to a dirt square just on the outskirts. Here, you’ll find a small mound of dirt that serves as a brawling ring. Two figures are squaring off here. One is an apparent halfling in monk clothes, fairly lean build, the other, on this day, is a goliath, a large, looming tank of a man, in somewhat soiled sailor’s clothing. They’ve drawn quite the crowd. On one end you see what seems to be the rest of the goliath’s crew, a number of sailors jeering and egging him on. On the side of the smaller figure are also supporters of a kind, albeit a bit more demure. You see a number of humanoids, all in fairly ratty clothing, most of them dark skinned and weathered looking. They’ll occasionally clap but they’re mostly looking. Bets are being made by the crowd, with bookies walking around trying to get any visitors to have a little go. But as soon as the fight starts, a heavy groan goes through the crowd and it becomes apparent just how skewed this match-up is. Within the first second, the goliath has already been kicked in the face. The smaller figure jumps up onto his chest, kicks him in the chin and backflips off, down to the ground. The goliath swings and the smaller figure leans back easily to avoid it, jumping up over a second swing, before turning in mid air and swiping at the shoulder, following that up with two swift kicks. This goes on for a little while, before the goliath says ‘You  little shit’, and he pulls out a crossbow. The crowd starts booing. You hear the people behind the smaller figure yell ‘unarmed only!’ but the fighter themselves holds up their hand. “Learn’, they say, and sinks into a defensive stance. The goliath shoots once, twice, point blank, and you watch as the smaller fighter plucks both out of the air before they reach. As the goliath starts reloading, angry now, the other fighter moves. They jump up onto the crossbow and run up their opponent’s arm, before leaning down and kicking the goliath in the sternum. The giant goes rigid, for a moment, their eyes at this point confused and fearful, as the other fighter jumps down, dashes around and swipes at a spot right behind the knee. The goliath. Topples. The crowd erupts in shouts and you can see a well dressed man, apparently the goliath’s captain, walk up to the smaller figure and hand them a pouch. “Sorry about that,” he says. “Temper, that one. But you won fair and square.” The smaller figure bows and returns to their friends, as the crew, with some trouble, pull up the goliath and the crowd slowly disperses.
Kobinahin, or Nahin for short, is a higher level monk that fights for coin and has a little outdoor dojo going. Nahin is always itching to learn new tricks and will gladly match or teach adventurers.
Merchants and assorted service people
Thaba: A tall, broad-shouldered dark-skinned man, clean shaven and wearing modest but well-kept clothes. He has milky white eyes and a deep voice. He serves as a guardian or manager of sorts to Iyabo. He can usually be found sitting in front of the fire pit by his house.
Iyabo: This wise woman is a multiclass druid – bard with some wizard thrown in there. She is a tiny woman, potentially gnomish in nature, but it’s hard to tell. Her hair is quite a bit longer than her body, a mass of tiny braids, embellished with rope, ribbons, glass beads and brass rings that obscures her shape almost completely. From what you can tell, the hair may have been dark in color once, but it’s been painted with clay. Individual strands are red, ochre, green or a chalky white, the whole thing giving the impression of a gloomy, if colorful, bead curtain.  The hair makes it almost impossible to see her face, but when her arms emerge from the curtain, her skin appears to be greyish blue, mostly because that, too, is rubbed with some kind of dust. Her hands are studded with different rings, her wrists covered in bracers and rows of bangles. Iyabo jingles when she walks, and you can discern the rustle of fabric, as well as the sound of many, many necklaces or chains clinking together. She doesn’t so much talk as whisper harshly , also with vague southern accent.
Dimitri Helfdal: A man of smallish stature, stocky and broad, with medium gray skin. Mid forties and fairly jovial, incredibly curious about new treasures and things. He wears a monocle and light linen, embroidered pants, with a sleeveless shirt. Dark grey scales line his shoulders, hands and head, glinting with a brushed steel look that makes him seem , in a weird way, armored. He does not have a tail.
Irin: A dragonborn woman of dark olive skin, fairly tall and with a long tail that whips back and forth between the folds of her long skirt. She wears a beautiful silk tunic, with cropped pants lines in copper thread and a long skirt consisting of four almost see-through loose panels. On her head, and down her back and tail are long crystalline dark blue spikes and the scales that adorn her skin are strangely see through, giving the impression of dark blue gems. It also seems like she has filed some of them to resemble jewelry, the ones around her throat and down her chest looking like a very elaborate necklace.
Sulejman Sirk: A black man in his late thirties, with corn rows tied into his hair, and a cropped full beard. He tends to smile widely and has a prominent gold tooth. He has several gold earrings in one ear and wears a dark grey v-neck kaftan of sorts, with embroidery on the shoulders.
Runa Pavalur: A red haired half-elven woman, fairly young looking, very pale with freckles. Basic hippie attitude, she wears what appear to be several crocheted tablecloths stitched together, and her hair falls down her back in two long braids. Speaks in a gentle, slow  tone and has very obviously read every single book in the store.
Illilniss and Omulnis: Gnome brothers, both with heavy mustaches, kindof tanned skin and an almost inky blue hair. They finish each others sentences and then get grumpy about it.
Antanen ‘David’ Jonesin: An elderly halfling with salt-and-peper hair that poofs up around his head like a cotton ball. Wears tiny round glasses and looks rather clerical, but very businessy attitude. His voice is clear and fast, like an american radio dj.
Mazzoum Hornmail: A very serious dwarven man who looks jovial and fat and jolly. He gets quite stern when people don’t treat him with the right amount of respect. It is said Mazzoum has spent years sailing the oceans, and kinda just settled down here because he got tired of the floor moving.
Kobinahin: A dark skinned halfling monk of indeterminate gender. Dark, golden ochre skin, long black hair usually tied in a ponytail. Fairly elegant features. They wear a dark grey jumpsuit with cropped pants and sleeves tied with cloth strips. It is cinched in at the waist with a large strip of cloth. Kobinahin fights for coin and essentially teaches the prostitutes and the escaped slaves self-defense. It’s not clear why they left home to travel the world and fight. (the reason is this DM needed to introduce the Monk class). Speaks in serious, shortish sentences. Very no-nonsense.
Lavar: A fire genasi with tanned skin and flame red hair who serves as a smith. A practical sort who, despite his fiery nature, doesn’t really get upset easily. Always looking for find new ways to make coin.
Perrahar: A seemingly young tortle, though her shield is quite damaged with little black spots. Very curious in nature but extremely chill in attitude. Speaks Very Slowly and pretty damn deadpan. Very little gets to her.
Back-up NPC’s
Loughlin Nic Cadhla: An older woman, lots of scars, with frizzy brown curls in almost an afro, and pale freckles skin. Hard of hearing, from standing next to cannons most of her life. Retired pirate.
Tran Phu Nguyen: A forty-something man who is immaculately dressed and must have been utterly gorgeous when younger, still quite handsome.  Ex-prostitute.
Hamisi: A slender, dark skinned man, bald with a short beard. He’s missing an eye and has some horrific scarring, mostly on his wrists that you can see. Missing two fingers on his left hand. Wearing a loose shirt and simple cropped pants, no shoes.
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prettylittlepawn · 6 years
Diary Ent̵͉̂r̵̯͛ȳ̶̬ ❀4̷̜̬̮̪͚̈
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It has not been a long time since the last time I have written in you, but there is too much information swirling in my head to not put down on paper. So much has happened in so little time, and sadly nothing seems to be good.
Since my last entry, everyone had been given ‘Forbidden Actions’ and collars that made it more than clear that they truly are forbidden. Ah.. Still, the sight of Izaya’s frame instantly become limp.. Ah, it haunts me so. The blood splattering, the immediacy.. it was just so jarring. 
However, things quickly became more tense when we were invited to another social event. 
“Two Lies and a Truth.” I hadn’t really heard of the game before, but it had definitely been altered for our pain. The rules are are that you must tell two lies and a truth about yourself and if the next person is able to correctly guess what is the truth, then you must attach a clothespin onto your skin. It was so painful.. but not as painful as the revelations made.
Ah.. My secret came out.. I really like Seojun.. I really really like him.. but.. I never expected for those feelings to be exposed, especially after I trusted Runa to keep them close to her heart. It was Akomi that exposed me, but it seemed like it was foolish to have trusted Runa in the first place.
Akomi and Torimi had released footage of Runa conversing with Petra, planning to tear relationships apart. I.. couldn’t believe it, but Runa had never been someone to be worthy of trust. All of her stories... they were real events that she had instigated. Real heartbreaks and dramas that she guided to make a proper plot for a story. Ah, my heart is breaking.. I.. trusted her so much.. but my proof lies with my secret.. She had told Takuma..
How can I ever trust her again? Mother.. maybe you were right. Ah, but Diary, I can’t help but wear my heart on my sleeve. I want to trust her again- and continue to trust everyone... you understand, right?
After the game ended, all of us who participated got our Forbidden Actions changed, and the victor, Seojun, got his collar taken off. The new forbidden actions are: I cannot shed a tear; Dmitri cannot leave FF; Josefina cannot make eye contact with other shipmates; Kai must stay within a room for more than an three hours before leaving; Leonhard cannot leave B1; Runa must end all her sentences with 'ohoho'; Takuma must always be in the same room as Seojun.
Everything had suddenly become so complicated, but thankfully my action had changed enough so I could finally talk to Takuma again.. b, but.. Seojun was also always with him.. 
Ah, despite everything, it was so amicable. I feel so loved.. Takuma loves me so much.. I will put aside my feelings. He wants me to be all his.. and.. ah, it’s so embarrassing, but I don’t think I would mind having him all to myself. Still... It’s difficult to ignore these feelings for Seojun. I will just.. have to trust time to take care of them.
Things were stagnant for a while before the inevitable happened.
Tezuka Saki, our volatile and endlessly excitable Super High School Level Sailor, had been found dead not three days after the event, floating within a large cylindrical tank in the lab. Her body aloft in the water, surrounded by her blood and hauntingly looking down at all of us. 
Time seemed to stand still for the longest time before we found ourselves on the trial grounds yet again, only barely ready to accept her death. This time we found ourselves flying above a winter wonderland, one that was seemingly trying to pry its way through the crystallized icy windows.
Surprisingly, I feel as if I was able to contribute to this trial... using the evidence that I had only gained through Takuma. Everything was so confusing, but it seemed like it was finally coming together.. it was finally coming together when Kai Schmutz the young and eerie Ultimate Gravedigger informed us of his fragmented memory after trying his hand at the puzzle in the Power Room.
It was an accident.. he didn’t mean to do this.. manslaughter, with consequences beyond belief.
Saki’s Forbidden Action was that she couldn’t come in contact with water. Along with that, she had also suffered from the loss of Izaya, our Ultimate Firework Maker. Saki resorted to indulging in wine from the win cellar... I.. I personally don’t exactly condone something like this.
In her drunken stupor, she decided to look for food within the large walk-in freezer in the storage room. This freezer had a door that you could only open from the outside with a button, and unfortunately.. At that point there was a power outage and Saki was stuck inside. 
Before the power outage, Kai had gone into the Power Room in hopes of solving the puzzle, but something was off, and he electrocuted himself, shooting him back with a jolt of electricity, resulting in a power outage.. and electrical burns and a wound on the back of his head. 
What happened next is still confusing to all of us.. Someone had come in after the blackout, after the passing of Saki.. and tampered with everything. They moved her body from the freezer to the Laboratory and used a knife from the kitchen to detach Saki’s Forbidden Action Collar and stabbed her neck to make it seem like she had died from it. That person also dumped her body into the tank, and continued to lay red herrings around. 
Kai’s involvement with the confusion of Saki’s death was minimal.. and yet.. he is the one who received the ultimate punishment. 
He was.. so content.. with his fate. He walked towards his punishment with little hesitation.. and I could feel my heart beat faster than it ever had before.
Something.. Strange happened afterwards.
Being baffled seemed like the norm, but this interaction between our two captains have caught me off guard. Torimi confessed to be the one who had tampered with the evidence, and Akomi retaliated. But... Ah, I can’t make sense of this.. Maybe you can help me out, Diary. What does this mean? Akomi and Torimi.. is there a disturbance in power? Is it possible that.. one of them is a lesser evil..? 
I write to you now, Diary, simply because my thoughts cannot stop churning within my mind. What’s going to happen to us? Are we fated to continue playing this horrifying killing game until there is no one left? I’m shaking.. my fingers tremble as I write all of this out.. I.. I just want to let you know all this.. just.. just in case I happen to... run out of luck. 
Ah, thinking like this probably isn’t a good thing.. I’m... I’m going to go see Takuma.
Yours Dearly, Chiyo Oshiro
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shieldofrohan · 5 years
Spell out the letters in your username with song titles, then tag people!! I was tagged by lovely @masenrys
S- Storm Song/ Phildel
H- Heavy In Your Arms/ Florence And The Machine
I- Illuminated/ Hurts
E- Everybody Knows/ Sigrid
L- Love Out Of Lust/ Lykke Li
D- Diary Of Jane/ Breaking Benjamin
O- O’Death/ Jen Titus
F- Fading Listening/ Shiny Toy Guns
R- Run/ Leona Lewis
O- Oblivion/ Bastille
H- Hurricane/ MSMR
A- Annie’s Song/ John Denver
N- Nights In White Satin/ The Moody Blues
I’m tagging: @ward--runa @goodqueenalys @scottisbae @tara-58 @adow-trash @emmaewatson @vampire-ishy @belllaculllen @mistificent @bradsbvry @millicentcordelia @clarkent @maggiemcnue @teaiger @lost-shoe @cirunia @forkswashington @angelmelany @aye-its-hannahg @psychcalice @blood--singer AND everyone who wants to do it :)
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