icarussrancidart · 3 months
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gf who’s easy to fluster x gf who loves to fluster her
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boydykedevo · 6 months
Teazer crushing on Vic and she practices flirting with Etcetera as a stand in and it eventually progresses to like full on making out as “practice” send tweet
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icarussrancidart · 5 months
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I’ve never drawn them in this style before lmao 💀
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icarussrancidart · 1 year
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Pile o' Girlfriends
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boydykedevo · 11 months
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Oh before I forget I never posted these rumpcetera doodles
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boydykedevo · 8 months
"16. Who cooks most?", "17. Morning rituals?", "18. Evening rituals?" for taagnus and/or rumpcetera? :3
Ask game
16. Who cooks most?
Taako 1000%, Magnus isn’t THAT bad a cook but he’s had enough unfortunate accidents over the decades that Taako does NOT trust him to do more than scramble eggs in his nice kitchen.
17. Morning rituals?
Taako sleeps in, Magnus wakes up early to go for a run. Taako prefers to get ready on his own, Magnus’s morning-person-ness gets very grating before he’s really awake. But Magnus always gives him a good morning kiss as soon as Taako will let him.
18. Evening rituals?
They like to spend time together in the evening. Taako’s usually pretty worn out so Magnus does most of the talking, about his day or whatever. Taako doesn’t pay much attention. He just likes the sound of his voice. Magnus plays with his hair or gives him a massage if any of his old injuries from Wonderland are acting up. When they have sex it’s usually in the evening too.
16. Who cooks most?
As cats: they don’t really cook, but Teazer brings Cettie nice food she steals.
Humanoid au: Etcetera’s a very confident chef… in that she has a lot of confidence in her skill, and not so much of the skill itself. She’s very adventurous, she’s always trying something new and usually fucking it up. Teazer doesn’t bother to cook very often, but when she does she’s like. Fine.
17. Morning rituals?
As cats: They’re nocturnal so it’s not technically morning but when Teazer sleeps at the junkyard, they usually both sleep in, cuz they don’t get to do that together often. Especially when Victoria’s there too. They’ll spend a while being lazy in bed and grooming each other when they wake up.
Humanoid au: They live together in this au, (and with Victoria) so Teazer usually wakes up early, she’s a morning person. Etcetera sleeps in sometimes, but not as often as Victoria does. Etcetera always tells Teazer about her dream. They are usually boring, but she says she’s trying to get better at remembering them so she can learn to lucid dream, so Teazer allows it.
18. Evening rituals?
As cats: they like to go out exploring together at nighttime! Etcetera used to tag along on Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer’s heists, but eventually they stopped making Jerrie third wheel.
Humanoid au: Honestly I think they still go exploring lol, just probably earlier in the evening. They’ll ride bikes somewhere and just kinda see where they end up. They don’t do that every night, though. When they stay home, they’ll watch something together — or at least turn something on and then mostly ignore it to talk to each other.
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boydykedevo · 1 year
Jellylorum used to ask Rumpleteazer to hang out with Etcetera cuz she plays a very convincing Good Girl™ and she thought she’d be a good influence, only for Jelly to find out Teazer has been teaching her all the secrets to Cat Crime this whole time
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boydykedevo · 11 months
Human/oid au rumpcetera where Jellylorum doesn’t want Teazer around Cettie cuz she’s a Bad Influence so she. Climbs up to her window late at night. And if Cettie’s still awake they’ll talk and if not she’ll leave her a little gift she stole. And she never leaves her name or anything but Cettie always knows who it’s from when she wakes up and finds it
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boydykedevo · 1 year
Thinking bout Rumpleteazer starting to go out with Victoria and telling all about it to her bff Etcetera, who’s secretly pining for her and extremely jealous about the whole thing. Teazer has her deliver messages or gifts to Victoria and she’s like >:( yeah. okay. fine. >:((
Teazer’s oblivious, but Victoria can tell cuz it’s Obvious, and she’s so torn on whether to say something, so they’ll be hanging out and Teazer is complaining about how weird Cettie’s acting and Vic’s there like Yes I Also Have Absolutely Zero Idea Why That Might Be. (She also thinks Cettie’s cute, but thats not important) (this whole thing eventually ends in ot3 ofc)
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boydykedevo · 3 months
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Rumpcetera .. …. . ... :(
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boydykedevo · 9 months
I hate that I can’t write rn cuz th. The Rumpcetera…
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boydykedevo · 2 years
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Rumpcetera that is all 😌
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icarussrancidart · 2 years
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...sometimes she forgets that not all her partners are as strong as tugger 😔
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boydykedevo · 2 years
Ooo Rumpcetera and/or Victeazer for the ship bingo?? 👀
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They bring out the best in each other but also the worst in each other. They have a lot of fun but they have 2.5 braincells each so whenever they hang out they make a lot of bad decisions
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I project onto them both and am attracted to them both ❤️
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boydykedevo · 3 years
Cats mutuals/followers!!! give me ur rarepairs to draw!!
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icarussrancidart · 2 years
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This took me so much longer than i meant it to, but i finally drew the rarepairs doodles from this post
We have:
georgelonzo for @linadoonofficial
jemipat for @skimblyshanks
bombtoria for anon
viclonzo for @alonz-ho
and rumpcetera for me!
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