#ruckis scriptures
ruckis--rookie · 5 months
Order of the Stars: The Missing Chapters
Ch. 1 - In the Beginning
[Standard Issue Disclaimer: Some of the following content may prove to be graphic. To prevent spoilers the following warning has been provided. Readers discretion advised. I do not condone any behaviors that may be acted out by characters. The missing chapters are an especially guilty party of this. Read with caution.]
She took a deep breath, watching the skies as she walked back to the house.  She had spent many hours in the woods.  Ambling aimlessly to get as far away from home life as she could.  Everyone felt tense as of recent.  One person breathing down another's back for simply existing.  It didn’t help that they didn’t even really have a room of their own.  Just a stuffy trailer that, in all honesty, probably wasn’t good for their health.  A lot of their time was spent inside in the living room, which wasn’t much better off. Coated with just as much mold as the trailers.  But they didn’t have a choice.  It was the only place they could go with the state of economics and over priced housing.  It certainly didn’t help that the pale, grey eyed girl walking through the overgrown woods was a disabled adult screwed over by the state.  She desperately needed some form of social security, after all, disabilities CAN’T be fixed.  They can’t just go away.  Her and several friends, as well as family members, agree that she could never publicly work.  Yet she can’t seem to build up that courage to make that first phone call just to get an application.
“Stupid social norms…” She murmured, swiping her long, messy brown hair out of her eyes.  She wanted to feel just as useful as anyone else.  She wanted to help provide for the house, but it’s hard when you only have EBT to work with.  All you can hope to do is supply them with food.  Even then, what use is that when despite the fact you supply essentials for the house, no one appreciates it?  They still complain about you not getting food for the house and when you ask them to communicate or make a list, you’re given no answer.  It’s a constant losing battle.  And so you're left stuck.  Paralyzed by guilt from something that isn’t your fault, because you feel as though you can do nothing.
She snapped out of her daze, pausing a moment to look at the ramshackled garden.  Her eyes fixated on the worn down house just up ahead, before taking in the rest of the yard.  “At least, the property is nice… the house needs to be burned with fuckin fire” She complained to herself, to a god that won’t hear her.  So much for a nice walk to take her mind off of things.  At least, her beloved would be home soon.
As she stepped inside she’s greeted with a duet of meowing.  She smiled a bit, closing the door behind her and walking over to the two cats she had adopted like her own.  “At least you two give me the most sense of responsibility that I’ll ever have” She joked, speaking as if they could fully understand her.  She glanced over at their food bowl. “Ah… that’s why.  Yeah, yeah, give me a second.”  She walked over to their bowl after noticing it was empty, walking behind the front door where the container they used to keep all the cat food in is.  She filled the bowl up before returning it to it’s place.  Both cats ran eagerly to their meal, one outright catapulting off of her shoulder just to get to her food.  While she was at it, she grabbed their water to be changed and refreshed.  She moved briskly from the living room to the kitchen.  It was a small house so it didn’t take long to get from place to place.  Her only fear is how badly it was starting to fall apart. 
She glanced up at the hole in the kitchen ceiling, shaking her head.  It hadn’t been fixed in a year.  She’d since given up hope on the idea of it ever getting repaired.  Didn’t help that she could see black mold between the ceiling structure and the wood foundation.  The cherry on top of the cake?  It was directly over the stove where all the food got cooked.  She lifted her hand up behind her and flipped the bottom switch.  The second light on the far side of the kitchen next to the bathroom lit up.  Thank god it had two, she didn’t trust turning on the nearlest light because of how half of the ceiling crumbled around it leaving it’s wires exposed.  The last thing she would trust is a light that took the brunt of water damage.
Water bowl in hand she carefully walked over to the sink.  She flinched when the board being used to cover up a massive hole in the floor creaks under her weight.  She wasn’t exactly the thinnest, especially not when most of her hours are spent sitting in a depressive slump.  As much as she didn’t even trust the tap, she didn’t have the money to spend on whole packs of water bottles.  She filled the bowl up with cold water before briskly moving back to the feeding area.  She placed the water down and gently pet along the backs of the cats who have since slowed down with their ravenous eating.  One looked up at her with a chirrup, calm eyes blinking at her.  She smiles as she rests her own, silently consoling herself.
The doorknob rattled as someone on the other side fought with the door. All three inside turn and look at the door, just in time to see another woman.  She brung in multiple bags with a tired, but relieved sigh.  As she set them down the cats immediately began to crowd her.  The woman pet their faces, cooing, “Hello my sweet babies.”  The woman looks up at the equally tired looking long haired girl.  “There’s my dork.  I got you the things you asked for.”  She reached into one of those bags and pulled out a long john chocolate donut, a red electrolyte sports drink, some urinary pain relief medication, and a pair of reading glasses.  She picked up the glasses, looking them over.  “Thanks, Clawdy…  I should be able to pop the lenses out of this one and replace em with the ones that work for me” She murmured softly, putting the thick black glasses to her face to make sure they would fit.
“Mhm.  Since the other two are gone on vacation I decided that I’d do something nice for both of us” she added, taking out a few food items.  A nice selection of vegetables, some soda, and some red meat.  “I got your favorites. With less people there should be a lot more food for the both of us and significantly less complaining.”  The smaller woman looks up Clawdy with huge excited eyes.  She’s unsure how to respond, but it’s clear she’s excited.  “...You’re not supposed to buy anything without asking you know…”  She half-heartedly warned.  “I know, but you seemed pretty down as of late and I wanted to do something special for you” Clawdy explained, handing her the soda.  The prior took it, cracking the lid off and taking a hearty sip.  “Let me go put these groceries away for now and I’ll get started on the dish-SSH…” She cut herself off with a harsh suck of air between her teeth, leaning on one of the nearby counters as support.  Her significant other looked to her, her face going from weary joy to mass concern in less than a second.
“Are you alright?”  She asked, stepping forward and putting her things down.  “What’s wrong?” She asked firmly, expression serious. “I just hurt myself at work today.  It stings but it’s nothing too serious” Clawdy responded.  The other looks on disapprovingly.  “..No, you’re gonna sit down.  I can do the dishes” she huffed, making Clawdy stand up straight. “Alor-” Clawdy goes to retort only to be cut off by a harsh “Don’t deadname me.”  
Clawdy recoiled a bit, frowning. “Sorry, Guffaw…  I can handle it.  Besides, you hate doing the dishes because of the floorboards.”  Guffaw sighed dramatically, knowing she’s right. “If it gets you off your feet I’m willing to deal.  You overwork yourself as is while I do nothing.  I’m not budging on this.”  Clawdy begrudgingly waddled over to the table.  “Okay, but you’re gonna let me cook when you’re done.  No if’s and’s or but’s” Clawdy urges, very clearly worked up by this.  “That’s fine by me” Guffaw agrees, retreating into the kitchen to get started.  She hears little click clacks on the floor behind her, turning to see her dog. A black staffie, overjoyed to see her.  She smiles and leans down, petting the sweet spot on his back. “Awhh ouppy, hello babies.  Hello good boy.  You wanna help me?”  she cooed in a singsong voice.  She turned the hot water on and added soap, focusing on the dog to take her mind off the overwhelming fear of standing over a hole covered by a board.
“Oh, just a heads up” Clawdy spoke up from the other room “I think I saw your dad walking down the road.  Looks like he’s drunk again.”  Guffaw groaned in annoyance, snapping sharply under her breath “Not fuckin surprised.  The man practically sweats alcohol, it’s like he’s been drunk for three years straight.”  Clawdy can’t help but nod in agreement, adding, “What are the odds he didn’t end up going on vacation because of his drinking problems?”  Guffaw scoffed in a condescending way, toiling away at the dishes stacked in the kitchen sink.  “Wouldn’t be shocked at all.  I swear I’m about ready to knock some sense into him.  I ain’t in the mood for his bitching today.”
Just as she said that, the doorknob rattles once again.  The very man they spoke of entered the house at that very moment.  Guffaw can hear him, but not see.  She actively holds her head down to obscure as much of him from her vision as possible.  She grew tense, being able to smell him far before she could see him.  The alcohol scent is strong.  She could feel her throat get tighter as he coos.  She knew just by the sound of his drunken mannerisms that he was petting her cats.  An idea of which she loathed.  She actively felt her skin crawl.  It’s such a stupid thing to get upset over, but she did.
With each footstep, she grows more tense.  Until finally she can see him out of the corner of her eye.  She flinches when the light closer to the doorway turns on.  “Heya baby girl” His drunken slur reaches her ears.  “...Hey.” She responds emptily.  “Whatchu doin?” He asks, attempting to make small talk.  The only thing Guffaw can bring herself to say is “...Dishes…” just as empty sounding as the first time.   Not reading the room at all, he continued to speak.  His words landed on deaf ears, in one and out the other.  His words were muffled to her.  The big dog huddled up to her legs, feeling her discomfort.  She only nearly tuned in when the tone of his voice shifted, most definitely giving backhanded compliments and making commentary about how she should be pulling her weight more often.  She heard the word lazy at least twice, which made her blood boil.  It takes a while for what she could assume was ranting to die down.
All she could do was nod mindlessly, hoping that he would go away.  She felt a shock go up her spine when he gave her shoulder an affectionate rub.  She knew he meant well, but it filled her with nothing but disgust.  It’s in that fated moment that there’s a loud popping noise.  The air grew still.  Her blood ran cold.  It’s as if the world around her slowed down and became a blur.
Clawdy is owned by @6clawdy6
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ruckis--rookie · 5 months
Order of the Stars: Monsters of the Star's Light
Ch. 1 - A New Generation
[writers note: This one is a bit more of a read than the Heroes tale, but it's recommended that you read Heroes of the Morning Stars first for more of an impact!]
[Standard Issue Disclaimer: Some of the following content may prove to be graphic. To prevent spoilers the following warning has been provided. Readers discretion advised. I do not condone any behaviors that may be acted out by characters.]
The sound of rhythmic metal clanking fills the dim corridors.  “Find them, they have to be in here somewhere!”  A distant voice calls.  Guards scatter around in a frantic search.  One such guard reports to his prince’s side.  “Have you found the thieves yet?” The reptilian prince asks, the tip of his tail flitting about in anger.  “No, sire, it's as if they’ve just disappeared without a trace” The Guard answers, quietly but firmly.  The prince hisses and turns, clearing his golden bangs out of his face with a harsh jerk of his head.  He marches down the hallway wearing an irked expression.  His baby blue eyes narrow, almost shining in the dark.  “This is getting ridiculous, this is the third time this week.  Find them and bring them to me immediately!  I don’t care if you have to search every square inch of this place!”  He demands, a chorus of “YES SIR!” following after.
The metal clattering of armor first draws near before getting further away, two stowaways watching their feet pass from behind the curtains they use to cover themselves.  The smaller green avian peers out from behind, his piercing yellow eyes darting around to see if the coast is clear.  “Looks like we got an opening…” he says in a hushed tone, doing his damndest to mask his normally loud, squawky voice.  Another head pops out from behind.  The much larger, white canid-like creature’s spotted ears flick around before giving a nod of confirmation.  
She pushes past her klepto acquaintance and runs alongside him.  “There has to be a way out” The canid murmurs, surprisingly light on her feet and swift for something as large and and heavy as to what could only be equated to a small female polar bear.  “No shit?”  The bird retorts in a highly sarcastic manner, “Jus how do you think we got in here?”  The larger female shakes her head and rolls her eyes, not gracing his attitude with a response.  At least not at a time like this.  They had to focus on escaping.  
As they progress through the halls they stumble upon a lengthy one with very artsy possessions.  Paintings, polished armor, statues, pricey vases and more.  One in particular catches the dog's attention.  She slows to a halt, her gaze following this one portrait of the royal family.  At least, it was them before the king had disappeared.  Her eyes shift between the froggy queen, the lizard king, the hybrid prince, before finally settling on what looks like a tadpole’s egg in the king’s hands.  Just developed enough that you could see a tadpole in it.  Her attention stays on that one spot for a while, before she’s brought back to reality with a tug of her hand.
“Ruckis what are ya doin…?!”  The bird snaps, making sure to keep his voice low. “I-” Ruckis goes to answer, but she stops.  Her ears stand up, being able to pick up the sounds of encroaching guards.  She quickly pulls her pal off to the side between two sets of armor.  “Pose for me” She says, “quickly”.  The bird grimaces, looking up at her as if she’s lost it.  Even more so when she strikes a pose.  “Dude, pose before it's too late!” she hisses between her teeth.  Before he can fully contort he can hear the guards approaching, and in desperate hopes that she knows what she’s doing, strikes a pose to complement hers.  Her eyes glow with magic as an illusion is cast over the two, coating them in a golden sheen.  They look just like a statue of two valiant heroes, just well enough to fool the guards as they run right past.  Once Ruckis makes absolutely sure they’ve fully passed, the illusion drops.  The bird wheezes, holding his chest.  “I can’t… believe that worked” he murmurs, exasperated. “I feel like I’m gonna be sick.”  
Ruckis gives him a nudge to usher him forward.  “We’re not out yet Poppy” she reminds him and takes the lead.  The two resume right where they had left off, running around the castle ground and just barely scooting past the onslaught of guards.  But no matter where they run, an exit always seems just out of reach.  All their running is for not, as eventually, they reach a metaphorical dead end.  Guards run through the halls getting ever closer on both sides of them.  “Great, we’re fucked.  I shoulda knew better than to test my luck comin here three times in a row.  What were we thinkin-MNMFH!” As Poppy gripes, Ruckis cuts him off by picking him up and cupping a hand over his beak.  She searches frantically for any sort of hiding place to cover them.  But as luck may have it the hallway they’re in is relatively empty.  
All except a few windows.  One of which is open. “...”  She stares at it silently, the clear look of contemplation.  Her hand slowly slips from Poppy’s beak.  He looks up just in time to see her expression.  “...Hey… Hey what’s that look for?  Ruckis I don’t like that look” he chirps, squirming in her grasp.  He follows her gaze to the window and his eyes immediately go wide.  “Hey hey HEY RUCKIS I CAN’T FLY-!”  As his whisper becomes a yell Ruckis charges for the only way out they have, tossing them both right through as her grip on Poppy becomes tighter.  Protective, even.  She closes her eyes and braces for impact.  The sound of wind and panicked squawking overwhelms her senses before muffled silence follows as they hit the mote below.  She tosses Poppy upward to get him closer to the surface of the water before helping herself up.  She feebly kicks her way to the surface, gasping and coughing when she finally reaches it.  Her wet fur covers her eyes so she relies on the sound of her partner in crime’s swimming.  She moves her hand to move a little bit of hair every now and then as she doggy paddles, struggling to keep up with Poppy who can actually swim.
He gets a head start on running leaving Ruckis to catch up.  It gives him just enough time to distance himself from the castle and the guards before she reaches land.  She dips down on all fours and like a freight train begins barreling after him.  She very quickly catches up, even surpassing him.  As she passes him she  grabs him with her teeth by his shirt and tosses him up onto her back.  They’ve done this many times.  Having to make a quick escape like this is but second nature to them.  With more than half of the guards distracted scouting the castle grounds, they make their great escape to the borders of town. 
They create more distance between them and town before hunkering down in some foliage on the outskirts to take a break.  Ruckis slows, Poppy hopping off of her back.  As soon as she feels that weight being lifted she flops onto her but and leans back against a tree.  Poppy shakes what water the breeze didn’t dry off of him out of his feathers.  Poppy proceeds to give Ruckis a big pat on the shoulder, a proud look about him.  “Well that coulda gone better.  But we did it!  Hahaaa… You have the crown right?”  Ruckis slowly reaches into her chest fluff and as if by magic, she pulls out a silver crown.   
All the while she doesn’t even look up.  She just heaves and holds it out to him.  His eyes sparkle like diamonds as he reaches out and grabs it.  “This has to be our biggest steal yet… the forgotten king’s crown” he fawns while staring at the light blue cabochons that decorate the royal headwear.  He twirls it around his finger, flashing a cocky smirk at his compatriot.  That smirk fades noticing Ruckis struggling to catch her breath.  Hand over chest, she appears as if she’s hyperventilating.  He steps closer, looking at her with concern.  “Hey you alright?  What’s going on?”  He inquires.  Ruckis simply shakes her head and holds a hand up to stop him.  “I’ll be fine… just… give me a minute…”  She ensures, leaning her head back and resting her eyes.  Poppy can’t help but watch in worry, not knowing how to help.  Eventually, Ruckis does manage to slow her breathing.
“You gonna be okay…?”  Poppy asks once again.  “Yeah, yeah just um… you know I don’t like uh…” Ruckis stammers, struggling to find the words.  She stops trying whens he sees Poppy nod in understanding.  “Heights.  I know.  I got half a mind to berate ya, but you actually got us out of there” he playfully banters, having a seat next to her.  He holds the crown up to her, allowing her to take it.  “I think it’ll look nice in our collection.  Don’t you?”  He asks in an attempt to lighten the mood with small talk.  Ruckis smiles warmly and nods.  With shaky hands she stores the crown back into her inventory via stuffing it into her chest fur.  She jolts a bit feeling Poppy lean against her.   There’s a moment of silence as Poppy allows Ruckis to fully recoup.  “If ya want, we can just use your fancy teleportin thing to get back home since we’re out of the range of the magic barriers the castle put up” Poppy offers.  Ruckis nods, murmuring “That would be nice.”
He perks up as he feels her arms wrap around him.  Looking down he can see a white puddle of ooze form beneath before pulling them both in.  It feels as if but for a moment their world slows down.  Becoming everything all at once, and yet nothing at the same time. In a blink they’re pulled back into a different spot entirely, both of them on their feet.  That same white puddle resides underneath them, but quickly sinks into the floor as if it never existed.  “Finally, back home” Ruckis sighs with relief.  She glances around the kitchen, taking in the air.  “Smells like Jijinko already cooked food for the day.”
Poppy gives an aloof nod while checking the fridge.  “Yep. Leftovers in the fridge” Poppy confirms.  “Wish we coulda been here to eat with everyone…” Ruckis laments.  It didn’t disappoint her too much, but it’s become tradition to engage in the chaos that was dining with the residents of the mansion she’s come to call her home.  Poppy pulls out some food, speaking with his mouth full. “Y’know, mmh, I’m shocked there’s as much food left as there.  Usually it’d be mostly gone.”
Ruckis takes a peek in the fridge.  “Huh… Gera must not be back from-” As if on cue the resident tiny biped frog thing comes marching in with a pouty expression.  Ruckis perks up, tail wagging behind.  “We were just talking about you actually!  Did you get to eat yet…?”  Her excited demeanor softens seeing Gera so upset.  He sits down with a huff and slams his elbows into the counter, putting his chin in his hands to rest.  Ruckis looks back at the fridge, and instead of questioning whether or not he’s eaten, she takes a whole cold turkey out of the fridge.  She saunters over to him, placing the tray in front of him.  “Didn’t go as planned?”  She questions.  He grabs one of the legs and violently rips it off the body.  “No, everything went fantastically.  Even better than I had hoped” He growls, biting into that leg.  Ruckis tilts her head, speaking in an almost patronizing way without meaning to “Ahhh, well that’s good.”  Gera shakes his head and grunts.  As he speaks Poppy takes his leave before things get dicey.
“No, not good.  I didn’t want that at all” He whines, lowering his arm down onto the table as he stops eating. Ruckis runs her fingers through his messy black faux hawk.  She picks out little pieces of debris from his battle.  “...Is it because your little red headed hero friend didn’t show up again?”  Ruckis asks.  In that moment he looks up at her looking about ready to cry.  “Awh, honey no, it’s okay” She comforts him.  She picks him up and brings him into a desperately needed hug.  As she pats his back he’s quick to nestle his head into the crick between her neck and her chin.  “I’ll tell you what.  I have a quick errand to run.  While I do that you go ahead and eat and we can snuggle and watch cartoons in bed.  Does that sound good?”  Gera nods with a sniffle.  
Ruckis sits him back down.  He gets settled back into place, nibbling on his food.  She ruffles his hair and takes a piece of turkey with her before taking her leave.  She stands just outside of the kitchen doorway, just out of sight, using the same method of teleportation she used to get here to travel to somewhere else.  When she resurfaces she appears in some sort of astral plane.  A place where there’s no walls or ceilings, just a vast, endless sky of stars.  The flooring and surrounding decor, which mostly consists of column pillars, are a strange ethereal off white that glows with a radiant light. The area itself is larger than life.  However, the exact thing she spawns on is a lavish pillow that holds a ginormous glass orb that is… currently being used as a TV for a soap opera.  “Ruckis?”  A formal male’s voice pipes up behind her.  She turns around, seeing just the faces she wanted to speak to.  Two demigods of cosmic proportion, of her own creation.  “Lunarr.  Solarr.”  She addresses them while craning her neck to look up.  Although both of their faces are covered by masks, It’s easy to tell from Solarr’s movement’s that he’s happy to see her.  
“Sup, Ruckis?”  He speaks in a calm, laid back manner of what could only be described as a stoner.  Lunarr sits up straight, much more formal than his brother.  “What brings you here and… why are you a mortal?” He questions.  “I didn’t feel like shifting.  Have you figured out a new champion for Neo-Earth yet?”  Lunarr shakes his head with a disappointed grumble. “I keep telling Solarr here that we NEED to get on that” he explains, “but he would much rather inflict these ridiculous human TV shows on me.”  Solarr just snorts while looking at the quote on quote TV.  “You don’t get it man.  These shows are so corny that it’s a work of art.  You just can’t appreciate it like I do” He rambles.  Ruckis sighs tiredly, her eyes glazed over.  “I love ya’ll but sometimes I can’t..” She grumbles and then clears her throat to catch their attention.
“No worries, I figured this might happen so I think I’ve already got someone who would work just fine.”  The two immediately perk up.  “Really?” Solarr chimes in.  “Who?” Lunarr asks, a slight hint of suspicion in his voice.  “Well, ever since the old champion retired I’ve been doing some looking.  As it turns out he had a son that I beliiieve…” She trails off for a moment, thinking. “Should be in his forties.”
Lunarr hums lowly, thinking.  “Is that so?”  Ruckis nods, and resumes.  “I believe he shows more promise than his father before him.”  Lunarr folds his arms and nods in approval as Ruckis places her hand upon the orb and projects her own scrying magic into it.  “Well if he is of the same bloodline as our previous champion and displays as much promise as you say, then he must be s.. So… what.”  he’s caught off guard when the image of a scrawny white man with red hair and yellow flannel speaking to a coworker is displayed on the orb.
“Hah!  Nice” Solarr laughs, turning to look at his moon aligned brother.  He falls into silence sensing the tension.  “...this?”  Lunarr sneers.  “This is our next champion?”  Ruckis lowers her hand to her side, staring at Lunarr.  “Well, yes.  I take it you have some comments?”  She predicts.  He scoffs.  “A few.  He’s in his forties and yet he looks like he’s barely seen the sun.”  He jeers in clear disapproval.  “Well I thought he looked pretty chill” Solarr falters.  “Now Lunarr don’t be like that.  I’ve been observing him closely.  Brawn isn’t everything you know.  I’m thinking… OOH, he dyed his hair!  Make sure it stays that color.  Gera likes red heads” She says, looking at the orb with huge pupils.  Lunarr clears his throat impatiently. “R-Right… I’m thinking for this one we go the more empathetic and adaptive route” Ruckis elaborates, “You can’t have a hero without heart.”  Lunarr leans over, placing his hands on the table so he can get right in Ruckis’ face.  “This is outrageous!  He’s but a sad, underpaid, socially awkward wage slave!”  He contests.  Ruckis stands her ground, crossing her arms.  “Well, our last champion started out as a stevedore” Ruckis combats.  Lunarr stammers in offense. But it’s clear, she brought up a good point.
“W-Well, we haven’t even tested him yet.  How do we know he’s the one for sure?”  Lunarr implores, making Ruckis ease her expression.  “Hm… I suppose you are right.” She agrees. “Alright.  Then I’ll leave it up to you to give him a proper test.  In the meantime, Solarr, I have to speak with you in another room regarding this individual.  I plan on having you be his sponsor.”  Solarr perks right up again.  As Lunarr backs up Solarr allows Ruckis into his hand.  With a chill sounding “sweet” he’s off to the other room.  Lunarr hunches over the orb, listening into the following conversation.  A thunder is heard rumbling in the distance, making the two men turn to face the window.  After a moment of silence the future hero pipes up. “I wonder who did what to make Lunarr mad” he wonders aloud.
With a scoff and a wave of his hand, the scene of the orb changes, focusing on a dark grey rat with pink hair and yellow eyes.  “If it’s a test she wants, it’s a test you shall receive.  Human…” the air becomes dry and crackles with static electricity.
“I will start by taking away everything you are already destined to leave behind.”
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ruckis--rookie · 5 months
Order of the Stars: Heroes of the Morning Stars
Ch. 1 - Heroes Collide
[Standard Issue Disclaimer: Some of the following content may prove to be graphic. To prevent spoilers the following warning has been provided. Readers discretion advised. I do not condone any behaviors that may be acted out by characters.]
“It’s after this nuclear fallout that the surviving human populace returned to the surface, not knowing what to expect. The air was breathable. Nature was healing… And the animals had evolved. Not just in terms of appearance, either. Historians say that at the time Animals evolved to be even bigger, with most evolving to stand on two legs.  They displayed human-like characteristics” A low, soft voice echoed from the speakers on the old fashioned box tv hung in the corner of the store. “But they also showed aggression and wariness towards the humans. And so, a plan was devised to create a barrier to keep anything inhumane out. Fearing what this newfound evolution in animals could entail. This was the start of the proud lands we call the Neo-Dome. A land built to protect human tradition and keep out the savages.”
Aleron huffs in annoyance at the history documentary on the TV. The strokes of his brushes with the broom grow more forcible in attempts to drown out the noise of the TV by scraping the bristles against the grey concrete flooring. Not paying attention to what he's doing, he bumps the corner of the broom right into the front counter. It makes him jump a slight, staring at the disorganized tabletop. Deciding to do some tidying up he leans the broom against the counter and walks over to the cashier’s side. From there he starts by taking up any papers he can find and straightening them out into a bundle, setting them off neatly to the side. He does this a few times until absolutely every thin sheet is out of the way.  After that he moves on to picking up smaller things on the counter such as pencils and pens, putting them in the mug that they had been using as a pencil holder.
He stares at the small, chibi canid cartoon character printed on the front of it. That bubbly, round character sporting a vibrant smile. Heroic in appearance with white fur, black spotted ears, and deep red billowing scarf styled cape. The show’s gotten quite popular over the years, and Aleron himself certainly enjoys the message behind it. Looking at it he almost forgets the annoyance he held towards the documentary… oh yeah, the documentary.
His smile fades, but he simply takes a deep breath as he hunkers down to check the underside of the counter. He spots a black glint underneath. grabbing at it, he pulls it out and feels immediate relief. “Aha, there’s the remote.” He straightens himself and lifts his arm towards the TV, changing the channel in hopes of finding something less grating to hear. The very next channel takes him to the news where an older man speaks in a low, gravely voice. “Recent reports say that the population of abomination animals seen in the Neo-Dome have been rising, as have reports of thievery. It is very likely that these two things are tied. Authorities are advising that you have your traps set out-”
Before anything else can be said with a frustrated growl Aleron turns the TV off. He cared the discrimination against modern day animals. It wasn’t fair, he thought, they’re living, thinking beings too. He perks up hearing the door to the back open. A tall, thin, dark man with buzzed black hair and a sculpted beard walks in. “Why you so mad? Something happen?” The man asks, puzzled. “Nah, just nothing good on TV” Aleron explains. “Usually nothing much on anyways this late at night” The man says while walking in with a friendly smile, and continues, “Anyways I set the traps up for you since I know how much you don’t like doing it.” Aleron breathes a sigh of relief, nodding. “Thanks, Jer” He murmurs, leaning his hands against the counter. “No problem man, but hey. Just remember, it’s Jerome while I’m still on my shift” He teases to try and lighten the mood.
Aleron gives a half-hearted chuckle before hanging his head. Jerome’s smile falters, seeing something’s clearly got his friend down. He approaches and has a seat at the mandatory one chair that the store is required to give workers. “...Wanna talk about it?” Jerome offers, hardly getting a response in return. He looks Aleron up and down, his gaze stopping when he gets to his dye stained forehead. “...Is it the red dye?” he questions. Aleron looks up and over at him incredulously. “What? No. No… Although I am kind of upset about it. I wasn’t thinking and I ruined my favorite white button up shirt. But that’s not it… Rent’s been going up again and I’m hardly making enough to cover it, let alone buy some food for myself. Finding new places to live is getting difficult so I might have to pick up a second job, but I’m overworked as is.”
Jerome’s expression softens into understanding. A very saddened, empathetic expression. “I’m sorry to hear that man… if you ever need help with food I can try and pitch in”. Aleron shakes his head no. “I appreciate the help but I feel like I’ve asked too much of you as of late. I feel bad because I can’t do anything in retu-” Aleron is hushed gently before he has time to go into a rant. “It’s okay. You help those in need even if they can’t give back. Ain’t that what you told me?” Aleron lowers his head once more before nodding. “I guess so…” Jerome passes a warm smile, continuing, “then you should really be taking your own advice. You’ve helped me out plenty in the past so now it’s my time to help you”. Aleron smiles. Genuine this time. “You always know what to say huh Jer… er, Jerome”. Jerome laughs and shakes his head playfully. “I like to think I do” He says and stands up and gives Alern a hearty pat on the shoulder before passing him.
“And I think you look good in yellow, especially with that flame-y hair style you got going on… You should wear flannel more often”. Aleron perks up with an inquisitive look. “You really think so?” Aleron asks. Jerome just nods and gives him this cool guy smirk while looking Al up and down. Maybe in an attempt to cheer him up, maybe with sincerity, who knows. A thunder rumbles outside, making the two look at the window. After a moment of silence Aleron pipes up. “I wonder who did what to make Lunarr mad” Al wonders. “Maybe his brother pissed him off again” Jerome jokes. “But that’s probably my cue to get leaving… You gonna be good closing on your own? The wife and kids are expecting me.”   Aleron nods, and responds, “Yeah I should be good here.” Jerome talks while walking backwards in the direction of the door. “Don’t forget to put up the new comics. The boss’ll have both our hind ends if they don’t get shelved.”
“I know I know, I should have it done before the rain hits” Aleron answers. “Sounds good to me” Jerome chirps, stopping at the door and cracking it open using his hip. “You should come over for dinner sometime. I’m sure Chantal and the kids would love to see you again.” That’s what Jerome leaves Aleron with before waving goodbye and rushing out to his car. Aleron watches him, listening to the hiss of the door as it slowly shuts itself followed by the click of it closing. He stands up fully and walks over to retrieve the box from the corner of the store. He opens up the flaps of the box, putting up new issues for comics one by one. He takes his time to look at all the illustrations of each book, appreciating the artistry. Gritty ones, cutesy ones, exaggerated ones, and dynamic ones. These books really help bring the place to life considering this is the most bland standard issue corner of the street comic book stores you can imagine. With its grey floors and its textured white walls. It looks more like an office than it does a comic book store. “It makes the comic books pop out more I suppose…” He murmurs.
The stack of books in the box get thinner and thinner until there’s only two left. Aleron carefully picks it up to look at the back of it, before turning it to the front. He sets the box down to hold the book with both hands, feeling the protective plastic covering of it. It’s that same smiling canid, only this time illustrated with his friends in the back. As he stares he sighs wistfully. “Why couldn’t my life be more of an adventure like yours? Fighting in the name of justice and kindness. The world could do with a little more empathy…Hah. Maybe I am finally going crazy.” After all, he was talking to a comic book.  He digs into himself playfully as he puts the book where it belongs.
He turns to pick up the box only to freeze when he sees it's empty. He furrows his brows, cautiously leaning over to pick it up. He turns the box and flips it upside down, tilting his head. “I could have… I could have sworn that there was another one in here… I must have put it up already.” Shrugging it off turns again, only to tense when he hears a loud snap and a shrill, panicked series of squeaking. It's a noise that makes his stomach twist as he looks towards the back door, which has been left ajar. “Oh shit. Oh shit OH SHIT!” He tucks the box under his arm and rushes for the back door, pushing it open with his shoulder. He flinches at the smell of the dumpster in the damp alleyway being the first thing to hit his face, along with the hot summer night air. He squints not just from the smell but because it’s getting incredibly dark with the clouds overhead. He creeps closer to the dumpster, spotting the missing comic on the ground right beside it. Getting closer he can hear labored breathing and quiet sulking. He rounds the large blocky dumpster, just barely being able to make out a shape. But when his eyes adjust… he’s horrified by what he sees.
Looking back at him is a modern day rat no larger than a small dog. Her ears ripped up quite a bit, her hair styled into something similar to a mohawk that’s tipped in pink dye to match her pink irises in her currently very frightened and pained yellow eyes. She has a set of standard rat buck teeth and a pair of protruding fangs that chitter and grind. They all stand out against the dark grey fur stained with blood. She’s been caught in the large mouse trap that had been set out, the middle having snapped around her waist. Aleron’s stomach turns. The smell and the sight makes him feel sick. But without much thought he drops down to his knees and reaches out, throwing the box beside him. The rat hisses and swipes at him with her claws, her mostly pinned tail thrashing violently. He backs his hand away before she could hit him. “I’m only trying to help!” She hisses in response to him, her chest bobbing up and down quickly. He pauses, taking a minute to calm himself. His panicked state wasn’t doing any favors. He needs a more gentle approach.
He holds out his arms, staring at her with a pleading expression. “Let me help you… please… I don’t want to hurt you…” She slows down and stares at him, really taking in his expression. That brief loss of adrenaline causes her to collapse out cold. Aleron curses under his breath and looks at the box, getting an idea. He grabs her and the trap and puts them both inside the box before taking it up and running back inside, making sure that the back door closes behind him. He turns off all the lights and bursts out the front door like there’s a fire. He completely forgets to lock up the shop. He didn’t care. He opens the passenger’s seat to his car. A nice navy blue car with a slick dark interior. He debilitates for a moment. Saving this rodent means ruining his nice silk seats. He stares at the box, and then back at the seat. It’s the nicest thing he own…
Groaning in defeat he puts the box down in the seat, buckling it in before shutting the door. He gets into the driver's seat, quickly pulling out of his parking spot and swerving onto the streets. He pushes the speed limit and he even completely forgoes buckling up which he’s usually a stickler about. Car safety isn’t on his mind right now. Getting home where he had actual medical supplies is, because gods know that the actual hospitals wouldn’t help. He’s so hyper focused on getting her back to his apartment that he hardly has time to register what’s passing by him. It’s like he blinks and by the time he tunes back in he’s already home. He gets out of the car just as quickly as he had gotten in, taking the box with him. Box in arms he hurriedly walks inside.  He rushes up the stairs, looking around to make sure no one is out or in his way.
When he gets to the top of the stairs he sees his neighbor and longtime friend of his parents. A nice old lady by the name of Janice with skin pale and wrinkly, covered in age spots. She seems to be returning to her room as well, her bouncy curly gray hair brushing up against the collar frills of her cyan gown. But upon hearing Aleron approach she turns around and smiles, those glasses with such a heavy prescription making her large pupils glisten to make her appear all the more kind. Even though they aren’t related by blood she often felt like family to him.  “Ahhh, Aleron dear! How was work today? Did you water-” She chimes, but he hurries past her holding up the box lid on the side that she was on so she couldn’t see what was inside. “Yep watered the plants for you before I left work It was great can’t talk right now love you have a nice night meemaw” He sputters all at once while hurrying to his apartment. He quickly unlocks the door and hurries in slamming it shut behind him. Janice merely smiles cheerily. “Such a nice young man… He’s so much like his father.”
He sets the box down on the couch and rushes into his own bathroom, not needing to flip the living room light on at first because of spacial awareness. Once he gets to the bathroom however he turns the light on to see what he’s doing. He opens up the mirrored shelf and grabs things he needs from it. Gauze, medical tape, antibiotic cream. He goes into his bathroom closet and gets some more. Towels, wipes, even more heavy duty stuff like a suturing kit and some actual medical supplies. He made it a habit to learn how to doctor himself so he can cut down on costs. He takes his armful of stuff and closes the closet with his foot, rushing back to the living room. He drops all the stuff on the couch beside the box and lays out a few towels to rest the rat on. After turning the lamp next to the couch on he takes her out, places her down carefully, and pries the trap open. Once he frees her he slides her onto the towels and  tosses the trap across the room.  Taking all that he’s learned he does his best to prepare her. First feeling what all might be broken of course, feeling around for internal injuries. Which obviously, there’s quite a few. He sucks air through his teeth and picks up a scalpel. “Forgive me…” He presses it to her, hoping and praying to whoever's listening that there’s still a chance to save her.
Writers Notes: Yeahhh sorry the first chapter's slow, a lot of the action-y stuff doesn't start until Aleron actually gets *out* of the Neo-Dome. OotS is a weird mix of action fantasy with some slice of life and character building. I feel like the more interesting stuff is going to be taking place in the other perspective of the story, "Monsters of the Star's Light". Also I'll be releasing these before the first chapter of "The missing chapters" later today because I am very tired rn and my chromebook is dying so I need to slep. Will be released later today probably.
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