#rtte season 3
thesinglesock · 5 months
this feels like an "incorrect quotes" edit but it's real asdfghjk
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noctusfury · 28 days
The Mystery Behind Astrid's Wolf-Pelt Cloak (HTTYD 3)
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Hello, my fellow Furians! Welcome to another HTTYD article! This is one of my older ideas, but again, I just plumb forgot and it was just left sitting there collecting dust. 😅
Today, I want to talk to you about a realization and possible revelation that just has me in fits of excitement! When I watched the end of HTTYD 3 with Hiccstrid's wedding and their cloaks, I never thought much about it. However, when I watched the RTTE Season 2's 4th episode "Bad Moon Rising," I suddenly connected the two dots.
Take a look!
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I paused and thought about it for a bit, and then I realized that... wait, wolf. Wolf pelt. A pelt that comes from a wolf. Wait... did the wolf pelt come from THIS wolf?! 😲🤯
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I mean, it could be possible, right?
I could totally see Snotlout killing the wolf and gaining a nice pelt from it for his troubles, and then 3 or so years later, when Hiccstrid have their wedding, he gifts it to Astrid as a wedding gift. Or maybe he gifts it to her as a reconciliation gift after having stepped on her wrath one too many times. 😅 Such a time could've been after Season 5's episode "Snotlout's Angels."
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Of course, this could just all be an uncanny coincidence, and this is a completely different pelt that had absolutely nothing to do with Snotlout's wolf, and that he either still has it, or Tuffnut has it as an apology gift for the... prank and making him think that he was turning into a Lycanwing.
But hey, I personally support this headcanon. What about you guys?
Let me know what you guys think! I'm always open to other interpretations. It's why theories and headcanons exist.
Thank you for reading this article! See you next time!
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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fictionalnormalcy · 8 months
You know, I have a far-fetched theory that the original plot line for Season 3 was going to be something with Night Furies.
Strictly because of that solitary image with Viggo opening the Dragon Eye to show the dragons. The place he unlocked to was different then what the Riders had found.
Then I think about the thumbnails for the first two episodes of Season 3, Enemy of My Enemy and Crash Course. They're wrong, as it's images of Astrid on Stormfly and the other being Viggo and Ryker looking up in surprise at what is presumably a SIngetail judging from the shadow.
Both of which didn't happen, at any point. So the fact that something managed to slip by, even if just singular images, and knowing that they were saving the mystery of Night Furies until The Hidden World, I really think that they could've been going in the direction where Viggo wanted to find more Night Furies.
Like come on! The thumbnails were animated! Not just a storyboard!
Something with Night Furies y'all
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amyrafierceblade · 8 months
I persuaded my history teacher(same one who was playing Hamilton in class week before last) to put on Race to the Edge in class since we didn't have anything better to do and it was that or watch Monsters Inc. again(he was desperate, and this is high school)
We watched the first three episodes of season 1, and let me tell you, it was funny when my classmates of the block jumped in surprise at every cuss word, but it was even funnier to watch their reactions to
Dagur's jailbreak (three students excluding me were actually watching, one actually said "Damn, bros angry as hell!")
Meatlug getting called girl by Fishlegs(like seriously, i understand most of them never watched it but like someone actually saying "That thing is a girl?!" was kinda just fucking facepalm material)
Eels (about a third of the class was glancing up every now and then, looking surprised at the giant eels)
Dagur calling himself "Daddy"(it was funny as hell, half the class looked up like "ayo wtf?", I probably didn't help at all when someone piped up "Wait is this How to Train Your Dragon??? What is this???" and I was like "This is the show they made of Httyd" and someone had the audacity to say "But I thought this was a kid's show???")
The entirety of Gothi's screentime (there were kids cheering for her when she started beating the shit out of the snow wraith)
The entire Deathsong and Thunderdrum ordeals(People really laughed when the gang was having a hard time hearing Hiccup so he had to yell, and ofc there were some who were startled to see the Deathsong being readily implied to be about to eat the Dragon Riders and their dragons [again, not all of them watched HTTYD and those who were only vaguely familiar were Like "I thought this was a kids show!!"])
Had to share, because yeah, I think I may have actually interested like half a class with a "kid's" show
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n1blakelover · 2 years
so rewatching rtte right now and im on season 6 and i just realized that the hiccstrid dynamic is getting very similar to their dynamic in httyd 2 and 3. like yes, their dynamic has always been best friend partner in battle support system, but there’s just a different more mature feeling with it that happens in httyd 2 and 3 and just watching season 6 i’m starting to see that dynamic happen a lot more. just something i noticed, which makes sense since httyd 2 takes place only a year after rtte ends
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000marie198 · 8 months
I wish this season doesn't end on a cliffhanger.
I also wish there are more seasons of Sonic Prime instead of just this one season split into three 8 parters
I don't want this series to be so short and end so quickly
Give us more Sonic Prime aside from this one split up season!
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jackshiccup · 9 months
woah this maces and talons shit is getting serious !
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autisticlittleman · 1 year
MAN I have Thoughts about Toothless in RTTE. first of all. Hiccup had SO many tail designs hanging up on his walls in his hut but they never really got used :( except in like, that one episode that one time. also there were a bunch of times where the gang had to go out at night but people could see toothless just fine. (I can't think of a specific example rn but I'm sure it happened) like, wasn't it a whole thing in the first movie that night furies are wicked fast and genuinely impossible to see in the dark? like, as Hiccup was aiming for him, we only saw him because he blocked the stars. you'd think that if the gang had a dragon that had evolved for nothing but stealth and speed, they'd try to. yk. utilize that. paint a tail fin black and be real sneaky or something. idk.
anyways that's not to say that I don't love the show overall- I'm just a touch sad that that wasn't something the writers explored more.
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ashleybenlove · 11 months
Toothess does not want to wear this fucking armor.
Also, I love shortly after Toothless notices Astrid, he refuses to look at her as if that will protect him from her wrath.
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also yes i am completely aware i am watching rescue riders seasons out of order but I genuinely do not give a fuck i am enjoying myself so much.
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rosiethedragongeek · 2 years
Do you have a favourite episode of rob/dob or rtte? If so, why? (And if it’s about Snotlout I wanna claim the right to say ‘I told you so’ rn. Also same)
My favorite episodes have to include Free Scauldy, Something Rotten on Berserker Island, Last Auction Heroes, Breakneck Bog, Race to Fireworm Island, and Astrid’s Team
That was a long list and even now I keep remembering other episodes I literally adore. The majority of these are Snotlout centric though so you win lol
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httydfanatic · 8 months
so I didn’t realize this until now, but in RTTE season 1 episode 8 "crushing it” there’s a clip where Stoick is giving Gothi shit for her plowing. It shows they’re in a field and I didn’t realize which field it was until now. It’s Mildew’ old cabbage field and his house.
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Still has the hole in the roof from when Snotlout fell through it 3 years ago 🤣
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fairmerthefarmer · 3 months
Some warm up sketches cause I have a whole lot of ideas for HTTYD illustrations/fanart but I need to remember how to draw these guys. (Hiccups hair is so baffling to me to figure out the shapes and have it look right)
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My sister and I have very suddenly decided to rewatch the spin-off shows for HTTYD (not that weird new one, just the ones set in between the first two movies)
I love so much how they expand on the dragon lore but also on the side characters!! Ive got my things about the shows I’d critique, but overall it’s just such a good time.
Also I first watched RTTE in highschool (I remember finding it, binging all the episodes available in a night and being left right at the cliffhanger in season 3) and I was embarrassed about it. I think mostly because the animation style is visibly cheaper than the movies? So it looks more made for children (I mean the target audience still is kids, but also probably young teens so me at the time) (also watching it now despite the budget limits I’m loving the lighting in particular) (rtte improved visually a lot over RoB especially.)
It’s always fun to go back to the things you liked when you were younger and maybe embarrassed but then it’s like “oh actually I had good taste sometimes this is fucking great”
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fictionalnormalcy · 7 months
It still doesnt fail to send chills down my spine, but whenever I watch "Stryke Out". The moment when Ryker sees Toothless in the arena and the immediate recognition on his face. How he demands to know what was done with Hiccup. Like, knowing they were a package deal, how there wasn't a chance of it being another Night Fury. Even Ryker's promise of death if Toothless was killed.
I've always considered a what if. Of had the Riders not arrived in time. The hunters able to subdue the Triple Stryke. Hiccup and Toothless assuredly taken straight to Viggo.
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sarnai4 · 1 month
Butt of the Joke
Something I enjoy in stories is when you can laugh at and with a character. To me, it keeps them from seeming too "important" or flawless. We all make mistakes and being able to laugh at ourselves is nice. That's why I like when they do this with Dagur, but the method is very different from what's done to Snotlout. Something I will probably always be grateful for is that Dagur is a show character and not a movie character. Those in the movies (the rest of the Riders anyway in my opinion) had their development stunted. I'm convinced that the first movie didn't expect the franchise to get as big as it did and just needed some other people to fill out the cast. Unfortunately, they also didn't expect the shows to be super popular. So, Snotlout in HTTYD 3 is still immature enough to flirt with the widowed mom of one of his best friends when RTTE Snotlout would understand how inappropriate that is. All that's to say that the jokes for Snotlout are often at the expense of his character because he still has to end up at whatever point he's at in the movies.
I believe it's in "Shell-Shocked" that there's a joke about Snotlout suggesting they all leave the Edge and run, leaving it for the Hunters. Okay, yes, I chuckled too because it is funny to have a character be so openly fearful. Yet, this doesn't make sense for him at this point. We're on the season 4 finale of a show that happened 2 seasons after the first series. Snotlout should know by now that leaving the same Hunters who had been willing to kill them and a ship of innocent people with a disease can't be left to their own devices. Why wouldn't he want to stay and fight? Even if it's dangerous, of course the villains are going to keep coming for them. Hiccup rightfully points out that they'll just go on to Berk, but why did he have to say this? Snotlout should have known, but the joke was made without considering how much he'd grown and his own bravery and intelligence.
There seems to be a thing about Snotlout being cowardly, but I really don't think he is. In "Gold Rush," there's a wordless joke where he's just screaming his lungs out after getting captured. Not saying he hasn't shrieked when plummeting to what could be death and that's totally fine, but here? Eh, I don't think so. I feel like there would be enough bad blood between him and the Hunters by now so that he wouldn't want to give them the satisfaction of knowing how scared he is. It's also horribly futile. He's gone to save Fishlegs, the twins, and Astrid before. He knows the Hunters won't release them and nothing is even happening besides his cage being moved. I'm probably overthinking these moments, but they annoy me since they paint Snotlout as pathetic when we then see him enter a 21 vs 2 fight in "Something Rotten on Berserker Island" fearlessly. Is he a scaredy cat or not? I just want some consistency, then I'd accept whatever fit with the character I'd been shown.
Dagur's saved from this since all his development is in the show. He's not held back by the movies. So, when there's a joke at his expense, it doesn't contradict anything. I'll try to make the examples as similar as possible for comparability. Dagur's got a joke involving saying the wrong thing and it was in "Mi Amore Wing." He's proposing to have Hiccup be his best man. Yes, this is clearly a unique way to ask someone, but it's also not contradicting anything about Dagur. He's got 0 skills with picking up on social cues and responding to things the way other Vikings generally would. It's also very possible that he's never seen anyone be asked to become a best man before, so he's doing what he thinks is a good way to show he's sincere and would really be happy. I don't leave the scene thinking, "Now, why would he say that, though?" Because he's Dagur. That's enough of a reason.
Dagur's got a scared joke too in "Enemy of My Enemy." When he was on Toothless's saddle, he was terrified and the scream made it pretty clear. This made sense because there was something happening at that moment. It wasn't Dagur letting his enemies see his weakness. It was him being on a dragon for the first time, going very quickly, and not knowing what he was doing. He's even thrown off the saddle as soon as Toothless lands in another moment I thought was funny. It doesn't make him look bad, but we can still laugh at his incompetency in this area.
Both of these characters have several physical gags too where one of them gets hurt and I will admit that those always get me to laugh. It's just times like those I've mentioned for Snotty that disappoint me. I really like him too. I think if he were allowed to be a more respectable character, it would be great. Dagur proves the writers know how to do that. We can laugh at him without him doing anything that opposes what they've set up. On the other side of this, Snotlout will act one way, then contradict the very personality we just saw him develop. I can't think of a single time when I couldn't explain one of Dagur's actions through use of his personality. I think that's how it should be. If it's in-character, then it makes sense. If not, then maybe the scene should be worked on a bit longer for this to be fixed.
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n1blakelover · 2 years
so i’ve been on a httyd binge the past few days and i just watched httyd 3 and can i just say,,, i will never not sob at the goodbye scene, epilogue, and end credits. i sobbed the first time i saw it, i will sob every time i see it
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