#royal garden hotel location
wellourgerdes · 3 months
The Royal Garden Hotel
The Royal Garden Hotel Kensington, London, UK This five-star Kensington hotel offers 24-hour health service, 3-AA Rosette Chinese cuisine, and breathtaking views of London.   A stay at the Royal Garden Hotel places you in the heart of London, right next to Hyde Park and in the vibrant Kensington area, on the border of Kensington Gardens, in a glass and stone structure from the 1960s. It is just…
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lisbeth-kk · 11 days
May Prompts (25) Intuition
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 25)
Summary: Rosie's protective foursome are visiting her in Paris, Mycroft shows off his poshness, and they all meet Timothy and his parents at a well-chosen location.
Twenty-Five Years Old
The years in Paris went by too fast, and suddenly I had turned twenty-five and was graduating from uni. Sadly, both mine and Timothy’s graduation ceremonies were on the same evening, but we all had plans to meet the next day. I’ll admit that I had mixed emotions about that. My parents and uncles were to meet Timothy and his parents, and I couldn’t help thinking of all the different directions that meeting could go.
“It’ll be fine, love,” Timothy assured me. “Mum and Dad are over the moon to meet your celeb family, and I’m sure The Fab Four will behave for a few hours.”
“Ha! My intuition tells me otherwise. I wouldn’t put it past Papa to give some snarky remarks if he’s annoyed with your mother’s lipstick or your dad’s shoelaces,” I sighed.
“You know John won’t allow that, Ro,” Timothy laughed. “And your uncles are less inclined to cause any damage, I think. Relax.”
I had only met the Browns once before. Marie was a secondary school teacher, loved the royal family passionately, royals in general actually, and she was also a decent tennis player. Daniel was a business solicitor, loved his singing, and was quite a wine connoisseur.
“They’re both perfect conversation partners for Mycroft,” Papa informed me after I’d met them. He can share gossip from the palace with her and show off his wine cellar to Brown senior.”
Dad tried to shush him, but his efforts were nonsensical, and I was inclined to agree. 
Whenever uncle Myc visited Paris, he stayed at the Four Seasons Hotel George V, and for my graduation dinner, we ate at one of the hotel’s restaurants, Le Cinq. His Poshness, as Papa called him, moved through the restaurant after the maître d’ like he owned the place. Uncle’s three-piece suit had never been more appropriate. The rest of us were dressed up as well. Papa even wore a tie, which I hadn’t seen on him since my uncles’ wedding. 
The food was arranged like tiny artworks, and I felt like a vandal ruining them with the cutlery. Once the first bite reached my taste buds however, all regrets were forgotten. Each dish surpassed the other visually, and with different textures and surprising combinations of flavours. Every wine was perfectly matched with the food, and even uncle Greg, who was more of a beer lover, admitted that it was quite good, which earned him an exasperated sigh from his husband.
“How’s the job search going?” Dad asked after the third course was devoured.
“I’m expecting a few answers over the next weeks. Hopefully, something turns up,” I said.
I actually had high hopes, having already been summoned to an interview when I was returning to London the following week. Papa gave me a thoughtful look and shifted his gaze towards his brother who lifted an eyebrow just the tiniest bit, which made me sigh and swallow my remark with some excellent chardonnay.
To Marie’s delight, we were meeting at Versailles the next day. Neither of us wanted to take the guided tour but preferred to walk in the gigantic garden. 
“Much easier to escape if the conversation gets tedious,” Papa teased.
“Brother mine,” uncle Myc warned, more out of habit than an actual rebuke.
We had agreed to meet on the balustrade where it would be easier to spot each other. I could see that Marie was fidgety and excited, while Daniel seemed quite composed.
“Better at hiding it,” Dad remarked, which earned him an incredulous look from me and a fond chuckle from Papa.
“Is this mind reading business contagious?” I sighed and walked towards Timothy and his parents.
“The Fab Four are behaving,” Timothy stated. “A bit disappointing really.”
“Try refreshing,” I retorted dryly.
“Do you think Sherlock would mind if I asked him to deduce some of the people here?” Marie asked in a hushed voice, which Papa had no problem hearing.
“I don’t mind at all, Marie,” Papa interrupted with a bow. “Anyone in particular?”
And with that, Marie and Papa stuck their heads together to conspire. Daniel and Timothy looked amused, while the rest of us rolled our eyes, though I must admit it was the perfect ice breaker, and I was relieved that my intuition about Papa’s behaviour had been wrong.
Also available on AO3
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @helloliriels @raina-at
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nexility-sims · 4 months
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𝐍𝐎. 𝟏   ❛ 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ❜   |   VARIOUS LOCATIONS, LATE 1990 - EARLY 1991
❧  𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠  /  𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬  /  𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭.
❛ In early March, the Office of the Crown released its first personal statement since the funeral. It resembled the releases that had followed other deaths: ' With the mourning period ended, our family is eager to return to public life. We have spent our time away in the traditional manner. Our ancestors understood the loss of a loved one demands total acknowledgment. Public ceremony is one component, but life cannot resume without granting the wound time to heal. This is reality for even those of us blessed with tremendous responsibility. We expect to always bear the scar of remembrance, just as we know the nation will, but we remain grateful for this time of recovery. Each of us has engaged in true reflection. We intend to recommit to Uspana and its People with clarity and appreciation. This is what our beloved Princess Safya would have wanted. '
❧ i did kinda phone this one in, but akjfsdh it's a nice montage, i think.
𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 ↓
In truth, the family’s practice of mourning varied enough to warrant a white lie to the public. Some did indeed take the traditional approach. Rodrigo, Matias, and Leonor all sequestered themselves away to a degree; they engaged in that esteemed “true reflection” with only their selves and their memories as company. For others, the dictates of tradition mattered less. Their mourning looked like clinging to routine, revisiting familiar places, seeking comfort in the presence of others. Beatriz returned to Yaas for the first time in years, welcoming for once the way her childhood haunted it. Contemplation could find its way into these activities—in the tranquil baking Olalla did or the letters Mateo wrote to his father—but not everyone was willing to allow it. They formed a spectrum in their grief, one that none policed or much noticed.
The only requirement was that they maintain privacy. Whether at Alam Palace, in the residential quarters of Nakawe Palace, or retreated to personal homes and hotel rooms, they were to be reclusive. An uneasy but time-honored truce existed with the media. Whether the respectable evening news journalists or the scrappy tabloid photographers, all kept their distance. The Crown’s official policy nonetheless remained: they were untrustworthy. The intrepid would seek gossip from launderers and groundskeepers and couriers. The foolish would trespass, slinking along unmarked trails and hoping for glimpses of impromptu promenades through gardens and on private beachfronts. Temporarily, the embargo held. Pop stars, politicians, actors, and socialites dominated the headlines. The media cultivated a surreal alternate reality for the public in which Princess Safya had never existed because Uspana had no royal family of which to speak. All the while, they stockpiled stories to inaugurate the eighty-first day.
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eadanga · 4 months
A Royal Valentine's Day
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Gabriella sat in the limo as she heading back to the palace she had a meeting with a duchess and had established a trade negotiation with her. She felt good and was ready to tell Liam all about it. She pulled out her phone and looked at the date Oh geez look at the time will I be able to give Liam his Valentine’s gift I really wanted to do something amazing for him She sighs then smiles Well it’s ok I can still do something for him I bet he’s not even back with all the meetings he has
The Limo pulls up to the palace gates and Gabriella walks inside she looks around and sees no sign of Liam It sounds quiet I guess he’s not here She walked up the stairs to their living room and saw a note on the table
Happy Valentine’s Day my love I’m waiting for you at a secret location but first I’ve got some surprises for you what they are I can not tell you’re gonna have to find out for yourself. Now head to the limo I’ve the driver instructions on where to take you. First put on the dress I left for you on the bed and head outside love you with everything within me
Gabriella grinned widely as she headed to the bedroom and saw a beautiful simmering purple dress with shoes and jewelry next to it she quickly puts it on and admires herself in the mirror “Liam has amazing taste” She heads out her door to the limo then drives away
The limo pulls up at the airport and Gabriella gets on the private jet she smiles as she drinks her wine Liam is always doing over the top things for me I can’t wait to see what he has in store for me The plane lands in New York and another limo brings her back to her old bar Gabriella steps inside and her eyes light up as she sees the place decorated with millions of rose bouquets Gabriella smiles as she reads a note on one of them
My Love,
Remember when we first met here? I know I was with the guys all night but my eyes were only on you. I couldn’t stop admiring at how beautiful you were and still are. Honestly I’ve never had my heart skip a beat as it did that night and I remember everything you did for me to see the Statue of Liberty and then when we kissed I swear fireworks when off it was such an amazing night. I’m repaying you back for that night 100 times over but even this could not amount to love I have for you. Now head to the next destination my love
Gabriella felt tears coming to her eyes “Oh God Liam you’re gonna make me cry” She took one of the bouquets and headed to the limo. The limo takes her back to the jet and the jet lands back in Cordonia and the limo takes her to the palace gardens she heads to the center of the maze and sees a table with multiple boxes of chocolate she reads the next note
Remember we came here during the ball and I confessed how much I love you. To be honest with you I knew I was in love with you while we were in Lythikos and we spent that time in the hot tub together. I wanted to tell you during the beach party but wasn’t the right time and we got interrupted by those animals running around. After all the time we spent together I wanted to make sure when I said it would be the perfect moment. I almost lost control a few times specifically while we were at the Beaumont estate God you were so beautiful and it took everything within me not to ravish you right there. Now I can say it whenever I want and have you in my arms everyday I love you. Now off to the next stop
“Aww Liam this is so sweet” She opens one of the boxes and eats the chocolate “Mmm this is good I wonder what else is in store” She heads to the limo. The limo drives her back to the airport and she boards the jet and the jet lands in Paris. She heads to the limo and it stops at a hotel. The front desk people hand her the room key and Gabriella heads to the room and opens the door. There’s a single box on the bed and she opens it her eyes go wide at the sight of the necklace and earrings inside she reads the note beside it
All throughout the engagement tour with Madeline my mind was all on you I couldn’t get you out of my head I wanted to do so much with you throughout it. Honestly it was disgusting that Madeline even offered me that deal but I had no choice but to take it since there was plot against you. But once we figured it out I was so glad to finally be with the woman I love so much. The tour we had I was much happier to know that we were planning our wedding and that I would officially call you my wife. The happiest day of my life was the day we stood at the altar and said I do. I swear I stopped breathing the minute I saw you in that dress and don’t even get me started on the reception one you drove me so wild. The box I left you well these are my mother’s jewels I want you to have it because I know she’ll want the woman that I love and cherish to be wearing them. I’m giving them to you because no other woman deserves it more than you I love you. The last stop is where I am I can’t wait to see you
Gabriella can’t hold back her tears “Liam this is the most thoughtful gift you’ve ever given me this is so amazing” She takes a deep breath and fans herself “I’m gonna need a minute before I go see him” She takes another deep breath then heads to the limo. The limo stops in front of the Eiffel Tower and Gabriella grins before she eagerly heads to the top where Liam stands enjoying the view of the city.
He turns smiling “There’s my beautiful queen”
Gabriella jumps into his arms then kisses him deeply his arms tighten arounds her before she pulls away giggling “I can’t believe you doing all this sending all over just to get here you could have just told me to come here”
Liam chuckles “What’s the fun in that?”
“You’re always doing over the top things for me”
“If I had my way I broadcast to the world how much I love my wife but spoiling her with a million gifts that’s even better”
Gabriella grins “I love you too Liam you’re so amazing and I’m so happy to be with you”
“I love you more Gabby more than you can imagine more than you ever dream to me everyday is Valentine’s day with you” He kisses her deeply as the fireworks go off in the background
Tags: @mfackenthal @indiacater @the-soot-sprite @iaminlovewithtrr @gkittylove99 @twinkleallnight @princess-geek
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grimowled · 19 days
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siempreminta said: The Nephilim studied the map on her phone, trying to figure out the city of Lust. She had become familiar with Pride City, being the resident of the Hazbin Hotel, but wanted to expand her horizon beyond that one location. Besides that, she had heard stories of a Goetian that had knowledge of the vast universe. Maybe he held the answers she sought for. Her golden gaze fell upon the royal palace, taken aback by the sight and sheer size of it. Her nerves made her frozen for a moment, second-guessing herself whether or not she was making the right decision. Well, only one way to find out. Breathing deeply, she rapped her knuckles on the massive doorway, waiting with anticipation to meet this famed Goetian prince.
HE WAS LOVINGLY TRIMMING one of his venus flytraps when a voice suddenly roused his wandering mind from botanical pursuits, as his butler announced a visitor; the owl prince's features twitched with mild annoyance as he paused and slipped out of his gardening gloves to ready himself to either entertain or banish, depending on who it was that dared to seek him out in his own domain.
he instructed his imp butler to precede him and welcome the unexpected guest to wait for him in the antechamber of his study, a dimly lit corridor veined with eerily dancing lights and looming shadows, walls carpeted with stuffy old goetia portraits that gave the illusion of moving within their ornate frames under the flickering candlelight, and an enticing, almost sickeningly sweet scent of delicately wilting flowers to taunt and tempt the mind. the crown and cape of his regal status donned, stolas strode like a vengeful spirit down the endless corridors of his palace, allowing the inky tendrils to follow and bolster his threatening aura.
when the doors opened into the study, a grand room bejewelled with the orbiting sheen of hanging astronomical instruments, and vaulted ceilings that seemed to open into swirling, purple-hued galaxies, he stood there solemnly, his poise chilling and yet perfectly polite, as befit demon royalty of his caliber.
he didn't often receive visits from sinners as his focus was on mortal souls above, though the occasional stray soul that hadn't already fallen into the greedy clutches of overlords or lesser demons still came through, every once in a blue moon; but one look at her with his shrewd predator eyes confirmed the notion that she was no sinner, nor she was like most denizens of hell; in fact the likes of her were a rarity among them not to be easily dismissed, and certainly not expected at the doorstep of a goetian prince. he could infer who she was, but as to her motives? he could only suppose that she sought what everyone ever sought of him - knowledge.
this could be ... interesting.
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"--well met and welcome to my humble home, dear."
he spoke in the practiced false modesty of aristocracy, tipping his crowned head ever so slightly in acknowledgement;
"who might you be, and what do you seek from stolas of the ars goetia?"
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another-sonic-blog · 1 year
The Fanfictioner Ch.6: Drunk Confessions
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For a better reading experience: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23815324/chapters/57221092
Thanks @/redsunlight for the art cover!
The Fanfictioner Ch.6: Drunk Confessions
TW: Drinking (Idk but just in case lol)
Stupid Tabloids.
Sonic was right. They were watching.
The paparazzi had taken pictures of her and Shadow on the cruise. People still think that they were dating even when Shadow confirmed on his Bitter account that they were just co-workers.
But of course, the people still had their speculations.
"It's not the first time they make tabloids. They used to write about us all the time before too, remember?"
Sonic is as excited as he could be to finally touch the ground again. He wants to run and start exploring again on an island he has yet to explore completely. He was on Acorn Island once, for a war. Now he is here for peace.
"Don't worry too much about it."
Amy smiles at the blue hedgehog and he smiles back as they slowly walk down the ramp of the cruise to the port.
They expected people to be there but not to this extent. There were posters of their faces, cameras, and flowers thrown at them.
"Sonic marry me!"
"Amy have my kids!"
"Sticks step on me!"
"Tails come check my plane!"
"Knuckles carry me!"
They are surprised by the amount of security there is, the people and the cameras, and the amount of support that they were receiving. And one question raises ...
"All of this support ... and we are still getting paid minimum wage?"
They better start reading the contracts for next time. Regardless, as they walk down the ramp and greet the fans, a black limousine is waiting for them. As they almost reach the limousine, the entire crowd goes silent. Of course, this gets the attention of the Sonic Team.
It's Shadow the Hedgehog, wearing a black leather jacket and shades which made all the girls and some guys fangirl and scream in excitement.
Quickly enough, a black van pulls behind the limousine. The door opens and Mia, Shadow's manager, comes out of it.
"We have your hotel reserved and your bike will be waiting there for you as well," Mia says as she guides Shadow to the car as quickly as possible. The crowd could break the metal barriers any second.
"Did anyone ride my bike here?" Shadow asks as he passes by Sonic Team, pretending they don't exist.
"Of course not," Mia responds.
"Good, I don't want anyone touching my bike."
Shadow lets his manager go first into the van and then he goes in. Probably the first time showing his gentlemanly side to the public.
After that, they drove off.
They were all given individual rooms in the castle. Yet, they have not met the Queen. Something about 'making it formal' because 'royal protocol'
It is exciting, except for Sonic, no one has ever met the Queen before.
Amy wonders what to wear for tomorrow. Her usual fighting clothes? Or something more formal? Maybe she should ask Sticks what she will be wearing tomorrow. But knowing her, Sticks doesn't really care and will wear whatever she feels comfortable with.
Maybe she will ask one of the Queen's many maids for assistance on this one.
She has a large bed, with beautiful golden frames. A few paintings decorated the wall and there is a vanity mirror in front of her bed. A window with a long curtain. Her room was located in a small tower of the castle and if she wanted, she could jump and enjoy the castle's beautiful garden.
Beep Beep
It's her phone.
She jumps into her king-size bed. Amy could not even consider this a bed, if anything they were just bed sheets, and underneath its just fluffy clouds. The pink hedgie feels she could fall asleep any moment as the bed is too comfortable to resist. Yet, she tries her best to keep her eyes open. Just to text him back.
TheFanfictioner#0619: This might sound annoying but ... Do you have any chapter updates? I am in this new place right now and I can't sleep at all.
Although many authors may find comments and messages of 'update soon' to be annoying, Amy did not mind. She is more grateful that people take the time to comment. 'Update soon', 'Please update' she did not mind. A comment is a comment and she appreciates all of them. She prefers to take it positively. As if people can't wait to read more of her stories and just beg her for more.
Of course, she loves and prefers very detailed comments from people analyzing her story arcs and characters. But all of them are.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Oh, business trip? And I can send you some drafts I wrote.
TheFanfictioner#0619: Something like that. I am meeting with an old friend ... And PLEASE send those drafts ASAP"
The pink one giggles a bit as she sends a word doc to her friend. It's good that he asked, she's been wanting to get feedback.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Don't leak them tho.
TheFanfictioner#0619: As if. I can't afford a lawsuit.
Talking about the lawsuit reminds her of the situation she has back at home. She still doesn't know how to go about being sued if she doesn't accept being a writer for Sonic Boom.
But ... she kinda wants to do it.
Of course, if she's allowed to send scripts anonymously and never have to show her face.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Yeah me either. Talking about lawsuits, I may be getting sued by the Sonic Boom team.
TheFanfictioner#0619:Uh? Why?
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Well, so I got asked to be the main writer of the Sonic Boom show. And I can't even deny the offer because they will sue me if I do.
The Sonic Boom Show Team had contacted her via the email she used to create an account on fanxfiction.com. In the email, there was a pdf contract and a deadline to sign before they take legal action. Two weeks from now.
TheFanfictioner#0619: About that ... If you don't want to do it, I think I can help.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Uh?
TheFanfictioner#0619: It's hard to explain over text and you won't probably believe me even if I told you so ... I was wondering if you would like to meet me?
You probably won't believe me? One thing he is not going to believe is she is actually the actress Amy Rose who just likes to write fanfiction out of the show she acts in.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Meet you?
TheFanfictioner#0619: I promise you I am not a creep. We will meet at a public place.
How can she explain that she also carries a really big hammer that could break anyone's bones?
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: I can take care of myself, that's not what worries me. Which Island are you from?
TheFanfictioner#0619: Right now I am in Acorn Island ... and you?
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Omg, what a coincidence! Me too! But I am not sure ... uh ... I kinda ... I am a shy person.
And by 'shy' she meant 'famous' ... Just a little bit.
TheFanfictioner#0619: "Me too but I really want to help you. It's unfair what they are doing to you."
She doesn't know why but ... she got this sparkly sensation in her stomach. They have been talking for a couple of months, and she is excited to meet her number one reader.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Well, right now I am in Acorn city and I don't know if I'll have time to travel to another city.
TheFanfictioner#0619: Oh, I am in Acorn City too! We could meet at Momo's cafe on Saturday at 9 pm?
Amy didn't know where Momo's cafe is but she knew that she could just Xoogle it and find it. Saturday is supposed to be the date of the royal ball but she could ask for a break.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: 9 pm? I think I can make it.
TheFanfictioner#0619: Alright, I'll see you.
Everything is extremely formal. Amy expected it to be like this but her friends seem to have not gotten the memo, except for Tails who was wearing a suit.
The guards step aside as they walk across the corridor until they finally reached an enormous door that slowly opens by itself. There, were no guards there. Maybe because they were heroes but she was not expecting this level of trust.
"Welcome heroes of Ancient Island, it is my pleasure to have you here."
She definitely was not the newspaper and media made her be. Not fancy dresses, no crown but instead a blue vest, white shirt, jeans, and boots. Princess Sally Acorn looks like a normal Mobian but there is still an elegant aura radiating from her. She's stunning.
"My Princess."
Everyone bows and bends the knee, except for Sonic who just smiled at his old friend.
"Oh please don't do that, it's awkward and old fashioned," the princess moves her hand from side to side, signaling everyone to stand up. They really weren't expecting this.
"Princess Sally, we-" Tails wanted to thank her for inviting them but he is quickly interrupted
"Just call me Sally."
"Oh ok Sally, thank you for having us over," Tails says. "If there is anything we can help with, please let us know."
"Actually that's what I wanted to talk to you all about," the Princess walks down from her throne and slowly makes her way towards the heroes. "There is really nothing to protect here. I didn't want to you come as bodyguards. I just want you to be here as guests of the crown, support the crown."
Sonic steps forward from the team. This is not usual for him. It's not like he is in a fighting stance, but Amy knew him better than anyone. Although he is in a room with friends, Sonic does not seem too friendly around Sally. He is wary and his taking a step closer to the Princess is a slight way to protect them.
"And by supporting the crown you mean?"
"It just means talking good about us."
"Yeah, we can do that!" Sticks say and Knuckles nods to that, soon Tails agrees as well.
But Amy looks at Sonic and he doesn't look good. The blue blur does a small turn and he smiles at his team.
"Hey guys, can you give me and Sally a few minutes to talk? We haven't seen each other in such a long time, we need to catch up."
There are a few seconds of silence and everyone looks at each other. All four had different ideas as to what they might talk about
"Yes, of course," Amy is the one to speak up. Faking a smile while she tries to push everyone out of the room. The sooner they get out, the sooner she can be depressed.
"Feel free to explore the city, our chauffeur can take you anywhere," Sally waves at them goodbye as the large doors start to open for them. "I recommend buying something fitting for the ball tomorrow."
"Cool! Thank you so much!" Everyone says except Amy.
She keeps making eye contact with Sonic and as the doors began to close again, he gives her a small sincere smile.
"Come on Amy, lighten up!" Knuckles says. "Just because Sonic and Princess Sally are alone in a room does not mean that they might remember their time together during a war and fall in love."
Was she being so obvious? Amy is aware that she's being too insecure but how couldn't she? Sally is the perfect choice for Sonic ... Not like she is most of a choice anyways.
"I think what Knuckles are trying to say is that you should have fun. You always wanted to come to Acorn City after all."
The chauffeur had dropped them off at Emerald Central. A section of the city full of shops, movie theaters, museums, shopping centers, and many other things. It is a big city and there is much exploring to do but all of Amy's motivation went away.
"It's not about Sonic," she lies. "I am worried about being followed."
"Followed?" Tails asks as he giggles a bit. "Come on Amy, why would anyone follow us-"
They look at each other in disbelief. People start to run towards them. Panic kicks in their bodies as the screams get louder.
"Alright, let's separate, and once we lose them we can regroup!" the fox starts to fly as the rest of the team nods and after a small exchange of looks, they run in different directions.
The pink hedgehog runs as fast as she could. But everywhere she goes someone would recognize her. A cafe? There is a fan. A movie theater? A fan. A convenience store? A fan.
Now she is hiding at a museum. Thinking that maybe people will respect being quiet and not scream her name.
Amy rests a bit. Taking a big breath, she decides to take a quick look at the museum. She is here already anyways. There were great paintings indeed. Some of people, flowers and landscapes. There is one painting in particular that caught her attention. It's of a human lady, which is strange as it is. It's on a few occasions humans from Earth come visit their world. And most of the time is for politics. There are a few humans in Mobius but Amy is sure that there are less than ten.
The lady in the painting is sitting under a tree. Long brown hair, brown eyes, and a dress. All around her was a field of lavender flowers. Amy feels relaxed and safe the moment she sees her.
"The lady in waiting ... One of my favorite paintings."
Amy hears a male voice and a figure approaches her. Said figure wore a black hoodie that covered his head, he wore a facemask, shades, and a cap. Jeans and black combat boots.
"At first you can't see it. But the painting tells a story," the mysterious figure points at a small part of the painting. In the background, there is another figure approaching the lady without her knowledge.
"This lady wears human customary clothes of someone married. However, there is no ring on her finger, no jewelry that indicates that she's married," he then points at the flowers. "The lavender flowers symbolize love and devotion. Her face is not quite sad, or happy ... she is just there. Waiting for something ... or someone."
Amy starts to connect the pieces, the story already planned in her head.
"She is waiting for her lover ... and unknown to her, he is making his way up the hill to finally reunite with her."
The guy next to her nods in approval, still appreciating the artwork.
"I like how this painting makes the viewer think of possible stories after they meet up."
"Yes ... I wonder so many things. Why did they part? How long did it take for them to reunite? What happened after? Were they happy? ... Or maybe that figure in the background is coming to tell her the sad news that her lover is not coming back?"
Amy did not want to jump to conclusions. But that voice is almost immediately recognizable. Even when he is whispering, he had that distinctive voice.
Which is kinda sad. With such a detailed analysis of the painting, Amy hoped this guy could be The Fanfictioner.
But of course, it was just Shadow. Or at least Amy thinks he is. He was all covered up and she couldn't see his face properly.
"Her lover is dead? I think that's really sad ... I don't know if I like that."
"Yes but I think it fits. I think that even after knowing her lover is dead, she will still climb up that hill every day and wait under that tree ... making this painting timeless. She will always be waiting ... and he will always be looking."
This made Amy's brain spark an idea. Her writing side taking over, but she suppressed those thoughts for later
"That's bittersweet."
"Yes, my favorite type of ending."
After a few seconds of silence, Amy hears a few whispers, and she notices that a few people are pointing at her.
She is starting to miss Ancient Island. People were used to seeing it there. Amy is not used to being this popular whatsoever. She is pretty sure the reason they are starting to become more popular is because of Shadow-
"You know, maybe if you didn't dress the same as you do in the show, you wouldn't be recognized."
"Am I supposed to dress ridiculously like that?"
Instead of insulting Amy, Shadow just raises his shades, revealing his red eyes.
"If you don't want to get followed then yeah."
Amy looks at Shadow with begging eyes and immediately Shadow sighs.
"My bike is parked outside."
"What is the point of your bike being outside if we ain't gonna ride it?"
Amy and Shadow are now running through the streets of Emerald Central. Hiding behind a few buildings on an alley. They see as a few Mobians pass by them, still trying to find her.
"Everyone knows my bike ... If people see you and me riding it, they will definitely think we are dating," Shadow says as he peaks his head a little to see if anyone is around. "Besides I don't like anyone riding my bike but me, I'll just go pick it up later."
"You let me ride your motorcycle before," Amy says, thinking just how her friends are doing.
"Well, yeah cause that was a borrowed motorcycle," Shadow took off his black cap and put it on Amy's head. "I paid to borrow it until my bike gets shipped. But I am back home and I want to ride it until it gets sent to Ancient Island."
Amy didn't like wearing the cap, but she assumed that Shadow gave it to her so her face wouldn't be too noticeable.
"Anyways, this is where we part ways," Shadow makes a half turn and starts to walk away, thinking he already did his good action of the day.
"Wait! I need your help! If I get out of here those people will follow me again!"
Shadow keeps walking, the last thing he wants is for people to see them together and start thinking the worse.
"Sorry but I have an image to keep. My manager already got angry at me. I can't be seen with you again."
"Please! If you help me I'll ..."
It is a desperate time. She could still hear the people nearby and the more time she passes, the more she is at risk. It's not because she didn't like meeting fans, but because she is scared. In Ancient Island, people just know she is an actress and a hero. But here it's different. She is expected to be more, to not make mistakes. To be a famous person and she is not ready for that yet. Amy is not ready to go to the world and embarrass herself in front of everyone.
"I'll get you an invitation to go to Princess Sally's ball tomorrow!"
Shadow stops midway.
"You don't have an invitation right? And ... You like her don't you? I am still not sure what kind of relationship you had with her but-"
"Fine. Let's go."
Oh, he must really like her. That's what Amy thought since there is no hesitation coming from Shadow.
"I'll help you get a few clothes and then you give me that invitation," Shadow stretches his right hand. "Deal?"
Without hesitation, Amy accepts.
When Shadow told Amy that he was going to take her out shopping, she thought she will be going to a thrift store. After all, she just needs a simple change of clothes.
"Amy, come on. I can't help you if you aren't listening," Shadow breaks her trance as he snaps his fingers in front of her. "Tell me what's your favorite brand so I can buy clothes accordingly."
"Um ... Torget?"
Shadow facepalms and just turns to look at the salesperson. "Just bring me an all Deor-black outfit."
"Yes, Mr. Hedgehog," the saleslady leaves elegantly.
It is an extremely luxurious shop. The ceiling has chandeliers, the floor is crystal. Everything shines and sparkles and Amy knew one thing for certain.
"Shadow, I can't afford this," she whispers to him as she follows him. He is looking at some pair of shoes from an illuminated stand. "Sonic Boom doesn't make that much money and you know that!"
"Calm down, I'll pay."
"Can we just go to a cheaper place? Like I don't know ... Walmort?"
"No, those places are filled with people. We will be spotted there," Shadow puts the pair of shoes down and picks another. "I brought you here because it's safe, only elite people know of this place and people get paid here to keep quiet on who comes in and out."
"Did you read the new First Impressions chapter?!"
Amy could feel her cheeks burn as she hears the name of her fanfic. It was one thing that people knew about it. But it is completely different when the actor who is the main love interest of your fanfic is aware of your writing.
Was Shadow aware? Of all of those fanfics, people would write about them? That she is probably one of the most popular ShadAmy fanfics out there?
"Stupid fanfiction," Shadow whispers but Amy is close enough for her to hear him. "If it wasn't because of that fanfiction, we wouldn't have to hide like this. Now everyone wants us to be dating and see romance where there is none."
Amy wonders how the same thing. She could not see what people see in them. Is it because they were opposites? Because Shadow gives off the 'bad boy' aesthetic and she is a 'good girl'?
What exactly did everyone see that makes them 'ship' them?
He is wearing an Alezander Mckeen suit. Shannel Cologne and some shoes that he didn't even recognize the brand of. It's definitely not his type of attire but he could get sued if he is seen wearing other brands that are not part of his contract. Or so his manager says. One of Mia's priorities is to keep his image safe and Shadow did not want her work to go to waste.
He parked his bike a few meters away from the castle. It's quiet here although from afar he can still hear the screams of fans and camera flashes. The only thing keeping them away is the enormous gate surrounding the lands of the castle and the guards who are there to protect it. It was easy to come inside however, as soon as Shadow showed his invitation, he was allowed to come inside the lands.
It's been 30 minutes and he is still not able to get off his bike.
His heartbeat is increasing and his hands are sweating.
Shadow is nervous ... but he has to act like he is not.
How many years has it been since he has seen her? Will she remember him? Absolutely. What a stupid question. The real question is whether she feels the same as him or not.
The famous actor feels a buzz inside the pocket of his suit, he immediately knew it was his phone. He takes it out and looks at the screen, it's a message from his best friend.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Still down for tonight?
Shadow smiles and types right away as he makes a small detour into the royal garden. He could hear some music being played from the inside but he focused on texting first.
TheFanfictioner#0619: Absolutely. I just need to finish some work and I'll be heading my way.
By work, Shadow meant talking to Sally and re-opening past relationships. Nothing too serious, he just wants to clear some things up.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Great. I'll let you know when I get there.
TheFanfictioner#0619: Can't wait to see you.
For a short second, Shadow thought that maybe that sounded a bit too romantic. But he completely disregarded the idea as it's more than clear that they are both friends.
He has to admit, that he is a bit scared. Mostly because he is a famous actor obsessed with fanfiction. Would she judge him? Probably not. After all, she is a fanfic writer. That alone made Shadow feel more relaxed.
He finally has someone he can talk about his favorite fanfics without being judged.
Suddenly, he hears talking. Jumping to the nearest bush, he hides away from the two walking figures.
Shadow recognizes that voice.
It's Sally ... and that blue hedgehog.
TheFanfictioner#0619: Can't wait to see you.
Amy puts her phone into her dress' hidden pocket. She is thinking of ways she can get to Momo's cafe without being followed by fans. It's possible but she is going to have to wear an all-black outfit and cover every single part of her body. Nonetheless, she is excited to meet the Fanfictioner. Finally, someone, she can talk to about fanfiction without being judged.
He said he wanted to help with her current situation. She still didn't know how exactly he will help but she didn't have too many options regardless.
What if he is a lawyer?
Whoever he was, Amy knew they will have a fun time.
She hears laughter coming from outside her window. Amy wouldn't have minded too much if it wasn't because she could recognize that laugh anywhere.
The pink hedgehog walks towards her balcony and looks down at the royal garden.
There she finds them.
They had spent the whole day yesterday together. After his team left him to talk to Sally, Sonic and she went to explore Acorn City and remember the old days. At first, he didn't want to say a word about what is on his mind. Sonic appreciated Sally deeply, but he also didn't want to get involved in Royal affairs.
He took her to the Royal Garden, known for its beautiful red roses and variety of flowers. More than a diplomatic conference, this ball gives off a different kind of conference. More of a social gathering than old people trying to discuss political matters.
Slowly walking through a path of grass, Sonic looks up at the sky. The stars are not as visible and he remembers how beautiful the night sky looks on Ancient Island.
"I want to be clear," Sonic clears his voice and then looks at the Princess. "My team and I follow no one. I don't know what kinda conflicts your nation may have gotten into, but we don't pick sides."
Sally sighs, this complicated things so much for her. She expected some preference coming from Sonic.
"I have to admit that tensions between other nations have been rising."
"Is there a possibility of a war starting?"
"No, I don't think so," she says, looking at Sonic's green eyes. "As long as we have the Hero of the Seven Island on my side ... I am sure the other Island won't intervene."
Sonic sighs heavily. He stops and looks at Sally, now he has a more serious aura around him. After all, he is right. A Princess will be a Princess and she has to protect her kingdom no matter what. Nonetheless, it is a bit disappointing to him that she contacted him just for her benefit.
"I am not against your Island, I am not against the others either. So don't think you will be using us as your 'weapon' for whatever political strategy you are thinking."
Sally just smiles and Sonic finds comfort in this. He never knew what she was thinking. And he does not think he ever will.
"That's fine with me. I know that if it ever comes down to it, you will choose me."
There are some flirtatious mannerisms in her voice and movements. Sonic only took this as teasing and he only takes it as that. With confidence in his voice, he replies.
"No promises."
They laugh a little without noticing how in the bushes a dark hedgehog is on the verge of vomiting due to the interactions between the two.
After a few seconds of silence, Sonic is about to leave but Sally stops him by grabbing him by the arm.
"Before you go, I have one question," the Princess slowly lets him go and Sonic noticed a seriousness in her face that was not there before.
"What's up?"
"Do you still want to marry me?"
On a few occasions, Sonic blushes and this is one of these moments. He quickly looks away and scratches his nose. Sally is too close to him for his comfort but it didn't bother him either.
"Oh, come on Sally! We were kids when I asked you that," Sonic puts his hands behind his head, or at least tried to. The black suit that he is wearing made it hard for him to move freely.
"Besides the whole royal thing is not my thing. I don't like staying in one place for too long."
"I know. I have a duty to my kingdom and you have a duty to the people," Sally completely lets go of him, and now she has a sad face. More than anything, nostalgic. "We would have never worked out."
He is genuinely worried mostly because he is not used to seeing Sally like this. Not seeing her being her usual self is heart-wrenching to Sonic.
"Why bring that up?"
"I am in an arranged marriage," she says. "My father gave me the option to marry any royal from any Island I wanted ... Or you."
He is not stupid. Sonic is aware of the position that he holds. Having the title of the Hero of the Seven Island has some power. People follow him. Sally marrying him will only give her more political leverage. But he is not one to take sides and he is not one to be tied down. Especially by someone he does not longer have romantic feelings for.
"I thought that if I had to choose between people I don't know and you ... I would choose you."
"Sally ... I am sorry, I-"
"No, it's alright.," she raises her hand and stops him from talking. She does not want his pity. " I knew this day will come. Like I've said, I have a duty to my kingdom and this is what I must do to protect them."
Sonic starts walking again, looking at the red roses that remind him of a certain pink hedgehog. He doesn't know if he is going crazy but he could feel a malignant stare coming from the bushes.
"So this dance ball ... is just to meet your suitors? Inst it?"
Princess Sally nods, knowing that they are going to have to go back to the castle soon. Tonight she has to meet many people and she is looking forward to seeing Shadow. She found it strange that Amy had asked for an invitation for Shadow but she immediately said yes. It's been years since they last talked and they also have many things to clear out.
"If there is anything else I can do to help-"
"You being here is enough," she interrputs him and instead gets closer to him. He couldn't deny how beautiful she is even when that sad face of her is still present. "Thank you, Sonic."
"For what?" Sonic asks as he begins to wonder many things. What if after the war they had chosen different paths? What if he had stayed with Sally in Acorn City? What if she had chosen to run away with him and live a life full of adventures?
He didn't know. The only certain thing is that it could never work out. It will be selfish of him to ask Sally to leave her kingdom behind. And Sally would never ask him to leave the adventurous life he loves so much.
"For being my first love."
Unconsciously, they get closer. It's no longer awkward or uncomfortable. There is soft music coming inside the castle, the wind caresses their faces, and the smell of roses made the scene out of fanfiction.
Sally closes her eyes, waiting for Sonic to kiss her. But that never happens. Instead, he kisses her forehead, making it all clear to her.
This is not a love story ... and if it is, then it is a tragedy.
Everyone is expecting her to be downstairs. But instead, she is on the tallest tower of the castle. On the outside balcony with bottles of alcohol on her table. Her laptop is open and she is typing.
Writing fanfiction.
She is supposed to be having fun, dancing, and maybe meeting some nice man to talk to. Of course only if that man is Sonic the Hedgehog.
Yes, it hurts her. Although she didn't know what they were talking about, their closeness is something she could never have with Sonic.
Although she has said multiple times to Sonic that her romantic feelings were non-romantic, it's all a lie.
"She saw him kiss her. So delicate and loving. As if he is afraid to hurt her, treating her like a treasure. Like a sweet song, a melody he could touch on his fingertips. Savoring each note, knowing the perfect rhythm of her lips."
"Shouldn't you be downstairs?"
Amy closes her laptop at the sound of his voice. She feels her cheeks getting warm and she didn't know if its due to the alcohol or the embarrassment of Shadow almost noticing her writing.
He is sitting on the marble deck railing. Amy didn't know how long he has been in there.
"How did you get here?!!?"
Shadow raises an eyebrow and raises one of his legs.
"I got air shoes."
Amy looks at him with disbelief as she stands up from her seat. She stumbles a little as the alcohol starts to kick.
Shadow immediately rushes to her side, holding her by the waist to make her regain balance. They were a bit too close for Amy's liking and she pushes him away delicately because even when she doesn't like being too close to him, she still appreciates him helping him out.
"I think I meant to ask ... Why did you come here?"
Seeing her discomfort, Shadow moves away slowly. There is not much to hide.
After the cruise trip and everything he told Amy, it will be easy to conclude that he has some type of feelings towards the Princess. Nonetheless, having that conversation didn't mean he is ready to talk about his actual feelings.
"You said that if I ever needed a friend to 'hit' you up."
The pink hedgehog didn't know how to react, she doesn't know what to say. But she feels an immense need to console Shadow. He is not himself. His back is curved, his eyes sorrowful and his ears are down. She didn't need to know. Amy could only assume what he went through. Probably something along the same thing she saw.
Most importantly, she couldn't believe Shadow in his own way and very deep down, sees her as a 'friend' ... whatever that means to him.
"I just don't know what's wrong with me!? Am I not pretty enough?!'
"I know that I haven't talked to her in years but she didn't even consider me for marriage?!!
They were drunk. Four empty bottles and they were going for the fifth one, not planning to stop. Not caring about how bad their headache will be like tomorrow. They were both heartbroken and alcohol can fix that momentarily.
They were sitting next to each other, the table full of bottles and their glasses. The stars and moon above them, and the wind is soft and refreshing.
"Anyways, ... what were you writing?"
Shadow points at Amy's laptop that's on top of the table. He hiccups as he waits for an answer. "I saw you typing furiously."
The alcohol has completely taken over and it's making all the decisions for Amy.
"Oh? I was writing fanfiction- Oh Chaos I forgot!
She starts looking for her phone, stumbling a little, and her vision is blurry. Amy finally finds it and almost drops it, she is struggling to open the app properly but manages properly.
"Wait! You write fanfiction?"
There is a certain glow in Shadow's eyes as soon as Amy said 'fanfiction.'
"Yes, but I forgot to I was supposed to meet with someone today!" Amy hiccups and quickly text her online friend even if her words don't make a lot of sense. "I need to text them."
After clicking 'send' she hears another phone go 'beep'
Shadow then pulls out his phone from his suit's pocket and looks at the screen.
It's a text message from ARoseWithoutTorns.
He looks at Amy and slowly points at the pink hedgehog.
"You are ... ARoseWithoutThorns?"
Amy gulps and takes a few seconds to respond.
"And you are the Fanfictioner?"
Shadow stays silent. He doesn't know if what he is going to say is the right thing to do but the alcohol made him speak the truth.
He nods.
Amy's eyes shine with delight as she holds Shadow's hands. She squeezes them so hard Shadow knows his hands are going to have bruises the next morning. But he didn't think about that. His only thought is the fact that he has his favorite fanfic writer is right in front of him.
They squeal in excitement as they jump off their seats and start to make circles around them.
It's at this moment that Shadow realizes that Amy won't judge him. With her smile and laughter, she lets him know that she accepts him. He didn't have to pretend. With her, he could be Shadow The Hedgehog, the guy who loves fanfiction and is cringy at times.
"Oh, my chaos I love your fanfiction!" Shadow says very loudly, feeling a sense of freedom rush through his body. "I always read them before going to sleep."
His words really hit her in the feelings. It's probably the alcohol that its enhancing her emotions nonetheless, they were very much real.
"I appreciate you so much for always commenting on my stuff, you don't know how much that means to me, I-" Amy hiccups and looks at Shadow. She feels relieved to have him, to meet him. To be able to see the real him.
To know that someone out there genuinely enjoys her writing. It's a feeling that can bring anyone to tears.
"If it wasn't because of you, I would have stopped writing a very long time ago."
"No, don't say that!" Shadow grabs Amy's hands as they come to a stop. He holds them dearly. Amy feels her cheeks heat up at the contact.
"The world deserves to read your writing!"
"I don't deserve you," Amy says as tears began to roll down her face.
"No, I don't deserve you! You are so cool!" Shadow didn't know why but he feels a sense of security around her. It's the alcohol, it must be. Otherwise, he wouldn't feel this many emotions at once. But he didn't care. Right now it's just them.
"You are the best writer and you helped me through a very rough time. Your writing has brought me so much comfort and I can't thank you enough."
His voice is so genuine that Amy's heart aches at feeling such happiness. Her tail begins to wiggle in excitement and her ears perk up. Their hands are still touching but Amy decides to break that and instead launch herself into Shadow to hug him. A hug that he fully embraces.
"I love you Shadow!"
She means this in the most platonic way possible. A type of love that close friends have. But she couldn't deny that may be that feeling could turn into something else.
"And I love you Amy!"
They stop for a second to look at each other. Their hearts are beating fast due to all the excitement.
And their faces were unconsciously getting closer and closer to each other.
So close.
Their lips were just centimeters away ...
And ...
News: I created a Twitter. If you want sneak peeks of the latests chapters you can follow me @/shadamywriter 
For some reason, I can’t copy and paste italics in tumblr?!!! If anyone knows how to fix this please let know. It’s annoying to have to check and go back in the story to see what is in italics or not. That’s why I prefer Ao3/Wattpad. Anyways...
The last chapter of the year. I hope you all enjoyed it. Also, sorry if I haven't replied to yalls comments. I'll get into it ASAP. And thank you so much for commenting on this fic, it means the world to me and it helps me to stay motivated to write. This story was left unfinished due that I did not have a strong motivation to finish, but years later, I received lots of encouragement and comments from everyone to continue ... and here it is.
I want to apologize for all the grammar, spelling mistakes, etc for this story. I really got no time to edit :(
I want to thank each and everyone one of you for reading so far. I am thinking that this story maybe is separated into 2 'seasons.' Each season is made up of 15 chapters. There are many scenarios I can do with this premise and I just want to explore all of them properly. But I shall see. Please see this as some type of random shoujo anime in which plot consistencies don't matter much and you are just here to see the ship dynamics. Certainly, that's what keeps me writing lol.
Also, my story, 'Again and Again' will continue and have a full rewrite.
I need to finish writing the next chapter of my Levi fanfiction and after that, I'll continue writing this story. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed this.
Thank you for an amazing year. I hope to see everyone in the next year to come to.
Atte: Peaches
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kanchanresort · 6 months
Luxury on a Budget: Dive into Udaipur's Top Resorts Under $5000!
Experience Luxury Without Breaking the Bank in Udaipur
Udaipur, the majestic city of lakes, is a haven for those seeking a lavish retreat amidst historical grandeur. While opulence often comes with a hefty price tag, it doesn't always have to be the case. Luxury on a budget is not an oxymoron, especially when exploring the top resorts in Udaipur, all priced under $5000.
The Kanchan Garh Resort
Welcome to Kanchan Garh Resort, where luxury meets affordability in the heart of Udaipur's enchanting landscapes. Renowned as one of the city's premier destinations, Kanchan Garh Resort redefines the essence of a perfect getaway. Nestled amidst the tranquility of Udaipur, this resort stands tall as a testament to comfort, elegance, and unmatched hospitality. Our meticulously designed rooms offer a serene retreat, each detail crafted to ensure your utmost relaxation and satisfaction.
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What sets Kanchan Garh Resort apart is our unwavering commitment to providing a luxurious experience at an accessible price point. From breathtaking views that captivate the soul to personalized services that cater to every need, our resort creates moments of joy and tranquility for every guest.
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colourme-feral · 2 years
Here’s my alternate masterlist for Vice Versa the Series, sorted by filming locations.
Suvarnabhumi Airport
- Gyo brings Talay to the airport to welcome Puen back
Jump Master Skate Haus
- The Association of Thai Citizens in the Alternate World headquarters
The Mall Lifestore Ngamwongwan
- Puen and Talay follow a pair to find out if they are dating or not + Puen goes to the bookstore
- Talay recounts his dreams of Kita in the other universe and what he is up to
สนามยิงธนู Arc82
- Talay tries to talk to Tun at the archery range
AUA Language Center
- The 26 Pictures office
found venue
- Talay and Mek go location scouting at Greyllery and are joined by Puen
Bangkok Sculpture Center
- Talay goes for a job interview
- Talay tries to meet Puen at Puen’s company
- Puen clarifies his relationship with Talay to reporters
- Talay meets Up Tup and Aou Tou + introduces Puen to them
Serealscape studio
- Tun’s part time wedding photographer job
- Puen gets asked about his relationship with Talay during an interview for his movie
- Aou and Fuse go to a veterinary clinic to prepare for Fuse’s role as a veterinarian
109MHz BKK
- The bar where Tun works part-time
Mischa Cheap
- Talay tries to find the person who is his portkey + Friend Credits has a group meeting about their movie
Feng Zhu
- Pang, Puen and Talay have dinner together
Sunny Side good vibe cafe
- Talay meets Joe Pramote
Man-Se! Khaosan
- Friend Credits’ drinking place
Symmetry BKK
- Talay and Puen go location scouting for a cafe
Na-Oh at ChangChui
- Talay and Puen meet Mhok Mek
Downtown Abbey at Marwin Villa Hotel
- Tun's part time cafe job
King Two Bedroom Royal Suite, Waldorf Astoria Bangkok
- Tess’ apartment
Kene Hotel Bangkok
- Talay eats with his friends after bombing his job interview
- The hospital that Talay wakes up in as Tess
Letana Hotel
- Tun’s apartment
- Talay meets Tess’ friends and Puen crashes the metaphorical party
- After missing a meeting with Tess’ dad, Puen goes to apologise to Talay
- Talay and Puen go on a date
- Puen reconciles with Up and Aou after missing the meeting with Tess' dad
- Talay talks to Gyo about his relationship with Puen
- Gyo tries to meet Puen on Talay’s behalf
Secret Space
- Puen, Talay, Som and Prae go to test if they are each other’s portkeys at a maze
International Garden and the area near Sala Puth-Chan in Suan Luang Rama IX Park
- The final cursed Lay’s ad, in which Puen proposes to Talay
Benchakitti Park
- Talay and Puen go to meet their potential port keys at a park
Chula Art Park in Chulalongkorn University
- Puen and Talay learn about the romantic meaning of pink lotuses in the alternate universe + they go on a ride to relief their stress
Puey Ungphakorn Centenary Hall and Park at the Thammasat University Rangsit Campus
- Talay, Kita and Fuse’s university
- While filming, Tun falls into the pool accidentally, triggering the return to his universe
CU Centenary Park at Chulalongkorn University
- Puen and Talay go to the set of their movie and... experience snow
Bangkok University
- The movie premiere of Long Distance Relationship, Friend Credits’ first movie
Movio Town
- One of the show’s Lay’s ads featuring Talay and Puen
Ratchaburi Grand Canyon
- The Friends Credits team goes camping together
Locations that I wasn’t able to identify
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vintagedolls · 10 months
Prince Gallery Tokyo Kioicho: A Luxurious Haven in the Heart of Tokyo
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When you enter Prince Gallery Tokyo Kioicho, you'll be greeted by a mesmerizing mezzanine that offers a stunning view of the two-story Sky Gallery Lounge Levita. With its illuminated walls and panoramic view of Tokyo's skyline, the ambiance alone promises a truly exceptional experience.
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Prince Gallery Tokyo Kioicho stands as the sole hotel in Tokyo boasting membership in Marriott's prestigious Luxury Collection. Each property within this distinguished collection is a unique expression of its location, offering a gateway to the charms and treasures of the destination. From magnificent decor to stunning settings, A Luxury Collection property provides impeccable service and the latest modern conveniences, ensuring a truly enriching experience for guests. The hotel boasts a captivating collection of over 100 art pieces that adorn the entire property, providing the hotel its unique namesake.
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Prince Gallery Tokyo Kioicho endeavors to provide a hotel experience where guests can relish in their own leisure, anytime, day or night. Each of the hotel's 250 rooms showcases expansive, kaleidoscope windows that beautifully frame your view of Tokyo, resembling a work of art. It's also worth mentioning that soaking tubs are available in every room with products from Byredo expressly created for The Luxury Collection properties.
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OASIS GARDEN, Prince Gallery Tokyo Kioicho's all-day dining venue, is a captivating Mediterranean restaurant that brings a garden in the sky to life. Experience a casual dining journey on the 36th floor where you can witness the lively kitchen, indulge in the enticing fragrance of freshly brewed coffee, and delight in a wide array of delicious options from our buffet, à la carte, and full-course menu selections. The property is currently serving Hawaiian-inspired dishes as part of its Hawaii Fair. Guests who want to enjoy a leisurely breakfast in the comfort of their rooms can also opt for a Japanese breakfast.
Afternoon Tea
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For a limited time, Prince Gallery Tokyo Kioicho is partnering with The Royal Hawaiian (also part of The Luxury Collection) to create a whimsical afternoon tea. The Sunset Pink Palace Afternoon Tea is offered at Levita, the hotel's lounge area that doubles that transforms into a lively bar at night. The menu features reimagined Hawaiian dishes on the savory plate, including deconstructed poke and loco moco skewers. The sweet plate highlights the fruity flavors of the island with delightful, bite-size desserts.
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opal-enby · 11 months
Seoul - Idiom of Tradition and Trend
Seoul, the capital city of South Korea, is located in the northwest region of the country, at the bank of Han River. Seoul offers various enticing destinations to tourists to experience its glory in different aspects. It has a world of its own that possesses amazing temples, palaces, museums, gardens, and parks. The tourists are greatly fascinated by some of its unique attractions. To make their journey comfortable and convenient there is an availability of nice transport amenities as well as good options of hotels in Seoul.
Seoul has rich architectural and cultural heritage that is well displayed in the form of temples, palaces museums as well as art and crafts and many colorful festivals. The four palaces are among the greatest draw for the tourists. The Gyeongbokgung Palace is a stunning spot which is regarded as Seoul's most spectacular tourist attraction. The architecture is marvelous and spacious gardens are seen all around it. The Kyongbokkung Palace is a splendid symbol of the ancient era that is known as the most beautiful palace in terms of architectural styles. Changdokkung, constructed as a secondary palace to The Kyongbokkung Palace is another one that is worth to be mentioned. It is best known for its Secret Garden which comprises of 78 acres of gardens beautifully harmonized with pavilions, ponds, and wooded areas. Apart from these, the Toksugung, regarded as a royal palace, is today famous with an identity of Royal Museum, which exhibits items once used by the royal court. Other major tourist attractions in Seoul include Lotte world, Namsangol Hanok Village, Insa-dong, Mount Namsan and Myeong-dong.
Along with the hidden history and depicture of ancient architecture of centuries-old temples, palaces, pagodas and pleasure gardens, the city is also over shadowed by high-rises modern skyscrapers that very well justifies its contemporary outlook. With ancient temples, palaces and parks along side, the city also offers various state-of-the art shopping malls, specialized markets for flowers, furniture and electronics to shopping lovers to buy standard products. Over here the travelers can experience the best sample of shopping, eating and night life of South Korea. Each street of this dynamic city portrays the color and shade of traditional heritage and modern outlook side-by-side in perfect harmony. Hence it is truly considered as an idiom of tradition and trend that showcases the Korean culture as well as fashion and latest lifestyle to the fullest.
Besides exploring the sites and venues the visitors will find adequate activities related to recreation and fitness that include variety of water sports along the southern coast and islands. Numerous involvements like swimming, scuba diving, paragliding and white-water rafting can be enjoyed here. Good facilities for windsurfing, waterskiing and boating are widely available in all coastal resorts. Meanwhile, good facilities for golf and skiing are also available in and around Seoul.
There are even standard transport facilities to move in and around the city. Taxi, subway, city & express buses are available as an easy means of conveyance from one part to the other. And above all, the availability of wide range of hotels in Seoul further makes the travel of the guests convenient. Thus, the tourists can choose the hotel suiting to their budget and needs from the huge selection of Seoul hotels. Apart from high profile luxurious beach facing resorts and other five star hotels, the city also features low costs options even in and around favorable spots of the city. Hence, all categories of tourists can enjoy the visit with full convenience.
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askthechronoverse · 11 months
A very brief tour of Syspocalypstar
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Syspocalypstar is a tiered plane, keeping to that wedding cake theme. It's all divided up into segments, with the top most layer being dedicated solely to the Queen's castle.
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We'll start from the north on the bottom and go around in a circle to the top!:
Violet shows us a view of Heartlake City. This city is set up like a traditional mini doll City and is named after a very popular one that was formally in the Systar System. It was recreated down to the heart-shaped lake in the center which is the aforementioned Heart Lake. The lake is commonly used for fishing, but there is a reservoir where the water is purified and the water is distributed throughout the entirety of the plane.
In the teal quadrant is the rustic Thunderbird Gulch. Some of the people in the Old West, Apocalypsburg, and Middle Zealand didn't want to give up the lifestyle they've grown accustomed to, so they all set up shop in this part of the city. The appeal of living a far simpler life has attracted all kinds of people. It is very common for the city slickers of the plane to find themselves in Thunderbird Gulch for a little bit to get away from the hustle and bustle.
In a lovely shade of pink is the region of New Bricksburg. It's a one-to-one replica of Bricksburg, but without the influence of President Business. It's where Emmet and his family live when they aren't traveling around the Galaxy.
In the purple quadrant is the slightly unsettling town of Melody Town. Another one to one replica, this time of the even more unsettling town of Harmony City. Like the Harmony City of old, it is a blended community. Unlike the Harmony City of old, you're not hearing the catchy song every 3 seconds.
In the orange quadrant are the upper, middle and lower schools. Schools on Syspocalypstar play far closer to traditional American standards. Children of all quadrants go here, except for the children of Thunderbird Gulch. The children of this quadrant go to a schoolhouse within the quadrant. The schools themselves are known as Cherry Lower School, Walnut Middle School, and Peanut Upper School.
Yellow is where the Royal Hotel is located. If you don't feel like staying at a hotel in the quadrants, a weary traveler can find themselves at the Royal Hotel, where every guest is treated like royalty and you could expect only the best. Across from the hotel are the Royal gardens, which are full of every kind of flower you can imagine.
We're moving on to Blue, where you can find the Unikingdom Embassy and the Assembly of Master Builders Central Headquarters. The headquarters is where a prospective master builder can go to learn the craft as well as where the assembly meets to talk to each other about things like whether or not they should keep a very close eye on the war criminal that happens to be squatting in the Systar System. The embassy is where Richard stays as the ambassador to the Unikingdom and holds business. He knows what the assembly says about his crush across the street and he tries to tune them out when he's there.
Finally, we have dark green. Dark green is where the Shimmer Lemonade Amphitheater lives. Richard has been known to watch games from the roof of the embassy because of his close proximity to the amphitheater. He uses those little binoculars that you have when you're at an opera. He is seen just about every home game for the Serious Supernovas for free while he's in town. Hey, even the responsible ones need some sort of irresponsibility on occasion.
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François Musin - The beach at Nieuwpoort on the Flemish coast - 
oil on canvas, height: 77 cm (30.3 in); width: 129.5 cm (50.9 in)
Nieuwpoort  is a municipality located in Flanders, one of the three regions of Belgium, and in the Flemish province of West Flanders. The municipality comprises the city of Nieuwpoort proper and the towns of Ramskapelle and Sint-Joris. On 1 January 2008, Nieuwpoort had a total population of 11,062. The total area is 31.00 km² which gives a population density of 350 inhabitants per km². The current mayor of Nieuwpoort is Geert Vanden Broucke (CD&V)
In Nieuwpoort, the Yser flows into the North Sea. It is also the home of a statue created by Jan Fabre called Searching for Utopia. The Stadshalle Grain Hall (market hall) with its belfry was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1999 as part of the Belfries of Belgium and France site, owing to its historical civic (not religious) importance and its architecture.
It obtained city rights in 1163 from Count Philip of Flanders. The Battle of Nieuwpoort, between the Dutch and the Spanish, happened here in 1600. The city was a Dunkirker base.
During the Dutch Revolt (1568–1648), the Dunkirkers or Dunkirk Privateers were commerce raiders in the service of the Spanish monarchy. They were also part of the Dunkirk fleet, which consequently was a part of the Spanish monarchy's Flemish fleet (Armada de Flandes). The Dunkirkers operated from the ports of the Flemish coast: Nieuwpoort, Ostend, and Dunkirk. Throughout the Eighty Years' War, the fleet of the Dutch Republic repeatedly tried to destroy the Dunkirkers. The first Dunkirkers sailed a group of warships outfitted by the Spanish government, but non-government investment in privateering soon led to a more numerous fleet of privately owned and outfitted warships.
François-Etienne Musin (4 October 1820, Ostend - 24 October 1888, Saint-Josse-ten-Noode) was a Belgian painter who specialized in seascapes and scenes of coastal landscapes, rivers and harbours.
Because of the interest for his art that existed in England, Musin spent some time there, also travelling to Spain and Portugal. He returned home in 1848 when his father fell ill. In 1849, he married the painter Marie-Célestine Gosselin (1826-1853). After his wife's early death, he gave his share of the family business to his brother Auguste, in return for studio and exhibition space in the family's restaurant. He had also acquired some public land where he built the "Pavilion des Dunes", the first structure on the beach, which he rented out and also occasionally used as a studio. In 1863, Leopold I built his Royal Pavilions nearby, which inspired a real-estate boom and, in 1865, Musin converted the Pavilion into a hotel. It was sold in 1877, demolished in 1879 and replaced by the "Splendid Hotel" which was destroyed in World War II.
During these years, Musin travelled extensively, visiting Portugal, the Alps, France, North America and Norway, where he may have participated in a whaling expedition. All of these travels produced reams of sketches that were elaborated on in his studio. In 1869, he finally settled in Saint-Josse-ten-Noode where he built a huge garden studio, collected maritime antiques and gave his son Auguste his first art lessons. His sister-in-law lived with them as housekeeper until her death in 1877.
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wanderlandgracie · 1 year
Hello friends! So beginning my trip to Europe, we landed in London at 12:30ish on May 23, 2023. After the unfathomably long plane ride, which I thankfully slept through, we were all exhausted, yet hopeful for the weeks ahead of us. The rest of that day was spent resting and mingling in the hotel.
The next day, we went to Hyde Park, a beautiful expanse of green space much like Central Park in New York City, although much older and history-rich. With its sprawling green and luscious plant life, the park was originally used as a hunting reserve by King Henry VIII, yes that one. Interestingly enough though, James I opened it to the public in the early 17th century, and since then it has been a sight of great popularity in London. One location of particular interest in the park is Speakers Corner, a set apart bit of the park specifically designated, by parliament, for free speech. Since its designation in 1872 due to a forceful takeover of the park by a men's suffrage group, the corner has been used by many free speakers in an attempt to rally change amongst the masses. In the early 1900's suffragettes used the corner as their place of protest. Since its designation many orators, such as Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and George Orwell have used the corner to speak their thoughts. This sight has such specific value because it continues to hold captive peoples attention and birth reform where it is most needed. Also an interesting place to visit in the park is the Rose Garden, a beautiful, as the name would suggest, rose garden. The garden has a wide variety of flowers and plant life, and it is absolutely stunning to look at.
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Westminster Abbey is another place I had the privilege to explore when in London. With its sprawling architecture and truly astounding number of graves, Westminster Abbey is set apart as one of the most beautiful and most disturbing buildings in London. Impressively, the Abbey is the final resting place to over 3000 native britons, but despite this, the Abbey has been the location of many coronations in the country's long history. "Since William the Conqueror in 1066, every British Sovereign has been crowned in the Abbey except for Edward V and Edward VIII, who were never crowned." (Britannica) For literally just under a millenium, british kings and queens have begun their official reign here. Also cool to note, royal weddings have been held in the abbey, the most recent of which was the marriage of William and Kate, the Prince and Princess of Wales in 2011. On an entirely different note, the Abbey is the final resting place of over 3,000 native britons, including William Shakespeare, C. S. Lewis, and Jane Austen. This fact seems super cool until you realise that the majority of the graves are part of the floor, requiring you to walk over them to get around the massive Abbey. Apart from the staggering number of graves in the Abbey, it is also home to beautiful stained-glass windows, most of which picture apostles, saints, or the Savior Himself. Westminster Abbey and its beautifully detailed architecture has been integral to the culture, society, and rulers of the United Kingdom for almost a thousand years, and it continues to have such significance in culture as well as religion. Christian worship has been held here for as long as the building has stood, and even today as people are touring the Abbey, occasionally a priest will come on the intercom and ask people to be still and silent while they pray. It is a holy place of solemn worship, even today.
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The final culturally significant location I visited was Big Ben and the House of Parliament. Just from an outside look, which is all the looks we got to have, the gothic-style spires and towers of the House of Parliament are one of the more eye-catching buildings in London, as it has been since its construction in the 11th century for Edward the Confessor. It was then expanded by William the Conqueror shortly thereafter. The building had been previously used as a palace until a fire in 1834, after which the palace was rebuilt in its current gothic style. Inside, the House of Lords and the House of Commons meet and make decisions for the country, which is why when we visited these buildings, there were small yet loud groups of protestors standing outside of it. Accompanying the House of Parliament is the famous, iconic, beautiful, Elizabeth's tower. Now you might be thinking, "wait, isn't it called 'Big Ben?'" No, dear reader, you silly goose, you. Big Ben refers to the bell inside of the tower, which is well known for its accuracy and loud toll on the hour, as most bells are. Elizabeth's Tower, and subsequently Big Ben, have been iconic structures seen in British centric pop-culture for ages, such as Peter Pan, V for Vendetta, and Enola Holmes. Overall, these two iconic buildings have been amongst the most recognizable buildings in all of history, but not only that, they have been the center of political circuits for generations.
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Overall, London was a beautiful whirlwind of history and awe, combined with the pure wonder of being able to walk or take public transit wherever you wanted to go. All these factors combined makes this city one of my top favorites of the trip.
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happinessbreaks · 1 year
Hello. Paris
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Paris is a city that is full of incredible sights and attractions, making it difficult to narrow down the top five places to visit. However, here are my recommendations for the top 5 places to visit in Paris:
Eiffel Tower
No trip to Paris is complete without a visit to the iconic Eiffel Tower. The tower provides stunning panoramic views of the city and is the perfect spot for a romantic evening with your loved one.
Book here your tour for the Eiffel Tower
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Louvre Museum
The Louvre Museum is home to some of the world's most famous art pieces, including the Mona Lisa. The museum is a treasure trove of history and culture and is an absolute must-visit for art lovers and history buffs alike.
Book here your tickets
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Montmartre is a charming and bohemian neighborhood that is home to the famous Sacré-Cœur Basilica. It's the perfect place to wander around and take in the atmosphere of Paris.
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The Champs-Élysées is one of the most famous avenues in the world and is a must-visit for anyone interested in fashion and luxury shopping. It's also home to several famous landmarks, including the Arc de Triomphe.
Book your guide here
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Palace of Versailles
Located just outside of Paris, the Palace of Versailles is a magnificent royal palace that was once the residence of the French monarchs. The palace is a masterpiece of French Baroque architecture and features stunning gardens and fountains. A visit to the Palace of Versailles is a must for anyone interested in history, art, and architecture.
These are just a few of the many incredible sights and attractions that Paris has to offer. No matter what your interests are, you're sure to find something that you'll love in the City of Light.
Book here your guide
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ancientindia11 · 2 years
How to Select the Best Hotel in Kumbhalgarh
You're looking for a place to stay in the little town of Kumbhalgarh, home to a massive fort commissioned by Rana Kumbha of the Mewar dynasty. The 36-kilometer fort is second only to the Great Wall of China, and you want to make sure you stay in a place with a perfect location for exploring its ramparts.
Luckily, we've got you covered. We've picked the best places to stay in Kumbhalgarh, all of which offer a historic stay right in the heart of the town. Check them out below!
Why Stay in Kumbhalgarh?
Kumbhalgarh is one of those destinations that is often overlooked. It's not as famous as other destinations in Rajasthan, like Jaipur and Udaipur, but it's definitely worth a visit. The fort is an impressive sight and there are plenty of other attractions in the area to keep you busy.
Plus, it's a great place to stay if you're looking to explore the surrounding area. The fort is located close to Pali District, which is home to some pretty amazing temples and other attractions. And if you're looking for a bit of peace and quiet, Kumbhalgarh is definitely the place for you.
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What to Look for in a Hotel in Kumbhalgarh
When looking for a hotel in Kumbhalgarh, make sure to consider the following:
Location: The fort is located close to Rajasthan’s Pali District, so it’s important to find a hotel that is close to the town. All of our recommended hotels are within easy reach of the fort.
Historic Setting: Given that Kumbhalgarh Fort is such a historic site, it’s important to choose a hotel that has a historic setting itself. All of our hotels offer guests a unique experience, with many of them housed in traditional Rajput palaces and forts.
Views: As you explore the ramparts of the fort, it’s important to have stunning views to look out onto. All of our hotels offer breathtaking views of the Aravalli Hills and the surrounding countryside.
Hotel Everest hill resort Kumbhalgarh is the best for its location, historic setting, and views, and also fits your budget. They provide amazing services in our royal resort.
Location, Location, Location
There are many factors to consider when selecting the best hotel in Kumbhalgarh. But for us, location is key. After all, you're visiting this little town to explore its epic fortress, and the last thing you want is to be stuck in the wrong part of town.
All of our picks are located close to the fort, so you can easily walk there each morning and spend the day exploring its ramparts. And when you're not exploring the fort, you can enjoy a peaceful evening stroll through the bazaar or relax in one of Kumbhalgarh's many gardens.
The Best Hotels in Kumbhalgarh
The first thing you'll want to consider when choosing a hotel in Kumbhalgarh is its location. You'll want to be close to the fort, of course, but you'll also want to be close to other attractions like the temples and markets.
Another thing to consider is the size of the hotel. If you're traveling with a large group, you'll need a hotel that can accommodate everyone comfortably.
Finally, you'll want to think about the price. Kumbhalgarh is a budget-friendly destination, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding a hotel that fits your budget.
Luxury, Mid-Range, and Budget Options
Historic, yet still quite remote, Kumbhalgarh provides a great opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle without having to forgo any luxury. Nevertheless, there are plenty of accommodation options to suit all budgets, from grand old Havelis turned into boutique hotels, to more modest guesthouses. Ancient India Hospitality company helps you to find the best hotel in Kumbhalgarh they also give you the best offers and deals on hotel bookings.
For those on a budget, there are a handful of small hotels and guesthouses in Kumbhalgarh town itself. Most offer simple but clean and comfortable rooms with en-suite bathrooms and AC, as well as basic amenities like TV and Wi-Fi.
There are also a number of ancient Havelis which have been converted into mid-range hotels. These are usually family-run places with a more personal touch, and often include features like swimming pools, gardens, and spas.
For those looking for a truly luxurious experience, there are a number of 5* resorts in the area offering top-of-the-line facilities like golf courses, private pools, and Michelin-starred restaurants.
Things to Do in Kumbhalgarh
Beyond the walls of the fort, there are plenty of other activities to keep you busy during your stay. Make sure to check out the Jain temples, which date back to the 15th century, and are some of the most ornate and beautiful in Rajasthan.
For something a little more modern, take a walk through Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary. This sanctuary is home to a variety of animals, including leopards, hyenas, sloth bears, and over 300 species of birds. You can even go on safari here to spot some of the rarer animals.
With so many options for hotels in Kumbhalgarh, it can be overwhelming to try and pick the best one. But by following these tips, you can be sure to select a hotel that will give you the perfect base for exploring the area's incredible fort.
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tddulichvietnam · 1 year
What to eat in Pattaya? Eat rice or snack, eat at restaurants or street food. Feel free to eat snacks here because the food here you won't find anywhere else.
What to eat as a snack in Pattaya?There are dishes like: Tom Yum (the best soup of Thailand. The best dish of Pattaya and also the top 10 delicacy of Thailand is Papaya Crab Salad (papaya salad mixed with meat) dried beef, add fresh chili, fish sauce, dried shrimp, lemon juice, peanuts...)
The second eating area is Walking Street, located at Soi 13 – 16 South Pattaya. There is a wide variety of food here, from chicken, pork, roast beef to Turkish lamb, to swimming seafood… The specialty of this area is Seafood with countless restaurants serving from noon to night. different prices. Just go to this neighborhood, you don't need to worry about what you eat in this Pattaya
You should go to shopping centers such as: Royal Garden Plaza (right next to Walking Street entrance), Central Festival (next to Hilton Hotel). These two addresses have the most food and restaurants, here you can both shop and eat comfortably. The price is very special and affordable at the most beautiful and majestic Central Festival in Pattaya.
What are you waiting for when the Thailand tour on New Year's Eve is ONLY 296.44$
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