#roxi's rambles
a-spacecadet · 8 months
~My thoughts on JFK’s character assassination from S2~ 
Okay finally writing this all out!
(Sorry, these are all the negative things I have to say, my positive impressions will have to be another post) 
First off, I really love jfk, in both seasons. Are they the same guy? Not really. One person on here on Tumblr made the comment that s2 jfk is the jfk in the mirror. Headcanon accepted! XD
So, why is he out of character in the 2nd season? First off, he’s a genuinely nice guy, which is waaaaayyy different than how he acted in s1, even at the end. He definitely had some growth and development in s1, but even in the last ep he was still punching other dudes, had 5 different girls as his prom dates, and made jokes of his rival Abe (although at this point it was a bit justified, but anyways…) All in all, he’s not a bad person per-se, but he’s definitely still a 16-year-old teenager. 
So in s2, after what is only ONE NIGHT OF SLEEP for him, his personality has a huge change. He doesn’t bully other boys (like Confucius, a social-media obsessed teen with a weird sense of fashion), he’s loyal and loving to ONE girlfriend (never had the first show really established that he loved Joan in that way), he’s no longer antagonistic, and is rather quieter and less crude. (I say less crude because although he still makes sex jokes, other students are shown that they DO find them funny and his jokes tend to not be misogynist like they were in s1). 
I actually like that jfk has changed and become a better person, I think that’s great, he’s maturing! But when? When does this happen? When he slept overnight in the meat locker? Nothing indicates that he would have a reason to change. (Some argue his love for Joan, but again, this seemingly came out of the blue).  Speaking of his love for Joan, I’ve seen some great fanfics add context to s1 in how he really was in love with her, but the show itself really doesn’t indicate this at all. 
*Side tangent to expound on this!* Did he have crush on John Darc (really Joan)? Yeah, but really for no other reason than his boyish instinct (or Kennedy sense as he calls it lol) detected a hot girl!! He liked John Darc because he’s attracted to hot women, not Joan specifically. Also, he doesn’t seem to follow up his crush with her after the episode because I really don’t think he was interested in her other than the fact that she’s a pretty lady. Of course, I think this comes back full circle when we get to the finale, when Joan believes she has to dress up like a slut in order to be considered pretty… which is why jfk says he likes her when she’s just being herself. Because he knows she’s been “a knock-out Betty” this whole time, unlike that “chowder-head Lincoln.” However, not being dense like good ol’ Abe to realize Joan is stunning as she is… doesn’t quite equal the “love of his life.” OF COURSE he likes her, because she’s a babe! But her being a babe doesn’t indicate that he’d suddenly have a massive character change to be dedicated and loyal to her!! *Side tangent over*
Specific changes that I noticed that were off: 
“I like boobies and butts! Any shape or uh, size.” No, no he doesn’t. Why would his opinion from s1 (“You know my policy, no fatties!”) Suddenly change? Ofc I’m glad he’s no longer fat-phobic, but why?
“Your fourth string kicker won’t let you down!” What? What happened to being captain of the football team? “El capitan of the futbol team?” Winning the track meets? Being overall a competent athlete? 
“I let all my male friendships fade away!” Okay, this one is tricky. JFK really did lose Ponce, and he did in fact end up losing Gandhi even if he wasn’t aware of it. HOWEVER, s1 suggested he was one of the popular kids at school, you’re telling me he had no other friends? Like, not even Julius Cesar who was very often seen with him? Also, s2 does not even mention Ponce (unfortunately) which may have been used as a very good excuse for jfk to be so upset. (Right now, JFK’s tears in s2 ep 2 from missing Ponce only exist in headcanon).
“I’m afraid Joan is the love of my life and I’m not good enough for her!” See my side tangent, but also, why is he suddenly so insecure? One of his traits in s1 was his confident swag.
“Woah, I’ve never had anyone turn me down before…but that’s okay!” I mean, not usually, if he wasn’t asking FREAKING JOAN. The same Joan that was known for kicking, hitting, smacking, and punching him for every little advance he made towards her. He should know better at this point? Even if he did successfully sleep with her, I can’t imagine he’d really be that surprised she told him no, or as she said in the show “let me think about it.” 
His crying. He cries SO much in s2. But didn’t he cry in s1 as well? I can hear you asking. Yes, but he cried specifically in ep 10 because HIS BEST FRIEND TRAGICALLY AND SUDDENLY DIED.  Also, the reason the “Litter” ep is so funny is because up until that point we’ve never seen jfk so upset and distraught before, he’s genuinely weeping and mourning and we’ve NEVER seen this side of him, nor will we again. But in s2, he cries about everything! He’s literally the depressed loser crying in the freaking bathroom cause he “has no friends”! I guess I wouldn’t have minded as much if it didn’t literally make him look like a crybaby. Even in s1 he cried a bit at the notion of losing Cleo, but he wasn’t known for that. 
“Your lips are like a fine chalice of…uuuuhhh, wEt sTUfF!!” Heatstroke jfk was pretty funny, but it also highlighted another change. He’s freaking STUPID in s2. I’m not saying he was particularly “smart” in s1, but he definitely wasn’t the dumb “hurr durr” kinda idiot he is in s2. The one time I think jfk came across as actually dumb in s1 is when he thought Ponce was a genie, but tbh that was more sad than him being just plain dumb. Other things like talking to his reflection or his weird accent were more like quirks, not indicating that’s he stupid. He aced his PXJT test for crying out loud! (“Did you see me on that test Cleo? I smoked it! I can’t wait to see my time.”)
Wanting to be like his clone father. Back to his accent, I genuinely believe he is trying to do an impression (albeit bad) of the real JFK, he’s not talking like that because he has an actual speech impediment. Also, being faithful to Joan also doesn’t work on another sense because he thinks the real JFK was “a macho womanizing stud who conquered the moon!” and I think clone jfk was trying to live up to his legacy by being a womanizer, something not seen at all in s2.
“Woah a little spaceship! I’m gonna go chase it!” Another thing that bothered me is that he really does act like a golden retriever in s2. He’s been reduced to nothing more than a cute puppy dog, a plot device for Joan, a wholesome himbo who’s dumb but well-meaning, and overall BORING.
The only thing on his mind is sex. Like, really? Literally everything that comes out of his mouth in s2 has something to do with sex, much to Joan’s annoyance and part of the reason she broke up with him. S2 tries to make it seem that jfk is very shallow and has no hobbies or interests, but that is NOT TRUE! He loves sports, watching (“But you usually watch SportsCenter up in your room baby” - Wally) and playing them, he cares about his appearance and knows a bit about fashion (hey, his efforts to help Gandhi resulted in the dude becoming instantly popular), he records his own music! HE SINGS AND HAS HIS OWN STUDIO! He likes cool cars and drag racing! He likes throwing parties!! There’s more to his character than just sex!! 
Okay, that’s most of it. 
Of course, I will also mention the obvious (that others have already pointed out) he went from genuinely hilarious to slightly obnoxious and annoying.
TLDR: he’s turned from a macho womanizing stud, a confident chad, a jerk with soft side, a man of swag and style, to…an insecure crybaby, a boring “nice guy” who’s also a huge idiot.
To end, I still love JFK, even in s2. I appreciate the cute moments he has, and ignoring lack of time for character development I like that he’s trying to be a better person and that’s he’s matured. I could talk about all the things I did like about him in s2, but that will have to wait another day haha. 
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online2002 · 4 days
happy gay month 🏳️‍🌈
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eefonline · 1 year
happy pride month to these bitches in particular
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theangrycomet-art · 10 months
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The Glamrocks
Minor redesigns, but basically how the Glamrocks look for each kid for the various routes.
I wanted the Glamrocks to have a bit more of a kids-attraction vibe then they do in canon, while still keeping their asthetics/core features.
I imagine Freddy and Chica tend draw in more younger kids while Roxy and Monty tend to draw in the older groups and wanted their designs to reflect that as well.
Edit: Here is Glamrock Bonnie and the Daycare Attendant with each of their kids and here is Glamrock Foxy with his Crew
Edit 2: hey I do commissions
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pyrobot1cs · 8 months
just got out of the shower thinking about how some of the best written female characters I’ve seen that weren’t from media catering to girls are from Homestuck
Like. Homestuck is a fairly female-led story, like yeah the two leaders for each of the main sessions were TECHNICALLY boys, but Vriska was really the one moving the story along for the trolls and Egbert doesn’t even count that much as a boy anymore (I loev June). Rose and Jade for example are two REALLY WELL WRITTEN characters (and they should have talked more) , and when you read about them, you CARE about them. Pretty much all of the troll girls are great as well, Aradia, Vriska, Kanaya, and Terezi (and if we get into dancestors, Meenah, somewhat Damara, and Aranea) are all HUGE driving forces for the plot and,, for most of the boys- well June herself puts it better than I could have
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When we get into the Alpha kids though it gets a little blurred, Jane and Roxy are both amazing characters but Jake and Dirk seemed like way more of the focus characters, probably mostly in the fandom but I think Jane and Roxy’s characters kind of suffer in-canon as well, also since a lot of both of their characters revolve around being boycrazy about their respective crush and it sucks!! ALSO!!! CALLIOPE IS GREAT I LOVE HER BUT I NEED TO THINK OF MORE ISSUES WITH HER
THE FANDOM ALSO SUCKS ON HOW IT TREATS WOMEN CHARACTERS TOO BTW like that’s where the worst of it is really, I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen fanart of just Jane on her own and not in a ship or in a lineup
sighhhghghhghh thank you for listening to ramblings im just talking talking blah blah
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 2 months
So, that AU where Glamrock Freddy & the others forget Glamrock Bonnie, and vise versa? Well, I do have a couple of other things about it that I wanna say.
For Glamrock Bonnie, they don’t forget right away. It’s not much of a quick thing. As he’s stuck there, damaged, he starts realizing over time that they are forgetting as his condition in there gets worse.
He’s worrying, worrying so much, and then... one day, he does forget. Glam. Bon forgets everything due to the excessive damage—Glam. Fred and everything else. He’s still online for a little while longer after this.
Then, with Glamrock Freddy and the others... everything of the bunny has practically been stripped away that possibly can—not just all of their memories that happened to actually involve him.
One of the only things related to him that’s still around is Bonnie Bowl—that can’t really be gotten rid of. It sticks around, but so much else goes.
Like, Glamrock Bonnie plushies and everything else are gotten rid of you. You know Glam. Bon’s area in Ruin? That’s still technically there—but everything that was in it is gone.
Glamrock Freddy—or any of the others—could potentially have a tiny feeling of “Is something missing?” but they’d never know why—they’d never know what—who was truly missing.
Any of them may walk past Bonnie Bowl or something, but Glamrock Freddy doesn’t feel sad or anything... after all, he’s never known a Bonnie as far as he’s aware.
As for when the AU actually takes place, it’s set after Ruin... sort of a happy-ish ending? Cassie leaves the Pizza Plex with Roxy, Glamrock Chica, and Eclipse—and Glamrock Bonnie.
When she does manage to meet with Glam Fred, Vanessa, and Gregory, Glamrock Freddy is happy to see most of his friends—and excited to be supposedly meeting someone new.
So, while all staying with Vanessa, and most likely trying to help the others get fixed, the two are pretty quick to start hanging out.
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analog-transid · 4 days
Reblog this if you're ok with your mutuals pestering you randomly for no reason :p
Pt: Reblog this if you're ok with your mutuals pestering you randomly for no reason :p
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toriliashine · 6 months
Ramona and Scott fumbled bad bitches and sweethearts all their lives they r so perfect for each other sjdbdnsn
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0l-unreliable · 2 months
So about the Space Trickster AU: I'm undecided on what direction to take our sugar coated nasties.
On the one hand, when I first thought of this I was thinking of them as zombies/zombie-like to ultimately end up as dead or wholly unrecognizable as human (fun to think about but I'm the end kinda boring to draw)
On the other, I've more recently been thinking about them being transmuted into more creature-like things but still mostly human with each having a different mutation. Here are the mutation ideas I have:
Dirks's torso elongated, making room for his second pair of arms; his canines elongated as well with new ones popping in behind them. His eyes got better at picking things up in the dark but have become more light-sensitive
Jake more often then not travels on all fours or by crawling through ducts and pipes and so developed pads on his hands, knees, and feet; he lost his glasses at one point so he relies more on his sense of smell and hearing (though I was thinking of giving him thermal vision). All of his teeth have gotten sharper (may have venomous salvia)
Jane has probably the least 'fucked up' features. Her hands have grown pads, so she has a better grip, and with that grip, she can transmute people/objects though she has to have full concentration and is vulnerable at this time. Her skin, in some places, is candy cane-stripped but her whole body is capable of camouflage. Her canines and the first premolars have gotten bigger and sharpened.
Roxy I'm unsure about, but I want her to be able to transportalize herself short distances and maybe do something with voice mimicry. Like I said, I'm unsure about her so I don't have much.
That all just seems more fun to draw, but maybe less daunting than the betas facing the rotting ambling corpses of their family members.
what say others? My expertise is not in creating monsters
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crystallizabethine · 4 months
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Though this makes me wonder if Shadow ever gets jealous of Sonic and Tails's relationship because that's what he and Maria could've been.
Ooh or instead of jealousy maybe he's extra concerned with making sure the two are never forced apart. . .
I feel like both have potential.
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fleshdyke · 2 years
i love john brosio paintings bc theyll be an absolute gut punch that forces you to consider your own morality like two earthlings and they will also be Big Crab
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agottwha · 1 year
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long time no roxy
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insufferablemod · 4 months
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honoratacarnage · 8 months
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the girls slaying absolute penis (roxy oml AWOOOOOGA), mangle gender being "yes!" and glamrock bonnie using leather harnesses today is good ass day for queer fnaf fans
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Roxy fans, you were fed good this DLC and that makes me happy!
Now, it's unclear if the decision to trap Cassie down there was Gregory's, or the Mimic's last attempt to trap her while also crushing her spirit once more, but still. Whoever made the decision, I predict Cassie lost her trust in him.
Can't blame her, poor girl.
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mouzeinsoup · 7 months
Does Collin have any friends we don't know about? Doesn't have to be a human or borrower or whatever Mason is it can be an animal like a centipede
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ye he has a sky elf friend who comes to visit now and then
her names roxanne, roxie for short
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