#rossia pacifica
heartnosekid · 1 year
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rossia pacifica AKA the stubby squid 🦑 | source
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I don’t care that these two species live at completely different depths I just wanted to draw a dumbo octopus meeting a googly-eyed stubby squid because they’re cute 
Redbubble link 
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chelsfelts · 1 year
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Made my own googly eyed stubby squid
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pulsethebabyoctopus · 9 months
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Stubby squid
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amnhnyc · 7 months
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Cephalopod lovers, meet the stubby bobtail (Rossia pacifica)! With a mantle length of only up to 2 in (5 cm), this tiny critter typically spends its days buried beneath the sand, emerging at night to feed. Shrimp comprise nearly 80% of this species’ diet, but it also preys on small fishes and even other cephalopods. It can be found in coastal waters from Japan to California.
Photo: kcram, CC BY-NC 4.0, iNaturalist
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dailycephalopods · 10 months
Yo! Do you the guy in "Laughter from scientists" meme? I think its some kind of cuttlefish but I am not sure.
I named it greg
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he is a stubby squid aka rossia pacifica, a type of bobtail squid!! (which is more closely related to cuttlefish than squid or octopus, but I still tag them as squid)
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cypherdecypher · 1 year
Animal of the Day!
Googly-eyed Stubby Squid (Rossia pacifica)
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(Photo from Nautilus Live)
Conservation Status- Data deficient (Data inadequate to determine a threat category)
Habitat- Southern Pacific Ocean
Size (Weight/Length)- 6 cm
Diet- Shrimp; Mollusks; Small fish; Crabs
Cool Facts- Yes. Those are its eyes, thank you for asking. The googly-eyed stubby squid is a smaller squid that spends its life on the ocean floor in relatively shallow water. While generally not purple, these squid are amazing at camouflage and change their coloration to blend in with sand. Googly-eyed stubby squids are master ambush predators. They scoop sand over their bodies until only their large eyes are poking out, striking at any unfortunate soul who wanders close. During the breeding season in later summer, the squid leave their coastal homes and travel so deep that sunlight vanishes.
Rating- 12/10 (Please do not shake to see if the eyes google.)
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squephalopod · 2 years
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Rossia pacifica
when dusk falls she emerges from her lair donning a raspberry flavoured jelly jacket
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dogtoling · 1 year
Can you list what your OCs basedof(like beet is based of coco octopus)?
I can, but a lot of them are only loosely based on their species as i design them as characters first and after a specific species second. I have a lot of OCs that are just intended to be whatever the common type of Inkling or Octoling is (we canonically don't know that exactly) but i won't be including them in the list.
(under cut)
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Dodo is a Whip-lash squid (Mastigoteuthis agassizi) distinguished by large, round-shaped fins, rows of photophores on the arms, and really long bizarre tentacles (they're sheathed in this picture and like every other one almost. look the squid up they are cool)
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Rodge is a Stubby squid (Rossia pacifica) yes, the bobtail squid with the viral googly eyes. his defining trait is just having freckles and being small. likewise, Squl is also a stubby squid (and they're not related but i now find it amusing that they both main or used to main the luna blaster. lots of rage in a small body)
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Axel is a Tropical bottletail squid (they very much also look like one, I think, because unlike with some other OCs i specifically designed them after the species and not the other way around)
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Cola is a Berry's Bobtail Squid which is also small but also very sparkly. not much to say about him on that front
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Boba is a firefly squid, the spots on her tentacles glow but not like all the time. (to be honest in the context of splatoon, being a "firefly squid" is kind of redundant because in the game, inklings are all extremely bioluminescent as they are, as are OCTOLINGS which definitely shouldn't have bioluminescence as that is EXTREMELY RARE in octopuses. but alas.)
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Beet and Engel are coconut octopuses (but not related) most noticeable from the cyan suckers and vein- or ring patterns on the tentacles (which i will do better whenever i draw them like, more.)
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Nori is a flying squid (which is a good contender for what the inklings probably ARE anyway judging from their super jumping abilities and flying squid also being "common squid" in japan)
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Graffiti is just a common cuttlefish (whatever that means in Splatoon terms) but in real life terms that's Sepia officinalis. not extremely visible from the chibi drawing as literally almost 0 cuttlefish traits are showing here but you get the picture
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Amber is a giant cuttlefish (Sepia apama) and really i feel like the main modifier from the common cuttlefish is just that she is way bigger. and also should have less distinct stripes, probably bigger fins and more bigger papillae (which she does. that's why she has a little beard)
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Peppermint is a Humboldt squid and it's not extremely obvious after she's cut her tentacles (those are like the big deal) but you can still see she has big golden claws, and if she DID have her hunting tentacles, she would have suction cups with horrifyingly large golden teeth in them. she is also like on average at least a head taller than anybody else ever (the Humboldt squid grows to be like 5ft+ in real life and have a pretty terrible reputation among people who know like 2 facts about them and nothing else. they are extremely cool animals and potentially have a language)
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Boy is kind of a wildcard because i'm like 50/50 on whether i want to just have him be a regular octoling or not because he could literally pass as either. He's designed after the boysenberry (which is obviously not an octopus) but secondarily he is designed after the Gloomy octopus (Octopus tetricus) and unfortunately, unlike with squid, it is EXTREMELY difficult to design characters after different species of octopus, because also unlike squid, a lot of octopuses look exactly the same at first glance and the only thing you can divide them by in a character design is by color (which, famously, they ARE KNOWN TO CHANGE).
so essentially a lot of octopuses don't really HAVE any differentiating physical traits aside from common color patterns which, again, they can freely change. So you could have OCs that are 15 different octopus species all look like the same species if they just decided to NOT be the iconic color scheme of whatever those species are.
anyway, i have to add that the gloomy octopus is a notably social species of octopus in contrast to what we think we know about octopus social lives (which is DEFINITELY at least reflected in his character) but other than that basically the only thing making him a gloomy octopus is the reddish-orange coloration of the suckers and undertentacles (something the gloomy octopus often displays).
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Kombu is a very scruffy-looking OC and that's because he's an Algae octopus (Abdopus aculeatus), named so because in their camouflage display, they turn earthy green and brown colors and have a lot of pointy plant-like papillae jut out of their skin that makes them look like they're covered in some kind of algae or seagrass. it's pretty self-explanatory. It's also, as far as I know, the only octopus species that's been documented to walk on land as a hunting strategy...
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I'm putting Flint and Lumo on the same spot because they are brothers and they're both designed after the day octopus (Octopus cyanea) which is a large (and extremely photogenic) species easily distinguishable by rows of pale spots down its tentacles, as well as two dark ocelli (false eye-spots, not pictured). But additionally, Flint is part frilled giant pacific octopus, whereas Lumo is part giant pacific octopus. Neither of which are really obvious unless you stood next to them. (ADDITIONALLY, Flint is designed after that mutation in octopuses that causes their arms to branch seemingly endlessly, whereas Lumo has a mutation that causes him to have next to no suckers)
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finally, martin. he is showing 0 distinguishable traits in this image because he is DELIBERATELY hiding them. Martin is a southern blue-ringed octopus which means he is very small, has a bite that will kill you dead probably with no antidote, and people tend to be kind of scared of him for that reason (hence why he's got his tentacles covered up). Just like actual blue-ringed octopuses, the rings aren't shining out advertising the creature's toxicity all the time, rather showing as just vague ring patterns on whatever color he is displaying. His actual threat display causes his tentacles to flash an orange-yellow and the rings pop out as cyan (they are significantly smaller and more scattered than a Greater blue-ringed octopus' rings would be).
I have more OCs than that but for the sake of all of us those will not be included or this list would get extremely long
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drafthearse · 7 months
anyway Cephalopachus bancanus, Spea bombifrons, Leopardus wiedii; Diodon nicthemerus, Enallagma cyathigerum, Caprimulgus europaeus (?); Chimaera monstrosa, Nymphargus cochranae, Pteromys momonga; Eonycteris spelaea, Ensatina eschscholtzii, Hexanchus griseus; Tenodera sp. (?), Siderea thysoidea, Nycticebus javanicus; Xenophthalmichthys danae, Eulemur flavifrons, Rossia pacifica; Imantodes cenchoa, Litocranius walleri, Salticus scenicus; Correlophus ciliatus, Gigantocypris sp., Tragulus kanchil; Odontodactylus scyllarus, Pusa sibirica, Nyctibius griseus.
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somniphobiainc · 7 months
I was watching casual geographic and this thing graced my screen, so i drew it. Its a rossia pacifica, or a stubby squid. They are the skrunkly imo
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Animals weird animals
I just wanted to train some designs
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tranceberry · 3 years
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The stubby squid (Rossia pacifica), is a species of bobtail squid native to the northern Pacific Ocean, living in symbiosis with biolumininscent bacteria.
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stubby squids
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toasterfuloftoast · 3 years
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This is Ross, Alli's best friend. He's a Rossia Pacifica, a deep sea creature. Just like his friend, he's sensitive to lights and is being taken care of. He's usually wandering around aimlessly and lost in thought. He doesn't really talk or move very much so he enjoys being with his friend. Ross finds Alli very pretty and really likes her shy personality. He gets mildly jealous when she's with others. He likes the taste of grapes but he shares everything with Alli.
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crochetbabe · 5 years
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Just a couple of cephalopods hangin out :) 
My Crochet Sea Creatures Page
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colorfulidea · 7 years
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