rooksandravens · 21 days
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theatrical villain tuesday early morning? No problem.
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rooksandravens · 7 months
So.. there's gotta be some crossover between fans of Dimension 20 and Baldur's Gate 3, right?
I've been playing BG3 as a Dark Urge character who (mostly) resists the Urge (except for when it's funny or aligns with what I wanted to do anyway).
I've just realized that this character reminds me of Evan Kelmp from Dimension 20's Misfits and Magic.
For context, Even Kelmp is a teenager who is destined to be a Dark Wizard, but he didn't ask for this and would like it to stop.
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rooksandravens · 2 years
I made a typo and developed a new job title for people with ADHD. We have all been promoted to Distract Manager.
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rooksandravens · 2 months
Like to reblog! Charge to cast!
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rooksandravens · 1 month
I was supposed to do important adulting things today, but I couldn't sleep last night and now I feel very sick. 😭😭😭 Uuuhhhrghhkglffsjd
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rooksandravens · 8 months
So! Who wants a Microsoft Excel (and Google Sheets) Tip? ...No one? Well, too bad.
If you want to start a new paragraph or add a line break in a cell, please don't just use a bunch of spaces to force it. The shortcut you are looking for is Alt + Enter. This will start you on a new line in the same cell.
I see this all the time at work from people who are very smart, but never learned this shortcut. It's not very intuitive because most applications use Shift + Enter to force line break instead.
Bonus Tip: If you need to clean up a bunch of extra spaces in your sheet:
Open up Ctrl + H for Find and Replace
Type 2 blank spaces into Find and type 1 blank space into Replace. (Find " " and Replace with " " but don't include the quotation marks.)
Click Replace All a few times until your application can't find anything else to replace.
There are add-ons and formulas that can do this, too, but Average Excel User doesn't need to mess with that.
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rooksandravens · 1 year
I really want an easier way to search for unsmart products. I need less things that expect to have access to a microphone and the internet.
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rooksandravens · 1 year
I'm not very fond of instagram, but I wish tumblr had a system where others wouldn't be allowed to follow you until you approve them. My criteria for my followers is that they have to be people. The bar is so low, but I am constantly disappointed.
I've had maybe 2 or 3 real people follow me in the past month, but I've blocked 30 bots since January 1st. We aren't even halfway through the month. It is honestly exhausting to consider that tumblr might be like this indefinitely.
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rooksandravens · 1 year
I really hate short form video content. I feel like this isn't just a me-problem either. It seems very unfriendly to most ADHD brain havers.
I need the ability to pause and replay sections of a video without restarting that whole goddamn thing. I miss stuff or I have trouble understanding what has been said, but then I have to rewatch the whole first part of the video to see the part I missed (which is boring, so I usually lose focus before I get to the part I missed and then I miss it again. Aaaaghhhh!!)
Also, I want to be able to look at something else and use the picture-in-picture feature that works for regular videos. I'm speaking specifically about YouTube here, so this is probably different in other apps. I am bad at just watching a video. It's usually not enough stimulation, so I watch/listen to videos while looking at something else. If the phone can only play a video, the secondary activity can't happen on the phone. So, then I'm not watching the video at all because I can't focus on the screen and something outside of the screen at once.
Autoplay sucks. I don't have time to process or act on any of the thoughts I'm having before my brain is getting overloaded with more stuff. I feel overstimulated and confused and frustrated. I definitely disable autoplay whenever possible because I hate feeling like I'm forgetting everything. Give my memory some time to encode this shit, you bastards.
I feel like people would assume short videos are good for ADHD attention spans, but I only like hopping around to different topics when I am in control of the hopping. When technology is in charge, I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster in hell.
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rooksandravens · 10 months
I turned on a Video Game Focus Music playlist while working on homework, and I've been gifted with songs from the Hades game soundtrack. Which is good because that soundtrack is awesome, and I do feel like I'm fight my way out of hell. The vibes are impeccable.
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rooksandravens · 1 year
I frequently find that my brain randomly assigns video game rules to the wrong games. It mostly happens with different survival and simulation games.
For example, I am watching someone build a maze in the Sims 4 on YouTube, and there are a lot of dark areas in the house. My first thought was that it needs a lot more light or hostile mobs will spawn in there.
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rooksandravens · 2 years
The kitten is bored and lonely so she comes to bed to wake me up by with purrs and cuddles (very cute) and by biting my face (less cute).
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rooksandravens · 2 years
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Sometimes when I need to test something out while making a webbed site I accidentally create art. I'm sharing Lorem Ipsum Racoon with you all today for good luck.
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rooksandravens · 1 year
I want to suggest a new labor law because I believe that if I'm going to sit in a 4 hour long meeting right at the start or my day then my employer should be required by law to provide snacks.
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rooksandravens · 1 year
I really hate all of the tumblr drag and drop following and reblogging features on the app. I never do it on purpose, but it accidentally follow and reblog stuff all the time. I wish there were accessibility settings to disable these features.
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rooksandravens · 2 years
Just thinking about how much I hate it when I see that someone on facebook has used the laugh reaction on a post that isn't funny in a deliberate attempt to mock or belittle the original poster.
These people can fuck off with that nasty passive aggressive bullshit. How dare you take an expression of joy and happiness and use it to make someone else feel bad about themselves. It's especially infuriating to see that it's often used against anyone who is noticeably queer, trans, neurodivergent, disabled, and/or fat.
Facebook is bad for me, so I barely use it and I keep my friends list small. I haven't deleted because there's a few people I know who don't use any other social media. Even with my extremely limited exposure to the facebook community, I've seen this happen on multiple occasions.
Honestly, this is a good moment to appreciate that tumblr only has like or reblog options. They just need to add an option to forever hide the posts that I never want to see again. You can like a post, you can share a post, or you can refuse to acknowledge the existence of a post. The full range of human emotion summarized in three buttons.
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