archie-sunshine · 3 months
*crawls into askbox like a hellspawn*
Blease sir,,
A crumb of rodiblurr,,
only a crumb.
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nopes-and-dreams · 10 months
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"Never thought I'd see you again." "Funny, I thought the same thing about you."
Post cubing, post rusting Rodiblurr art.
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grimlock · 9 months
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preview for one of the pieces I did for @agentblurr ‘s @tf-bigbang Piece! I had a lot of fun making both of my pieces and working with them!!
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cozzzynook · 23 days
I know you did something similar with Bumblebee. What if Optimus is Hot Rods sire. How would Optimus react to Hot Rods potential partners?
Hot rod keeps most of his partners a secret because majority are on and off or one time frag flings.
He’s a mech with needs that he doesn’t want his sire or any bot really, to know. He actually is private believe it or not.
But there are a few times it was a frag fling that could’ve been more that he just couldn’t hide well enough.
His once mysterious on and off with Soundwave was almost discovered but thankfully them springing into action and fighting at just the right time kept their secret from being discovered. They decided to end it there but remained good friends oddly enough. His conjunx find out on accident that he used to see the master spy.
There was a time Hot rod was secretly meeting up with Ultra Magnus before he became Rodimus and a period when he was Rodimus. Optimus had his suspicions the two liked each other and neither were ever going to tell Optimus or let it be known it went a lot further than just liking each other. Hot rod was so happy he was small enough to pass as a pillow in Magnus berth under his sheets when his sire came to deliver paperwork to Magnus that one night.
A bot that he never dated but his sire wanted him to date was Thunderclash. He outright refused, in front of the war hero at that, and his sire still wanted him to give the mech a chance. Hot rod finally agreed after almost a year of his sire bothering him about it. When the two were alone Hot rod apologized but said he really wasn’t interested and apologized for getting Thunderclash’s hopes up like that. He did meet the mech at his hab so he wouldn’t waste anymore of the mechs time than he already had but he still felt guilty.
Hot rod outright made a large rejection to dating someone on his team when his sire suggested it. That would always end badly and his sire did agree and came from a good place asking its just Hot rod didn’t want him finding out he’d slept with Blurr and Springer on multiple occasions. It was always with no strings attached, they were friends blowing off steam, but he knew his sire would not take it well so he kept that hidden too.
He’s had a string of decepticon frags he never intends to tell his sire about and the time he both individually and collectively fragged Megatron and Starscream because they were all charged and drunk off high grade on a neutral planet was something none of them were ever going to tell a single spark so long as they were online.
After that Hot rod chilled out considerably and by the time he was on the lost light he may or may not have fragged Megatron again, but this time he was a new Megatron and not a warlord now so he’ll say it doesn’t count. Nor does his threesome with the former warlord and his old fling Magnus now Minimus count either…or the multiple times they fragged or had private marathon sessions.
He didn’t have to worry about his sire finding out so he felt a lot more relaxed but he wasn’t interested in sleeping with his crew. He knew he was a horrible captain but not that horrible.
There was that one time he’d gotten really drunk at Swerves when they landed on a certain planet and he had a quick frag with Dreadwing and Skyquake. He wasn’t worried about his sire finding out but he sure was annoyed with all the teasing Megs gave him when he had to come get him because he was too fragged out to walk or transform…he gave the twin seekers his personal comm after that meeting.
What can he say he’s a spike slut he knows it.
He just didn’t want Drift or Ratchet to know.
He should’ve definitely remembered not to get up with ease after taking the pounding of a life time and giving them the ride and transfluid suck, in all aspects, of a processor crasher, at least in their opinion. Yeah it definitely one of the best frags he’s ever had and the fact he actually liked, was in love, with the two made it even better….its just he’s had rougher, longer, bigger and crazier frags than this one.
He didn’t dare say that though, he just blamed it on not being able to sit still which they didn’t buy at all.
Thankfully Ratchet accidentally exposing their relationship of sorts to Optimus via face plate cam where the two were catching up and Drift was in the back wearing a towel all wet and Rodimus had brought Ratchet a mug of hot energon kissing his helm fin wearing one of their blankets, the cyber kitty was out of the bag.
His sire was extremely happy and jumped to conclusions right away as Rodimus tried to back away from the camera thinking he could avoid being seen. His sire took that and his immediate denial for shyness about finally finding someone to date and conjunx. Rodimus literally told Optimus “they are conjunx to each other I am not seeing them,” only for it to be ignored.
To Rodimus, Optimus saying he was glad his bitlet finally stopped being too difficult to handle and date was a good thing. That he shouldn’t scare bots off with his impulsive and childish behavior and that it was good he finally had his life together and seeing two bots that were good for him and would help keep him on track was perfect. Rodimus didn’t bat an optic when Optimus said its a good thing he picked right on his first actual try and was being a gentlemech instead of bouncing from relationship to relationship like he feared whenever Rodimus eventually did start dating.
Rodimus was rolling his optics when Optimus said he was glad his own bitlet didn’t turn out to be shareware like some bots were rumoring him to be and thats when Rodimus immediately faked a smile, said love you creator bye and hung up the call.
He let out a deep vent and opened his optics to see Drift and Ratchet giving him a funny look and he played off a laugh shrugging his shoulders before walking away with, “my sire is so embarrassing.”
Yeah he’s aware of how Optimus actually views him. Sure he loves him but he doesn’t think very highly of him and he gets it. His sire is right to think that way but his sire doesn’t actually know he has a right to feel that way. Sure he knows his major frag ups but not just how wild he actually was.
He fears the day his sire learns what a complete failure of a prime, bitlet and autobot he truly is.
He figures theres no reason to really put thought into drift and ratchet seeing his convo with his sire. He just tells the two as he’s leaving that he’ll tell Optimus it was a mistake and make sure he doesn’t bug them about this. He’s not giving them a single chance to say a word back because he’s out the door and speeding off to his hab to personally call optimus and tell him they are not dating and to leave his non existent love life alone.
Of course after he finally gets his sire to drop it here comes Drift and Ratchet telling him they are interested in dating him and they thought they made that clear. That and he wasn’t getting off the hook for the conversation between himself and his sire or how he could just be so unfazed by long and brutal fragging.
He..tries to leave this conversation because he very much does not almost pass out nor did he burst out crying when they made things vulnerable.
He absolutely does none of those things.
He completely denies all of this and when his sire asked while looking smug when they return to cybertron for their wedding, “i thought you three weren’t dating?”
Rodimus almost ignites his tribal gown. If it weren’t for the two he literally just married he would have.
Its not till after the wedding and all the spark felt speeches did Drift and Ratchet corner him because they figured out some of the mechs he fragged and wow it explains why he’s so casually confident and can easily do all type of things in the berth.
“Really kid?! Dreadwing and Skyquake at the same time?! Starscream and Megatron when they were our enemies?! Literally magnus before that spark forsaken adventure! Who else was there?!”
“You would not believe me and I don’t think i should tell.”
He does tell.
Drift has a really mean jealous streak and so does Ratchet.
Rodimus tries to defend himself by saying ratchet used to be the party ambulance but Ratchet says that was in med school and he didn’t commit treason.
Rodimus shrugs it off or tries to.
They find a way to leave Rodimus in tears that night on their wedding by giving him the one thing none of his partners ever have.
They make love to him. Slow passionate spark bonding love…that leaves him both a sobbing wreck for two days and sparked by the time they get back.
Rodimus is not at all happy or amused at being made completely vulnerable and having to rely on them to take care of him for their entire wedding night or honeymoon and the fact that they sparked him. He’d rather it was them sparked, not himself.
They had other plans though.
Idk if this is what you were looking for but this was the best i could do.
To me they roddy and optimus love each other but they have so much undiscussed angst between each other its obvious. At least to Drift and Ratchet. Rodimus knows and he’s sure his sire knows too. Its just Optimus thinks he’s good at hiding how disappointed he is at how Rodimus turned out.
Rodimus will be the first to agree his sire is right when Drift and Ratchet bring up their relationship and they hate it. But Rodimus has honestly learned to expect disappointment and to always be a failure both in reality and in his sires optics and they both hate how serious and casual he is about it.
I’m sorry i just had to make it angsty.
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creehd · 4 months
hhiiiii im wondering if i can get a drop of IDW rodiblurr...
rodimus and blurr, my babygirl idiots together
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AA I HAD FUN DRAWING BLURR ACTUALLY he's the perfect shape ... the perfect man...
Questions or suggestions? Asks are open!
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*faints* tarn & blurr! Tarn & blurr!
I’ve been enlightened thank you
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maxicaiman · 2 months
so while I've only started drawing two, I now have plans for my ocs!
Mixtape: a cassette player I'm shipping with rodiblurr in TFA and soundster in g1/idw
Scout, M1-RA, and Alex: Scout is an Autobot who crashed on Earth, and is now in the care of robot maker Alex and her bot M1-RA (they become a throuple)
Tailpipe: little seekerling being cared for by Jetfire
Twister: younger seekerling under the care of the Elite Trine/Starscream's clones
Mainframe: Decepticon spy shipped with Shockwave
Astro/Astronimus Prime: child who initially lived in a secret, zealot filled village on a desolate planet before it was found, later became a Prime and a successful scientist/theologist under the care of Drift and Ratchet
Flint: a Torchbearer from Caminus
Pulse: a medic in training as Ratchet's assistant in TFA and IDW, might ship her with Optimus and Blackarachnia
Tbh I'll probably come up with more, Astro, Scout, M1-RA, and Alex were the first ones I thought of and then the rest just appeared in my mind
Tailpipe is such a cute name omfg this is my favorite one immediately. That’s my child now /j
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intothefunkyverse · 2 months
Blog Masterpost
‼️asks open!‼️
Reminder: This is a 13+ blog. I will occasionally post NSFW here, that will be marked 18+, though I cannot control what you view. If I discover that a minor has liked any NSFW art I've drawn, they will be blocked.
I go by she/her, they/them, and he/him. I don't like giving away my gender online, so any is fine!
so if you're here, you're interested in or like my ocs and I'm super super thankful for that.
I love a bunch of rarepairs, especially soundster and TFA rodiblurr!
I'd love to answer asks about any of my OCs, which currently consist of:
Mixtape: a cassette player shipped with rodiblurr in TFA and soundster in g1/idw (he/him)
Scout, M1-RA, and Alex: Scout is an Autobot who crashed on Earth, and is now in the care of robot maker Alex and her bot M1-RA (they become a throuple) (Scout: he/him | M1-RA: she/her, it/its | Alex: she/her)
Tailpipe: young seekerling being cared for by Jetfire (she/her)
Twister: younger seekerling under the care of the Elite Trine/Starscream's clones (she/her)
Mainframe: ex-Autobot turned Decepticon spy shipped with Shockwave (she/her)
Astro/Astronimus Prime: child who initially lived in a secret, zealot filled village on a desolate planet before it was found, later became a Prime and a successful scientist/theologist under the care of Drift and Ratchet (she/her)
Flint: a Torchbearer from Caminus (she/her)
Pulse: a medic in training as Ratchet's assistant in TFA and IDW, pretty much adopted by him in TFA (she/her, Youngling in TFA and teen in IDW)
Things that are OFF-LIMITS/I WILL NOT RESPOND TO: Incest, rape/non con (this includes CNC,) basically anything involving waste/bodily fluids (blood is fine,) valveplug asks with any of my underage/child characters.
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millidew · 5 years
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back at it again with the shattered glass crackships! this time: a tired scout, a sad idiot with a fake goatee, and a melodramatic asshole
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grimlock · 9 months
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I joined in the @tf-bigbang this year!! i worked with @agentblurr to make pieces for their fic, which is a choose your own adventure style fic! It was really fun to work with them. This is my main piece, which features Rodimus and Blurr! The fic is available here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50288416/chapters/127037995
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woolydemon · 3 years
FOR THE CHARACTER ASK THING tfa rodimus and/or sari? whoever u have more thoughts on <3
ok im doing Rodimus since ive already done sari!! (This one is not nearly as long as the other ones, so apologies for that </3)
First impression
Wow! He's cool! (few minutes later) Oh no! hes dying!!!! :[
Impression now
I still think he's cool!! I like his lil backstory in the Almanac talking abt how he was a bit of a punk at first but has since then matured a bit as he became a prime
Wish he was hot pink but I think that about all Rods since I discovered he was originally pink </3
Favorite moment
I think it was rlly cool how he manuevered out of the way of Spittors attacks, he was kicking then he boom he pulls out his bow!! go gay boy go!!
(Sorry he literally shows up for less than 3 minutes I dont got a lot to work with here </3)
Idea for a story
I.. honestly don't have anything for him. The closest I got is my fan cont Rodimus?? He was prodigy like TFA Hot Rod was, but never really matures out of his rowdy punk boy phase. He was roomates with bumblebee and windblade during his academy days and has since then been on a bunch of missions and stuff (and also was promoted to prime that's also a big deal lol)
Also he has Hot Shot as his little brother who rlly looks up to him (but Rodimus doesnt get to hang out with him as much anymore :[ )
Unpopular opinion
i dont rlly care for his voice acting that much, but i guess its better than generic white boy </3
Favorite relationship
oogh this is a toughie
idk ive seen rodiblurr which is p darn cute!! maybe ironhide/Rodimus too?? that one seems like it could be cute too
There also was this one comic ive seen for Rodimus/bee that i think abt time from time,,, ive searched for it but never managed to find it again </3
Favorite headcanon
I enjoy seeing ppl depict him with some of the traits of his MTMTE counterpart, sillay man momemts :]]]
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rodiblurr in five mins?
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For u
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rodiblurr nsfw in five mins?
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okay TFA rodiblurr interfacing. They both try to go slow because they're both still healing, but soon that speedster energy kicks in and they slowly start to speed up until they're practically vibrating on the berth and might break it because of their speed
Hellpppp they awkwardly go to buy a new berth and have to try and dodge the questions of how their previous one broke in the damn first place😭😭
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rodiblurr nsfw hcs?
Quick overloading but they both go for multiple rounds. Maybe too many
Light bondage stuffs
Rodimus likes being called momma during interfacing
They like being mushy and cute during interfacing
They’re not super loud either
Blurr wit da mommy kink
Deep deep kisses during facing
They’re flexible ;3
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okay so any TFA rodiblurr hcs
Racing slowly together
They can’t sleep like normal bots god dammit they sprawl on each other like creatures
They don’t like the dark and bond over that
Singing songs except it’s SpongeBob music
They go from silly goofy to serious life altering conversations in seconds
Nighttime serious talks
Rodimus makes breakfast :3
Blurr types like a menace all over the place but Rodimus types with emoticons like ^_^
Side hugs<3333
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