#rocky horror picture show au
ziggys-squigglies · 12 days
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Some traced studies I did, mostly of Spock! Tumblr said too spicy though so full image on A03 I think Spock is so Janet coded it's insane. I have some more tumblr not approved spirk stuff, so let me know if the A03 fanart thing works for you guys and I'll post more!
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twstinginthewind · 3 months
Help I have been suddenly swept up in the idea of NRC putting on a production of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
- Vil is Dr. Frank N. Furter, naturally? Because that is where you put your most glamorous individual. I am not changing this even a little.
- Ace and Deuce as Brad and Janet, respectively. This is also extremely necessary.*
- at first I thought of Rook for RiffRaff, but then I realized that my heart truly wants him as the criminologist.
- this means the slimiest possible person gets to be Riff. Enter Mister Ashengrotto.**
- Epel needs to be Eddie. He rides a motorcycle around the laboratory. This is the most necessary thing ever. The joy I get imagining Epel playing a sax on a motorcycle and singing Hot Patootie is immeasurable.***
- However, this leads to a question of who would be the Perfect Columbia? I was toying with the idea of having Magenta and Columbia be the tweels, but. I can go one better. Kalim as Columbia (because I can picture him happily tapdancing during the Time Warp) and Cater as Magenta, because cute in a maid's dress.
- Doctor Scott, a position of great gravitas (nope) and occasional silly (yes) goes to Lilia. What can I say? PMC auditioned together.
- Now a lot of people would say you wanna have your biggest beefcake be Rocky. And while both Sebek and Jack fit the bill, Jack has that aura of innocence to him that Rocky needs. That having been said. Leona would be a funnier choice, especially if you imagine the "touch-a touch-a touch me" scene where Deuce would have to seduce him. That boy would not be smooth. 10/10 comedy pick. That said. Leona would 100% leave halfway through the first act to take a nap (if he shows up at all), so Jack makes perfect sense as his understudy.
* Poor Deuce though. I mean yes he's Susan Sarandon which means arguably he's the coolest person there but he looks awful in that half-slip.
** Lilia's upset that he didn't get to be Riff (although he would be great), but honestly? Azul's perfect. Jade would be another good understudy here.
*** Epel: I don't wanna do a freakin' musical that's so stupid
Vil just shows him that one scene he's in
Epel: .... okay I'm listening
Vil: You're also cannibalized so there's no more musical numbers for you
Epel: Sold.
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contrael · 9 months
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On Tumblr, among all the Sandman's crossovers with songs and musicals, I noticed one with Rocky Horror Picture Show, where the Corinthian was shown as Rocky, and Dream, respectively, as the creator, for Frank-n-Furter.
Not bad, BUT this would be PERFECT if Cori's creator were Desire.
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tart-miano · 1 year
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angry that your parody has a degree and you don't, victor
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volumebaixo · 5 months
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That backstage picture i love it sm lmao
They're all so stupid (not Janet i love you Janet, she's not stupid she just pretends to be for attention)
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virtkha · 1 month
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where am i
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canniba1cl0wn · 6 months
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Goofy aaa doodle (I love Rocky horror picture show that is my only reason for doing this)
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gomosmorodina · 4 months
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is there any other theatre performance in this world aside from rocky horror? i guess not. so here's jimmy playing brad @mewnectarine
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Okay. So. I’ve seen a few fics and posts about Eddie being in a production the Rocky Horror Picture Show and Steve stumbling across it and having a sexual awakening, which, fantastic showstopping incredible BUT
What if we had the opposite.
Picture: baby gay ally Steve with his new lesbian BFF Robin who he wants to be supportive for, so he decides that the best thing for him to do is obviously to drive her up to Indianapolis to find a her gay club and potentially a girlfriend so that she can enjoy all the same things that he does! It’s only logical. It doesn’t quite work out that way of course because although she’s excited, Robin is also nervous and kind of overwhelmed, BUT they do meet a lovely group of Elder Gays™️ who take one look at this Disaster Pair of Obvious Babies and decide that These Are Their Children now.
Steve and Robin both learn a lot from these new adoptive gay parents of theirs, from Safe Sex With Any Gender to How to Find Other Gays Without Attracting Attention to No, There’s More Than Just Gay Or Straight, Yes Really, We Promise. One of the aforementioned things is gay media, including the cult classic RHPS, and what do you know, There’s a Showing On Tonight, Let’s All Go It’ll Be Fun.
They go. And Steve LOVES it. It’s weird as fuck and he doesn’t follow half of the plot, but neither does anyone else it seems like because of just how weird it is, and the songs are all super catchy and screaming the words ‘asshole!’ And ‘slut!’ At the stage is weirdly cathartic for him.
Now. This wouldn’t lead to much of anything, except that Steve watches the movie so much on nights when he can’t sleep without waking up screaming from nightmares that he accidentally memorises all of the songs, and THEN, one night when he and Robin are having a Gay Night On The Town, he gets kind of hammered and ends up doing Karaoke on stage with a drag queen to Touch-a touch-a touch me. And he’s good. Very good, in fact, enough that he’s approached by a local theatre worker who just so happened to be in the club that night, who mentions that auditions for a new production of RHPS are being held soon, you’ve got real talent kid, why don’t you go for it?
And Steve isn’t going to, but he’s in desperate need of a hobby, and Robin is stood next to him chanting DO IT DO IT DO IT FOR MEEEEEEE, and you know what? Their lives are already So Goddamn Weird. So off he goes, and whaddaya know, ladies and gentlemen, you are looking at the brand spanking new Dr Frank-n-furter!
Enter Eddie, stage left.
Now with part two!
Additional stobin interlude scene!
Part Three/Four!
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technicolor-dreamss · 19 days
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The devil works fast but autism works faster this is probably like the worst au ever I think, science fiction double feature fr
Geordi is the Criminologist btw but I didn’t wanna draw this anymore
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twyz · 5 days
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rocky horror redraw feat. my hc designs!!!!
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its-djotime · 9 months
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give me all the fics pls pls pls pls pls pls 🙏
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columbiastapshoes · 4 months
hey guys check out this lit uquiz i made yo !!! https://uquiz.com/JfaVPT
also expect a new headcanons post coming soon….. 👀👀
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porcelainvino · 7 months
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some mercedes art based off pics of frank n furter i like
happy halloween everyone!
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Ok, so this ain't the HeavyMedic comic. However, it is Dr. Frank n Ludwig. Lol
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volumebaixo · 5 months
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Had to draw Dr Furter with his creation at least once 🧤🩸💖💪
[This is AU content, the lore goes kinda differently, also this is not ship art lol, just Frank being pathetic]
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