#robron begins
bobbie-robron · 1 month
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hawleywilby · 6 months
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sweetorangeginger · 6 months
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renamusing · 3 months
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damnitiloveyou · 1 year
I will be in London in October and just know my Robron loving ass absolutely looked up studio tour prices. Neither one is on the show currently and I loathe the producers but being that close to the greatest love story ever told and not visiting the holy ground will still be 😫🥺
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u-changed-my-life · 20 days
If/when Rob comes back do you want them back at the mill or in the new second flat?
Bonus question: Do you want Rob to kick Cain’s butt as much as I do? (the comparison comment) because i would love for Rob to get some aggression out ;)
Hi!!!!! Thank you so much for your ask!! You have no idea how much I love it!! ❤️
I want Robron in the Big House!
Here's what I want. And I have been dreaming about this aka writing a story in me head for years now.
I want Aaron to focus on his business. Do something with cars, make an honest living. Then he meets an elderly gentleman - kinda like Lawrence but a father figure, as opposed to a lusting, sorry, self-pitying person like him. His son is gay and he couldn't accept it at first, so he doesn't have a relationship with him and his family and very much regrets that.
This gentleman notices Aaron at an automobile show when Aaron nonchalantly solves an issue demonstrating he knows cars. Over a pint he gets to know Aaron and takes a liking to him- kinda like his son. And Aaron also finds a friend with whom he can speak without baggage (of people knowing everything about him). And he can talk cars. This man gives him advice and contacts and Aaron begins to grow his business all the while, this guy is in the background. No one in the village knows about him because it's Aaron's sacred happy place. This gentleman knows about Robert, Aaron's struggles etc.
Actually, speaking with him, gives Aaron the courage to go after what he wants and he finally decides to knock some sense into Robert and bring him home.
Robert returns to a very different village and a very different Aaron. While Robert is still struggling to get his bearings, Aaron is a successful businessman and had weirdly (to Robert) wears a suit unironically! And Aaron has put up an offer on the Big House and it gets accepted! This means extending the business to include Emmerdale farm. Aaron did it so that Robert could get a head start and be in his comfort zone. But Robert is not so comfortable. The roles have been reversed now...Aaron is rich, successful and suave and Robert is ...well .... unsettled. Plus, there is this guy Aaron goes out to meet- who is purely business, Aaron has assured him - but no one in the village knows about him!!
What is going on? Is this Aaron taking revenge for all those years he had to put up with Rebecca or .... Robert is conflicted and also struggling with mental health.
Meanwhile Aaron is on cloud 9 thinking, for the first time in his life, he has his love, his work and his life in order! Plus, no one can stop them from having Seb now even with their records. If only Liv was here to see it! He has no idea what is going on in Robert's mind.....
*the story continues with a little bit of angst and Robert being a little bit of pain but it is all resolved amicably and has an adorable happy ending*
And then they move on to the Seb custody SL and then the surrogacy SL.
If I had any say in Emmerdale and had all the power in the world, this would be how it goes! 😂
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I'm beginning to fear we won't actually get a ballum sunset ending and it'll be another bs Robron & Stendan ending where we lose one and the other moves on and we're all left in limbo, occasionally being teased at a return only to be let down time and again. This is a fucking awful start to the year.
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robronrewatch2023 · 1 year
April 8th - robron rewatch begins!
Start here and watch until the end of December 5th.
Day one of the robron rewatchalong! We're going to be watching an hour's worth of robron per day, starting right back from Danny Miller's arrival as Aaron in 2008. I'll coordinate by posting a link to the start and telling you when to stop; I'll do this each day at 6am GMT.
Then, in the evening, I'll post a summary of what has happened in that day's block. I'm also filling in a detailed robron database as we go along, which should be useful for fic writing, finding your favourite bits and more.
I won't be tagging all the posts as robron, to avoid clogging up the tag, so make sure you follow this blog if you want to get the schedule or just read the summaries if that's more your jam. Asks are on, and I'm also suggesting the tag #robronrewatch2023 for discussion! I hope we all have fun!
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lilyrizzy · 7 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers tagged by @thewindowatkirkland and @yekoc. thanks guys!
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 9
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 93,122
3. What fandoms do you write for? currently only f1
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? off the golden, in that iron ground, heaviness when i move, we still have time to be (emmerdale fandom) & me and my husband
5. Do you respond to comments? ....no but I really really want to get better at this! because I giggle at my phone like a crazy person getting them and they mean so much
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? defo my after sun au! (do tumblr fics count? I'm counting them lol)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? hmm probably my most recent fic, me and my husband, just bc the end is so silly and fun imo
8. Do you get hate on fics? I'm sure in the privacy of people's dm's I have lol but I don't think anyone has ever hated in my comments or ask box... that I remember...
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes I do! and any kind hehe. from breeding kink to dragon porn
10. Do you write crossovers? nope
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? um, not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? yes! and I had to message the person who did it and ask them nicely to take it down...I've never felt so evil:(
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? yes! all the time with @catofthecanals289 in our dm's and one I think that we posted for a summer of come prompt
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? hmm, probably maxiel or robron from emmerdale (if we ignore how stupid it was at the beginning and how stupid it got at the end)
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? at times I worry my own cloud... more likely like, an alpha max/omega daniel story, or my aftersun au which just live in chats with ppl
16. What are your writing strengths? i'm not totally sure tbh! i enjoy writing dialogue/difficult conversations and intense/strong emotions but idk if that means its my strength
17. What are your writing weaknesses? pacing! & scene setting/descriptions
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I've never done it (other than a pet name here or there) but if I was going to, id probably try to find someone who was a native in that language to help me so I didn't do it v badly lol. when I read stuff people have written in another language I just translate it or try to work out from context what is said lol
19. First fandom you wrote for? probably the hunger games!
20. Favorite fic you've written? honestly, the fav thing I've written is my girl daniel fic I've not posted yet lol. if it's a fic I've posted then, iron ground, though I'm sure that surprises no one!
tagging @catofthecanals289 @toastandvegemite @onboardsorasora if you guys wanna!
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scrapyardboyfriends · 8 months
Caught up on today's episode...
They're just so proud of their editing skills this week and it's just so bad. Haha. The little recap flashbacks at the beginning. Constantly cutting back to the stupid car stunt for dramatic effect. The weird blue tone stuff. It's just so annoying and distracting. I feel like they think it's so cool and innovative but it's mostly just repetitive and rather pointless.
I mean I guess it's a little better than those three trees they kept pulling down in the storm and the cow stampede but that's like...a really low bar. Haha.
As for the actual stories....ugh. They really are going full Rebecca with Chloe aren't they? If she wakes up with brain damage or some other long term thing that prevents her from taking care of Reuben or something I just....I can't. They love repeating stories but they also seem to love repeating the worst ones. This is the Hell Plot if they made every worse decision. And none of it is even worth it because who at this point is even really rooting for Mack and Charity to be together (unlike when we all wanted Robron back and were counting the days).
Ah well...at least Matty got to appear outside the Hide and got a line and he and Amy seemed like an actual couple I guess.
I still just hate that they did another rape story so the Lydia stuff just annoys me. Also that they had her burn the evidence. I know Rhona actually did the right thing after Pierce but now we've had two in a row where the victim destroyed the evidence. I feel like if I had to endure this again, it would be better if they let her at least have kept the clothes and not burned them. Sigh.
The Sharma stuff again just seems shoehorned into this week just so they could do more special editing effects with it and use that dramatic beat of music some more. It shouldn't be there. Also, again, all of this stuff would play way better if Rishi were either still alive, or if we had seen Amit come back for the wedding and had them interact and there was actual suspicion over Rishi's death. Cause dropping it for two months and then having Amit randomly show up with this twist just feels really silly. Like...are they going to show flashbacks? Did they film something with Bhaskar?
And then there's the Aaron stuff...sigh. Haha. I mean Angry, snarky, Chas-hating Aaron is fine and whatever. But the fact that they engineered Chas dating Harry unbeknownst to everyone involved just so they could have her get put into a car boot (everyone gets a turn!) for this week and had Aaron steal money from the Italian mafia just so they could pay him off is just...so contrived within an inch of its life. It's just too many ridiculous convoluted things with zero organic build up. There's no natural flow of events.
I always think about the story transitions in 2015/2016 from Who Shot Robert to Chas's ptsd to stabbing Diane to Diane's cancer story leading to her meeting Gordon, which led into the abuse story for Aaron and the eventual Robron reunion. All of that was clearly meticulously planned out but it happened in a much more natural way over several months where each story fed into each other. I don't know...I miss that kind of thing. Now you can feel the gears turning in every story and it's not a good viewing experience. Either that or things come out of absolutely nowhere. Neither is good.
Ah well...at least this latest attempt at super soap week is almost over.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 1 year
Jane Hudson needs to go. I really won’t understand ITV keeping her after the humiliation of getting nothing at the British soap award. I believe an executive producer can only survive one slump. The writing did get better with Marlon’s stroke after being atrocious ever since the last year of Robron and Ryan Hawley and Danny Miller departure. However this past year has been awful, they doomed so many characters and made them hated by the viewers which caused the actors to immediately leave when their contract was up (Marcus and Naomi). I think they didn’t appreciate the actor of Marcus leaving with the way his departure was introduced, I heard the more awful the departure is, the more it means the producers didn’t like the actor’s leaving and to get revenge, they are writing the worst ending. You can see they tried to make Paddy depression and attempt to take his life to get awards buzz, because they hoped that they would get the same reaction than Marlon’s stroke. Dominic Brunt is a fantastic actor but there’s nothing he could do with non-existent writing of his storyline. I felt it barely lasted 5 episodes… he disappeared, was found by Marlon and Chas, was being looked after, they had the all-male episode and then he went to the reunion and that’s it, storyline over. And then the ongoing storyline that nobody cares about, I mean, can’t they read the room, Chloe is really not liked, Mac had a promising start but now people had enough with him and everyone is waiting for Charity to get back with Vanessa. Let’s not start with Wendy and Liam, they are really trying to group characters with no attach to anyone together. Most importantly, where the hell are Arthur and Marshall, it’s been a month and we got nothing since they got together, it was one of the sole storyline that attracted viewers attention recently.
I seriously believe that Jane Hudson and all of the people responsible for Emmerdale sinking to the lowest they had ever been. I know they pride themselves in having three women in charge but I am sorry but for what, every female character end up pregnant, they are making them being everybody’s girl and honestly we don’t talk enough about it but the influx of pretty boys who also can’t act has exploded since she became the executive producer. At some point, it seem really unprofessional from her. When was the last time an Abercrombie and Fich model was not introduced as a new character ? Where are the new families or the relatable characters ? The upcoming storyline look atrocious, nobody knows how to do a whodunnit anymore, it’s always about characters that no one care about.
wow tell me how you really feel anon 😉
I'm not sure Jane is the only problem at emmerdale at the moment... but yeah - something's gotta change.
Marlon's stroke was really well done but they can't keep using that for the awards. Paddy's depression and attempted suicide were horrendous. Paddy is depressed about his wife cheating on him and planning to take his daughter away from him when running away with the other guy, and Chas made it all about her. SHE had to be with Eve, SHE felt sorry for herself because Paddy wanted a divorce, SHE went crying to Caleb when The Family didn't want to talk to her... and the all male episode? I don't even remember it... it was a whole load of nothing.
I adored Mack when he was first introduced - his happy go lucky nature, the flirty banter with Aaron, and in the beginning with Charity... but then they flicked a switch and he was suddenly mister domestic with Charity... and now he's all about the baby and Chloe... I mean... Chloe has as much personality as that baby? She was introduced as the weird surrogate daughter for Kerry and the rich girl friend for Sarah who didn't know the meaning of the word boundaries. Then she slept with Noah, Nate, and then suddenly Mack and they shoved a baby at her. And the other young mothers in the village? 0 interaction apart from Amy every now and then to tell her "you're his mam". Why can't she talk to Amelia about being a young (single? I don't remember if Noah and Amelia ever got back together) mother, or Vic who supposedly lives in the same house?
and Amy and Matty are ENGAGED yet their relationship gets 0 focus. It's all about Chloe and the baby and Matty is allowed to walk around in the Hop a bit and sort of talk about/with his mother every now and then. I saw an insta post from Ash earlier that he's been on the show for FIVE YEARS... but after his initial introduction/moira accepting him and the five minute toxic masculinity story, they've done nothing with Matty. Even the relationship with Amy gets no focus - their engagement was the first time they even kissed on screen! (i know they got together during the first covid lockdown/social distancing but there were work arounds for that - camera trickery, real life partners as stand ins, etc) In this time where trans people are being attacked (either physically or via legislation) emmerdale could choose to show a trans man in a loving relationship preparing for his upcoming marriage to his long term girlfriend... but they do... everything but.
As for the Caleb stuff - I doubt he actually dies. They made such a show of getting Will Ash on board, I don't think they're going to kill Caleb off just like that and let Kim just "win". Nicky will probably be a suspect, Kim, Will, the entire dingle fam... and watch it be that Adrian guy he introduced last night.
There is so much potential with these characters, and even with the storylines they choose to run... but they only run them into the ground. Characters and actors who vibe well together (Naomi and Marlon, Marcus and Noah) just never interact after one or two scenes... and Ethan is just... nowhere to be found? When his grandmother (who he supposedly knows) just rocked up in the village? He's a lawyer, couldn't he have helped her with her housing situation?? Where's emile? Is he still on the show or has he left too?
Just... hire me emmerdale, I have ideas!
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bobbie-robron · 1 month
You’re so kind and caring, aren’t ya? Where is he anyway?
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25-Apr-2019, episode 2
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hawleywilby · 1 year
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i-cordelia · 1 year
It was such a missed opportunity not to have a single worthwhile Robron new year moment. They were made for New Year’s romantic cliches.
A kiss as the clock strikes midnight, a miraculous reconciliation or forgiveness, a new beginnings or even being stuck somewhere together when they were broken up and they get to talk about their regrets, hopes and dreams…
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imsugdone · 1 year
That picture of Danny and Ryan, from last week, sent me into a full robron rewatch, from the beginning. I’m finally at the reunion and I shit you not I’m sobbing and hyperventilating I forgot how good this shit felt I’ve missed these idiots so fucking much 😭😭😭😭
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damnitiloveyou · 26 days
I've been going back to the beginning of the Robron tag on Ao3 and I forgot how many Aaron/Adam fics there actually were 🤢
*tagged as Robron of course
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