#rit engineer
lozriftsintime · 10 months
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Here we are! The second in Links in Dresses series. My Engineer is having fun with @marshmellohi’s Spirit. Spirit is having fun building a sand train while Engineer is trying to keep the wind from steeling his hat.
I actually did try and base their location off of an actual spot in the game. Though I made the beach part bigger than it is in the game. Kudos to anyone who figures out where that is.
Closer pictures of the boys under the cut
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collegechalo · 1 year
Engineering Colleges in Karnataka
Karnataka is a southern state in India that is known for its rich cultural heritage and diverse geography. It is also home to some of the top engineering colleges in the country. Karnataka has a long tradition of excellence in engineering education, with many of its colleges consistently ranked among the best in India.
Here are some of the top engineering colleges in Karnataka:
National Institute of Technology (NIT), Surathkal
RV College of Engineering, Bangalore
Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT), Manipal
Ramaiah Institute of Technology (RIT), Bangalore
BNM Institute of Technology (BNMIT), Bangalore and 15th more.
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arya7stark · 1 year
We all appreciate how much Moonlight Chicken is grounded in reality, so I wanted to add another bit that I haven’t seen yet: the school Heart wants to go to is very real, and it makes perfect sense for him to go there. In fact, it’s probably the best option in the world.
He’s looking at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) in Rochester, New York (this is nowhere near NYC, for anyone unfamiliar with New York geography--it’s right on Lake Ontario and not too far from Niagara Falls). NTID is one of only two four-year college programs specifically for Deaf students in the US, the other being Gallaudet University, which is a liberal arts school and doesn’t offer an Engineering major. I am by no means an expert, but a fair bit of googling says that internationally there aren’t many options for Deaf students wanting to pursue higher education at an institution that specifically welcomes and is prepared to support them. At a lot of universities, they would be piecing together accommodations that many professors might be unfamiliar with, and that they might have to fight to get the school to provide. NTID is fully integrated and makes up a not insignificant portion of RIT’s student body: about 1 in 20 students are deaf or hard of hearing. There is history there, resources, experience, and a built-in community of support.
Anyway, not only is NTID unique in that regard, RIT also has a well-respected Engineering program. For a Deaf kid who wants to study engineering, it’s a fantastic choice.
We don’t know how good Heart’s English skills are, but he seems to have been a good student. And lucky for him, Thai Sign Language and American Sign Language are closely related, so that linguistic transition might even be easier than the written one.
I’m willing to bet Heart has known all about NTID for a while, but couldn’t bring it up with his parents. Him wanting to study in the US has nothing to do with Li Ming, that’s just a happy coincidence. That and the fact that Li Ming is forcing his parents to finally listen to him.
So as adorable as it is that these two lovebirds are going off on a grand international adventure together, I’m really glad that it’s grounded in reality, and that they both separately want to be there, for their own reasons. This story is not a fantasy, but reality can be even more beautiful.
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homomenhommes · 7 months
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Quelques heures plus tard, avec la voiture de Marc, je ramenais les jumeaux chez eux. ;Si je devais tester leur père, celui ci devait de son coté avoir décidé de passer à l'attaque. En effet, à peine la porte passée, il rappelle à ses fils que faire la fête le WE s'est bien mais qu'il y a les devoirs à faire et qu'il serait temps qu'ils s'y mettent. Les jumeaux font mine de faire la tête et me disent au revoir avec chacun une pelle bien appuyée. Comme ils montent à leur chambre, leur père m'invite à entrer au salon car il avait des conseils à me demander. A peine assis dans le canapé, il met en marche le lecteur de DVD et sur l'écran plat géant (au moins 130), je vois défiler les images d'un film de cul homo. Il m'explique que intrigué par ce que ses garçons lui avaient dit de la chose et voulant en savoir plus, il s'était acheté ça ce WE. Je prenais la jaquette et vu que c'était un des derniers CADINOT. De jeunes mecs TBF essentiellement imberbes qui baisaient à chaque coin de rue. Il me demanda si ce type de film reflétait la réalité. Les joues un peu rouges, je le fixais et lui dis que ça pouvait être le cas mais pas uniquement. Il n'existait pas que des homos de ces ages là ! il rit et en convient. Je lui dit que pour ma part j'appréciais bien les mecs de mon age mais aussi les plus âgés, que cela dépendait du physique. Il se mit debout devant moi et déjà peu vêtu, il ôta son polo découvrant un torse aux poils bruns tondus à 5mm couvrant sans les cacher des pecs d'un beau volume et des abdos plus que corrects. Sous son jeans, son sexe avait pris de l'ampleur et déformait le tissu laissant présager un engin de belle dimensions.
Il me demanda ce que j'en pensais. Plutôt que de parler, j'étais quand même un peu troublé, j'ai glissé à genoux, les yeux fixés sur son entrejambe, j'ai défait sa boucle de ceinture et baissé le zip. Sans slip, son sexe est directement venu frapper mes lèvres. Comme me l'avait dit ses fils, il était long (22cm comme Marc) épais, veiné, circoncis. Il différait d'avec celui de mon homme par le gland. Si celui de Marc est conique, celui que j'avais sous les yeux était lui plutôt rond en forme de grosse prune.
Comme j'ouvrais la bouche pour parler, il a poussé son bassin en avant et plaçant ses mains derrière ma tête, il est entré totalement. Je me suis un peu étranglé, surpris qu'il aille aussi vite aussi loin. Il me dit alors que c'était encore meilleur que ce qu'il avait imaginé aux récits de ses fils. Je poussais des deux mains sur ses cuisses car tout à l'écoute de ces nouvelles sensations, il avait oublié que je devais respirer !
Alors que j'aspirais l'air si nécessaire au maintien de ma vie, il s'excusa de sa maladresse mais que c'était vraiment supérieur à toutes les pipes qu'il avait connu. Je m'empressais de pomper ce sexe, résolu à ne pas le détromper. Je devais lui faire la pipe du siècle pour le convertir à nos pratiques. Une de mes mains est venue entourer la base de ses couilles et tout en maintenant un rythme soutenu et un avalage complet de sa bite, j'ai doucement tiré ces dernières vers le bas.
Sur l'écran, les jeunes comédiens de Cadinot étaient passés à la vitesse supérieure et s'enculaient les uns les autres. Attirant mon regard sur ces actions, il me demanda si j'étais partant. J'avalais une dernière fois sa bite et bloquant le gland au fond de ma gorge je le massais en déglutissant plusieurs fois rapidement. Puis je me reculais et dis OK de la tête. Je fis voler mes vêtements et il me siffla quand nu, je me suis tourné vers lui. Ma plastique ressemblait beaucoup à celle des acteurs du film en un peu plus musclé quand même. Il attrapa une Kpote dans sa poche (il avait vraiment prévu le coup !) je lui en recouvris le sexe et me suis placé à 4 pattes sur la table basse pour qu'il puisse me sauter debout.
Alors que j'attendais le contact de son gland, c'est sa langue qui est venue se poser sur mon anus. J'ai apprécié l'attention car excité comme il était, je m'étais attendu à être enculer à la hussarde.
Quelques coups de langues et pas mal de salive plus tard, je l'ai entendu se relevé et j'ai senti aussitôt son gland se poser et pénétrer mon intimité. Lentement, pour bien sentir toute la différence d'avec une meuf, il m'a enculé. Progressant cm par cm, écartant mes fesses, il a entré toute sa bite dans mon cul. Les mains sur mes épaules, un dernier coup de rein l'assura que je m'étais tout pris. Je l'avais laissé faire. Maintenant, alors qu'il entamait un retrait, je faisais pulser les contractions de mon anus massant sa hampe sur tout le trajet et lui bloquant le gland, l'empêchant de sortir totalement. Il gémit de plaisir sous ce traitement. Il me dit qu'aucune des salopes qu'il avait baisé ne lui avait fait cela avec son cul, et pourtant il en avait sauté des chaudasses ! ses mains sur mes hanches, il a accéléré la cadence.
Comme je tournais la tête en arrière pour le regarder, par la porte, j'ai vu assis dans l'escalier les jumeaux en train de nous mater. J'ai sorti le grand jeu, venant de moi même m'empaler sur son dard. Il me dit alors que j'étais vraiment une salope moi aussi qui ne demandait que de la bite. Il était très endurant et malgré tout mon savoir faire, il réussit à me limer une bonne demi heure avant de remplir la Kpote, tétanisé au fond de mon cul.
C'est à ce moment là que les jumeaux se sont mis à applaudir. Surpris, leur père s'est retirer brutalement le passage du gland faisant le bruit d'une bouteille qu'on débouche et s'est retourné pour voir ses deux fils hilares. S'étant repris, ils leur confirma que baiser un mec avait quelque chose d'excitant que les meufs n'avaient pas. Comme je me redressais, ils se sont approchés de nous et alors que Tic (Vassili) m'essuyait le cul, Tac (Ptior) ôtait la kpote et épongeait le sexe de son père. Levant le bout de latex devant nos yeux, il nous fit remarquer la dose de sperme qui la remplissait. Il y en avait plus de 3cm dans le fond ! comme le père négligemment nous disait que c'était habituel, il se fit bousculer à coup d'épaule par ses fils.
Nous avons remis nos pantalons sur nos fesses et Tic est parti chercher des Cocas pour nous désaltérer. Sur l'écran le film finissait, avec un tableau de groupe où tous les protagonistes étaient autour d'une piscine. Je fis remarquer que des la belle saison revenue, nous pourrions faire ce genre de tableau à la maison ! Quand Tac a demandé à son père si baiser avec moi lui avait plut, ce dernier lui a dit que n'était ce la chatte dont je n'étais pas pourvu, ma bouche et mon cul valaient dix fois ceux d'une femme. Que sur la centaine de meufs qu'il avait tiré, aucune n'avait ce niveau de pipe, ou cette science de la sodomie passive. Et pourtant il en avait baisé des salopes ! Tic qui revenait avec les rafraîchissements lui demanda si il serait intéressé pour découvrir encore plus de choses de mecs. Le père lui répondit que si ça avait ce niveau d'excitation sexuelle, il est OK.
Quand je suis renté à la maison, j'ai dit à Marc que le père des jumeaux était prêt à tester les rapports entre mecs à une plus grande échelle que mon simple petit cul. Le récit de mon enculage, excita suffisamment Marc pour que je sois obligé de le calmer d'une pipe qui me servit l'apéritif 15mn plus tard avec 6 belles giclée de sperme. J'en gardais les 2 dernières pour les partager avec le donneur en lui roulant un patin.
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squad3-sevcase · 11 months
When there's no one to hold you, I will still hold you down
A/N: The truth is, this story was born from grief. At the moment, I am uncertain whether there will be more chapters. However, I am planning to cross post to ao3 under the user Ink_and_Smoke when I feel it is complete. Right now, I am just trying to get a feel of sharing it. I do not give permission for my works to be reposted anywhere without my consent.
This story is dedicated to the best friend I lost: thank you for being my Leslie Shay. Always. 🤍
Warning: Major Character Death
Content: Angst, Domestic Fluff, Firehouse 51 Family, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Flashbacks, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Relationships: Kelly Severide/Matthew Casey, Kelly Severide/Original Female Character, Slight Matthew Casey/Original Female Character
Summary: An in-depth look at how the death of Paramedic Leslie Elizabeth Shay shaped the lives of those she left behind.
1: I'll Be Your Lifeline
The call comes at 3 on Friday morning, just as it seemed like the firefighters and paramedics of Firehouse 51 would finally be able to rest. The alarms blare through the station, dispatch calls for all available units to be mobilized for backup at a structure fire in the Near West Side; Kelly had just laid down. He pushes himself from the mattress, digs his feet into his shoes so he's not walking across the station floor in his socks, and exits his quarters.
He stifles a yawn with his fist, pulling on his turnouts in what feels like record timing, and climbs into the front of the Squad rig. He goes through the motions of radioing into dispatch and letting them know that Squad 3 from House 51 is en route, checking over his shoulder for the exhausted faces of his crew. He knows that no matter the state they find themselves in, they'll show up and give 110%; he feels lucky to be leading these men in the field. He catches Tony's eye and the two share a nod of understanding: get there fast, get there safely, but get there fast.
Static crackles over the open channel on Kelly's radio and he hears Matt's voice echo his call to dispatch, "This is Lieutenant Casey. Truck 81 en route to Near West Side structure fire." He finds himself smiling despite the knowledge that they're heading into the unknown, at least they're going together. He's lost count of how many calls they've been on, how many saves have gone down to the wire, how many times he's held his breath before Matt comes walking through thick walls of smoke. They may be on separate teams, but no one has ever been as in sync with him as Matthew Casey. He wonders if Matt is keeping score, too.
When Tony pulls the rig to a stop behind Engine 51, Kelly's the first one off and heading for incident command. A quick debrief reveals that the fire originated on the first floor and is now making its way up to the additional floors, two neighbouring firehouses are already working on evac but they're short-staffed. Kelly nods his understanding and turns to the members of his house, his brothers and sisters in arms.
"All right--Dawson, Brett, you two get set up in triage and help with emergency transportation as needed. Squad, Truck, I want teams of two to fan out and help check the remaining units for any survivors, radio if you need assistance. Engine, post up with the other crews and provide coverage. We attack this thing head-on, we need to be in and out as quickly as possible before this building comes down. Let's move!"
Between them, Kelly and Matt dispatch their men--one from each team--into the burning building (Herrmann and Matt stand by on RIT). Over the years, an unspoken rule within 51 was that the two Lieutenants go in together and no one said a word against it. But that was before their daughter was born. Roan Shay Elizabeth Severide was the moon that lit up the night sky, the star that guided each of them home. And she was named after the one person they would trust to take care of her if anything happened to them--Kelly's best friend, Leslie Shay. One day, they will tell her all about the woman she got her name from.
This time, Kelly was going in with Mills. Kelly gears up and waits for him at the back of Truck; he locks eyes with Matt who sends him a quick nod. To anyone else, the gesture is simply a silent communication between the two lieutenants. But Kelly knows better, and that nod is Matt's way of saying that he's got his back. That he's with him, that he'll follow him anywhere. It's Matt's way of making sure Kelly comes out alive.
"All right, Mills, let's do this," he says, turning toward the building.
"On your mark, Lieutenant," Mills confirms, putting his full faith and trust in Kelly Severide.
One last glance at Matt, and Kelly is returning his nod with one of his own. There is no one else either man would have at his side, at his back, than each other. But this is how it is now, Kelly would be damned if both of them were in immediate danger from the jump. They have too much on the line. Two in, two out takes on a whole new meaning when it's said between them, a promise to always come back.
Time feels like it's dragging on, though the minutes are ticking by quickly. Side by side, Kelly and Mills go down the hallways, breaking in the doors and calling out for survivors. Steady on they go, clearing unit after unit. Then he hears it... it's faint, nearly drowned out by the roaring of the flames and the screaming of splitting wood and drywall. But he would know that sound anywhere, it sticks in the back of his mind, a core memory. The wailing siren of a baby's distressed cry. They have almost cleared every apartment on the fifth floor and this is the last one, with a baby--and God only knows who else--trapped inside.
Kelly doesn't allow his heart and stomach the time to switch places; he signals for Mills to breach the apartment and they enter. The fire hasn't made this rescue impossible yet but it's trying. He knows they have only minutes before they'll be ordered to evacuate, he's done rescues more dangerous than this with less. They're in synchronization as Kelly takes the Alpha and Bravo sides of the unit, and Mills starts along the Charlie and Delta walls. He also knows Mills's diligence is due to Matt demanding perfection from the young firefighter.
("Do exactly as he says, when he says it. No unnecessary heroics."
"Copy, Lieutenant.")
"Fire department, call out!" He hears Mills call behind him and he's grateful for his presence on this call. There is no one in their immediate vicinity, so he moves on.
He advances down the hallway to his left and finds those wailing cries growing louder. Who would leave something so precious alone? he thinks prematurely, he doesn't know the full story yet but his gut is twisting in rage anyway. He echoes Mills's question and waits for a reply when he hears that sound again this time on his right.
He switches gears, turns to face the door and sets his gloved palm against it. The door--for all the rest of the apartment seems to be contending with the fire--is cool to the touch. Kelly lets out a relieved breath and tries the handle, the door opens to him, and he's standing in front of a bathroom. The small room is swirling with tiny plumes of smoke, more so now that it doesn't have to fight with the crack under the door to get in. He finds the baby in the bathtub.
Everything blurs together after that. Somehow Kelly and Mills manage to make it out before the roof caves in and sends floors six through eight crumbling down on them.
Looking back on it later, he will remember the rush of adrenaline that surged through his veins, the look on Mills's face when he spotted Kelly exiting the bathroom with an infant clutched to his chest, and their ability to work in tandem without speaking. He will remember the relief that flooded his system upon reuniting mother and child, the unbelievably crushing weight of the realization that it could have just as easily been him or Matt or Hale and their daughter. And then, as he always does after a tough call, he will bottle it up and pack it away.
* * *
It's after 5:30 when Engine, Truck, Ambo and Squad return to the firehouse. Kelly's muscles are begging for a break, his skin itching for a shower. There are three hours left of this shift and he would like nothing more than to go home, crawl into bed, and not think about work for the next 48. He curses Matt for knowing him so well when he walks through Kelly's office door uninvited and without remorse.
He's sitting at his desk when the door opens, despite his annoyance, he leaves it unlocked for this exact purpose. Matt walks in silently, sits on the edge of Kelly's bunk and waits for him to be ready to talk. Sometimes all it takes is just being in each other's presence to turn a bad day into a good one. Kelly's eyes remain on the silver picture frame--a photo of him, Matt and Hale the day Shay was born. And something tells Matt it's not going to be that easy.
"Hey," he says, after giving Kelly ten minutes and realizing he's not going to say anything. "Come with me."
Kelly opens his mouth to protest, to argue that he's fine and doesn't need one of their routine cigar chats but Matt fixes him with a strong look that says the matter is settled and he can't weasel his way out. He exhales deeply, standing to follow Matt back through the door. "After you," he says, but it's the last thing he wants to do.
The sun rises slowly on the horizon, washing the skyline in burnished gold hues. The first rays of daylight invite them to sit among their coming warmth and work through their shared trauma. Kelly pulls the collar of his CFD jacket up around his neck and holds it there as if trying to shield himself from something other than the chilly morning air.
Matt doesn't say anything for a while, just sits quietly on the front bumper of Squad 3. He cuts the cigars and lights them, handing one to Kelly and keeping the other for himself. He fixes the cap he haphazardly threw on his head and settles back, his ability to wait out Kelly's stubbornness has grown in the last few years.
"You were a hero to that mother today," he says quietly. It's something to say, to break the tension between them but he means it all the same. He doesn't have to tell Kelly that to him, he's a hero every day, it's implied.
He isn't sure what Kelly needs to hear but he's okay waiting. He knows, deep down, the rescue--though successful--took a lot out of him. He can see it in the slight frown he wears, in the dim green of his irises that usually shine like gems, in the way he's retreated into himself in a desperate attempt to block out the world.
Kelly answers with an acknowledging hum, taking a drag from his cigar and watching the smoke he breathes out disappear into the air above him. He's grateful for Matt's stubbornness, even though he doesn't know where to begin articulating his thoughts and feelings. He doesn't want to think about the call, he doesn't want to think about the way his insides were rearranging themselves when he heard that little boy cry, he doesn't want to think about where his mind went for a split second before he snapped back into focus.
"Case, I can't―" He cuts himself off with a swallowed-down sob, tries not to fall apart at the words that are coming unbidden. Memories of the day they lost Shay had been fresh in Kelly's mind throughout the beginning of this shift, and he found himself struggling with the realization that she will never meet her namesake. "I can't stop hearing that baby's cry in my head or seeing Shay's face when I close my eyes. I thought― There was a moment when I thought it could be her, when I thought it was her... And I don't know what I would have done if it had been our daughter."
"But it wasn't Shay, Sev," Matt says matter-of-factly. He understands, now, Kelly's hesitation to let the child go. He understands why he's been so guarded since they got back, why he found him nearly shut down completely in his office. If there is anyone Kelly loves on this earth more than he loves Matt or Hale, it's their daughter. And they feel the same way.
"Yeah, but it could've been," Kelly says.
"But it wasn't," Matt insists. "You went in there, you did exactly what you were born to do, and you saved someone. Thanks to you, a mother gets to watch her son grow up. Sev, no matter how much your anxiety wanted you to believe otherwise, that wasn't Shay. And that little boy's mother wasn't Hale. They are both perfectly safe at home, waiting for us to return."
Kelly nods, he knows Matt has a point but his ability to rationalize has dissipated and all that remains is the heavy weight of fear and grief in his chest. Matt continues, "Kelly, you were amazing today. In a few hours, we will change shifts, we will say goodbye to this family for a couple of days, then we will go home. We will pay Christian who lives down the hall and thank him for helping Hale with Shay while we work and when all of that is done, we will crawl into bed and hold each other and our daughter close."
"I keep thinkin' maybe we should lay off the cigars. You know, while she's still so little."
"You say that as if we smoke them on a regular basis. The last time being when you told me Hale was pregnant. Which means there is something else on your mind, so, hit me."
"I don't know, I've― I've been thinkin' about switching shifts. So there is always one of us at home with Hale and the baby while the other is working."
"If this is about that call―"
"It's not. I've been considering this for a long time. Matt, that call this morning only confirmed that it's something I want to do, something I need to do."
Matt sits there quietly for a while, staring out at the sky and listening to the sounds of the morning as Chicago wakes around them. He considers what Kelly's said; it makes sense. He knows there's probably more that's bugging Kelly but he doesn't push him for answers, even getting him to talk this much is a feat rarely accomplished. He ponders Kelly's suggestion as he lets the last of his cigar burn out.
"Okay," Matt says finally.
"Okay?" questions Kelly.
"Yeah," says Matt. "I think you're right. I think we need to do this for all of us."
Kelly beams, that gem green light in his eyes that Matt loves so much has returned. The tension in his shoulders lifts. "Thank you, Case."
Matt can't help but smile back. There he is, the man he loves with every fibre of his being, fully and completely. "You don't have to thank me, Sev. I'm with you even when shit gets hard, no matter what."
* * *
The rest of the shift passes without incident and Kelly isn't sure they can get out of there fast enough. He decides to forego showering at the firehouse, too eager to get home to his girls. After completing the shift change and saying their goodbyes, Kelly follows Matt to his tuck. The drive back to their apartment feels longer than it is with Kelly's anxiety reaching its boiling point; Matt does what he can to ease his nerves, keeping a reassuring hand on his knee. The cloud lifts once again as the two climb the stairs up to their home.
Outside the door, Kelly is immediately in tune with the sounds coming from the other side. His movements falter and he takes a moment to compose himself when Shay's unhappy wailing sends his mind back to that call. Matt's chest settles at his back, his arms encircle Kelly's waist, and he guides the stressed and exhausted man through a series of deep breaths.
"Hey, hey. Shay's fine. She gets like this every morning we come home. Remember it's just her way of telling her Mama that she misses her Dada and Papa," Matt calmly explains, swaying them soothingly back and forth. He curses the few inches Kelly has on him, standing on the balls of his feet to press a soft, reassuring kiss behind his left ear and reaching around him to unlock the door. "Well, come on then, Dada. Let's go see our girls."
Kelly hums appreciatively, grateful that Matt sees Hale as his too, not just Shay. It happened quickly, organically--falling in love with both of them--but he never expected Matt or Hale to love each other as they loved him. Though, he supposes he got lucky in that department anyway; they were best friends before Kelly's feelings got stuck in the middle of things, and in a way that no one could explain, they were even closer now that they had. Kelly would have gladly traded his life for Leslie Shay's back then, but thanks to her, he has a life worth fighting to come home to.
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educational1234 · 1 month
Guide to Securing Direct Admission in Ramaiah Institute of Technology Bangalore
Ramaiah Institute of Technology (RIT), nestled in the heart of Bangalore, stands tall as one of the most esteemed institutions in India. Renowned for its excellence in engineering education, RIT boasts a stellar reputation and a remarkable placement record.
Why Ramaiah Institute of Technology?
RIT offers a diverse range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs encompassing engineering, pharmacy, management, architecture, and law, among others. With its cutting-edge infrastructure and commitment to academic excellence, RIT provides students with an environment conducive to holistic development and future success.
How to Secure Admission?
Securing admission into RIT is a multi-step process that requires careful planning and preparation. Here's a step-by-step guide:
1. Academic Preparation: Ensure you meet the academic requirements by maintaining a strong performance in your 10th and 12th standard examinations, with a minimum of 60% marks in each.
2. Application Process: Complete the online application form available on the official website of RIT. Follow all instructions meticulously and submit the required documents alongside the application.
3. Consultation: Seek guidance from your school counselor to identify engineering colleges that align with your interests and aspirations. Consider RIT as a top choice for its stellar reputation and comprehensive programs.
Admission Procedure for 2024-2025
RIT follows a meticulous admission procedure to select candidates for its programs:
- Interested students must fill out the application form and submit it along with the necessary documents.
- Subsequently, applicants may be required to take an entrance test as part of the selection process.
- Following the evaluation of applications and test scores, successful candidates will receive notification from the institute.
Eligibility Criteria for Direct Admission
For aspiring students aiming for direct admission to Ramaiah Institute of Technology , the following eligibility criteria apply:
- A minimum aggregate score of 55% in both 10th and 12th board examinations.
- SC/ST candidates are required to have a minimum aggregate score of 60% in their 10th and 12th board examinations.
Academic Offerings at Ramaiah Institute of Technology
RIT offers a diverse array of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines, including:
- Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, and more.
- Master of Technology (M.Tech) in Structural Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, and Biotechnology, among others.
Highlights and Placements
Ramaiah Institute of Technology has consistently been ranked among the top engineering colleges in India. It has garnered accolades for its academic excellence and outstanding placements. RIT's strong industry connections facilitate internships and full-time job opportunities for students, preparing them for successful careers ahead.
In conclusion, securing direct admission to Ramaiah Institute of Technology is a gateway to a promising future in the field of engineering and technology. With its stellar reputation, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and commitment to excellence, RIT offers a nurturing environment for aspiring engineers to thrive and excel.
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RIT Roorkee: Pioneering Excellence in Engineering Education
Roorkee Institute of Technology (RIT) stands as a shining example of academic excellence in the heart of Roorkee, Uttarakhand. As a leading Mechanical Engineering College in Roorkee, RIT has carved a niche for itself in the realm of engineering education. However, its influence extends far beyond mechanical engineering, encompassing fields such as Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Engineering AIML (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning).
Mechanical Engineering: RIT's Mechanical Engineering department is renowned for its rigorous academic curriculum and hands-on learning approach. From fundamental principles to advanced concepts, students undergo comprehensive training that prepares them for diverse career opportunities in the field of mechanical engineering.
Electronics and Communication Engineering: As an Electronics and Communication Engineering College in Roorkee, RIT offers cutting-edge programs that cater to the ever-evolving demands of the electronics industry. With a focus on innovation and practical skills development, students are equipped to tackle challenges in telecommunications, signal processing, and embedded systems, among others.
Electrical Engineering: RIT's Electrical Engineering College in Roorkee is synonymous with excellence and innovation. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in electrical principles, coupled with practical exposure to emerging technologies such as power systems, renewable energy, and control systems.
Engineering AIML: In response to the growing demand for professionals skilled in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, RIT offers specialized programs in Engineering AIML. Students delve into the realms of data science, predictive analytics, and machine learning algorithms, preparing them for careers at the forefront of technological innovation.
Industry Collaboration and Research: RIT fosters close ties with industry partners, facilitating internships, collaborative projects, and research opportunities for students. Through industry-sponsored labs and research centers, students gain firsthand experience in tackling real-world challenges while contributing to the advancement of scientific knowledge.
Recognition and Rankings: RIT's commitment to excellence is reflected in its rankings as one of the top engineering colleges in Uttarakhand and North India. The institute's emphasis on quality education, research, and industry collaboration has earned it recognition as a preferred destination for engineering aspirants seeking world-class education and career opportunities.
Conclusion: As students embark on their academic journey at RIT Roorkee, they are met with a nurturing environment that fosters academic excellence, innovation, and holistic development. Whether pursuing mechanical engineering, electronics and communication engineering, electrical engineering, or engineering AIML, students can be assured of receiving a comprehensive education that prepares them to thrive in the ever-changing landscape of engineering and technology. RIT Roorkee stands as a beacon of hope for aspiring engineers, empowering them to realize their full potential and make meaningful contributions to society.
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lozriftsintime · 11 months
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Name: Link Aboda
Alias(es): Engineer
Birthday: (I am currently working on a calendar system for this AU, so this will come later.)
Age When Introduced: 29
Pronouns: He/him
Height: 5'11
Source/Game(s): Spirit Tracks
Sexuality: Pansexual
Favorite Color(s): Engineer loves the color yellow. It's a bright, cheerful color and it makes him think of the spirit tracks themselves as well as a bright, sunny day. His second favorite color is pink, because it reminds him of when he first met Zelda.
Disliked Color(s): There aren't really any colors that Engineer dislikes, not enough to be worth mentioning at least.
Skills: Engineer may be a better sword user than the average citizen in his time, but he's nowhere near the skill level of any of the other Links. He still carries the Lokomo Sword and uses it when he needs to, but he's far more likely to use his train's cannon to deal with enemies than his sword.
Outside of combat, Engineer is an expert in all things train-related. Not only can he get you (or supplies) where you want to go (either very quickly or very smoothly, your choice), but he also knows how to fix up almost any issue that could come up for a train. Pair all of that with how good he is at hitting any enemy that tries to bother him or his train and it's obvious why he's the person that the queen calls anytime she or a member of her family needs to go somewhere.
Outfit/Design Notes: Aboda's outfit is basically identical to the one he got while he trained to become an engineer. Just larger to fit his now adult form and with gloves to protect his hands when he works on a train. Hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. After their adventure, Zelda insisted that he keep the Spirit Flute to help aid him if anything came up so he carries it with him wherever he goes. Just in case.
Other: Engineer is still living the dream that he had as a child, traveling around on his train and taking people and supplies where they need to go, but these days he returns home daily if he can. That way he can help his husband (Karu) raise their kids; Niko (M; 8), Angee (F; 5), and Alpho (M; 5).
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archi334 · 4 months
Are there any notable industry collaborations or research partnerships facilitated by the top B.Tech colleges in Bengaluru?
Yes, Bengaluru's top B.Tech colleges foster significant industry collaborations and research partnerships to enhance the quality of education and promote innovation. Institutions like Ramaiah Institute of Technology (RIT), Jain University, and RV College of Engineering (RVCE) are known for their robust ties with various industries and research organizations. These collaborations often involve joint research projects, consultancy services, internships, and guest lectures conducted by industry experts. For instance, RIT collaborates with leading companies such as IBM, Infosys, and Bosch to offer industry-relevant curriculum and research opportunities. Similarly, RVCE has established partnerships with organizations like Texas Instruments, Intel, and TCS to facilitate research and skill development initiatives. These collaborations not only provide students with hands-on experience but also contribute to the advancement of technology and innovation. Career Mantra, a trusted educational platform, highlights the significance of such industry-academia partnerships in shaping students' careers by providing exposure to real-world challenges and opportunities. Through its comprehensive insights, Career Mantra empowers students to leverage these collaborations for their academic and professional growth
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moorebreakingnewz · 4 months
Mayday Emergency
This week members of Pinehurst Fire Department are in the process of conducting some important lifesaving training in conjuction with the 911 Telecomunicators in Carthage.
Tonight we joined Pinehurst Fire Chief Carlton Cole and Deputy Chief Derrick Clouston to observe the second round of training at the department completing several "Mayday" training scenarios.
It is the Chiefs goal to have each shift complete this training in conjuction with each shift at the 911 Center having the opportunity to train as well.
Unlike most training where dispatch and fire crews are practicing to save you or me, in this case they are practicing saving one or more of their own.
In a call no firefighter wants to hear, if an emergency occurs on a fire ground with a firefighter in distress a Mayday call is sent out.
A Mayday call can be initiated for a number of reasons. A firefighter trapped in a basement who is running out of air in their breathing apparatus, or it could be a firefighter who is injured on the third floor of a burning building unable to escape, a building structural collapse scenario, or so many other situations can lead to a firefighter needing help.
Fortunately in today's modern emergency services, emergency personnel train and prepare to respond to an emergency event just in case something like this were to ever happen.
A Mayday Call is usually initiated by either a firefighter verbally calling for help over the radio, or there is a button on each portable radio that can be pressed to initiate a Mayday call.
Immediately upon receiving the electronic Mayday signal there is a protocol that is implemented by the Telecomunicators.
First they radio the on-scene commander alerting them to the Mayday signal that has been received requesting verification if it is an actual Mayday call or an accidental system activation.
The scene commanders are also able to see the Mayday call details. Each radio can be traced to a specific person or team.
Scene commanders track who is where inside of a house or commercial building and where they are assigned to be working. This allows for on-scene commanders to begin the steps of responding to the problem immediately if needed.
At each fire or other significant incident at the very beginning a preselected number of firefighters are assigned to be prepared to respond as the Rapid Intervention Team or RIT as it is called in the fire service.
It varies some by department, but these trained firefighters usually respond with a RIT bag that might contain things such as forcible entry tools and hand tools to do things like cut wires. They also might carry things like a spare air mask to replace a damaged one, or an extra air bottle should the firefighter in distress run low on air.
In addition Telecomunicators at the dispatch center will automatically dispatch out a Second Alarm for additional nearby fire stations to respond, usually requesting specific units to respond from each station such as engines, tankers, heavy rescue trucks, a ladder or tower truck or other specified apparatus. Officials in the Public Safety Office and the Fire Marshals Office are also notified. In addition EMS units are dispatched and Aircare is placed on stand-by.
A firefighter being trapped or injured is something that we hope that we never see here at home, but situations do happen to emergency responders every week somewhere across the country.
Fortunately for those that are on the frontlines facing danger every day, officials in Moore County are always prepared to respond to an emergency, even when it is one of their own needing to be rescued.
01/23/24 9:15 pm
Billy Marts
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conandaily2022 · 6 months
How Rochester Institute of Technology student Matthew Grant disappeared, reappeared
Matthew Joseph Grant, 22, is majoring in mechanical engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, United States. He is a captain on the school’s wrestling team. Grant is originally from Onaway, Presque Isle County, Michigan, USA. While attending RIT, he shares an off-house campus in Henrietta, Monroe County with roommates. Born in Detroit, Wayne County,…
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
Hodaka Was The Most Outrageous Motorcycle Brand Of All Time
we have this model and it is an enduro and looks similar but more modern.  we dont call it those names it is a Daveys Harley and this size and class have seroius names and we started but are not building yet need to now.  and will start shortly. have to.
he wants an electric dirt bike for kids. and for us but the child versin now.  and a childs bycicle and kid grow fast we see it.  and a larger childs bike.  and then no.   however an ebike.  we help design.  mid engine,, and a 750 watt oone or two battery.  cat 3. and can be vey fast and programmed to do so.  and not a dirt bike or motorrcycle.  not too high. or low. and  a step through but higher.  and yes the mid engine will go about 75  miles per charge and charge time is two hours as is normal.  geared too staiinless gears.  back and front.  is fst too take out the knobbies all do have and streets added and change thte compouter or throttle it. and should be about 75mph for a 130 pound person.  the cross btw bmx and mountain bike.  and no not  a cruiser.. 3″ tires.  shocks in back on swing arm two.  handlbe bars.  but larger and up. not full but like bmx.  with cross bar for accessories.  and shocks in front light though.  hd. rack onb ack. standard.  frontrear lights standard.  optional battery add and it is 140 miles per charge.  wiht a 150lb poerson.  full shocks yes.  has a bike seat but not a normal one. and not odd.  thiinner infront wider in back  a smaller tank like obect inf ront and not too wide.  and it is a carrying box. locks too opens to one side.  phone can go on it and can be wrapped in leather.  is stylish. too. looks like a small tank but is squarish. true too works.  plastic fenders  yes.  for safety and for th bike.  stylish.  and a horn.  ease of use.  separate bater for the horn and lights yes.  charges if you charge the batery when on the bike or you can charge it seperately on the bike does not come off.  hydrolic brakes.  tons more no. trimmed down.  lightwieght. normal tires not fat ttire but three inch.  
and fast.  performance bike.  and 
Davey’s Harley and we name it too.  all around ebike.  tons will love it and yeh suspension.  strong lightwieth cargo 350 lbs. and a trike.  and look like the childs bike similar to Harley Davidson but larger.  and rides great. tons say it need shocks shit damnit. tons try and uti sucks
this is built fo rit and mac wants one. we do this and try that.  and yeh reverse it ok
Thor Freya
and we try to reverse it back
and good
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parthiban037 · 7 months
Industrial Oriented Course on Oracle APEX. - Ramco College of Engineering, Rajapalayam
We have received great recognition from Ramco College of Engineering, Rajapalayam, for the program ‘Industrial Oriented Course on Oracle APEX.’ Pre-final year students of CSE, IT, and ECE participated in this program and gained valuable knowledge from Oracle APEX experts. The event was organized by the RIT Placement Cell and the Department of CSE as part of the INOAUG India Oracle APEX User…
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Leading the Way as a Premier BSc Agriculture College in Dehradun
Nestled in the serene surroundings of Dehradun, Uttarakhand, the Roorkee Institute of Technology (RIT) stands out as a distinguished institution offering top-notch education in various domains. Renowned as both a BSc Agriculture College in Dehradun and an Engineering College in Roorkee, RIT is committed to nurturing talent and fostering academic excellence across multiple disciplines.
With a comprehensive range of courses spanning Engineering, Management, Agriculture, and Paramedical Sciences, RIT caters to the diverse educational needs of students. Whether one aspires to pursue a BSc in Agriculture, an MCA in Dehradun, or an MBA in Dehradun, RIT provides the ideal platform for realizing academic and professional goals.
As a leading BSc Agriculture College in Dehradun, RIT offers a rigorous curriculum designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in the field of agriculture. From crop science to agricultural engineering, students receive hands-on training and practical exposure to prepare them for the challenges of modern farming practices.
Simultaneously, RIT maintains its reputation as a premier Engineering College in Roorkee, offering cutting-edge programs in various engineering disciplines. With state-of-the-art laboratories, experienced faculty, and industry-relevant curriculum, RIT ensures that students receive a holistic education that prepares them for a successful career in engineering.
For those inclined towards the field of computer applications, RIT stands out among MCA Colleges in Dehradun. The Master of Computer Applications (MCA) program at RIT is designed to impart advanced knowledge in computer science and applications, equipping students with the skills required to excel in the ever-evolving IT industry.
Similarly, RIT shines among MBA Colleges in Dehradun, offering a comprehensive Master of Business Administration (MBA) program that combines theoretical insights with practical experience. With a focus on entrepreneurship, leadership, and innovation, the MBA program at RIT prepares students to navigate the complexities of the business world with confidence and competence.
At RIT, academic excellence is not just a goal but a way of life. The institution's commitment to quality education is reflected in its remarkable rankings, with RIT being recognized as the number one Engineering and Agriculture college in Uttarakhand. Additionally, RIT holds the fifth position among Engineering colleges in North India and ranks 49th in the country, a testament to its unwavering dedication to academic excellence.
With its state-of-the-art infrastructure, experienced faculty, and industry-aligned curriculum, RIT continues to attract students from across the country who seek to realize their academic and professional aspirations. Whether one's passion lies in agriculture, engineering, management, or paramedical sciences, RIT provides the ideal platform for personal and professional growth.
For those seeking a transformative educational experience, RIT Dehradun emerges as the institution of choice—a place where academic excellence meets real-world relevance, and where students are empowered to unleash their full potential. Explore the myriad opportunities awaiting you at RIT and embark on a journey towards a brighter future. Apply online now and take the first step towards realizing your dreams at RIT Dehradun.
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lozriftsintime · 6 months
Separation: Monsters in the Woods
October 11: Adrenalin (AI-Less Whumptober); Monsters/Beasts (Linktober Shadow)
Diritaln and Engineer are separated from the rest of the Chain. There are monsters in the woods. It's not a good time.
A 2 on my whump scale
(Yes. October is long gone. No I don't have any excuses)
Diritaln didn’t know who it was that decided to mess with the portal and make it so it split up their group, but he would like to have a word with whoever it was. Especially since he and Engineer had been dropped right in the middle of a monster camp. Diritaln counted himself lucky that he was with someone that didn’t ever get disoriented by where they ended up. And that Engineer was good at thinking on his feet. The first several minutes after coming out of the portal was a bit of a blur for Diritaln as his magic settled out once more, but he knew that they’d been surrounded before Engineer had created some sort of distraction and proceeded to drag Diritaln out of the camp and away.
Diritaln became more fully aware as they ran, his strides lengthening as he moved to lead instead of being dragged along. Awareness came with a realization. For the first time in several months he could truly feel the heat of his power thrumming in his veins, strong and full. He could feel the desert. His desert. Even with how far away from it he knew this forest had to be. There was only one reason that could be. They were in his time. His era. 
That was good. Because as soon as he could figure out where they were he could get the two of them to the closest settlement. Or just to a fortified enough spot to more safely fight from. Whichever they were closer to. The only problem was figuring out where they were. Something that was much harder while on the run from a large group of monsters.
He needed to figure something out fast though. Engineer was already flagging. The other man’s time with the group had improved his stamina a great deal, but he was still far more used to driving his train instead of walking or running long distances. It simply hadn't been something he ever needed to do before joining them. Not even in his adventure. 
If he could just-Ah ha! There! Diritaln grinned as he changed directions, tugging the shorter man after him. Engineer must have sensed Diritaln’s enthusiasm, or maybe he saw the same thing because he picked up the pace as well. Full-on sprinting instead of trying to conserve energy for a longer run.
The unlikely pair burst from the woods out onto the major road at the same time and Diritaln released Engineer’s hand to draw his glaive as he skidded to a halt and spun around to face the woods, and the monsters within it.
Behind him he could hear Engineer coming to a stop as well and drawing his weapon. But, more importantly, he could also hear the startled exclamation from the group of soldiers who had just passed this point on the road moments ago. The soldiers may not have the same level of skill as either of the heroes, but they wouldn’t be helpless in the face of the monsters. And having the extra blades helping out would give them all a better chance at winning this fight.
Diritaln grinned as the first monster cleared the tree line. It was time to show them the error of their ways.
Read it on A03 here
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claudehenrion · 7 months
Comprendre demain...
Dans l'éditorial du 9 novembre, j'ai osé écrire, à propos de la guerre en Ukraine : ''soit dit en passant, cette crise suit presque au mot près ce qui avait été annoncé ici depuis son début, ce qui n'est pas une bonne nouvelle... sauf pour ma capacité à ''Comprendre demain'', ce qui est égal à ''rien''... Cette phrase en a surpris plus d'un... Mais dans cette affreuse histoire, la morale ne pouvait que perdre, que le vainqueur soit ''le plus fort'', celui qui devait objectivement gagner, ou le petit Poucet, le préféré des honnêtes gens –qui ont été ''remontés'' et désinformés sans pudeur. La justice, la morale et la moralité, entre autres, n'ont pas leur place, hélas, dans une guerre...
Car, le temps passant, on va se retrouver dans des situations proches de celles que nous avons vécues à propos du covid : la vérité (NDLR : qui est difficile à avaler pour nos journalistes qui se copient l'un l'autre sans savoir de quoi ils parlent et alignent les contre-vérités, et pour nos politicards, scientifiquement incultes, englués dans leurs préjugés, qui psittacisent n'importe quoi) va se révéler, et les masques --ces inutiles engins de torture-- vont tomber. Bossuet disait : ''Dieu se rit des hommes qui déplorent les effets dont ils chérissent les causes''. Je me dis parfois que Dieu, peut être, pleure, devant la bêtise et l’aveuglement de nos dirigeants… (NDLR 2 : la vraie citation est : ''Mais Dieu se rit des prières qu’on lui fait pour détourner les malheurs publics quand on ne s’oppose pas à ce qui se fait pour les attirer. Que dis-je? Quand on l’approuve et qu’on y souscrit.'' (Histoire des variations des églises protestantes, livre IV)..
Mais laissons le covid à tous les criminels en puissance, qui seront un jour confondus et trouvés coresponsables de tant de mensonges –devenus autant de dégâts irrattrapables : le décompte est lancé ! Et revenons sur notre sujet du jour, que les journalistes, instables et irresponsables, semblent avoir oublié au ''profit'' (?) du Proche Orient : pour ces gens sans colonne vertébrale, un clou chasse l'autre, et Bakhmout est détrôné par Gaza City... qui sera bientôt remplacée à la ''Une'' de nos médias par un autre truc... aussi fabriqué et factice que tous les autres.
Le rêve initial de Macron (cet utopique ''monde multipolaire'' qui allait être --parole de candidat !-- tellement mieux, tellement plus sûr, tellement plus tout-ce-que-vous-voudrez-et-le-reste que tout ce que l'humanité a connu jusque là... ) est en route, et on voit tout de suite le progrès : l'ancien monde, relativement calme (mutatis mutandis) sous la houlette plus ou moins bienvenue d'un seul ''gendarme du monde'', les USA, est devenu un monde tripolaire (USA-Chine-Russie) que personne n'avait prévu et d'où l'Europe, ce rêve assassiné, est totalement, et sans doute définitivement exclue par une haine de l'homme blanc –elle aussi imprévue... et mortelle pour tous ceux qui s'y rallient, blancs ou pas.
Car ne nous leurrons pas : à contre-courant complet (une fois de plus) avec ce que bavent les agences de désinformation officielles –qui sont soit gouvernementales (comme l'AFP), soit très subventionnées (comme l'AFP), soit ravagées (comme l'AFP) par des idéologies mortelles (woke, progressiste, indigéniste, féministe et autres folies)--dont les messages ne peuvent conduire qu'à la mort de toute civilisation, donc de toute l'humanité... tous les mensonges, fake news et bobards en tout genre qui ont été déversés à l'occasion de la guerre russo-ukrainienne n'auront réussi qu'à une seule chose, qui était indésirée, mais prévisible dès le premier jour : on sait que jamais, dans l'Histoire, un blocus n'a eu des résultats conformes à sa raison d'être. La Russie, bien tenue par Poutine (NDLR : vous savez... ''ce psychopathe multi-cancéreux menacé par des révolutions de palais et dont l'Armée, en débandade devant le génie ukrainien, allait s'effondrer en quelques semaines...'', à en croire la totalité de nos soi-disant ''experts'' ès-chose militaire !), s'est renforcée dans tous les domaines. Elle peut à son gré fomenter des coups dans n'importe quel pays et elle est en passe de recréer ''l'Armée rouge'' pendant que l'Occident, infidèle à ses alliés comme toujours (n'oublions jamais la honte de nos ''Harkis'' abandonnés à la barbarie algérienne...), se prépare à se débiner en douce... Que c'est laid !
Pour que le tableau soit complet –ou pour me rendre encore moins sympathique à quelques lecteurs-- je ne résiste pas à rappeler que, jusqu'en 1991 et même jusqu'en 2013 –c'est hier-- l'Ukraine faisait partie intégrante de l'URSS. Nos cours ''de Géo'' dans ''le Demangeon'' (c'était en 1ère : ''les Grandes puissances'') étaient formels : non seulement ils incluaient dans l'URSS toute l'Ukraine et la Crimée, pour qui le doute n'était pas au programme-- mais citait ''le Kombinat du Donbass'' comme une des fiertés de ce pays ! (NB : j'ai vérifié).
En fait, c'est un prurit de Staline qui a fabriqué de toutes pièces cette dé-construction qui menace aujourd'hui la paix du monde (Rada, Directoire et république populaire n'ayant été que de brèves parenthèses). Que l'on ne me fasse pas dire, pourtant, ce que je ne pense pas : Poutine a eu grand tort d'avoir recours à une solution militaire. Mais la ''crise ukrainienne'' a bien d'autres racines et bien d'autres explications : cette partie de la Russie historique s'est rapprochée de l'OTAN, et il avait toujours été dit que ce seul fait constituait un ''casus belli'' sans appel... même si la suite est ''une erreur suivie d'horreurs'' : la faute initiale est indiscutablement du côté des démocrates américains qui ont fait tout ce qu'il ne fallait pas pour pousser Poutine à la faute. Ils y sont bien arrivés, ''l'autre'' s'étant rué dans la brèche, tête baissée... ce qui n'empêche pas de reconnaître, l'histoire faisant foi, que, comme dans la plupart des divorces, même les plus violents, ''les torts sont partagés'' !
En réalité, ''la crise ukrainienne'' a commencé en novembre 2013, quand des populations russophones à 90% ont été condamnées à choisir entre l'identité et la langue ukrainienne salvatrices... et l'identité et la langue russe, synonymes de brimades ou d'exil pour eux, dans un affrontement idéologique, géopolitique et militaire qui les dépassait très largement. Les terribles exactions commises par la suite sur ces populations russophones par le pouvoir ukrainien n'ont fait que jeter de l'huile sur le feu. Mais pour nous, français, c'est un péché que d'oublier l'histoire, ou de la réécrire au gré des circonstances ou en fonction des besoins du jour... Notre patrie a perdu 1,8 millions de ses enfants (un millier par jour, en moyenne !) et a eu 4 millions de blessés –dont mon Père, à 2 reprises... pour retrouver notre Alsace et notre Lorraine, ''volées'' en 1871 !
Au moment où, jour après jour, une fausse supériorité théorique donnée par un déversement d'armes unique dans l'histoire (déjà 35 + 17 = 52 milliards, à ce jour, sur les 230 promis ! Du jamais vu !) n'arrive pas à permettre la moindre ''offensive de printemps'' (devenue entre temps d'été, puis d'automne, puis ''de l'an prochain'' en attendant mieux ou pire), et au moment où l'Occident, défié au Moyen-Orient par une autre folie, se fatigue de remplir encore et sans cesse ce tonneau des Danaïdes, on est en droit de se demander si le niveau de désinformation, de lavage de cerveau et de réécriture de l'histoire qui est le nôtre, via les mêmes ''pseudo-experts'' qui font les choux gras de LFI et de David Pujadas (entre autres)... ne risquent pas nous entraîner, à propos de ''la crise de Gaza'', dans des délires aussi peu constructifs et peu sages que à propos de l'Ukraine. Là au moins, on évite encore ''le chantage atomique''... mais on soulève des masses arabes inassimilables dans tous les pays... Est-ce mieux ?
Un seul exemple actuel : contrairement à ce que voudraient nous faire croire nos journalistes (dont seule la moitié gauche du cerveau fonctionne, apparemment), nos faux experts (qui ne savent imaginer pour Gaza qu'un ''remake'' de la bataille de Stalingrad, comme si l'Etat major de Tsahal n'avait jamais entendu parler de guerre moderne) et nos ''politocards'' (tous progressistes, donc tous aveugles !), le vrai sujet, c'est l'islamisme, le Hamas et les frères musulmans... et pas la présence de Marine lePen dans un défilé inutile pour extirper une néo-judéophobie récemment importée de l'est et du sud de la Méditerranée... Mais eux préfèrent ressortir des poubelles de l'histoire un ancien antisémitisme faussement attribué à la Droite depuis ''l'Affaire Dreyfus'', et qui a, depuis longtemps, disparu des pensées de tous les vrais français, parfois dits ''de souche''. Combien de temps encore nos dirigeants, aveugles et nuls, vont-ils ne pas voir le jour en plein midi, se tromper d'ennemis... et refuser d'appeler par leur nom tous ceux qui n'ont comme idéologie, rêve et ambition, que la perte et la fin de la France ?
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