#rey is luke's daughter
rawyld · 2 years
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By lazy afternooner. I will believe that Rey is Luke's daughter.
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carogdraws · 2 years
Third Star Wars Family AU, this time minor angst with baby Rey!
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bon-sides-sw · 9 months
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I've been so obsessed with my Mando Au, that I had to draw Rey.
Her Dads love her so much and Din is such a pushover and would give her anything she asks for.
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if din gets to steal a child, i think luke should steal two
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apricusapollo · 4 months
people are so annoying and dumb with that "rey should've called herself palpatine!!" because:
a) why the hell would she choose a surname that destroyed thousands of lives throughout the galaxy.
b) blood doesn't make family and just because she's blood related to palpatine, it does not mean that she is one.
c) her calling herself a skywalker is literally a way of not letting the skywalker legacy die.
i just rewatched the rise of skywalker and before throwing ben off that cliff palpatine literally says "as i once fell so the last skywalker will fall" which is logical because skywalkers have been causing so much trouble for palpatine throughout their entire existence lol
ANYWAYS the point is, by killing ben palpatine tried to end the skywalker legacy altogether. however, by calling herself a skywalker, rey did not let palpatine achieve his goal and made sure that the skywalker surname and legacy wouldn't get lost throughout the years.
TL;DR - rey calling herself a skywalker is one of the best ways to end the skywalker saga
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basimibnishaqs · 2 years
au where tfa starts the exact same way with luke skywalker having vanished. and then it cuts to rey on jakku with luke. like luke is just there he's not missing. but she doesnt know that that’s luke skywalker- that’s just her dorky dad owen whitesun and they are each other’s whole world in that barren wasteland. cue leia sending one of her pilots there to follow a rumor about someone seeing luke- and when a droid meets luke and rey at their home and when finn recognizes Commander Luke Skywalker and Grandmaster of the Jedi in the market, rey discovers who exactly her father truly is
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lesbianrey · 2 years
trying not to think about if the sequels were an actually good continuation of the skywalker saga
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velvet4510 · 4 days
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starwarsshippings · 1 year
still baffles me to this day that they really had luke say ‘’my father has it, i have it, my sister has it, and now you have it too’’ and NOT expect people to believe rey was a skywalker/solo. he really listed off 2 other family members and then pointed to rey... this trilogy was planned so poorly its beyond. lmao
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boxingcleverrr · 4 months
Well, I started doing the thing.
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There was a light rain falling as they set the Falcon down on the Island’s pebbly shore. Not far down the way, the ship that had hailed them swept into view as Rey was stepping onto land, and a wave of strange familiarity washed over her as she watched it. Certainly, she would remember clearly if she’d seen such a glorious Mandalorian antique before? But no, the feeling was dim and far away, like a half-recalled dream 5 minutes after waking, continuing as the ship landed and the armored pilot climbed down from the cockpit. 
  A nervousness was still lingering in Rey’s belly, until Chewie was calling out in greeting with a long, hairy raised arm. The Mandalorian started jogging towards them, until he was caught up in a robust Wookie hug. “Of course you’re still around,” The gravely voice from the coms issued out from under the old, well-worn helmet, “Bout as hard to kill as me, I think.” Chewie responded in jovial turn, while Rey knew she was squinting, thinking hard, this persistent notion not letting her be, until the Mandalorian’s helmet turned towards her.
 “Rey.” He said softly, or as soft as such a voice could be, his vissage otherwaie inscrutable,and her eyes widened. “...well, you got a little taller. Come’on.” He motioned the stunned-silent girl to follow him, as he began trudging toward the rocky hills.
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mulderscully · 1 year
Reylo? 🫶
no, but you do you.
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milfmisspiggy · 2 years
happy father's day to luke from rey if the sequels were good <3
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carogdraws · 2 years
Star Wars Family AU. Once again, angst comic, but this one's one of my favourites.
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bon-sides-sw · 6 months
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My favorite Omega
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she just got back from a visit with her aunt and now she's back on her dad's bullshit again
r: why are you like this, dad.
l: why would I not be? it's half the fun of being a jedi master.
r: yeah. but its a pear.
l: shush, Rey. let me have fun.
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akajustmerry · 2 years
anyways while i am here talking about star wars opinions i can’t stand, i have no respect for the ‘rey nobody’ crowd. because, no, the point of star wars wasn’t that ✨anyone can be great✨ star wars is a FAMILY SOAP OPERA ABOUT THE SKYWALKERS!!!! EVERY. SINGLE. MOMENT OF. STORYTELLING. FROM. BOTH. THE ORIGINAL. AND. PREQUEL. TRILOGIES. EXIST. BECAUSE. OF. HOW. THEY. PLAY. INTO. THE. SKYWALKER. MYTHOLOGY. george lucas himself has described the star wars as a space opera about fathers and sons! the only people who are truly “nobodies” are the jedi and every single piece of star wars media worth its salt has made a point of letting you know how the jedi dogma of stripping people of their identity only creates broken people with very few exceptions (which is literally why luke and anakin’s character archs involve them REJECTING the jedi). so, no, the sequel trilogy would not have been more profound, or in keeping with the so-callled ethos of star wars, had rey been nobody. luke was never nobody!! anakin was never nobody! leia was never nobody!!!! how do people argue with their whole chest that rey SHOULD NOT have been a skywalker because the message of star wars was “anyone can be powerful” when the actual throughline of star wars is how the intergenerational trauma of a single family ripples out to effect an entire galaxy??? rey being nobody would have been as bad as rey [gags] palpatine. the only story that would have been in keeping with the actual ethos of star wars being a fucking skywalker telenovela would be rey being a skywalker, or, in the very least, a kenobi. 
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