#review fragrance scents cologne
livingfree207 · 11 months
FULTON & ROARK FRAGRANCE REVIEW | Discovery Set Perfume Review by @SchaferWillow on #Twitter
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techdriveplay · 15 days
How to Choose Your Signature Scent: TDP's Guide to Luxury Fragrances
In the world of perfumery, luxury fragrances stand as the pinnacle of craftsmanship and sensory experience. These scents are more than just accessories; they are profound expressions of personality and style, crafted to enchant the senses, evoke memories, and establish a lasting presence. Selecting a luxury fragrance isn’t merely about choosing a scent—it’s about discovering an olfactory…
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styleruleindia · 2 months
Monotheme Vetiver Bourbon Perfume | Earthy Aromatic Scent for Men l Perfume for Men l International Perfume for Men
Elevate your presence with Monotheme Vetiver Bourbon, a woody aromatic fragrance blending citrus zest and earthy notes. Crafted for the modern man seeking confidence and sophistication, its refined blend of Artemisia, Lemon, Bergamot, and Coriander top notes, along with Vetiver and Neroli middle notes, creates an irresistible aura. From formal meetings to casual outings, make a lasting impression with this luxurious scent.
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dropofdrool · 10 months
Sweet Dreams, TN - Alex Turner x Reader
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Summary: during a troubled night, our girl finds comfort in Alex having a wet dream.
Warnings: mature content (read responsibly), fem!reader, masturbation - m receiving, Alex is asleep
Word count: 3.1 k
!! I really want to thank @rentskenobi for the amazing and accurate work of review she's done over this fic, girl I wouldn't have made it without you<3
Two hours passed since her eyes had suddenly opened in the middle of the night. After that, she hadn't been able to fall asleep again. Unfortunately, she didn’t remember having had any dream. Oh, she did wish a nightmare had woken her up! All she wanted to do was cry, shake off that numbness that anchored her to the bed. 
It was impossible for her to close her eyes, so she got used to the dim lighting around her. Even though the room was plunged in the night, it now appeared her no longer hidden by the dear nebulous darkness that confuses the mind and numbs the senses, but quivering, waiting to awaken. 
Her ears were ringing, oversensitive because of the silence: even the slightest noise seemed to her like a roar that rumbled in her mind. She just wanted to shelter under the covers, shield herself from that hostile environment and hide next to her little Alex, peacefully asleep by her side. 
It was unusual that she managed to see him asleep, since he often slipped into bed much later than her. If she wasn’t already in the land of dreams, she’d wait for him, to make love or cuddle until they fell asleep. Besides, he rarely woke her up during the night, as they both enjoyed a deep sleep. They were perfectly capable of going to bed at any time, but once asleep, it was really difficult to get them up. They had spent countless mornings in each other's arms, since neither had managed to drag the other out of bed.
Though she loved having his full attention in bed, she had always been tickled by the fantasy of seeing him fully asleep by her side. The fleeting moments when she caught him taking a nap on the sofa, surrounded by sheets with sketched lyrics or work-in-progress tracks weren't enough. She wanted to admire him properly as he lay on their bed, with his face pressed into the pillow and his body immersed in the sinuous folds of the duvet.
Just how he looked at the moment: Alex lay next to her like a kitten. His usually sharp face was now softened by the sleep, and a light snoring came from his half-closed mouth. She wished she could just bask in the sight of him, but she was feeling too bad. Since she’d fallen asleep above the covers, she didn't have the courage to slip under them and risk waking Alex up.
She put her whole self in trying to cry, longing for that sweet release. However, the tears were feeling too precious to come out and they left her only with a heaviness in her heart that she'd never felt before.
She tried to calm her breathing, and got the idea of synchronising it with Alex's deep and regular one. 
Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out.
Luckily, he’d fallen asleep facing her. She turned to look at him, searching for comfort in his blissful features. She longed to get closer to him, to lose herself between his warm chest and strong arms, always ready to reassure her when a nightmare of hers would wake both of them up.
Since she couldn’t touch him, she tried to better receive all the other signals his body gave her. The warmth it radiated even from a distance, his small noises and trademark smell.
Now she’d been breathing deeply, her nostrils were filled with his unique fragrance: during the night, his usual aroma of cigarettes and cologne partially vanished, leaving place to the hot scent of pure male skin, barely sweetened by the body wash from the shower he’d had before bed. The scent of him, that had her head spinning when, during sex, she’d bury her face in his shoulder and there was only him, filling all her senses.
She slowly started to calm down. Her breathing took on a new rhythm of its own, and the screeching that had been harassing her mind died away. 
As if he'd realised his comfort was no longer needed, Alex rolled onto his back, facing the ceiling. 
The glimmer of moonlight slipping out from the curtains kissed his profile, highlighting his sharp nose delightfully. The impulse of kissing it grew stronger, but she tamed it.
That new position exposed his body in a whole different way. Now, she was able to see how his movement had undone some buttons on the thin, soft shirt he was wearing, letting a nipple slip out. That was a very sensitive part of Alex's body she never missed to stimulate as they had sex, teasing it with her palms or squeezing it between her fingers, as he used to do with hers. 
Alex moved again. His right hand, which had been resting on his stomach, ended up between his legs, over his cock. She raised her eyebrows. 
She knew very well that was a common action for both men and women, meant not so much for pleasure as for the comfort that protecting that sensitive area gave. However, she’d rarely seen Alex doing such a spontaneous gesture.
At first still, the hand on his crotch slowly began to move. A gentle massage, continuous and slow-paced. 
Her mind, now appeased but still cold from the just ended bad experience, didn't relate those movements to anything sexual yet. They were just basic, primitive masculine reflexes.
She thought that maybe, it was time to try and sleep. She turned her back to Alex and closed her eyes, but just as the sweet embrace of half-sleep began to envelop her, she felt the motion beside her increase, as if Alex were squirming. 
She didn’t pay attention to it at first, but after a while a not so weak mumble joined his wriggling. 
Her heart stopped in her throat.
Let’s calm down. It’s normal to make some noise in your sleep. Maybe he’s dreaming of talking to someone.
Oh, she did want to believe it. However, after a while it was clear he wasn’t just gasping in his sleep. 
She finally decided to turn around. In front of her, she found a very different-looking Alex than how she’d left him. He still had his eyes closed and his hand on his cock, but it was clear that something was getting him so heated. 
Alex swayed like the calm morning sea, arching his back slightly along with his neck, which he tilted back exposing his prominent Adam's apple. 
She sat up and ran her eyes over his whole body, marvelling at how his subconscious could elicit such delicious reactions. 
His movements, though they'd managed to get her attention, were still relatively small. 
Toes curling into the sheets, hips swaying just like they did as he played guitar on stage. 
He’d told her it was something he couldn’t control, that made him lose himself in the music and had him able to feel it within himself, so as to reproduce it better with the instrument.
Curious how his body reacts the same way to music and sexual frustration.
But if those hips movements on stage were the cause of so much screaming and clamour amongst the audience, his now intimate wriggling was a gift only to her, and the night that hid them.
Nonetheless, even then Alex sang. His whines and now proper moans were like music to her ears, careful to catch even the slightest sigh that left his luscious mouth. 
It was obvious: Alex was having a wet dream. 
Though this exited her, it made her a little unsure. She knew very well how much Alex loved her and she’d never had any reason to question that. However, even as his girlfriend, she still couldn’t believe that it was her who aroused him like that even in his subconscious.
Come on, Alex is almost always in my wet dreams, he is my boyfriend after all. Why shouldn't he be dreaming of me too?
However, besides her dreams about Alex, she’d have others sometimes where her fantasies came to life thanks to faceless men or women, when her own pleasure was the absolute focus. 
Maybe it was the same way for him. Unfortunately, they had discussed the topic focusing much more on her than on him, since several times Alex had happened to catch her right in the middle of wet dreams. 
In those cases, he had tried out a little game that turned out to be extremely exciting for both.  
Gently, he liked to guide her through her dream, trying not to wake her up thanks to little, special touches. 
She perceived it as a proof of his absolute dedication to her sole pleasure, since he had to tame all the desire for more he drew from touching her, so as not to wake her up. 
He had turned out to be very good at this. Most of the time, she’d wake up by herself some time later, wet between her legs and pleasantly satisfied. 
Sometimes, however, the intensity of the dream was too much and she’d wake up directly under Alex’s eyes, intent on touching her. Then, he’d waste no time and go down on her to finish the job, careful not to overstimulate her. 
How nice it would be if, this time, it was me who gave him that little treat.
As if he’d read her thoughts, Alex let out a low moan. She nearly echoed him, covering her mouth in time as she squeezed her thighs, already pooling with moisture.
The hand that had been previously stroking his cock from over his boxers slipped inside them.
His lips parted in a small, sincere smile. 
A sweet curve of his mouth, caused by the sheer pleasure he was feeling, along with the furrow of his brow and the arching of his body. 
Tears of excitement filled her eyes, and she sank her face into the pillow in order to calm down. This man is just too much. When she recovered, she finally decided to touch him.
She started with light, experimental touches on the back of his neck. She scratched it with the very tips of her fingernails, and he mumbled as goosebumps covered his body. 
His other nipple showed up from under his shirt. By now, all the ridiculous buttons that closed his neckline had popped open, revealing his heaving chest.
Such a tempting sight, he might deserve a little love there too. She licked her fingers and began rubbing his nipple with small, circular movements.
She feared she’d already woken him up and he wanted to shoo her hand away, as he raised his hand towards hers. Luckily, it just ended up clutching the pillow. They sighed together, one with pleasure and the other with relief.
She went on with that caress for a while: the work he was doing on his own already seemed good to her, his hips moving against his hand faster and faster.
Maybe it's time to join him inside his underwear. She traced a line down his soft body with her fingers, barely pressing on the firmest spots like his abs, until she reached down between his legs. How to help him there too? His hand wasn’t actually pumping his cock, it was more of a massage. She placed her hand over his, careful not to apply too much pressure, and began to guide his movements. Luckily, she didn't need to press: Alex's subconscious let her take the lead.
Look at him, melting just like butter. He quickly wet her hand as she palmed him and, looking at his face, she noticed a small tear of pleasure sliding down his cheek. She wanted to kiss it away, but she just wiped it away with a caress. Then, he wrinkled his nose: a strand of rebellious hair had fallen over his face, tickling him. She tucked it away before he could sneeze. 
She couldn’t help but get lost in his perfect, relaxed features as she looked at him.
Alex moaned loudly as she stroked his jawline and plump, velvety lips. She cried along with him, knowing how sensitive his mouth was. As that noise escaped his lips, he titled his chin back. She took it between her thumb and index finger and nudged it back gently, to display his fair and tempting neck. As she touched him there, she felt his pulse increase with his approaching orgasm.
His moans got even more desperate, it was clear he needed to come. 
She needed him to come too, as if her own relief depended on his orgasm, since she was sweating and moaning and squeezing her thighs just like him.
Now more than ever she wanted to touch all of him, squeeze that smooth flesh, so soft yet firm, cover him with her body as he came and lick off the sweat that beaded him.
He is so wet, I wonder if I could… 
She reached out her middle finger just enough to tease his butthole, managing to slip there easily thanks to the moisture that had dripped down his perineum. 
His entire face scrunched in pleasure, but no sound came out of his agape mouth except for a ragged breath. He exploded on their hand in a few big spurts. 
As he came, a few moans escaped his lips again. Amongst them, she thought she heard something similar to a word, which gradually became clearer.
She properly moaned as she realised it was her name.
From the way his body tensed and then relaxed, she almost feared he would wake up. Now that he was very sensitive, she tried to guide him through his post-orgasm with delicacy. She listened to his breathing slow down again, thanking the heavens he had been able to enjoy that experience while still being in the land of dreams, with only a little helper from Earth.
She took her hand out of his boxers, licking it clean. Now completely relaxed and even a bit tired, she lay back, just waiting for him to wake up and see the evidence of that night.
As soon as he woke up, Alex immediately felt in his underwear what happened.
The memory of his dream was still fresh in his mind and, although the details began to fade rapidly, what didn't go away were the sensations, the pleasure he remembered having felt. The desire to go back into that dream was almost childish, since he had his beautiful girlfriend right there beside him, ready to do even better for him.
He felt a little ashamed for wetting his underpants just like a little boy.
It wasn’t unusual for him to have wet dreams, but rarely, except for when he was younger, had he ever managed to come during one of them.
Alex really wanted to wait for his love to wake up, but he also needed to get that sticky feeling off himself. 
He got out of bed and slipped into the bathroom. In the warm steam of the shower, he thought back to his dream. The face of the woman who’d given him so much pleasure wasn't clear in his mind, but he was sure she was his darling. The way she moved, knew his body by heart and her voice, that guided him through it all, were unmistakable.
As he watched the water drag the sperm away from his body, he almost thought of touching himself in the intimacy of the shower, being conscious this time. It was something that still comforted him, the familiar rhythm of his own hand guided only by his fantasies. However, he gave up. She was right in the next room and would wake up soon, he wanted to be ready for her in case she was taken by a morning desire.
That turned out to be right the case, since as he left the bathroom, covered only by a towel around his waist, he found her waiting for him, fully awake and propped up on her elbows.
"Good morning, love!" she uttered brightly. Alex dropped the towel and crawled back to her on their bed. She scratched him behind the ear, just as you would with a kitten, and he purred in the most delicious way.
"’Morning to yeh too, babeh..."
She opened her arms, inviting him, and he hurried to snuggle against her chest, enjoying the feel of his bare skin against her soft shirt.
“Tell me Alex, why would you need a shower this early in the morning?”
Alex looked at her with his big, brown eyes. He hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to tell her the truth. However, her calm, reassuring gaze convinced him.
“I ‘ad a dream. A wet dream.”
She smiled, with a mischievous gleam in her eye that got Alex curious. Did she hear me by any chance? 
“Lovely. Was it good?”
“Oh yesss.” he hissed, dragging out the word. He closed his eyes, calling to mind the last few scraps of the dream he hadn’t forgotten yet.
She lulled him, pleased with his sleepiness.
"Did you come?" she asked. He looked at her again and smirked, asserting his response. She giggled.
"I can imagine. You were squirming so much…”
Alex leapt up quickly, facing her.
"Did I wake yeh up?!"
“Not at all, darling. Actually, I was having a terrible night. I’d woken up all of sudden a couple of hours earlier and just couldn't get back to sleep. Everything felt like it were pulsing and every noise just seemed soo loud, I just wanted to cry but not even the tears wanted to help me. It was awful… good thing you were there. You, who managed to calm me down only with your breathing. Just when I was about to go back to sleep, I heard you make some noises. Such sweet noises… I couldn't believe it. For a while I hadn’t been able to do anything but look at you, you were so beautiful. Then, I remembered how many times you’ve blessed my wet dreams, so I thought I could return the favour.”
He groaned.
“Honey, I can't say I remember well what ‘appened, but from tha' little I do… it were so good. Thank yeh so much."
“I thank you, Alex! You were so hot I was about to cry… please tell me if I catch you having a wet dream one more time, I can help you again.”
In response, Alex kissed her hard. 
“Love, yeh can do everyfing yeh want to me. I'm all yehrs." 
He flipped their position, so that she was on top of him. 
“But now, let's make those sweet dreams come true, shall weh?”
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prince-liest · 3 months
Terrified by missionary anon here and oh my god I LOVE the way you reworked the ending of the last chapter!!! It had me squealing!! I was just a tiny bitty sceptical at first but at this point I can safely say I trust u with my life. Which makes sense considering ur occupation but u know what I mean
Also!!! I had a shower thought and I doubt there’s a better person to ask than you because your descriptions are always spot on. I think we can all agree that Vox smells good, but I was wondering what do you think Alastor smells like? 🧐 I vote for that rancid smell of rotten meat, with a hint of lacquer, like an antique shop, very coffin-esque. But I rly want to hear ur thoughts on this!!!
Ayyy, I'm so glad that you liked it! >:D I feel like a couple of years ago I would have been a lot more hesitant to just change my mind like this on something (and admittedly I did feel bad about it initially this time) but I've gotten to the point where I'm pretty comfortable going, "Bro, listen - bro, just trust me." about my own writing, ehehe. I'm pleased it's working out! >:)
Also, you've made a terrible mistake in asking me this question because I've recently become very interested in fragrances but I'm also a gourmand snob and have a very sensitive nose when it comes to food products and cannot stand the smell of things rotting, so I would just categorically refuse to imagine that any character I enjoy smells like rotting meat, klxjchfg.
Anyway, if I had to pick a style of fragrance or cologne for him for when he was alive, I feel like he'd go for something woody but warm. Those kinds of scents tend to be masculine and have a nature-y freshness to them that a guy who buries bodies in the woods would probably get a kick out of. And then add something like amber and musk to undercut the scent to make it feel warmer in a way that I think makes people read the wearer as a safer and more comforting presence, which is delightfully misleading.
As for what he'd wear in hell... Tsokovat's Inexcusable Evil, lmfao, no contest. The name is perfect, he'd think it was hilarious, and I've seen so many people say that it genuinely just smells unpleasantly like dousing yourself in fucking blood. Most people's reviews for this stuff call it really uncomfortable but compelling. Tell me Alastor would not think that this wouldn't be the most amusing perfume ever to force on the people in his presence.
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forthegothicheroine · 6 months
Best Fragrantica reviews of (some of) my favorite perfumes, Part II
First installment here
Maison Martin Margiela By the Fireplace
Careful not to be worn by this perfume instead of being you the wearer. Not that it is oh so powerful, but it may be too bold of a statement piece for, ahem, some. Wearing BTF when you don't look the part and don't give it sense will have you smelling borderline unhealthy. Like your organs inside have worn off and darkened (and burned out, I guess). Truly as weird as it sounds. The raw thing smells very exciting. I love it ashy. I don't see myself daring any soon, however. And I don't find that it worked for the men I know either, as they have (and I cringe to say) whiter auras and don't fit the "handling cognac by the fire" thing. So I've yet to see it really work, which I'm sure will be great. It's a lovely perfume.
Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab Bewitched
This is the smell of a witch's brew. She made a special tea for you to drink. You pass out. When you awaken you find yourself in her garden full of poisonous berries, patchouli, weeds, clary sage, and flowers whose petals have been plucked. This is an herbal scent, like walking inside a shop selling only herbs. It's medicinal and like a tea. Not always easy to take in...The smell of sage and musk give it a unisex/masculine quality. I would say that it's more of a guy's type of cologne than a woman's. I would wear it for Halloween with a witch costume or as Morticia Addams. It's really a very engaging scent but it's linear and simple. It's a little green tea and berry. It's got a bite but it's witchy and dark, but not a strong cologne either. For a niche indie frag, not bad.
TokyoMilk Gin & Rosewater
I was in a boutique that carries the Tokyo Milk Curiosite & Bon Bon lines, and I was entranced by this. Florals are not usually my thing, by the way, because I get monster headaches from most of them. Suddenly the salesgirl is RIGHT NEXT TO ME leaning in conspiratorially and says in an awed tone that 'Blake Lively LOVES this one'. OMFG, Blake Lively, you say??!? Like for serious, the real Blake Lively?? OMFG, do you have like, more in the back?!? I'm totally going to buy every bottle you can shove in my basket because BLAKE LIVELY would hang out with me if we ran into each other and then my life could end. Um, not. I almost DIDN'T buy it because of the salesgirls then going into a tizzy about how amazing Blake is. I could not care less, although I'm sure Lively is nice enough. But it did smell cool, so home with me it came, along with the matching lotion.
Serge Lutens La Fille de Berlin
It’s an overwhelming fragrance that smells like the bottom of my grandma’s small square leather purse when we went to mass (her old dried up lipstick💄 the powder compact, the newspaper, the pack of strawberry-ish scented kleenex, the peppermints). It’s vintage, it’s a bit suffocating and I have it printed in my memory 4 ever.
Juliette Has a Gun Magnolia Bliss
Anastasia Steele, no longer a virgin. In her Audi A3, the smell of her new car, first edition books and a new life... That's what comes into mind with this perfume. The night Christian took her for the first time on his helicopter. I can imagine this is exactly what she smelled like that night. With Ellie Goulding's Love me like you do playing in the background. 
Maison Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540
I’m too embarrassed and ashamed to wear this in public just in case a fragrantica influencer comes out of a bush and starts pointing & laughing at me in front of everyone
Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille
what all the hot daddies in every lana del rey song smell like
Jo Malone Velvet Rose & Oud
If your family was religious, traditionally Asian, or both, you'll know this scent. This is the scent of a temple. This is the scent of an altar. Personally I can never wear this because smelling this brings back so many memories of burning incenses, visiting funerals, and saying prayers and wishes. My bottle is literally sitting on an altar.
Perfumer's Workshop Tea Rose
Speaking of the devil. This scent is the one with the Prada's shoes.
4160 Tuesdays Doe in the Snow
This is borne on a Christmas Eve, under the moonlight, a baby fawn just out of it's mother's womb. The moon is full light casting blue shadows snow lightly falling delicate flakes each one unique on the nose of the new born... Pure fresh Christmas morning air stillness not a sound blanketed with drifts of snow that is Doe In The Snow... pure white innocence...velvet petals so delicate under the driven snow...I have seen this in a dream... Another love... I get it...
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feytouched · 4 months
scent of the day: ganymede (marc-antoine barrois)
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we've all seen the post about ganymede, of course i had to test it for scent of the day.
i agree that this smells like money. not as in luxury, but as in actual bills that have been folded inside a leather wallet for a while, plus the metallic, almost-fizzy zing of coins. a bit like rubber, too. feels like a hi-tech sci-fi prosthesis grafted onto a much more standard herbal-aquatic cologne; i definitely get the osmanthus, woods and mandarin more and more as the scent unfolds. a reviewer on fragrantica said it smells a bit like a freshly printed glossy magazine, and weirdly enough, it does.
when it first went onto my skin i was immediately skeptical; mineral/metallic notes are usually scrubbers for me. i gave it a chance, though, and it mellowed out enough for me to wear, though i knew from the get-go this was never going to be a favourite. i was merely intrigued by all the hyperbolic reviews it got, and i agree it's an odd little fragrance. it has projection and longevity in spades, so whether or not you like it, you and everyone nearby will be smelling it. worth it if you like more masculine scents and want to feel like a character in an aasimov novel. the more i smell it, the more i get it.
• my ko-fi tip jar • previous scent of the day posts •
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rexaleph · 4 months
So the world of perfumes is completely alien to me, but I pretty much exclusively buy Old Spice deodorants bc I like the smells. Is that too vague to ask for recommendations or can you, an expert, give me some...
oh i love this, picking perfume for people is my fetish. so idk if i can be actually helpful but i'll try! i've had Old Spice deodorants before, idk if i can bring the smell to mind, but it's like (forgive the gendering) boyfriend smell right? masculine cosmetic product type of thing, a little sweet and pine-y? so off of that your deal would probably be designer men's fragrances, which is not super my area of experience, but i can think of some (ignore all reviews that mention gender, perfume people are insane and stupid abt that):
Terre d'Hermes by Hermes is crazy popular for a reason. Spicy-sweet citrus. It suits everyone, it's the thing I'd recommend to buy as a gift for like any butch or man if you're trying to get them into perfume. I can easily see it on an older person, but this twinky undergrad at my job wore it and it worked well for him, didn't give tryhard dad's cologne vibes at all. It's just warm and charismatic and universally flattering. Though maybe more on the expensive side, idk that i can judge prices well given where I live.
Consider Dior Fahrenheit. Also super popular, you'll smell it on people a lot. It also has that sweet-clean slightly spicy men's cosmetics scent, with a bit of depth and bitterness to it. I thought I wasn't into it, but a while back I quite liked it on another guy, was kinda surprised when he told me what it was. (was not into the guy, my judgement is unclouded)
Maybe check out the Bvlgari Man line, i liked those when i first started looking at perfume, especially Man in Black. Neroli Wood was pretty nice I believe as well.
Out of the things i like to wear, i can recommend Bon Parfumeur 003 Yuzu Feuilles de Violette Vetiver, I got it like 50% off so i think of it as a nice cheap find, but you gotta see how available/accessible it really is. The vibe is fresh bitter-sweet citrus, i think it's a bit less perfume-y and more delicate than the ones i recommended above.
Also if you have a local Zara and they still stock the Emotions or Olfactive lines, just check out any that they have. They're made by perfumer Jo Malone, who had this stupid overpriced cologne company, but at Zara prices her stuff is extremely worthwhile. I have tried maybe 3 out of 20, and none of them are bad. Vetiver Pamplemousse is a very cool woody grapefruit, my favorite ever citrus fragrance, that I have actually considered bying from a reseller at like real perfume prices (not doing it but like).
I think vetiver is a note to look out for in general, I associate it very strongly with those pleasant fresh masculine scents, and maybe citrus and sandalwood.
Also please let me know if you end up trying anything, maybe I can give better recommendations then!
Also take all my recommendations knowing that just now I put on a perfume where a bunch of people say it smells like literal feces and idk that have ever been so instantly in love with a scent in my life.
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lovesickbrat · 9 months
i am mourning the end of my McGraw by Tim McGraw cologne before it’s been emptied.
seeing the bottle half empty and knowing the cologne discontinued has worked me up a little.
an average Coty drug store concoction (it’s cool you’re not a fragrance snob) but McGraw is a very special little 30ml guy to me <3 i want to say it’s a stand out from that pack of scents— but that could be my emotional connection to the cologne.
maybe i’ll find a McGraw and Southern Blend two pack in some drugstore backroom :’(
are you surprised by my use of this scent? suggestions? advice? etc etc
i honestly am not surprised by ur choice the fact tht u wear a smoky boozy mens cologne is so fitting i think ur not conventional in a very good way
its a v complex fragrance for its price it truly sucks it didn't last long bc u dont see many fragrances that have all of those notes together its normally bits and pieces
i think u absolutely shld look for things with a whiskey note thats the main thing separating it whiskey and tobacoo are ur best friends for that boozy mysterious smokiness i truly think even tho i see u as pure poison, you prob do bloom with a mens cologne
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i saw some reviews say it was similar to fahrenheit but i think that smells like gasoline
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maybe ch will give you that dark sweet scent but its not as dark as mcgraw
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you could always go classic with obsession for men, p much any spicy warm mens cologne is inspired by this
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livingfree207 · 1 year
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oldsamarie · 6 months
the thing about perfume reviewers is because scent evokes such emotion and such intense memories, people who've had experience in this hobby have a way with words that can convey to you exactly how something will smell despite being behind a screen and hundreds, thousands of miles away. when someone says "this smells like vetiver and ambergris." it's hard to exactly pin down what that would smell like for the average person. but a deep, fond memory at the beach and evocative language that paints a picture of how something will make you feel is such a strangely helpful way of explaining a smell. and besides that, imo the fragrance community expanded beyond just explaining smells to each other. fragrance is how we share our lives. perfumes and colognes can help us relate to others in a way we might not otherwise do so. "oh, yes, ive been looking for a perfume that smells like cabbage patch kids dolls, is that weird?" "no, and violet mallow by solstice scents is exactly what you're looking for!", like such a unique and specific experience can be conveyed through scent alone and related to others so easily...
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butchstabu · 10 months
r+ really selling a cologne called Kennel: The Men's Fragrance and then advertising it as Warning: Extreme Scent with no actual description of what it smells like. and then you look up reviews and it's just burnt jagermeister smell. fuck off
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jovoy · 8 months
hello scentblogger,.. I recently bought a body spray with main notes of tobacco and amber. it’s from a small local shop and I’m moving soon so when I eventually run out I won’t be able to get the same one. Do you know of any colognes/perfumes with that scent? maybe something high end/luxury as a treat for when I graduate next year? thank you in advance 🌸🌷🌹
hello lovely! i have a few recommendations for you i think!!!!!! you actually asked about the two notes i tend to despise most in this world especially together LOL resinous fragrances just tend not to run to my tastes but i think i can manage to think of a few things you might like :3
so number 1! serge lutens chergui obviously. when i think of ambery tobacco frags that is THE fragrance i think of. it is very rich and warm and resinous. it is also sweet and has a hay note its not necessarily a predominantly tobacco or amber fragrance its more of a witchy medicinal tincture smell of sorts. its vintage smelling and very lovely and may be up your alley!
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number 2! tobacco mandarin byredo! idk if youre maybe feeling a little fruity? byredo is a little hit or miss sometimes idk but this looks very nice and i feel like they do heavier fragrances pretty well and i especially love how they do leather. looking at this there arent any actual amber notes but it does hit that resinous sort of feeling that i think you may want! it may be worth sampling. the mandarin top note especially looks very intriguing and delicious to me personally. although this may have a little too much going on for you i thought it would be worth throwing in!
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number 3! volutes diptyque either the edt or the edp butthe edt has an amber note and seems to be more prominently tobacco so i would probably recommend that over the edp. i love diptyque and this looks lovely! seems to me to be fairly similar to chergui but according to reviews has the tobacco turned up a fair amount. i would def sample this one
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number 3 and prob my fav is jovoy pavillon rouge! this is the only one that i actually have a sample on hand so im wearing it as i type this. it is really to die for and i say this as someone who does NOT like ambery tobacco like i said. it has a very boozy spiced quality to it that i think is very cozy and elevates the tobacco tremendously 🙂 its super warm and inviting and not cloying at all! i think a lot of tobacco fragrances lean super sweet because honey tends to lend itself as a complimentary note very well. but they can end up a bit saccharine and this is not it at all. i would def sample this! its very lovely and my personal pick of the bunch.
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ok hope this helps!! good luck with your move mwaaaaahhhhh
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gwidien · 8 months
TAG GAME . things your muse will notice about mine.
what they look like. 6'1" with average build. blue-eyed with neatly parted dark-brown-virtually-black hair. he has a full, well-groomed mustache, because naturally. i like to think, actually, that while still on the "average" spectrum build-wise, he has strong forearms and large hands, and though that's because of the character models in-game, i'll still adopt it. he has numerous birthmarks (beauty marks?) sprinkled over his face.
when clean shaven, which is never, you'll note he has a prominent cupid's bow. here's everyone with their mustaches and/or beards shaved off (a bit cursed).
insofar as style is concerned, trelawny is impeccably and stupidly, as in ridiculously, smartly dressed. he dons top hats, spats, gloves, tailcoats, and patterned waistcoasts. he accessorizes with the 1899 equivalent of tiebars for his neckwear. his whites are always baby powder white. he's essentially the 1890s version of fred astaire when it comes to fashion—complete with a cane!
what they smell like. scents and perfumes weren't as prevalent in 1899 like today, but trelawny uses geo. f. trumper's corzone cologne, a 1892 fragrance and whose company tailored its business to the english elite—this fits trelawny's dandy and upper-class image well—and even noble-born. as one review describes the scent:
"that chypre smell of fusty bergamot and mossy patchouli cuts through everything, but the real focus is a mix of honeyed hawthorn and lumber-ish sandalwood. there's also [a] familiar mix of dank green herbs... and a hint of pine tar that gives a hint of leather to the underbelly of the scent."
he bathes regularly and he uses soaps! like in in-game dialogue, he will judge you if you're grimy and if he can catch a whiff of you.
what they taste like. i'd just say skin?? idk what else people are supposed to taste like agdhdhf; he's not grating oranges against himself. if you were to kiss him, i'd also say?? mouth, but he does smoke and you will catch that if he did so recently.
what they sound like. trelawny has a notable transatlantic accent and a lilt-y, see-saw-y, or sing-songiness about his deliveries. he speaks vibrantly, coupled with a plethora of emphases, and it's almost performative. however, there is also a raspish, croaky quality to his voice that plummets to a downright guttural roll when speaking top-secret-or-cheekily low ("it's a man called desmond blyyyyythe.").
what they feel like. warm to the touch. i like to think trelawny runs a bit on the warm side. to reference an easily relatable, real-life scenario: he's someone you can ooch up to in bed to leech all his warmth. stick your feet on him. he won't like it, but your feet will.
other than that, trelawny has softer skin and hands than obviously, say, the likes of arthur morgan. he does not do heavy, grueling, or laborious work nor does he live out in the open in the wild wild nearly as often as the gang. as arthur notes, he makes a habit of conning his way into fancy hotels. expensive tastes, that trelawny.
tagging: @wiiaca (or @wildark ike or emery), @sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins (sean or cassie), @misroberts, @gaskills, @worsethanwolves, @prvtocol, @ebonyforged
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blackandwhlteaesthetlc · 10 months
I’m sorry but this is so stupid all perfume are unisex, pleasing is just trying to gain woke points for something that already exist and people are fallin for it acting as if it’s groundbreaking. Also if you have to use vaseline for a perfume to last maybe the perfume is just not good quality.
Okay, sounds like my review wasn’t for you. Maybe let people just enjoy things and be excited if something like perfumes makes them happy?
I should leave it there but because you chose to take such an cunty tone with me, I’ll just match it.
To both of your obnoxious points: No shit. 🙄
Who exactly is acting like Pleasing is doing something “groundbreaking” by having unisex fragrances? I didn’t write that anywhere in my review and I certainly didn’t see anyone comment that in the notes. I don’t see Pleasing advertising that themselves anywhere either.
Of course all fragrances can be unisex, anyone can wear whatever the fuck they want. But in trying to make your eye-roll worthy point about this brand trying to be “woke” you ignored that I actually included an example of a fragrance that was also marketed as being unisex because surprise! Fragrances are still very much advertised as being more “feminine” or masculine” or “perfumes” vs “colognes.” So obviously I’m aware this isn’t something new being offered by this brand. Don’t be obtuse here, I was trying to assure people who were curious (clearly not you) that the notes in the samples did not lean heavily one way or another and my personal opinion will be that these can be sold as “unisex.” It’s a label anyone slightly interested in fragrances (not you) will know is used to indicate what you can expect from the notes themselves. Some people, as evidenced by the notes and dms I got, appreciate that sort of info (again, not you).
And I agree it’s disappointing if a fragrance doesn’t have lasting power. This isn’t the only time I’ve had this happen. I’ve tried some hugely popular luxury perfumes that lasted maybe 5mins on my skin. So for me, brand and price point does not indicate quality. But if someone truly loves a scent there are some tricks to try IF they want to take the risk in investing in a fragrances that may not perform how how they want. And really the only one I had that issue with was Rivulets but whatever, you don’t actually care about specifics. You just wanted to complain and try to sound superior to anyone slightly excited about this release. 🙃
But I digress.
My opinion, which I thought was clear to anyone with proper reading comprehension (obviously not, my mistake) is that the scents themselves are pretty complex and carefully layered. To me, that indicates some serious consideration was put into them which supports my opinion that they’re of slightly higher quality than your typical “celebrity fragrance” which usually just smell like alcohol and potpourri to me. I’ve tried plenty, hate most. I didn’t hate these, my overall impression is positive but I honestly said one did not mix well with my own skin chemistry so people can make their own decisions whether they want to buy or not as they might have the same experience.
There. Did I downplay my excitement about the samples enough to satisfy your hate for the big, bad brand that only uses Harry’s name and face to make money for his friends? Or whatever the fuck you want to make yourself miserable about this week.
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maurypovichofficial2 · 11 months
Oh my godddd shae, I’ve been very very very interested in fragrances lately, I finally treated myself to a subscription to scent box and will spend like 1-2 hours a night before bed just watching people review entire lines of perfumes/colognes etc but I ordered a sample of one that wasn’t offered by scent box and I’m in love like this perfume smells so sexy. I don’t personally like sweet scents much so I feel like this is just perfect. It is Athalia by PFD for any of the girls interested 🤭 I would probably at the bare minimum CONSIDER fucking anyone wearing this scent
im glad you like it! i feel like scent subscriptions are the most logical thing to do its so practical and it helps you switch it up. plus it takes me 10 years to finish a full bottle
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