#reverse 1999 thoughts?
noseams · 6 months
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Was messing around in the game 's Altas and I found this.
Im curious what infected means. We have those in Beyond who are essetially characters who didnt originate from this world (Voyager, Jessica). Awakened who are objects that came to life (Ms. Radio, Apple). Arcanists im assuming pureblooded ones (Regulus, Sonetto, etc). Im honestly not sure about this though as there are characters like Druvis III who is implied to have human parents(?) but may have arcanist blood in their lineage. Then theres the Mixed which so far only have Satsuki and Pavia on there, both characters having a murky background (Satsuki being an orphan and Pavia having an unknown father and dead mom) but can clearly use arcanum.
Then theres the infected which is just blank. Like it makes me wonder what defines as infected and infected with what exactly??
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fishyizm · 3 months
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based on this post by @fishareglorious
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t-eaowl · 6 months
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I was possessed to do this
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murmew · 3 months
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I just now noticed that Vertin's model in the Three Doors has a strange marking on her back. We know that she has some sort of scar or brand that's moon-shaped, but the supposed "eye" is missing so I'm not sure if it's supposed to be the same thing Arcana saw in the orange scene... It could be something completely different for all I know haha (I haven't been listening to the narrator very closely)
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fruityfroggy · 2 months
Lesbians who dress like this need to HIT ME UP
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cymonoo · 5 months
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anemoyuri · 3 months
it’s interesting to see how people in this fandom react to events where teenagers are alone in high-risk situations with no adult supervision. and it’s not even about lazy writing, where the writers are like “well this teens adventure novel, they won’t just go to school.. they need to go on adventures and such!! even if they’re 15”
it’s about time periods.
like my parents in the 70s, when they were teenagers, already went on the hikes to another country with no adult supervision and took pretty heavy for children odd jobs. and the whole independence from the young age was encouraged (take in consideration the fact, that im from Ukraine and in the 70s my country was still a part of USSR).
the farther we go into the past, the more distorted the concept of appropriate age for this character is. like Dikke being 19 yo, barely an adult , was considered being middle aged at medieval times. like yeah, if average life expectancy of that time was 35 at best, she’s 40 for our modern society. and if we consider war time for each country that was mentioned … oh boy, it’s even more distorted after more peaceful times, stress really ages you.
and if we’re talking about Vertin’s team… i’m glad that they act pretty much to their age. they feel like teenagers with too much responsibility on their shoulders, especially Vertin… trauma made her that way.
all of this is just me rambling with no fact checks tho
EDIT: i was corrected on the fact that people in Middle Ages had shorter life expectancy, it’s just that many children at that time died before turning 5 y.o. and that’s why the average life expectancy was skewed. so Dikke would be considered a young lady and NOT middle-aged
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crehador · 8 months
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not a fan of lying to sonetto but vertin was so funny for this, she's so chaotic in an almost like... elegant way? calm and composed but also ridiculous lmao
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jattawaa · 5 months
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anonymocha · 3 months
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Marsh Creation raid mission report
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arsonaetcuh · 6 months
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I think it's very important for everyone to know that this is Horrorpedia's first artwork thing in the entire game
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fineapple20 · 5 days
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hands you
✨🍄the mushroom boy🍄✨
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nonomives · 6 months
Mayday doodlessss
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Close ups:
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And some extra sketches. Some designs for Mayday's sister that I'm making and tryna draw An-an Lee and Horropedia too because low-key I can imagine them being a funky duo
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hammerbonk · 4 months
Do you think Vertin mourns people in advance? Like do you think she sometimes spends nights trying to accept that one day, her friends’ rooms will collect dust and grow cold? How the only things she might have to remember them by are paintings, photographs and possessions? How easily they could go, just as easily as they came?
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fruityfroggy · 5 months
I’ve been inspired to make re1999 textposts, so here we are. I’m going back to my old ways.
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(Part 1/2)
Part 2 here
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murmew · 4 months
You guys know Sonetto's voice line:
"Good morning! Here's the newspaper today. Huh? Why are my fingers black... stained with ink? How come? I've just touched it..."
I just recently started watching Downton Abbey (set in 1912) and I learned that morning newspapers needed to be ironed to dry the ink to prevent staining your hands. So Sonetto's line is just another nod to her sheltered upbringing! She's so cute!
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