#research on what fits and what doesnt. i think my only other option is literally messaging every person who has this doll on DeviantArt and
volfoss · 1 year
Literally need to learn how to sew soooo bad it's not even funny
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telnaga · 4 years
i think everyone without periods should learn more about periods. especially if youre LGBT... we’re all together in this thing called life and the “thing” called “gender” but anyone who doesnt have a period is raised not knowing ANYTHING about periods so it just comes to the point where people close to me who mean completely well and want to help me through the horrible blood time will think they just need to like... buy ice cream. they’ll get squicked out whenever i touch on basic details. assume im going to be irrational during it.
here’s the basic rundown you need to know: periods come about once a month, but can vary between cycles and people, especially if you have an IUD, birth control pills, or specific medications. the average time it lasts is four to six days, during which 50 (lighter side) to 80 (heavier side) mL of blood is shed. (5ml is a teaspoon..) but also, this is important, bc i feel like most people who have periods dont even know this - it’s not all blood. the process is the shedding of the uterine lining, which means some of it is less liquid and more strands. it’s completely normal to have bits of it come out in clots.
the shedding comes slowly, and won’t typically “spill out” or behave like a rush of liquid at all. the process can be painful, especially for people with heavier periods. studies have come back time and time again with proof that, beyond the normal reactions to experiencing a near-constant level of pain, there is no effect to mood or behavior, though people come out of it falsely reporting their mood and behavior as worse. this shows how much false expectations and societal understanding can color our experiences, and is part of why it’s so important to get more people to learn these things.
managing it is a hassle. you’re either using an absorbent pad that lightly adheres to your underwear and may be uncomfortable as it accumulates shedding, a tampon (usually made of cotton or a cotton-like absorbent material) that varies in how easily it inserts, a menstrual cup you insert that fits in the cavity (well enough that you usually can’t feel it, removable by a small grip) and “catches” the shedding, or other such devices, but there’s only recently been much innovation and expansion of options on that front. i think even (silicone, sterilize-after-use and store until next month) menstrual cups are relatively new, and for the most part the main two options are expensive packs of one-use pads and tampons. all of these are typically changed every 4-8 hours depending on flow and the amount they're made to hold. unless you’ve had them in far too long, tampons and menstrual cups are safe to swim with. nothing’s going to come out. 
the general side effects of periods are, as touched on earlier, pain. there’s a variety of ways that manifests. the pain, described as “cramping”, comes from the uterus primarily, which is located around the lower part of your tummy. the pain from it can also radiate to the back, causing lower back pain. there can also be headaches, bloating, muscle aches, trouble sleeping, and others; all in all, it’s generally just a time where you tend to be undergoing pain and discomfort.
that’s why some people take personal days during it, eat junk food, treat themselves, sleep more, act “emotional”, etc. because they’re in pain and discomfort. any average person will do all those things if they break a bone, typically. if they sprain a muscle. if they get the flu. it’s literally just that. it’s just “I am in pain and discomfort”. ice cream is not a medication, there’s no emotional phenomenon, and it happens every month from puberty until menopause. not everyone has that bad of a time with it, but for others, through aspects of flow or complications or other conditions or ANYTHING, can have a much, much worse time. they’re having to experience a painful uncomfortable physical beatdown once a month. and somehow, though so many people go through this, it has been discounted and discredited and ignored and shushed away. it’s treated as some sort of mysterious whimsical mood brought on by a pull of the moon, and not as a time of pain and discomfort, like any injury or illness it can feel just as bad as.
last thing im gonna put here is what can actually help with the pain and discomfort. ibuprofen (advil) and acetaminophen (tylenol), the two most common pain relievers, will both lessen the pain coming from the cramping of the muscles of the uterus. midol, a pain reliever specifically marketed for period relief, is just tylenol and caffeine but more expensive. heat can also relieve muscle pain and cramping; a warm bath, a hot water bottle, a microwavable heating pack, or even a sock filled with uncooked beans or rice and tied shut and microwaved for three minutes can all help. there’s little research on it because of course there isn’t, but in my experience cannabis helps quite a bit too. 
thank you for reading this post from your local horrible-blood-time-haver
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
hi i hope you don’t mind me being nosey but i was wondering if i could ask a few things about u being aro? i kinda just wanted to know how u figured it out? and also do u still get feelings for people but choose not to pursue it? sorry if i’m kinda intruding i don’t mean to, just curious
i dont mind at all darl! (actually...lowkey i love when people are curious about it lmao so feel free to ask more questions) also this is going under a cut cause it got longer than i meant it to lmao
figuring it out wasnt easy and it took a lot of self reflection and like months of questioning and doing research and then worrying i was getting it wrong. Basically i first considered the idea that i could be aro when i was approaching my 25th birthday. A friend of mine (the only guy i’ve had any sort of a fling with) had announced he was engaged and i was completely down on myself wondering why i couldnt get a single date when he was off getting engaged (not that i even Wanted to get married i just would have liked some attention). I figured there had to be something wrong with me or something about me that was broken. And then i saw someone i followed at the time reblog a post about being aro. I’d seen the phrase a little before but never really considered it as fitting me but i’d also never really paid attention to what it actually meant. 
I don’t remember what the post was exactly, it’s probably somewhere in the thousands and thousands of posts i’ve liked over the years but there’s no easy way to check so . Whatever it said it felt relatable enough that I went and googled aromanticism to try and figure out what it was and if it fit me. Because I was already in a headspace where I’d been thinking about my lack of a romantic history already, a lot of the stuff that i read had been stuff i’d been thinking about anyway. Like Reader said in Platonic when she was talking about how she figured it out, I’ve never had a proper crush. I spent months thinking about it after my friend told me he’d proposed. I have very vivid memories of literally deciding to have a crush on a boy in primary school because it seemed like i should (again, i included that directly in Platonic lmao down to the boys name and everything). And every guy I’ve had an interest in since has been either a brief physical attraction that i forgot about as soon as I wasn’t seeing him regularly or something that I deliberately manufactured either in an attempt to fit in with the people around me or because i was kind of bored. Even the cute music teacher at work last year like he was hot and i wouldnt have said no to a kiss or whatever but i just didn’t have any feelings about him beyond that. 
While I was trying to figure out if I was aro I read a lot of websites. The AVENwiki has a page on aromanticism and I think also has pages on some of the aro-spec identities like greyromantic and demiromantic so that was a good starting point for definitions. Google also gave me a few different forums and stuff where aro people were talking about being aro. A lot of aromantic resources are tied up in the asexual community though because that’s where the language and everything was first suggested and what it evolved from. I don’t think that necessarily helped me feel comfortable using the term aro to describe myself because i’m pretty confident i’m not ace but the more I looked into it the more stuff I found from people who were allosexual but aromantic. Anyway, I spent weeks just googling “aromantic” and seeing what came up  and rereading what i’d already read and resisting the fact that a lot of it fit me. Then I spent a while trying to find like a quiz or something that would just give me an answer. I found a few quizzes but all of them assumed at least one previous relationship so none of them were any use to me. But gradually I started feeling okay with calling myself aro. I think part of my hesitation was probably also because knowing I was aro didn’t feel like a solution it just felt my damage had a name. The other part is that romantic attraction is not easy to define which makes it hard to identify if you feel it or not so the part of me that wanted to be Normal kept being like ‘well if you dont know you cant call yourself aro’. But I thought about it a lot and I read any aro related post that crossed by dash and then ventured into the tumblr tag and found some helpful discussion stuff in there and then I started calling myself aro just quietly, only in my own head. It took a long time before I felt okay admitting that I was aro on my own blog but obviously i got there in the end lmao. That friend, the one who got engaged, he’s the only person i’ve told irl though. 
as to your second question....
I don’t think I feel romantic attraction. Truthfully, as i said before, it’s hard to know for certain and there is a possibility that i could form a romantic attraction to someone one day but i think it’s very unlikely. Other forms of attraction are different though. I can be attracted to people physically and sexually. And I think I could possibly be attracted to people in a platonic “man i’d really like to be their friend” kind of way though it doesnt come up very much because im not really one to like meet people. I like my own company. 
But i’ve never really acted on any sort of attraction or feelings for others. I was definitely attracted to CMT but I never acted on it because it seemed like too much work. The was a guy who worked at a pop culture collectables shop a few years ago who i thought was very cute and I did contemplate asking him out but it just never felt like a real option and I sort of just ignored it until he left the job. So yeah I guess I do get some sorts of feelings and then choose not to do anything with them, but they aren’t romantic feelings. But like right now I’ve got no interest in anyone (apart from ben and roger but i guess they dont really count lmao). None of the teachers at work interest me and i havent met anyone else recently and it really isnt bothering me. Theres a guy in IT who i could possibly see myself fawning over a bit cause he’s handsome and has an unusual accent but he’s got the same name as my brother so i’ve already ruled him out as a no go lmao. 
Anyway, hopefully that answered your questions! If there’s anything else you want to know or you’d like me to try and explain something more fully my inbox is always open!
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missjackil · 5 years
My 14x17 Opinion
Game Night
This was the first new episode since “The Announcement” and I have to say I was putting off writing it. I usually post these the day after, but I procrastinated so it’s a bit late. So forgive my butt-hurt tardiness and let's have at it.
I enjoyed this episode, though it wasn't without some issues. I must say that I was pleased that it wasn't as Sam-lite as I thought it would be from the promo pics, trailer, and knowing Jared didn't work a lot that week, I will always want for more Sam in an episode, but all his parts were necessary and high quality in this one, so I'm not angry at all. 
We start the episode with Donatello making cookies, singing Raindrops are Fallin’ on my Head, which made me smile. It made me think of Butch Cassiday and The Sundance Kid and I love that movie, and if J2 ever want to play the leads in a remake, I would be willing to pay for it myself! 
Donny gets interrupted by the door, and we know this is a problem because its the first 5 minutes of SPN, let's be honest. As soon as I see the bad guy’s wedding ring, I think “Shit... here comes Nick”. I thought he was gonna kill him and I'm glad he didn't. I like Donny, he looks like my dad. 😊
Back at the Bunker, the fam is getting ready for “Winchester Game Night” and Dean is playing Mouse Trap, and having no luck getting it to work. I had that game as a kid too and was never able to get it to work either, but it was fun putting it together! I did think it was a little sad but fitting, that Dean would have played that game as a 4 yr old, but leave it to John and Mary to give Dean a game made for older kids, that never worked out the way it was supposed to and had too many small parts he could choke on. (the irony is not lost on me)
Mary and Jack are in the kitchen. I could literally almost smell the Jiffy Pop popcorn. A Saturday night staple at my house growing up (any of you out there ever taste that greasy salt left on the sides of the foil pan? Good stuff!) and Mary starts in with the questions for Jack. I got a kick out of him telling her its annoying, and her face after. It’s ok Mary, he’s fine, he’s just a teenager now. Something I guess she never got to experience from the adult side. 
Sam is out getting pizza, and all the times they’ve had pizza, I never really saw what Sam likes on his. Apparently both he and Dean like lots of pepperoni. Good choice boys! The joy is short-lived (of course) by Donatello’s call, and Dean and Mary go off to help. I loved Sam sitting there researching. I have always loved his look of interest and concentration during these times. Smart!Sam moment #1 he figures out the language is ancient Hebrew, #2 he has the moment of realization that he knows it’s from the Bible, and knows what chapter and verse. (demerits for the writers though for not knowing Peter is in the New Testament and is in Ancient Greek, not Hebrew, but kudos for Sam/Jared for at least knowing the book is located near the back of The Bible)
Mom and Dean in the car. Now we have the talk about how wrong she knows she’s been but how appreciative she is to have this time with him and Sam. Uhoh... sounds like lines typically given to a character who is soon to be killed off? Hmmm we’ll see. Soon they arrive at Donny’s to find Nick. He says he's poisoned Donny and to save him, they have to help him. He wants to talk. 
Back at the bunker, violent rage!Sam awaits!! GOD that gave me tingles in the best way! I loved Dean leading Nick down the hall in cuffs, in slow motion as if leading him to his execution, and Sam standing there with his chest puffed out like a friggin’ bulldozer, and the snarl and slam attack against the wall!! (hand me that towel, please??) Dean backs Sam off, lots of brother touching going on, but we need intel, we can't kill him yet. 
Now Sam is in self-loathing mode.... he thinks everything is his fault. So many people dying because of him. This is gonna be a big issue soon, I promise. Mom talks Sam off the self-deprecating ledge and tells him he gave Nick another chance because he’s a good man and that's why she’s so proud of him. Sam softens up into the sweetest “aww shucks ma” smile and I want to hug him💕 also, still lines are being spoken by mom that are synonymous with being killed off.
Now, I procrastinated talking about Cas and Anael because the whole thing was boring. I'm not a wife hater but at least make her necessary if you’re going to cast her. I was ok about her role as Sister Jo for Devil’s Bargain but she hasn't been necessary since. Cas wasn't even necessary in this episode. We knew he was hiding the fact that Jack killed the snake, and there are probably 1000 other ways they could have reminded us that the Samulet is still around and maybe they can use it, than for him to find a similar one in the thrift shop or whatever that place was. I dug Methuzula though, he was the oldest dude in the Bible. He wasn’t an angel, for any of you worried about him liking lasagna or why he couldn't just smite Cas... its because he's HUMAN just extremely old. 
On to more interesting things. 
Nick wants to talk to Jack. I was not pleased with Nick referring to Jack as his son. Im not 100% convinced that the writer (and all involved really) remembered that Jack isnt Nick’s son, but added that as a note of empathy Nick has for Lucifer, you’d THINK someone, particularly Jack would say “Im not your son” ?? but anyway, he gives intel to Jack and also gets his blood (dun dun dunnnn) 
Sam is again a smarty pants and knows the antidote for Thalium is Prussian Blue (makes note) and figures he can hack the live feed (brains are so sexy) I also love that Sam’s word is the go word. So many more decisions are made because Sam thinks its the best option than he's ever given for in the fandom. So Sam and Dean take Nick with them to find Donny. 
I really love the broments in this part. Dean tells Nick if he tries anything funny, Sam will shoot him. “And if anything happens to me....” “Sam will shoot me”  “To start!” says Sam... because if he hurts Dean, Sam isnt letting him off that easy. But in true SPN form, as soon as Sam and Dean are separated, shit goes south.
Mom calls Sam and lets him know Donny was shot up with Angel grace, as Jack figured out, Nick was playing them. Now the fight between Sam and Nick ensues! Nick tells Sam why he used Donatello, which was to bring Lucifer back, “You can't, he’s dead he’s in the Empty” Sam says but this show’s self-awareness gets me sometimes lol Nick’s like “Cmon Sam you know no one stays dead anymore” and Sam starts kicking his ass. 
Now, I have already seen a million of you whine and complain that Sam didn’t kill Nick. It’s almost as though some of you have never met Sam Winchester. Of course Sam could have killed Nick, and most of us wish he did, but Sam has stopped himself from killing humans before. He stopped himself with Jake in AHBL and also with Toni in 12x01. Unfortunately it always bites him in the ass. Could it be that Sam thinks if he can kill a human with his bare hands that he’s a monster? This isn’t bad writing folks, this is Sam’s character. 
Nick takes advantage of Sam’s hesitation and starts nailing him with a rock. Spewing crap about Sam being Lucifer’s Perfect vessel and such.... this can only mean that issue will be coming up soon! Sam gets in the car and starts laying on the horn for Dean, calling out to him... Dean hears Sam is in trouble, enough playing around here time to kill some demons. 
When he gets to Sam. he sees he’s badly injured. Sam can hardly hold on to consciousness, protective!dean kicks in! Apply preasure to the blled, call 911, call mom. Now check for brain damage and play a counting game with Sam This hurt my feels so much, it made it feel so much more serious than all the other head injuries he’s sustained. Dean and his caring big brother smile and light hearted speech so Sam doesnt panic just kills me in the best way!! Sam tries to count with him a little and breaks into “You always put me first... your whole life” and manages to muster a little smile. Dean knows Sam believes he’s checking out, and you see the fear all over Dean’s face as Sam fades away. (OMG these 2!! Every freakin time!!)
Meanwhile, Mary and Jack found Nick and he has summoned Lucifer and just about to take him in again (Lucifer looked pretty cool,,, gotta say) and Jack zaps Lucifer back into the rift (no not forever guys... cmon) and starts torturing Nick. Mary kinda flips out telling Jack to stop. He’s contorting his hand, burning him from the inside out... not simply killijng him. Mary is full on worried now. Jack stops and Nick is laying on the floor. Mary is in shock and tells Jack to go help Sam, He heals him and Dean cant even hide his relief as he turns away to catch his breath. 
Now Jack returns to Mary who is more than worried about how Jack was torturing Nick. We know the Winchesters dont mind killing, but draw the line at torture. However, Mary stupidly poked the bear. She could have just kept herself and Jack calm and talked to the boys later, but she poked and poked till Jack freaked out. Though I am wondering if Jack was also hearing Lucifer when he was shouting “Leave me alone!!” But in any regard, he looked at Mary and something happened. Fade to black. 
Aside from the Cas/Anael part, I really enjoyed this episode. A few issues yes, but it hit most of the marks needed for me to enjoy an episode. Ive already rewatched it twice and will again and again. 
On a scale of Bloodlines to Lebanon, I give this a strong 7.5 without the Cas/Anael bit it would have been an easy 8.
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knightofbalance-13 · 6 years
Open Minded My Ass
Needed to cover this as a precursor to another post.
Okay, I’m an open-minded guy. Let’s take a look here.
Dudeblade, you just screamed at a guy for defending Jaune, calling him a plebian. You’re as open minded as the alt-right, using even the same words.
Okay then. Let’s look at this misspelling-filled mess here. “jaune didnt suffer consequences” Okay then, let’s take a look as to what consequence jaune faced.
Dudeblade, there is ONE spelling mistake. Considering you are friends with Sokumotanaka who makes regular mistakes like this in his post, you really shouldn’t talk because this means that if someone agrees with you, you won’t dare to criticize them for anything even as they make the same flaws you berate in others.
And immediately, you just disproved yourself anon. If jaune’s actions result in Weiss getting hurt, then that means that the consequence for Yang rushing in to save Blake could have ended with Blake’s arm getting cut off, and that would have been Yang’s consequence. 
here’s what Anon said:
the claim that jaune didnt suffer consequences for rushign in against cinder and bringing up how his life doesnt matter is bs weiss was the consequence and 2 people like to ignore yangs flaws claiming she had no other option, or ignore that a consistent fact about yang was her tendency to get impulsive and  hot headed  bumrushing the opponent and not thinking tactically overly reliant on her semblance like with neo, mercury in tournament, or even junior or nevermore. adam was just the last of                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
multiple cases sunder-the-gold.tumblr.com/post/155734266099 , and adam ended up getting hit by blake and knocked down for making a similar mistake when he lost himself to a blind rage ( fitting since their semblances are similar)
Mind pointing me to WHERE Anon said they suffered the EXACT same consequences?
Thing is Dudeblade: Your statement implies Yang and Jaune have the same character when that couldn’t be any more false. Yang is a confident character with immense strength so having all that confidence destroyed and her strength rendered useless drives home how she needs to change both to Yang and to the audience. Jaune meanwhile is weak and so self-loathing he’s SUICIDAL so hurting him is gonna do NOTHING. To make him suffer like Yang, the narrative needs to hurt the people around him. Because THEY are what he cares about, not HIMSELF.
But that’s not how it works. If Blake getting her arm cut off came as a result of Yang rushing in to save her, then that means that Weiss getting hurt came as a result for jaune wanting revenge.
Let’s continue with the rest of your poorly-researched rant.
Actually, if you’re gonna portray Jaune trying to avenge his best friend as bad, why don’t we go ahead and portray Yang’s actions that way? After all, Adam was facing her and not doing anything to Blake when she lunged at him so saving her friend is out, all that remains is that Yang was getting revenge for Blake. 
Except Jaune had mental illnesses at the time and Yang didn’t. So even then, you should be bitching about Yang.
Oh and I don’t want to hear about poor research from a guy with a history of doing ZERO research.
Not comparable. When Yang saw Blake in trouble she had two options:
Rush in to save Blake.
Do nothing.
Let me fix this for you:
Rush in to get revenge for Blake
Do nothing.
As long as you devalue Jaune’s pain as just revenge, I’ll do the same for Yang.
If you can’t see how both are wrong/right, then you can continue to get angry about it.
Seriously. And Yang being overly-reliant on her semblance?- Uh, when? That time she fought against the mech?
She tactically used her semblance in every single fight. But I guess it’s easy to ignore that, since Taiyang’s criticisms came from the observations he made during the tournament, and the fact that there was literally no other time he could have seen Yang fighting tactically with her semblance.
And if Yang isn’t supposed to be so over-reliant on her semblance, then where is Weiss’ lecture about being so over-reliant on her summons?- Where’s Blake’s lecture about being so over-reliant on her shadow clones?
A. When she tried fight Neo, Mercury, Adam and that Ursa in her Volume 5 short. 
B. He’s known Yang longer than you. He’d know that she’s risked her life all because she relies on her semblance.
C. So when Ben and Chad said that very same thing in her Death Battle against Tifa, they were wrong despite you having defended them?
And D. I counted the number of times Blake used her Semblance. Five times. That is less than once per Volume since one of those times was her Trailer. COmpare this to Yang who uses it seven times despite the fact that she spent two Volumes learning that she shouldn’t do that so much and we see a bigger reliance with her.
As for Weiss: you are assuming that no one will. She has only NOW gotten in trouble due to using her Summons. There hasn’t BEEN any time to call her out.
Counter point:
Proof of Bias:
@wingzeroalchemist doesn’t care about facts, he cares about irrationally defending Yang from all criticism.
It would have been fine here if you used his post to bring up specific points within to debunk Anon but you just used the whole thing so his bias can be used to discredit him.
Follow-up point, since I know that there’s probably going to be a response from someone about how “Adam moved away from Blake!” or how “Blake had aura!” or some shit like that.
For the first one: That’s a swordsman technique called Iaijutsu. it involves lunging toward the opponent while drawing the sword in a (typically) offensive manner. To be blunt: Adam didn’t step away from Blake, he lunged towards Yang with his attack.
And as for the second argument: Why would Yang know something that the audience didn’t know until Blake used her semblance to get away?- Typical armchair critic. Can’t take into account the situation that they’re in, so you criticize the  character for (gasp!) not knowing something the audience knows!
If that’s how we’re doing it, then every single person at that school is an idiot for not knowing who Cinder is.
A. You provided no proof that this is true however we can see another example of Iaijutsu in the show...and it completely disproves your argument.
And I know you have to know this because the person I’m referring to is RAVEN.
Look at this movement.
And then look at this scene:
I can see Raven lunging in one...but not Adam in the other. His model is perfectly stationary after his slice aside from his arm moving. But if he lunged, his legs should have some follow through as well. Not only that but Adam’s stature before his attack doesn’t show him bowing down to lunge, it shows him standing. Only thing he could have done there is duck.
I might be an idiot and I couldn’t catch Adam’s movement but there’s nothing to indicate to me he lunged.
B. However, if we take a look at what ACTUALY people say, you start to see why that armchair critic stuff is bullshit:
“Why didn’t Yang just run up to him?”
“Why didn’t Yang just throw a table at him?”
“Why didn’t Yang try to use long range bullets to attack Adam or at least throw him off balance?”
There are a lot of criticisms people make you’re just strawmanning.
And C. Just occurred to me, Blake rushed in against Adam, looked at Yang and then got Yang’s arm cut off. That’s EXACTLY how you described the situation with Jaune, Cinder and Weiss. So now you have to deal with the argument of “You don’t call Blake out on getting Yang’s arm cut off.” This is why you do research.
No. That’s not how it works. Adam got downed because he forgot about Blake’s sembalnce, and the animation showed Blake dodging into his sword. If it weren’t for that, Blake would also be cut in half. 
A. You misspelled “Semblance” and forgot to capitalize the “S”. Again, I’m not the one who made misspelling an argument.
B. Wouldn’t that fall under the same thing as “Yang forgot she doesn’t do well against sword users?” Adam forgot because he was in a blind rage, Yang forgot because she was in a blind rage. 
And C. https://youtu.be/5A5hRP1Hkbg?t=7m35s
No, Blake moved in the direction of the sword swipe but outside of it’s RANGE. 
For fuck’s sake, you literally said that Weiss getting hurt is jaune’s consequence. Why the fuck should I take you seriously when you think that someone else getting hurt as a result of your own actions should be a sufficient punishment?
Because they understand that having Jaune get hurt and then think about his actions makes no sense since he just showed he was willing to die for his friends?
Let me inform you YET AGAIN about the events of Gurren Lagann. Kamina was killed as the result of Simon’s actions which sprurred his character development. Why? Because he LOVED Kamina like a brother while conversely he hated himself. Because having Simon hurt as the result of his actions wouldn’t hurt nearly as much or even at all.
If you rushed into a fight that you couldn’t win, and then someone else got hurt because of your actions, would they say that that casualty is your consequence?
Because they got hurt as a result of MY actions. Because I was reckless, one of my friends got hurt. It's the same logic Blake used when she ran away. And for good reason.
They would get on your case for causing that person to get hurt. Given the state the writing is in, there’s no evidence to believe that jaune will be suffering similar consequences. Especially since he got validated for starting that fight by getting to unlock his semblance. Now he gets to feel useful. Now he can feel like he can make a difference.
A. That’s...a consequence. Also why would you try to make the suicidal person feel worthless?
B. What state? You’ve thoroughly proven you can’t criticize worth a crap.
And C. No, he got to fix his mistake, just like Yang did.
So you’re basically upset Jaune got treated the same as Yang?
Or is it because something positive happened to Jaune and you’re so full of hate you think that’s a cardinal sin?
At the end of the day, jaune got positive reinforcement for his reckless actions, while Yang got negative reinforcement for hers.
I see the exact opposite.
Even more so in the narrative. Yang gets to have agency in her life as she chooses to recover and chooses to become better after she chooses an action that had bad aftermath but still succeeded in what she wanted while Jaune fails yet again to accomplish his goal, gets jerked around by the narrative yet again and even his development is just the result of the narrative jerking him around in a good way.
Or in other words: Yang gets more agency from her actions while Jaune gets less. (Which considering Jaune has next to none is pretty sad.)
 Also, punctuation. Learn about it, jaune-anon.
I would like to remind people that:
A. he supports people who regularly forget punctuation and misspellings and yet they get praise from him.
And B. He’s now berating someone for having a different opinion than him after saying he was open minded.
Dudeblade, do you STILL not understand why you fail at criticism?
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ithisatanytime · 3 years
   You know it has to be said, i reached out to skye because i felt like i was losing my mind, but not in the “im so stressed out” kind of way, because i literally lost my fucking mind for three months, bouts of complete psychosis, mania, absolutely lost touch with reality. it was the scariest most surreal experience of my life, and i have nothing to compare it to, and i cant even really talk about it because no one really has a frame of reference for this kind of shit, not even me. she was the only one who called back, i reached out to a lot of people, and nothing. even though we hadnt spoken for ten years, and back then the kind of shit we were putting each other through is just unbelievable, a lot of regret and resentment on both sides, yet she called me back.
  there is something special about her, i cant believe this fucking happened. i wish either we just didnt get the chance to talk that day, when i was losing my goddamn mind, or i wish i would have just stayed in the dream. what the fuck is the point of waking up from that nightmare the day after we stop talking again? just in time to deal with the shame and regret of what i said to her, luckily i dont remember most of it, i could go back and read the texts but man i cant even stomach it.
  it wasnt all the phenibut. my estrogen being out of control for a good four months or so played a part, but i have always struggled with anger issues. i definitely learned to manage it better in my mid twenties, to the point that i only really lost my temper a handful of times, when i was dating laura and that was pretty much it, but even that shocked me and filled me with shame. again though, a few incidents over the course of a decade is definitely progress. but the phenibut rage is its own fucking animal, maybe estrogen rage or a combo of the two i just dont know. i woke up furious, i was shouting from my room, they could hear me, all i could do was keep myself in my room but i was yelling so loud they could hear me for sure. they basically cleared out of the house. i was yelling at everyone, my grandpa even for god sake, he doesnt live with us, but i love my grandpa with all my heart, again caroline polachek from chairlift, etc.
 i very briefly got a hold of myself, i think because skye had texted me or something, i quickly left my room to try to make ammends, i told my sister i hope she didnt hear any of what i was saying, i started to explain that it was just the phenibut withdrawal and she stopped me saying she knew, she had read quite extensively about it. early on in this thing, when i realized suddenly i was physically dependent on phenibut, just how much phenibut i was on, and what that meant for me, i was destroyed. my sister was the only person i could confide in, and she could see how scared i was. i knew that my behavior was about to become erratic to say the least, that our living situation wasnt well suited for what was going to happen, that it would make me feel crazy, make everyone think i was crazy, make us hate each other. frankly i was certain i wasnt going to make it this time, i had gotten myself in over my head. i also knew my behavior would make it nearly impossible for my family not to go to the system for help, but i knew from my own research that the system really cant help with high gram per day phenibut dependence. the end result would almost certainly be a medically induced coma, and intubation, the outcome of which we all knew from my mothers experience being put into a medically induced coma and contracting pneumococcal pneumonia was not a very good option. so she just read and read and read, because she loves me. my mom on the other hand shouted from the other room “is he being dangerous?” to which my sister responded “NO!”  she said “im calling the cops” and suddenly the rage started coming back again. it was literally like static electricity crackling along my back and arms, all my hair stood on end, the hair on my head, the hair on my arms and legs, like a cat i guess. i told her to call them and id be ready for them when they got here, she picked up the phone and started dailing, i watched her, and then she put it down.
 it was at this point that skye called me. i dont remember what exactly sparked it, to be honest, i think that phone conversation was pretty tame except for my energy.i remember shouting that i needed a cigarette in a demonic sounding voice before hanging up on her, i briefly remember asking her “what do i have?” because since that dude killed himself, and she was married in florida, the last ten years of my life have been a joke pretty much. and then i just destroyed my room, i needed to destroy something, i prayed literally for something to destroy, and i remembered that dresser i got from the super market and just started punching it, which was awesome because it was rigid plastic so it exploded into shards, very satisfying. i punched it into a million pieces. i threw the pieces, then proceeded to punch every framed piece of “art” in my room, chuck stuff around, basically throw a tantrum. i was not really myself here, i dont do this. ive literally only ever destroyed one thing in a fit of rage, and it was a portable cd player when i was like 13 and i regretted it immediately. i proceeded to text vile things to skye, the sweetest person ive ever known, eventually i fell asleep. when i woke up literally surrounded by debris, i still needed a cigarette and proceeded to just pick up where i left off, just kicking debris off my bed, throwing shit, its like i had fucking rabies. but i managed to roll a cigarette finally and that calmed me down IMMENSELY.
 the next day, i took my usual dose of phenibut in order to continue tapering, i forget where we were at, but we started at thirty grams per day, which is fucking absurd, i cant find another example of anyone using that much phenibut for that long, but we got quite low. the dose hit me very weird, and i got “stuck on my bed” where i was standing on my matress, without any sense or consciousness i guess, for around seven hours. the clock on my laptop froze at 1:19 AM when i picked it up with one hand and crunched something internally, and when i came to my senses still standing on the bed, the birds were chirping and the sun was up. from that day, i couldnt really feel the phenibut at all anymore. no more cartoon vision, no more rage, no more waking up like a scared child, unable to recognize my own room or remember anything about my life. just nothing. this also correlated with the time my aromatase inhibitors arrived finally so my estrogen was being brought back into check. it was like waking up finally from a dream. to be honest, i despise it.  i dont care about the shame, the regret, the people i hurt. if me and skye arent talking anymore, and the only time we talked in ten years was when i was at my absolute lowest and meanest, fuck it. i want back in the dream, or in the ground. i just cant handle that.
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ericsburden-blog · 5 years
How to Drive Traffic to a Brand-New Site with Little to No Money
I know what you are going through.
You were excited to launch your brand-new site until you realized no one is coming to it.
So, you head to all of the marketing blogs to learn how to fix this, but for the life of you, your traffic won’t go up no matter which tactic you leverage.
What you’re feeling right now is very common. Not only have I experienced it, but when I was starting out, I even took the small life savings that I made from cleaning restrooms and sweeping up trash to pay a marketing firm to help me out.
And can you guess what happened?
They took my money and provided no results.
See, what most marketers aren’t telling you is that there are two main reasons why you aren’t getting traffic to your brand-new site (other than the fact that you don’t have much money to spend on ads):
Marketing is a long-term game – almost all of the tactics marketers, including me, talk about are long-term tactics. They take 6 months or even longer to see any results.
Your execution needs to be flawless – if you don’t implement the tactics correctly, you won’t see results.
Now, this doesn’t mean you can’t see short-term results or sales. More so you have to change up your strategy.
So, I thought I would do something a bit different today. I am going to break down what you should be doing during the first 12 weeks after launching your site.
I’ll be sharing a tactic for you to follow each week and, if you follow it, you’ll notice that your traffic will start going up right away. From there, you’ll start to see sales coming in.
Before I dive into the 12 tactics, note that you won’t have to spend much money, if any at all. I am also not going to give you advice that is extremely time-consuming, like writing blog posts, as you’ll also be running your business at the same time.
And of course, the tactics work for both B2B and B2C sites. It doesn’t matter if you are an ecommerce site or a SaaS company. Follow the steps below exactly.
Week #1: Respond to comments on other people’s blog without spamming
Have you heard of a popular site called Mashable? It was founded by Pete Cashmore.
When he launched his competing site to TechCrunch, no one knew about him and no one cared to listen to him as he was based in Scotland instead of Silicon Valley.
But do you think that stopped him? Of course not!
So, what did he do? He went out there and commented on every competing tech blog. And not only did he comment, but he always tried to be the first commenter.
See, when you leave a comment on a blog, most ask you to put in your name, URL, and comment.
Assuming you are leaving valuable comments and nothing spammy, you’ll notice that you’ll get referral traffic in your Google Analytics.
This will be because a very small percentage of people are clicking on your name when you leave a comment.
And considering some of the most popular blogs on the web receive millions of visitors each week, it’s not that hard to drive a fraction of a percent of their traffic back to your site.
The key with this strategy is to be one of the first commenters as that ensures your comment is at the top. The other key, of course, is that your comment must add value.
For example, if you own a marketing related product or service, marketing blogs would be a great place to comment. But what do you think will happen if you leave this kind of standard comment:
Nice post! Keep up the good work!
Nothing. On the flip side, if you put in some effort to write something that benefited the reader, you’ll have a chance at getting some traffic.
An example could be something like this…
Neil, I love the actionable tips on generating traffic for a brand-new site within the first 3 months of launching it. But I know you didn’t discuss much if any about SEO.
I know SEO is a long-term strategy, but people should get a head start right away or else it will take that much longer to get loved by Google.
One thing that I recommend every site to start off with is simple keyword research. You can use any free keyword research tool like Google Keyword Planner and type in your competitor URL. Google Keyword Planner will then suggest keywords and even show you the cost per click.
By going after keywords that aren’t competitive and have a higher cost per click, you’ll find that you can generate search traffic at a much faster pace and these keywords will drive sales. As keywords with a high cost per click tend to mean that they convert.
Do you see what I mean by writing thoughtful comments that help people?
This tactic works!
Jared, who runs Skincare by Alana, still leverages this tactic today. When he and his wife launched their ecommerce store they commented on other popular blogs and social sites when it came to all things skin related.
This helped them generate 931 visitors during their first week and 12 sales.
I know it’s not a lot, but you have to start somewhere and grow from there.
I also have leveraged this tactic for years. Instead of focusing just on blogs, I commented on relevant social sites too.
As you can see from the screenshot above, I’ve generated over 1.9 million views on my Quora responses.
Here’s an example of one of my responses:
You’ll notice that in my response I also link out to my own site which drives traffic back to me.
Yes, the response looks very long, and you may think I put in tons of work, but I literally copied and pasted a blog post I had already written and added it to Quora.
Google doesn’t penalize for duplicate content. 😉
If you are going to use this strategy during week one, try to leave at least 10 solid comments per day. I would try to leave 20 as it shouldn’t take you more than two hours per day… assuming you haven’t done this before.
I can typically leave 15 comments in less than 50 minutes. So, throughout the first week try to speed things up and spend no more than an hour on this tactic per day.
Week #2: Be helpful on Twitter and you’ll get tweets
Before I go into week 2, keep in mind you’ll still want to maintain the tactics I share in the previous week.
By week 12, you’ll want to be following all 12 tactics each week.
Of course, you won’t be able to put in the same number of hours into each tactic and that’s fine, but you can still do them a bit. For example, you can still leave 5 comments a day instead of leaving 20.
So, let’s dive into week 2, which is all about Twitter.
This tactic I learned from my brother-in-law Hiten Shah. He used to leverage this tactic for every one of our startups… Crazy Egg, KISSmetrics, and he now leverages it for his newest company FYI.
If you look at Hiten, he built up his personal brand and influence in the tech space because of Twitter. Sure, people like me may have a bigger brand or more Twitter followers, but he has much, much, much more authority on Twitter than I do.
As you can see influential people on Twitter are tweeting about Hiten’s latest company.
He even tweets and connects with well-known entrepreneurs like the founder of HubSpot and Drift because of Twitter.
So how is Hiten getting all of these people to show him some Twitter love? Well, he has a 3-step formula…
Help people
Help people
Help people
And no, I am not joking, that is his formula. He doesn’t care to promote his business, he just helps people.
Let’s look at his Twitter profile to dive deeper into his strategy.
If you look at the tweets above, you’ll notice that Hiten continually pushes out advice on his Twitter profile. He rarely mentions his own company, but instead just tries to help people.
And when people ask questions or need help, he constantly responds to people’s tweets.
Not everyone takes his advice, but his mentality is to just be helpful no matter what. Just look at how he responds to people’s tweets.
Lastly, he retweets stuff that he likes. Whether you are an influencer or an average joe, he doesn’t care. He just wants to share the best information out there.
This is why so many people tweet about his product FYI. It’s because he is super helpful, so people naturally want to help him out without him even asking them to.
Now I know this strategy that Hiten uses seems like it is going to take forever to get results, and it does. But there is a hack that he uses to get immediate results.
Every day you should search Twitter for people talking about your competitor. When people have questions about your competitors’ products or services (or they have complaints), try and help them.
Don’t pitch them on your company, just try and help them.
What you’ll find is people will be shocked that you are helping a competitor. And if you are this kind and helpful, then what kind of service would they get if they took their business to you…
In other words, being helpful wins you goodwill and it will cause people to switch from your competitor over to you.
And if you go above and beyond like Hiten, people who haven’t even used your product or service will help promote you. Just like how one of his followers tweeted about FYI and he hasn’t even used it yet.
His strategy to help, help, and help some more has made Twitter one of FYI’s biggest traffic source. It accounts for roughly 25% of their weekly traffic.
Week #3: Go after small affiliates
No matter what industry you are in, there are affiliates. If you aren’t familiar with affiliate marketing, check out this post.
When you are starting out you probably haven’t created an affiliate program yet in which pay other marketers every time they drive you a sale or a lead.
You can always use software like Hasoffers to set one up or go through a network. There are literally hundreds of options and with a few quick Google searches, you can find one which is the right fit for you.
Now, what most people will tell you is that no one is going to promote your affiliate offer because it is unproven and new.
Although it’s true that your offer is unproven, it doesn’t mean all hope is lost.
During your third week, I want you to copy the strategy ConvertKit used when they first launched.
The strategy I am about to break down helped them grow from a few thousand dollars a month in revenue to over a million a month.
What ConvertKit did was they went to all of their competitors’ sites and looked to see which ones had an affiliate program. One of those competitors happens to be Aweber.
Then once they had a list of competitors with affiliate programs, they performed a Google search for “competitor name vs.” An example would be “Aweber vs”…
From there they would email each of those site owners asking them to include ConvertKit in the article or even write a unique article about ConvertKit. Just like this one.
Just think of it this way, if someone is willing to be an affiliate for one company, they won’t mind throwing in a few extra competitors. All it does is give them the potential to make more money.
When leveraging this tactic, consider sending out 10 emails a day. It shouldn’t take long and people typically don’t mind adjusting their web pages to add in another link that could potentially earn them extra money.
Now compared to most tactics, this one will drive the least amount of visitors.
But the traffic will be very qualified and more likely to convert as you are going after “versus” articles. When someone types in “Company X VS Company Y” into Google, they are researching which solution is ideal for them. These posts rank well and they tend to drive sales.
Week #4: Hire guest writers
Now the strategy I am about to break down for you in week 4 is my favorite strategy.
This is what I used in my last startup KISSmetrics to grow our blog traffic to over a million visitors a month.
If you head to the KISSmetrics site you’ll notice that it now redirects to NeilPatel.com as I bought the site.
So how much traffic did the KISSmetrics blog get from this strategy?
As you can see from the image above, we peaked at 1,260,681 unique visitors a month.
Our strategy was simple… hire writers who had a social following.
We went to the Problogger Job Board and posted a job looking for writers.
The job description looked something like this…
Are you a marketing expert? Do you know marketing like the back of your hand?
That’s great because I have an opportunity for you.
KISSmetrics is a leader in the web analytics space and we are looking to work with expert writers who know marketing and analytics.
We’re currently looking to expand our team of writers with passionate enthusiasts for digital marketing and with expertise and passion for writing.  We are hiring individuals for each of the following categories:
Content marketing
Social media
Web analytics
Conversion optimization
Paid advertising
Web design
Email marketing
Please go to our blog for examples of content we’re looking to create. [insert URL of your blog]
We would like to build a long-term relationship with you that is on a project basis. Initially, we will have you submit a list of topic ideas you would love to blog on, then we will pick one, have you outline it… and of course, you’ll then be off to the races.
The articles will be anywhere from 1,000 words to 3,000. Our goal isn’t to enforce a word count, we are more interested in high-quality content.
We’re looking for someone who is:
Looking for a long-term working relationship
Has 1 year of working experience as a writer
Has a good level of knowledge of digital marketing
Is willing to research and learn more about marketing
Has great grammar and spelling skills as well as proficiency in English
Likes working with deadlines and structure
Has a social following and doesn’t mind promoting the content you are writing as it will be published under your name
How to apply
Send an email to [insert your email] with – Applying For Writer Position in the subject line. Your email should include:
A bit about you as well as links to your social profiles
Why you’re a good fit for this position
Links to 2 -3 articles you have written
Your rate per 500 words.
The way we scaled up to over a million visitors a month was by publishing 5 blog posts a week. And every time a writer wrote a blog post for us, they didn’t mind promoting it to their social following as their name was on the article.
Once we got over 50,000 visitors a month, we noticed that we started to get inbound inquires of people willing to write for us for free. So eventually we slowly transitioned to a model where people wrote for us for free and we didn’t need to hire or pay writers.
You’ll notice that this will happen with your blog as it gets more popular.
What’s great about this strategy is the more writers you get, the more people that will find out about your company as each writer has different people following them on the social web.
Week #5: Create a podcast and interview guests
Have you listened to my podcast Marketing School? If you haven’t listened to it yet, check it out.
My co-host Eric Siu and I give marketing advice each day in under 5 minutes.
But don’t worry, the strategy I want you to implement isn’t to copy Marketing School or even listen to it (although I would be honored if you did listen to it).
Instead, it’s to copy my co-host, Eric Siu. He has another popular podcast called Growth Everywhere where he interviews someone new each and every single week.
You don’t have to do a weekly podcast, but I want you to interview someone in your space at least once a month.
And instead of making a separate site for your podcast, just pop it onto your main site.
Now when you publish each of these interviews, ask the guest to share it with their audience. From their social profiles to posting it on their own blog to even emailing their own list.
Although Eric has built a brand in the marketing space, he wasn’t well known when he started Growth Everywhere.
Just look at his stats from leveraging this tactic:
Eric’s generating over 15,300 unique visitors a month. That’s a lot of traffic considering Eric hasn’t even tried to grow the traffic to Growth Everywhere.
Best of all, you can generate similar results to Eric. But the key to doing this is interviewing people within your space so that way the traffic that comes to your site is relevant and over time those visitors will convert into customers.
If you don’t know how to start a podcast, watch this:
You could buy fancy equipment, but I would just use whatever’s built into your computer until you start seeing results from this tactic.
And if you really want to make your podcast popular, check this out.
Week #6: Become a rising star
Do you want to be a rising star? Well of course you do… who doesn’t?
Now you probably wondering, what the heck is a “rising star?”
Well, let me first start off with, Facebook groups.
Whatever industry you are in, whoever your ideal customers are… you can find them in a Facebook group.
Look for niche groups on Facebook related to the product or service you are selling. You want to join these groups as long as they have over 1,000 members.
You may also find groups that have over a million members. You’ll want to avoid these groups.
Focus on groups that are between 1,000 members and 17,000 members. Those groups are big enough to where you can generate traffic and small enough where you’ll be noticed.
What you’ll want to do is join a handful of groups and post 4 to 5 times in the group during your first month.
Assuming you are creating posts that are engaging in which people are responding and interacting with you, then you’ll get a rising star badge.
That means people are interacting with your posts. So then when you mention your product or service, you’ll find that not only will people see it, but they are going to head on over to your site.
The key with posting to Facebook groups is to create a high amount of comments and replies. If you just link out to your site you’ll get very few clicks and you will look like a spammer. Posting links and nothing more will get you banned from the group.
But if you link out within context or answer someone’s question with a link to your site or share something from your site that will help group members, you are much more likely to get clicks.
But if the content isn’t engaging and people don’t care to leave comments, you won’t see much traffic from your Facebook group.
I have a private Facebook group with 2,616 members.
When you post something that is engaging, you’ll get featured as a “top recent post” and I’ve found with my 2,616 members I can generate 119 to 184 visitors when I post something that is super engaging that links to my site.
But instead of creating a group as I did, just join other popular groups. You’ll save a ton of time.
Week #7: Co-publish content
Have you ever thought about co-publishing content with other site owners? Even if you don’t have a huge audience, people will still love co-publishing content with you.
Why you may ask?
Well, they may have the audience, but they may be too busy to continually create new content.
Just look at me… I co-published so many guides with other writers.
These writers got tons of exposure and did the majority of the work.
Over time, these guides have generated well over a million visitors. But I know they are time-consuming to create, and I’m not asking you to create guides.
Instead, you can co-publish blog posts together, record a webinar together, create a white paper, or anything else that you feel could be a good fit.
A good example of this is how my team co-published content together with a company called Hotmart in Brazil.
They wrote about Ubersuggest. They even co-published a video about SEO and, of course, my team mentioned Ubersuggest.
That helped make Brazil the most popular country when it comes to usage for Ubersuggest.
If you are going to try and co-publish content with others, make sure you are willing to do the majority of the work.
Hit up other sites within your space and make your offer. Let them know how they won’t have to do much work and, of course, mention what they’ll get out of it.
When you co-publish content, you can’t just talk about your company, you also have to talk about theirs.
Week #8: Product launches
Have you heard of Drift?
It’s a chatbot tool that a lot of people in sales and marketing use.
What I love about Drift is their Product Hunt strategy. Every time they release a new feature, they push it hard on Product Hunt.
You probably don’t have a ton of new feature releases as you have a brand new site but every time you have one you should consider pushing it out on Product Hunt or even a Sub-Reddit.
But for now, why can’t you launch your site on Product Hunt or on a Sub-Reddit?
Sure you site maybe live for a few weeks, but you haven’t announced it to the world yet. 🙂
Product Hunt is super effective when it comes to traffic generation. When FYI launched via Product Hunt they got over 1,000 votes. It was so successful, the HubSpot co-founder even offered them funding.
I did something similar with Ubersuggest. Every time I release a new feature, I announce it on Product Hunt. So far it has driven me 12,319 visitors.
The key with doing well on Product Hunt is:
Get as many votes right when you release it… ideally within the first hour (so ask your friends and co-workers to vote)
Participate in the community before you submit your own site. Ideally, you want someone else to submit, but if you don’t know any active Product Hunt users, participate for a bit before you submit your own site.
Make sure you respond to every single comment as this helps with engagement.
Submit your site very early in the morning Pacific Standard Time. Product Hunt resets every night, so consider submitting it around 4 am Pacific Standard Time.
I know self-promotion might be a bit difficult for you when you are starting off but you need to embrace it. There is nothing wrong with pushing your own company… if you don’t, no one else will.
Week #9: The gram
Honestly, what do you think of Instagram?
Well, whether you like it or hate it, it is one of the most popular social networks out there. And influencer marketing is becoming one of the most effective promotion channels.
Anytime a Kardashian talks about a product, it flies right off the shelves.
That’s how companies like FitTea came out of nowhere and grew to 7 figures in revenue overnight.
I know what you are thinking: It’s going to be too expensive to pay Kim Kardashian to talk about your business. And you are right, it will be too expensive.
Heck, anyone who has over a million followers will try and charge you too much. Anyone with over 100,000 will also probably charge you too much.
Instead, I want you to look for micro-influencers who have at least 10,000 followers. Find people within your vertical who aren’t too popular but whose followers would be your ideal customer.
Now I want you to reach out to these influencers and offer them a bit of money to promote your product or service.
When it comes to making your offer, don’t pay them money for a post because it will be too expensive, pay them to create an Instagram story.
See, the moment someone hits 10,000 followers, Instagram enables the “swipe up” feature. This means they can tell their followers to swipe up to head over to any website. And in this case, they will be telling their followers to swipe up and head over to your website.
You’ll find that influencers will create a story for pennies on the dollar as it expires within 24 hours.
Typically, if someone has 10,000 to 20,000 followers, I am able to pay them a few hundred bucks for 3 stories over a 2 week period.
I prefer this over a post because this drives traffic to your site and you can track the number of sales you are generating from each campaign.
You can also leverage sites like Influence to find influencers.
A friend of mine, Timothy Sykes, does this often. He goes crazy and pays influencers with over a million followers to do this because he has been able to make each campaign profitable.
Typically, you find that 1% to 2% of the person’s followers will swipe up and head to your site, assuming the story is good. With this strategy, you won’t get a ton of visitors, but the visitors you do get are more likely to convert into customers as they’ve already been pitched during the story.
Week #10: Wikipedia
Have you ever thought about Wikipedia as a traffic source? I know I didn’t until I attended a marketing conference years ago and heard someone from Comedy Central speak.
This marketer was breaking down how Comedy Central gets millions of visitors a month, which isn’t shocking because it’s a popular television channel.
But what was shocking is how they broke down how they generate over 100,000 visitors a month from Wikipedia.
You heard me right, they get well over 100,000 visitors a month just from Wikipedia.
How’s that possible?
Well, they go in and modify Wikipedia articles and mention Comedy Central whenever it is relevant.
But before you go off and modify hundreds of Wikipedia articles, know that you won’t get the same result as Comedy Central.
It’s more realistic for you to generate a few hundred visitors a month… and maybe even work your way up to a few thousand visitors a month over time.
The key with editing Wikipedia articles is to first adjust tons of pages that aren’t about your website. It’s not just about linking to your site, it’s more so about providing value to the community.
So, during this week, I want you to adjust 12 to 15 articles. Once you do that you can then adjust any relevant ones to your business and include your own company when it makes sense.
Again you won’t get a ton of traffic from this, but you can easily get a few hundred visitors.
Here are the steps you need to follow if you want to edit articles on Wikipedia.
Week #11: Speak at a virtual summit
By now you should have some traffic coming to your site. It may not be a lot, but if you followed all of the steps above, your visitors should be highly qualified.
And now I want you to leverage those visitors to get you a speaking spot at a virtual summit.
Search Google for a virtual summit in your industry. You should be able to easily find one.
It doesn’t matter if they are charging people to attend the virtual summit or if they are giving tickets away for free. Offer yourself to speak and promote the event.
You’ll be shocked at how many people will say yes if you are willing to promote their event.
Remember, unlike a physical conference it doesn’t cost them much to add hundreds of speakers and keep the summit going for an extra day or two.
When speaking, be sure you can promote your company during your speech and you’ll notice that you’ll be able to generate some visitors and sales. But that’s not why I want you to speak at the virtual summit.
Instead, I want you to ask the host of the summit to share the attendee list with you. Assuming they have the right terms of service and privacy policies this shouldn’t be too much of an issue.
You’ll also have to make sure they aren’t breaking any GDPR rules.
What you’ll find is this is a common practice with most virtual events in which the speakers will promote the event and the virtual summit will share the attendee list with the speakers.
This will give you a list of super qualified people that you can promote your blog posts to or even your product and services.
Week #12: Scripts and tools
You know I love SEO and it’s an amazing long-term strategy. But to do well with SEO you need backlinks.
The more relevant sites linking to you, the better off you are going to be.
And as you get more backlinks, in the short run it will provide referral traffic. In the long run, it will cause your search traffic to skyrocket.
Just to show you how powerful referral traffic is, just look at my referral traffic:
Over time, all of those sites linking to you will start driving thousands of visitors.
So, what’s the best way to get more backlinks?
Well, you don’t want to buy them. And manual link building takes a long time and isn’t as effective as it used to be.
Instead, what you should do is release free tools, like how I released the SEO Analyzer years ago. And over time, it’s naturally produced 2,369 backlinks from 450 referring domains.
Now, I know what you are thinking: building a free tool is expensive and time-consuming. But it doesn’t have to be. You can buy existing tools and put them on your website for pennies on the dollar. And over time, they will naturally get backlinks without you needing to do anything more.
For example, if you have a real estate website, you can always add a mortgage calculator to your website. And can you guess how much it would cost for you to add one to your site?
$13. That’s right, it only costs 13 bucks! How crazy is that!?
There’s a site called Code Canyon where you can buy tools for almost any industry.
You can use these tools as your own and put them on your site with a few clicks of a button.
Just head over to Code Canyon and perform some searches. You’ll quickly find some tools that can work for you.
Keep in mind that these tools won’t be 100% perfect compared to building your own tool. But that’s ok, you have to start somewhere. Plus, people will still link to your tool even if it isn’t perfect.
I know some of the tactics I mentioned above won’t drive you thousands of visitors right away but they can drive you hundreds. And hundreds of visitors is a great place to start!
And when you combine them over time, it will help you get thousands of visitors. You just have to be willing to perform all of the steps in each week… no matter how silly the tactic may appear.
More importantly, the tactics I broke down above will drive you visitors that convert into customers and leads. All you have to do is take the next 12 weeks and follow them.
It may seem like a lot of work at first, but you’ll get faster at them as time goes on.
So, what do you think about the tactics above? Are you already using them?
The post How to Drive Traffic to a Brand-New Site with Little to No Money appeared first on Neil Patel.
How to Drive Traffic to a Brand-New Site with Little to No Money
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tumblunni · 7 years
also the final dungeon sucked and am i like the only one who hated the whole twist entirely? literally the only good bit was that mr never before foreshadowed trash hype killer villain god disguised himself as igor that was a good twist if it was anyone else, if it was a random npc like with p4′s deity final boss, then it would have had no redeeming qualities seriously it was SO THEMATICALLY BAD seriously shido is SUCH a climax boss and you have actual reasons to hate him and an actual grudge and it feels good to kick his ass! even if his boss design is stupid looking! yaldabaoth is just... nobody he’s an abstract representation of the theme of the whole plot, which already got answered it was SO DUMB to just have out of nowhere everyone learns the same lesson again in a giant literal metaphor way dude we ALREADY answered the questions about ‘whether humanity prefers to be obedient and enslaved rather than make their own choices’ and it was so artificial that public opinion of the phantom thieves suddenly tanks to 0 after they save the day?? if everyone forgot about us cos of evil godman brainwashing then HOW IS THIS A LESSON THATS BEING LEARNED. They just had to love us EVEN MORE so they were able to break the rbainwashing! like seriously it was just like.. you wanted some excuse to have everyone cheer on the phantom thieves as they watch the battle why not just have all that happen WITH SHIDO I mean he’s said to have stolen a bunch of metaverse research and know all about it it would make him much more of a threat if he did more with that say that HE is the one using mementos to brainwash the public have the phantom theieves fade from existance cos of that ‘kill myself to collapse my own palace’ plot shido did have it like.. it looks like eveyrone got out fast enough, theyre right at the entrance to the real world, but its just too late everyone fades away seeing the real world in the distance and screaming for anyone to grab their hand, but nobody sees them same effect same scene, just with shido and without three more hours of repetitive plot and a terrible TERRIBLE final dungeon! you could even still have the whole thing of the velvet room attendants fighting back against igor and saving you and then you go back and do the final fight just have it like.. igor was actually good and it was all a test, he faked betraying you. cos this is your final test- standing up to the ultimate authority figure. and he congratulates you for overcoming his challenge, and like.. reveal that the entire prison warden thing was a test for justine and caroline. they were the ones being rehibilitated. like, a test to gain free will that he always does for each new attendant. OR just have the same plot of evil igor imposter and stuff, but we dont need to have it happen after shido’s plot and lead to just goddamn repetition of p4 izanami withoutr any of the characetr development. Seriously he doesnt even get any moral ambiguity or anything! He’s just evil! He doesnt even really believe he’s doing what humanity wants! And him acting as your helper for fuckin 90 HOURS wasnt like a sign of character complexity or anyting, it as just a lie! Think of how much more interesting it could have been if yaldabaoth had a plot like ryoji, like he’s the human form of a god created to destroy everything but he ended up developing genuine affection for the protagonists and regretting the role he must inevitably play. That would have been repetitive but the plot we got is repetitive anyway!! and like seriously just SOMETHING SOMETHING somehow make him working with shido! remove the ENTIRE FINAL DUNGEON. It was padding in a game that was SO RUSHED aside from this damn moment! take that screentime and flesh out haru’s screentime more! DAMN YOOOOOOU have shido being a super mastermind who’s working with this evil god have shido be a wild card, even?? or have him as someone who’s like.. his pride and jealousy caused him to make a pact with this evil god in order to gain like.. fake wild card powers. He’s not able to actually use the metaverse on his own, he’s relied on manipulating his trash son,  and now he’s without even that option he gets so desperate he WILL NOT ACCEPT his loss and goes all super saiyan by fusing with yaldabaoth. Yaldabaoth’s lack of personality doesnt really matter here, because he’s being a plot element instead of a final boss all on his lonesome. He could even be more sympathetic, cos all we see of him is as a mcguffin holy grail acting as the warden to everyone who GENUINELY wishes for imprisonment rather than free will. We dont get to hear his voice, we dont get to see him brainwashing people who clearly didnt make that choice, just to repeat an already-answered question about whether humanity as a whole would make that choice. Its just ‘hey here’s a mcguffin that exists because of the suicidal wishes of humans, and shido has stolen it and is using it to power up, holy shit’. And all we know about yaldabaoth is that he/they/it wants to grant wishes, and has no morality to determine which are good or bad. Not that its a fuckhead with dreams of granduer who wants to trick everybody into wishes they didnt ask for, and has NO PERSONALITY instead of being izanami WITHOUT PERSONALITY and just... GAHHH So yeah like BLINDSIDED, SLAP IN THE FACE, we thought we defeated shido, we were trying to grab the holy grail but WHOOPS HE’S BACK AND HE GRABBED IT. Like, after the whole climactic ‘shido is collapsing his own palace’ scene, when everyone leaves the velvet room they’re just at the site of that locked door, skipping the whole shitty dungeon. And then we see the holy grail right there and we get the exposition about it right there, and how it could reverse all of shido’s bullshit at the cost of ending the metaverse, blah. No need for a boring month of being unable to do anything but see cutscene after cutscene of BUT WE DEFEATED SHIDO BUT NOTHING IS HAPPENING. And then like.. SURPRISE! Shido isnt really dead! we accidentally led him right to this mcguffin that he can now use to become SuperFinalBossmanRematchMode. And this is where we get the exposition of how he didnt really die, it was a fake death pill. OR, if we wanna get EVEN MORE climactic goodness, maybe shido DID die from that, and now like.. his soul is trapped in the cognitive world forever as this horrifying shadow fusion thing and he’s still whining about how its your fault and taking no responsibility for his actions. So SUPER SMACKDOWN TO FINALLY END IT ONCE AND FOR ALL! And its still high stakes cos its all ‘holy shit it should be impossible for him to still exist’ and ‘holy shit he fuckin ate a god’. And like, if yaldabaoth got fuckin bitchslapped before he could even be a presence in the plot. ‘Yeah hey i was pretending to be igor- ARRGH HOLY SHIT SHIDO NO’ Mr actual climatic boss reclaims his throne, rather literally. Makes him more imposing than he is when he’s really just another palace ruler and you never even confront the real world shido or anything. I mean you kinda already beat his plans when you removed his only minion who could access the metaverse, you just do the rest of the palace to collapse his career too... and then like fuckin.. somehow have the same thing where the metaverse and real world start blending. But it’d even have a better explanation than just Yaldabaoth Can Do That, I Guess, And He Didn’t Do It Until Right Now Because Reasons. You could say its like a consequence of the metaverse revolting at shido’s running away from death. Say his willpower is so strong that he can fuckin fuck up reality with it! His ego is THAT big! And then hoodly boo, same thing with everyone cheering you on so you summon satan and save christmas. But the final boss could look less stupid than a fuckin faceless art studio model made of chrome that pulls a gun out of its butt. Or I mean it could look even more stupid, it could just ahve shido’s shit face pasted on top XD But shido’s already proven that he can give a climactic boss fight even while looking like a dumbass wearing too many ShakeWeights(tm)! OR ORRRRRR Instant fix that could LITERALLY make the whole thing better without changing any dialogue except one namebox. Just say Yaldabaoth is someone else. Just give him the name of a fan favourite villain from early persona *COUGH NYARTHALOTEP COUGH* It would fit better with the YEAHHHHH BOYYY factor of his big twist of being fake igor, it would keep that hype going instead of murdering it with a personalityless villain and eight floors of just stairs and light puzzles. EVEN BETTER if they actually did go far enough to make it a proper nyarly cameo and give him a design as cool as his old ones. Like seriously the thing of being twisted representations of everyone’s parents would work SO WELL here thematically! it could be a rgeat moment to FINALLY see and hear more about protagonist’s parents! And like half the party has issues with family that we already saw in the other palaces, so it could be a great fake boss rush style memory lane of all those guys. instead of just pulling guns out his butt that cast all the same status effects. It could be ESPECIALLY good for GIVING POOR HARU MORE SCREENTIME AND DEVELOPMENT. Seriously, just imagine how fucked up it would be to see a twisted fake dad doll attatched to some fucker’s tentacle face, all these months after he died? it was a good idea to at least mention how he was the only palace owner who died, but it was a shame it meant he was also the only one who didnt get to cameo here and give the corresponding party member some more dialogue and developments. Especially cos Haru is fuckin awesome against bosses! HARU 4 EVARRRR But seriously even if everything was exactly the same and they just made one small reference to some character we already know something about, at least it would give us some frame of reference for yaldabaoth’s actual goddamn motives. who in the FUCK thinks its a good idea to tape on an extra 10 hours after the climactic boss to give us Nobody Mc Grail who Does Bad Cos He Want To. Srsly its like if P4 ended with ameno-sagiri and didnt even have all that izanami stuff and moral ambiguity and seriously i am gaining SO MUCH appreciation for how they managed to make a sudden unforeshadowed boss have AN ACTUAL SOUL. And she related to the themes of the story without being repetitive!  Still not as good as nyx/ryoji in my opinion, but it wasnt just ‘we are contractually obliged to throw in 1 (one) Evil God (tm) at the last second, because its a persona game’ the final scene was good, the everything else wasnt 100 Yes to Satan Saving Christmas Thank God for Giant Bullet Blow His Face Off but not THIS PARICULAR GOD because he is a detestable flaw in a game that I loved very much! at least he got fuckin sploded and got a good ‘im fucked’ face without even having a face. Seriously that brief REACTION SHOT was sooooo fuckin cathartic! his ONLY PERSONALITY he ever got was being a smug asshole who thinks he’s the best final boss ever, and we got an actual moment of ‘ha ha ha ha i win i win, i- OHHOTDIGGITYJESUSCHRIST’ *splat* thanks satan now can we seriously have no more evil gods ever, they have officially outlived their welcome can satan just shoot all of them in the head before they even get to be in the story ilu satan (also im curious now to do more research on ‘satanael’ and see what the difference even is about this form? is it just a different aspect of the christian devil like how satan and lucifer are also available in this game? or is satanael actually just a different mythological figure and the whole ‘satan saves christmas’ meme is just cos they sound similar?)
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crabbiey · 7 years
Trove Codes
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But it's an MMOG that I'd benefit from coming to virtually every on occasions, likely a variety of gatherings weekly. To be honest, said to be the important things which makes Trove Redeem Codes 2016 stand out would be that the maps are not fixed. You need to be |smart Speech of expert knowledge? No, clear of all…what awarded you that idea? Trove Redeem Codes 2016 is very having a faux 8-touch look and feel that they can accomplish splendidly. It's issues you'd see in other shield aimbots, 8-Tad bit, Composing, Dungeons, and voxels and usually include them in a way that is entirely new. Using additional liberty to accomplish anything you want without notice. The chat program is simple to employ and is particularly normally used a bit frequently by members. Trove Redeem Codes 2016 is in conclusion an extremely effectively refined shield code talk literally what kind of shield code it actually truly wants to be and applies to it. I Then journeyed in, so i learned about why it’s popular. For being reasonable, kids’ young people birthday parties are found that way, meaning that the messiness and garishness is probably granting its designated readers what it absolutely prefers. |I checked in on Mojang’s time-determining shield code the initial amount of time in quite a while one additional 7 days, and therefore i had been hit for the reason that when sombre and strange it had been, how fully zero-populist it's nonetheless it has become the avatar of populism. showing up beyond Deal with is easy to manage, battle can be quite massive, perks rain low. Even today, even as i examine how negative and hollow it's, anything at all along the back of my cranium itches: “go lower back, purchase a significantly better tool, go one additional dungeon, select a swifter position.” Personal-loathing helps prevent me, however, if I wasn’t a produced male who perceives themself greater than could possibly be although he performs shield aimbots for a bloody being, I in all likelihood would gain. It’s this second option that could be most answer to Trove Redeem Codes 2016’s achievements: if you want to hold the foundations away from the Minecraft undertaking without paying, over here you want to go. tiniest cut of out Minecraft’s income. focused along the That could have been a fact when CoD and Whoa were found to be the sole massive members encompassing, conversely there's a million a number of genres alluring to millions of a number of likes in the AAA and indie marketplace. An individual time of the year of Steven Culture has much more of most men and women details than pretty much almost all Michael Bay’s filmography. It's not some sort of vehicle accident. |I converse from becoming done it a good deal. comments. visually-talking, is profoundly nasty for the reason that it’s a) a negative hoax of another person else’s art work manner with out understandable guiding ideas and b) endeavoring to consists of total just about everything with the expectation a variety of it draws nippers. I essentially really feel there ought to be a pretty simple solution to consider shield aimbots similar to this than with respect to them as childish. You might be an excellent shield code that teenagers benefit from and not have to be for starters a game headline really quite really only built to siphon cash from young people. certainly. virtually impossible to Yup, treasured this Even though Trove Redeem Codes 2016 is a thing I’ve in no way done and many likely won't. For reasons unknown many of the Meer addicts needed in the negative tone of voice operating banner ad and therefore i remember really experiencing and enjoying the operating for the reason that targeted game…. this kid isn't a critic, he is just a hater indicating his view that fails to know exactly what Voxelization is -.- If this type of seems like an assessment now, then I'll become a critic rapidly too, bring on this stupid kid does not even take part in the shield code straight, not to mention understand phrases to be a nice shield code critic, he just states in the usa his view, which you'll Not ever do in the look at, except for when |“he just states in the usa his view, which you'll Not ever do in the look at, unless of course you say so…” This is the thorough opposite of the look at. I engage in a good amount of MMOs, Some options are model of a challenge and therefore i was pleased with searching for many of the key passages. Also, the by the hour timed gatherings which you could get the foreign currency (during a really low tumble amount) to have a dragon absolutely alter the momentum away from the shield code. about it's 100 % free. Personally, i Assign away from the things you stated was a fact, conversely, you had been pretty much purpose that you simply though it was actually a crappy shield code for any one but young people. Also, demonstrating some major understanding of syntax will help make your needs a heck on the many more influential. You could possibly purchase your kid an dress much like a indulge if they're effectively socialized. find out It will get you cosmetics. If you want to use over 10 for each go, you are designed drastically wrong. |I wasn’t even absolutely voicing my personal thoughts, essentially outlining the author’s subject matter on the OP. All shield aimbots are suitable for babies, just young people performs videogames.. categorization It’s a superb endeavor resolution for Trion, but we’re able to a spade a spade. Immediately after points during the frantic html coding, Markus leaned within the seat, completely satisfied while he discovered the problem sections beginning to fit into house. It’s performing.” You've have got to be kinda poor inside the thoughts? or something that is that way at least… Purpose Almost everything holding encompassing is TRADEABLE, the sole feature you may ONLY manage Needing to be charged is 1 Vitality Group, just 1. Getting in touch with it Minecraft… I consistently cant really feel how retarded that's -.- Continual by using the normal concept on the (remarkable) post, Personally, i don't like myself personally for bothering to answer. you have in no way Responses are evidently labeled ‘Wot I Think”. Due to the fact they I am fortunate enough i easily fit into with a couple of night clubs with priceless the public :) TIL Trove Redeem Codes 2016 is offered towards… Children and kids? Also, these assholes inside the comments. They’re this specific impenetrable subject that, to any one not in the arena, the methodical information articles feel like gobbledygook. |And you should have some amazing versions that can be found. Noisally. Was not it? For… A long while? Yay, snobbery! If it could be that there is a online site which solely catered inside my likes - which are reasonably the most appropriate likes, anybody who does not promote them anything at all anything at all cess-pit - thus establishing several which i in no way desire to visit anything at all about anything at all We do not by now like. Grateful to hear you are weaned out that habit, worried that time hasn't show up at this point in my view personally FWIW, as well as to shed a couple of much more of energy on the planet, whence you needed been originating from was really quite reasonable inside my undertaking although I was thinking you needed been consistently taking part in Air conditioning. OR, you might be a legitimate father or mother, and use men and women infinite F2P technicians to indicate abusive shield code technicians for use on your flourishing little bit game addict even while they’re youthful. |I that would consider with it. I listen to it for the reason that Cube Culture is within limbo. may well as well The MMO attribute could be testing at gatherings, inside your lot of machine conditions they’ve endured on the grounds that releasing on Water vapor not too long ago on the chat worthless junk e-email and also other annoying actions real gamer interaction will probably present with the help of it. Just on the grounds that Please be sure to take part in the shield code in the correct way at the same time you could try mods choosing our modloader (that you simply Fully not addressed) before you decide to judge first. These commenters, and also the article writer need to know , if you feel you are preferable over those who engage in farmville, because you really feel they're youthful or unfamiliar, exactly why would you proper care? It’s blowing my thinking - farmville doesn't result your lifestyle harmfully by any means, it’s basically a electric power electric outlet that many of us taking fulfillment from, but somehow they’re conducting the process drastically wrong. disagree employing the For the reason that both of them becoming voxel and property doesnt entail its a minecraft would-be. We do nothing like it have end up as refrained from consent or telling me… We have now noticed much of Trove Redeem Codes 2016 members at For its basic art work manner with assorted smooth-textured voxel tools and smaller prevent over all size, the absolute number of personalization readily available for your smaller cornerstone is surprising. your cornerstone is everlasting, there's no one destination you can possibly return to to be able to look at it. This might appear strange in the beginning but bear in mind the tasty recipes from ahead of when Except for a couple of primary major tones, it is important to educate yourself on the formula for any color or shade then create it choosing among the primary color or shade disables. |a sufficient In a a smaller amount strict real sense, Trove Redeem Codes 2016 isn't be charged-to-profit whatsoever. Even though indeed being good fun to discover, Trove Redeem Codes 2016 is ideal done simply speaking bursts because of the similar shield code engage in and straightforward dungeon conclusion gatherings. You can even automate it ought to you enable lava to circulate in from Dragonfire Peaks ( Uber-5, Performance Rank 800 ), regardless of the fact you need to be within level of window as well as a level of lava to make certain no Intruders have you. Fantastic Steel Will - Re-establish all health coverage and reduce inbound cause damage to. swifter, and Dracolyte Employing their dog dragon on a single palms, in addition to their reliable team inside the other, the Dracolyte creates the pain to the complete packages of enemies in addition. Trove Redeem Codes 2016 creates members right into a world of infinite possible choices by which position-taking part in and producing collide, hole the case pattern and making it possible for just about everything holding encompassing in making around the area. Trion Worlds’ voxel MMO venture shield code Trove Redeem Codes 2016 goes in Available Beta right now for Ps 4 and Xbox 1. I came across this to become rather unpleasant. additional a It provides a sense of service which i look and feel is missing from rotate based on or any other low legitimate-time platforms. |{You will discover wilderness worlds, neon worlds, chocolate worlds and fae worlds (and more). Loot is instanced The goals it includes an exceptional could be frustratingly inexplicable and if you thorough it first, you need to do it yet again. {}Assuming you have in no way done the Shovel Shadowy event range ahead of when, we'll briefly bust low points to foresee. Your smaller Shovel partner will take flight encompassing, greedily endeavoring to get These shield aimbots are fantastic, and having the full Shovel Shadowy event knowledge of it house, clocking in encompassing 15 hrs of shield code engage in inside our circumstances, generates mtss is essential-have for Turn proprietors - One more really good could possibly be the One more really good a part of the shield code may just be the unlimited realms and worlds you can possibly navigate to each one of these personalized consistent with your quality .Every one market has a number of dungeons and terrains and in all honesty different options are hrs just eradicating enemies and questing up. Until now as expertise Prepare DLC is anxious. Although the remainder of Trion was hectic concentrating on Defiance or becoming fired, somewhat, dedicated workforce was having a great time with polygonial Once holding out to register towards the significantly better a part of one hour possibly even I subsequently acquired 5 minutes with 100 % free-to-engage in voxel property MMO, Trove Redeem Codes 2016. A lot of fun was have by all, adopted by boisterous cursing.
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