#renegade bookbinding guild
robins-egg-bindery · 3 months
A year and a half ago, I made a post about @renegadepublishing launching their code of conduct. I’m pleased to report the community has been thriving, and is abuzz with even more growth!
Over the past year and a half:
The Discord size has doubled.
The membership has skyrocketed to nearly 200 members.
Our events have also doubled in participation!
We’ve started four brand new events!
We’ve launched 12 satellite servers with 414 members!
All this, and yet, there’s more to come! I’m pleased to announce yet another massive undertaking has finally come to fruition…
Renegade has grown so much and still remains such an incredible, vibrant community, and this step forward will only enable us to do so much more. There is still more work to be done, but it’s absolutely amazing how far we’ve come. I can’t wait to keep building this community with all the wonderful people in it! 🎉
We’re currently kicking off Binderary 2024 with a bang, with 34 workshops planned for the month of February, all completely free and community-run!
If you’re waiting for a sign, this is it! Come join us, and start your fanbinding journey!*
*Discord is 18+ only!
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renegadeguild · 2 months
Renegade Bookbinding Guild
Renegade Bookbinding Guild is a not-for-profit group of artists engaged in fanbinding—focusing on extremely limited edition fannish works, including fanfiction, meta, original fic, zines and other works. Most works are made in handmade editions of one or two copies. We are a transformative community connected by shared values, goals, work, and stories. We value fanfiction and fanwork in all its forms, and our fannish culture’s infinite diversity in infinite combinations.
Members work self-directed, selecting works to bind individually. We are building a physical archive book by book, zine by zine, pamphlet by pamphlet, collected on our shelves, gifted to the author, exchanged as gifts among each other or given to friends.
Members of Renegade Bookbinding Guild agree to our Code of Conduct, which upholds the values of our community and can be accessed here.
@armoredsuperheavy started fanbinding independently in 2018. After their guerrilla bookbinding manifestos went viral in 2020, they created the fanbinding Discord server. So began the Renegade Bindery, our digital workshop and community space.
Renegade Bindery is on Discord, if you would like to join please check out the invite on our Carrd. It is 18+ only, and it is not required to be a member of the Guild to participate in the discord.
Our site is maintained by volunteers of the Renegade Bookbinding Guild. The Guild was first established as Renegade Publishing August 17th, 2020, and we updated our name to the Renegade Bookbinding Guild on February 2, 2024.
For more ways to follow Renegade, visit our Carrd.
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bluevelvetbindery · 2 months
Catching up on Binderary workshops today and this is what I accomplished! So pleased with this lil’ fella! I see many more tiny books in my future!
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lonelyrosebindery · 1 month
What is Lonely Rose Bindery?
If you're reading this, you're probably either interested in fanbinding, or a fic writer trying to ensure I'm not some rando on the internet trying to get your personal information or a scammer planning to illegally sell something. Feel free to message me if you have any concerns that aren't answered below!
I'm TS, but you can also call me Rose. I write fanfic on AO3 here and (previously) Fanfic.net here, blog about diabetes in fandom at @type1diabetesinfandom and @yourfavisdiabetic, and flail about misc fandom stuff on my main @too-short-for-my-own-good. I'm also on Discord @ tooshortformyowngood.
I've been in various fan spaces since the early 2010s, and I'll probably keep at until the day I die! I'm multifandom and multiship. Besides writing, I also draw fan art and make podfics, moodboards, playlists, meta, and headcanons. I've attended local and online cons and been to fan meetups.
And, at the end of 2022, I started fanbinding.
Why do I bind fanfiction?
It's March 29th as I write this, and I've read approximately 2 million words of fanfiction this year. I have over 1600 bookmarks on AO3.
I bind fics primarily to preserve them. I've seen many fics be deleted or locked before I downloaded them. (I'm sure we've all been there.) Keeping a copy on my shelf means I don't have to worry as much about losing a favorite story.
A physical copy makes rereading much easier! I get eye strain easily, and some websites just have horrible formatting.
I get to show a writer that I loved their story enough to HAND BIND it. I've met some amazing people this way!
Traditionally hand-binding fanfic pushes back against the notion that fic isn't "real writing."
What to expect on this blog:
Here, I share some of the fanbinding projects I've done, which includes fic, fan studies, meta, freely-available original fiction, public domain works, comics, and zines. Each book is lovingly crafted to honor its creator/s.
As a proud member of the Renegade Bookbinding Guild @renegadeguild, I'm part of a wonderful community dedicated to celebrating fic writers and preserving fandom's dying gift economy. It's an honor to contribute to this cause, and I love getting the chance to give people a bound copy of their writing/art--it's an amazing feeling to get to hold your own work in your hands!
To Authors & Artists:
To all the talented authors and artists whose works I've bound: consider this an open invitation to reach out to me for an author's copy! It's my small way of saying thank you for the joy (and angst lol) your projects have brought me.
I usually try to contact writers/artists directly, but sometimes it doesn't work. Don't be shy! I want to give you a gift!
I don't share any personal information (I would hope that's obvious, but this IS the internet...), and I encourage people to use a PO Box or a friend's address when being offered a fanbinding. Just make sure the friend or other proxy in question is ok with being sent fanfic!
If you don't want to risk receiving a physical copy, I can share the typeset with you instead! The typeset is the formatted PDF, to make the fic itself look like a traditionally published story. These can be plain or artistic, depending on the project and the style of the typesetter.
If there's artwork that's been made for the fic, please let me know! I look for that but it can be tricky, especially when things aren't linked together.
I do NOT share typesets to anyone outside the Renegade Bookbinding Guild, except the author/artist. Even in Renegade, I only share with established members via personal requests unless the author gives me blanket permission to share with the guild as a whole.
Lonely Rose Bindery operates on a NON-PROFIT basis.
Please note that while I pour my heart and soul into each project, I DO NOT accept commissions! I am a hobbyist driven by a deep, deeeeep love for fanfic. I bind purely for the joy of crafting, and the preservation of stories that mean the world to me.
If you are not the author or artist who worked on a specific fic, do NOT request a copy! You are welcome to ask questions and talk about the craft. My askbox is open, and reblogs are turned on.
Message me if you...
are an author/artist who wants to request multiple copies (i.e. for friends or family, or different editions)
kindly want to help with shipping costs (because international shipping is fucking expensive)
have specific colors or themes in mind for your fic
I will not take requests for specific materials, nor accept payment for any materials used.
Lonely Rose Bindery is not just about preserving fanfiction; it's about celebrating the creativity and community of fandom. With each project, I try to honor the stories and art that I love and to promote a gift economy against the rise of consumerism that has recently plagued multiple fandoms.
I look forward to sharing more fanbinds and continuing to improve my bookbinding skills. I never knew how many ways you can make a book until I started this!
Remember, my askbox is always open, so feel free to reach out with any questions, suggestions, or just to say hello. Happy reading!
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thegingerwrites · 1 month
Fanbinding: am i a stranger to you? by @chasingfictions
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Just then, the last of the blood slipping from that boy into Spike, him and Dru grabbing for each other with their fangs in each other’s mouths, then walking hand in hand up Fifth Avenue, all the way back home, a little prayer croaks out of him, before he realizes enough to grab it back— Please. Please, let it be like this always. - (In which New York City is one of the various loves of Spike's unlife, he can’t stop thinking about the Slayer, and in which, mostly, he just really wants to belong somewhere, if anyone will have him.)
link here
I was inspired by the folks at the Renegade Bookbinding Guild and their Binderary 2024 events to try my hand at binding some of my favorite works of fanfiction. This one is the fifth part of chasingfictions my blood tastes like laughter series and has had a special place in my heart since 2021. I'm from NY and I read this between classes my first semester back at school during the pandemic and Spike's love for the city seemed to perfectly resonated with my own so I wanted to commemorate that in print!
This is the first text block I've ever sewn by hand. At four signatures, this seemed like a perfect starter project. I'm learning that part of designing books is doing it by ✨vibe✨ The gray/white/silver/gold marbled cover said New York to me, sort of a glass and concrete with a bit of shine aesthetic. I went with red end papers because vampires. The typesetting isn't too fancy but I really wanted to find an art deco ornament to separate sections of the fic. It took me a while to figure out how I wanted to decorate the spine. I originally used a gold foil quill to trace the text of the title and author but then went over it with a paint pen recommended in one of the Binderary sessions last month and fell in love with the effect. I can't believe my hand was steady enough to get it that clean 😅
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ohmightydevviepuu · 3 months
fanbinding: a bookbinding archive, of sorts
i'm learning a new style of bookbinding and struggling with it and decided to play with an obsession of mine, which is finding pulled-to-publish fics. my goal is eventually to re-bind the trade paperback versions to match.
here are my first three:
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decided to start with some big names in publishing--the office eventually became Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren; head over feet became The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood; knives & seasoning was recently published as Knives, Seasoning & A Dash of Love by Katrina Kwan.
these books were completed as part of BINDERARY 2024 hosted by the renegade publishing guild. these are flat-back casebindings covered in homemade bookcloth. the covers are printed vinyl and are taken from the original fanart(s) that accompanied the fics in their heyday(s). you can see that in the case of TLH and KS&D that the authors stayed with their favored fanartists in the published works:
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i'm not sure if the office reflects the published cover version or vice versa, since i am not 100% sure who created the cover art that was part of the copy i found.
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stereden · 29 days
Statement regarding all my fics and fanworks
Okay folks. I don't want to be making this announcement, but since I just found out that someone was putting my fic(s) on youtube without my permission, here we are.
I do not give anyone permission to put my fics, in any format, on youtube or any other platform than AO3.
I do not give anyone permission to repost my fics anywhere, add them to anthologies, or post them on any other website.
I especially do not give anyone permission to make money out of my fics, be it by monetizing videos on any platform or selling fanbound editions (personal or gift copies are alright, selling outright is not. Please refer to points 4 and 5 of the Renegade Bookbinding Guild's code of conduct to see what I mean by that.)
So if you see my work anywhere other than AO3, with or without credit, please let me know as soon as possible so I can report it and get it taken down, especially if the person in question is making money off of my work.
I have stated repeatedly in the past that podfics, translations and fanart are fine, but I prefer to be asked first in the case of podfics and translation - mostly so I can tell you if someone else is maybe already working on that particular fic's podfic/translation in a particular language. I also require you to put a link back to the originals with the "inspired by" tab on AO3 and to state clearly that you're podficcing/translating my work. And please tag me in your fanarts, because I will absolutely flail at them!
In regards to the pirate code/lore, because I've been asked multiple times in comments/on tumblr/on discord:
While I'm super happy that you're enjoying my worldbuilding, please note that the pirate code, its tenets and the oaths and associated traditions, as depicted in my fics, are my original creations and not something I've agreed to let others use in their stories as is, since I'm also using them in original writing projects that I'm working on.
I don't mind if any of you want to use some elements of my works as inspiration for your writing, like the idea of a pirate code or pirate culture and traditions, but please do not use the specifics as described and worded in my fics. Create your own instead, or research historical pirate traditions for more inspiration!
When it comes to the main Watashitachi wa Roger kaizoku desu (we still stand proud) series/verse and cast (AKA anything to do with Shanks and Buggy, or original events or characters mentioned in my fics that aren't in canon) I'm currently not giving anyone permission to write in the verse because I have plans for them, I just haven’t gotten around to writing them/posting them.
Outtakes focusing on other characters reactions to the mess that is Marineford, or "characters reading the fic" fics are more than fine (and I’m super flattered and honored!), again as long as you ask me first, link back to me and let me know where to read it, but expanding on things like Depa or Buggy's capture by Shiki are things i'm planning on doing in the future so please leave those to me
The same goes for my OC's, though I might give permission in specific circumstances, but once again: ask me first.
I know the saying goes 'better to ask for forgiveness than for permission'. Not in this case. Ask the youtuber mentioned earlier how I responded to that.
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emilykaldwen · 1 month
Fic Rec List 2
I cannot find the link for my first fic rec list. I'M SORRY! Anyway here's another one. These are on AO3 because that's where I read 99% of my fic but if I can find a tumblr handle for people, I will add it! This isn't just HotD/GoT fic, I also included a few other fandoms should anything strike your fancy!
World on Fire - @theothermaidoftarth - In which Nettles is sent North after the Battle of the Gullet. It's Cregan x Nettles! SIGN ME THE FUCK UP! If you love rare pairs, please follow this author. She writes fantastic stories and I just really love their work.
Inertia - @lesbian-kyoru - With the Cat’s confinement approaching, Kyo and Tohru attempt to avoid their feelings as ineffectively as possible. Hi yes do you love Fruits Basket? Do you love a good friends with benefits AU with two emotionally fucky individuals in Tohru and Kyo? Then please run, do not walk, to read this lovely series. I was introduced to this via someone bookbinding this series on the renegade guild and devoured it (I reblogged this series ages ago screaming in my tags)
Something Old - Ducks - Miserable after Oz's departure, Willow casts a spell to have her will done. Predictably, it goes awry, having some interesting affects on Buffy and Angel. A re-imagining of the Buffy episode "Something Blue". One of the first really fandomy fics I got obsessed over (back when Ducks ran their own site, which might still be up?) anyway yeah, it's Buffy x Angel, which teen me was utterly obsessed with and one of the first fics that really ever entered into my mind that you could write long ass series AU fics. There's also an eventual Blade crossover in the final part.
A Game of High Stakes - In_Dreams - In theory, the task is simple: kill Draco Malfoy. In practice, putting a curse through the Dark Lord's favoured lieutenant will take everything Hermione has―especially since he's trying to kill her, too. Even more so when the lines between them start to blur. Sometimes, the only way out is through. Hello yes it's another dramoine fake marriage/real marriage AU but it's so good, really goes into the fuckiness of the war, I just devoured it in a weekend.
Taken - Wheater - An AU set after 2x15: Elijah succeeds in kidnapping Elena, Katherine is out of the tomb and the Salvatore brothers have one hell of a mess to fix. Sometimes you have no choice but to make a deal with the devil. If you can get the devil to make a deal with you… Another oldie but goodie for if you liked your obscure TVD ships. And I was such an Elena x Elijah fan (also Tyler and Elena too pls)
Kingdoms At War - deathwalker - What if Ned Stark wasn't executed at the Great Sept of Baelor? Instead, what if, he had been removed from Kingslanding before Joffrey could give the order for his head? What impact would this have had on the Game of Thrones? It's a Robb x Marg, Ned Lives AU y'all and one day, one day it's gonna be completed and it's going to be amazing. So far it's sitting at just under 700k words, and Marg and Robb are about to take on King's Landing and my body is ready.
Parlour Trick - @stannisfactions - What if Aemond was born with dragon features and hidden away, and Helaena is his bride. Hi yes I scream about this story a lot, Kinderhook is one of my all time favorites, and not only is this fic amazing, but they have a ton of TG fics. A lot of the content is of the angstier variety, as well as a lot of dub con so please mind your triggers.
Aesthetic Chills - sloelimbs - An Eddie/Chrissy fix it picking up where Vecna started, and the Party's adventure taking a different turn. - It's an Edissy fix it fic and just very thoughtful, very moody, very everything. Pretty sure this was the only ST fic I read and it sits in the bookmarks for a reason.
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roseserpentpress · 2 months
Do you sell your work or do commisons?? Or do I have to take on a whole new hobby just to attempt to create your beautiful amazing pieces??
Hello! Thanks for the ask and the compliment! 😊💕 I've got both long and short answers for you...
In short, even if it's highly flattering that you would consider purchasing my work, I generally don't sell my work or do commissions. Instead, as you've noted, I would highly recommend you picking up the wonderful hobby of bookbinding! Here's a link to the Renegade Bindery website which has tonnes of great resources for starting out bookbinding, and here's the link to join the discord (must be 18+ tho!), which is a thriving and very helpful community for resources, questions and the like!
Long answer, with more details, is below the cut
In long, even if I generally don't do commissions/sell my work, I have in the past and depending on the situation I may consider doing a commission (ie, you are an author of a fic and wish to get it bound, or want a journal or non-fanfiction bound). In regards to why I don't do fanfiction anymore without express consent of the author (and even then it's questionable) is that I feel very uncomfortable accepting money based off someone else's work, which they have presented to the public for free, even if all I'm charging for is my work (Not For Sale is also part of Renegade Bindery Guild's code, who I am now a part of; you can read more about gift economies at the website on this subject). As well, I've found in the past when I have done commissions I have not particularly enjoyed the process; fanbinding is a downtime passion hobby of mine, and commercializing it tends to remove the passion and relaxation I get from it (and alas, downtime is something that's been sparse for me). As a result, even if you qualify for the above commissions, then the commission would also have to pique my interest before I would say yes. Also, another hurdle for commissions is that I live in so called Canada, and the price for shipping is astronomical (generally, $60 CAD for a tracked shipping outside of country; inside country is $20, more reasonable), which also makes commissioning books difficult, because it adds an extra hefty fee on-top of what one would be paying me in the first place. That said, if you do still want to inquire, feel free to DM me the details and I will let you know (I'm also a curious buggar, so it intrigues me to know what you would be interested in requesting); but in the end, I would simply highly recommend getting into fanbinding yourself as it is a really lovely and fufilling hobby!
Also, if you are also really enthusiastic about a typeset I've done and would like to use it to create your own fanbinding of the fic, then feel free to DM me personally, and I am generally perfectly willing to provide you a copy of the typeset! Of course, I do request that if you do so, when you use it you recognize the typeset was created by me (ie, leaving a statement in the printed copy), and only use it personally and don't share the file, in case it is used later commercially without my consent. If someone else you know is interested in using the typeset, feel free to forward them to me!
I hope that provides you with a few answers! :)
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sunshine304 · 28 days
I love the work you did on Kaleidoscope, but I see you don't do commission work. Do you recommend anyone who does?
Thank you so much for your kind words! ♥
I don't have all that much time and also am quite slow with fanbinding, so I currently don't want to offer any commissions. I'd definitely encourage you to try and bind your own books - it's actually quite easy to improvise a lot of the materials and see if it's something you might enjoy. :D But I understand that it can seem very intimidating and might not be for everyone.
You can always check out @renegadeguild here on tumblr, they're a loosely connected group of experienced fanbinders. If you want to give fanbinding a try yourself, they're definitely a great group to ask for help and guidance - they're on Discord and always happy about new people trying out this craft. Several of them also do commissions.
Link to their members page:
I remember that Narenta Bindery does commissions, and on occasion, Fandom Underground as well. The members who offer commissions will have a statement about it on one/several of their socials, so you'd have to check the list and see who else might currently be open for commissions.
I hope this helps!
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kulapti · 1 year
Hello! Welcome to my multimedia art-only blog. [On hiatus until April 2024]
On commissions: Visual arts commissions are closed. I do not accept bookbinding commissions.
My fanfic bookbindings are made as gifts only. To learn more about bookbinding and the gift economy of fanfic binding, please visit the Renegade Bookbinding Guild and consider joining us if you'd like to make books of your own!
Fic authors: If I have previously made a bookbinding ("ficbinding") of your fanfiction and you would like me to make you a gift copy, or would like me to take down posts about a bookbinding of your work, please contact me.
Fandom folks: feel free to say hi and or send me dumb Sandman raven sketch prompts. To find (or blacklist) my fandom stuff, refer to #here there be fandom.
NEW WATCHER PSA if your blog is a default icon (or a photo of a woman) with no content or description, I will report you as a bot! Please note that while this blog is usually sfw and sensitive subjects are tagged, this space is not curated for minors.
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Navigation 🧭🗺️📌
(this is mostly for my sake but if I ever reblogged something from you and added specific tags, this is an explanation)
Yes, this blog's name is a 'yo mama' joke in Polish, thank my sib for that
This blog revolves around bookbinding and related things. I use it mostly to reblog inspiration-worthy posts and add my own tags to pinpoint what caught my eye — this includes cover designs, design in general, colour palettes, materials, techniques, fonts, typesetting and typography. I'll try to appropriately tag it as I reblog it but I can get lazy 😬
My list 📃 of fics I want to bookbinding (and progress on them if there's any...) + some info about me can be found here.
Tags used on this blog:
#og tsb posts & #my bindings (currently empty...)
#colour palettes
#cover design
#cover ideas
#cover techniques
#nsfw (anything that can be graphic or suggesting, doesn't have to mean nudity/sexual themes)
#renegade bookbinding (anything that I know was done by a member of the Renegade Bookbinding Guild or reblogged from their tumblr)
#stitching techniques
#style (additional tags after mean what kinda vibe I'm getting from the binding style - it's so I can search for inspo by vibes only)
#work-specific (additional tags after mean one of my WIP bookbinding works)
(Last updated: 03/03/2024)
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renegadeguild · 29 days
Edible Book Day 2024
the appetizers
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A Commonplace Snack by Daemonluna
A collection of tropes and other ephemera, rendered in nori and rice paper. Sewn with a glass sweet potato noodle, ornamented with cilantro and lime.
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This is how we roll (bamboo slips) by anonymous
This is the first book I have made since joining Renegade. I didn't think I'd get to make books and eat them too.
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The (Not Actually) Matzah Plague Board Book by Noodle and Noodle's Auntie
10 Plagues by Noodle and Noodle's Auntie. Illustration by Noodle and Noodle's Auntie. Writing and Binding by Noodle. Materials: Gluten Free Matzo Substitute, fruit roll ups, fruit by the foot, sour belts, licorice, fruit rolls, sour sticks, cumin, water.
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a fluffy breaduation by Sandy Kitty Bindery
i do not regret anything... except maybe the dentist bills ;)
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Pancake Scroll by Zhalfirin
This was a lot easier than I had anticipated. A bit bland because I wasn't sure what I'd do the painting with and therefore didn't season the batter. It goes really well with a side of salmon and soy sauce though.
the mains
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the iron chef secret ingredient was lasers by Lark
lasers are friends not food.
6/10, at least I chose turkey this year.
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The Count of Monte Cristo by Thunder (Dragon's Thunder Press)
This was my first book bind ever. The case is French toast. The 2 signatures are each made of 3 omelet folios, and they're sewn with mozzarella string cheese strands. The end pages are each a slice of prosciutto, and they're pasted in with raspberry fruit syrup. Finally, the titling was done with black icing.
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Sandwiches (And Books) Are Beautiful by Velvetwastaken
The ‘book’ ultimately failed to be readable as such due to a betrayal by the onion binding. But it tasted amazing, and thus I think still encapsulated the spirit of edible book day: good books are meant to be devoured.
and of course… … the desserts!
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Mistakes were Marbled by anonymous
I baked a strawberry cake with buttercream icing. The buttercream set a bit too quickly for the marbled effect to work, and attempts to fix it caused structural damage, resulting in ... this. I would like half-points for retaining good flavor, despite appearances.
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Brandy Snaps by Lottie
Brandy snaps for the pages, strawberry laces for thread. Complete with two weaver’s knots to tie the strawberry laces together
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Book Cookies by six
Sadly not fully functional books - the cases are rigid sugar cookies baked into various open forms. The pages are edible wafer paper marked up here and there w/ an edible ink pen and the frosting quite tasty! Experimented with two different sizes and various page configurations. Fed some of them to various Renegade members. There were no fatalities.
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Titles are overrated by Zhalfirin
I'm still baffled this turned out the way it did.
It's a delicious little baumkuchen chonker (app. A6 in size and about 6cm thick) cased in chocolate powdered marzipan.
Don't forget to vote for your favorite! And check out last year's winners here.
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bluevelvetbindery · 2 months
Finished this simple notebook over the weekend, and I’m rather proud of it. This book is the culmination of everything I’ve learned over the last eight or so months. So many lessons learned in the process, and a long way still to go. On to the next!
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Build details:
This is a very simple notebook in a folio size. The pages were created and designed by me in Affinity Publisher with vector images from Pixabay. I had it printed at a chain printshop on a natural linen 24lb paper. Actually, I had it printed twice, because they messed up the orientation and half my pages were upside-down the first time, but they were nice about it and redid it at no extra cost.
The signatures are sewn together with a simple kettle stitch with white waxed polyester thread. Not ideal, and it’s definitely too thick, but it’s all I have for now. I used two cotton tapes, which is maybe overkill for a smallish book like this, but it's good practice. I also experimented with sewn on endpapers, yet another small thing to add a little strength to a book. I'm very happy with how those turned out.
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I rounded the spine, and then used a chisel I found at a thrift store to trim the head and tail of the textblock, both firsts for me. I used cotton embroidery thread to hand-sew endbands, another first. I lined the spine with a strip of scrap leather. Normally, in addition the mull, people will just use craft paper as lining, but I had scraps of leather and heard it can work so I tried it.
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I decided to try a split-board bind for the first time (good thing I had the tapes!). It’s supposed to give the book a bit of added strength as the covers are more securely attached than in a regular case bind.
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It was tricky to get the cover material (combo of bookcloth and paper) on once I had the boards attached, but I fumbled my way through with the help of a Renegade Binderary tutorial and ended up with a functioning book! And I can’t ask for more than that, really.
Big thank you to Renegade Bookbinding Guild (@renegadepublishing) and their discord server for being so generous with their knowledge and resources! I would not have been able to accomplish this without them <3
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About me:
Hello! My name is Desmothene, or Des. I'm a fanbinder, and a member of Renegade Bookbinding Guild! (@renegadeguild) What this means is that I have sworn myself to Renegade Publishing's Code of Conduct in how I conduct my binding practices.
I mostly bind works of fanfiction for myself and their authors (and sometimes as gifts). If you're interested in learning how to bookbind for fannish purposes yourself, please check out Renegade for free help, resources, and community!
If you are an author who previously declined a copy and have changed your mind or your situation has changed, feel free to reach out at any time! Any offers to send an author copy remain open indefinitely. All author copies are a gift and do NOT require any form of payment, including shipping, from the author.
I do not accept fanbinding commissions (or commissions of any type at this time).
I have two imprints: Celestial Sphere Press, and Canis Sanguine Press. The '#celestial sphere press' and '#canis sanguine press' tags will get you my work for those imprints. Videos and how-to discussions are tagged with '#in progress review'.
Bound Fics by Fandom (due to tumblr screwiness, these will include reblogs of others work in the fandom):
Star Wars
Star Trek
Good Omens
The Witcher
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renegadeguild · 4 days
I would love it if y'all shared like. Someone's beginner work. Someone's first binding. So much of the stuff you share is gorgeous and beautiful and SO intimidating 😭 love y'all, love this blog 💚
Thanks for the ask - we share works that members of either the Renegade Bookbinding Guild or the Renegade Bindery Discord server have tagged us in either on here or in Discord. There are people's first binds in there, you just have to go looking through the posts.
I will start tagging first binds with "first bind" if that would help with inspiration <3
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