#remembering when i listened to blood // water over 100 times in 2019 and it's because i listened to it nonstop for a week for a project
thirsty-pixie · 5 years
Richie x Reader
Part 1
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Part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6
I know Richie is gay in the movie but I do what I want lmao. This is kinda something I've had rolling around in my brain for a while.
Back story: Y/n is a creature similar to it, she was born from her mother which was human but her father was Pennywise. It was getting lonley and wanted to have someone else who could live as long as him and keep him company. Though humans were much to fragile and died quickly he decided to impregnate a Woman. The pregnancy nearly killed the woman leaving her bound to a wheel chair. The child received some of its abilities like strength, speed and she feeds off of fear, she is also connected to it physically. When it gets hurt she feels the pain and she is immortal, she stops physically aging at 36. She feeds on fear but not by eating children, just being around someone who is scared is enough.
Last day of school.
Is was the last day of school and I was already sitting outside of the front doors watching the students leave the building. Mrs. Ripsom was waiting put in the road with the police looking for her daughter. I still remember the blood on my dads chin when I walked in on him eating and the sickening thud when poor Betty fell to the ground of the sewer. He never let me see him eat and that day I found out why. I seen four familiar boys walk out of the building Bill, Stan, Eddie, and Richie.
I enjoyed hanging close to this group because Eddie, he was a hypochondriac and was always scared of something. I watched as they walked passed me Eddie looking up at me then quickly back down to his feet. I chuckled shaking my head,the walked over to a trash can to dump their bags which was a common thing for kids to do after school let's out for the summer. The door opened again this time Bowers and his gang walked out, Patrick winked at me like always as they passed earning an eyeroll from me.
They walked towards the four boys who were starting to walk home. I felt something snap when Bowers grabbed Richie's bag and pulled him backwards into Stan. Within a few seconds I was standing between Bill and Henry, I heard Richie say shit when I shoved Bowers back. "The fuck is your problem" I yelled at Henry causing him to get angry, "it's none of your business now be a good little bitch a run along." He stepped closer but I didnt back down.
"I'm sorry. Did I stu-stu-studer? I said run along." He tried to push me with his chest but I didn't budge "you don't scare me Henry" suddenly fear radiated from Henry as he looked behind me make eye contact with his dad. "This isn't over losers!" He huffed before turning to leave. "Holy shit! Do you have a death wish? He will literally kill you" I turned and Looked at Eddie and shrugged. "I'm not afraid of Henry he's just a scared little kid" I stuffed my hands in my pockets and looked at Richie and Stan who looked shocked. "I'm Y/n.... by the way" I smiled and began walking away.
I heard the four of them running to catch up with me "that was totally cool" I looked down at Richie how was now walking next to me "I mean he's honestly not that scary...." even though he was only a couple years younger than me he was pretty short. "So I'm Stan, that's Bil, Eddie and hes Richie." Stan walked on the otherside of me introducing everyone. I smiled and kept walking "where are you going?" I heard two of them ask in unison. "Well I gotta get home to my mom and hang out with her until the next nurse comes..... theres a gap in the shift change." I mumbled the last part and I turned the street.
"What's wrong with you're mom? She a vegetable or something?." Richie blurted. I heard someone punch him followed by and ouch causing me to laugh. "No she's just in a wheelchair so for an hour after school I take care of her then the night nurse comes." I looked at the Four who had slowed their pace and walked behind me. "Then I think tomorrowim gonna go swimming" I stopped at my driveway and looked at the boys who were following me like puppies. "W-w-well we are going to gu-go to to the ba-barrens. Want to come?" I smiled at Bill and Richie flung his arm over Bill's shoulder "yeah we can stop by here and get you then hit up the quarry after the barrens" I nodded "yeah I'll see you all tomorrow then"
I walked inside to see my mom asleep on the couch, I covered her with a blanket and turned the tv off. I went to my room and changed into my workout outfit and waited till the night nurse arrived. "She's been asleep since I got home I made her dinner it's in the oven.." the nurse smiled and I walked out of the house. I began jogging to the sewer drain that was closest to my dads hideout.
I looked to make sure nobody was watching before I slipped inside. The walk wasn't long before I heard him humming. "Daddy?" The humming stopped when I spoke and he popped his head around the corner in his human form. I smiled and walked into the large room hugging my father he smiled at me and kissed the top of my head. "How was your last day of School Y/n" I shrugged and looked up at the children floating some with missing appendages. "It was fine....Daddy must you display them like they are trophies..." i frowned and he sighed looking down.
"I'm sorry its how I lived for a really long time it's hard to change....." I nodded and flopped against the pile of toys. It sat next to me and sighed "so I've told you how I used to sleep for 27 years at a time..." his voice was shaky and he spoke slowly causing worry to build up inside me. "Yeah.." I rolled onto my side and looked at him, his eyes had prominent dark circles and he looked exhausted. "I'm getting weak and tired and I will be going back to sleep for another 27 years in about a month or so..." he scanned my face as I sat up.
"So you're leaving me for 27 years?! Mom wont survive another year.... what will I do?" I stood up and glared at him. He stood up and hugged me "I know I'm sorry I stayed as long as i could. You'll be ok you're strong just promise me you'll come back when I wake up...." I had started crying when he hugged me but by the time he finished I was sobbing. "I'm going to miss you Daddy...." I knew he was a horrible monster but he was my father.
~~~Time skip~~~
I had on my black and red backpack on that I had filled with snacks, I sat on my stairs with my bike waiting for the boys to come by. After about 15 minutes I heard Richie's loud mouth about a block away so I stood up and got on my bike. "Ready Chicka?" Richie asked and I nodded smiling, the barrens was only a 5 minute ride from my house so. We walked down the trail and to the drain pipe that fed into the creek, I could smell the rotting flesh unbeknownst to anyone else. My senses were 100 times better than an average persons.
I scrunched my nose at the smell and followed Bill into the drain listening for my dad. I heard Eddie complaining about the water and laughed when I heard Richie say it doesn't smell like caca to him. Bill picked up Betty's shoe and turned around, "guys" every one froze and looked at Bill. I zoned out remembering seeing my dad as a clown mouth dripping in blood, I was brought back to reality when I head someone scream for help. The screaming continued but they sounded like painful screams like someone was hurt, no one else could hear it.
Moments later a kid came splashing down the creek falling into the water a few feet away from us. "Oh shit" we all rushed over to the kid to help him, I could feel his fear from back where I was standing before I went to help and the closer I got the more invigorating it was. I was in bliss as he rode on my pegs to the drug store, we stopped in the Alley leaning the bikes against the wall as Eddie looked at Ben's stomach.
They rushed inside leaving Ben, Richie, and I out in the alley "glad I got to meet you before you died" I looked at Richie and hit his arm playfully. He looked at me confused "not nice" I said before lifting Ben's shirt again. "Fucking Bowers.... I'm gonna kick his ass for this" before Richie could say anything the guys came rushing out their arms full of supplies. "What'd you do rob the place." I watched as Eddie meticulously tended to his wound, a few moments later I heard someone coming through the alley.
"You ok that looks like it hurts" I looked up seeing a redhead girl standing next to Bill I tuned the rest of the conversation out as I walked to the end of the alley. I popped my back and watched as people walked along the side walk oblivious to horrors that lay below the streets the drove and walked walked on. "Y-yo-you coming Y/n?" "Yeah pull your head out of the clouds and kets goooo" I smiled at Richie and Bill as I walked back to my bike.
Posted 9/30/2019
Part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
I was asked to transcribe these video clips regarding Angel Theory and the incident at WS Atlanta on Saturday October 19, 2019. I’m posting my transcript here for anyone who wants to read it, rather than keeping it locked in a private document. It was hastily typed, so for other hearing people, if I made any errors in transcription, please let me know and I’ll make corrections as needed.
This document doesn’t contain the context, backstory, and other information. This is only the transcript of the videos contained in the four linked tweets, provided here for the purposes of equal access to the information they contain.
(video 1-- transcription video source: https://twitter.com/_cunaa_/status/1185902669166186497?s=21 )
So, Friday came, and she did not have an interpreter, like I said. Someone volunteered to help her. So, that came, Saturday came. Her line was posted. Angel was, you know, meeting fans, and had finally had a break in the day-- well a break in the day, and this is where, this is why that conversation is so important. Angel started to play with Nova around the floor. Nova is less than a pound. You guys all know that Nova is about the size of this water bottle, to be honest.
And so, as playing with Nova, Angel cannot hear. Her hearing aid is off because this place is humongous, and it’s noisy. So, as she’s running around with Nova, a security guard who was standing across from us-- now take it, Nova has been there all day Friday. Never addressed. Saturday comes, Nova’s been with us. Nova goes everywhere, because she is Angel’s service dog. So, I mean, airplanes-- everywhere. So, Angel’s playing around with Nova.
The security guard begins to scream at her to stop, to pick up the dog, in a very demeaning manner, enough that he caused a commotion. Now, all of this could’ve been avoided if the security guard walked up to tap her to ask her to pick Nova up, and it would’ve been over. That’s not what happened.
The security guard started yelling at her in a demeaning tone to get the dog, stop stop stop. Well, we have very protective booking agents, and agents that sit with us. And her agent that was with her told him to stop yelling, she can’t hear you. He continued to yell and said, “She’s ignoring me, she’s ignoring me.”
Now, also, if the security guard was provided the information that she was hearing impaired, he would’ve known she doesn’t speak that way. She can’t under--she can’t hear you.
So, he continued to… to, um verbally-- pretty much verbally assault her, and say, you know, “Pick up the dog,” and “You’re not listening to me.”
Well, Angel sees that there’s a commotion going on. Remember, at this point, Angel still cannot hear. She physically cannot hear, so all she sees is a commotion happening, so she picks up Nova and she walks over.
(video 2)
So when she walks over to try to understand what’s going on, there’s no interpreter there to explain to her that something needs to happen, you know, as he’s continuing to say--what really drives me crazy--made a comment “She was, she was gonna hit me. She was gonna hit me.” That’s not what happened.
Angel never even addressed him, never even said anything. She couldn’t. She didn’t even know what was happening.
For the first time I’ve ever walked around a convention where there were police officers that are in full gear, holding pretty much assault rifles. I’ve never seen it before, at not a convention I’ve been to. And so there were officers at the time walking around with assault rifles. It is what it is, you know? That’s not my convention, so I can’t say why they were there, or why they weren’t there.
So, Angel’s standing there, and they’re trying to explain to this man that this is her… that this is her service dog.
(video 3)
Angel proceeds to, um, to walk off, because she’s upset, she can’t understand what’s happening. She sees it happening, but she can’t hear it. So, Angel walks off.
As Angel’s walking off, um, many of us are still trying to talk to the guy, to understand what’s going on.
Now, the person who runs this event-- I’m not gonna say the name. I don’t care to-- and I say this all about letting them know that we are, we’re still going today, to meet fans. Angel will be there today to meet fans. And the reason I wanted to address it is that I didn’t want people going up to her, asking her what happened, and her, and whoever’s there with her having to explain this consistently. And I talked to her, and been given permission to do this.
So, in that happening, she, uh… the person who runs the event decided to stand around in the background and watch as all of this was happening. Never once addressing that this is a talent. This is talent who is here. This is, you know, she needs this dog. You know, trying to de-escalating the situation. It didn’t happen.
About five minutes of standing there, um, I made the comment to him, “Can you handle that?” I was told, “It’s handled.” Walks over.
He walks over, and the first thing that is said to her is, “I have a disabled child, that I’m also learning ASL, so I understand where you’re coming from. I have over 100 members of security, here, and it’s impossible for me to let them know all my guests’ needs.” Which is not true. That’s not true. Last year, everyone knew what was needed. Last year, it ran smooth. We were able to get in and out of booths, things were… people knew who you were, what was happening. So it was not impossible. It’s irresponsible to not do it, but not impossible.
Um, so I found that very disturbing. Very disturbing.
So, as we were leaving, I was also approached by another member, who is a talent that’s there, and it was said that… it was told to this person that Angel didn’t need an interpreter.\
(video 4)
It was told to this person that Angel didn’t need an interpreter because she could talk. That has boiled my blood so much, because yes, Angel can talk. But that’s not her requirement. Her requirement is an ASL interpreter. Because although she can talk, she cannot hear the talking. Which is unfair. It was unfair to her.
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Reading List 2019
So I thought to celebrate the fact that I actually read 100 books this year, I could list them all, give them a short raiting and quickly summarise my thoughts (as far as I remember them, my memory is terrible). So strap in, this is gonna be a looong list.
(The formating is gonna be: Title, Author, Language I read it in (D = German; E = English), rating, short thoughts)
1. The Toymakers, Robert Dinsdale, D, 3/5, Wants to be The Nightcircus but fails. Still sweet and thoughtful.
2. Deadly Sting (Elemental Assassin 8), Jennifer Estep, D, 4/5, Don’t remember specifics just that I was impressed the series was still this good.
3. The Labyrinth of Magic Volume 1, Shinobu Ohtaka, D, 1/5, Note to self: I don’t like Mangas (The Anime is fantastic though).
4. The Labyritnh of Magic Volume 2, Shinobu Ohtaka, D, 1/5, See 3.
5. The Ocean at the End of the Lane, Neil Gaiman, D, 3/5, Not my style but I can see what others like about it.
6. Norse Mythology, Neil Gaiman, D, 4/5, Very informative and entertaining.
7. The Master Magician (The Paper Magician 3), Charlie N. Holmberg, D,3/5, Adequate ending, I absolutely love the magic system.
8. The Plastic Magician (The Paper Magician 3.5), Charlie N. Holmberg, D, 4/5, Great spinoff, better story than the original with exactly enough cameos.
9. Heart of Venom (Elemental Assassin 9), Jennifer Estep, D, 3/5, see 2.
10. Inkdeath (Inkworld 3), Cornelia Funke, D, 5/5, Always a favourite, read it because I was feeling down cheered me right up.
11. The Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus 5), Rick Riordan, E, 4/5, Why did I wait so long to read this?
12. Vulkanjäger, Katja Brandis, D, 3/5, Good adventurebook for younger readers.
13. Double Crossed: A Spies andd Thieves Story (Heist Society 2.5), Ally Carter, E, 3/5, Should really have read Gallagher Girls first.
14.  Wizards: The Myths, Legends, and Lore, Aubrey Sherman, E, 4/5, Very interesting, smiled everytime Harry Potter or BBC’s Merlin was mentioned.
15.  Vampires: The Myths, Legends, and Lore, Aubrey Sherman, E, 3/5, Not really a fan of Vampires but if you are you have to read this!
16. Nice Dragons Finish Last (Heartstrikers 1), Rachel Aaron, E, 3/5, Amazing worldbuilding!
17. The Tomb, H.P.Lovecraft, D, 2/5, I don´t even remember it.
18.  All the Ever Afters: The Untold Story of Cinderella's Stepmother, Danielle Teller, E, 3/5, Great new perspective, unfortunately not enough magic.
19. Stars Above (Lunar CHronicles Short Stories), Marissa Meyer, E, 3/5, I would read anything in this universe no matter if it´s good or not.
20.  To Kill a Kingdom, Alexandra Christo, E, 4/5, Really good, always love a dark fairytale retelling.
21. Her Royal Spyness (Royal Spyness 1), Rhys Bowen, E, 3/5, Expected more, it´s a bit slow.
22.  Mein Reckless Märchenbuch (Mirrorworld Readalong), Cornelia Funke, D, 5/5, It`s Cornelia Funke of course it´s brilliant. Also, everyone needs a collections of fairytales at home, just for refference. I have gotten into many a discussion about the specifics of a classic story that we needed to look up.
23. Air Awakens (Air Awakens 1), Elise Kova, E, 5/5, Fantastic read, couldn´t put it down.
24. Renegades (Renegades 1), Marissa Meyer, D, 4/5, Marissa Meyer writing about Superheroes? More please!
25. Fire Falling (Air Awakens 2), Elise Kova, E, 4/5, see 23.
26.Tales from the Front (Air Awakens 2.5), Elise Kova, E, 3/5, Kind of unnecessary, didn´t really add anything.
27. Earth´s End (Air Awakens 3), Elise Kova, E, 4/5, See 23.
28. The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line (Veronica Mars 1), Rob Thomas, E, 3/5, Was good when i read it but now after season 4 it just makes me sad.
29.  Mr. Kiss and Tell (Veronica Mars 2), Rob Thomas, E, 3/5, see 28.
30. China Rich Girlfriend (Crazy Rich Asians 2), Kevin Kwan, E, 4/5, A LOT of Characters but otherwise really great.
31. Rich People Problems (Crazy Rich Asians 3), Kevin Kwan, E, 3/5, see 30.
32. Witchmark (The Kingston Cycle 1), C.L.Polk, D, 5/5, Won it on lovelybooks (thanks again for that), amazing queer fantasy (often shelved as YA, it´s NOT, the protagonists are like 30 it´s not YA).
33. Water's Wrath (Air Awakens 4), Elise Kova, E, 4/5, see 23.
34. Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens 5), Elise Kova, E, 4/5, I read this and Water´s Wrath in one night, couldn´t put it down for the life of me.
35. Vicious (Villains 1), V.E.Schwab, E, 3/5, Do you know the kind of book that while you´re reading it is like meh but then you just can´t stop thinking about it?
36.  A Curse So Dark and Lonely (Cursebreakers 1), Brigid Kemmerer, E, 4/5, Great retelling, love the mix of modern and fairytale worlds.
37. Ninja: First Mission, Chris Bradford, E, 1/5, Just makes me want part 9 of Young Samurai even more.
38. DOORS: Der Beginn (Doors 1), Markus Heitz, D, 2/5, Love the idea but couldn´t really convince me.
39. Heartless, Marissa Meyer, E, 4/5, Really heartless, in the sense that it rips your heart right out of your chest and then crushes it, I think I cried... a lot.
40. Truthwitch (Witchlands 1), Susan Dennard, E, 4/5, Great start to a series, didn´t manage to read the sequels this year will try again in 2020.
41. The Forever War, Joe Haldeman, D, 3/5, A classic of the genere for a reason.
42. A rumor of Dragons (Dragonlance Chronicles 1), Margaret Weis, D, 1/5, Boring.
43. A Discovery of Witches (All Souls 1), Deborah Harkness, E, 4/5, The love story is a little rushed, still loved it though.
44. A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic 1), V.E.Schwab, E, 4/5, Why didn´t I read this years ago? I mean it´s been on my shelf? And it´s so good!
45. Catching Fire (The Hunger Games 2), Suzanne Collins, D, 5/5, Couldn´t stop even at 4am.
46. Mockingjay (The Hunger Games 3), Suzanne Collins, D, 4/5, I think I read this and 45 in one night (Yes I didn´t sleep).
47. Wicked Fox (Gumiho 1), Kat Cho, E, 3/5, Was in a Fairyloot box, underused setting therefore very interesting.
48. The Glass of Lead and Gold (Mirrorworld short story), Cornelia Funke, E, 3/5, Lovely but when are we finally getting book 4?
49. The MirrorWorld Anthology (Mirrorworld Readalong), Cornelia Funke, D, 4/5, Turns out we´re getting book 4 in 2020. FINALLY!!!!
50.  The Graveyard Book, Neil Gaiman, E, 2/5, Meh...
51. Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold, Stephen Fry, E, 3/5, Informativ but I prefer the ones by Riordan.
52. Shadow of Night (All Souls 2), Deborah Harkness, E, 3/5, Love the timetravel but like the first one it felt a little rushed.
53. James Acaster´s Classic Scrapes, James Acaster, E, 2/5, I really like his stand up but didn´t really enjoy this book.
54.  The October Man (Rivers of London 7.5), Ben Aaronovitch, E, 3/5, It´s always funny to read foreigners writing about your culture, if you like the other rivers of London books you will like this one.
55. A Gathering of Shadows (Shades of Magyk 2), V.E.Schwab, E,4/5, As good as the first one but with Pirates!
56. Caraval (Caraval 1), Stephanie Garber, E, 3/5, It´s ok but I can´t really understand the hype.
57. Spin the Dawn (The Blood of Stars 1), Elizabeth Lim, E, 4/5, I love this one, the writing is so beautiful.
58. Angelfall (Penryn and the End of Days 1), Susan Ee, E, 3/5, The Story is ok, but I absolutely love Penryn.
59. The Sleeper and the Spindle, Neil Gaiman, E, 4/5, Great story with amazing illustrations.
60. World After (Penryn and the End of Days 2), Susan Ee, E, 3/5, see 58.
61. End of Days (Penryn and the End of Days 3), Susan Ee, E, 3/5, see 58.
62. Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer 1), Laini Taylor, E, 4/5, Lovely Story with great Characters.
63. Pan´s Labyrinth: The Labyrinth of the Faun, Cornelia Funke, D, 3/5, I read it while listening to the movie soundtrack, can reccomend.
64. Kill the Queen (Crown of Shards 1), Jennifer Estep, E, 4/5, How does she write this many books in so little Time? And how are they all so good?
65. The Return of the Warrior (Young Samurai 9), Chris Bradford, E, 4/5, Noooo its over, I could cry this series was one of my favourites as a kid.
66. Spinning Silver, Naomi Novik, E, 3/5, Good retelling that gets a little over-complicated sometimes.
67. Muse of Nightmares (Strange the Dreamer 2), Laini Taylor, E, 3/5, Wow this turned very dark very fast.
68. Skyward (Skyward 1), Brandon Sanderson, E, 5/5, Spensa and M-Bot are deffinetely some of my favourite characters ever.
69. The Priory of the Orange Tree, Samantha Shannon, E, 5/5, Very long but deffinetely worth it.
70.  The Test, Sylvain Neuvel, E, 2/5, Very relevant but not really my style.
71. Archenemies (Renegades 2), Marissa Meyer, D, 5/5, Love it.
72. Shadow and Bone (The Shadow and Bone Trilogy 1), Leigh Bardugo, E, 4/5, God I just love the Setting.
73. Siege and Storm (The Shadow and Bone Trilogy 2), Leigh Bardugo, E, 4/5,  I know it´s not a very popular opinion but Mal is my favourite.
74.Ruin and Rising (The Shadow and bone Trilogy 3), Leigh Bardugo, E, 3/5, Bit disapointing as an ending but a rollercoaster in terms of feelings.
75. The Wrath and the Dawn (The Wrath and the Dawn 1), Reneè Ahdieh, E, 5/5, I think this is the 3rd time I read this it´s so good.
76. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Hogwarts Library 1), Newt Scamander, E, 3/5
77. Quidditch Through the Ages (Hogwarts Library 2), Kennilworthy Whisp, E, 5/5, I love this one it´s so funny.
78. The Tales of Beedle the Bard (Hogwarts Library 3), J.K.Rowling, E, 3/5
79. Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism, Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies (Pottermore Presents 1), J.K.Rowling, E, 4/5, It´s about McGonagall and Lupin of course it´s good.
80. Short Stories from Hogwarts of Power, Politics and Pesky Poltergeists (Pottermore Presents 2), J.K.Rowling, E, 2/5
81. Hogwarts: An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide (Pottermore Presents 3), J.K.Rowling, E, 3/5
82. Harry Potter: A Journey Through Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts, J.K.Rowling, E, 2/5
83. The Traitor´s Kiss (The Traitor´s Circle 1), Erin Beaty, D, 2/5, A friend of mine realls loves this but I thought it was quite boring but I think that was just the translation that didn´t sit right with me it was kind of weird.
84. Mermaids: The Myths, Legends, and Lore, Skye Alexander, E, 2/5, Not as good as Vampires or Wizzards.
85. The Rose and the Dagger (The Wrath and the Dawn 2), Reneè Ahdieh, E, 3/5, Disapointing after the brilliant first one.
86. All Fall Down (Embassy Row 1), Ally Carter, E, 3/5, Didn´t really like it.
87. The Book of Life (All Souls 3), Deborah Harkness, E, 3/5, Good Ending, again very rushed.
88. Supernova (Renegades 3), Marissa Meyer, E, 4/5, God I love Simon and Hugh so much Spoilers!: I didn´t like that Ace turned out to be evil after all, I thought we would get a story with respectable leaders on both sides  which is really rare. Really loved the ending when we learned more about Magpie (i really hope there will be a Sequel or Spin Off).
89. Starsight (Skyward 2), Brandon Sanderson, E, 5/5, It was amazing but I missed the  original Crew.
90.  A River of Royal Blood ( A River of Royal Blood 1), Amanda Joy, E, 3/5, So many unanswered questions left!!
91. + 92.  The Grift of the Magi (Heist Society 3.5), Ally Carter, E, 4/5, Read it twice this year once in spring and the again before Christmas.
93. Red, White & Royal Blue, Casey McQuiston, E, 5/5, Maybe the best one this year, reads like really good FanFiction, it´s sooooooo good why aren´t you reading it right now?
94. Uncommon Criminals (Heist Society 2), Ally Carter, E, 5/5, Always fantastic
95. + 96. Perfect Scoundrels (Heist Society 3), Ally Carter, E, 5/5, So good I read it twice in a row.
97. Doctor Who: The Legends of River Song, Multiple Authors, E, 3/5,
98. Winter´s zerbrechlicher Fluch, Julia Adrian, D, 3/5, Only read if you really know your german fairytales it´s really confusing even if you know a lot about them.
99. Aurora Rising (Aurora Cycle 1), Amie Kaufman, E, 4/5, “They are not the heroes we wanted. They are just the ones we could find.”
100. Palace of Glass (Reckless Readalong), Cornelia Funke, D, 4/5, Can´t wait for Book 4!! Untill then i love everything that even mentions Jacob and Celeste.
Did you read any of these this year? Or any other year? Do you want to? What were your favourites of this year?
I hope you all had a fantastic 2019 and will have an even better 2020!
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icefir-windbreaker · 5 years
All-Stars -Story Mode- [CHAPTER 12] EDITED
This took me a day to write it so enjoy!
Edited on:
                                                      -Chapter 12-
Bendy had finished up the soup a little bit later, nothing but an empty can with droplets of what’s left of the soup and now something he could throw away but something in him had said that it might be something useful. So he had cleaned it in a nearby creek far from his current place of rest, putting in his rucksack and then carries on his journey to rescue them.
He looked around the ruined streets of the city, he crossed the broken and rusted trolleys that is near deep in flood water and now serving a purpose as a bridges instead of transportation as people once used.
He was still shaken up from his encounter with Baldi so whenever danger is nearby; zombies, Helghan troops or something else here in this Fallen City, he will reduced himself into a puddle of Ink and wait, hoping for the best if they gone away.
He looked at the posters that were left behind by the city’s residents and it’s nothing too special like the daily news, the politics and other, other, other things that didn’t interest him and he sees that there was a camp, just not abandoned but recently had been abandoned long before he came. It’s a military camp with a white and blue umbrella logo on each tent he passed by, he looked inside each tent and there are leftover equipment for doctors and soldiers in them and still waiting to be used.
“This is too creepy…” Bendy muttered to himself, “who would leave all of this behind, I guess it might’ve been because of zombies…”
That reason might be possible but there’s no way to confirm it, that’s when he checked another tent and what he found inside is not just equipment this time: a dead body of a soldier with flies swarming all over it, he gagged and looked away from the scene before him.
“Yeep,” he babbled, “Property zombies that had been here.”
He then left the tent and goes straight out of the camp and into a much more messy street with a ruined and crashed plane with wrecked vehicles and nature has already began to retake it’s land with long grasses and flowers blooming. The wind howled softly through the main street, birds are singing while the crows are cawing their awful song as some of their kind are eating the leftover corpses that were once soldiers when the sun is peeking through the soggist clouds.
Then they were flown away when Bendy had landed on both of his feet after climbing over a bus, then he looked around for anything that is undead.
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Staying Alert (Background is Destroyed City from Mortal Kombat Wiki)
Bendy is very much on high alert towards the surroundings as he felt nervous. “I better find and rescue Boris and others fast or I’ll end up a prisoner like them if Helghan-something finds me.”
He walked down the broken road as he looked around cautiously, he then stopped when he looked at a roadblock; a quarantined, walled-up barricade with a word, just one word that can describe what was behind the roadblock:
on it but with the the “Biohazard” symbol acting as an “O” for its name, he sighed heavily as he felt it is dangerous but it may be only shortcut he got to the Helghan Base and more worse for it; he had to go in without protection against the life-threatening bio-terror. Even with one fall smooth will-
“THANKS!!! I GET IT!” Bendy yelled at the writer who was writing this story (And that writer is me. ;n;)
Bendy then climbed on top of the roadblock and then lands onto the ground once again like he did with the bus then looks at the path before him. He groaned as he can smell the stench of death coming from another walled off area with a door that looked weak enough to break before stating “I don’t know why I had agreed with Knight to go on a rescue mission like this.” before proceeding on his way.
The wind blows through the ripped cloth on the ceiling of the opening into the tunnel, he looked at the procedure signs like “Please get your ID ready,” “Anyone infected must be contain and quarantine immediately,” “Remember: Washing hands saves lives!,” and “Medical help will be with you quickly for any injuries and make sure they are 100% cleaned.”
“Boooring!” Bendy thought as he looked at the signs while he walked by them, when he reached the chained-link metal door, reached for the handle and tried to open it but it was locked.
“Like that’ll stop me” Bendy said to himself as his gloved hand had turned into a claw with two holes in it and then tore the chained-link metal door apart. The Dancing Devil smiled as he threw what was left of the door onto the ground, then walked right in through the door and into another area, he saw several food crates on a red truck that had been sitting in the entrance of the tunnel. As well with a box of bottled water beside it.
“Some food is good for the health and as well with staying hydrated.” he said as he goes over to the truck, opens his rucksack and then takes what he needs for himself and his friends.
*You’ve collected 4 canned soups (Soups of Bacon, Beef, Shrimp and Chicken)! *You’ve collected 6 bottles of water! *If you are ever injured or just hungry and dehydrated, select them by opening your (or the PARTY’s) Rucksack(s)!
“Okay then… Thank you for a joyful tutorial, Text.” Bendy said as he looked at the text under his feet and then watched it disappeared before him no less than a second. “And speaking of texts, I need to get moving!” he declared before walking forward for the tunnel’s entrance but before he knew it; the surroundings around him is getting darker by the minute, he looked around the area as it had darken area and he could hardly see a few medical tents, several ambulances, medical kits and weapons and droplets of crimson red on the road.
“I think that there’s been evacuation going on, but had everyone been able to escape?” the Dancing Devil thought aloud as he looked around then he finds a flashlight on a wooden crate, he picked up and looked at it. The lens are cracked a little but it still has fresh charged batteries in it.
*You’ve obtained a Broken Lenned Flashlight!
“I hope you’re useful.” Bendy muttered as he turned it on, easily he looked around the area with much clearer with light now and, like the devil had revealed himself again, there are two corpses on the ground with flies flying all over them.
He groaned in disgust and then turned away from the bodies as he walked into another section of the tunnel as the flashlight has shined on the signed that read “Warning! Bi☣hazard” then another signed that read “Infected! do not contact nor talk with the quarantined individuals who are being check for the virus as you are going to the exit in single file, the antidote will be heavily administered immediately after you’d exit, thank you and have a nice day.” and then he shined on the one thing that he really doesn’t want to see: a Zombie, groaned after the light had shined on it.
Bendy gasped as he accidentally backed up to a backup power generator and turned it on, the portable work lights lit up to life to reveal a scene before him:
Inside a chain-linked fence were a horde to horde of zombies, rotting, groaning, screeching, snarling and stumbling around with orange-red eyes glowed softly in the dark.
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Bendy discovering the Horde of Zombies The fence is acting as a cage to keep the undead inside as Bendy looked at them as they glared back at him, hungry, more hungry than angry after being inside the rusting fence for quite some time.
Bendy, is able to break himself out his state of shock before running through the pathway through between the sides of the fences with zombies looking at him, snarling and growling as he ran by. He had found a torn truce flag with a message left behind in blood.
“I'm tearing up our truce flag.”
Then a song is beginning to play on the speakers of the tunnel, for Bendy to listen what it was going to sing.
Why do you still look at me Like I belong to you?
It's like you won't let me go No matter what I do
“Oh… Boy! Oh boy! Crap crap crap!” Bendy said to himself as he found a nearby sludge hammer so he can use as a weapon. He franicity looked around and see a couple of zombies coming his way.
You must be a parasite Or some sick disease Your fingers wrapped around my throat, Suffocating me
Bendy swings the hammer as hard as he could at the first zombie and he felt an impact the hammer had made on its skull and it had gone down easily, he looked over to another zombie as it had gone over to him with arms outstretched for him.
I'm running, running, running, running, Fast as I can
But I'll never get away from you If I'm still breathing
Bendy swings the weapon back to his side and does a spring attack on the 2nd zombie and he had saw its head gone flying and hits a wall behind it. “D-Did I do that?” he asked out of confusion, then hears the familiar moaning from the dead. Without a minute to waste, he ran deeper, determined to get out of the tunnel on the other side.
I can run, I can hide But reality won't die
Infect me, infect me, You're trying to infect me
Bendy then jumped onto a car, on top of it, he hopped over to the next one and another over a horde of zombies.
And I will fight As you attack Why won't you ever see That what you have done to me Won't define who I am No, won't define who I am
He looked down below his feet as he climbed onto a cargo truck and zombies are surrounding it and he was surprised to see that some of them can jump to where he was, “Why can’t you all just die in a fire already?!” he yelled reared back to swing the sledge hammer again.
You're never gonna be Anything more to me Than a
He then does a swing attack again, sending zombies flying off of the truck before proceeding on to another vehicles as zombies reach out to grab him.
Predators devour their prey To nourish their being
But the way you tend to feed off of me's The most vicious thing I've seen
Bendy then hopped onto another car before getting out flashlight and then shines it to see that another barricade is just 2 miles away, he groaned “Do I really… Have to?” then looked at the horde who are waiting for him to get down from the car.
You must be an animal Unable to feel
A monster starved for centuries You've made me your meal
Bendy then looks around for an alternate route to the barricade, he found another cargo truck with tank filled with ink that Bendy needs, an idea formed in his head while he smiled.
I have been contaminated
Bendy decided to make a break for it, he hopped off the car and begins to plow through the undead crowd to get to the tank as he swings the blunt weapon in every direction to keep them away from grabbing him. Then he reached the ink-filled tank and begins to smash it with the sledge hammer as sprays of ink begins to fly out of the ripping cracks after blow after blow of the hammer.
Then finally, with one final hit, the tank burst open and a wave of ink poured out and splashed Bendy as he was pushed onto the ground of the inky blast. It and Bendy himself had dissolved into nothing more than a puddle of black ink. They looked at it as the ink had suddenly began to take form.
You can scream as much as you want I hear you loud and clear The thought of being alone Fills you with fear We're gonna end this war right here and now This won't go on anymore 'Cause I'mma bring
Then the creature, hulking creature made out of ink with huge arms and short legs with face blank but the month with sharp teeth as he growled…
*Bendy’s Level 3 form: Beast Bendy
And I will fight
“How are ya like me now?!” Beast Bendy roared as zombies are stumbling around him and then he used his huge arm to swat them into a wall with a crashing cracks as he grabbed one of them before crashing.
As you attack Why won't you ever see That what you have done to me Won't define who I am No, won't define who I am
Then he dashed for the wall, shoving and pushing and smashing the walking corpses, leaving a trail of blood and broken body parts in his wake. Then begins to break the barricade down as his Level 3 form is beginning to wore off slowly.
You're never gonna be Anything more to me
The chain-link fence is beginning to give away with each slamming of fists with each two holes as his Beast Form is dripping ink slowly.
And I will fight
As you attack
Why won't you ever see
That what you have done to me Won't define who I am
No, won't define who I am
The fence finally gave away just in time while Bendy changed back. He looked back to see what he had did and then turned back to the broken fence.
Don't you dare forget any of this pain And when you're on your deathbed……
Remember my name
Then he got out the flashlight again from his rucksack that somehow survived, he thought he lost it when he turned and ran forward as he toward the end of the tunnel.
You are my BI☣HAZARD
I am your BI☣HAZARD
He ran as fast as his legs can carry him as he approached the the gap that a thin hole big enough for anyone to go through the gap, even will be bigger if someone had blown it up. “This is getting more better…” he said sarcastic as he squeezed through the hole and out the other side, he noticed was the end of the tunnel was blocked it but a hole to escape is at the top.
“What…?” he choked, looking at the exit before putting his hands on his head, “No… it’s too high up…” he began, “there’s no way out…. They must’ve bombed it but they didn’t thought that the hole would still be there….” he continued as he fell to his knees, still looking at the hole as small wisps of fire is floating and falling very gently like they were leaves.
He had been sitting on his knees and felt it had been forever when he was sitting on his knees before getting up and then brush himself off while he muttered “Better find an alternate route.” and then begins to walk back where he came.
Back to the carriage he created in his Beast form and back through the chained-link cage filled with zombies, but what he didn’t know that zombie with more muscle had looked at him and then begins to stumble over him but was cut off by the cage. Then, in a desperate urge to eat something raw and fleshy, it slammed against the fence winch is beginning to fall down due to time had weaken it enough to break and that caught Bendy’s attention.
“No! No!” he screamed as the zombie managed to broke the fence, sending Bendy running away as other zombies are doing the same thing then succeed breaking through. “Oh heck no!” he yelled as he ran for with zombies going after him.
Bendy kept running faster and faster from the horde after they had broken way the chained-linked fence as it gave away but thankfully, the Ink Demon had gotten a head start and ran like there was no tomorrow. He was panting quickly but managed to get the Barricaded Exit that was an entrance to the tunnel, he grabbed a loose pipe and begins to climb. Zombies are charging at him, rotting arms opened and ready to grab Bendy but he gotten too up high for the zombies to grab.
the horde screeched in anger as they watched the Dancing Devil go up and over the wall barricade not before he screamed “Adios suckers!”, even one of the zombies smacked another zombie at the back of its head for not catching him when he gone back to the way he came.
Bendy was laughing to himself for getting out of the Biohazard Zone so easily while he climbed down the safe side of the barricade but didn’t live long when his feet touched the ground and turned around to get away but he bumped into something, someone that he bumped into and made him looked up, there was a man that is tall as Boris but it’s a human, a hulking Caucasian French man wearing blue-stripe long shirt with sleeves, leather-bound in belts on each wrist, blue-black jeans with boots, is standing over him with a huge ancient hammer in both his hands, he was looking at the Ink Demon with an intention to crush him but he then hesitated by an old male British voice saying “Now, now Bruno.”
Then an old man appeared before him, wearing a white shirt with rolled up sleeves, black vest with two medallions, a pocket watch, black pants and shoes. He noticed he has numerous visible physical ailments. Including his eye, he also has a burn mark on the right side of his face and a brace on his right arm and left leg. His one eye blind appeared to be cataract afflicted on right while the other is normal green-colored had looked down at the dripping Ink Demon. Interested, he said “I see that you meet Bruno.”
Bendy had no idea what to say as he looked at the two.
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diariesof-kg · 3 years
I feel like I’ll be blogging on odd days.  I’ve been in a weird emotional funk and I don’t want to blame it on my monthly, because I’ve had one since forever.  I know myself and my moods.  Especially since. I can’t indulge in any sorts of pain meds.  I think my health is declining.  I don’t know, something isn’t right.  I mean two years ago, 2019, I went through this emotional phase when they thought i had leukemia.  I definitely did not accept that.  It was bad, because I had just started dating someone and she told me to go to the doctor because i was in pain a lot.  Damn we cried together.  Sometimes I wish we worked out, but she wasn’t ready for a relationship and I respected that.  But the point is that, I tired consuming all things possible and nothing improves.  Sometimes it does and other times it doesn’t.  I remember my blood levels dropped to 100 and anything below 100 is never a good sign.  I know I am suppose to take care of myself and I do, but also I need to do God’s work.  I need to help those who can’t get help.  
The other weekend, I told myself you need to help those on skidrow.  I’ve done it over the years, and honestly they are my motivation.  I don’t need an award for that.  I do it because it’s who I am.  I am empathetic so I understand to an extend of who they are.  I just allow myself to go there.  I bought probably over 600 bottles of water from Costco and drove to DTLA from 6th to 7th street passing out water.  And the fact that these individuals asked for no cameras or pictures was shocking to me.  It’s quite sad that people go down to skidrow as if it’s a damn zoo.  As if it’s a place to drive or walk past and stare and be in awe of those who have fell into hardship not by their own faults.  I went down there with a goal to provide water, something that is sometimes scarce.  They were so grateful and it warmed my heart.  I can’t even explain the emotions.  The fact that I am going through what I am going through and yet these individuals have it worse, I was just elated to hear, “God bless you...” I want to go again before the end of summer, but this new covid, I am unsure.  I need to do 5th street and beyond.  I need more people involved, because baby my car was struggling, Lol and it is suppose to be a damn SUV.  Boy I tell you. 
I guess I am in a funk because I can’t believe the person I fell in love with did what they done to me.  And they said ALL of it is my fault.  I am like damn my ex did me worse for five years and after she apologized and provided closure.  She didn’t even reach out to my job with the fuckery.  I am confused.  I mean they are both different individuals but I guess I had expectations.  I am also in a funk, because I am in the process of getting ready to tell the world.  Part of me rather live in silent, not allow my followers, friends, associates to know.  But part of me is like, listen you forgave her but she has no remorse or care about you, so why hold back... why are you protecting her?  She goes to bed, sleeping peacefully, not giving a damn about you.  My internal thoughts are the worse, but it’s also true.  I mean everything I do, I don’t take back and it has to be fueled by pure intentions.  I don’t do anything out of anger.  Part of me does not want the attention, because I am not the victim.  I just want people to understand the circumstances of domestic violence and that it could happen to anyone close to you.  Also, the worse part of it all again is telling lies about me stealing her identity.  I need people to understand across all spectrums how dangerous this is.  I even sent a demand letter to retract the statement for the sake of my reputation.  No response.  It’s like damn, you really don’t care about me.  You mad I called the police for getting abused?  Like this is a weird child-adult.  Take accountability.  I mean this attorney is going to cost me a down payment on a Tesla, but due to the nature he is willing to move forth, but I am tired.  
This is where I am at the moment.  I haven’t typed my story yet.  I did one interview days after it happened and I am glad he did NOT post it.  Sevyn would have saw it and I literally saw Sevyn at the BET awards.  It’s sad I feel embarrassed for someone who is in the entertainment business to read about my life.  Damn I might not ever speak about it.  Because when I did the interview, I was wishing her the best and saying I still love her.  And I would have definitely looked stupid.  But now that I have healed slightly and talked to so many advocates and attorneys.  It’s a whole team of support that I did not know existed.  Plus Im in the entertainment industry I don’t want the directors, producers, etc. to be treating me funny.  I need to tell my manager what has been going on, since they keep sending me so many auditions and I just know I am not focused.  
I don’t know. I wish things didn’t happen the way they did but God showed me.  Because I asked him to.  I asked him a week prior.  And it kind of unraveled rather quickly.  I even asked spiritual z like, why and she said you drove there right and God didn’t stop you.  And I almost cried.  But God allowed her to harm me.  But he also showed me her true colors.  She was so angry she was sweating bullets.  She was so angry she grabbed me and threw me into her bathroom.  That anger has always been there.  We are the opposite, thank god.  I am grateful when I am pissed I shut down and go mute.  Or I speak my unhinged thoughts but never put my hands on anyone.  I may have to ask the universe and God how to maneuver this situation.  I’ll probably do another reading again and I’ll ask Z about it.  I don’t want to get cold feet in telling my story.  I believe it’s important.  Because at the end of the day she isn’t really apologetic and nothing is her fault. So why am I holding back. I kind of know why.  My ass cares too damn much.  
0 notes
#Press Trip
Just So 2019 will go down in history, maybe because it was the 10th birthday of the now well established festival, but mainly because it was the year of ALL THE MUD! It certainly was NOT for the faint hearted! I‘ll quickly explain that this was our first time at Just So…and, did the conditions put us off? Did they heck! I’m not gonna lie, it made getting around the site with a trolley and a baby in a stroller much much harder, but we got a free workout (I used muscles I didn’t know I had!), and the boys absolutely loved doing their best ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ impressions squelching through the deep oozy mud!
In fact, from what I saw there were A LOT of mud loving littles about. I might suggest to organisers Wild Rumpus that from now on they create a mud pit area regardless of the weather so that we can chuck the kids in while us parents relax nearby on dry land!
We had an absolutely amazing weekend despite [or maybe because of] the mud. Full of magic, fun and laughter. Just So Festival really is the perfect place to spend some quality time together as a family.
These were our favourite muddy moments:
Dressing Up and Letting Go
We decided to go big or go home and threw ourselves into the craziness of the Just So tribal tournament, we were all kitted out as a shimmering shoal of five fish – read how I made our costumes here. For those of you planning a Just So adventure, I highly recommend dressing up letting go of your inhibitions.
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Seeing herds of stags, swarms of bees and some roarsome lions strolling around the aptly named Spellbound Forest, really is truly magical. A sight you’ll honestly never forget, and your photos will look absolutely amazing too!
Feeding the fish
Eli small fry
It was like being part of a real life fairytale and really helped us to see the wonder of the weekend through our childrens eyes. Stanley really got involved and was instantly drawn to other fishy families, we enjoyed a game of Giant Guess Who with some fellow fish team mates and won a golden pebble in a wager! Woo hoo!
The humongous Tribal Scoreboard situated on The Village Green is updated throughout the weekend as golden pebbles are handed in to Tribal leaders and counted.
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Keeping Score!
We earned pebbles for our costumes, picking up somebody elses litter when the wind blew it away, for the Guess Who game, and then for ingenious costume repairmanship using duck tape – note to self: need to vastly improve sewing skills! I’m still not sure if there are any hard and fast rules on how to earn pebbles but it’s certainly fun trying.
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Meeting our Tribal leader blub blub blub!
Stanley really was rooting for the fish team to win and was cheering us on all weekend, he also got involved in some lighthearted taunting of the other teams too. We came 5th overall, the Foxes bagged 1st place this year! I think it teaches children a great lesson about competition, teamwork, loyalty and doing your best.
Getting Our Groove On
One of the things we all agreed on when we looked at the programme was that we wanted to take in as much live music as possible. We joyfully discovered at Timber Festival that we have two little groovers on our hands.
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My little fish swimming at High Seas
The Footlights stage was at High Seas and after a true trek to get there via the mud (it was at it’s worst at this point), a toilet stop, more mud, then skirting around the field with the trolley, and a bit more mud we finally set up our ‘base’. After all that effort it made sense to stay put for a bit and it was a great excuse to enjoy the music, we were also reasonably close to a bar and some yummy food vendors – perfect!
The Baghdaddies’ exuberant and rampant brand of world music is an exhilarating cocktail of Balkan melodies, ska and latin grooves and sizzling brass played with furious energy and theatrical humour, making them as unforgettable on stage as they are when performing as wandering brass troubadours. They take themselves incredibly seriously so you don’t have to…
The Baghdaddies blew us away, they got everybody (including us) up on their feet and dancing! The lyrics are also hilarious, and you cant help but smile. It’s pure feel good music!
We also caught Harry Bird & The Rubber Wellies who again provided a very toe tapping mix of folk inspired sea shanties, Mexican rancheras and reggae. And finally Mr. Tea & The Minions for some gypsy flavoured party music. Not your average playlist eh?
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One of the Baghdaddies songs included the line ‘Have a Tequila son’ which Eli took literally!
Oh, and just in case you’re wondering, YES mud does make dancing in a field absolutely 100% more enjoyable if your aged 5 and 2!
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We also tried out the silent disco hosted by Our Kids Social in the Flamingo Lounge. My boys weren’t sure at first and found it all a bit odd, but they soon got into the swing of it for a bit of oops upside your head! There was a parents vs kids dance off battle that got very animated – think Dadtastic air guitar moves on one side with some fierce flossing on the other. Great fun!
And finally, it was a bit of a surprise when my cautious 5 year old wanted to try out Circus Swing! So on Sunday we had a lesson in swing dancing that included some neat circus tricks too. I only dropped him on his head once while he did the no hands cartwheel over my legs, so I’m calling that a win!
I love the fact that Stanley was willing to try out new things, James has experienced a silent disco at the ripe old age of 2 and that we all got to listen to some excellent live music.
Singing Along
Watching David Gibb perform in the natural amphitheatre of the Woodland Theatre on with Stanley was my highlight of the weekend. He’s not a big fan of sitting still but the combination of catchy tunes, audience participation and easy to remember lyrics meant that we made it through the entire performance with big smiles on our faces.
We learned all about bats, discovered that we (and the rest of the audience) couldn’t count to five, became roses and showed off our muscles. Stanley also became a huge fan of Teddy at the Disco and has been singing it on repeat ever since. We sat next to our good friends over at Typical Mummy (there’s nothing like sharing a plastic poncho to sit on, to really cement a friendship) and we were all happily singing along together.
It was during this performance that I experienced what I’ll always remember as the Just So spirit, a real sense of camaraderie. The steep incline of the Woodland Theatre plus wet ground made it more than a bit treacherous underfoot. Getting in and out was no easy task and to this purpose I saw children being passed along rows, hands and arms being offered to help steady balance and people sharing seating arrangements to ensure everyone had a great time. There was a real sense of we’re in this togetherness, the mud was not going to stop anyone having fun!
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I’m happy to say we now have David’s new album Rolling down the Road (released 23rd August) winging it’s way to us (order yours here) and also Climb that Tree for our Teddy at the Disco fix – my car journeys are never going to be the same again!
Slowing Down
In a way the conditions did us a favour, it made us really think about what we wanted to see and do. Most of Saturday was spent in and around High Seas and the nearby Roll Up Roll Up simply due to logistics, we took in the music as I’ve previously mentioned but we also watched Clown about Town which thoroughly entertained the boys and only mildly terrified me (she was absolutely lovely but I’m not a fan of clowns!)
A clown on the run, wanted for a crime she didn’t commit. In trying to prove her innocence, she finds that the silver lining is daring to be yourself in a world that’s trying to make you like everyone else. A joyous celebration of what it is to be human with slap-stick comedy, puppets and silly dancing!
Even I admit that the overly theatrical blood scenes (not as bad as it sounds, honest!) were really funny! This then inspired Daddy and the boys to wade over to the big top to try their hand at some circus skills while I stayed with a snoozing Eli.
Again, after watching David Gibb in the Woodland Theatre we ambled to The Spellbound Forest via the Corn Shack and settled in to watch our old favourites at Campfire Stories. I’d been eyeing up the huge corn cobs all weekend and me and Stan treated ourselves on Sunday – they were absolutely delicious!
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We love Ian Douglas and have been lucky enough to sit and listen to his stories at several different events so he was an easy and relaxing watch while we nibbled away.
Then it was onto our crazy haired friend Professor Pumpy-Knickers Pumpernickel who we first encountered at Timber Festival. Once again he was thoroughly entertaining, and made the forest come alive with explosive science!
Embracing the Eccentricity
Just So proved to be just as bonkers as we were expecting – we’ve experienced nothing else like it! One thing we definitely wanted to catch was the lantern parade on Saturday evening. We didn’t make a lantern at the workshop as we’d heard that it gets very busy but we were armed with our Jelly fish umbrellas which lit up and looked the part.
Well, it’s hard to describe the spectacle that was the lantern parade, there was a clog wearing lady singing and dancing with some enormous Ghost Caribou. Then, the Baghdaddies arrived, the Caribou suddenly lit up and off we went, following the craziness towards Footlights!
Over the weekend we also bumped into the Dream Antelopes, Boudicca in her chariot (the moving puppet/sculpture horse was AMAZING) and got soaked as water pistol wielding passengers sped past in Vesaqua, shooting at us as they went. What’s Vesaqua? It’s a bathtub on wheels attached to a 1966 Vespa of course!
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Anything We Would Change?
The weather played such a huge part this year that I’m not sure what a ‘normal’ Just So looks and feels like. I would have liked a few more seating areas – we took chairs luckily, but pulling them around in the trolley was really hard work because of the ground conditions. I’m assuming that there are usually more hay bales dotted about to perch on but again due to the weather these were probably repurposed as ground cover on the worst affected areas.
The golden pebbles – are still a complete mystery to us! I don’t know who can give them out, or what they can be earned for! Having said that I’m not sure if a full explanation of this via the programme or a information board would take the magic away? It felt like a secret that you had to learn about from fellow more experienced Just So’ers…but maybe that’s the point, to get people talking and build a community of seasoned Just So families? I will say this – once you’ve earned one it quickly becomes a quest to get more, it’s so addictive!
And Finally…
There you have it, if you want to let go of the stresses of everyday life then this is the festival for you. You can completely immerse yourself in a bubble of make believe for an entire weekend. Got kids? Then it’s a super family friendly festival (mud aside), it has everything to entertain little ones and baby changing, bathing and quiet areas too. We can’t wait for next year!
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Earlybird tickets for Just So Festival 2020 (21/22/23 August 2020) will be available from TODAY (Friday 30th August). Visit the Just So Festival website to grab yours.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the team at Wild Rumpus, the volunteers and site staff who when faced with almost biblical conditions on Friday went the extra mile to ensure people got on and off the site safely and pushed cars out of the mud, all with a smile on their faces.
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Disclosure: we were invited to attend Just So Festival by Wild Rumpus as part of their Press Team. Our weekend tickets were gifted in exchange for a review of our experience and promotion across my social media channels. All opinions are my own. All images and media are my own.
Five Go to Just So! 2019 Festival Review #Press Trip Just So 2019 will go down in history, maybe because it was the 10th birthday of the now well established festival, but mainly because it was the year of…
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lovinitkpop · 5 years
Brown Sugar and Honey
This one is about a new girl group at SM. You could say EXO sister group there may be a love line put in it who really knows. I mean I know but then again I might not know. Heads up I’m sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes after rereading it over and over I can’t deal with it.
Oh the reason I came up with this title is because the main OC is black and DO KyungSoo looks damn sexy and handsome when his skin is dark and tan and NOT WHITE WASHED!!!!! STOP THE WHITE WASHING!!!!!!!!
If there is a love line then it will be my first Kyungsoo series. Hope you like it but if you don’t guess what I don’t give two shits leave my blog then. Anyways enjoy bye.
Warnings: Fluffy, Angst, Language, Bullying, Stupid, May not make senses, Brain frat, May not have smut, Trigger, Suicide talk, Racism, Blood, etc.
Pairing: OC x DO Kyungsoo
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Chapter 26
April 10, 2019
Renesmee walks around the waiting room looking at her phone. Jisoo walks over to her stopping in front of her.
“Hey so where have you been?” Jisoo asks looking at her. Renesmee stops and looks up hearing her. She smiles wrapping her arms around Jisoo.
“I’m sorry.” Renesmee says closing her eyes hugging her. Jisoo sighs resting her head on Renesmee.
“Are you okay?” Jisoo asks stepping back looking at her. Renesmee nods smiling as she puts her phone up.
“Yeah remember who I’m dealing with?” Renesmee says looking at Jisoo.
“Mama nurse is scary.” Jisoo says getting a shiver down her spine. “At least I know you’re safe and getting rest.”
Roxay and Eunjin come running over hugging Renesmee. “Unnie!” They cry out hugging her and Jisoo laughs seeing them.
“Gently girls she may not be 100% healed yet.” Jisoo says and they both let go of Renesmee.
“Eh pain meds.” Renesmee shrugs hugging them back. “Ugh I miss you girls.” She says looking at them and they smile.
“We miss you too but we want you to get better.” Roxay says looking up at Renesmee. “All that matters is you healing your body.”
“I should be good before to tour starts.” Renesmee smiles nodding her head. “We don’t have much filming we finished the drama.”
“We just released this repackaged album; then we film for Torment and Masquerade.” Renesmee says looking as the others walk over. “The tour than another repackaged.”
“We still have to teach the dance for that one.” Moka says smiling and Renesmee hums. “You’ll love it.”
The girls make their way onto the stage getting ready to preform. Once the girls were done they head back and get changed. Renesmee grabs her phone looking at the time.
“Hello?” Renesmee says holding her phone to her ear.
“Iris how are you doing?” The male asks and she hums looking at the number.
“Who is this?”
“Don’t worry about that time will tell all.” He says and she just sighs looking at the floor. “So I hear you maybe be on next season of Go Fighting congratulations.”
“What?” She says walking over grabbing her bag.
“Can’t wait to work with you but as of now I have to go.” He says before ending the call and Renesmee sighs.
“What’s wrong unnie?” Eunjin asks looking at her.
“I think I need a new number.” Renesmee says putting her phone back down. Eunjin hums watching her. “Eh don’t worry about it.”
“So when are you coming back to the dorm.” Moka asks looking at Renesmee and she shrugs.
“Maybe next month.” Renesmee says getting change. Déshì stands in the hallway waiting. “But knowing my mom she may keep me forever.”
“Don’t worry girls I’m kidding.” Renesmee says smiling seeing their face. “Trust me nothing can keep me from you girls.”
Renesmee tells the girls bye before leaving. She puts her hoodie on walking over to Déshì. “What’s with the shades?”
“Cool right?” He says looking at her and she smirks. “Come on lets go, your mom said I had to feed you then take you back.”
Renesmee just nods walking off and he follows her. “She said she’ll come by after work.”
“Joy.” She says smiling pulling her phone back out. Déshì hums hearing her and he just shakes his head. “So what are you feeding me?”
“Well what do you want?” He asks as they make their way outside to the car. Renesmee shrugs getting into the car. “Really?”
Déshì getting in the car driving off down the street. “Well then I’ll pick okay?” He says and she just nods. Déshì smiles heading to his restaurant.
He pulls into the parking lot parking the car. “Hey this is your restaurant?” Renesmee says as she gets out the car and Déshì just nods walking up to the door.
“Yeah I want you to try this new dish before we put it on the menu.” He says holding the door open for her. “I want to make sure it’s good.”
“So I’m the test dummy?” She says walking inside and he just laughs.
“No I had some of the staff try it but they all act like I’ll fire them if they hate it.” He says walking behind her. They sit down at a table and a waiter walks over.
“Oh boss you’re back.” He says bowing to them handing them a menu.
“Yeah I brought my friend here to try the new dish that I came up with last week.” Déshì says waving his hand over to Renesmee.
“Oh my god you’re Nessie.” He turns looking at her and she bows her head looking at him. “I’m such a huge fan noona.” He says and she looks at him in surprise.
“Thank you.” Renesmee says smiling at him and he smiles back.
“Man I wish I brought my album.” He says pouting looking down at the floor. Renesmee covers her mouth trying not to laugh.
“I can come by tomorrow if you want?” She says watching him.
“Yeah most definitely.” She says nodding.
April 18, 2019
Kyungsoo sits there playing with Renesmee hair as she sleep. He sits there playing with a few beats on the computer. He looks down at her tilting his head.
“How is it possible that you are this cute when you sleep.” He whispers before looking back at the screen. Renesmee groans as she moves a bit. Kyungsoo hums pushing her hair back.
Renesmee turns over groaning again her eyebrows furrows together. She whines moving again and Kyungsoo leans back moving the laptop to the side.
Kyungsoo gently rubs her stomach trying to wake her up. “Nessie hey wake up.” He tilts his head watching her and she whines opening her eyes. “It’s okay it’s just a dream.”
Renesmee sits up rubbing her eyes before looking around. “When did I fall asleep?” She asks looking at the TV.
“Eh halfway through the movie.” He says grabbing the laptop looking over the beat. “So I stopped it and let you sleep.”
Renesmee yawns getting up going to the bathroom. Once she freshen up she walks back out sitting next to him. “What are you doing?”
“Working on this song?” He says looking at her and she looks at the screen. She leans closer watching him as he works.
“I want to hear it.” She says and he hums looking at her. Kyungsoo shakes his head and she pouts. “Please.”
“It’s the song I told you about.” He says looking at her and she hums. “The song I asked you to be on.”
“Then let me hear it.” She says and he smirks watching her. He puts his arm around her pulling her closer.
“Okay big baby.” He says and she looks at him. “Don’t give me that look.” He smirks scrolling through the screen.
“Eh look.” He points to the screen playing the beat. Renesmee looks back at the laptop as she listens to the beat. She sits up humming as she nods her head.
“That’s all I got so far.”
“Let me see.” She says taking the laptop. She then nods reaching for her headphones on the table plugging them in.
Renesmee copies the beat and starts adding to it. She nods her head putting together some sounds and vocal samples. Kyungsoo hums tilting his head watching her face as she works.
Renesmee licks her lips before biting her bottom lip. She hums as she finishes the beat smiling. Kyungsoo grabs her chin making her face him and he leans in kissing her.
Renesmee gasp feeling his lips against hers. Kyungsoo bites her lip pulling on it and Renesmee groans closing her eyes. She tilts her head reaching up gripping his wrist.
Rosalie clears her thoart standing there and they both pull away. “Here your pain pills.” She says putting the bag on the table. Renesmee hides her face on his shoulder.
Kyungsoo looks at her blushing before looking at the bag. “Don’t try and hide now.” Rosalie says walking to the kitchen smiling.
“Thank you for picking it up.” Renesmee says still hiding and Kyungsoo takes the headphones off her head. Renesmee looks at him her cheeks red.
“I love you.” He speaks softly watching her and she covers her face. He chuckles watching her as he sits there.
“I love you too.” Renesmee whispers keeping her face cover. Rosalie hums watching her before walking over.
“What’s that?” She asks looking at the screen.
“His song he’s working on.” Renesmee says looking back at her. “Did you get my schedule?” She asks and Rosalie nods smiling.
“You’re free to film but you still come back here to rest.” She says looking down at Renesmee. “Just be careful okay?” She says and Renesmee nods.
Rosalie kisses her cheek smiling before walking to the door. “Bye.” She says leaving and Renesmee sighs.
“That was embarrassing.” She whines and Kyungsoo chuckles watching her. She looks back at him hearing him laughing. “Don’t laugh at me.”
“So what are you going to do when we get married?” He says looking at her face. Renesmee freezes seeing his face and she blinks. “I told you I’m not letting you go ever.”
“But nothing I love you; there’s nothing you can do to change that.”
“I know that but I think it’s too early to talk about that.” Renesmee looks down at her lap and he kisses her cheek.
“Trust me I can wait.” He says wrapping his arms around her pulling her closer. “You are forever mine.”
Renesmee giggles covering her face and he just laughs. “My little vampire.” He speaks pulling her hands down kissing her.
Renesmee closes her eyes kissing him back. She pulls away getting up smiling. “Why are you like this?” She asks walking to the kitchen.
Renesmee grabs a bottle of water walking back. “It’s your fault.” He says taking the headphones out grabbing the laptop. He plays the beat back looking down at his phone.
Renesmee walks back to the couch grabbing her medicine. She opens the bottle taking a sip first. Renesmee opens up the pills taking one then chases it with more water.
“You’re going to be there for our tour right?” She asks closing her medicines putting it back on the table. Kyungsoo hums still listening to the beat. “I said you’re going to be there for our tour right!”
Renesmee says making him face her and he smiles nodding. “You better be.” She looks at him before letting her go.
“Just like I was there for your first concert and showchase I will be there.” Kyungsoo says putting his arm around her. “This track is really good can I use it?”
“Yeah it’s all yours oppa.” She say laying her head on his shoulder. “Did you finish the song?”
“Yeah I just think I want a feature on it.” He pulls up the song showing her. Renesmee reads over the lyrics and her ears and neck start to get red. She coughs reading one line and she looks back at him.
“What you don’t like it?” He asks and she shakes her head.
“It’s not that…umm are you recording this in English as well?” She asks pointing to the screen.
“Oppa there’s a saying in America for songs like that.” She says sitting up crossing her legs and he hums.
“And what is it?” He says watching her and she looks away rubbing the back of her neck.
“Baby making music.” She speaks softly looking the other way.
“Well then I guess I did it right then.” He smiles reading over the lyrics. “Wasn’t to sure about the English wording.”
“This is what you were going for?” Renesmee asks looking at him and he nods.
“Yeah I wanted a real RnB feel and now with the track you made it works.” He smiles looking back at her and she looks away.
“What inspired this song?” She asks her voice shaking a bit.
“Well I was listening to Eric Benét, Trey Songz, Beyoncé, Jhené Aiko one day and just hit me.” He says looking at the screen smiling nodding.
“So besides you who do you think would work on this song?” He asks and she hums thinking.
“Trey and Beyoncé.” She says nodding thinking it over. “I can get them…well I can try but I’m sure they would love to work with you.”
“Really?” He says and she nods smiling.
April 20, 2019
Renesmee walks into the room carrying her bag. “Unnie!” The girls yell running over to her and she smiles looking up from her phone.
“Hey girls.” Renesmee says hugging them and they hug her back. “So are you ready for practice?”
“Yes ma’am.” They say smiling running back over and she walks over putting her bag down.
“Are you ready to learn this dance?” Sora says standing there. “First you watch us then we’ll teach you.”
Renesmee nods moving over sitting down watching them. Their manager starts the music. Renesmee counts the beat as she waits. She nods watching them dance going over the counts in her head.
Just as Moka comes up to do her part she runs down the middle doing a ariel pulling out her retractable staff. Renesmee hums watching seeing her as she moving spinning the staff.
Renesmee smiles watching as each girl dances singing along to the song. Once the song stops Renesmee hums watching them.
“I like it.” She says and the girls smile.
“Told you.” Sora says folding her arms looking at the others. Renesmee smiles watching her. Sora walks over to the back grabbing something.
“Well now it is time.” She says walking back over holding her hand behind her back. Moka looks over at Sora as she stands next to Jisoo.
“Time for what?” Renesmee asks as she waits.
Sora smirks tilting her head. “For you to learn the dance.” She says quickly expands the staff tossing it to Renesmee. Renesmee reaches up catching it smiling.
“Give me your best shot.” Renesmee says with a wicked smirk on her face. Renesmee jumps up spinning the staff. “Sweet.”
“Each staff was made for its holder.” Moka says standing there. “Which is why we needed your exact measurements.”
“Now you have to be careful with the buttons okay.” Sora says and Renesmee looks down at her staff.
Renesmee presses the black button and the staff collapse. “Nice shouldn’t be too hard.” She nods as she puts her hair up in a ponytail.
“Alright let’s get it.”
The girls spend the next 8 hours teaching and going over the dance with Renesmee. “This is the last time girls then you need to head back to the dorm.” Their manager says and they nod waiting on the music.
Renesmee grabs her stuff and heads out first. “Hurry up your mom is waiting.” Déshì says folding his arms leaning against the car. “Man I can’t believe I had to come get you.”
“What no personal driver today?” Renesmee says with a smirk tossing her bag in the back. Déshì rolls his eyes getting into car after opening her door.
“Look I had to cancel my date because your mom couldn’t pick you.” He says taking off down the street. Renesmee smiles looking at him and he side eye her. “What?”
Renesmee blinks seeing his face and she gasp looking away hiding her face. “Nothing.” She says biting her lip looking down at her lap. “It’s nothing.”
Déshì hums watching her before looking back at the road. “Why can’t your boyfriend pick you up?”
“Cause we are dating in secret.” Renesmee says tilting her head to the side. Déshì hums stopping at the light. “The company doesn’t know.”
“Not even our managers.”
“Then who knows?” He asks watching her and she looks back at him.
“Jisoo, you, mom, Kai oppa and Chanyeol oppa.”  Renesmee speaks looking back out the window.
“Interesting, I don’t trust him.” Déshì states taking off down the street again.
“I don’t trust him.”
“Why is that?” She asks looking at him.
“I don’t know you were so quick to forgive him.” Déshì says looking back at her. “I mean Nessie come on do you not remember what you told me.”
Renesmee sits there thinking back to what she told him. He hums before looking back at the road driving. Renesmee sighs shaking her head.
“That’s not the point I was hurt and angry.” She says watching him and he smirks.
“So you act like he won’t hurt you again.” He speaks waving his hand trying to make his point. “I just think you are moving fast.”
Renesmee turns to really look at him and he nods. “I took a whole year to tell him I love him, before that I treated him like shit because of what he said!”
She yells getting angry and he just sits there listening. “We haven’t done anything wrong and he said he wouldn’t hurt me again.”
“And you believed him?” He says with another smirk. Renesmee nods folding her arms. “Never trust men Nessie everyone knows this.”
“But you told me to trust you.” She says with a smirk.
“But we aren’t dating and I’m just helping with your memory.” Déshì points out and she scoffs. “I like the kid I really do Nessie; I just want you to be careful okay.”
“Ugh you sound like those overprotective brothers on TV.” She rolls her eyes looking back out the window. “I thought you two were friends?”
“We are I promise just looking out for you.” He says smiling and she nods smiling back at him. He turns on the block heading to the house. “So what are you going to eat?”
Renesmee hums before shaking her head as he pulls over. “Not hungry plus I’m sure there’s food in there.” She says unbuckling her seatbelt. “Thanks Déshì.”
Renesmee says as she gets out the car grabbing her bag. She quickly runs up to the door holding her key. He smirks watching her making sure she gets inside.
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cryptonewsworldwide · 5 years
No one has created higher demand for YouTube and Facebook alternatives, than YouTube and Facebook. To understand the mess these companies find themselves in today, you need to understand some of the choices they've made along the way. One of the strangest was their need for approval from dying old media.  But the dying old media is out for blood as TV, radio, and print, now get less viewers, listeners, and readers than YouTubers, Podcasters, and bloggers. Now the #1 YouTuber is testing the waters outside of the tech giant's waters - and the timing matters. I'm personally not a PewDiePie fan, only because there's always something i'd rather watch more, I guess it's just not my taste. He makes silly videos, but still, has reason to fear he could get booted off of YouTube any day.  As explained by Forbes: "PewDiePie's partnership with DLive comes after a petition to ban PewDiePie from YouTube, accusing his channel of being "one of the largest platforms for white supremacist content" He doesn't. I'm Hispanic, if he did I would say so. He's said some dumb stuff, but not knowing where to draw the line is not what they accuse him of. What the old media is really outraged about is his popularity - specifically, compared to theirs. I should know, i'm from that world. After majoring in Mass Communications, I was an on-air host and producer at a #1 rated radio station in one of the top 5 US markets for several years. Thankfully, I got out in time, before the layoffs and pay-cuts began. Always being obsessed with tech and living in Silicon Valley, I was the first among my friends to stop using my car radio completely, and get in the habit of immediately plugging in my iPod upon entering the vehicle.  I knew 'mass adoption' of this was coming soon. It wouldn't be long until the iPhone came out, and everyone I knew (who was in their early 20's like me) was done with radio. TV and print went through similar transformations, bringing us to where things stand today.  I'm not saying traditional broadcast media is dead or even going to die, but to survive they lowered budgets, let some people go, and telling people they'll be getting paid less because they're losing audience to Podcasters and YouTubers has left that industry with a lot of bruised egos, and resentment for online personalities. THE ANGRY OLD MEDIA: Members of the traditional media aren't delusional enough to believe they will get people to tune into FM radio instead of Spotify again, they know they won't get people to cancel their Netflix account and start watching shows when they're actually airing. I believe purely out spite, they're using the last bits of influence they have to trash as much of the new media as possible. Think of how many times you've heard something on Netflix is "controversial" or "offensive" but you watch it and cannot fathom what that journalist was thinking. Independent digital media figures like PewDiePie and Joe Rogan faced the same as old media went straight for the throat, labeling them "white supremacists".  The attack itself shows just how out of touch they are, in their world if someone gets that label put on them, it's over. All it did was result in the media losing more of the little trust they had left. But here's where things get strange - the tech companies themselves still seem hungry for approval from the old media that secretly hates them. HOW THE DIGITAL PLATFORMS ARE BLOWING IT: Companies like Google, Facebook, and Apple have benefited the most from these changes in people's viewing habits, yet that hunger for approval often surfaced by allowing the old media to dictate how they will operate. Disclaimer - I'm no fan of Alex Jones. I don't hate him either, to be honest I don't know much about the guy. If it helps - ignore that he's the example being used here. He was kicked off in 2018 for a rule he broke in 2013. Put aside whatever feelings you have about the guy and let that sink in. The old media got together with the plan to get him take offline, and decided old video clips about the Sandy Hook school shooting were the best material they had against him. Today they talk about him 'being kicked off for his comments about Sandy Hook' like there isn't a 6 year gap there. It's odd. Because once you focus on that 6 year gap between what he said, and being kicked off for it - what happened is immediately obvious. Does anyone believe that news networks getting less viewers than Jones, had a genuine sudden concern over 2013 statements he made? I promise you, that wasn't it. Now include in other scandals like Elsagate, and the newest one showing pedophiles having a total open community on YouTube.  YouTube knew about, and ignored these issues when it was only YouTubers bringing it up. But as soon as the mainstream media turned them into 'official' news stories, we saw YouTube spring into action. Once again, the old mainstream media flexed their power over today's digital platforms, showing their power spans from getting YouTube to act when they never should have, or getting YouTube to finally act when they should have long before. A PATH TOWARDS SELF-DESTRUCTION: CNN's prime-time often won't break 1 million viewers. YouTube's top 100 channels all have 19 million subscribers or more, topping it is PewDiePie with 94 million.  Yet the CNN could probably get PewDiePie kicked off if they really decided to, they don't even have to wait for him to screw up - just dig something up. So imagine being in the shoes of a popular digital creator and relying on these platforms, you've had the old media write articles misquoting you, or taking your jokes seriously to label you racist or sexist - you must have some concern that one day it, one of these articles could end with your content being deleted. So far, creators are responding with the middle finger. Joe Rogan, and Logan Paul have now had Alex Jones on as a guest - sending a message to YouTube that old TV and print media may decide who YouTube should allow to have a channel, but they decide who will be allowed on theirs. DECENTRALIZED PLATFORMS SPELL DISASTER: It's just begun, and it couldn't be off to a worse start for the tech giants. YouTube's #1 channel announced they'll be live streaming on a new, decentralized platform that raised $20 million promoting themselves as "YouTube on the blockchain". An article in Forbes about PewDiePie's big move had grasp on the situation, saying: "PewDiePie, one of the world's biggest internet stars and long-time holder of the most subscribed YouTube channel, has signed an exclusive deal with blockchain streaming platform DLive, edging PewDiePie closer to bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as his fractious relationship with mainstream services and the media continues." There's going to be more "YouTube on the blockchain" sites coming, and there's several projects aiming to replace Facebook as well such as Minds.com, and promising to secure personal data, instead of one scandal after another involving it being misused. Leading platforms have positioned themselves as rulers over their users, creating an 'us VS them' mentality - which you immediately hear when you listen to a YouTuber talk about YouTube. The last thing a company wants is demand for a site that has the same features, and different owners - that's when their fate is set.  All of Silicon Valley needs to remember that the authority they've been given can be taken away. Ask yourselves 'Decentralized platforms offer a solution to what problem?' and make sure the answer isn't YOU.  ------- Author: Ross Davis E-Mail: [email protected] Twitter:@RossFM San Francisco News Desk from THE NEWSROOM - Global Crypto Press - Cryptocurrency News Headquarters... http://bit.ly/2DeAul7
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