relaxationclub · 4 years
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Once upon a time, a long time ago, a Rabbit mom and dad who had lots of little Rabbits. They lived in the savannah with other families of rabbits and were all different.
There were gray, red, brown, speckled, dark, lighter colors ... and among them, the smallest, a very small white Rabbit. It was as white as goat's milk when it came out of the udder and filled the calabash.
This little white rabbit was often sad and angry. When he was left alone by his brothers, by his sisters, by his friends, he thought it was because he was white. So he wanted his hair to be a different color. He hadn't understood that each Rabbit is unique. That each Rabbit has his own personality, his own hair type and his own character. He hadn't understood that like everyone else, he too was unique and worthy of being a Rabbit like everyone else.
- It's because I'm white, he said to himself, it's because I'm white.
And when he was put aside, he stayed in his corner and turned in his thoughts.
Sometimes others made fun of him because he was the smallest of all. The others, they did not understand, that a little one, you have to respect him, you have to protect him, you have to integrate him. So they allowed themselves to say mean words to him, words that hurt the heart of the little White Rabbit.
When evening arrived and the sun suddenly gave way to the moon, the little white rabbit did not think of going to curl up against the soft fur of his mother or against the long and protective hairs of his father. He also did not think of confiding in his brothers and sisters, of sharing his grief in order to receive comfort. He would sit on his own, away from others, and wept softly. He was thinking about his color, what the others had told him, had done to him, hadn't told him, hadn't done to him, and he felt bruised and hurt. One rabbit bit her ear, another pinched her paw, a third tapped her on the back. The little White Rabbit hated being treated like that but he didn't know what to do to stop it. He couldn't see that his thoughts and the way he acted was like a wall. When we're always sad and angry, no one wants to be with us. So he stayed in his corner and he dreamed. He dreamed, he dreamed, he dreamed. He dreamed of living in peace.
One fine morning, the sun rises and a very soft ray awakens the little White Rabbit. He likes sweetness. It’s so soothing, so comforting. He feels full of courage. Seeing that the others are still sleeping, he discreetly gets up and goes for a walk in the savannah. That's wonderful.
What if he meets someone who can help him?
When he arrives near a splendid flamboyant, he suddenly sees a blue Butterfly. He knows that the butterfly is wise and delicate so he decides to ask his advice:
- Hello Butterfly! I am the little white Rabbit and I would like to live in peace. I know that you are wise and delicate, will you give me advice? And he tells her about all his worries.
- I like that you want to live in peace, said the Blue Butterfly after listening to it carefully. I like that you are looking for a solution to your concerns. Me too, you know, I learned to live in peace. Before, when I was angry or angry, I zigzagged through the air and jumped on all the insects to devour them instead of calming my anger. I was visibly gaining weight by eating and I was even more furious because I was angry with myself for having gained weight. Now, when I'm in conflict, when I'm hurt or when I don't think like I do, I feel my anger, I go a little further, I stop in the air, I close my eyes and I lower wings very quickly while breathing deeply. It creates a beautiful blue light around me, like a bubble, because of my glittering wings. The more I lower my wings in place while breathing, the more I feel the calm inside of me that comes back. When the calm is there, everything is simpler. Everything is easier. So I can go to the animal that made me angry and explain to him why.
- And is that how you do to live in peace?
- Yes little white Rabbit. Remember. You too can find calm by flapping your ears and wagging your tail. If you breathe deeply, it will let off steam, chase away your grief and anger, and make you happier. You will do very well, you will see.
The little White Rabbit is happy to have received his first advice for living in peace. He warmly thanks Papillon and continues on his way in the savannah.
A little further, near the backwater, the little white rabbit meets a doe who drinks quietly. The animals of the savannah say that it is very gentle and that it is good advice.
- Hello Biche! I am the little white Rabbit and I would like to live in peace. The animals of the savannah say that you are gentle and that you never fight. Will you give me advice? And he tells her about all his worries.
- I like that you want to live in peace, replied La Biche, after having listened to him carefully. You know, arguing is part of life and it sometimes happens to me to argue too. But what I'm always trying to do is find a solution. By speaking, by listening. My legs are so delicate, I prefer to keep them to move than to kick! However, I can use my imagination to improve the situation and find solutions. A solution that is good for everyone. And if it’s too difficult, I’ll go find old grandfather Lièvre, he’s so smart! We tell him what is bothering us, he listens to us, he questions us and after listening to us he always finds an original idea to make our lives more beautiful. When there is a problem, there is always a solution!
- And is that how you do to live in peace?
- Yes little white rabbit, it's important to live with others. Remember. You too can use your imagination to find a solution. And if you can't find it, you can ask for help, your master, your mistress, your family. You will do very well, you will see.
The little White Rabbit is happy to have received his second advice for living in peace. He warmly thanks La Biche and continues on his way in the savannah.
A little further, the little white rabbit meets an elephant who eats in peace in the morning sun. Everyone knows that the Elephant is majestic and peaceful. Everyone knows that the Elephant can listen carefully to others and to all the whispers of the savannah.
- Hello Elephant! I am the little white Rabbit and I would like to live in peace. Everyone knows that you are majestic and peaceful. Everyone knows that you always listen carefully to the whispers of the savannah and each of us. Will you give me advice? And he told her all his worries.
- I like that you want to live in peace, replied the Elephant, after having listened to him carefully. You know, with my big ears I learned to hear things that others don’t hear. So if you're looking for ways to live in peace, listen to me. When I was young, I was lonely, I kept in myself what was bothering me, and I didn't listen to anything. I was often angry or sad and didn't tell anyone. I was sulking alone in my corner. And then I only thought of myself. I didn't care about others, I imagined they didn't want me. But today, you see, I can listen inside of me. I also learned to listen carefully to others and to stop imagining things about them or myself. I can now say what I think, what I want and how I feel. I listen to others because I am interested in what they feel in their hearts. We know each other better. We understand each other better. We get along better. I am no longer afraid of them and they are no longer afraid of me.
- And is that how you do to live in peace?
- Yes little white Rabbit. Remember, you too can listen. You too can speak. With respect, you will avoid a lot of arguments and your life will be much happier. You will do very well, you will see.
The little White Rabbit is happy to have received his third advice for living in peace. He warmly thanks the Elephant and continues on his way in the savannah. He feels light and he wants to go home. He is a counselor for living in peace and it does him good.
When he arrives, he meets a group of little Rabbits who laugh at him. He feels his anger rising, but instead of closing like the other times, he continues on his way and settles down behind a tree. There, like the Blue Butterfly, it flaps its ears and wags its tail to let off steam and breathe deeply. This creates a beautiful white bubble around it. A bubble that protects him. It makes him laugh to gesticulate like that all alone behind his tree and he likes to laugh, he feels better. So he does like the Elephant, he listens to hear the whispers of the savannah and it calms him. Then he listens to what's going on inside him to find a solution like the Doe. He discovers all amazed that there are ideas inside him. Lots of ideas. So he comes back to the group of little Rabbits and he talks to them quietly. He asks them why they laugh at him? He tells them how he feels, but also how he would like to be treated. The others are astonished, they are not used to hearing the little white rabbit talking to them. They're not used to seeing him happy either, and that makes them want to take an interest in him. Listening to him, they realize that he just wants to be with them and that makes them happy.
- I think it's a shame that you make fun of me. I wonder if you would like us to make fun of you? You are colorful, I am white, we are all unique and if we played together rather than arguing? I don't like being alone and I wonder what games you like. You know, I’m a kid, it’s convenient for others to have a little one. I can slip into certain places where some cannot go. So, are we playing?
The little Rabbits are amazed. The little white rabbit never talked to them like that and it motivates them to play with him.
Coming home that evening, the little White Rabbit is really happy and proud.
- It is not that complicated, to live in peace, he said to himself, and during the meal he tells everything to his parents and his brothers and sisters. He tells them how to flap their legs to let off steam and breathe to calm themselves down, how to speak to find solutions, who to go to for help when you have concerns, how to listen to the whispers of the savannah and inside of yourself, how to have humor and fun, how to listen and tell the truth to others. His parents listen to him carefully. They see that he trusts, that he changes and are proud of him. Little white rabbit becomes big. His siblings are amazed. Spotted rabbit and Red rabbit smell a touch of jealousy. They have not yet understood that they can also follow good advice for living in peace. There's no one to envy, good ideas, anyone can use them.
In his burrow that evening, the little white rabbit feels good. He knows he can confide, share with others and interest them. He thinks back to his day and decides to invent new ideas for living in peace every day. Then he falls asleep gently. He now lives in a world that no longer scares him. He feels gentle and safe, good with others, free and joyful. He is at peace.
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relaxationclub · 4 years
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This is the story of a father and his son who loved each other very much. And living in perfect harmony in the country. Until one day a conflict broke out between the two.
Father and son lived off the fruit of their labor. They worked and harvested together. They had everything in common. It all started with an unfortunate misunderstanding between them. But gradually, the ditch dug until one day ... There was a lively discussion between. Then a painful silence settled and lasted several months. One day someone knocked on the son's door ...
He was a handyman looking for work.
Do you have some repairs to do?
Yes, he replied, I have work for you.
You see, on the other side of the stream lives my father.
A few months ago he seriously offended me and our relationships were broken.
I'll show him that I can do without him too.
Do you see these stones next to my house?
I want you to build a wall two meters high, because I do not want to see it!
The man replied:
I think I understand the situation ...
The son helped his visitor to gather all the necessary material.
Then he went abroad leaving him alone for a week.
A few days later, when he returned from his trip,
The handyman had already finished his work.
What a surprise !
The son was completely upset.
Instead of a two-meter-high wall, he had instead built a magnificent bridge.
And immediately the father left his house and ran to his son, exclaiming:
- You are really great!
Build a bridge after what I did to you!
I am proud of you and ask your forgiveness.
While the father and son celebrated their reconciliation, the handyman picked up his tools to leave.
No wait ... Him they said.
There is work for you here!
But he replied:
I would love to stay, but I still have other bridges to build.
Let us be builders of bridges between humans in order to facilitate their reconciliation.
Never build dividing walls.
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