#redemption season 2
miseryinyou · 2 years
Watching Eliot interact with Tam in 2x03 has got me feeling some kind of way. The way I always feel when Eliot interacts with kids. But somehow this Tam interaction just spun the dial up to 1000.
Eliot has KILLED people. He's done absolutely immoral, terrible, and unforgivable things.
Yet, I watch him talk to a kid - any kid - and all I can think is "why is this man not a father?". Eliot has a violent past, but he's a protector through and through. He loves so much.
Watching him with Tam honestly makes me tear up a little. Here's this nerdy teenager that has made a career out of something that Eliot thinks is ridiculous and a mockery of something (sports) that Eliot values.
Still - after spending 10 minutes with those kids Eliot self-appoints himself as their hype man. He cares about them. He wants the dorky little nerd to meet his girlfriend irl. He wants them to be happy and healthy. He makes them kimchi because he knows it's a comfort food for them. He constantly asks them how they're doing.
I swear to God. That's more than most Dad's are doing in North America.
Someone needs to make Eliot a dad. Or a foster parent. Or something. Because he'd be a GREAT one.
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elesketchii · 10 months
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as both a good omens and red dead enthusiast i feel robbed
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anxi0us-0p0ssum · 2 years
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Poor John Rogers. He’s gotta be feeling like a writer for The Onion trying to make an entertaining show about justice in an unjust world, and it all just. Keeps. Getting. Worse.
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sugarandspicer · 9 months
ok I need to know: has Eliot Spencer tried the curly girl method and how did it go? because I am convinced that his hair is naturally curly and I need them to stop straightening it/brushing it out. every time it gets wet, it gets wavy and I just… ::fans self:: imagine if his hair looked like this ALL THE TIME
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FURTHERMORE, what am I supposed to do with the knowledge that sometimes this man puts tiny little beads in tiny little sections of his hair just because. he likes to feel pretty.
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keppuoss · 8 months
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The unicorn⁉️
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laceratedlamiaceae · 8 months
There are a lot of legitimate complaints about how the budget cuts and eight-episode restriction have impeded this season's storytelling, but ultimately I think their decision to focus primarily on Izzy slaying over anything else was the correct one
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kindkiosk · 8 months
izzy looking so tired. izzy knowing he made the right choice but just absolutely weary with what it means. walking away from something like that is like killing a part of yourself. and maybe he did in that moment. but i know he's going to grow because of it.
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xuargent · 10 months
psa before heartstopper s2 drops:
season 2 is likely gonna have plotlines focusing on eating disorders and mental illness. i won't get into it because spoilers, but if you haven't read the comic you may want to have a look at the content warnings for volumes 3 and 4 on alice oseman's website.
it's also been heavily hinted there will be a plotline revolving around isaac being aroace. this fandom is not a place for aphobia so if that makes you uncomfortable pack your shit.
kizzy edgell (darcy) is transmasc and uses they/he pronouns. don't misgender them just because he plays a character with she/her pronouns.
i'm begging all of you to not be weird about actor's personal lives we do not need the kit situation to happen for a second time istg-
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autumnmobile12 · 4 months
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Now that Sir Pentious has been redeemed, do you think Heaven is going to let Charlie and co. know that her hotel works and sinners can in fact find redemption?
Or do you think they're going to 'shelve that topic' until they figure out what's going on--*cough, cough* cover up that information because they fear it will cause a panic or something, upsetting the balance of their familiar order, and all that?
Because I kinda really want his arc in Season 2 to be a Prison Break style quest of him and Emily teaming up and desperately trying to find a way to contact Hell and let his friends know that he's alive and well, so to speak. Maybe secretly building a transmitter or something to communicate with Alastor's radio tower.
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neonovember · 11 months
richies redemption episode???
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let’s talk about how Richie went from being the most annoying mf to the sweetest most complex character ugh how dare they do this to me.
Episode 7 was so good I cried multiple times..best believe I’m going to have to incorporate that into my writing. Thank god Richie found his footing after coming so close to spiralling into something really dark :(
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spop fans 🤝 toh fans
using the classic “the show was cancelled/there wasn't enough time” excuse to justify the creators' poor writing choices
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 1 month
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(Img: Nolan saying "I think I miss my wife" across two images, inbetween which are pictures of him and Debbie)
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i-said-blimey · 16 days
I get that people love the rat grinders
and want to see them redeemed because they were being misled by their teachers
And maybe I would have been on that side if it hadn't been for KLCK. If it wasn't the slashing her own AP member's throat, it would the complaining about Riz having a hard life as if that somehow gave him advantage. If it wasn't the endangering students at the party, it would be the trying to bring about the apocalypse. I have as much sympathy for her as I have for Penelope, Biz and Dayne in freshman year.
In conclusion:
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I don't really care much about the rest of TRG. Except maybe hating Ivy for being a fantasy racist. I even thought Oisin and Adaine would be cute together before it turned out there was nothing there at all. Ruben is insufferable but what teen boy isn't. I just don't think that him being a teenager makes him a wooby whose actions need to be ignored or justified.
I'm not saying it's bad to care about TRG or whatever. i just don't get why people are acting like TBK are awful for killing TRG when TRG have been making their lives miserable. And are also actively trying to bring about the apocalypse. Or worse that BLeeM and IH are horrible for not shifting the story from mystery solving to focusing on redeeming TRG
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kajaono · 1 month
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Thinking a lot about Paul hearing the trigger being pulled and his first instinct is to grab Eliot.
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scribblemew · 4 months
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ooooooh guys i think im in love with her i wish we got more of this gorgeous gal
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reinanova · 3 months
Harry walks in on Parker kissing Eliot to comfort him (or vice versa) and he backs out of the room in a panic because this poor precious child is unaware of polyamory and the leverage OT3. So, in support of the Bro Code, he goes to Breanna and asks her to send a message to Hardison so he can talk to him.
Now Breanna, the wonderful little sis she is, asks Harry what’s so important that he feels the need to contact Hardison immediately. So Harry confesses that he just saw Parker cheating on Hardison with Eliot and that he needs to tell Hardison about it.
You cannot tell me that Breanna, our gay ace gen Z icon, is not aware of her brother being in a polyamorous relationship. And okay yes, maybe she “accidentally” found evidence of their relationship when she “accidentally” hacked into their phones but that’s hardly her fault. That was just the proof for her suspicions.
Back to Harry. Breanna is just holding back laughter at Harry’s obliviousness and of course she’s here for the drama (and listening to Hardison rant about the interruption) so she sets up a video call with Hardison, secretly sharing the video screen to the room Eliot and Parker are in.
So Hardison shows up on the call, visibly busy with lots of chaos and going ons behind him and is all, “Breanna, what’s wrong?”
And then Harry is all, “Hardison, I gotta tell you something” and tells him what he saw and is very apologetic that he’s informing Hardison that his girlfriend is cheating on him.
Hardison stares into the camera like he’s on The Office, visibly annoyed before going “Really man? Really??? You interrupt me while i’m dealing with [lists like five things he’s got going on right now] for this?”
And then turns to Breanna and says, “You let him call me for this?”
And she gives no fucks about it and just shrugs and is all “I thought it would be funny.”
Now Harry is growing more and more confused and he’s like, “Umm excuse me, are we just ignoring the whole girlfriend cheating on you thing?”
At this point, Parker drops in from the ceiling or something behind Harry and is like, “It’s not cheating when they’re both my boyfriend.”
And Eliot also pops up and says, “I should hope I’m able to kiss my girlfriend when our boyfriend isn’t around to kiss us.”
After Harry recovers from his mini heart attack after getting startled twice by Parker and Eliot, he’s like, “Cool, cool. Wait, what??”
But Eliot and Parker have already wandered off and Hardison is distracted with his stuff and Breanna shrugs at Harry before picking up her laptop and leaving to go catch up with Hardison while she has him on the call. So Harry is left standing there in confused but supportive spirit.
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