#redacted imp pet
messenger-of-stupidity · 11 months
Vulture of Reality
I don't even know. I'm just a Vega simp.
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CW: Cursing, GN Listener character, Little tiny bit of angst, Imperium Universe, NonCanon Compliance idk, Slight comfort
Summary: Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows, pet.
Redacted Masterlist
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Pet walked down one of the many hallways within the academy grounds. They had no direction in mind, just taking the turns at random. The goal was to get lost and buy themself some time to think. Thunder cracked overhead, forever paired with the drumming sound of the rain. They hardly noticed it anymore, having grown so used the the sounds, carrying an umbrella or wearing a hat and jacket everywhere they went. Some days the storm was worse than others.
A few of the academy enforcers watched as Pet continued their wandering, judging and searching them. Sometimes their gazes lingered longer than comfortable and Pet would increase the speed of their travel. Their grandmother had once said that the world used to be a nicer place. That fear didn't drive people underground or into high positions of power.
They couldn't imagine a world like that existing.
Even if their grandmother had been telling the truth and not a lie to make them feel better, worlds like that were lost to history and fantasy. They slowed as they approached one of the exits of the building, eyes worriedly cast out the window to the rain that ricocheted off the already soaked concrete walkways. Then they pushed open the door and stepped out into the storm.
Sometimes they wondered what it would have been like to live in a world where your were still greeted with a warm smile and no ulterior motives. Of course they weren't naive enough to believe that everyone was well-intentioned. But enough people that the world didn't seem so dull and miserable. In that kind of world were puddles splashed in and rainbows were visible when the sun pushed past the storm clouds?
Pet was half sure that they had once seen a rainbow when they were younger, but they only truly remembered the brilliant gradient of colors thanks to photos and the internet. They liked to collect the photos in an online folder that they could go through when one day was particularly worse than another.
They climbed the stairs and pushed open the door that lead into the academy's demon - both spellings - haven. It didn't surprise them that their meandering had lead them to this building. More often than not they found ways to return here and stay here longer and longer each time.
"You're back. Again." The receptionist said. They tried to ignore the slight undertone of disgust to his voice as they approached the desk. They nodded, keeping their expression muted. It was just easier if they did, instead of having the awkward disappointment when their cautious smile wasn't returned. They grabbed the pen and started to sign the papers they knew all too well. All for liability, but they knew that no genuine harm would come to them. None that they didn't want from the start of the experience anyways.
They pushed the clipboard towards him, pressing their lips together. He gave it a once-over before nodding and pointing down the hall.
"He's in his room. Have... fun." He said and they could practically hear the lip curl in his voice. But like always, they ignored it and nodded their thanks instead before turning on the ball of their foot and heading down there. Their mind counted the room numbers that they passed, only soft muffled voices seeping through.
They knocked gently on room seven's door, waiting quietly. There was a pause before a smooth voice entered their mind.
"You're here, Pet." His consonants dripped from his voice like the rain outside, but it bathed their mind in a more calming storm in comparison. They didn't answer, still waiting outside his door for permission. "Enter."
They pushed open the door, stepping inside. The first thing they saw was the silhouette of his tall proud horns that protruded from his head, splitting past his hair. His eyes looked down at them, slightly confused but as guarded as ever. They closed the door behind them, looking at the sadism demon in front of them carefully. He stayed seated on the bed provided for him, even though they had never known him to sleep. They didn't know if demons even required sleep.
"What are you doing here, Pet?" He asked them, fingers curling to beckon them closer. Their body happily obeyed, bringing them closer to him. They quickly dropped to the floor next to his feet, resting their head on his knee. There was a small pause before his hand went to their own hair, wet from the storm. "Answer me."
"I didn't mean to come here without invitation." They whispered. Their voice came out more somber than they expected - taking them by surprise. Vega sighed as his fingertips massaged their scalp, mindful to be gentle. They knew he could be rougher with them, and that he knew they wouldn't mind. But he sometimes treated them so softly that they doubted he was a sadism demon.
"Why are you here?" He asked, staying on the topic of their unexpected arrival. They scrounged their mind, the desire to satisfy his curiosity driving them to introspection.
"I wanted to escape the world. It's nicer here." They replied finally. His chuckled bounced pleasingly off the curves of their skull and they nuzzled into his leg. His hand dropped to trace their spine in the back of their neck.
"For you, perhaps it is. What happened out there to drive you here?" He continued. Their fingers gripped onto the fabric of his pants, frowning.
"I was thinking about how the world seems so sad." It was such a simplistic way of putting their thoughts, but Vega seemed to understand. He hummed, fingers now tracing the slope of their neck to their shoulder.
"Imagining the world differently from how it is makes you feel melancholy, and yet you insist on doing so." They felt their frown tug deeper but he continued. "It's idealistic of you. People like you are most likely to cause changes because you hold a desire to. Don't lose that, Pet." Their frown switched into a small smile at his words and they lifted their head to look up at him. His frame was outlined by the cosmo diagram he had used magic to reflect onto the ceiling of his room. He always kept the lights off, but never told them why. It made him look more extraterrestrial than he already did.
Although they didn't see him as alien as much as divine. He was like some otherworldly god who demanded and deserved worship. He read people so well, knowing exactly how to slip into their crack to possess wholly. They were more than glad to be his eternal subject, blessed only to occupy the same space by his feet. They would do anything he asked of them, regardless of their own comfort. But he knew all this. They had expressed their dedication to his wants and needs several times over.
"You're getting distracted." He called them out and they offered him a sheepish expression, their guard falling entirely. The corners of his lips twitched and his hand traced the line of their jaw before hooking under their chin and forcing them to rise. His lips pressed against their own. A flick of his tongue across their bottom lip had them opening their mouth for him. But he broke the kiss, instead pressing the pad of his thumb against their tongue. His lips split into a grin then. "I should make sure you stay focused on what matters, Pet."
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redactedasset · 16 days
do u guys think imp!pet feels guilty because they’re not able to provide vega with the type of emotions he needs…sniff sniff… T_T
and if they’re able to, it would hurt a lot but they will endure it to make sure he is fed……………
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maxpaulll · 4 months
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I decided I wanted to try my hand at underpainting so I found a wip I started b4 christmas &re lined it so I could have some funsies :D
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6-atlas-6 · 2 months
Getting a monopoly ad on my stupid little mobile puzzle game while I listen to the Imp!Vega BA again and getting blasted with the upbeat music was the most jarring experience of my life
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hammerhead-jpg · 6 months
I had an idea of making a series of lil redacted comics with dumb ideas but that's a lot of work and I don't know if I'm ever gonna go through with it so I'll just be post the scripts here
Warning: a lot of these are very unfunny and or would translate better if they were actual comics
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"I know I hold your heart, pet. Soft, plaintive, beating; held between hands better made to crush, and tear, and choke, and break."
jingle jangle art post
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vind3miat0r · 5 days
some more listener icons :D (Sunshine and Imp!Pet)
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romeo-the-homeo · 3 months
if i was an illusory i would just conjure my own irl subtitles constantly
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sainthowlzon · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Redactedverse - Redacted ASMR
Rating: Explicit Content
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Imp!Vega/Pet (Redacted ASMR)
Characters: Imp!Vega(Redacted ASMR), Pet (Redacted ASMR), Vega (Redacted ASMR)
Additional Tags: Smut, Shameless Smut, Bondage, Grinding, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Teasing, Edging, Role Reversal, Telepathy, Vibrators, Horns as Handlebars, Brat, Pet Play, Mild Degradation, Aftercare, Enthusiastic Consent, brat taming,
Summary: Vega and his Darling Pet try a little role reversal
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angel-shaw · 5 months
Alright y’all have waited patiently here it is
Vega picking people up part 2
Ok so this one isnt very canon complacent cuz i didnt lissen to the end of the imperium stuff so i have no idea and i made my own stuff up. Basically they (Vin, freelancer, Vega, Pet+others) are all living at the school thing(or wherever they are idk) and they found some kids and took them in to keep them safe. Some kids are brand new and have not meet vin yet.
Vindemeator was no small demon. He was taller than the average person and well he could alter his size. He typically sat at a decently tall height. It made it easy for him to pick up his lover and most others. That was only one of the reasons he was shocked when he was just sitting on a rooftop, staring at the now clearer sky. The dark clouds that had been covering it finally dissapateing enough to let those on the ground see it. Well he had just been enjoying his alone time, silently wishing his freelancer was here to enjoy it with them, he was interrupted by someone rifting next to him. Startled he looked up and saw the sadism deamon looking down at him. “Vega?” he had time to question before he was grabbed by the back of his shirt and pulled through a rift. It was fast and disorienting so as he gained his bearings he heard small giggling around him. He opened his eyes to see several small children looking up at him. He was still held in the air by Vega who held him tightly by his shirt. “I'm done dealing with them. It's your turn now.” Vega said before dropping Vin onto the soft carpet floor before rifting away again. He was quickly swarmed by the children and all of them were talking excitedly, asking what kind of demon he was and what he could do. Once he had gotten the children at least a little calmer he noted that this room had been altered with magic, an array of small tables that fit the kids with rounded edges, everything with sharp connors had a protector on it, there where a lot of new toys that the kid room definitely didn't have before, and most notably, the floor was now a very soft dark green carpet instead of the cold hard concrete it was easier. This had to have been done by a deamon.
Alroght there it was! I know it’s not long I wrote it after I finished my midterm sooooo
I am working on part three don’t worry ✨
@darlin-collins @dollscircus @gumballrightfoots
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slushrottweiler · 1 year
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Art Vs the Artist 2022 - featuring almost a year of being a Redacted ASMR fangirl.
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sugar-33 · 1 year
One of my favorite Imperium listeners finally getting the design they deserve! This is Inès!
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redactedasset · 20 days
when u want them to treat u like a pet but u gotta be a little subtle about it
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maxpaulll · 7 months
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Shout out to everyone's favourite size difference couple, Imp!Vega & Pet!!!!
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6-atlas-6 · 10 months
Why do we all collectively never talk about Vega in depth (Imp! or not). Like he's so understanding and patient for no reason. He's genuinely so caring as well even if it's just for specific people
"I want to see you. Not that name badge you wear. Not that facade you drape yourself in." - getting closer to a sadistic demon
"As if I'd join up in their ranks after their treatment of you, and all the other demon department officers" - under a sadistic demons care
"is that department of yours hellbent on stripping you of everything that makes you a demon? How much else of yourself have you had to abandon to fit in with them? Well, thank you for sharing this true part of yourself with me" - under a sadistic demons care
Let's also talk about how sad he is as a character in general, or at least the potential he has to be a sad character
"You remain the only person in that god forsaken containment facility that expressed anything toward me other than resentment, fear, or disgust." - under a sadistic demons care
Notice how he called Warden a person.
I feel like it's been recognized how incubi (Gavin specifically) are used to not experiencing actual love because they are seen for what they feed off of and nothing else, but Vega is mentioned to be in the exact same situation and barely anyone talks about it.
He mentions multiple times how he's shocked when someone isn't afraid of him or immediately hates him. I feel like it's glossed over because he doesn't seem too upset by it, but if you really pay attention he definitely is. Both of his listeners in the normal universe and in the imperium have one thing in common, and that is that they were both generally unafraid of Vega, and did not hate him right off the bat which seems to be important to Vega and the reason why he liked them in the first place.
ALSO notice how in the imperium and I'm the normal universe Vega gives his listeners an excuse for being with him that both involve blaming him for everything? Even though he (presumably) dislikes being hated by everyone he has no problems with his listeners making him out to be the bad guy in a situation. I don't care what you think about Vega or his relationship with warden, that is caring for someone at its finest.
"I am born of cruelty but that isn't all I am" - this line may have been from the imperium but I think it suits both versions of him so well
‼️ Disclaimer: I am not defending his prior actions but I am begging people to stop characterizing him as just some evil villain when he has so much more depth to him.
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hammerhead-jpg · 10 months
Pet n Vegaaaa
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Don't you love it when the colors look perfectly fine to you on the computer but when you send it over to the phone suddenly the muted red cape (which you specifically made a warmer red because it looked purple last time you sent it over to your phone) looks brown, the purple shadows don't really look like shadows anymore and the black areas are much lighter exposing all of the mistakes you couldn't see when it was way darker but when you try to fix those problems with the gallery editor the image looks deep-fried and the very red character now looks like a red traffic light and so you just bump up the saturation just a bit so that the whole imagine doesn't look like it's seen a ghost
Also I forgot what hearts look like
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