#reckless serenade [1]
chiiyuuvv · 4 months
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[DAY 1] ᡣ𐭩 — SHOTARO RIIZE, " one casually sitting on the others lap, and the other freaking out " ; childhood besties to lovers
[DAY 2] ᡣ𐭩 — WONBIN RIIZE, " platonic sleepovers that end up in with you in their arms " ; one bed / vacation
[DAY 3] ᡣ𐭩 — YECHAN XIKERS, yours , raiden ; coffee shop
[DAY 4] ᡣ𐭩 — HUNTER XIKERS, reckless serenade , the arctic monkeys ; strangers to lovers
[DAY 5] ᡣ𐭩 — JUNGHOON XIKERS , " i dont like most people, but youre an exception " ; classmates to lovers
[DAY 6] ᡣ𐭩 — SEEUN XIKERS , " why are you staring? Is there something on my face? " ; friends to lovers
[DAY 7] ᡣ𐭩 — MINJAE XIKERS , i wanna be yours , the arctic monkeys ; cooking for the other
[DAY 8] ᡣ𐭩 — SEUNGHAN RIIZE , " you ganging up against your friends during a game and being smug afterwards " ; a's oblivious to b's feelings
[DAY 9] ᡣ𐭩 — SOHEE RIIZE , love maybe , secret number ; not realizing you're touching until someone points it out
[DAY 10] ᡣ𐭩 — SUNGCHAN RIIZE , " being unable to keep his eyes off of you " ; library
[DAY 11] ᡣ𐭩 — JUNMIN XIKERS , " b's only nice to a " ; one leaning their head onto the others shoulder suddenly and they just freeze
[DAY 12] ᡣ𐭩 — YUJUN XIKERS , will you be my girlfriend , M.O.N.T ; forced proximity
[DAY 13] ᡣ𐭩 — EUNSEOK RIIZE , nothing , bruno major ; roommates
[DAY 14] ᡣ𐭩 — XIKERS , RIIZE
[DAY 15] ᡣ𐭩 — ANTON RIIZE, " "is it okay.. if i kiss you?" B asks A in front of their doorstep, their hands crading A's face while slowly leaning in " ; mutual pinning
[DAY 16] ᡣ𐭩 — SUMIN XIKERS , headcanons ; touch starved
[DAY 17] ᡣ𐭩 — HYUNWOO XIKERS , " late night calls when one of you accidentally falls asleep " ; fuck it 
[DAY 18] ᡣ𐭩 — JINSIK XIKERS , my love all mine all mine , mitski ; love letters
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taglist closes on January 31
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I defo suggest listening to the songs that go along with some of the imagines and taking a look at the lyrics/translations and the meanings so the imagine and vibe makes more sense!
Event has finished! Thank you so much for participating in the first part and enjoying my stories
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blouisparadise · 4 months
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Upon request, today we have a Valentine's Day fic rec list! All of these fics involve Valentine's Day in some way or have a Valentine's Day vibe. We had a very short version of this rec list that we posted many years ago, but as you can see, there have been a ton of amazing Valentine's Day-related fics posted since then. Happy reading!
1) The Valentine's Day Special | Explicit | 1,322 words
Every year on Valentine's Day Harry and Louis spend the whole day participating in whatever kinks they want. This means February 14th is one of their favorite days of the year.
2) Valentine's Day | Explicit | 1,900 words
Louis and Harry are excited for Valentine's Day and can barely make it back to the hotel room.
3) All The Love | Explicit | 2,118 words
Harry smiles warmly when he sees the room with the makeshift dining table, coffee mugs for wine glasses, and a couple lit scented candles scattered across the room. He fills an empty glass and places the flowers in it, setting it on Louis’s bedside table. His smile grows even more fond when he sits across from Louis, seeing the meal his boy has prepared. They’ve only been officially dating for about a month and a half, but things couldn’t be going any better. “What’s this?” Harry asks, nodding in the direction of the dishes in front of him. “Chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in Parma ham with a side of mash,” Louis says full of pride. “My little chef,” the curly haired boy grins, leaning over the table to press a soft kiss to his boyfriend’s cheek before taking a bite. “This is really good baby.”
4) Red Pants | Mature | 2,463 words
One shot in which fem Louis wears his tight little red pants to school on Valentine’s Day, and discovers he has a secret admirer.
5) Love Me Like You Do | Not Rated | 3,964 words
Louis is all in if Harry is, and Paris seems like the perfect place to ask
6) Lagrangian Point | Explicit | 4,055 words
They find each other again the night of Valentine's Day.
7) I've Loved You Three Summers Now Honey, But I Want 'Em All | Mature | 4,216 words
The restaurant was small and bright, soft colors filled the walls and tables and fairy lights hung from everywhere. From what Harry had read, the food wasn’t overly expensive but it was still comparable to what you would get at one of the more expensive places. If Harry could he would take Louis to the biggest most expensive and extravagant restaurants to do what he planned to tonight, but this would do. After being led to their table Harry nervously tapped his jacket pocket, sighing in relief when he felt the small box still there. Tonight was the night. He couldn’t wait till it was time to surprise Louis with all the gifts he got for him. Then finally the big surprise.
8) Reckless Serenade | Explicit | 4,446 words
Note: This fic features Girl Direction.
Harry's Google search history may or may not look like 'my girlfriend doesn't know we're dating.'
9) Dancing In The Moonlight | Explicit | 4,587 words
Louis’ fuck buddy gets a date for Valentine’s day and he discovers that denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.
10) Keep Your Head Down And Make It To Me | Not Rated | 4,643 words
“You know, if I hadn’t been so stupid 8 years ago, we could’ve been doing this for 8 long years. My sincere apologies,” “Maybe, but now I get to enjoy this moment even more because it’s been 8 years and I’ve never stopped wanting to kiss you ever since,” Louis admits, a light blush surfacing upon his face. “I love you,” Harry repeats. Louis beams at him. Literally beams. “I love you, Harry.”
11) Cherries In The Snow | Mature | 5,151 words
It’s Valentine’s Day, and Harry is not in the mood. So naturally, Louis lets Harry paint his body with kiss marks to make him feel better.
12) Be Mine, Little Valentine | Explicit | 7,435 words
All Louis wants is to find someone who’ll love all of him. There’s just one tiny complication.
13) Indecent Proposal | Explicit | 8,445 words
The one where Louis and Harry reminisce the ups and downs of a relationship that once was, imagining themselves as the happy couple celebrating in front of them, and decide that maybe, just maybe, it wouldn’t be too bad to relive their relationship one more time.
14) Let Me Be Your Good Night | Explicit | 10,517 words
Cupping one hand over his fist and holding them to his chest, Harry’s nose scrunches hopefully, “Would you want to get a drink before calling it a night?” Louis stares at him. “I know you’re probably tired, it’s just—” Harry sighs, wiggling his hands around nervously. “We’re both going to be alone after this and I really enjoyed talking to you, so maybe this is a little pathetic, but I could use the company?” “I, uh,” he stalls, weighing his options: either go home, have a wank, then bathe the night off, or talk more with the affable sweetheart while sharing a drink or two. Easy. “I’d like that. Sure.”
15) Better Than Words | Explicit | 11,321 words
Note: This fic is the second part of a series.
Harry and Louis have an argument while at the doctors to check on their baby. Then they celebrate Harry’s birthday and Valentine’s Day in their own way.
16) Kiss Me Once, Kiss Me Twice | Mature | 13,487 words
You’re a fucking brat, you know that,” Harry muttered through clenched teeth, bones already burning with the pure desire and hatred mixing in his body. It was an intoxicating rush of adrenaline and something else that probably came with fucking Louis Tomlinson. He squeezed his neck just a little tighter. “I can’t stand it.” Their lips were brushing against each other, just moving with the ragged movements of their mouths and harsh breathing. “You’re a lying piece of shit dickhead,” Louis muttered right back. That was all he did, challenge and nag. He loved to have the last word and Harry let him because he used all his energy to fuck him mindless.
17) Lead Me To Paradise | Explicit | 14,615 words
No one told Harry that a paramedic could be this pretty.
18) James The Pimp | Mature | 28,255 words
Everybody, please welcome my other good mate and Harry Styles’ Valentine Date, Louis Tomlinson!” 'Kill My Mind' played as the dusty-haired singer walked onto stage from the opposite side that Harry entered. “Thanks for having me, James.” Louis’ light voice carried well as he hugged James. With the grin still plastered to his cheeks, he looked around the bulkier man at Harry politely. “But, uh, I’m a tad bit confused. As lovely as Harry here is, you should probably both know I’m, er, into women.” There was a hint of awkward hesitation in his words. He likely thought Harry wasn’t straight and didn’t want to offend him, which Harry appreciated, even if he knew he had to say his next line despite it being utterly untrue. “The same goes to you, Louis, but I am as well.” James waved a hand flippantly. “Pish posh. Who really cares about that anyhow? Come along, boys. This is my show, so if I say you are each other’s Valentines, then you are each other’s Valentines. Now act like it!”
19) Cupid’s Chokehold | Explicit | 35,326 words
Louis is a Cupid who tries to match up Niall and Harry. It doesn’t work out as planned.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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louisupdates · 1 month
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By Saskia Postema 26.4.2024
Mere days after winning “Artist of the Year” at the inaugural Northern Music Awards, Louis Tomlinson is celebrating the only way he knows how – by giving back. Tomlinson just dropped a surprise album, which includes a curated list of live performances over the past years. It’s a risky move, as live albums are notoriously difficult to make worthwhile. But there’s no doubt about it: Tomlinson is deserving of that award, and the recordings on Louis Tomlinson: LIVE deserve to live forever.
After an initial stop-start to his solo career, Tomlinson has certainly flourished since finally getting to hit the stage. He’s been touring extensively over the past few years, performing a mix of tracks from his first two albums. Both were solid records that heavily referenced anthemic, rich sonic soundscapes. In fact, Tomlinson previously admitted that he wrote certain tracks with a live show in mind. Indeed, songs like “Face The Music,” “Out Of My System” and “The Greatest,” from his No. 1 selling album Faith in the Future, absolutely benefit from the live instrumentals compared to their studio versions.
It isn’t often that live performances consistently seem to not only live up to but objectively improve the perfectly engineered studio recordings. Perhaps it’s the love that the album so clearly captures for live music that does it. The singer-songwriter is an avid fan of his own fans and gets to share a collective experience of joy with them. Just listen to the crowds serenading Tomlinson in return during “Chicago,” recorded live in – you guessed it, Chicago. From Tomlinson’s perspective, audiences across the world have always been part of breathing life into these live recordings. Now, people get to live that same experience with him by listening to this record that is woven together with impeccably mixed joyful screaming in the background.
Tomlinson’s storytelling isn’t hindered by the crowd’s reaction. Rather, it is bolstered by it. In both power ballads like “Common People” as well as raucous tracks like “Silver Tongues.” The live setting seems to function almost akin to a prism – each song shining brighter, richer, fuller. Perhaps the only track that is tighter in the original version, is the seductive “Written All Over Your Face.” Nonetheless, the instrumental break and palpable, wild excitement make for an enjoyable listen.
Similarly, right in the middle of the highly addictive “All This Time/We Are Beauty” mash-up, a fan can be heard screaming “I love you” if you listen closely. The sheer adulation of the crowd is decidedly earned. Tomlinson has worked hard to prove himself, despite never having lacked the talent. Perhaps merely the confidence that he could do it, would do it, has done it. Nevertheless, he’s been open about the tension between his own love for music, and his at times debilitating need for perfection. As he’s settled into his career, a quiet undertone of determination and grit, of relief and fulfillment – of gratitude remains in every single show.
On “Saturdays,” you can actually hear Tomlinson mumble that the view’s never been better from where he’s stood on stage. It’s a high-maintenance track with all the right ingredients for a Tomlinson classic. There’s confessional lyricism, emotive delivery, and a gradual yet powerful crescendo in musical arrangement. It needs to be sung with conviction, and it’s clear that Tomlinson pulls power from the audience to deliver.
Notably, none of the covers that Tomlinson frequently incorporates in his concerts made it onto this live album. With that in mind, perhaps this release signals that Tomlinson has finally embraced his own artistry. Because if anything, Louis Tomlinson: LIVE is a reckless celebration record. An ode to joy, the synergy between artist and audience, and the impact of well-timed, flawlessly executed live guitar solos.
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hldailyupdate · 1 month
Mere days after winning “Artist of the Year” at the inaugural Northern Music Awards, Louis Tomlinson is celebrating the only way he knows how – by giving back. Tomlinson just dropped a surprise album, which includes a curated list of live performances over the past years. It’s a risky move, as live albums are notoriously difficult to make worthwhile. But there’s no doubt about it: Tomlinson is deserving of that award, and the recordings on Louis Tomlinson: LIVE deserve to live forever.
After an initial stop-start to his solo career, Tomlinson has certainly flourished since finally getting to hit the stage. He’s been touring extensively over the past few years, performing a mix of tracks from his first two albums. Both were solid records that heavily referenced anthemic, rich sonic soundscapes. In fact, Tomlinson previously admitted that he wrote certain tracks with a live show in mind. Indeed, songs like “Face The Music,” “Out Of My System” and “The Greatest,” from his No. 1 selling album Faith in the Future, absolutely benefit from the live instrumentals compared to their studio versions.
It isn’t often that live performances consistently seem to not only live up to but objectively improve the perfectly engineered studio recordings. Perhaps it’s the love that the album so clearly captures for live music that does it. The singer-songwriter is an avid fan of his own fans and gets to share a collective experience of joy with them. Just listen to the crowds serenading Tomlinson in return during “Chicago,” recorded live in – you guessed it, Chicago. From Tomlinson’s perspective, audiences across the world have always been part of breathing life into these live recordings. Now, people get to live that same experience with him by listening to this record that is woven together with impeccably mixed joyful screaming in the background.
Tomlinson’s storytelling isn’t hindered by the crowd’s reaction. Rather, it is bolstered by it. In both power ballads like “Common People” as well as raucous tracks like “Silver Tongues.” The live setting seems to function almost akin to a prism – each song shining brighter, richer, fuller. Perhaps the only track that is tighter in the original version, is the seductive “Written All Over Your Face.” Nonetheless, the instrumental break and palpable, wild excitement make for an enjoyable listen.
Similarly, right in the middle of the highly addictive “All This Time/We Are Beauty” mash-up, a fan can be heard screaming “I love you” if you listen closely. The sheer adulation of the crowd is decidedly earned. Tomlinson has worked hard to prove himself, despite never having lacked the talent. Perhaps merely the confidence that he could do it, would do it, has done it. Nevertheless, he’s been open about the tension between his own love for music, and his at times debilitating need for perfection. As he’s settled into his career, a quiet undertone of determination and grit, of relief and fulfillment – of gratitude remains in every single show.
On “Saturdays,” you can actually hear Tomlinson mumble that the view’s never been better from where he’s stood on stage. It’s a high-maintenance track with all the right ingredients for a Tomlinson classic. There’s confessional lyricism, emotive delivery, and a gradual yet powerful crescendo in musical arrangement. It needs to be sung with conviction, and it’s clear that Tomlinson pulls power from the audience to deliver.
Notably, none of the covers that Tomlinson frequently incorporates in his concerts made it onto this live album. With that in mind, perhaps this release signals that Tomlinson has finally embraced his own artistry. Because if anything, Louis Tomlinson: LIVE is a reckless celebration record. An ode to joy, the synergy between artist and audience, and the impact of well-timed, flawlessly executed live guitar solos.
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dailytomlinson · 1 month
Mere days after winning “Artist of the Year” at the inaugural Northern Music Awards, Louis Tomlinson is celebrating the only way he knows how – by giving back. Tomlinson just dropped a surprise album, which includes a curated list of live performances over the past years. It’s a risky move, as live albums are notoriously difficult to make worthwhile. But there’s no doubt about it: Tomlinson is deserving of that award, and the recordings on Louis Tomlinson: LIVE deserve to live forever.
After an initial stop-start to his solo career, Tomlinson has certainly flourished since finally getting to hit the stage. He’s been touring extensively over the past few years, performing a mix of tracks from his first two albums. Both were solid records that heavily referenced anthemic, rich sonic soundscapes. In fact, Tomlinson previously admitted that he wrote certain tracks with a live show in mind. Indeed, songs like “Face The Music,” “Out Of My System” and “The Greatest,” from his No. 1 selling album Faith in the Future, absolutely benefit from the live instrumentals compared to their studio versions.
It isn’t often that live performances consistently seem to not only live up to but objectively improve the perfectly engineered studio recordings. Perhaps it’s the love that the album so clearly captures for live music that does it. The singer-songwriter is an avid fan of his own fans and gets to share a collective experience of joy with them. Just listen to the crowds serenading Tomlinson in return during “Chicago,” recorded live in – you guessed it, Chicago. From Tomlinson’s perspective, audiences across the world have always been part of breathing life into these live recordings. Now, people get to live that same experience with him by listening to this record that is woven together with impeccably mixed joyful screaming in the background.
Tomlinson’s storytelling isn’t hindered by the crowd’s reaction. Rather, it is bolstered by it. In both power ballads like “Common People” as well as raucous tracks like “Silver Tongues.” The live setting seems to function almost akin to a prism – each song shining brighter, richer, fuller. Perhaps the only track that is tighter in the original version, is the seductive “Written All Over Your Face.” Nonetheless, the instrumental break and palpable, wild excitement make for an enjoyable listen.
Similarly, right in the middle of the highly addictive “All This Time/We Are Beauty” mash-up, a fan can be heard screaming “I love you” if you listen closely. The sheer adulation of the crowd is decidedly earned. Tomlinson has worked hard to prove himself, despite never having lacked the talent. Perhaps merely the confidence that he could do it, would do it, has done it. Nevertheless, he’s been open about the tension between his own love for music, and his at times debilitating need for perfection. As he’s settled into his career, a quiet undertone of determination and grit, of relief and fulfillment – of gratitude remains in every single show.
On “Saturdays,” you can actually hear Tomlinson mumble that the view’s never been better from where he’s stood on stage. It’s a high-maintenance track with all the right ingredients for a Tomlinson classic. There’s confessional lyricism, emotive delivery, and a gradual yet powerful crescendo in musical arrangement. It needs to be sung with conviction, and it’s clear that Tomlinson pulls power from the audience to deliver.
Notably, none of the covers that Tomlinson frequently incorporates in his concerts made it onto this live album. With that in mind, perhaps this release signals that Tomlinson has finally embraced his own artistry. Because if anything, Louis Tomlinson: LIVE is a reckless celebration record. An ode to joy, the synergy between artist and audience, and the impact of well-timed, flawlessly executed live guitar solos.
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louistomlinsoncouk · 1 month
Mere days after winning “Artist of the Year” at the inaugural Northern Music Awards, Louis Tomlinson is celebrating the only way he knows how – by giving back. Tomlinson just dropped a surprise album, which includes a curated list of live performances over the past years. It’s a risky move, as live albums are notoriously difficult to make worthwhile. But there’s no doubt about it: Tomlinson is deserving of that award, and the recordings on Louis Tomlinson: LIVE deserve to live forever.
After an initial stop-start to his solo career, Tomlinson has certainly flourished since finally getting to hit the stage. He’s been touring extensively over the past few years, performing a mix of tracks from his first two albums. Both were solid records that heavily referenced anthemic, rich sonic soundscapes. In fact, Tomlinson previously admitted that he wrote certain tracks with a live show in mind. Indeed, songs like “Face The Music,” “Out Of My System” and “The Greatest,” from his No. 1 selling album Faith in the Future, absolutely benefit from the live instrumentals compared to their studio versions.
It isn’t often that live performances consistently seem to not only live up to but objectively improve the perfectly engineered studio recordings. Perhaps it’s the love that the album so clearly captures for live music that does it. The singer-songwriter is an avid fan of his own fans and gets to share a collective experience of joy with them. Just listen to the crowds serenading Tomlinson in return during “Chicago,” recorded live in – you guessed it, Chicago. From Tomlinson’s perspective, audiences across the world have always been part of breathing life into these live recordings. Now, people get to live that same experience with him by listening to this record that is woven together with impeccably mixed joyful screaming in the background.
Tomlinson’s storytelling isn’t hindered by the crowd’s reaction. Rather, it is bolstered by it. In both power ballads like “Common People” as well as raucous tracks like “Silver Tongues.” The live setting seems to function almost akin to a prism – each song shining brighter, richer, fuller. Perhaps the only track that is tighter in the original version, is the seductive “Written All Over Your Face.” Nonetheless, the instrumental break and palpable, wild excitement make for an enjoyable listen.
Similarly, right in the middle of the highly addictive “All This Time/We Are Beauty” mash-up, a fan can be heard screaming “I love you” if you listen closely. The sheer adulation of the crowd is decidedly earned. Tomlinson has worked hard to prove himself, despite never having lacked the talent. Perhaps merely the confidence that he could do it, would do it, has done it. Nevertheless, he’s been open about the tension between his own love for music, and his at times debilitating need for perfection. As he’s settled into his career, a quiet undertone of determination and grit, of relief and fulfillment – of gratitude remains in every single show.
On “Saturdays,” you can actually hear Tomlinson mumble that the view’s never been better from where he’s stood on stage. It’s a high-maintenance track with all the right ingredients for a Tomlinson classic. There’s confessional lyricism, emotive delivery, and a gradual yet powerful crescendo in musical arrangement. It needs to be sung with conviction, and it’s clear that Tomlinson pulls power from the audience to deliver.
Notably, none of the covers that Tomlinson frequently incorporates in his concerts made it onto this live album. With that in mind, perhaps this release signals that Tomlinson has finally embraced his own artistry. Because if anything, Louis Tomlinson: LIVE is a reckless celebration record. An ode to joy, the synergy between artist and audience, and the impact of well-timed, flawlessly executed live guitar solos.
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ckret2 · 6 months
hi different anon here. who wouldn't want bill to have a crush on them? you could use this to your advantage! Step 1: draw him enough times that he falls for you. Step 2: Never ever ever get into an actual relationship with him. Step 3: Profit? My own planet? Casual monsterfucking? The possibilities are endless
I'm getting anons from Stan advising me on how to con an alien demon.
My friend, i am too ace/aro and not reckless enough for this plan. I'm not curious enough about sex to attempt monsterfucking with the most short-tempered over-powered omnicidal manipulative bastard in the multiverse, and I'm not gonna ask him for favors because I'm pretty sure he subscribes to the vending machine philosophy of transactional sex/romance. If he thinks a purple martini and a serenade can buy him the equation to escape Gravity Falls then he's gonna think a planet and some cash buys him a relationship.
"Trick him into having a crush on me" is the strategy of last resort in a scenario where the only alternative option is "get violently murdered for making him look bad in a fanfic."
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hellcatsandcars · 11 months
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f-perspective · 9 months
Monsterfucking & You (a geraskier fic preview)
Chapter 1: All Its Sad Goodbyes
Geralt was absolutely not worried about Jaskier. It was perfectly normal for the bard to disappear, especially at night. He was probably -- actually undoubtedly -- just off sleeping with some of the people he had been making eyes at during his performance in the tavern earlier in the evening. So Geralt found himself sitting alone in their shared inn room, definitely not pining. Because witchers don’t pine. He was just annoyed with the unpredictability of his traveling companion, and not knowing whether he was currently dying slowly in some ditch, or being lavished as the centerpiece of  a fantastic orgy that Geralt was, of course, not invited to. 
Grumbling, he finally moved to take off his boots and strip to his smallclothes. Geralt had  been staring at the wall long enough that the cracks were beginning to form faces, and figured it was about time to at least pretend to sleep. Since Jaskier had become a constant in his life, Geralt had gotten used to having him nearby while he slept, so without him, he had no hope for actually sleeping. He refused to think too deeply on why the absence bothered him so much beyond a simple disruption of habit.
He also decided he did not have the energy to once again mentally berate himself about letting a human have such an impact on him, and how it spoke poorly to his future witchering. Never mind the implications for his future more generally after the human’s inevitable -- likely untimely, what with traveling beside a witcher and all the danger that entailed, and Jaskier’s reckless nature besides -- demise. Absolutely not thinking about it.
With his swords resting against a wall and a moody sigh, Geralt fell onto the bed and closed his eyes. His mind thought that precise moment was a fantastic opportunity to serenade him with “Toss a Coin to Your Witcher,” because he obviously didn’t miss Jaskier. Not even a little.
After about the fifth round of the song concluded in his head, Geralt heard a commotion in the hallway outside the room. Feeling content and uninterested, he stayed put. Though, as fate would have it, the noise was coming toward the room. In fact, whoever it was seemed to have taken to repeatedly running into the door to his room. Well, that was enough of an excuse for him to get out of bed and perhaps make some random drunk shit himself. Just Geralt’s type of fun. Getting out of bed and putting  on his meanest witcher face, he opened the door, and found Jaskier — of course it was Jaskier — falling directly into his arms. Ideal, in some other scenario, but concerning or decidedly annoying in this one. 
“Geralt! You will not believe it, I have just seen the most magnificent thing! I saw, prepare yourself, I saw a bouquet of penises!” Jaskier didn’t seem drunk, somehow off, but not drunk. He had managed to grab on to Geralt’s biceps and was staring into his eyes, deeply serious. “It was magnificent.” A brief pause. “Also, I suspect that I may be dying.” 
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jaywalkers · 3 months
sangcheng for the ship ask game, i’d love to know why you ship it
oh yessssssssss sangcheng the ogs. shoutout to @sunriseinorbit because i dragged her into it feetfirst and she's the only reason i actually wrote fic for them. What made you ship it? okay i have receipts: i read our footsteps sing a reckless serenade and which kind of got me thinking about the dynamic itself! i think they're a very interesting ship in the sense that they're the two that are left at the end of mdzs/cql with nothing left to continue on with — nhs did not expect to live past his revenge plot, and jc has nothing to hold above his brother anymore. it leaves a very hollow space for the other one to fill, in the sense that they are the characters who both understand grief-driven action the most, and that they also have the cloud recesses school-days to fall back on! i think they're the only one for eachother that can 1. understand the entirety of what they've been through, 2. have something to lean back on beyond war, and 3. have very complimentary personalities with regards to their coping mechanisms!
What are your favorite things about the ship? couger x milf dynamic. IM KIDDING kind of but i do think they're such fun personalities to play with in the sense that nie huaisang's blase nature is a cover, and jiang chengs anger is a coping mechanism. also because they have so much (dirt?) on eachother it means they're able to be very honest once they get past the distrust following everything in canon. i love the idea of them liking eachother in school and then having to put that on the backburner for like 15 years because duty and revenge needs to come first.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? i very much disagree with the prevailing idea that sangcheng is a 'pair the spares' dynamic when compared to other jc ships especially when you consider the amount of interactions they do actually have on and off screen, and the reasonable space for something to come of that!
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chiiyuuvv · 5 months
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love songs / prompts
Roses are red, violets are blue, one (or more) wishes will make your dreams come true!
A valentines event!
Option 1 -> Headphones
A song
A member
A trope
Option 2 -> Pen
A selected prompt
A member
A trope
When choosing Headphones , you asked to request one song that makes you delulu; something with meaningful, heartthrob lyrics or a beat that just sets the mood.
Song can be in any language as long as theres english translations, and preferably no cuss words. But please,
NO blackpink, newjeans, enhypen
When choosing Pen you are asked to select one (1) prompt below. Please only just one prompt!!
Prompts //
B surprising A with a romantic gesture like a love letter or a surprise dinner, leaving A completely flustered and lost on how to respond, but deeply touched.
A stammering when B asks them out on a date, not knowing how to respond at first before eventually saying, "I'd love to."
delicate hugs, but they linger longer the more both of you do it
Falling in and out of sleep holding each other and admiring the other while they sleep.
exchanging gifts for the first time
sharing an umbrella in the rain, or a coat/blanket in the cold
"I dont know what is it about you, but, you just.. youre the only one who can make me feel like this."
"I'm never leaving you, youre stuck with me."
twirling them clumsily and laughing
the kindest "i hate you" followed by a contagious laugh
PROMPTS FROM: @delusionisaplace, @write-me-prompts , @euthymiaaa , @novelbear , @promptsh20 , @eloquentmoon , @noahsresources , @unfriendlywriter , @jasminesfury
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Members // NONE
Tropes // NONE
¹ (please elaborate who is who) identify if reader would be character a or character b
² ("fuck it") when reader or member decides to stop waiting, and does something (usually confession/kiss)
NO bullies to lovers, enemies to lovers, anything without consent
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NOTES: event will start on February 1st, and end on February 18th. I will be dedicating one short fic to each and every member i mentioned, so request quickly!! (The last day will be a headcanon for each group) Once the member, plot, and song have been requested, it will be erased (if a song then added) from the list! Both wattpad and tumblr users can request more than once so please hurry hurry!!
mardy bum – the arctic monkeys
reckless serenade – the arctic monkeys
i wanna be yours – the arctic monkeys
nothing – bruno major
Love maybe – secret number
Yours – raiden
Will you be my girlfriend? – M.O.N.T.
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HEADPHONES minjae, the wings by the boyz, forced proximity
(member, song and artist, trope)
PEN eunseok, the kindest "i love you" followed by a contagious laugh, coffee shop
(member, prompt, trope)
Your request HAS to be in this format ^^ (slight difference for each option)
If your request is accepted, it will be responded with a ✅
If not responded to within 2 days, there was something wrong, and has be deleted
valentine's event taglist 💌
valentine's masterlist ᡣ𐭩 !
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Slimeriana Top Gun AU
okay so surprisingly, people are interested in this AU so here it is - it’s only half-baked for now so details may change in the future (: hope you enjoy
I’m having the most problems with names/callsigns so if you have any ideas please reblog or send an ask!
the cast would look something like this:
naturally Charlie and Mariana are Maverick and Iceman, since I love icemav and also they fit into the roles so well. Charlie is Mav, the reckless pilot who doesn’t care about the rules and needs his RIO to keep him in check. Mariana is Ice, stickler to the rules who considers Slime dangerous, and is his rival for the Top Gun trophy
I’m putting Jaiden as Charlie’s RIO, bc I really like their friendship [: she gives me Goose vibes (and he's my fave so !!) and it would make so much sense to make Roier Jaiden’s husband with Bobby as Bradley but I really want Roier to be Mariana’s RIO. The other option for Mariana’s RIO would be Missa since I think the two of them hang out on the server? but I also want to make Missa Spreen's RIO. we’ll see
I’m thinking of making Osito and Pato the instructors - Osito “Cucurucho” as Jester, the instructor who plays the enemy during hops; and Pato “Duck” as Viper, the other instructor. I think it’d make more sense than putting other players as instructors, since the only other person I can come up with as an instructor is Quackity
and I actually want to make Alexis “Quackity” a pilot, in place of Hollywood. His RIO would be either Wilbur “Soot” or Luzu “I have no idea for a callsign” - I’m not really sure yet. 
the plot would be very similar to the movie - naval pilot Charlie “Slime” and his RIO Jaiden “Jay” are picked for TOPGUN, after a meeting with two hostile MiGs causes the previous pick for the program, Spreen “Bear”, to resign. yes, they still flip the MiG off while inverted like Mav did in the movie bc i love that scene
there will be no romantic relationship between Rubius (in the role of Charlie) - the civilian contractor and Slime. They’re good friends, but no romance
so instead of Rubius, Slime meets Osvaldo “Mariana” and his RIO Roier “Spider” at the bar the day before the first day of classes. There is no serenading but Jaiden introduces them because they went to flight school together. Slime and Mariana immediately establish a rivalry since Mariana was friends with Spreen and blames Slime for Spreen resigning. Charlie decides Mariana is hot as fuck and falls for him on the spot - he’s into this rivalry stuff lmao; Mariana notices Slime is his type but 1. he’s too dangerous, and 2. getting the Top Gun is more important
Charlie spends the whole time flirting with Mariana but nothing happens until Slime abandons Q in the air to go after Pato during Hop 19; Mariana is all pissed off at Charlie’s recklessness and corners him in the locker room after the hop. they get into an argument and Charlie kisses Mariana to shut him up
they Do Not start dating, I’m thinking something like rivals with benefits - they sabotage each other during classes and try to sneak away from the group during outings at the O-Club to make out. Unfortunately for him, Mariana falls in love with Charlie, how can he not? Slime is an excellent pilot, brilliant and funny. He wants to tell Charlie before a hop where they are paired together but he doesn’t have time and they put it off until after the flight. Yes fellas, it’s Hop 31 and so
Jaiden Fucking Dies
and here is where my thoughts for this AU end for now - there is some more vague stuff like Mariana taking care of Slime after the hop but nothing solid yet, will let yall know once i have something out [:
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chadillacboseman · 2 months
1 through 5 for Community and Relationships for Alex and Notch
Does your character prefer company or solitude when sick?
Alex: Solitude. He's a real 'poor me' whiny baby who just wants to curl up in a ball and die in his room.
Notch: Company. She wants to be taken care of lol. If it's not Ace, then it's whoever else she can rope into feeling sorry for her.
What is your character's favorite kind of social event?
Alex: A good ol' bar gathering or house party. Somewhere where he can crush a beer can on his head and go buckwild.
Notch: A casual hangout at someone's place or a movie night.
How comfortable would your character be singing and dancing in front of others?
Alex: Pretty comfortable, depending on who. He loves annoying Kabal and Erron with his singing in the humvee, doubly annoying if Kate is with. Sometimes does little dances when they're on missions.
Notch: Not comfortable, really, but will serenade Wes (@glitchviper) through the headset while on missions, much to Wes' annoyance.
Is your character upfront about their feelings?
Alex: With some feelings, yes. Love (platonic and romantic), annoyance, and hurt. He is more closed off with his anger, trying to hide it as much as he can.
Notch: Very upfront. To the point of being told to shut up lol.
Who would your character first seek if they needed medical help?
Alex: Echo. He trusts her not to judge him, and she'll be more sanitary that the medic. If she can't handle it, she'll find a way to.
Notch: Doc or Ace. Doc if she knows Ace will chastise her for the recklessness, Ace if they did something stupid together.
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(This is ALSO Ai generated and made this based ON Reckless Battery Burns by GHOST ft KEVIN)
(Verse 1) Underneath the starry skies, Where the city lights, they rise, I'm lost in thoughts of you tonight, In this urban lullaby.
(Pre-Chorus) Neon glow, it fills the air, But I'm searching for you everywhere, In the midst of all this noise, I long to hear your voice.
(Chorus) Take me where the city fades, Into the quiet serenade, Where our hearts can freely roam, In the silence, we'll find home.
(Verse 2) Streets alive with hurried pace, But I'm standing in this empty space, Counting minutes, counting days, Till I'm back in your embrace.
(Pre-Chorus) Through the chaos, I will see, Your face, it shines like poetry, In the symphony of life, You're the melody that feels right.
(Chorus) Take me where the city fades, Into the quiet serenade, Where our hearts can freely roam, In the silence, we'll find home.
(Bridge) In this urban tapestry, You're the thread that comforts me, In the hustle, in the flow, You're the calm within the storm.
(Chorus) Take me where the city fades, Into the quiet serenade, Where our hearts can freely roam, In the silence, we'll find home.
(Outro) Underneath the starry skies, In the quiet of the night, I'll hold onto you so tight, In this urban lullaby.
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eoieopda · 11 months
jade, im almost sure ive asked this before, but what's your favorite fic of yours? if its too hard, do you have your fave fics per member? 🤨
hi, i love you!!! and AH. okay, favorite fics of mine per member…
namjoon: aphelion. i don’t think i’ve ever worked harder/longer or put more of my heart into anything i’ve ever written 🫣 v proud of it.
seokjin: meet me at the bar. kinda self-explanatory and also very self-indulgent, lol. t’was a graduation gift for my beloved @yoongiphoria because i know bar prep is a gd monster and 1) wanted to give her a lil seokjinnie, as a treat; and 2) needed a place to rant about how stupid that whole exam concept is.
yoongi: foresight. it’s the start of the darksided cinematic universe, but i wrote it after darksided & blindsided, and i’m just really proud of it, lol.
hoseok: i think you’ve read most of my hobi stuff already, but ?? it’s a tie between the one where hoseok plays with fire and liar, liar! tbh, the hobi stuff i’ve written is most consistently the stuff i’m happiest with. idk why, but i really love writing hobi.
taehyung: reckless serenade, which is a spin-off sequel to this drabble. i never write about adultery, but this taehyung made my brain go brrrrtttt 😵‍💫
jimin: the one with jimin and the boomerang! this one is v special because i wrote it for @jihopesjoint and she is v special, lol.
jungkook: i’m torn. the one i had the most fun writing is the one with jungkook and the sharpshooter just because it was different than what i normally do. i also like the one with jungkook, the weekender, and the impossibilities because ghandi said “be the jungkook angst you wish to see in the world” and i said, “bet.”
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carygrantsbeard · 1 year
Hiiii 💞
Top 5 arctic monkeys songs
Top 5 Alex Turner hairstyles
Hiii 🥰💖 AHHH so hard okay
1. Fire and the thud / cornerstone CANT PICK SORRY!!
2. No party anthem
3. Do me a favour
4. Stop the world I wanna get off with you
5. Reckless serenade / mardy bum…
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Im sorry these are just different pictures from humbug era it’s my favorite as you can see…
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