#rebels 2x14 legends of the lasat
nimata-beroya · 2 years
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Rebels using Natural Phenomenon to escape the Empire
Andor 1x06 "The Eye" || Rebels 2x14 "Legends of The Lasat"
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goodwhump-temp · 8 months
Ezra Bridger Whump | Star Wars Rebels
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"Wait! Who's roger?" - The Great Jabba
1x02 Spark of Rebellion Pt.2 - Captured/imprisoned, abandoned, punched 1x03 Droids in Distress - Freaked out 1x05 Rise of the Old Masters - Annoyed, falls from the ghost, angry/neglected, thrown 1x08 Empire Day - Depressed/heartbroken 1x09 Gathering Forces - Emotional, scared/angry, passes out, carried/comforted 1x10 Path of the Jedi - Terrified, knocked down, manipulated, witnesses horrible deaths, angry 1x12 Vision of Hope - Blacks out, manipulated, scared 1x14 Rebel Resolve - Worried 1x15 Fire Across the Galaxy - Pushed, hit by lightsaber, falls, unconscious ---------------------------
2x01 Siege of Lothal Pt.1 - Crashlanding 2x02 Siege of Lothal Pt.2 - Pinned, heartbroken (Tarkin Town) 2x05 Always Two There Are - Pinned, captured 2x06 Brothers of the Broken Horn - Frustrated, restrained, pushed 2x09 Stealth Strike - Captured/imprisoned, frustrated, nearly falls, fingers smushed (Chopper) 2x10 The Future of The Force - Scared, knocked back, 2x11 Legacy - Vision, frustrated/desperate, crying 2x12 Princess on Lothal - Heartbroken, knocked out, dragged 2x14 Legends of Lasat - Briefly unconscious 2x15 The Call - Knocked down, suffocating, weak 2x16 Homecoming - Shocked unconscious 2x21 Twilight of the Apprentice Pt.1 - Falls x3, manipulated 2x22 Twilight of the Apprentice Pt.2 - Manipulated, almost falls, knocked back, knocked down ---------------------------
3x01 Steps Into Shadow Pt.1 - Confronted, emotionally abandoned, angry 3x02 Steps Into Shadow Pt.2 - Scared, reprimanded 3x03 Holocrons of Fate - Scared, angry, manipulated, knocked unconscious, unconscious, headache 3x04 Antilles Extraction - Anxious 3x05 Hera's Heroes - Shocked unconscious, carried 3x06 Last Battle - Shocked unconscious 3x07 Imperial Supercommandos - Shocked unconscious, captured 3x09 Wynkahthu Job - Fall (caught) 3x11 Visions and Voices - Schizophrenic, jumpscared x3, knocked unconscious, confused panic, manipulated 3x16 Legacy of Mandalore - Betrayed, worried 3x17 Through Imperial Eyes - "Captured" 3x19 Double Agent Droid - Airlock opened 3x20 Twin Suns - Extreme exhaustion, worried, scared, hallucinating, collapses unconscious ---------------------------
4x01 Heroes of Mandalore Pt.1 - Unhinged jetpack flying the whole episode, almost falls from cliff/sacrifice 4x02 Heroes of Mandalore Pt.2 - Clumsy, helmet shocked (17:35), pain 4x03 In the Name of the Rebellion Pt.1 - Frustrated 4x04 In the Name of the Rebellion Pt.2 - Shocked unconscious, restrained 4x05 The Occupation - Heartbroken (Lothal) 4x06 Flight of the Defender - Clumsy, 'hallucinating', crash landing, hunted 4x07 Kindred - Tackled, manhandled, hunted 4x08 Crawler Commandeers - Manhandled 4x11 Dume - Grieving, comforted, guilt, freaked out, lost, eerily interrogated 4x13 A World Between Worlds - Briefly unconscious x2, guilt/heartbroken, knocked down, collapses, held, exhausted 4x15/16 Family Reunion & Farewell - Shot, sacrifice
forced myself to make this better than my (now deleted) og post
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Star Ware Rebels Bechdel Test Rewatch- 2x14 ‘Legends of Lasat’
Thanks to intel from the space pirate Hondo, the Ghost crew rescue two Lasat from Imperial clutches. These survivors believe Zeb is the key to a prophecy that will lead to a new home for their kind—but Zeb, conflicted and ashamed of his failure to save Lasan, has little faith
Female Characters: 3
Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, Chava
Male Characters: 7
Zeb Orrelios, Ezra Bridger, Kanan Jarrus, Aleksandr Kallus, Hondo Ohnaka, Kassius Konstantine, Gron 
Droid Characters: 1
Does it pass?
It’s the bare minimum, but yes, this episode passes. Sabine and Hera exchange a few lines of dialogue in the cockpit of the Ghost on the way to Lira San. This one felt like someone told Filoni what the Bechdel Test was and he made sure this made the absolute minimum requirement. 
I enjoy seeing Zeb in the spotlight, but I wouldn’t say this is one of my particularly favorite episodes of Rebels. It’s enlightening to learn more about his history and to see the Lasat find a new home, but overall feels like filler. 
I think Hondo can be overused in The Clone Wars and Rebels but I forgot he was even in this episode and he stole the show consistently. He definitely livens this one up. 
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bosquedemel · 1 year
sw rebels episode 2x14 "legends of the lasat" was amazing. the music!
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findswoman · 3 years
18 Questions Tag Game
Tagged by @apollonkondric. Thanks so much, my friend!
1. Why did you choose your URL? It’s the online fandom name I’ve used for as long as I’ve been in online fandom, so what else would l use?
2. Any side blogs? None at present.
3. How long have you been on Tumblr? Since January 2019, so a little over two years now.
4. Do you have a queue tag? No, not particularly. I don’t tend to put a lot in my queue because my posting volume is not very high in general.
5. What did you originally start this blog for? Three main reasons. To connect with two people who shared unpopular fandom opinions with me at a time when I was concerned I was the only one with such opinions; to reconnect with some folks I knew from a different fandom space years ago; and maybe to begin trying to promote my fanfic a bit in a new space!
6. Why did you choose your icon? See #2 above—it’s the image I’ve always used as my avatar in fandom spaces, and it was drawn by a good old friend—Beedo Sookcool—who was one of the first to get me into fanfic and fandom to begin with.
7. Why did you choose your header? To continue with the Star Wars motif, and to express my interest in alien worlds and those lesser-known corners of the SW universe. You may notice that some other planets have been added to the map, both canon and fanon—that was done by my good friend Raissa Baiard.
8. What’s your post with the most notes? Probably my organ arrangement of the “Journey into the Star Cluster” theme from “Legends of the Lasat” (Star Wars Rebels, 2x14), at 80 notes.
9. How many followers do you have? 50, but I think that includes blocked bots.
10. How many blogs do you follow? 79.
11. Have you ever made a sh*tpost? Oh, probably!
12. How often do you use Tumblr every day? As often as I want. 😜
13. Have you ever had a fight with another blog? Good gosh, no, and I don’t ever intend to! Life is stressful enough already!
14. How do you feel about “you have to reblog this” posts? Just personally and honestly, putting that on a post is a surefire way to get me to not reblog it. I don’t like having my good nature manipulated that way.
15. Opinion on tag games? Love them!
16. Opinion on ask games? Ditto!
17. Which of your mutuals is Tumblr famous? If I had to guess, perhaps the two most famous are @opalknight and @spell-cleaver, though I get the feeling @gondalsqueen is not too far off!
18. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals? Nope! Happily married lady, here!
Tagging: @jadelotusflower @sassygirl579 @lasatfat @whatapunk @darkdranzer1988 @fuzzydemolitionsquad @tarisilmarwen @independence1776 @daughterofluthien @robotanical @kratosfan6632466 @fontainebleau22 and anyone else who would like to try!
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nimata-beroya · 3 years
I just rewatched Rebels episode 2x14 Legends of the Lasat and even when the episode has several wonderful emotional moments, I couldn't stop laughing at Zeb whining about being the child and not the warrior. His indignation to know Kallus IS the warrior of the prophecy is too funny. Way funnier now that I know how everything works out in the end 🤣
And definitely, one of, if not, the best tracks of Rebel's soundtrack is Journey into the Star Cluster. The music in that scene gives goosebumps of how beautiful it is. Kevin Kinner has always been a genius while scoring the show
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