#reading witch and the beast
kumomist · 4 months
ashaf “i want to teach you what love is”
anyway he ended up baby trapping guideau hfkdbdkdbd
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villainii · 3 months
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"I'm sorry, my friend has a short temper where witches are concerned. You could say there's some unfinished business..."
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noahhawthorneauthor · 8 months
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September was a good month for reading ! I've already started on my first October book, Black Leopard Red Wolf. I can tell you right now it's unlike anything I've read before, is dark as heck, and I'm loving it.
I've got three books under my belt for the 23for23 challenge so far, here's to twenty more. 📚🏳️‍🌈👏
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illyanarasputinfan · 10 months
Can you recommend any good titles that are not published by DC or Marvel?
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Here are the titles I’ve read that are not published by Marvel over the past few months. I enjoyed all of them. If you’re looking for something different, I recommend giving these a read.
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batcavescolony · 4 months
So I'm rereading Childrens Crusade, where everyone is finding Wanda. And this part gets me ever time. They find Wanda and she gets her memories back blah blah to make things right she wants to give mutants back their powers so they test it on this guy called Rictor
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As you can't tell by his name, his powers are earth based like controlling seismic energy right? Rictor like Rictor scale the thing we use to measure earthquakes. Ok? So Wanda tries it
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And everyone is surprised when the earth starts shaking! You got how many people in that room and none went "hey maybe we should try this somewhere else so if it works, the guy who's powers it is to make earthquakes doesn't topple the building".
They couldn't teleport to a field, or an open space? They were like "yep let's do this in a building".
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months
I like Magneto as a villain but not as a person in these 60s stories. But still, it's funny he returns just as Professor X dies. And then says he wishes Charles died at his hands? That feels like something you can easily read into (X-Men #43):
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muchalucha91 · 2 years
I’ve gone 31 years on this rock without knowing about webtoons…when I tell you I’ve INHALED a handful so far😅 It’s currently 1:40 am and I’m sobbing over Days of Hana it was so beautiful. If anyone has any recommendations I’ll gladly take them! 🖤 PS I’ll be adding more as I go. Please keep those recs coming!🖤
Here’s what I’ve read so far:
• Midnight Poppy Land (as of 3/24/2023) BACK FROM HIATUS!!! Welcome back Lilydusk!!🖤🖤🖤
• SubZero (also back from hiatus as of 2/19/2023!!!)
• Atnomen
• My Gently Raised Beast (spin-off happening)
• The Witch and the Bull (back from hiatus)
• Days of Hana (complete)
• Brimstone and Roses (on hiatus)
• Down to Earth
• Eaternal Nocturnal (back from hiatus!! Another current favorite🖤)
• Phase (back from hiatus)
• Your Wish (on hiatus til 8/14/2023)
• Reunion (complete)
• Morgana and Oz (back from hiatus)
• Maybe Meant to Be (current favorite 🖤 and on hiatus)
• I Love Yoo (other current favorite 🖤 and also on hiatus)
• Let’s Play (complete, but feels unfinished lol)
• Happily Ever Afterwards (complete? There was a series finale, but it still says “updated every Thursday” so🤷🏻‍♀️)
• The Alpha King’s Claim
• Edith (no hate to the author, but I actually stopped reading. Love the art, I just don’t care about the story there, you know?)
• Lovestuck
• Lovephobia
• Hello Baby
• Now, I am a Demon King’s Wife
• Flatmates with Benefits
• The Dragon King's Bride
• Goth Girl & The Jock
• Annie Green Hates Girls
Stellar Wish (on hiatus)
What Melvin Left Behind
Not Your Typical Reincarnation Story
What the Evil Dragon Lives For
Who Stole the Empress?
My Far Too Tumultuous Marriage
Wished You Were Dead
• Under the Oak Tree
• Lies Become You
• Disobey the Duke if You Dare
• Moonrise by the Cliff
• Your Eternal Lies
• Falling for the Enemy (complete)
• The Golden Forest
• Totem’s Realm
• Bloody Sweet (complete)
• Taming the Emperor’s Hound
• Amina of the Lamp (complete)
• Isnelda
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seoafin · 11 months
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kumomist · 4 months
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midnight-in-town · 2 years
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Majo to Yajuu a.k.a The Witch and the Beast is getting an anime !! (source)
I’m very happy about this, because this story is definitely not getting enough recognition from Western readers and I’m hoping the anime will make it more popular. :)))
As I’ve mentioned before this manga is a rare gem of fiction. Cleary inspired by “The Beauty and the Beast” fairytale, this story is about seeking revenge from a magical curse, though its misleading covers actually hide a story that completely subverts this well-known genre with darker and more complex twists.
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Please keep an eye open for the adaptation of Guideau and Ashaf’s journey through solving magical crimes, I’m sure they will steal your breath! :D
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untilyouremember · 5 months
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The Witch and the Beast
Available digitally & published by Kodansha
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wysteir · 1 day
I don't remember at what points in my life things changed drastically
I guess that's not really something that happened to me, at least in a way I can fully comprehend
They were mostly slow rolls, all throughout. Except maybe the whole moving every 4-5 years when those actually forced me to change schools but that was just a fixture of life for me at that point
Except times I remember- being young, and wanting to be loved more, and yearning for kindness and comfort when I was upset. I remember distinctly thinking that at the rate things were going, nobody could save me from the loneliness
Too smart for my own good, or may smart enough to avoid whatever hole that would have led me down
I knew I had to do it myself
I didn't have the courage nor charisma to reach out to others and make friends at the time, my parents weren't evil but they WERE old school and from a different time AND culture
They weren't raised on American Television, which despite everything still showed love and care every now and then, in cartoons, on the family channel. Childhood best friends forever and understanding parents
Impossible for me, I thought. At least impossible with the conditions and semantics I thought were needed
I had to save myself
And I couldn't really
I could only do so much and I tried so hard
But I was an awkward lonely teenager with no emotional strength or foundation learning everything a bit too late and a bit too slow
But nobody could save me, I had to do it myself
It's a flawed viewpoint but it was all I had, and despite everything it made me not give up hope
For better or for worse I always started with nothing, so losing what due to my own failings or due to shifts in my life usually didn't feel like the end of the world
But it's not good for growth you know? I was already a little behind because I didn't socialize much and it was scary out there
I learned the best ways to deflect statements that hurt me, I learned ways to try and not step on toes, I learned to better slow myself down and often try to think before I speak
And once I had that I could build myself up the way I wanted to, a decade and a half late
I'd given up on so much
There was enough "wrong" with me that I spent most of my time struggling against myself whenever I wasn't doing school or work
I remember a particularly bad meltdown haunting me for three years before I felt it ebb
It's not like anyone else brought it up either, it was just me. All me
I didn't feel like I had too much time for therapy or counseling. I didn't know where to look and I didn't even know what to say
And I spent so much time thinking and going over things in my head that what I WAS able to put into words sounded perfectly coherent and healthy
Eventually counseling helped a little, but there's just a lot that I couldn't rely on someone else for because I didn't know how
And there haven't been that many drastic changes, at least I thought
Not when everything feels like a mountain to climb and every effort feels like digging into the stone with my fingers
Nobody could save me
To get what I wanted I had to do it myself
I envy the dolls here sometimes. I envy the hope they have in Witches sometimes. Granted I don't go to those spaces. But I see the texts sometimes. I'm so exhausted but I feel like letting myself have that hope goes counter to everything I've struggled for, that I've fought for, that parts of me have died for
I really, really, wanted someone to save me
There is this concept of a Witch's unconditional love for her dolls that probably would have made me happy long ago
At the very least a moment in life where I could rest properly for once
But it's not what I want anymore
At least not wholly
It IS nice to relax and let go every now and then, to rely on others as best as I can, to be myself
It's nice to let myself be a burden and be taken care of every now and then
But I am my own Witch, first and foremost
I built my own soul, my own purpose, my own magic, my own pride
My sliver of humanity that shines as bright as any torch in the darkness
I and we and she reached through the mirror and chiseled the jagged heart of our reflections into a smooth core
I won't give up on her
I won't give up on the Witch I was yesterday who struggled to bring me here today, just as she didn't give up on me yesterday, nor the day before, or before that
Even as she climbed over my shattered cerebral porcelain, and I climbed over hers, and mine and hers- from even before I flowered from the prince's tomb
I won't give up on her
I'm a bit manic and delusional and a bit sleep deprived it seems
But I won't give up on her
She never gave up on me
When did it become like this?
Never, not really, it didn't become, it grew
From a flower, to a garden
Porcelain with gold between the cracks is still broken, but it still functions, and it's still beautiful
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moonlitnightingale · 11 months
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Oh Phanora Kristoffel, the woman that you are. This necromancer has a vice grip on my mind. Read Witch and the Beast
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pensiveant · 3 months
that poll actually made me so upset, imagine thinking vampires and humans share a common ancestor. you FOOLS it's aggressive mimicry. they've evolved to imitate the appearance of prey to more easily lure humans, among other benefits. you would not survive the nefarious anglerfish ‼
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ghost-bard · 1 year
Did you guys. Did you guys know. That im so normal. Anyway im thinking about Ashaf and Guideau again…
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bakabuzz · 5 months
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