#reader x ramlethal
amphibiahawks321 · 2 months
I see that you know about guilty gear! Could you make a Ramlethal valentine x M!Reader?
M!Reader : Ramlethaaaaaal! I got something special for you!
Ramlethal : Hm? More special than your presence and burgers?
M!Reader : I got you a double cheese burger!
Ramlethal : Double cheese? Will it taste the same like a burger?
M!Reader : Better!
5 minutes later
M!Reader : Sooooo~ how is it!
Ramlethal : ......
Ramlethal : Woah✨
Ramlethal : apparently there is something more special than a burger.... a double cheese burger✨
M!Reader : Told you!
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mocolococoffeesimp · 17 days
Reading your yandere A.B.A with a male S/O has prompted me to ask for one Yandere Elphelt and Ramlethal with a male S/O it can be separate or shared seeing how I could see those to share a darling.
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-Elphelt got crushes left and right. But, with you? She felt connection. So, she grabbed your hand, guiding it to the marriage certificate. You were bit confused about it, but signed it nonetheless, not realizing it was a marriage certificate. She let out a gleeful giggle, as you did so.
-Elphelt would be a mix of submissive and delusional type of yandere. She would be happy to do anything for you, so even the smallest task would be done. But, she also insisted that you were with her as she did them. And, she would drag you by force, if you said no. Delusional, as she saw even the smallest acts as these huge acts of love. She loved everything you did and said, which only boosted her adoration of you.
-Whenever you spoke to others and Elpehlt was present, she had her arm around your arm. Whenever she thought someone was getting too close to yo, she gripped your arm tighter and glared at the person. The person usually, would back little bit. If, they didn't she would make up some excuse.
"Oh, dear. Didn't we need to go to the thing... You know the thing. Bye!" She exclaimed loudly, to the person as she dragged you off. She wouldn't let you out of her sights for the rest of the day, as she wanted to remind you, you were hers and she was yours.
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-The moment Ram realized, she felt something different towards you, she acted. She was with you as often as possible, no matter where you were or her duties. Ram being the blunt person, she is, she would simply grab your hand. She looked at you with deadpan expression. "You're mine." She squeezed your hand, bit harder than she meant to.
-After, that claim she grabbed you and placed you to her place. She just simply told you, you lived there now. You sort of rolled with it, as she helped you to move your stuff to her place.
-Ram would be eliminating type of yandere. As, she was already bad at picking up social cues, she never really understood when you were just talking to someone or bumping into someone by accident. Ram would eliminate the person the moment you turned away from them. Her face didn't even flinch, from her deadpan face as she got rid of the "competition". She allowed you to walk around, without her. But, she did keep an eye on you for most of time.
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um. hi? so........random incorrect quotes guilty gear x reader part 2? please?
I like you Anon!
Baiken: Did it hurt when you fell- You: From heaven? Wow, I didn’t think you were such a flirt- Baiken: No, I meant when you fell down the stairs. You: … Baiken: You just laid there for 15 minutes.
Elphelt: Wow, you want to hold my hand before marriage? How awfully lewd of you. You: We literally slept together yesterday. Elphelt: That's NOTHING compared to the lewdness of holding hands.
Giovana: I can't take this anymore, someone needs to take me out! You: In a dating type of way, or an assassination type of way? Giovana: I don't know, surprise me!
Milia: I want to kiss you. You, not paying attention: What? Milia: I said if you die, I wont miss you.
You: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response. Ramlethal: Wow. They sound stupid. You: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense. Ramlethal: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!” You: I guess you’re right. Hey Ram, I love you. Ram: See! Just say that! You: Holy fucking shit. Ram: If that flies over their head then, sorry Jam, but they're too dumb for you. You, on the verge of dying of laughter: Ram!
You: I think I just figured something out. I got to go. Jam: Aren't you forgetting something? You: Uuh…*hesitantly kisses Jam's forehead before running out*. Jam: No! I mean yes that too, but pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
Bridget: We had a date!
*Bridget points aggressively at a coloring book*
Haeyun: If we don’t get out of this alive… If we’re both about to die… I love you!
Neither of you die Haeyun: … You: … You: So, do you wanna talk about somethi— Haeyun: No, thank you!
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subhumanselflover · 11 days
If I could be so bold, mayhaps I please ask for relationship headcanons for Ramlethal? Only if you want to, of course. And good day to you.
note: coming right up!! i'll do my best, since i'm not super sure i know how to write ramlethal yet. and thank you, good day to you as well!
Ramlethal Relationship Headcanons
A teensy bit awkward at first. I mean, she's still understanding love in general, let alone romance.
Asks a lot of questions, especially about how you personally experience love.
Also asks Elphelt a lot of questions, and gets a lot of advice from her. So if she suddenly says/does a lot of overly sappy + sweet stuff, just know it's a result of Elphelt's convincing.
Her biggest love language is gift giving. Anything that reminds her of you, she picks up for you, but knowing Ramlethal, sometimes it's just a nice rock.
Burger dates. Knowing Ram, she wants to go on at least one weekly. It's the highest form of love to her.
She's a little stiff about physical affection at first, but she comes to absolutely love hugs + any sort of cuddling. You wouldn't have expected it, but sometimes you just wake up with her clinging to you.
By the way, any time you're cuddling, Ram's little dog WILL be sitting on her lap. Inevitable, really.
I think she definitely would like stargazing. Take her stargazing and listen to what she has to say. It leads to interesting late night conversation. She gets sort of existential about herself and her emotions, but it's good for her to talk it out.
If she gets sleepy while stargazing, she might fall asleep mid thought. She's very cute, and then you get to carry her inside :3
Once she gets a little more comfortable with affection, I imagine she gives (accidental) surprise hugs. She doesn't mean to surprise you, but she's not quite sure how to announce such other than "I'm hugging you now."
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harventheblorbo · 1 year
Hi could I request hcs of Bedman and Ramlethal cheering up their S/o after they’ve had a rough week?
Bedman and Ramlethal Cheering up their S/o➥
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Containing;... Bedman, Ramlethal Valentine, and gender neutral reader!
___ is gender neutral
Authors note; TYSM for the request! Guilty gear requests always makes my day :)
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Whenever he sees his Wonderful S/O in a state of stress or seem to be upset, he pounders for a second trying to think of something to do. It takes a while for him to think of something due to his slight detachment from reality but he eventually does.
He asks you what you would like to watch as in movies or shows. When you answer, he quickly leaves the room and comes back with a blanket and some snacks for you as he drags you onto the couch.
Yet does he realize that it's not gonna take long for himself to pass out on the couch next to you with his head in your shoulder
Ramlethal valentine ➥
Since she is a valentine and has been basically programmed to show no emotion so there is a understanding of how she might not be the greatest at this but, she try’s her best and she does try to learn emotions as well for the sake of you
Whenever she sees you being upset, she becomes worried and asks you what’s wrong and when you tell her, she feels empathy and try’s her best to understand your feelings throughly.
She does her best and would play with your hair and put tiny braids in your hair as you would rant about your day and she would add small comments and give advice and most of the time, it was good advice since she knows you the best
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Big congrats on the 100 followers! Its always great to see quality blogs like yours getting some love. So, to be honest I barely know what any of those prompts would invoke, but maybe SFW Undercovers with Ramlethal? Undercovers is the only one I could hazard a guess as to what it entails. Hope your week goes well!
I do hope you enjoy!
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Warmth seeped through the closely interconnected bodies that belonged to you and Ramlethal, alongside her trademark magehound, only enhanced by the thick cover over the all of you.
“Hrm…” Ram groaned tiredly into your chest.
You and Ram did not need to speak with words, not anymore.
“Long day. Give headpats.” was all she said to you with her single vocalization, a deep pout on her face.
And you were not one to deny Ramlethal much, especially when it came to her pouty face.
And so your hand gently patted her head, your hands running through her hair as Ramlethal let out a content breath, a smile on her face as you continued to give her headpats.
You also knew you were going to be here a while, as Ramlethal REALLY liked headpats.
You had serious doubts about who was more like a dog between Ram and her Magehound.
Still, Ramlethal was your girlfriend, even if she had a weird love for being praised via headpats.
Your hand was really starting to get tired…
Is she asleep yet?
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mocolococoffeesimp · 6 months
I love your work!! I was wondering if it would be possible to do a scenario with Ramlethal where their s/o gets really injured in battle?
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-It was a tough battle, tougher than you and Ram had expected. Two of you had been separated during the fight. Ram had been going at the enemies, destroying them in the process. But, after she had destroyed the enemies she flew to find you.
-After flying for a while, she found you, only to be absolutely horrified of the sight before her. You were bleeding, clearly taking a beating. Ram rushed to you, lifting you upto her.
"(Y/N)? Are you there?" Ram asked, wiping the blood from your face. You blinked couple times, seeing Ram before you. You lfted your hand to her cheek, staining it with blood.
"Sorry... I couldn't fight them off..." You went unconscious after those words, Ram listened to your steady breathing before she stood up with you in her arms. Ram gently placed you on the great-sword, using it as a stretcher. Ram wanted to go after the people who had hurt you, she prioritized your safety.
-Later that day, you woke up in a comfortable bed, all patched up. You looked around the room, only to feel something heavy on you. You turn your gaze downwards, seeing Ram sleeping there. You smiled at the sight, knowing that it was thanks to her you were safe. You kissed her forehead, taking a more comfortable position on the bed with Ram.
-After that, Ram was little bit protective over you. Going with you anywhere you went, making sure you didn't get hurt or your wounds weren't sore, changing your bandages. Anything that could be even little dangerous, she would insist on making sure it was safe. You were thankful for her helping you, it was just her showing how much she loved.
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mocolococoffeesimp · 7 months
Can I request ramlethal with a crush hcs?
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-Ram would be confused, about her feelings towards you. How her heart skipped a beat whenever you smiled, how she wanted to hold your hand. It was all very confusing to her. She thought she was getting sick, or maybe allergic something you used.
-Cue Elphelt bopping in! She noticed Ram, getting all flushed up close to you. She had a pretty good idea what was going on, but she wanted to poke around little bit. She skipped to Ram, poking her cheek.
"Ram~ What's going with (Y/N)? You seem to... Go quiet around them." Elphelt said, with a knowing smirk. Ram tilted her head in confusion.
"Nothing? I think I maybe allergic to them. I get warmer around them." Elpehlt got all excited about that. After she told what it meant, Ram decided to act on it. Later, that day Ram found you being alone. She approached you and asked you out. In Ram's mind there wasn't a point in delaying it. Soon, enough you and Ram were dating. She won't spend a long time, in the crush state as she doesn't understand why she shouldn't go for something she likes.
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RANDOM INCORRECT QUOTES [Guilty Gear X Reader Edition Pt.1]
Baiken: Pros and cons of dating me. Baiken: Pros. *Looks at the paper Anji and Delilah gave them* Tomboy S/O? What the fuck does that mean? Baiken: *Tosses the paper* Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
Baiken: If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap... have fun figuring out which one.
Millia: This is such a bad idea. Reader: Then why are you coming along? Millia: One of us need to be able to talk the cops out of arresting us when this inevitably goes wrong.
Millia: Reader... Reader: Oh no, My name in B flat. Reader: You're disappointed.
Reader: I know you're deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are. Giovana: It's not a joke. Giovana: * sniffles * Giovana: I'm a legit snack.
*The group is getting into the car* Reader: I'm driving. Giovana, out of view: Shotgun! Rei, turning to face Giovana: *BARK* (Translation: Aww! But you had it on the way here-) Everyone except Giovana: WOAH- Giovana, holding a shotgun: No! I found a shotgun! And I want the front seat! * Pumps gun *
Reader: *Stubs their toe* FUCK! Elphelt: Mind your language! Reader: What else am I supposed to say, “Woe is I”??? Elphelt: Reader: You have to accept that swear words are necessary sometimes.
Reader: Is something burning? Elphelt: Just my love for you. Reader: Elphelt, the toaster is on fire.
Reader: Don't stay up all night, Ramlethal. Last time you got this sleep-deprived, you tried to eat your own shirt.
Reader, pointing a camera at Ramlethal: There they are, our sweet baby. Ramlethal, holding a Borger and her puppy: What-?
Reader: Oh, fiddlesticks. Bridget: Look, I understand this is a tense situation, but let's watch the fucking language.
Reader: Sorry I'm late I was doing... things.
Bridget, Kicks open the door: Hello I'm things!
Testament: Anything, honestly, dumbasses especially!
Reader, desperately, as Testament bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE Testament: Oh! B positive.
Testament: *Sighs*
Reader: Man, I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running? Testament: Oh, I'm always running Testament: The question is from what
Reader: Why would you think any of this was a good idea? I-no: Probably because I'm a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence. Reader: … I-no: I don't know how you keep forgetting this.
Reader: What if the 'g' in 'gif' is silent? I-no: Go the fuck to sleep Reader: What gif I don't want to? I-no: Fuck You!
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mocolococoffeesimp · 1 year
Can I get some ramlethal relationship headcanons pls?
Most certainly, dear anon.
Relationship headcanons for Ramlethal.
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-Ramlethal would absolutely be confused by her newfound attraction to you. Her chest feeling warm, whenever you're nearby. She didn’t find the unpleasant, she was very curious about what this warm feeling was.
-No way would she realize what is going on. She would consult Elphelt to explain her emotions.
-Elphelt would be overjoyed that Ram felt like that about someone. Only for Ram to get confused on what to do about it. Elphelt would suggest for Ram to act at once, stating that “You never know, when they might be someone. You must act right away!”
-Elphelt being Elphelt, would suggest the most romantic confession ever made. Only for all of it to fly over Ram's head. She doesn’t see the point of extravagant asking.
-Ram decided to do it her way. Walk up to you, and bluntly as possible ask you out. Her heart did beat faster than usual, but she ignored it and walked up to you.
"I like you, (Y/N). Will you go out with me?" Her voice staying deadpan as ever, only indication she's nervous, being her slight head-turn at the end of her sentence.
-Food dates. So many food dates. You go to different restaurants often, for her to try different kinds of foods. So far nothing has defeated the cheeseburger. You do go to Danny Missiles to eat their food. This also includes cooking new dishes for her. She would want to learn how to cook, which in turn ends up in her starting a fire. 
-But as time goes on she learns how to cook. And, she becomes a decent cook. You would cook with her, spending some quality time with her. 
-Lots of movie dates. She gets both study of emotions and enjoyment out of them. You two usually go to cinemas, as you can combine the snack aspect of it and the emotional aspect. She picks a different snack every time. This also goes for the genre of a movie. 
-Nothing is off the table for Ram, when it comes to movies. From action movies to rom-coms, she’ll watch everything. (Elphelt has a tendency to be a third wheel, when you go watch romance movies. She just can’t help herself.)
-You'll have to explain a lot of things to her. Different emotions, what they mean. During the movies too. She does catch on relatively quickly, what the plot is about. The emotions are the hard part. And, more non literal stuff. Sayings such as "Running away with  tail between their legs.” Or, "Break a leg."
“Break a leg? Whose I have to break?” 
“It means good luck, Ram. It’s an idiom.”
“That’s a strange way to say it.”
-She does learn how to use sayings. Just be patient. It takes a while for her to understand when it is appropriate to use one.
-She enjoys cuddling with you. But, isn't sure how to initiate it. This often ends up her following you around, when she wants to cuddle with you.
-Ram holds her arms towards you, with her expression the same as ever. 
“Cuddle with me.” And, what are you supposed to do? Deny her request? So,she cuddles with you while you work. At some point, you turn down your work, gently remove her hat, and start playing with her hair.
-This causes Ram to press Ram harder on your palm. She seems like a cat seeking for your warmth. She wraps her arms around you, placing her head on to your chest listening to your heartbeat. Just enjoying the moment.
-Speaking of her hat, you do occasionally get to wear it. When you do, Ram finds you cute with it. She just might get you matching one as a gift. 
-Ram would definitely steal some of your clothes. She would just walk around the apartment with just one of your hoodies on. In her mind, it’s no different than sharing your dinner. 
-The magehound Sin gave her would be constant in your relationship. Morning walks, taking care of it. It would also join you two in your cuddling sessions. Morning walks are relaxing times. When both of you just walk around with magehound, you two arms linked. Ram is bit bashful about holding hands, but she won’t deny it from you, when you wrap your hand around hers.
-When you fall asleep before her, she likes to play with your hair. A gentle smile on her face. Wondering how wonderful emotions and life are when spent with the right people.
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mocolococoffeesimp · 1 year
Can I request some ramlethal cuddling hcs? I've been kinda under the weather recently.
Certainly Anon. Hope you feel better soon.
Ramlethal cuddling headcanons.
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-Ram would be a bit stiff, at the beginning with cuddles. The whole concept of it  being somewhat foreign to her. You’d have to guide her on how to do it. 
-First a few times, Ram would find it to be an odd,but comfortable experience. Sharing your body heat was just something different. She soon enough had gotten so used to it, it felt weird sitting alone, without anyone next to them.
-This has caused her to specifically search out for you, in demand for cuddles. She just wanders around until she finds you. She holds her arms towards you. She just says “I want cuddles.” If you're working she will cuddle with you in a way, it doesn’t bother you.
-When you’re finished with your work Ram splatters herself all over you. She wants to feel every inch of your body, as she takes in your heart. You will be stuck there for a while, she won’t let you go unless it is an emergency.
-This extends to your movie evenings as well. Wrapped in blankets, she will still cuddle with you, her hands wrapped around yours. No matter how terrible the movie is, Ram still enjoys this normality. Just lovers, being close.
-Ram’s cuddles, (once she understands how to do cuddles) are absolutely the best. She just knows how to position herself to make you comfortable. Any worries, you might’ve had that day, just melts away once you’re in her embrace.
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mocolococoffeesimp · 1 year
Can I get some ramlethal headcanons with a s/o who's sick pls?
This hits way too close home, as I have just recovered from a cold. Was still fun to write.
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-Ram would wonder, where you were that day. The more obvious spots, she had already checked. She then heard whimpering from your room. 
-She had a surprised face when she found you lying on your bed, wrapped up in your blanket. Ram would gently sit next to you on your bed.
-The sudden shift of the bed, caused you to slightly crack open your eyelids, to see Ram sitting on your bed.
“(Y/N) Are you alright?” You’re unusually warm.” She says, as she places her hand on your forehead. 
-You fall back on the bed, again closing your eyes.
“It’s just a cold.” You reply, drawing the blanket closer to yourself. Ram looked at you for a moment, before an idea popped up in her head.
“Wait a moment.” With that she left the room, and ventured to the kitchen. Rummaging through the fridge she soon enough found microwavable soup. As she waited for the food, she poured a cup of water and grabbed some painkillers for you.
-She wasn’t certain on what she was doing, but she had heard these were normal things to do when someone was sick. With the food, water and pills on the tray she returned to you.
-She placed the tray on the nightstand next to your bed. She then lifted the covers revealing you looking horrible. She grabs the water and painkillers without saying a word. She holds them for you, waiting for you to take them.
-You shift yourself on the bed, so you’re now in a sitting position. You take the medicine and chuck it down with the water. 
“Thanks, Ram.” You turn your attention to the steaming soup, next you. 
“What’s that for?” You ask. Ram takes the soup from the tray, holding it in her hands. 
“To eat. It is good to eat soups, when you’re sick. Isn’t that right?” Ram asks you as she takes a spoonful for you to eat. You just nodded to her, before opening your mouth for her to feed you. 
-Neither of you said anything as Ram fed you the soup. It was knowing, that Ram could take care of someone. You mentally prepare for the possibility that she might become sick. Just so you could take care of her in a similar matter.
-When the soup finally ended, she stood up again, grabbing your laptop from a nearby stand. She took off her cape, placing it on top of your blanket for some extra warmth. Then she placed the laptop on your lap.
“Do you want to watch something?” She asked from you, as she sat next to you again. You only nodded to her, as she opened the Guilty Gear universe equivalent of Netflix.(Gearflix?Boltflix?Something along those lines.) 
-It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep, but Ram didn’t move from her position. She only closed the laptop and made herself comfortable on the bed. Falling asleep with you.
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mocolococoffeesimp · 1 year
Could I request more of the powerful s/o headcanons for ram? The first batch was really good.
Of course, Anon. I myself enjoyed writing it, so this nice continuation to it.
Ramlethal x Op reader. Part 2.
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-Practice matches are way more regular now. Ram constantly goes all out against you, which forces you to put more effort into your hits so you don't get evaporated by her.
-Ram starts to get frustrated, after tens of matches not getting even close to defeating you. Then, she decided to try even harder. When this happened, you slammed her sword back to her, with such force, even her blocking the hit wasn't enough.
-She got broken ribs, arm, not to mention an black eye. She couldn't move from the bed for a whole week. Which means you pandered to her the whole week. Bringing her whatever she wanted, being close to her.
-Ram assures you that she is fine. But, you can't relax as much. Your strength is just active all the time. Even when she eventually recovers you are being extra careful with her. Handholding? You carefully hold her hand, not squeezing too much, afraid you'll break it. Carrying her? Well, you can do that. But, even the slightest of physical contact was scary to you. What, if you accidentally hurt her? You couldn't handle the guilt!
-Ram assures you, it is fine. As long as you're careful with her, she doesn't mind your strength at all. She loves you for you, not for your strength. This does ease your mind to an extent, but you do hold back more during practice matches now.
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mocolococoffeesimp · 1 year
Could I request ramlethal with a werewolf s/o?
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 -She wouldn't think about it too much, when she saw you with wolf ears and a tail behind you. She had seen weirder things, but it did pique her interest in you.
-Than the full moon rolled in. You had been oddly distant for the past week or so, which was odd to say the least.
-So, in short she decided to follow you to see what you were up-to. You kept on checking your back, but at no point you realized to look upwards.
-Once you stopped, Ram hid at a nearby bush to wait what will happen. Ram was not prepared for what happened.
-Your transformation was just as fast as it was cruel sounding. Ram barely had the time to cover her mouth, as you already had turned to her direction.
"Ram, is that you?" You said your nose twitching to her direction. She stepped into the light revealing herself.
"Yes, its me. Is that... You, (Y/N)?" You nodded to her, as you approached her. She was little bit scared of your different appearannce. But, when you pushed your head into her palm. She confused slightly by this, but she started scratching you. You were enjoying it, as your leg started to pound against the ground. Ram was slightly confused to say the least, but she kept on petting.
-Ram was quite accepting of this. Like, said you weren't the strangest thing she had seen. But, this did lead to you asking for pats and scratches from her often.
-Magehound vs you. You both compete for her attention, which has led to her using both of her hands to pet both of you at the same time or having turns for you two.
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mocolococoffeesimp · 1 year
Could I request ramlethal with a super powerful S/O?
Ram with a powerful s/o headcanons.
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-Ram herself is a powerful fighter. But, nothing could've prepared her for how powerful you were.
-You two were walking around the town, just nothing particular happening. Until, a robber stopped you two in your path. He swung a knife at you two, trying to intimidate you.
"Give me your money! Or, Missy gets it!" The robber, treathend you two. Neither of you seemed to flinch. This only infuriated him further.
"Fine, you asked for it!" He tried to lunge at Ram, but you were faster. You slapped him across his face, sending him flying. The wall he collapsed with created a small crater underneath him.
"Ah, I overdid it. Are you okay, Ram?" You asked. Ram was flabbergasted by what she just saw. She thought she was powerful, but you had just sent a man flying with, what seemed to be a normal slap. She turned to you in shock.
"How did you do that?"
-After some explanation, that you've always been like that, Ram was just even more confused. She thought that a normal human shouldn't be able to do feats like that. And, she was correct. Only you were able to do that. She suspected that you were a gear or at least half. But, you had had a normal childhood, which ruled it out as a theory.
-She would feel glad to have a s/o as powerful as you. Especially, with the knowledge that you can protect yourself and her if needed.
-Sparring sessions, now with the knowledge you can spar without holding back. Ram goes all out during these sessions, but you just try not to hurt her too much. Ram appreciates that you care for safety but she assures you its fine.
-And, that is how Ram ended up with a broken arm. She Isn't too worried about it, knowing it'll heal back in a week. But, on the other hand you're apologizing for the whole thing about it. Ram assures its fine, but during the entire healing process you take care of Ram, not allowing her to do anything.
-Ram appreciates the gesture, but she cannot wait for the next sparring session. She wants to see you go all out, but at the same time, she worries a bit how powerful you actually are, if this is you holding back.
-Overall she would feel glad to have someone as powerful as you as their partner.
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A List Of All Of My Current Works Pt.1
Genshin Impact
Tsundere Diluc X Reader
First Meeting Rosaria X Reader
Breaking An Entering: Electric Boogaloo A Sequel To First Meeting
Triad Pt.1 (Ningguang X Beidou X Reader)
Sara Kujou X Reader
Eula, Hu Tao, Sara, Ninguang and *Spins wheel* Barbra’s reaction to an S/O who has gone loopy after taking some medicine to fight their fever randomly confessing their undying love.
Jean Gunnhildr N.S.F.W. Headcannons
Lumine, Eula, and Jean With A Reader Who Uses A Frying Pan As A Weapon
Catching Her Eye-Ningguang X Reader
Worthy Of You-Sara X Reader
Differing Types Of Art-Yoimiya X Reader
Kokomi X Injured Reader
Ningguang Brainrot
Yandere Raiden Shogun
Holiday Gift-Layla, Furina, and Kokomi X Reader
A Gift To A Friend- Kaeya, Childe, Beidou, and Furina X Reader
100 Followers Event: Ei X Reader-Sharing
Reverse 1999
Dikke X Reader
Jujutsu Kaisen
Maki, Mai, Nobara, And Miwa With Powerful Himbo S/O
Maki, Mai, Nobara, And Miwa With Powerful Himbo S/O Pt.2
Fate Grand Order alongside Fate and TYPE MOON in general
SFW And NSFW Jacques De Molay Foreigner x Reader
Morgan, Baobhan, Melusine, and Barghest With Master Reader
SFW and NSFW Anastasia Hedcannons
Gareth And Mordred Fluff Scenarios and Headcannons
Fairy Knights and Morgan with a Depressed Master Reader
Scathach, Medusa Rider, And Florence Nightingale X Reader -Angst-
Scathach, Medusa Rider, And Florence Nightingale X Reader -Hurt Comfort-
"I'm So In Love With You" Artoria Pendragon X Reader
"You're Beautiful" Medusa Rider and Gorgon X Reader
"Do you trust me?" Serenity and Shuten Douji X Reader
"You're Cute When Your Angry" Rin Tohsaka and Mordred X Reader
"I'm So In Love With You" Medusa and Gorgon X Reader
"I Want To Protect You!" Mordred and Quetzalcoatl X Reader
Bradamante X Reader
Caenis X Reader
Penthesilea X Autistic Master Reader
Poly Scathach, Nightingale x Reader
Lancer Artoria X Reader With Powers Like Alucard From Hellsing
The Knights Of The Round Finding Out About Artoria Saber, Lancer, and Alter's S/O
Medusa, Caenis, and Gorgon With An S/O They Like To Tease
Nobu with a former Master Reader who became a servant
Penthesilea and Caenis with A Reader Who Loves Their Personality
Artoria And The Child Of Mordred X Reader Being Called "Grandpa"
Nagao Kagetora x Reader
Death By Snu Snu- Shuten Douji, Mash, Raikou, Barghest, and Castoria X Reader
Ereshkigal, Quetzalcoatl, and Reader Poly Headcannons
General relationship HCs for a GN! Reader paired with Mahiru and Ibuki
Playing With Their Hair Headcanons-Toko, Jack, and Mikan
Mahiru, Kaede, and Ibuki caring for an S/O with a broken leg
Celestia, Miu, and Kyoko when their S/O who's the opposite calls them cute for the first time
Himiko and Kirumi with an energetic and affectionate S/O
Himiko X Tenko X Reader
P3: Mitsuru With Someone Who Loves To Play With Her Hair
P5: Futaba and Makoto X Smart Delinquent Reader
Chie Satonaka & Orie with a reader coming out as Bi
100 Followers Event: P3: Mitsuru Kirijo-Secret
Gehrman X Reader
Micolash X Reader
Impostor Iosefka x Reader
Choir X Reader
Elden Ring
Malenia NSFW Alphabet
Guilty Gear
RANDOM INCORRECT QUOTES [Guilty Gear X Reader Edition Pt.1]
RANDOM INCORRECT QUOTES [Guilty Gear X Reader Edition Pt.2]
What Dates With Them Would Be Like-Testament
Relationship Headcannons: Millia Rage and Bullet
"You're Beautiful"- Bridget X Reader
Baiken Teaches You How To Fight!
Testament NSFW Headcannons
100 Followers Event: Undercovers, Ramlethal
Stealing Their Hat-Testament x Reader
Elphelt X Dragon Install Gear Reader NSFW
Relationship Headcannons: Millia Rage and Bullet
Tsubaki Yayoi X Reader
Mai Natsume X Reader
Wagner With An Affectionate S/O
Hilda Relationship Headcannons
Yandere Wagner x Reader
Orie X Affectionate Reader
Chie Satonaka & Orie with a reader coming out as Bi
Incorrect Under Night In Birth X Reader Quotes
Miss Fortune, Black Dahlia, and Eliza x Reader
Street Fighter
Cammy White NSFW-A Nice Hot Shower
Juri Han X Reader
Married Life With Juri Han X Chun-Li
Elena & Menat X Reader Headcannons
Rivals To Lovers With Sakura & Makoto X Reader
Laura & Karin X Reader Dating Headcannons
Elena X Reader Fluff Headcannons
Getting Caught In The Act With Cammy, Elena, & Karin
Death By Snu Snu With Chun-Li And Juri Han X Reader
Tis But A Scratch! - Juri, Cammy, and Ibuki X Reader
Decapre X Reader Incorrect Quotes
Kissing Chun-Li, Juri, and Cammy's Abs
Calling Them Sugar Mommy-Karin Kanzuki & Mitsuru Kirijo X Reader
Resident Evil
Jill Valentine X Reader
Final Fantasy
Tifa Lockart X Dragoon!Reader
Sephiroth X Reader: 100 Followers Event-Bite
Fear And Hunger & Fear And Hunger: Termina
The Freedom Of Choice-Levi X Reader (Platonic)
Marina And Abella Relationship Headcannons
Marina X Reader She Met Post Termina
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