#rammstein lgbtq matters
so I've heard in the past that some members of the band have hinted at not being 100% straight and richard has given hints at wanting to know what it's like to be a woman, could you please give me some sources to those since I've looked everywhere and can't really find them? thank you, if not, it's totally understandable
Another really really old ask, not because i didn't want to, but because i wanted to findas much info as possible 🌺 sorry anon for taking so long..
Well, the most recent 'hint' was Flake's podcast with topic 'gay/lesbian' where he mentioned that the topic came up one evening when the band were chatting and it turned out they all had their experiences 🥰
Rammstein is imo a band who has always been very 'inclusive' in any sexual preferences, and especially in Till's lyrics you can tell he is very interested in anything out there (not that that makes him 'not straight' (to be honest, i think he is, by some other quotes in interviews 😊) but i wouldn't be surprised if he tried some stuff somewhere in life).
Richard did an 2010 interview in Canada (don't have a link to the original, just this transcript) where he was quoted (about 'Mann gegen Mann')
"Actually, Till showed the lyrics to our Gay community, to our friends, just to make sure, because if you talk about something that you not really are, it's always kind of hard. Sometimes you cross the line, you don't think about it, but it could be offensive. If you do something because it's your experience, it's fine, but if you write something and you're not actually a part of it, I think you should make sure that everything you want to say is right. So he gave the lyrics to some friends, and they were very approving."
Which sort of confirms that they don't see themselves as gay so much. Also in interviews where they were asked 'are you gay', they usually end up with 'no'... interestingly, i don't think i've seen an interview where an interviewer explicitely asked 'are you bisexual' 🌺 (by the way, i would be really surprised if Richard hadn't some experience with a guy when he was younger, i vaguely remember he alluded to such in a really old interview, but i don't have a link).
Richard indeed has expressed ideas about his feminine side several times, in the interbiew above he says for instance
"If you talk to me right now, I'm a big believer in getting myself in balance between the female and the male side. I have a female side too, obviously."
And very striking was in several interviews ca 2021 after he did the cover 'Always on my mind' with Till for the Emigrate album 'The Persistence of Memory' and then made it a duet, stating:
"I mean, obviously, Till has also this very characteristic voice. And then it was pretty fast. He recorded one day. And then I was listening to it, and I felt a little bit that his performance was a little bit too male-oriented. So I felt I need a little female touch to it. So that’s why my personality came in. And I think it’s a good combination"
So he felt a female touch was needed, and added his own voice to Till's track 🥰
And ofcourse in 2023 he shared on his ig
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"I've always wondered what it's like to be a woman"
Now ofcourse this could just be a Kruspe-caption 😊 but with the 'DT' video in mind and his role in it, it makes one wonder doesn't it... where is that making of when we need it 🌺😊
From the others i don't have quotes at hand...sorry...but maybe someone else has and is willing to share 🌺
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crazyworldofemmamarie · 7 months
Day 27 of Rammstein's Countdown to Halloween
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974, dir. Tobe Hooper)
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Plot: While visiting her grandfather's old place, Sally and her brother, along with their friends run into unimaginable horror in rural Texas.
Okay, I'm sure we we all waiting for me to do this. For me, this is the best horror film out there, like ever. I could go all day about it if I wanted to but I'll try to keep it as short as I can.
First off, I am really impressed by the horror and suspense that the film gives us. Like, yes to be fair, a maniac chasing you with a chainsaw is totally far fetched however the idea of any of this happening is quite possible. The film itself deals with a lot of themes and I feel can be taken in many different ways.
First off, the whole industrial/slaughterhouse mindset is the obvious one. The film does an excellent job showcasing the gritty reality behind the treatment of animals in those facilities and does so in way where it spins the protest for it on its head but replace what would be the lambs being sent to the slaughter with people.
I also think with the films, gritty, dark and gritty aesthetic, it can be also seen as a dark side to the 'American Dream" where we see our villain's doing anything they can do survive. The other half of it differently represents a darker side to the whole 'hippie' movement I find, where the whole idea of peace and love and get you into some dangerous situations.
An it's all speculation one whether this film was a response to industrial/slaughterhouse movement or even the Vietnam War, I like to think it was a combination of everything. This film is a complete representation of it's time and as it was stated before, it's almost like it a darker side of it.
Another thing I really enjoy about this film is how it's one of the first 'slashers' (the other being Black Christmas, being released in the same year), without Leatherface and his final girl Sally, there really wouldn't be any of those classic tropes with the evil hillbillies, killer's mask and weapon of choice, all that fun stuff. Before in those classic horror, it was always the outback bumpkins everyone would run to for safety, this time, they are the danger themselves (them being Leatherface and his family).
I also really like how ahead of it's time it was as well with certain aspects as well, again with the final girl Sally. In all fairness, most of the films that came before her, usually it's man or group that saves the woman, in this case, she is by herself and that ending is just something else. Not only that, the fact the character of Leatherface uses his masks as different personalities and there's the infamous 'Pretty Lady' mask that I'm sure most of us have seen once in a while and that's just to use a famous example and the reason why I bring that up is cause Leatherface is canonically a transvestite is just crazy to me. It was a time where I think the western film world was just opening itself up to further investigate sexuality and identity, and not only the film world, but society in general was moving into this idea of sexuality with the lgbtq+ movement and even the feminist movement which was all happening throughout the 70s. This goes back to me saying that the film really kills it representing its own decade cause the world was changing and I think a lot of people felt it wasn't necessarily for the best the feared, it was almost like the film was made to show that. A film that made all of these fears come true, no matter where you stood for how you seen the world at that time, it fund a way it flip it upside down.
Moving on, I love that most of the horror happens in the daylight, I find it is just more affective. I like how the film is not as violent as you expect it to be, and it really lets you add two plus two which is perfect. hat's actually a writing rule I've learned before too: Let the audience add up two and two, they will love you forever.
There are just so many memorable shots, lines and even scenes. It's an extremely well written film, that gets straight to the point, doesn't leave any details out and just takes whatever risk you many expect it to take. As much as production was absolute hell for the cast and crew and they all really deserve purple hearts, especially Marilyn Burns (Sally) who literally had her finger cut for one scene, jumped out a win down and took what every came her way, seriously! I highly recommend reading about how they made the movie in fact there is a really good documentary that's on YouTube and Tubi called a Family Portrait that explains everything . All of them did what they had and faced some rough circumstances thing and that's gotta say something being put through all of that and just running with it. I know a lot of them claim they felt the film might go nowhere and didn't expect it to gain it's popularity but they all must of seen something in it to keep going.
The cinematography is incredible. The scene walking up to the house, Leatherface reveal, THAT opening shot and even the landscape shots really find a good way to showcase a certain beauty behind everything. The scenes are so powerful, especially the dinner and ending (which Gunnar Hansen who was Leatherface's original actor improvised!). The sound score is so haunting and the kills are just genius.
I could talk someone's head off all day about this film, it's one of the many movies that made me want to study film in the first place. I love it and I always will and in my completely bias opinion, this is the best horror film ever.
Oh! And here is a YouTube link to the documentary if anyone is interested, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: A Family Portrait (1998)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: A Family Portrait | Full Slasher Horror | Horror Central - YouTube
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c0rpseart · 2 months
Hello people:D
I wanted to make a “get to know me” kinda post cause why not.
Sooo what’s my name and how can you call me:
•Nox or corpse
Some stuff about me:
•I’m 15 and currently studying as a Graphic desinger, I have a pet dog:), I’m a He/Him, I love metal music but I don’t say that I’m a metalhead, also I’m a satanist.
Bands/People(?) I listen to:
•Slipknot, Korn, Bathory, Black Hate, Burzum, Mayhem, Type O Negative, Rammstein, Lindemann, Fester Witch, The Garden, Këkht Aräkh:)
What I do:
•I do art most likely but I like playing video games too like Overwatch2, Phasmophobia, Minecraft, Subnautica, Red Dead Redemption 2 Online and many more:)
How can you find me on other socials and stuff:
•Instagram/Tiktok: c0rpse.art Or if you want to follow my main acc its _n0x1na_ (I usually post in my native language (Hungarian) on my main account)
Is my account a safe place?
•Ofc it is a safe place for anyone! No matter what if you’re Lgbtq+, a furry, satanist, atheist or anything you’re safe here:)
I think this is all I could write down about me and about my acc so luv yall🫶
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derschwarzeengel · 9 months
hi! :) wanted to quickly jump in on the rammstein right-wing stuff, not looking for a fight or anything
they've adressed this pretty much right after that incident in vienna with the orf has happened:
not going into the other allegations here, just wanted to set this one thing straight, since right-wing groups across germany have recently been trying to profit of the discourse that has been surrounding the band these last months. it's safe to say that the right-wing accusations are not true now and have never been true before, no matter what one might think of everything else that's currently being discussed around rammstein.
they've made their political views very clear, see songs such as links 234, angst, deutschland, various interviews where they've adressed the topic (eg https://www.rollingstone.de/rammstein-links-nicht-rechts-1976487/), music videos and actions where they've taken a clear stance (eg https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/see-rammstein-members-kiss-onstage-in-russia-to-protest-anti-lgbtq-laws-863818/)
with serious topics and heated discussions such as this, wrong information is easily being spread and i think it's important to keep some facts in mind. sorry if this comes of wrong... that was just sth i needed to get of my chest. take care!
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Yeah, I know the band is very left-wing and has always been clear on their political stances. I also know full well their whole thing is shock rock, and they will do absolutely nothing (like, nothing in general other than exist) and still court controversy. Definitely not surprised about right-wing / Neo-Nazi groups trying to profit off the discourse surrounding the band, because that just seems par the course, doesn't it?
But with Compact magazine being at their Berlin gig conducting fan interviews, my understanding is that all the media presence at their concerts is vetted by the band and their management beforehand. So someone involved with the band would know that Compact is affiliated with Neo-Nazis --- and it's also my understanding that the band didn't start doing this (allowing Neo-Nazi media into their gigs) until the most recent allegations this summer.
As for the Wien ORP thing: the interview/article with the Austrian woman reads a lot like bad RPF smutfic and rape fantasy, so I'm taking that with a huge grain of salt.
I'm not in the R+ fandom and don't care about the band all that much outside of a handful of songs, but I do know people who are in the fandom and have been following this closely.
Far as I can tell, the whole thing is a goddamn mess and I'm waiting until there's a full legal case with actual evidence.
EDIT: Also, the R+ fans on Reddit need to get a fucking grip.
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #133
When did you last drink coffee? I've never truly drank coffee, just tried it a few times and thought it was disgusting each instance.
When did you last cry? And why, if you feel like sharing. Yesterday, a little bit. My sister posted something on Facebook that's happened at work over the past week or so, and it just warmed my fucking heart so much and reminded me yet again my sister is a real-life superhero, like very literally.
What was the last beach you visited and when? Carolina Beach, more than likely. Maaaaaaany years ago.
What book do you plan to read next? The next WoF book is Darkness of Dragons, the last book in this specific arc.
What fictional character/s remind you of yourself? Uh the first one that actually came to mind was Violet from The Incredibles haha, primarily as a teenager though. As I am now, I majorly relate to the character Clearsight in the WoF series, probably more than any other fictional character I've encountered. I resonate quite a bit with Kiara from TLK too, always wanting peace and to follow her heart no matter what.
What's in your fridge right now? List as many things as you can think of. Uh there's milk, yogurt, cheese, water, I'm sure lunch meat, lettuce and I think other veggies, condiments, etc. Our fridge is actually pretty full right now, definitely more than usual.
If you could have any artist, living or dead, paint your portrait, who would it be? Absolutely Nana Qi, much more popularly known as puffygator in online spaces. She makes THE cutest art I've ever seen absolutely anywhere, I am a ginormous fan of her work and I think if anyone has any chance of making me look even REMOTELY cute, it's her, haha. I basically BEG you to check her out.
Do you smell anything in particular right now? No.
Do you make enough money to live comfortably? [can be in combination with a spouse] I personally make zero money, so. My mom doesn't though, we're technically considered impoverished. We survive solely off her disability right now. I'm trying so damn hard to find a job so I can actually be financially useful.
What is one thing you like about your appearance? Don’t say nothing! I just like my hair, or at least how healthy it is and its general style. Not happy with the color right now, but.
What would you like to tell your father? I wish I saw you more. It's not just his fault, though.
What would you like to tell your mother? Thank you for absolutely everything you do to keep me safe, happy, and healthy.
Whose was the last wedding you went to? Bethany and Spencer's as the photographer.
What is your greatest fear? Living alone on the streets.
What is a chronic health issue you deal with, even if it’s minor? I think depression is the longest-lasting and the one that has most heavily affected my life.
What was your college major? If applicable. It changed between Game Design, Photography, Wildlife Biology, and then Art/Photography again.
What new place have you been to recently? Nowhere, lol. I basically never go to new places.
What are you a geek about? Meerkats, Silent Hill, tarantulas, snakes, Rammstein if u didn't already kno, Shadow of the Colossus, other stuff. But those listed are the primary topics I can think of where if you bring them up I will share E V E R Y T H I N G I know under the sun about them lmfao
What is something you have no patience for? Anti-LGBTQ+ opinions and behaviors. Like you are immediately JUST garbage to me.
What celebrity would you want to go out for a meal/drinks with? None realistically, bit too personal an occasion for someone I don't personally know at all. Well, unless it was like, Bindi Irwin lmao, I would take basically any opportunity to get to know her and be friends. It'd be a lot less awkward of an idea because she's not a celebrity that I "like" in a romantic/sexual sense, either, I just think she's fucking incredible and such an icon of love and goodness.
Are you happy with your weight? Hell fucking no, sick and tired of it.
When did you last hold a baby, if ever? Whose? Over three years ago when my niece Emerson was born.
How many cats do you have? One.
How many dogs do you have? One.
How many other pets do you have? One (champagne ball python).
How old were you when you got your driver’s license? I haven't yet, and I don't really think I ever will just with how fucking terrified I am of driving; it's just a fear I don't think I can conquer. I COULD NOT survive killing someone if I was involved in a car crash, like I'd just straight-up fucking kill myself. My panic makes me a dangerously passive driver, and people who know they can't drive in a safe, confident (NOT to be confused with aggressive) manner don't need to be on the road. I'm very well aware of how inconveniencing it is for others that I can't drive, especially with where I live (public transport really isn't a regular or widespread thing), but I'd prefer to not kill or cripple somebody.
What year did you graduate high school? 2014.
What is the first number of your zip code? Two.
How many of your grandparents are still alive? Zero.
What is your favorite number? Honestly don't really have one. I like the dark myths of the number 13, but I don't have a strong fondness for it or anything.
How many kids do you want? IF I have children, I can't visualize a world where I have more than two.
How many apartments have you lived in? As an official, legal resident, zero, but basically two.
What age do people say you look? Very early 20s. Actually the artist who did my new tattoo thought I was like, literally 19 lmfao thanks I guess
Do you feel like your family accepts you for who you are? For the most part. I'm confident my mom fully does, but idk about the others.
Do you feel like your friends accept you for who you are? Yes. I have more liberty in picking my friends; if my friends that I choose aren't willing to accept me, uh bye, our "friendship" is a waste of time.
Who is the best doctor you’ve ever had? The psychiatrist that very literally turned my life around when I began my partial hospitalization program. I stayed with him for many years until insurance made it so I could no longer see him. This is actually what resulted in me being hospitalized again last March; I was so devastated and scared of leaving the ONE mental health professional that REALLY made a difference for me that I became suicidal again. He is an incredible professional with what seemed like a totally unending well of medical knowledge. In the same hospital, when I did the PHP a second time, the therapist that most regularly worked with me was my favorite I've ever had as well; I totally desperately wanted to stay with him once the program was over, but sadly he worked exclusively in that. I wanna emphasize I've been seeing psychiatrists and therapists since the 7th grade (who are around 12 or 13, and I'm 27 now), like I've seen SO FUCKING MANY, so calling you my favorite carries an insane amount of weight.
Have you ever been flipped off by a random stranger? Yes actually, while driving. It was a truck of teenage boys and when they (illegally) passed, multiple of them stuck their hand out the window to do it. My mom was fucking furious lmao, she did it right back.
Do you have a lot of people blocked on Facebook? Not many that I have a personal problem against; most are actually people my mother has asked me to block for a variety of reasons so they have no tabs on my family's lives. Then there's random people who've sent random suspicious or gross messages.
Do you consider yourself spiritual? To a degree. Like I do believe some sort of soul/"essence" of us exists, but that's the end of it. I know nothing about that realm or even if it really exists at all, and I worship nothing or hold nothing as truly holy or whatever.
Do you consider yourself religious? Absolutely not.
Are you afraid of spiders? No, not really; I actually love spiders, especially tarantulas, but I'm not going to pretend that if a big spider just randomly went down my arm I wouldn't freak out for a second, just because I hadn't been expecting it and most of my life I was scared of spiders, so the instinct to be startled is still there.
Are you afraid of snakes? I absolutely adore snakes with all my heart.
Does everyone in your family know your sexual orientation? Not exactly; I think everyone knows I like men and women, but I'm sure there are family members who'd still call me bi because they don't know I later realized I was really pan, AND I know there are a number who don't even know what pansexuality is lmao.
What is one thing you find offensive? Using the word "retarded" to insult someone's intelligence. My respect for you will fucking PLUMMET.
Do you often post about politics on social media? I share lots of political posts, yes.
Would you ever want to go back to school? I just can't do that. I've dropped out three times already, I can't keep pouring money straight down the drain.
What are three things you are naturally good at? Writing, bonding with animals, and I suppose seeing things in an artistic way?
What are three things you are NOT naturally good at? Socializing/talking confidently, asking for help (this does depend though), and thinking more with my head than my heart.
Is your dream to get married and have kids? No, my dream is to be happy with and proud of myself and feel like I made even a tiny difference in the world. I'd be bummed if I never do get married, but it's not my dream.
Where do you hang your towel to dry after showering? It goes in the laundry basket.
If you were the opposite sex, how would you style your hair? Idk, it'd very likely depend on how I look as a whole. I do know I love guys with long hair though, so I'd probably at least have longer hair... maybe. Part of the reason I keep mine short now is because I was bad at brushing it even nearly enough, so I'd probably have that problem as a man too.
Last person you hugged? It was either Girt, his mom, or his sister before leaving his place on Saturday.
How is the weather right now? It's sunny and WAY too motherfucking hot; my weather app says 86*F right now, disgusting.
Are you missing someone? I miss Girt really bad.
What is the wallpaper on your cell phone? Lock screen is artwork of Till Lindemann with the "Engel" wings prop, home screen is insanely cute meerkat artwork.
What do you have handy at your bedside? A lamp. If Girt's staying the night that's also where I put my phone.
What is your dad's middle name? John.
What is your mom's middle name? Marie.
First thing you'll save in a fire? If my mom is in there, I'm making sure she gets out first. If she's not, then I'd probably run and get Venus out of her terrarium first and then immediately look for Roman. I think I'd go for Venus first just because she's in a cage and is also a ball python so she wouldn't be going anywhere and is therefore super easy to find, while I'm sure Roman would probably be frantically running around or like paralyzed in a hiding spot. Really I wouldn't be surprised if Roman found a way out himself if there's an open window or door, being a cat. Deep hatred for this question btw lmao
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struwwelzeter · 3 years
So I read your reply to Nyarisu's comment on Lionheart and I'm really intrigued by your comments about how people understand punk compared to what it was initially. Could I possibly ask you to expand on this? Pretty please?
Yes you could! This is a very (very?) personal point of view and I know a lot of people will disagree, but here goes nothing, I guess. If you disagree with me (and somebody will), that’s fine, but I will not engage with anything that’s not a constructively put argument. I’ve spend too much time thinking about this for a “I don’t like what you’re saying and that’s why you’re wrong” anon to change my mind. Just putting that out there - with love 💜.
The thing is, especially on tumblr but I think just in generally aswell, the idea of punk is presented as this ... Robin Hood kind of thing. Beat the system, stand up to bullies, live your own truth, all of that, but it always is presented as something that is supposed to come from a ... dare I say, nice place? Like those pictures of people in studded and sprayed leather jackets rescuing puppies. All of that, you know? And I don’t want to say that is wrong, because it isn’t, and I love the idea of that, it’s just not the entire truth.
Especially in the early to mid 70s, when arguably punk started, there was a lot of fatigue between an old and stuffy establishment and the lovey, dovey peace and love “let’s all be happy” movement of the hippie scene. I was at Force Attack in 2006, which is a punk festival (and possibly dirtiest place in the world) that got established in the early 90s and went on til 2008 (?), and even then some of the “death to hippies” sentiments ran pretty deep. And I know the counter argument to that will be a well meaning “well, that’s not real punk,” the problem is that I think it actually partly is. (Please keep the partly in mind for the rest of this argument.)
The problem with having the exact choice between “get a good job, built a nice house, think of what the neighbours will say, and don’t ask me about what I did in the war” and “we’re all a big part of one human family, and isn’t nature beautiful, lets all make peace, and btw we would have never done what our parents did” is that both models aren’t a sustainable life style for everyone. That’s why you get alot of people saying this is all fake bullshit, and they start being purposely offensive. This is why you get alot of Swastikas around the sex pistols, you get all these artists singing about suicide and incest and rape. It’s not that uncommon for some of those early acts to play with Nazi imagery, or claim that homosexuality is disgusting (despite the scene always being full of LGBTQ+ people), or idk, thinking it’s fun to piss on someone while they’re asleep. It’s alot of outcry, of saying life actually is this shitty and disgusting and I am gonna be that because in a way you will hate me either way. And it’s not always nice. Disdain and hate and petty selfishness are common human emotions and many of them are low and unhealthy, and honestly not nice or helpful or inclusive, but they are there, and I think alot of that early spirit was just about stopping to pretend that they don’t exist.
I think a reason for why we don’t think of the scene that way anymore is that many people very quickly outgrew that, and said “actually, we’re better than that, that’s not who we actually are. I sadly can’t find that interview right now, but Die Ärzte are actually a good exemple of that and they even admit it themselves, that there was a sense of “enough with the happy hippie bullshit, let’s disgust them” and then later going “uhmm - maybe that went a bit far.” I mean offensive or not, but ultimately a scene that is centered around artistic expression always ends with that question of creation, maybe like “if the world isn’t like what we want it to be, how do we make one we like?” - and then you end up with having to come up with answers that are more than just destruction. And then it turns into something else - something that I think is alot more like what tumblr seems to think punk is. And that’s a wonderful thing. Still - a side of punk, whatever that is, has always been what people like GG Allin (please read the wiki for context) have taken and pushed to the limits, and it just - isn’t nice. And here is where things get a bit tricky.
Because against that backdrop, things like John Lydon (Johnny Rotten) suddenly being a dirty old Trump supporter aren’t that surprising anymore. And then you get these 20 year olds “cancelling” the Sex Pistols, and I think there is just a bit of ... missing the point going on. I’ve read a comment on here recently, that basically said something like Richard should stop supporting the Sex Pistols (because he has that album in the back of the studio), and it’s just ... asking for a history to be erased that has rightfully been made obsolete but has still happened and was necessary at the time. You can take any of these early bands and pick their lyrics apart and find something that from our perspective now is disgusting, mean, exclusive, or outright racist. Songs about Fucking? Part of that record is a mysogynisy shitshow, something they were very aware of even at the time, and they still did it anyway because being disgusting was part of the point. The thing is though, the Sex Pistols were hugely influential, and alot of the positive things that grew out of that wouldn’t have been possible if kids like young Richard, or any of the bands you love that were influenced by them, wouldn’t have gotten that moment of “finally a place where I can put all of my petty hate”. It matters, and just because that moment is overcome, it doesn’t mean it should be forgotten, or stops existing in the people that lived through it.
I understand that the question of how much we should justify things with “it was the time” and how we deal with the result is an ever ongoing debate and their are many good arguments for why maybe we shouldn’t try to defend the wrongs of the past that way, and I want to point out that while I rarely agree on that in the first place (because I understand history as a natural learning curve where people aren’t perfect at the first try and it’s doing a disservice to humans just doing their best, but I digress and that’s a bit of another duscussion), I want to point out that I don’t want to defend anyone, rather I want to say “actually, being that horrible was often calculated, part of the point, and if you don’t like it, just leave it, fight it or debate it, but don’t pretend like it was a “missstep” or just a few black sheep of a scene that was never as nice or perfect as you want it to be.” You don’t get to erase half of a movement simply because you wish it wouldn’t exist the way it does - or well. I guess in this case mostly did - past tense.
The ugliness is part of the story to me, and it’s actually the bigger part of why I love this scene. I don’t need “punk” to define my politics, I need it to soothe my soul, and so did many, I think. The Sex Pistols breaking happened 20 years before my time, but I still feel connected to that world, and in particular the ugly parts of it. I often feel like I look at the world, and there are people that seem honestly shocked by the idea that maybe sometimes I find doing the right thing really hard, that I want petty, self serving revenge, that I don’t find it easy to not be selfish and unkind or sometimes want to hurt people because I am hurting myself and see an opportunity to do that. Obviously those aren’t nice things and I don’t want to be that way, but are you honestly telling me you don’t feel that? I find that hard to believe, and it leaves me with an ongoing question of if I am just worse than most people or if most people are just more fake. Both scenarios are equally shit. The ugly side of punk provides - not an answer to that - but maybe a partial solution, at least for me.
Another discussion we have all the time is about how what we consume or allow in artistic expression is influencing how we act as people in real life and how we want the world to be. Where do we draw the line? What is still ok? If I put me entertaining ideas about murder on a canvas, is that still good? what if it’s racism? What if it’s rape? We argue alot about how providing a safe space in art for those feelings is actually preventing us from acting on it in real life, how it’s an outlet of something we would never actually want or do, but then where is the limit to that? I am putting this intentionally controversial, but if we admit that most of us grow up with internalized racism and mysogyny, by that logic, why can’t I paint something that is blatantly hateful if I have those feelings? Maybe that is my way of fighting it, you don’t have to look at it? Not saying that’s what I am doing or would want to do, but what if? For some people Rammstein singing about not wanting to be Angels is crossing that line, for some of us that line is drawn alot later. Who is right? Isn’t that just personal sensitivity? Can you honestly rationalise that? Isn’t it just processing our different levels of petty hate in different ways? I don’t have the answers to any of that, it’s just questions I often have and that I think have to do with this, because alot of the nasty bits in punk will justify it exactly that way, as artistic expression. Alot of it isn’t as political as this scene is made out to be, it’s simply asking those things. I personally relate to that alot, as someone who arguably would draw the line of “we should stop doing this” in art very, very, very late - and certainly later than my own personal comfort zone.
I’m not sure if any of this makes any sense at all. I hope it does - and if it doesn’t it’s probably because I don’t know either, or because I don’t want to fully blow this up into an essay (sorry, too late?) or because I suck at making a point, or maybe because we simply disagree. All I know is that I sometimes see these posts of “what is punk and what isn’t” and it leaves me with this taste of “you’re describing a utopia and it’s cute and I want that too, but it’s not everything punk as I know it is, and it feels like you don’t want to see something that mattered too - even if it was brutal and disgusting.” And everytime I see it I feel alien, like something that mattered to me so much as a teenager and young adult gets taken away from me and made into something so sleek and pretty it becomes something unattainable to be that I simply don’t manage to live up to in the way I would like. I guess that is a petty, selfish way of looking at it too.
«It's a repressive society where you can't be horrible, I'm not horrible, they made me horrible, I'm just honest.»
- John Lydon
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theelliottsmiths · 4 years
Theory time: Paul and Richard started kissing on stage to prove to Till that kissing men in puplic is absolutely fine, and the flag waving served the same purpose, and the entire band is in on the quest to relieve oblivious bicon from his torment.
Okay but I've theorised about the exact same thing. Enough of us have that I think it makes it true, reality has warped because of the heat of our belief.
It just very much does have the vibe of either that, getting aggressively pro-lgbtq to normalise it and show him the fans are also 1. Supportive and 2. Mostly women and gays, or some/all of them realised they were bi and were like 'fuck it it's 2019 and were Rammstein, we can do whatever we like and this is somehow going to be more eye-catching at this point than any traditionally metal shit'.
Maybe they just enjoy mouth kissing their friends, I understand completely, but riddle me this: why would they enjoy it if they were straight?
No matter what, I totally think Jens had a hand in it. Just a subtle 'have you considered?'.
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unissonmag · 5 years
Panic! At The Disco @ O2 Arena, London – 28/03/19 – photo: Léa F.
Curiosity, in music, is anything but a nasty flaw. It is thanks to our curiosity that we were able to see and discover the live talent of Panic! At The Disco, at the O2 Arena in London. No regrets. Live Report.
The stage doesn’t seem too far in front of us when we arrive at our block. Arizona has just started their first title in a simple but effective set. It’s a total discovery. Pop with effects and a tender side, they do what they can to occupy this immense space offered to them, in front of a quite classic black and white background. We feel them between excitement and intimidation. Rather cool, we note them on the artists-to-watch list.
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MØ @ O2 Arena, London – 28/03/19 – photo: Léa F.
Arizona @ O2 Arena, London – 28/03/19 – photo: Léa F.
It’s MØ that comes next. And what better as an introduction than the absolutely effective Lean On. It’s hard to remain impassive. We have fun at least as much as MØ who, on stage, gives everything she has, hops, dances, improvises and rejoices in her presence on this, once again, huge scene. As for her set design, lights and some white drapes, some shadow effects and projections of trees or moon do the trick.
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Panic! At The Disco @ O2 Arena, London – 28/03/19 – photo: Léa F.
Panic! At The Disco @ O2 Arena, London – 28/03/19 – photo: Léa F.
Panic! At The Disco @ O2 Arena, London – 28/03/19 – photo: Léa F.
Panic! At The Disco @ O2 Arena, London – 28/03/19 – photo: Léa F.
Panic! At The Disco @ O2 Arena, London – 28/03/19 – photo: Léa F.
Panic! At The Disco @ O2 Arena, London – 28/03/19 – photo: Léa F.
But we’re not going to lie, we are clearly there to see the showman Brendon Urie sow panic in the arena… (yes because to say of the O2 that it is a disco… meh). And so the fateful moment comes after a countdown to make the amateurs of 24 blush. Urie sprout on stage in his Golden jacket, matching micro in hand. And it begins with (Fuck a) Silver Lining… the start of a setlist of twenty-eight titles that rock the arena.
With his backflips and his smooth and funky dance moves, no doubt is allowed: Brendon Urie is a very good leader, a showman of a kind that we barely see anymore on such large stages. Let’s add to this a sacred and powerful voice, starting from a deep bass to climb in highs worthy of the most iconic rock screams. Hey Look Ma, I Made It, Crazy=Genius, The Ballad of Mona Lisa, Dancing’s Not A Crime… All excellent titles that stand out as much as the incredible Nine in the Afternoon, This is Gospel, High Hopes, Miss Jackson and Roaring 20 ‘s.
Panic! At The Disco @ O2 Arena, London – 28/03/19 – photo: Léa F.
The band sets fire to the stage. Literally. So, certainly, not everyone is Rammstein when it comes to playing with fire, but it has its little effect. With majestic lights, lasers and confetti everywhere, we have no doubt: it’s a big prod. And we can’t help but like it. Just to confirm this, Panic! At the Disco allow themselves to beautifully cover a few songs like I Can’t Make You Love Me (Bonnie Raitt), The Greatest Show (The Greatest Showman) and of “the greatest song in rock’s history” according to Urie (and not just him): Bohemian Rhapsody, of Queen, of course.
Panic! At The Disco @ O2 Arena, London – 28/03/19 – photo: Léa F.
The first one is a suspended moment… Once again, it’s very literal since Urie finds himself playing on a white grand piano (this is the second grand piano of the evening, I say let’s go for it), a few feet above the crowd. The second is an uplifting explosion, at least as good as Hugh Jackman’s version. And the third still works like gangbusters, no matter where.
The first set ends with Emperor‘s New Clothes, devilishly sublime, before a vibrant encore: Say Amen (Saturday night), where a Thursday changes into a Saturday, I Write Sins Not Tragedies, where we return to the very beginnings of the band, and Victorious, where they give a last shot of adrenaline before we exit the arena.
Panic! At The Disco @ O2 Arena, London – 28/03/19 – photo: Léa F.
Knowing how to reuse (and also divert a little) religious imagery without going too far, Panic! At The Disco show up as defenders of the wicked and the rejected. From this show, we retain a beautiful atmosphere, an acceptance of all (as seen with Girls/Girls/Boys and its LGBTQ+ flags of light in the audience), and a sort of rock’n’roll Church of which the priest ends up shirtless. We had high hopes, they were reached. And as long as dancing is not a crime, we will continue to dance with Panic! At The Disco.
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Panic! At The Disco @ O2 Arena, London – 28/03/19 – photo: Léa F.
Panic! At The Disco @ O2 Arena, London – 28/03/19 – photo: Léa F.
For more photos, feel free to follow us on Flickr, and to not miss anything, it’s on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. And remember: sharing is monumental.
PANIC! AT THE O2: WHAT’S UP Y’ALL?! Curiosity, in music, is anything but a nasty flaw. It is thanks to our curiosity that we were able to see and discover the live talent of…
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theelliottsmiths · 4 years
Ngl I'm pretty sure their hypermasculine image stems from the overwhelming amount of misogyny in metal as a genre. Because its loud and aggressive that means it's a Man's Thing™️ and anyone that participates in, musicians and fans, must be a manly man. Which if people actually took the time to examine the genre as a whole, they'd realize that isn't the case. Also stereotypes about German men in general probably don't help.
This uh. Is a little ranty and I think I may have gone off topic.
Oh for sure, that misperception and the general assumption that harder and darker music is about glorifying violence rather than catharsis plays a massive part. It's kind of funny, given the massive number of women and LGBTQ people who are fans of Rammstein.
It goes hand in hand with that thing where, no matter how much he describes himself as sensitive and romantic and harmless, Till is usually painted as this ugly brutish golem of a man who will stab you for a tictac and fuck the hole afterwards. I think they think he wants to be seen that way? It doesn't even cross their minds to ask, it seems. Yes, a lot of musicians want you to think of them that way (forgive me if I'm wrong but I imagine that's half the point of black metal), but assuming is silly and Till is soft as clarts.
Basically, they just hear the music (not even the lyrics, half of them are love songs man) and see that they're Men and Germans and assume: it doesn't really matter how they look, act or are as people. They'll see this
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and look at it completely different to the way we do. In their minds it's all 'Ah yes, a right wing military-loving group of men who want you to fear them', whereas in my mind (once I've gotten past how good Richard and Schneider look and how Small Flake is) what I'm seeing is a group of service-dodgers who are massive softies and also each look like women I had crushes on as a teenager (Richard looks exactly like my lesbian PE teacher I'm not even kidding, he's very good at androgyny). You know what I mean? They'll see blond Till in red lipstick and a pink coat and still try to warp it because Femininity Is Bad.
Also, the fire. Fire is for men I saw it in a deodorant ad.
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