kaneseatheadrest · 14 days
Part 1 of Why We Need To Radicalize The Left
Here is the start of a long but important thread for all anti-fascists, pro-lgbt, Far Leftist or feminists. Because as much as this sounds wild. It's not a conspiracy theory. It's happening. We are at risk of falling to fascism. Unironically.
There is a major right wing conspiracy going on. Half in front of our eyes and half behind the scenes. There is so much too it I hope I can get it out brief enough.
Qanon was a 4chan propaganda psy-op. Most of the far right to alt-right propaganda has came from 4chan.
And it sounds ridiculous. It all sounds ridiculous but that is the point. 4chan has post-modernized propaganda to this post-ironic abstract form like conspiracy theories and memes. Those of which are so ridiculous that we don't see the real conspiracy going on.
Qanon wasn't uncovering a conspiracy
They were perpetration one.
Before I continue I need you to keep a completely open mind because we have been programmed as a society to view conspiracy theories as offensive or laughable. I need you to try an supress those ideas because , unlike Q-anon, there are some real evidence towards my claims.
First off, who is Q-anon?
They are an extremist right wing political movement that started on 4chan.
If that sounds familiar, it's because it's the same situation that the formed the Alt-right.
That's because Q-anon is just a recontextualization of the Alt-right.
The reason 4chan has been the ground zero for these Right Wing extremists groups is because it's mostly completely unregulated and the whole point in 4chan is to be able to exist anonymously online. Which is naturally going to be inviting to people with most controversial opinions to find a community. It was their "safe space" I guess you can say. And to be unambiguous, I'm talking about 4chan being infested with nazis, anti-sjws, and the bunch. And if there power of numbers and anonymity has allowed them to become a monolith. Theyve been able to find power in numbers. And nobody will be held accountable. They have found a way to exploit capitalism to create the most disgusting propaganda campaigns with connections to, honest to God, third reich Nazis.
This is the importance in not mistaking the edge lords with the actual nazis.
But where 4chan is a monolith they've manage to use post-modernism to increase their numbers. Since it's an edge lord site in the first place alot of the first wave of the Alt-right were about of it 'post-ironically'. In other words they used their lulsec anarchism to make a joke. The joke being if you act the absolute most edgy as you can then make any offensive joke you want and use schrodingers douchebag to present plausible deniability.
This was all In response to the Neo-liberalism and social justice movement that was on the rise. This ultimately what created this drastic shift in the left wing and right wing and why Donald Trump became president.
Am I saying 4chan is responsible for Trump being president... I mean, it's not as unreasonable as it sounds. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
The Alt-right started off as more a comedy/joke movement and social experiment to see how far they could push edgy humor. Especially since Neo-liberalism was a politically correct movement. It was the Anti-thesis to come out of Neo-liberalisms Thesis. The problem was the Alt-right became so careless in their anarchism they accidentally let it unironic nazis who were spreading this 'edgy humor' as real values that they hold. Racists, anti-feminism, anti-lgbtq, the works, and again, since 4chan is a monolith all those ironic jokes soon became unironic and the edgy anti-sjws and the actual nazis became indistinguishable. And the unironic nazis would spread around their post-modern cognitive dissonant propaganda with inside the 4chan boards and indoctrinated them with actual nazi values. but like how nazis do they used 'double speak' behavior to trick people into trusting them. They did this so well that the anti-sjw became brainwashed to unironically believing nazi values with even knowing it.
They weaponized post-irony. This is how the anti-sjws were indoctrinated. It's like when you start enjoying something ironically so much that eventually you just unironicaly embrace it. They were having so much fun engaging in the anarchism that is 4chan that they contextualized nazi behavior with that fond memory of feeling like you were part of a internet movement and they've became blind to how much hate they've managed to spread.
It's important to treat the 'Alt-right 4channers' serious. They know that most people see them as a joke, and they use it as a shield. It's part of their propaganda campaign. If you people take you as a joke it makes it easy to sneak behind the scenes and end up with actual power.
Since this is going to take a whole lot to get to the end and why this is so important I'm going to cut this up into parts so I can focus on it sections at a time.
Just remember
Alt-right came about around Trumps first campaign run. It was the result of Gamer Gate. It Radicalized the right wing into nazi shit.
Q-anon came about around Trumps Second campaign run. It created this PizzaGate red herring. It Radicalized the right wing into thinking there was going to be a revolution on January 6th
Unless he actually gets locked up or something, it seems like Trumps third campaign run is around the corner. The Conservative are trying to force this 'Gamer Gate 2' red herring.
Do you also see the patterns? I'm worried about what they could be planning next. And I think the far left communists and socialists need to try and centralize so that we can plan some kind of retaliation in case history repeats itself... not just in the patterns I mentioned. But with celebrities normalizing Hitler shit and so much nazi propaganda going around that most people don't seem to notice... im legit worried.
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kaneseatheadrest · 14 days
I'm Jalex Aonces, Far Left Conspiracy Theorist and I'm here to just ask some questions.
First of all, why have the frogs gone so long without a voice to answer  to their defamation campaign? Why is nobody asking if the frogs are happier gay? The chemicals turn the frogs gay or rather intersex? Why have we allowed Alex Jones to marginalize the frog community and their gender dynamics? Is it because Alex Jones hates frogs that don't confirm to his standards of societal interest?
I'm Jalex Aonce and vote for me is a vote for gay frogs. If they want to identify as such.
Paid for by the Antifa committee for 'creating psy-ops to bully the fascists til theyre offline program
If you're
Far left conspiracy theorists
Then come buy my "diet pills" here
We recommend the bread pill, it's the breadtuber polarity of the far rights 'red pilled. Based.' Mentalities.
Take the bread pill and tell comment what you see whenever it kicks in.
Stay tuned.  I'll teach which former presidential campaign runners lost his chance to be U.S. president because he was tried and found guilty of a dozen counts of being the Zodiac Killer. Cuz here at the Jalex Aones 'Battle Feels' show we take into account the court of shitpost jury and the terminally online. And when you're post-ironically a zodiac killer you're a zodiac killer forever.
Also, come find out the atrocities the far right have been committing by exploiting not just post-irony by all kinds of propaganda. Matt Walsh is an extremist and Chaya Raichik Is psychological murderer. Ofcourse, for liability reason I have to pretend like I'm joking when I say that. That's how the far right often get away with their hate speech afterall.
Also the 'steel beams' program was a post-ironic psy-op to normalize not taking 9/11 truthism serious. So the truth don't come out. But then again I couldn't name you a president that hasn't committed war crimes. I'm just glad Trumps the first one to get exposed for it enough for criminal charges.
Richard Nixon was the second closest we ever got to holding our criminal leaders accountable. Too bad he exploited a loophole to exploit the fact that he was commiting some light treason here and there. Dick Nix was the inventor of the psy-op. Watergate. Mk Ultra.
All of this is vaguely true, the information is out there. But they are trying to silence our free thought so we don't worry about the current amount of light treason people like Elon Musk have been committing the past couple years. I wont be surprised if Elon joins as Trumps campaign manager. Don't think he is interested in funding Trumps rise as dictator? I Didn't think he would be the owner of Twitter and use it as a safe space for the alt-right and crypto bros, but look at where we are not.
This is all absolutely true if you take into the account that I am here to present and underlying message. Read between the line fellows. They're are silencing my anti-fa online family. Promote critical thought.
Promote free thought. I'm Jalex Aonce and let me tell you something that might as well be absolutely true. Cuz it's an anecdote, but reassure my core values. I have two pet frogs at home. Back in San Fransico or Los Angelos or whatever and when they are ready I'll make sure to be supportive of any and all gender or sex identities they feel best represents their feels. Cuz there are still alot of fascists out the that are trying to make sure that we don't normalize the LGBTQ community. And oppression all men and women to the psychological prisons of societal standards for gender. They want to bully cis men into submitting to the restrictions of masculine expression. And feminine expression for women. Folks--I say that in the gender neutral term for the record-- But folks, I am just trying to express the truth to you because the alt-right are trying to suppress this information from you. But it's out there. Q-anon. 4chan. Kick and Rumble. Christianity! All right wing psy ops to allow them to paint themselves as the moral majority when the head of command conservatives are the most immoral human being to ever step on earth. Let me tell you if I was still brainwashed to their psychological operations, or psy-ops, I would say that the devil is alive in the right wing party. Not all conservatives. Some of them are just brainwashed by all their unrelenting propaganda campaigns. This is all really happening people. That information is out there. Use it to confirm these bias!
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kaneseatheadrest · 9 days
One thing I for sure agree with is that we need to wake up the centrists and show them that one side is SO MUCH more radical than the other. I don't know how we can approach that.
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