#quest for the lost powers
zanepilled · 2 months
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quest for the lost powers changed zangst nation history forever. original book scene under the cut
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i wish the show would touch on his trauma more because the character development in just these few chapters was crazy
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ghostscrown · 6 months
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schploinky · 1 year
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I read quest for the lost powers and while i had Thoughts. i decided to set those aside for another day and focus on JAY AND UNAGAMI! JAY AND UNAGAMI! THEY'RE FRIENDS! THEY'RE BROS !!! unagami is just like me (autistic)
these doodles are messy as hell but! i really like how they turned out. i love these guys so much. i don't have any insightful comments about the art itself i just think it'd be so cute if the core four babysat for Dyer
it's my bjrthday by the way(threat)
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So I'm reading Quest For The Lost Powers and well... just have this.
His mind began to drift…. What is Cole doing right now? Do | have enough fuel to get back to the monastery? Why does Master Wu love tea so much? Then he tried to bring his thoughts back to his purpose.
Why the heck is Cole the one that Zane thinks of? Glacershipping?
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that time Kai got jumped by furries forever lives rent-free in my head
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ninjagosimp · 10 months
Short Lloyd+Nya siblings
I see Oni as naturally having very VERY close sibling relationships because (my au) when the oldest oni child is 10 years old they along with all younger siblings (above 3 years old) are pretty much abandoned by the parents, as they are considered old enough to take care of themselves and their siblings.
So having this for Lloyd means that naturally he would have a bond with siblings, but he doesn’t have biological siblings so Nya and Kai became non-biological siblings to him.
Nya more than Kai for two reasons. 1. In his partly oni brain, at the very beginning (before he was the green ninja) he saw Nya as more of not-human. (I will make a different post about this) and she was closer to Lloyd’s age (Lloyd: 9, Nya: 13).
2. Nya was much kinder to Lloyd than Kai was at the very beginning.
So mixing his oni protectiveness with his care for Nya. And then let’s add some Nya being attacked to the point where she fading in and out of consciousness, and you got a recipe for disaster.
(This is after Quest for the Lost Powers)
So Nya and Lloyd got paired up for a simple mission, but that never happens for them. It was an ambush and one thing leads to another and Nya is laying down on the ground and Lloyd is near her about to completely lose his temper.
The people that ambushed them are already talking about the payment they’ll get from this, but the straw that broke the camels back was this.
Creep: “You know, I’m thinking about keeping the girl, she does have a good face.”
Hearing someone talk about his sister like she was a damn artwork, the sister who had protected him though everything, who trusted him with her life, who was just laying unmoving on the ground hurt because of these horrible people.
It was the second time in his life that he went into his oni form. He couldn’t even get the motivation to try and stop himself. They hurt one of the most important people in his life, he wanted them to suffer.
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cheeeerie · 1 year
I read Quest for the Lost Powers!
Kai’s story was pretty good! Zane’s story was pretty good! Cole’s story had me nauseous curled in fetal position shaking and sobbing! Jay’s story was pretty good!
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ninjago-x-lmk · 1 year
I’ve seen from people that Kai’s story in Quest for the Lost Powers doesn’t make sense, since Kai should’ve already known his morals by now, but I beg to differ.
Now I’ve only had Tannerfishes to do the summery, but the moral lesson for Kai still stands. And though I do not know all the details. Kai trying to do things on his own and not being seen as helpless is probably in character for him.
Though Kai is with the ninja and the ninja have this ‘We’re a team’ going on, people would assume Kai would learn how to ask for help every once in a while right?
Because he hasn’t done that in the instance of an actual threat.
When an actual threat comes in, yes, he does know teamwork but then again, Kai has always managed on his own, he’s basically the lone wolf in the group.
We’ve never actually seen Kai ask for help when it comes to problems he needs and he gets angry when he gets saved because that’s something that he’s not used to
We have to see ourselves in Kai’s perspective and why he’s the way he is.
We don’t know how old Kai and Nya were, Nya could have possibly been 3 years old. But from a young age, Kai had to raise Nya all on his own. Sure there could have been friends of their parents around to help them or some people to help support their children, but most of the time, it was probably Kai that had to play parent.
The fact that Nya has told Maya that she could do well without her, (basically they were already absent for most their lives that they can now independently live with their parents) it strictly implies that both of them had to depend on each other to live and grow.
Plus add the face that Kai is the most protective of his sister until he knows she can walk on her own two feet, gives the feeling of a parent instead of an older brother, because Kai had to take responsibility ALL ON HIS OWN.
EVEN WHEN HE STARTED TO BECOME A NINJA, his main priority was Nya, unlike the others, Cole became a ninja because he was mourning his mother, Zane became a ninja because Wu and him met twice and Zane felt lost in his place. Jay wanted to ‘invent’ something new. But Kai, Kai’s main motivation for becoming a ninja was ‘I wanted to save a person I love’ and even then in the PILOTS Kai was trying to do things his way.
‘But that’s just the pilots!’ This is only the first instance.
Kai is shown to be a lone wolf, even after the pilots.
Many point out that Kai’s lesson in Quest of the Lost Powers seem to mirror him saving Lloyd in Season 1, but even then in Season 1, Kai was the one saving Lloyd, doing it on his own, and his own way.
Even the way he does it is different from the Ninja. Sure, I’ve seen someone say that the True Potential is caused by Adrenaline, and I do believe that.
However, out of all the ninja, Kai’s the only one who actively makes a shield around him and Lloyd to protect them. Zane creates bursts of ice, Jay stops the rollercoaster with electricity and Cole uses raw strength to lift up the lights. Kai actually makes a ball of fire around them to try and get him away from the active volcano.
This isn’t the only time, when Kai takes responsibility, he tends to do it on his own terms, like, in Season 5.
When Kai promises he’d protect Lloyd and save him, he damn well did just that. He tries! Really does! And he does it by himself, the other ninja basically either can’t or get lost on the way, Kai does it on his own accord.
He jumps off the boat to save Lloyd
He chases after Morro to try and save Lloyd
Makes himself the leader because he has to take responsibility.
Tries to handle things with Morro and Ronin.
Dives into the water despite being scared of it when Lloyd is going to fall off a cliff
When his main motivation is protecting someone, he does it, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS TO HIM.
The other instance is Season 7
Kai suspects something’s up and it’s related to him and Nya’s parents, and Kai, takes it upon himself to try and solve the mystery. He does it by himself! He doesn’t tell Nya at all unless he’s totally sure. And when he’s deceived he makes it his responsibility to stop his parents for ‘betraying’ Master Wu.
Kai has always proved his worth by being selfish at times, by trying to place himself in the line of battle, sometimes even being a literal Shield for the ones he cares about.
And when he fails, he takes it HARD, which is why he’s scared of sacrifice, because every time someone sacrifices something (Zane and Nya are the only literal examples) THEY GET HURT OR DIE.
It’s also the same with death.
When Zane dies, Lloyd remarks ‘I get it Kai, you’ve run out of bad guys to beat up’
This could imply Kai’s been playing vigilante after rebooted.
Look, I know Lloyd still remains a ninja, but I highly doubt he can handle the city on his own. Plus this is early in the Season, crime rates should have gone high by that time. Including with Zane’s death, rumors would have spread that the ninja have ‘retired’ that there’s ‘no one to protect ninjago’ and with the less use of technology, police and government officials would have no access to high-tech weaponry that could possibly compete with growing crime rates. It could have opened the window for Kai to play vigilante, not only that but it also could have created a rumor that the ‘Flaming Shogun’ (actually shogun kinda fits him at this point) was protecting the streets thus succumbing him to arena fights to direct his anger.
With Nya’s ‘death’ Kai redirected his anger differently by saying ‘if I couldn’t even protect her, I can at least help protect others’ and in a way, yes, he does, but in a more violent manner than expected and that which he was taught.
Third, this also ties back to Kai’s view on his powers.
Why he places his worth on them despite losing it time and time again. Well it’s simple, he thinks he’s not strong enough.
If Kai is willing to sacrifice himself for others, you betcha he has problems dealing with strength and powers. Compared to the other ninja, Kai’s actually one of the weakest. Something I think he hides with his ego.
Lloyd uses his physical skills and powers at the same time, balancing the two and creating a fighting style fit for the Green Ninja, symbolizing balance, the very essence of Ninjago. With the added bonus of being half Oni, half dragon. Both sides of Light and Dark.
Nya’s shown to be just as strong as Lloyd, as I’ve said before, her power activates differently from the Ninjas. VERY differently, similar to Morro, Nya uses her surroundings to create water and with her added abilities, Nya can talk to Sea Animals, and when she was in her Neo form, she could turn herself and control the entire OCEAN to her will, plus that scrapped concept of her creating a WHIRLPOOL.
Zane is shown to be the most dangerous, Forbidden Spinjitsu showing us what could happen if Zane was too powerful. If Zane can turn a whole realm into a Winter Wonderland, then he should be just as strong as he is.
I know how ironic it sounds, but yes, Jay is stronger than Kai. Jay’s powers have more variety on what it could do. Time and time again, Jay uses actual Lightning to power himself up, CAN REDIRECT LIGHTNING, and USE HIMSELF AS A FREAKING BATTERY. That’s some crazy shit someone can do, especially for Jay.
Kai? His powers are not only limited but his strategy and strength. Though he is quick, he tends to be DIRECT, in combat, opting for offense instead of defense. Even with his powers, we only see the Fire knock someone back, compared to Aspheera who used them for actual destruction.
Kai is not physically strong, Cole is, nor is he strategic, Zane is, Kai is not balanced, Lloyd is, Kai’s powers don’t have variety, Jay’s does, Kai isn’t well adept in Physical combat, Nya is.
Making him the weakest Ninja of the bunch. Which is why he makes up something on his own. He’s the ninja with the powers, he identifies himself with his powers, because it’s literally the only thing he can cling onto. And that makes him an interesting character to me.
He’s not like his fellow ninja, be he tries to be, and he wants to be stronger, he wants to protect them, because it’s his only purpose, without that then what is he? Which is why Quest for the Lost Powers is exactly the best way to teach Kai.
Because Kai defines his worth on protecting others, being responsible for others, BEING THEIR SHIELD, BEING NEEDED BY OTHERS. And this chapter gives him the push that, no, that’s not going to be your entire purpose at all and that you need to rely on others, more than just yourself.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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parachutingkitten · 1 year
People are really upset over Pixal being described as Zane’s "closest friend" and like yeah, denying that there's any romantic chemistry between the two is insane
But people keep on claiming they're a "confirmed couple". I'm sorry, confirmed how exactly?
Please, any proof would be greatly appreciated, because as far as I'm concerned they haven't kissed, haven't confessed their feelings to each other, and haven't had a conversation about being in a relationship. There is no reason to be getting up in arms about not using labels that the show itself has yet to use.
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hey to that one person who dropped a pdf of the quest for the lost powers anonymously in my inbox one day,,, i lost it bro i think i deleted it can you send it again
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Finally got the Quest for the Lost Powers so here's my thoughts!
Kai: -Kai stop whining and acting like you're useless without your powers challenge. (the other three also kinda did this but not nearly to the same extent) -Oh my fsm Skylor just dump him. Do not let a man treat you like this. -On that vein, Kai stop being a total @ss. -The arc itself tied into his original True Potential arc fairly well though. -Like it was thematic at least. Zane: -ZANE GET'S THERAPY??? ZANE FORGIVES HIMSELF FOR THE ATROCITIES HE COMMITTED? ZANE STOPS HIDING FROM HIS PAST??? -Phenomenal. Unheard of. Never-before-seen. -Please be consistent with the spelling of Pixal's name I am begging you. -Honestly no real complaints here. Basically just exactly what we've been saying about him. Amazing. Cole: -LOU LOU LOU LOU -"I'm just a song and dance guy who can juggle a little" sir I would kill and die for you. -Of course Sally-Bob can fight, she's a farmer. -Lilly lore WHOO!!!!! -Cole is just vibing. It's great. -Again, very good in terms of tying into his original arc. Fantastic. Jay: -See Kai, THIS is what a healthy relationship looks like. Take notes. -UNAGAMI IS BABEY AND I ADORE HIM. -Calls his dad like 3 times "just to say hi"? Please. It's to make sure he hasn't been abandoned again. Duh. -This child has the 'tism. And he's right, the Chicken's motives are really none of our business. Girlboss. -Oh yeah I guess Jay is here, too. -Grew up in the middle of nowhere and now has zero sense of direction bruh he's just like me fr. -Stop calling Libber your "real mom" but other than that you're pretty dope. -Nya you put a tracking device on your boyfriend? Yeah okay fair. -They bros. They homies. Yay.
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emzi-148 · 1 year
So… I watched Cole and Jay's chapters in the Quest for the Lost Powers…
1. I have the urge to write a Lilly-centric fic about her struggles as a mother, wife, and ninja.
2. Nya would and always put a tracker on Jay's clothes, so in case he got lost, they'll find him.
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ghostscrown · 6 months
Well. I've finally read Quest for the Lost Powers (after accepting I had to buy it in english because it was probably never going to be translated in my language). I'm not crying. I'm not crying, YOU are-
The angst in this book guys. I felt like reading a whole angst/comfort fanfiction
I want to share this because omfg
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amour393 · 1 year
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A child is smarter than Jay. To be fair that child is an ai but still, I find that hilarious.
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rayllumkissing · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Lego Ninjago Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Cole & Lloyd Garmadon & Kai & Nya & Jay Walker & Zane, Cole & Lloyd Garmadon & Kai & Nya & P.I.X.A.L. & Skylor & Jay Walker & Zane, Nya/Jay Walker (Ninjago), Kai/Skylor (Ninjago), Lloyd Garmadon & Kai, Lloyd Garmadon & Nya Characters: Lloyd Garmadon, Kai (Ninjago), Jay Walker (Ninjago), Zane (Ninjago), Cole (Ninjago), Nya (Ninjago), P.I.X.A.L. (Ninjago), Skylor (Ninjago), Sensei Wu (Ninjago) (mentioned), Misako (Ninjago) (mentioned), Lord Garmadon (Ninjago) (mentioned), Overlord (Ninjago) (mentioned) Additional Tags: Book: Quest for the Lost Powers (Ninjago), Post-Season/Series 15, My First Work in This Fandom, haven't written for ao3 for nearly 2 years so!! wow!!!, Lloyd Garmadon Needs a Hug, and he gets multiple, did not like the way the book left out Lloyd like it did, so this is just a short exploration of his feelings about that, no beta we die like (insert ninjago character here) Summary:
Lloyd knew why they had to go.
After their last battle with the Overlord, Lloyd was hoping to get a chance to spend some time with his siblings in the midst of rebuilding the city. He'd just gotten them all back, together again like the family they were supposed to be.
But after Kai, Jay, Zane and Cole lost their powers (no thanks to him being unable to control his Oni form, he thought bitterly), getting them back is all that's been on their minds lately.
 Or: After their last battle, Lloyd finds himself alone again
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