#queen mirabella mistbane
shallanspren · 2 years
i knew there was no getting around mirabella dying the second i read that an elemental death would banish the mist in book three. so i had a whole year to prepare and come to terms with it. it still hit me like a ton of bricks.
“little sister. you cannot let them have me.”
like hello??? i had to put the book down and sob for a good bit. and i sobbed again as luca freed billy, tasking him with bringing her body to arsione. i sobbed as arsione found out mira was dead. i sobbed as she prepped mira’s body for burial and peityr stepped in to help her with such a daunting and traumatizing task. i sobbed as her body was burned, and started crying every time she was mentioned the whole rest of the book.
she is one of my very favorites, and she deserved the world.
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Mirabella is the first queen ever to get proper Fennbirn funeral. All the other queens either got tossed down a fucking pit or eventually got buried on the mainland (or disappeared into the mist). 
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queencamden · 4 years
A Friendly Reminder From the Queens
Mirabella: It’s okay to ask for help!
Jules: You’re not a burden!
Katharine: Murder is okay!
Arsinoe: Your feelings matter!
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alwaysbored005 · 4 years
Started Queens of Fennbirn today and omg, my smol sweet clueless babies
Also, the fact that Mira said ,, We will see each other again when we're tall" and one of the first things she said to Arsinoe when they met again at 16 was ,, You got tall" I-
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themistbane · 4 years
tag drop: people, etc
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Arsinoe, the Bear Queen; Mirabella Mistbane; Katharine, the Undead; Jules Milone, the Legion Queen
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reina-asteria · 5 years
My friends: *walk into my room* hey you okay?
Me, lying on the floor face down in the dark: *aggressive smushed-face mumbling*
My friends: What’d you say??
TDC Fandom: She said that Katharine the Queen Crowned of Fennbirn, the Bear Queen Arsinoe, and Queen Mirabella Mistbane deserved BETTER. PERIODT.
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Happy Birthday to Queens Mirabella Mistbane, Arsinoe the Bear Queen and Katharine the Undead of Fennbirn! Who are all still alive!
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I love the Queens of Fennbirn (Contains spoilers about the Three Dark Crowns Series)
If you haven’t read until Five Dark Fates, don’t read this. Be advised that the following list of Queens Of Fennbirn Island is still incomplete. I’ve added the names of each queen’s foster families and home cities to their own (if I could find or guess them), because I like how it sounds. These are mostly, but not all, Queens 👸🏽 born of the Goddess. These Queens may not even be in the right chronological order. But is in the order of oldest to youngest triplet (if I can the queen’s sisters). The oldest I could find was 1000 years old.
I love all the Queens of Fennbirn Island, starting with the first queen, the Legion Queen with all five gifts, the first bearer of the triplets.
Queen Bethel the Pious.
Queen Caedan, the first Blue Queen.
Mad Queen Elsabet Lermont Of Sunpool, the Oracle.
the Vatros War Queens from Bastian, preceding Philomene.
Philomene Vatros Of Bastian, the War Queen.
Queen Theodora of Wolf Spring, the Naturalist, bonded to a Horse.
Queen Veronica
Queen Leonine Traverse Of Sealhead (what she would’ve been), the Naturalist.
Queen Isadora Lermont Of Sunpool (what she would’ve been), the Oracle.
Blue Queen Roxane Westwood Of Rolanth (what she would’ve been)/Illiann Of Indrid Down/Daphne of Centra, the Elemental.
Blue Queen Illiann Of Indrid Down, the Elemental.
Queen Andira of Wolf Spring, the White Handed Naturalist.
Queen Bernadine Of Bernadine’s Landing, the Naturalist, bound to a bear.
Queen Shannon the Elemental.
Queen Elo Westwood Of Rolanth, the Elemental, the Fire-Breather.
Queen Sylvia Arron Of Indrid Down, the Poisoner.
Queen Nicola Arron Of Indrid Down, the Poisoner.
Queen Camille Arron Of Indrid Down, the Poisoner.
And I especially love...
Queen Mirabella Mistbane Westwood Of Rolanth, the Elemental...
...Queen Arsinoe Milone Of Wolf Spring, the Poisoner, the Bear Queen, the last true Queen born of the Goddess...
...Queen Katharine Arron Of Indrid Down, the Naturalist, the Undead, the last Queen Crowned of Fennbirn, she who draws power from forgotten dead queens...
...and finally Legion Queen Juillenne “Jules” Milone, the War-gifted Naturalist Of Wolf Spring, bound to Camden the mountain lion, not of the Goddess’s blood though she ended the era of queens killing queens.
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Imagine Elizabeth trying to teach Mirabella and Bree how to fight lol. 
Mirabella: Hold it...like this?
Elizabeth, dying inside: Um, close
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Katharine gaped in disbelief. “Of course you got sick, Mira! It was freezing last night. Why were you outside?” Mirabella’s puffy, red eyes blink at her in bewilderment.
“It’s possible to get sick from being too cold?”
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How do y’all think Mira would react to Arsinoe and Kat getting tattoos/piercings? On one hands I think she would be hyping them up bc they deserve a chance to be normal teens after everything but on the other she would be like “are you sure? Those are permanent you know. Maybe you should think about it a bit more.” And general concerned big sister things.
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queencamden · 4 years
Mirabella: Beware of my sister, the Undead Queen.
Mirabella: But beware of my sister, the Bear Queen too (She’s kind of weird.)
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queencamden · 4 years
Mirabella: Is 4 followers a lot?
Billy: Depends on the context. On Instagram? Not at all. In a dark alley? Yes, a lot.
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queencamden · 4 years
Arsinoe: The human life is a strained and tense one. I envy the life of a smooth rock resting on the beach.... warmed by the sun.... unaware of the trials and tribulations of sentient life.
Mirabella: Do you need to talk?
Arsinoe: I wish I was a croissant.
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queencamden · 4 years
Overview: I love her. She is my sweet, pure, lovely queen who would absolutely commit murder to protect someone. If Nina were not already my wife, Mira would be (maybe we could have a poly thing going on)
Opinions: I went back and forth on her a lot. Initially she was my favourite of the queens, then I got a bit mad about Joseph thing. I also saw all the hate she got and didn’t want to endorse cheating, so Arsinoe became my favourite. Now they’re kind of tied. Mira’s (usually) just the sweetest, kindest person and I love her to bits.
Ship: Kind of like her and Elizabeth. I feel like they both have the same quiet demeanor that balances out the crazy around them. Also Mira would be an amazing Bird Mom.
Nonromantic/Friendships: So it turns out noromo actually meant ‘someone you don’t ship them with’ but I like my version better. Like I said in another ask, I can see her and Mathilde being friends. Beyond that, both of her sisters of course! Her and Arsinoe’s dynamic is so sweet, and I would love to see her with a non-murderous Katharine.
Headcannons: SHE CAN STILL CONTROL THE WATER SPIRITS. I was so mad that that was never brought up again. Like, I could make a whole post about that. No elemental has been able to summon a spirit in like a thousand years and she just NEVER GETS TO DO IT EXCEPT FOR THAT ONE TIME?
Rants aside, the real reason her talent for water is the weakest is that she was purposely trained in it less. Think about it. She’s never summoned a spirit for any of her other skills, meaning water must have meant a lot to her. (Granted this isn’t 100% canon complient, because I’m pretty sure she says water’s hard for her still right before she does it). But you know what, I’m done with this plothole.
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