#pyshical trauma on the birth chart
goldengoodness-aura · 3 years
Saturn-Uranus aspects~ The pain of individuation
When Saturn and Uranus make contact in the birth chart (hard ones) it can indicate huge trauma on the physical body, and also a lot of difficulties in the process of becoming oneself. Saturn represents the physical world, as well as our limits and the rules and structures of patriarcal societies. When Saturn-Uranus make hard aspects, it's very possible to feel as if those harsh social systems are crushing your soul and stealing your life source and you aren't able to free yourself and live your life. As I've already said in other posts, Uranus represents multimensional energy, so, I can suggest that this patter is happening in a large number of lifes and the spirit is probably at the very frist stages of individuation, which means that, at your deepest core, you have a huge desire to create your own life, but you also feel hostage of many pressures from authorities, hierarchy and "the way the world has been build". You may feel a puppet of patriarchy. Or you may have been persecuted or arrested for trying to do something to change your life and the life of people around you for the better. You may feel the need to break the chains, but, at the same time, so much fear and so many emotions of deep constriction (including physical constriction) may be under the surface and become obvious when you try to give some step towards freedom and your own self. It's very common for people with this aspects (although not everyone will resonate with this because it really depends on the overall soul planning) to feel suffocated by what's socially expected from them, by their parents, by teachers, by school/university, by their work environment, anyway, by everything that represents the "normality" as it has been stabilized. Actually, it's pretty common for them to feel as if they are living a lie, that they are "selling" their own heart, soul, their own energy, that they are tering themselves apart because of this inner paradox of wanting to express their individuality and being TOO afraid to do that (again, have compassion for yourself because this fear has very real roots. Talk to your body and let it show to you the trauma that it carries)
For people who feel that way, I want to say that you have to recognize this huge challenge within your own inner self and affirm to yourself that, even with all of this pain, you DO have the right to be yourself. Yes, YOU DO! Many parts of you may disagree, and they may be very hurt and sad and they may express how much burden and abuse they have been through, but now you do have the right to step in your own two feet and scream your inner self out WITHOUT GIVING A SHIT. FUCK YOU, WORLD, I'M GONNA TO BE MYSELF THIS TIME, AND I'M GOING TO HEAL MYSELF, I'M GOING TO RESPECT MYSELF AND I'M NOT A SLAVE ANYMORE, I'VE NEVER BEEN. I'M A FUCKING DIVINE BEING WITH ALL THE RIGHT TO BE HERE AND YOU CAN'T FOOL ME ANYMORE. NOW I'LL EMBODY MY STRENGTH AND MY WISDOM AND I'LL LIVE THE LIFE I WANT TO LIVE!!!!!!
Always remember that, at the core of all existence, we are all equals, no matter what our human selfs have gone through. You do need to take your feelings seriously, not because they are the ultimate true, but because they will show you what you need to release from your emotional, psychological, physical and energetic bodies to be able to feel more intensely and consciously the amazing beauty and the unconditional freedom of your own soul.
A special thank you to Snowkestrel for inspiring me to write about Saturn-Uranus on the birth chart. By the way, you asked about the quincunx between this two. Quincunx are extremely hard aspects, because they represent huge crises (quincunx are associated with virgo and scorpio, which are the symbols of huge personal transformation, as well as huge pain). I'd say that Saturn quincunx Uranus would have major difficulties to understand even the concept of being able to be "free" or being able to be oneself in a system like the one we live. It'd be something like: OMG, what are you talking about? I don't have a clue. I know this is not the case for everyone with this aspects, because people are much more than their birth chart, people are extremely complex, but I'd suggest that this symbols can represent that inner confusion. Also, like a said, many many many possible physical traumas, in a large number of the soul other-lifes.
If you read this post, let me know if it ressonates. And also always remember to be gentle with yourself if it does. Take a deep breath, stretch, go drink some water and respect your incredible complexity. And decide that you are ready to heal, even if it's hard, decide that you are a divine being living a human experience and even the most painful things are not who you are at your essence.
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