#puddle scifi au
puddleorganism · 1 month
I was inspired by @hiding-under-the-willow’s really cool Ren fanart to draw my scifi Ren design in a somewhat similar style!
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day0walker · 1 year
i think your scifi au would do really well on tumblr if you ever wanted to post it here too 🥺
Omg anon thank you :,((( the new wave of comments on that fic on ao3 has reduced me to an absolute puddle tbh it's just...something about being complimented on THAT one is so emotional to me
It's not that I would care if it did good OR bad if I posted it on tumblr, I just don't know how I'd string together a multichapter fic like that. Sounds exhausting? It could have its own masterpost. But then people might find chapter 8 before chapter 1 and accidentally read 8 and be confused and ????
Maybe...I'll think about it lol
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forlornmelody · 4 years
Kord Center Mall: Jaime Is A Bisexual Disaster
Rating: T (some sexual references)
Fandom(s): DC Comics
Ship: Jaime Reyes/Bart Allen
AO3 Link: Here
Summary:  Jaime Reyes is just trying to order some coffee when he runs into Bart Allen. Suddenly that coffee doesn't seem that important.
Note: This is a cross over, mall-verse AU concocted by @scifi-ginger and myself. You’ve been warned.
Jaime liked to think he was cool enough to drink at local coffee shops that were not Starbucks. Then he started working at the Kord Center. Was it a rule somewhere that only burnt Seattle coffee could be sold at malls? And his manager at Taco Bell only allowed him 15 minute breaks. “Less than six hours of work, bud. Can’t afford to give you a lunch break. I don’t make the rules.” Yeah, sure. Blame the government, esse. Make me work 5 hours and 45 minutes each shift, hermano. 
So here Jaime Reyes stood, in a stupidly long line at one of three Starbucks stores inside Kord Center Mall. Normally, he’d get an iced latte, but he didn’t trust the taste of burn beans not to come through. So he decided on one of the limited-time-only frappuccinos, one with a lot of pretty colors that probably tasted like corn syrup and sadness. 
“Oh, sorry. We just ran out of the blue raspberry syr--flavoring.” Jaime had just planned to stare at the menu (Dios, he was sick of making eye-contact) the whole time, but something about that nervous chuckle drew his attention back. 
“Huh?” Jaime blinked, as he found amber eyes and wisps of chestnut hair peeking out from under a black beanie. 
“We’re out of the flavoring for the Unicorn frappuccino.” Bart, as it said on his nametag, blushed, and it really brought out the color of his eyes. 
“--Not that I think you’re a--”
“Will you hurry up already??” Some lady in a suit far too nice for this mall leaned over the top of Jaime’s shoulder. And she reeked of perfume. 
“Just get me your favorite.”
Bart blinked, and Jaime found himself enraptured by the curve of his chin--wondering what it would be like to touch it. “One grande pumpkin-spice hot chocolate coming right up.”
Jaime shoved a twenty at him, trying not to notice how nice Bart’s hand felt against his. “Keep the change.”
“It’s only $5.25.” Bart stammered. 
“Keep it!” Hopefully someone else would bring Jaime his grande size cup of corn-syrupy goodness, because he didn’t think he could handle making eye-contact with Bart again. Not without melting into a puddle of syrup, himself. 
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armor-goblin · 5 years
writing questions
@idrelle-miocovani tagged me!! surprising no one this got. long. answers under the cut. i meant to post this earlier but as with many things, i have been sitting on it, haha. 
i’m gonna tag @dirthara-mama and @lonely-spaghetti and @star--nymph and @kagetsukai and @puddle--wonderful and anyone else who feels like doing this, with no pressure since i have no idea how far around the sphere this meme has gone !! 
Short stories, novels, or poems? i prefer to read novels -- i love short stories but i am rarely in the mood for them. i like the occasional piece of poetry but don’t seek it out. i used to write exclusively LONG WORKS but i think i could very much improve how i go about doing that nowadays haha, and i think i prefer writing shorter stuff anyway. less to keep track of. 
What genre do you prefer reading? i read almost entirely in scifi and fantasy because i like escapism haha. i’ve been really into space opera sci-fi lately -- i just read the long way to a small angry planet and its sequel a closed and common orbit, i read ninefox gambit which i really enjoyed, i love the murderbot books and the imperial radch...they’re all very invested in relationships between characters. i like space opera! 
What genre do you prefer writing? i like to write more fantasy because i can handwave the worldbuilding more and writing science fiction intimidates me a bit. someday i’ll get there, i’m sure, but not quite yet. 
Are you a planner or a write-as-I-go kind of person? i used to plan extensively and i should start again because i forget halfway through what i meant to do. i started using trello for outlining recently and my god it’s great...i don’t feel it’s important to plan short stuff, but long works really need planning, for me. 
What music do you listen to while writing? varies, but lately it’s been ambient chillstep or synthwave/retrowave mixes as a generic easy-to-write-to soundtrack. i do have a miri/cullen playlist i queue up when i feel like getting into their headspace, and i have a few specific albums and mixes i listen to for certain moods. cold and snowy and melancholic has been the vibe lately and i like handsome furs’ plague park album for that feel. 
Fave books/movies? oh man so many books. perennial faves are terry pratchett’s night watch (and all the discworld books), the forgotten beasts of eld (patricia mckillip), the imperial radch trilogy (ann leckie)...a wizard of earthsea (i like the others but the first is my favorite), lord of the rings, animorphs. sooooo many.  i like pretty but somewhat terrible movies a lot -- jupiter ascending, the fifth element. i’ve watched set it up about six times now. i really like the bourne supremacy for some reason. i liked hellboy, i like blade. i LOVED arrival, i just saw that, that was a really good movie. i can’t wait to see spider-verse (i just get anxious in crowded theaters so i’ve been waiting on it for a bit). 
Any current WIPs? oh ye. i’m always working on someday; i have ideas about the heist au for minna and sera. @slightlymaladroit made me think about a fake relationship au for miri/cullen and now i can’t stop thinking about that and i've written a BUNCH of it haha, so that’s on deck i guess. 
i really wonder if at some point i’ll just pick up someday and place it reverently in a garbage can and then rewrite it; at this point i’m in really deep, but i wish i’d gotten my pacing sorted better in the beginning so i could feel more confident about where i’m going with it. shrug! that’s what i get for not planning. 
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you, what would your standard outfit be? high-waisted jeans, big glasses, extremely frizzy bun, a half-tucked collared shirt. sneakers or ankle boots. and my cane, and a lot of earrings. 
Create a character description for yourself: She looks uncomfortable no matter how she’s sitting -- moving a leg, cracking a joint, shifting with a grimace, falling back into place again. It’s not until she focuses that a calm settles on her, and she freezes in the least comfortable position you can imagine (one knuckle pressed firmly into a cheekbone, shoulders hunched, neck curved, you are not surprised she looks uncomfortable most of the time) except for her darting eyes and the sharp scratch of her tablet pen. 
She gets up four hours later with a scowl and the percussive accompaniment of crackling joints. 
Do you like incorporating people you actually know into your writing? nah. i put a lot of myself into my writing, but i don’t put people i know whole cloth into stories. it feels weird and a bit violating, especially since i don’t tend to share my writing with people i know in the real world. i don’t even like drawing people i know in real life! 
Are you kill-happy with characters? sometimes u gotta be right? i don’t think i’m kill happy, but i’ll kill a character if it serves the story properly, for sure. i’m very happy to wound my characters and give them lasting consequences, tho. lasting injuries are important to me. 
Coffee or tea while writing? usually coffee because i usually write in the morning! 
Slow or fast writer? s l o w nowadays haha. i used to be zippy but now i’m very very very slow. 
Where/who/what do you find inspiration from? other people’s writing, for sure. other people’s ideas and writing and words, other stories. my own life, sometimes. things i see in movies or read, or just tropes i’ve always liked 
If you were put into a fantasy world, what would you be? probably some kind of crafter, tbh, doing detailed leatherwork or something. i’m not too bad at it. 
Most fave book cliche? Least fave book cliche? idri i love the epic smackdown cliche, absolutely. i think (and this isn’t so much a cliche but an archetype i love) that i like best the angry female character; i gravitate toward stories with people who aren’t male and who are furious at the entire world and channel that fury in different ways. rachel from animorphs is my favorite, but breq from the imperial radch is right up there, and murderbot...granny weatherwax and tiffany aching too, who use anger and selfishness as sword and shield in many ways. sybel from forgotten beasts and her experience with anger and vengeance. essun from the broken earth books. characters, especially female characters, who interact with anger in interesting ways, those are my favorite stories. also...bed sharing. 
my least favorite...oh, so many. women infighting for dumb reasons to make male characters feel special. the female disciple who’s been training for years but is immediately shown up by the male protagonist who is ~special~ and ~talented~ or whatever because being a man is more important than your years of training. one very specific pet peeve i have is actually with eragon, where the protagonist suffers an injury that makes it very hard for him to train and fight and stuff, and instead of working around it he just...magically gets better by becoming a half elf or something...because what’s a lasting consequence or an actual obstacle, right? that still pisses me off. i read it around the time i was restarting karate after i was first injured and the sheer spiteful rage is still with me haha. 
Fave scenes to write? sparring scenes!! action scenes, i love writing action. i love writing arguments so much. banter, too, i love and get carried away with clever banter quite a lot, but arguing? the dark sour center of an argument where the real problems come to light? i like writing that a lot. it’s mireille’s fault. 
Most productive time of day for writing? mornings, generally and sometimes afternoons. i am not greatly a morning person but there’s a period of time between seven and eleven where if i’m not bothered by anyone and i get to sit down for a while, i can almost always get a lot done. 
Reason for writing? i’ve been thinking about this more lately because i think there’s a lot of reasons, haha. part of it’s that i’ve always written and i don’t want to stop. part of it’s that i do a lot of processing and parsing of the world by writing, i think. part of it’s trying to find and create representation of the parts of myself that i don’t see in media -- we’re not exactly lacking in depictions of white women of course, but my experiences with injury and pain and frailty are things i see so much less of and tend to put into my writing. not always consciously. (i would like to poke my child self and inform her that the reason she’s writing about a heroine with massive scars and traumas is because she was traumatized by injury at a young age, haha. i never could explain that as a kid.) i want to represent those experiences, and i want to represent other people’s experiences too, as best i can. and also i just dig writing! i’ve put a lot of effort and time into it, and i always have enjoyed it and found it makes my life better when i do it, so i ought to keep on. 
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yuexuan · 6 years
[Touken Ranbu]AI 2
Pairing: MikaTsuru
Rating: G
Genre: AU, scifi(?)
To say Tsurumaru was exhilarated would be an understatement. As the ship moved closer to the bottom of the Citadel, he’d promptly transformed into a human plaster, sticking tight to the window and craning his neck as much as humanly possible to catch sight of the docking port. He’d always harbored a theory that the ships anchored themselves using stick-like appendages. Just like how the insects infesting his quarters would hang themselves from the top of the ceiling.
So it was a pleasant surprise when he saw numerous gates positioned across the length of the Citadel bottom. One of the gates opened up after confirming the ship’s identity. The ship passed through the opening into an enclosure, where it simply hovered in rest mode to let its passenger off.
The moment he stepped off the ship, Tsurumaru turned his head every which way. They were finally inside the Citadel, albeit just the underground section. It was like entering a metal skeleton. Cold, steel pillars and arches reminiscent of a beast’s ribcage held up the whole space. Perhaps the architects had bemoaned the lack of aesthetic, so occasionally there were ornate designs lining the oddest corners. For example, the crest of the Saniwa was placed on the floor tiles. Tsurumaru wasn’t sure why someone would bother adding ornaments on something that everyone stepped on.
Mikazuki kept his promise of bringing their uninvited guest to the Saniwa. But before that, he dragged the young man to the bathhouse for a thorough cleanup. Life in the Lower Level was hard and baths were a luxury not afforded by the majority. Thankfully the bot was able to shut off his sense of smell at will, but the same cannot be said for the Saniwa. Certainly it would be a breach of etiquette if he’d allowed Tsurumaru to present himself just as is.
Tsurumaru was uncharacteristically compliant, allowing himself to be ushered to the bathhouse.
The truth was, he was overwhelmed. Never had he seen such splendor. Once past the port, the Citadel surface was a wonderful amalgam of technology and history. Oriental pagodas and mosque-shaped domes extended towards the sky, broken by floating highways that weaved between and within the buildings.
And then he saw it. A meadow, a real-life, green meadow. It was closed off by electric fences, but that did not stop Tsurumaru from getting as close as possible – even risking a few pieces of hair – to gawk at the sight.
“It’s a meadow…” he breathed, voice tinged with excitement.
“Not quite. This is a garden,” Mikazuki corrected him, not understanding the Lower Level’s fascination with meadows.
Tsurumaru was not in the least bit deterred by Mikazuki’s offhanded comment. He longed to reach his hands across the barrier to touch the soft-looking grass, maybe even lie down in it and roll around…
By and by Mikazuki had to usher the young man away before he made do with his fantasy. It will not be pleasant news for the Saniwa to know that a human guest had electrocuted himself on the garden fence prior to their meeting.
   Tsurumaru was the sole occupant of the bathhouse. He lowered himself gingerly into the warm waters, eyes closing in satisfaction. He’d never enjoyed a warm water bath before, heaters were rare in the Lower Level and abundant water even rarer. Sometimes they would clean themselves by walking through a vacuum contraption that blew high pressured air onto the person that hopefully blasts away all the dusts. More often than not it blasted away the human as well, leaving them sprawling in an unsightly heap. He clasped his hands before him and gave a squeeze. A small pillar of water squirted out between the palms.
When Mikazuki came in, he saw the young man quite beside himself squirting water jets into phantom enemies.
“Here it comes!” A stream of water flew through the air and landed in a puddle on the ground.
“Critical hit! Help!” Another dodge narrowly missing an incoming wave.
Mikazuki raised his brow in amusement. The young man was totally oblivious to his presence, at least not until a stream of water splattered right unto the bot’s face.
“I take it you are enjoying the bath,” Mikazuki wiped some of the waters off his face. A good thing they were built to be waterproof.
“Yeah,” Tsurumaru admitted sheepishly, being caught in his own acts by surprise was not something he altogether appreciated. “Uh, do you want to come in?” Only when he finished his question did Tsurumaru bite his tongue. Of all the things he could’ve said, inviting a bot to a bath was not the smartest one.
“With pleasure, I’m here to help you clean up anyways,” Mikazuki held up the little basket of odds and ends.
Now if there’s another thing to add to the list of things that bots can do, helping people shower was one of them. At first Tsurumaru was repulsed by the idea of having a bot bath him, but the moment Mikazuki’s fingers thread through his hair, he was sold.
“Mmhmm,” Tsurumaru groaned in pleasure as another knot was worked off his back. He could get use to this. Maybe he should suggest frequenting the bathhouse for his therapy session. It did wonders to his mood.
“You hair color is beautiful,” Mikazuki watched as the dust and grime washed away to reveal platinum white underneath.  
When the bot was done Tsurumaru felt like he had been rebirthed anew, what with his fully scrubbed pink skin and white shiny hair. He admired himself in the mirror, unable to believe that the smart-looking young man before him was indeed…well, him.
Mikazuki had pulled out a full-white suit, but after numerous attempts to dress the young man, with a lot of complaining (cue: this is so tight!) from his charge, the exasperated bot gave up and slapped a slightly-too-big hoodie on him instead.
  The Saniwa’s residence was designed according to an ancient Japanese castle blueprint, plus a few novelties here and there.
As they walked around Tsurumaru was greeted by the sight of more lush meadows – or gardens – as Mikazuki had so aptly corrected him. He was also blinded by the sight of very…chubby-looking people on floating chairs that hovered mindlessly about the garden.
“They are…” Tsurumaru’s voice trailed off, not quite sure what to make of these people.
“They are the inhabitants of the Citadel.”
Tsurumaru gawked. It was rude, but he couldn’t help gawking. He’d never imagined that the human body can be bloated to this extent, almost like the pufferfish he saw in an old advertisement way back. He’d also noticed the square contraption about their head. “What is that…?”
“Virtual reality simulation,” Mikazuki answered airily, “Come, the Saniwa is waiting.”
Tsurumaru tore his gaze away from the human balls, his gut twisting uncomfortably. There was something wrong about that image.
Thankfully, the Saniwa was nowhere near as voluptuous as the inhabitants he overlooked. He was relatively normal looking, almost childlike in stature, but emanating an aura that was anything but childlike.
When he spoke, it was in a commanding tone. “Tsurumaru Kuninaga.”
Tsurumaru shuffled slightly forward. “Present.”
“You violated Law 027/3485.”
Was he supposed to know what that meant? Tsurumaru was at a loss, the only thing he’d done wrong was coming to the Citadel without permission – and maybe spilling water all about the bathhouse but that was relatively minor – so he deduced that was probably what the Saniwa was referring to.
“According to Article 59, you are to be banished from the Citadel and Lower Level.”
Now Tsurumaru would’ve given more weight to these words had he not been occupied with figuring out how the little child before him could memorize so many details. But as things were, his mind hadn’t quite caught up with the Saniwa’s words.
“However, I have a proposition that you may find enticing.” The child leaned forward.
It was not as if there was a choice, was there? Tsurumaru didn’t answer, waiting for the ruler to continue on.
“Our technology is still not perfect - we have recently recalled a batch of bots due to…minor malfunctions. As such, it is my hope that you observe the bots in the coming days and note down any defections. If your performance is satisfactory, I may consider granting you a full residence status on this Citadel.”
Tsurumaru quirked an eyebrow. He had never heard anything but good reviews about the bots, and judging by the personification of perfection standing next to him, it was hard to imagine what sort of malfunctions would be severe enough to earn a recall.
“Sounds doable,” the white hair male shrugged nonchalantly. It wouldn’t be that hard…would it?
“Perfect. Mikazuki will be your guide during your stay here.”
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puddleorganism · 4 months
Sci-fi au doodle dump because I realized how little I post about it
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(Ren & Martyn)
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(Gem & Pearl)
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(Bdubs & Impulse) Just realized Bdub’s scar is on the wrong eye. Amazing
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(Scar & Jellie)
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(Jimmy & Tango)
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(Scar & Grian)
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(Jimmy & Tango) Fun fact: this is some of the first art I did for this au
(Sorry only some of them have IDs, I ran out of steam and decided it was better to post it with just a couple rather than not post it at all)
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puddleorganism · 6 months
2/3(?) life series sci-fi au doodles
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From left to right, top to bottom:
Pearl, Martyn, Scott, Lizzie, Etho, Joel
(Pearl’s already getting a redesign so don’t get used to this one lol)
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
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puddleorganism · 6 months
1/? doodles of life series sci-fi au set in the same universe as my original comic, because when the neuros diverge… the hyperfixations converge
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From left to right, top to bottom:
Cleo, BigB, Scar, Grian, Jimmy and Tango
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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puddleorganism · 6 months
3/3 life series sci-fi au doodles
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From left to right, top to bottom:
Bdubs, Impulse, Ren, Mumbo, Gem
And then also Skizz
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4
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puddleorganism · 17 days
Another little batch of scifi au doodles
Featuring a couple redesigns! The species itself got a redesign but also I changed Scar’s species
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If you’re confused about why Scar’s all red here’s a little worldbuilding dump for you:
This species (Sunseekers) is kind of like a reverse carnivorous plant. Carnivorous plants started as phototrophs and evolved to be carnivorous later. Sunseekers were carnivorous first, then evolved phototropism to supplement their energy intake.
However, camouflage was very important for their hunting methods (originally they were pretty much pure white with occasional light grey markings, it’s only since their lifestyle changed due to technological advancement that their skin/scale colors diversified), so being covered in bright red chloroplasts is not ideal. So - and take this with a grain of salt because I haven’t figured out the exact mechanism yet - their chloroplasts are underneath the pigment layer, which makes them invisible. The pigments move out of the way to reveal the chloroplasts when photosynthesizing, hence why the skin appears red! This is called “blooming” - at least for now. I may find a better word to describe it, but I do like the term “bloom” currently.
I made an animation of this process a while back, if you want to see it in motion:
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I made it 6 months ago though so it’s pretty out of date lol. Here are the corrections I’d make now:
The wing and scale designs are completely outdated.
The red bloom should go all the way to the edge of the scales, but probably wouldn’t cover the entire wing at once.
It would happen MUCH slower than this. A single scale wouldn’t fully bloom this fast, let alone the whole wing.
I do like how it’s stylized though! The spots are more realistic than the sorta scratchy texture in the drawing I did of Scar (tbh I was just being lazy when I rendered it because I completely forgot to add the blooming until the end).
In modern times blooming isn’t as common of a behavior because food is easier to come by, and migration is very rare (other similar lifestyles where energy expenditure is consistently rather high do exist, but aren’t as common anyway). So, it’s just not as useful to be doing it all the time. Modern Sunseekers pretty much only bloom as a response to high exposure to sunlight, or when dealing with persistent physical and/or mental stress.
So basically when the body is like: put this bitch back in survival mode we need the ENERGY NOW
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puddleorganism · 6 months
SURPRISE 💥 secret part 4 of au doodles
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Jellie and Revenge!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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puddleorganism · 4 months
I woke up I was headless!
Hollow Moon (Bad Wolf) by AWOLNATION
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puddleorganism · 4 months
We look nothin’ like we used to!
- Our Song by Rainbow Kitten Surprise
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Sci-fi au Imp & Skizz my beloveds. Some of my favorite characters.
Bonus textless version:
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I kinda like the textless version better. The text gave me sooo much trouble. It was either too distraction, or too hard to read. It ended up in an acceptable place though, I think
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puddleorganism · 6 months
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Medieval-inspired sci-fi au Ren! My beloved (bonus version under the cut)
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puddleorganism · 3 months
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puddleorganism · 11 days
Occasionally a song is just so good you bust out not one, but two of your really nice art supplies you save for special occasions
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If anyone’s curious, the song is Shadow by Amigo the Devil
B&W version:
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(Also I don’t know why the signature Did That on the red version. Very annoying but I only noticed after I made so. Whatever. It’s just going to be like that I guess)
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