taproomtraveler · 11 months
Firehouse **
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fragmen-tadxs · 3 years
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Ella Estrella — La Gusana Ciega
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boulevard-literario · 3 years
Saber que los años han pasado... Saber que la ausencia no borró los recuerdos, y que tus risas aún yacen latentes.
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desorden-en-letras · 3 years
Destruirme pensando cada noche y/o madrugada es mi pasión.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
SIM houses sell but not that many. We put on a home show now. Real SIM models and the campers as homes mobile homes or campers. Small houses tiny homes. And examples of nigmeghborhoods built now in Florida. Taxis to and from. Every model we sell there on display full sized all the options...full kitchen one motif to look right it does and a pitched showroom each vsrsion in it all doodads all sold separately. They like it appreciate it. Tampa fairgrounds occupied as are Sarasota. Miami too. Mac has a venue near him. No..yes. We move to look yes. Agents report high volume deep bunkers. We accept they want a fight. We prep show them we mean business send a big and super big gloved ring there . today. It's in Sarasota near the SIM dealerships.
Huge 3000sf luxury home models. Are combos yes ornate too. Are less expensive than any. We install lol cork yours clear. Fine he says we buy here and yes can afford 8k for lots Mac calls his but it all they fight.
Pc north port Punta goes a full w plans already. He says laughing I get a lot car ppl will think it's a SIM lol. They pause residual or lottery or class action and continue.
Houses fly in huge ones too fully assembled on stages. We fix the front to mach. Watervthem too. Huge no but decent you s say. More now by request I want this one. Gold Supreme.
They see it need it on the ground caa. She laughs fast enough.
We will have a spread in each hour a shield too. Huge spread. Our beers small wine bottles 10 oz and our sodas in the houses.
New now open your own bar or restaurant we sell three sizes. All our booze or yours. We sell off to you cheaply only serious buyers get a package. Three. Pub. Restaurant. Full Bar. Huge inquiries. All come piped full bar has 100 varieties pub30 restaraunts 60. Will arrive in 2 hours outside time of arrival.
Huge huge inquiries. Can be a franchise of course we offer them or your iwn we supply the booze or all yours. Cheap. Huge huge inquiries. Designs are themed lots of Florida themes. Custom at additional but come fully stocked and outfitted per your pick and ads. They love it and I'm in.
The seafood place mom and I liked can just order a bunch. They have 50 on the way for Bradenton Sarasota Tampa.
Others do.
Bbk called we said if course. Him as a field tech sure.
Lol. Cash. He laughs no but ok.
We send large ones several bought a few to attach together. Huge here now.
House sales go bonkers
We sent in for approval on ours lots are on prospective sakes infrastructure going in all are walled and gated some double gates. Two in two out sane enrmtrance it's done in Miami lots. They buy it here
Huge huge sales. Huge. Our tract homes are sold out. We move in New models of neighborhoods are in the office model home display it's huge tons go. We look huge crowds outside. We issue a statement we will get you a house let's form separate lines for neighborhood tracts and honest twosee. They like it. And a third condo apartments. Low risesmid rises high rises all I at Florida.
Our booze trucks are there and food. He and Violator are dressed as cheesy home pushers. Thier DemiGoddess wives too.
Hera is in a controlled community. Double gated. As we care. Now sakes triple. Huge lots of high end SIM original model full sized sedans huge. Station wagons too and a full sized now. Looks like a rugged 4 door Porsche.
They arrive. Each car setup matches the homes.
Teeny have SIM Super Light SIM minis
Oh one more thing.
Liliput has just arrived and hobbit town both are small gated communities well some become large oh well damnit you haha Zues laughs. It's fun I'm ok.
Really we poke fun lol
Little liliput ?? Our dream. A reality. Where is it I see. It's in the net. Liliput there wow cool little cars little ergonomic motorcycles fast too. Stop lights it's huge no but could have. We go there now. Bring food some We see it's served. Ok
Little ppl stars
Huge today there huge tons roll in rv centers mobile home Parkside offer several models up to 200 mph. Ships are always in and out. Concrete homes rated to 200 bit can withstand 300 all have concrete rooves.
Tons of window options mostly have the unbreakable glass used it's the choice billuum his type get that and rolling shutters most lock inside of ours
Thor Freya
0 notes
boulevard-literario · 3 years
No me cuesta alejarme, basta con que me hagas daño para no volver a verte nunca más.
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boulevard-literario · 3 years
No por que así lo dicte la sociedad, sino por que en cada estrella encuentres una razón para soñar.
Aunque las noches parezcan perpetuas y tu compañía sea la soledad.
Porque las risas son tan efímeras que se evaporan en un segundo.
Y si en algún momento te cansas de vivir, pues emprende tu camino para existir, pero nunca desistas.
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boulevard-literario · 3 years
Nuestros caminos se cruzaron. Nuestros corazones se entrelazaron. Nuestros cuerpos se fundieron en aquella noche de invierno que convertimos en verano.
Nuestros caminos se cruzaron, pero como toda estación cambia, ya ni siquiera nos saludamos cuando pasas de lado.
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desorden-en-letras · 4 years
La razón por la que la noche puede verse así de hermosa seguramente no es a causa de esas estrellas o luces, la razón es que hoy estas a mi lado.
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desorden-en-letras · 4 years
La unión
Cuando dos personas están destinadas a estar juntas, esta están listas para unirse están listas para comprometerse a pasar el resto de sus días juntos.
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desorden-en-letras · 4 years
Me aferré fuertemente a la esperanza de que todo se solucionaría y me doy cuenta que no es mutuo, así que mejor te suelto y prefiero que no sea nada.
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desorden-en-letras · 5 years
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