deviiancetv · 1 year
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deVii King, 2023
ᑭᔕYᑕᕼㄖIᗪ 🤯
When you try a psychedelic for the first time,and this is what you see:
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pushing500 · 6 months
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There are a lot of pets at Eureka, and I'm glad to see they like Toddler Ro as much as I do.
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I call this piece "Solitude and Sorority in the Saunas"
Now, I'm no expert, but surely it would be a good idea to take off your glasses in a sauna? Debby must have forgotten.
I always forget that some of my colonists have cool body tattoos... I should draw them all sometime
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Hazrov had a cozy afternoon winding down by watching telly next to the hydroponics basins where we grow our drugs.
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Oh no!
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Clarence is one of my many (18!!) devilsheep that has recently undergone mass sterilization. There were too many of them for their pen, so now we've made sure they will not make any more baby sheep and can concentrate on making devilstrand instead.
Nothing particularly exciting happened today, sorry. But sometimes it's nice to have a relaxing day of red panda nuzzling, relaxing in a sauna, watching TV, and wandering around in confusion.
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tonenoth · 2 years
holy shit, internet should not have public social function, i know nobody
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Alright so as per request, here's a post about my rimworld colony, which is currently recovering from a cold snap.
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this is the current state of it, i play with a load of the Vanilla Expanded mods, i'll add the modlist in later, they're all outdated by now i'd assume since i downloaded them like, many months ago.
So to start off, i went with Ariadne Archduchess for my storyteller, basically, the higher your wealth the more she chooses to fuck with you, that is if i understood her storyteller profile right, and the difficulty setting is adventure story.
Ereal is currently, probably my strongest pawn.
Mechanitor that also has really strong psycasts and a shooting skill of 12, which is i think the highest any of the pawns have, but my memory might be very bad.
As for the psycasts, i have the vanilla expanded psycast thingy, which means i can choose them and the psycasters level up by meditating a bunch, so now Ereal has the resurrect psycast, and also a couple lightning psycasts. Luxemburg, my dear friend Luxemburg, has got regrow limbs which helped a lot, since i had a massive component shortage and couldn't make prosthetics for missing limbs, and also makes resurrect infinite, since you have to sacrifice a finger to resurrect someone, but regrow limbs y'know, regrows the limbs.
Minnie is also a psycaster, went with the Empath and Archon route, which means at some point i'll get to do mindbreaks with her <3
Sheyon and Rush were people i got from the "wanderer joins" event, and Tetraquart is a kid that was born very recently, from parents Hitomi and Roubel.
I think The Fabulous and Amira were from the cryptosleep casket in the ancient danger, Theo, Hitomi, Stomp, Vector, Reinald, Roubel, Pokeek and Penelope are all former prisoners.
Sass was a kid that i bought from a trader, i decided to recruit him instead of keep him as a slave, he's currently the 2nd best planter in the colony, after Jacaranda, which is a phytokin offshoot that eats wastepacks and can plant polux bushes. Jacaranda is also bonded with a guaranlen tree.
As for how Jacaranda joined, it was a charity quest where we had to save her from some bandits. That's pretty much it for the colonists, i think the only thing i might've omitted was that Sass and Stomp are Saurids, Sheyon is an Yttakin and Hitomi is a dirtmole.
Now to the Ideoligion of these bitches:
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The narrative was just randomly generated, but i think it's decent so here ya go:
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And the precepts are:
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I haven't gotten any of the relics yet, but i'm planning to get around to that once i set up a genetics lab.
Speaking of genetics.
I have this funny little thing called an Archowomb, which if i do some silly genetics stuff with, i could make an archocentipede, which is, from what i've heard, really fucking strong. Can't wait to get around to that.
For animals, i've got some horses, very useful for expeditions, i have 2 megasloths tamed, and some muffalo + sheep for their wool.
Food, and plants in general: i have like 3k human meat stored, very useful for meals. I have 10x10 planting zones for carrots, green beans, corn, bell peppers, rice and potatoes, 5x5 fields for sunflowers, psychoid plants, smokeleaf plants and some healroot, plus a much bigger healroot field because i was running really low on medicine.
another 10x10 for canola flowers, it's how i keep my colony running, very good for making chemfuel, and chemshine also is quite nice.
and a bigger field for cotton, because i gotta get that cloth somehow.
and da stats for this colony are:
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As for stories for this one, i think the only interesting one was that time a mechhive raid dropped right into the fucking food freezer during a components shortage and almost made the entire colony starve.
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justadumbasskid · 1 month
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Finally finished rounding out my 4 main farms! Toxicotton, psychoid, toxroot, and toxipotatoes. The only crops that grow effectively in polluted soil. Plus Toni's Deathrest chamber is directly in the middle, I just though it would be a good spot for it.
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Overhead view, 12 hours of playtime. Major Western expansion and development with a dedicated warehouse, workshop, public bathroom, and laboratory. Meanwhile, there's a new prison and hospital on the NorthEast, a dedicated barracks down on the Southern side. As well as a large utility room to hold all my main power/water needs.
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Finally remembered that this fun toy exists! Might make use of that,
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Finished the hospital and built a dedicated vat-growing facility, with vat-learning technology installed.
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Toxic burnbarrels! To give my defending Wasters an edge in combat. Though, I think they're redundant since the tiles are already polluted.
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Triplets born from one growth vat! I didn't even know that was possible! Most of my pawns were out in combat, though, so the babies laid on the floor in a 24F-degree room for a few hours before I was able to put them back into the growth vats.
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I named them Bek, Fizz, and I believe the third one is Raky. They're all male.
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Blood draincaskets for my one bloodfeeder, Toni. The cool thing about draincaskets is that the pawns inside of them don't really exist. They will never be bothered by pollution, hunger, thirst, or temperature while inside the draincasket.
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To unlock higher-tier armor and clothing, I need Devilstrand. The only problem is that Devilstrand doesn't grow well in polluted soil. It will, just agonizingly slow. So I'm digging into the Eastern cliff of the map, terraforming a patch of soil within, and guarding the chamber with pollution pumps to protect it from the encroaching influence of the always-decaying toxic wastepacks. Conveniently enough, a nearby toxic generator's radius ends right here! I didn't even plan for that!
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~15 hours of playtime
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theworldvsyoshiko · 4 months
Well, this newest camp is drawing to a close. I know I haven't said much about this one, but here's the thing: Long Night is an awful fucking garbage event if you are playing non-farming nomads. It's not so much 'challenging' as it is 'a borderline automatic game over.' You have no plants to forage. You can't graze your animals, which you're dependent on for moving from base to base. You can't make kibble for the animals unless you have plants to make it with, and if you had plants you wouldn't be in this mess. You can get food for your colonists by hunting, but meat won't last long when you're on the move... unless you make it into pemmican or packaged survival meals, which you need plants for.
If there was a geothermal plant on this map, I would have seriously considered setting up a sun lamp just so some small area would be able to grow grass.
So yeah, this camp has mostly been a long tedious slog to keep all the animals alive, with a side of too many raids. On the upside, the kids have... not amazing gear or anything, but they're not going into combat with hand-me-down clothes and garbage weapons anymore.
Since Lewis hit 13, this seems like a good time for an overview of the current state.
Thanks to the fucking Long Night, the kids have plenty of food, but less than they had when they left the last camp. This was another great climate, so it would've been a good place to stock up before moving on, but instead the supplies have been slowly evaporating. Still, the ship's actually not parked that far north. It'll be sub-tropical or temperate climates the whole way, so the biggest hazard food-wise is going to be areas where it's too dry to grow much.
Not a lot of trade goods left, but with 10k silver saved up, trading goods is kinda optional anyway. They can just buy shit with cash. Now if only anywhere had shit to buy. They'll be making another round of shopping trips on the way out of this area, so here's hoping. This isn't their last chance to buy new gear, but there are only a few opportunities past here. I could have them linger in this area for however long it takes to find quality gear, but that would be 1) boring and 2) probably overkill.
While the ship is expensive, these ruin maps are pretty expensive, too. Dev mode informs me that the current map, in fact, would currently get raids of 950 raid points. The ship shouldn't be too much worse than that--if the kids dump a lot of their unneeded possessions and there aren't fancy ruins around the ship, the ship raids could go as low as 500. So, the fights they're having right now might actually be pretty representative of what they'll need to be capable of handling.
That's all banking on nothing bumping the raid point level a lot higher on that map, though.
I haven't kept things to three pawns for any strong reason. Good candidates have just been hard to find. As Lewis showed, preteens aren't a good fit for this lifestyle. Hussars and Wasters are automatically disqualified, because they're just going to die to a lack of psychoid. I've also only been looking for recruits who are younger than Umeko, which limits it further, and thanks to the nomadic lifestyle, prisoners are only a great option if they capture one early enough to recruit them before they have to pack up camp.
So, just the three kids for now.
Umeko Keith
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Now she's great at fighting and construction, the two main things she does. Construction is the big one, really--it's not a full-time job in most colonies, but this group has to build a new base every 20-30 days. She's also the group's de facto crafter, but... crafting isn't quite as important here. Researching something like gunsmithing would be a long-term project. The only things to craft are trade goods and clothes, really. Fortunately, the herd of alpacas and all the hunting for meat means that she has an unlimited supply of leather and wool.
She's got an archotech arm, a bionic leg, and a sterilizing stomach. The sterilizing stomach was an instant buy when I saw it. Umeko and Choco are both good at cooking, so food poisoning is rare, but... the last time it happened, it was an outright existential threat. When you only have three people, two of them being nearly downed by illness is an absolute disaster if anything actually dangerous happens.
Umeko likes both of her companions a lot. This might be the most tight-knit group I've ever had. Umeko and Lewis are pretty much always at 100 relationship in both directions.
Choco, though... Umeko has like a near-paralyzing crush on her. Choco, on the other hand, is straight. Way Better Romance (I think? I don't believe this is core, and I'm not sure what else would do this) seems to make it so sexualities aren't absolute, so while Choco is straight, she's like... an 0.4 on the Kinsey scale. She can conceive of a circumstance in which she might possibly have a relationship with another girl, and thus has like a 1.4% chance of agreeing to romantic things with Umeko. That's good enough for Umeko. She asks Choco on a date at basically every opportunity, and gets politely shot down every single time.
At this point, Umeko's wearing trooper armor and a flak helmet, with a sniper rifle and carbine. Since the group usually doesn't have good defenses set up, having her snipe enemies on the edge of a pack before they attack the base has been vital to continued survival.
Curca Choco
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Choco's taken over cooking duties, and she's the group's default medic. She's also pretty good at killing, and psychopath + masochist is admittedly a really nice combo for that. She doesn't mind hauling the bodies away, and if she gets hurt in combat that only makes her happier.
She also doesn't mind needless killing or violence. I have a policy that when somebody needs to, say, run outside and spray bullets at the cavemen next door until they stop trying to hunt the alpacas for dinner, that's Choco's job. If a bullet goes through one of their eye sockets, she can drag the body off and it's no big deal. Umeko doesn't need to know the dark price of her alpacas' continued safety.
That's true friendship, right there.
With double passion in shooting, I've been setting her up as the main general combatant, so Choco's got recon (!!) armor, a semi-automatic rifle, an assault rifle, and an SMG.
And a... look, the group only had two flak helmets. So instead, Choco wears the next-best head protection we've got.
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A hyperweave bowler hat.
Lewis McLaughlin
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For somebody who's been around since he was 4, Lewis's general setup is just sad. He could've easily had 5+ passions in a normal colony, but the nomad lifestyle's hard on a kid. Still, he's good at plants + animals, aka the skills that let them eat, he can shoot well, and he'll be the group's head researcher soon. Plus, with Iron Stomach, two out of the three pawns are immune to food poisoning.
Lewis likes everybody! Choco is 100% neutral on him.
He's got the least impressive combat loadout, with a flak jacket and helmet, a bolt action rifle, and Umeko's starting combat handgun. Good guns have been in short supply.
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psikonauti · 2 years
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Alessandro Keegan (b. 1980)
Psychoid Visitation ,2021
Oil on wood panel
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ylespar · 10 months
"This issue leads us directly to touch upon a philosophic position known as 'dual-aspect monism' adopted first by Spinoza (see Ravven, 2013) as well as by Jung and Pauli many years ago (Atmanspacher, 2012), and recently re-proposed by Mark Solms and other neuro-psychoanalysts (Kaplan-Solms and Solms, 2000). According to such a view, the material and the subjective worlds are two complementary manifestations of a unique, albeit perhaps unknowable unitary reality, to which Jung refers with the concept of 'psychoid'. The presence of such underlying dimension has been widely underlined in Eastern cultural tradition, as well in some Western philosopher, such as A.N. Withehead (1929). In the 20th century, its existence was revealed by the study of quanto-mechanic processes in physics, and of unconscious processes in analytical psychology. Both disciplines recognized the influence of unobservable (paradoxical) phenomena within the normal flow of observable material and mental events."
Antonio Alcaro, Stefano Carta, and Jaak Panksepp, "The Affective Core of the Self: A Neuro-Archetypical Perspective on the Foundations of Human (and Animal) Subjectivity," p. 7.
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Hey could I get some Smokeleaf Joints and some Psychoid Tea? I need it for a tribe ive been interacting with.
"So sorry, but shop is currently closed."
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ugh my only pawn left is a toxoid so i have to keep making that shitty crafting spot psychoid powder and he spends so much time getting a hangover from it so i put soooo much time into researching psychoid tea only to find out it requires cooking level 2 and toxoids have a -4 to cooking so he needs to be level fucking six...
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kamanori · 2 months
"This is especially necessary in the case of carnivorous animals ; rats, for instance, will immediately devour their own legs, if the sensory nerves to these have been severed." (PAIN) p.145
"Moreover, we must learn to regard the function-rule as a real natural factor, and attempt to investigate its effects in all subjects.
Even the "psychoid," introduced by Driesch into natural science, is to be understood in this sense. The psychoid is an objectively active rule, which we must observe in operation. The word psychoid indicates that here we have to do with a creation by the psyche, for a super-spatial law comes in, not belonging to the body, but controlling it. Can it be that in the function-rule we have come upon something that speaks for the existence of an animal psyche ? A something that justifies the psychologists in setting their science on an objective basis ?
I do not think that such an assumption is justified. There can be no doubt that there are super-spatial rules to which in the last instance the control of even the animal body is assigned. But knowledge of these rules, just as of those governing the animal body itself, must be referred to the laws of our own mind : and the term " psychoid " may easily mislead us into supposing that we have here the proof of an apperception by the animal subject. This is not the case. AU we can make sure of is the operation of a rule controlling the material of the central nervous system. We have absolutely no knowledge as to whether that is apperceived by the animal." (IMPORTANCE OF THE RULES OF FUNCTION FOR THE FUNCTION-CIRCLE) p.158
”To appreciate rightly what the effector organs perform in the function-circle, we must consider in more detail the laws that govern our human implements. Hitherto we have considered only our unified tools (such, for instance, as the ladder), and shown that they have a framework constructed in accordance with a function-rule, which fits them for a counter-action in support of our human activities — in this case, the act of climbing.”(THE WORLD OF ACTION)p.159
Theoretical biology : Uexküll, Jakob von, 1864-1944 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive https://archive.org/details/theoreticalbiolo00uexk/theoreticalbiolo00uexk
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jellybeansmud · 4 months
having great expectations for an episode of rimworld on youtube titled "tea for the children". which has the whole thumbnail filled with psychoid leaves.
please dont feed children drugs mr streamer. worse things had happened but. why would ya.
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pushing500 · 5 months
The Grand Eureka Colony Tour!
It's here at last! The Grand Finale Colony tour! Woo! I'm very proud of this colony, I hope you like it too.
For a sample, let's begin with a shot of the whole of Eureka:
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Ta-dah! Isn't it gorgeous? It's a very big colony, so once again I'm going to put the rest of it under the cut so it won't clog up people's dashboards with my screenshots and rambling.
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Starting on the left, we've got our first animal pens. The large pen is home to a variety of animals, listed as follows:
Laser, Dominator, Tryst, Clementine, Quintin, Nikita, Safari, Excalibur and Ragdoll the alpacas
Devotion and Mozart the neutrolopes (like boomalopes but for neutroamine, from the 'ReGrowth: Core' mod)
Verona the Cyrenian hind (from the 'Alpha Mythology' mod)
Samson the teratogenic originator (from the 'Alpha Animals' mod)
Teacup, Hayley, Portia, Nadine, Aiko, Fraiser, Salty, Chaplin and Smarmer the horses
Also sleeping in the large pen's barn but not confined by the fences is:
Calvin, Honcho, Whoopie, Zombie, and Paprika the nightling cubs (from the 'Alpha Animals' mod)
Kiki the murkling (from the 'Alpha Animals' mod)
Bryanna and Marauder the red pandas (from the 'Vanilla Animals Expanded' mod)
Tommy Brock the badger, one of only two animals in the colony who does not have a randomized name (from the 'Vanilla Animals Expanded' mod)
Elegance the baby razorjack (from the 'Alpha Animals' mod)
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The small pen is where we keep our ducks. They are named Olivia, Pepe, Shrimp, Dynamo, Zack, Tipsy, Augusta, and Adele. They're very useful for eggs, and we cycle through the duck population every few quadrums so we have fresh meat to make kibble (don't tell the ducks that, though).
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Speaking of meat, next to the pens are our abattoir/kibble-making freezer, our nutrient paste dispenser, and the prison. Prisoners (and suspected-mime Eva) are put on a strict nutrient-paste-only diet, so the proximity helps.
You can also see three of our twelve chemfuel-powered generators and a teeny-tiny secret patch of smokeleaf that we're growing to keep hippie-drug-cultist Gracie happy. Below that are some decorative chemfuel barrels and our sewage treatment plant.
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Next there's the hot tub room with its adjoining facilities, famous for its romantic pink lighting and for being the place where Wookshys proposed to Albina back when I didn't like him.
Also pictured is the children's bedroom, with high-tech illuminated beds, dresser, and end tables so they don't need to worry about being scared of the dark.
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Moving on, we have the classroom that has seen so many of my colonists pass on their knowledge to the children in a variety of sweet and amusing interactions. Next to the classroom is the obligatory schoolyard vegetable patch, which provides most of the vegetarian component for the kibble made in the abattoir next to it.
Don't mind Jesse and his square, by the way. I was already drafting this post before a lovely anonymous ask helped me fix the Curse of Jesse's Box (I love you, anon)
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Here is the ship we have worked so painstakingly to construct, pictured alongside the tomb for cuterpillar Bernie, a patch of opuntia (prickly-pear) cacti from when Albina was testing one of her psycasts, and the thrumbo barn where Pharaoh, Brandi, Big Dipper, Caramel, Bellboy, Ray, Belladonna, Dollie, Apollo, and Dallas sleep at night.
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The Ancient Danger has been transformed into a delightful hybrid space, as it is one part laboratory for mechanitor Fafo to muck about in, one part rec room with a billiards table, a dartboard, and even a television set, and one part drug operation because it is where we grow our psychoid plants ready for when Hussar Henry is old enough to need them (along with some mint and uranium root for funsies).
There are also six more chemfuel generators, an infinite chemreactor, and the legendary monument that Fafo carved depicting her then-fiance now-husband Kaz, which is used as a meditation for all colonists with the artistic focus type.
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This is the pool room, which comes with an arcade machine, longwave radio, and roulette table. Next to it are the last three chemfuel generators.
Underneath, there are two barrack rooms. The one on the left is home to Gracie, Emerald, Grump, Hot Minute, and Sam the razorjack. The barracks on the right is currently only home to Jesse and Kelorul, along with Beau the razorjack. There's also a bathroom close by for easy access.
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The devil sheep pen is home to many adorable little red devilstrand-producing sheep from the 'Alpha Animals' mod. Sixteen of them to be exact! Their names are Blossom, Petit, Persephone, Tank, Clarence, Crockett, Stellar, Dudette, Violator (my favourite), Honed, Soldier, Heather, Seargent, Fabian, Adonis, and Cassandra. Ingrid the red panda also sleeps in the devil sheep pen for some reason.
To the right you can see a neat little dining area with some sculptures and an industrial radio for recreation, and below that is the temple used by followers of Wendy, Laurie, and Jesse's ideology. There's also a horseshoes pin, for anybody who feels like some low-tech recreation.
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Then there are the boomalope pens, made out of granite instead of wood to avoid any potential fire mishaps. They contain the main providers of the chemfuel we use to power our twelve chemfuel generators. The top pen contains our two male boomalopes, Hunter and Dude, and the bottom pen has the three females, Margarita, Missile, and Liability.
I am of the opinion that "Missile" and "Liability" are the best randomly generated names a boomalope could ever have.
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Here is our Wedding Chapel/music room, a lovely little space that the couples of Eureka like to frequent in order to enjoy some musical romance with one another (demonstrated here by Kaz playing the drums for his lovely wife).
Outside we also have a little barbecue and dining area for those few colonists who aren't vegetarian, and in the top left corner, you can see the band node that Fafo is tuned to so that she can hopefully get more mechs in the future!
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This is Eureka's clothing closet (and where we keep the caravan bedrolls too). That long rectangle building in the bottom left is a "monument" we built for the Empire, which is now a fireproof chemfuel storeroom, and also where we brew chemshine to sell to traders (and to satiate Eva's chemical interest trait).
Fafo made both of those monuments, but only one of them (the pyramid) is of legendary quality. The other is only excellent quality, and depicts "a politician playing blackjack with a thousand hooligans".
Some of the planting zones are here, too, including our blueberry field and apiary, one of our chickpea patches, some rice, some cotton, and some sugarcane.
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Some more planting zones (rice, chickpeas, potatoes, onions, more rice and chickpeas, even more chickpeas, gold fern, allspice, plasteel bulbs), along with our only wind turbine and the first solar panel we ever built.
The bedroom at the top right is Albina and Wookshys' room, they share it with Rogan the rottweiler (from the 'Vanilla Animals Expanded' mod). The bedroom below that is Kaz and Fafo's room, which they share with Kaz's bonded razorjack Roxy (from the 'Alpha Animals' mod). The bedroom in the middle is where Hazrov and Candlelight sleep, along with Reaper the razorjack and Anatoly the Tasmanian devil (from the 'Vanilla Animals Expanded - Endangered' mod).
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Four more bedrooms here:
Top left is Wendy and Tamarind's room, shared with Stabber the razorjack (from the 'Alpha Animals' mod)
Top right is Kawoo and Andrei's room, shared with Frisbee the pulmonoscorpius (from the 'Megafauna' mod). Outside their bedroom are also three cheese presses, where we... ~drumroll please~... make cheese!!
Bottom left is Vu and Laurie's room
Bottom right is Baz and Zonovo's room, which they share with Jellybean the razorjack.
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Moving on, we can see the temple of The Wavian Path (Wookshys' sub-cult), with the tomb we built for Wendy and Pearl underneath it. Pearl is still buried there, alongside Fafo's nephew Pinovo because Wendy was resurrected.
Across from the tomb is the landing pad for shuttles and such, along with our ground-penetrating scanner and long-range mineral scanner. In the top left corner, you can also see our main workshops, which contain our smelter, smithy, machining table, fabrication bench, and animal bionics tables. The room with the fabrication bench is also where Buccanneer the drebbbd (from the 'Ebbbs' mod) sleeps.
Outside the workshops are our weapons shelves.
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I'm glad I eventually decided to like Wookshys, look how content he is hanging out here on his little fishing bridge. He's close by a lovely picnic table, some bathrooms, an obelisk, and some plantations of almond trees and water chestnuts. He's having a grand time. This site is so pretty, it's one of my favourite places in the whole colony.
There's also a bathing zone on the other side of the bridge, but I... Uh... I wouldn't swim there for a while. The recent raids might have polluted the water a bit.
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Here's our natural meditation area, home to our beloved Anima tree, three Gauranlen trees, and a little jade nature shrine.
Connie is connected to one of the Gauranlen trees, and she has two berrymaker dryads named Herbert and Mortimer. They're very sweet, and I love them both.
Jesse is connected to another Gauranlen tree and currently has a medicinemaker dryad named Wiseguy. A big help to the colony and an all-around cute little guy.
The last Gauranlen tree is connected to colony leader Albina, and she has a funky little acidic spitter dryad from the 'Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Dryads' mod. His name is Rolland, and I adore him. He's so snakey and fun. I should try to draw him someday.
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Here's our freezer, our kibble shelves with Colonist-Gracie's secret smokeleaf-joint-rolling crafting spot hidden between them, one of the bathrooms, the water pumping/treatment facilities for said bathroom, and our single mortar with the shelf that has shells for it.
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This is the majestic temple for The Path of Animism, the one true ideology for The Animist Alliance. We don't do a whole lot in here, but it's nice to look at. Below the temple is the storeroom for things that don't have to be in the freezer, which is mostly wood and silver at the moment.
We also have the crematorium and some of our fruit trees (four lemon trees, two avocado trees, a blood orange tree, and an apple tree). In the weird divet in the wall of the crematorium is an animal sleeping spot for our geriatric salamander Orion, from the 'Alpha Mythology' mod.
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Here we have the obelisk marking our crash-landing site, next to our patch of peas and our outdoor dining area. In the top left corner is Debby and Eva's bedroom, which they share with Polly and Limbo the nightlings (from the 'Alpha Animals' mod).
Beneath that room is the room Brennan used to share with Debby, but now sleeps in alone since the divorce. There are sleeping spots in there for Cinnamon and Moonstruck, Brennan's steel and rock constructs, but I don't think they actually sleep, so the spots aren't used. Behind her room is the stonecutting bench.
In the middle, above the pea patch, is Barghest's room. He's ascetic and doesn't care for fancy things, so it's just him, his bed, and a sleeping spot for Flicker the razorjack (from the 'Alpha Animals' mod). Sleeping along the outside of Barghest's room are:
Hood, Elias, and Huck the red pandas (from 'Vanilla Animals Expanded')
Sinbad the thrumebbb (from the 'Ebbbs' mod)
Witch the cave bear (from the 'Vanilla Animals Expanded - Caves' mod)
Echo the short-faced bear (from the 'Megafauna' mod)
Asset the ankylosaurus (from the 'Biomes! Prehistoric' mod)
And then on the right side, we've got the kitchen/dining room, alongside the art and tailoring benches.
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Eureka has a very well-equipped hospital, with plenty of high-tech medical facilities and a sterile drugs lab which has been put to use making lots of medicine to tend injuries and go-juice for when Henry is old enough to be dependant on it.
The research lab is where Brennan spends most of her time, and often one of the kids will hang out in there with her, radiotalking to get their learning desire up.
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You'll never be short a bathroom in Eureka, there are plenty to choose from, and most of them are quite nice (in my humble opinion). There's also a lovely hot spring surrounded by manicured lawn, should you choose to relax that way. It is situated quite close to our rock/bone pile, but I can't be bothered rearranging it, so it remains an eyesore, I'm afraid.
There are also some transport pods that are used for the occasional trip out-of-colony or to dispose of toxic wastepacks until we finish researching the wastepack atomizer.
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If hot springs aren't to your taste, you could always relax in the saunas! They're found right beside the bedroom that Irwin and Connie share with Bartholomew the ripper hound (from the 'Alpha Animals' mod) and Energizer the angora rabbit (from the 'Vanilla Animals Expanded - Royal Animals' mod), who is the only animal aside from Tommy Brock the badger to not have a randomized name.
Next to Irwin and Connie's room is a small table and two more animal sleeping spots, one for Chianti the boombat (from the 'Vanilla Animals Expanded' mod) and Bernardo the dimorphodon (from the 'Biomes! Prehistoric' mod).
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Eureka has plenty of guest rooms for hosting friends and family from other factions, mostly our allies from The Android Alliance. We don't charge for staying here, as the bounties of The Animist Alliance should be free of charge for everyone to enjoy!
In the top right, you can also see most of the water treatment facilities attached to the prison bathrooms and the hot tub room.
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Finally, we have some more solar panels and our cocoa tree plantation, surrounded by coral coconut trees grown by another of Albina's psycasts gone awry.
And that concludes the endgame colony tour! I hope you like Eureka as much as I do. It's been a lot of fun playing with the City Builders meme, as I usually go for the "massive superstructure" instead of "quaint village", so it was a nice change of pace. I also think the end result is a very homey feeling community, so that's nice.
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cauli-flawa · 1 year
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Abas has joined the Black Crow Family!
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Unfortunately, he has a psychite addiction, so we’ll need to start growing a lot of psychoid.
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justadumbasskid · 2 months
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Due to my own negligence, the colony faces a food crisis. We are running dangerously low on veggies, as they have been used in vegetarian lavish meals, vegetarian simple meals, and kibble. Such reliance of vegetables warrants extensive food fields, which I also did not have.
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As such, my fields would have to be completely transformed. Luxury crops like hops, psychoid, cocoa, and cotton were torn out and replaced by strawberries, onions, peas, and pumpkins, an irrigation sprinkler system was put into place, and half the brewery was converted into a greenhouse, which is not shown.
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theworldvsyoshiko · 5 months
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Down to four.
Lighter was gonna be our new preacher, but that's out. Guess we'll be swearing in Stanislav soon. He's also the only decent miner we have left, so he's gonna be busy.
Powers is, uh. Well, we've researched go-juice, but had to wait until spring to actually sow psychoid. So, the plants are still growing, and there's nothing we can do until then unless we find some psychoid leaves or yayo for trade. She's not gonna die unless the field burns down or something, but she might be in a coma for a bit.
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