#psi rambles
psi-spectacular · 5 months
there's an idea for a psychonauts sequel tv show that keeps rattling around my brain but idk how to express it besides "Sometimes a family is a precocious ten year old, six teenagers of various levels of angst, an overworked business lady, a floaty sunset colored mom, and a man who looks stoic but cries if a kitten is just too damn small"
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jkgnggj · 7 months
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ruuinxs · 6 months
i think saiki is so bad at making passwords. he’s probably sitting there at his computer like “123four56#” and the rest of his friend group watches him type it in and they’re shocked. jaw dropped. and he’s like. what’s the point of a password. if someone steals my laptop i will simply kill them.
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aoki553 · 7 months
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coffeehelly · 10 months
its really interesting to me how kaidou says he feels like saiki is protecting/looking out for all of them somehow. like do they all have some kind of innate sense that the Weird Things happening around them are saikis doing? or do you think saiki gives off a strong "if anything happens to my friends im going to become the joker" vibe that he doesnt even notice
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bat-circus · 4 months
What I love about the saiki k fandom is that I can just slap two characters together that haven’t even made eye Contact say they’re dating and everybody’s gonna be like yeah that makes sense
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tobisiksi · 4 months
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is this a saiki family thing? fighting to death over small things??
everyone is so dramatic in this family omg
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Just realized Saiki K is the opposite of "wow these people are so weird. thank god I'm the only normal person here"
It's "wow I'm the most unique of all these normal people. good thing no one's as unique as me."
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cutelytao · 1 year
You know why I don't like AUs where Kusuo isn't a psychic, or just doesn't have a whole slew of powers? Having ESP has shaped most of his personality, and if it weren't for that, he wouldn't be the same person at all.
He'd probably be mad about this fact, but his cynicism and bitterness was born due to him hearing thoughts of people, and who they're really like behind closed doors. If he hadn't seen any of that, and if he just didn't have anything that made him "Psychic Kusuo", he wouldn't truly be...Kusuo, if that makes sense. He'd be a normal boy, likely would become a lot more smiley and positive
If I ever think of an AU, he's always going to be horribly overpowered because that's what his character trope is. And as much as he'd have loved to be normal from the very start, I wonder if he'd wish to restart his life thus far just as average, powerless Kusuo Saiki. The Kusuo who gets surprised at birthday parties, who feels a sense of accomplishment every time he achieves something great, who can't always see through people no matter how obvious it is.
I don't think he'd choose that...At least, I wouldn't want him to. His ESP is so all-encompassing to who he is, he wouldn't even be able to be friends with his current ones if he had no powers from the get-go. Touma wouldn't be his friend, Teruhashi would've seen him like any other guy, etc. Even Kusuke would get bored of having such a plain brother...
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strawberrus0da · 8 months
The plight of Saiki being aroace and my aroace ass not shipping him with anyone but also knowing there’s barely any toritsuka angst outside of torisai and also just desperately wanting to read more of them interacting
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disastress-i-guess · 2 months
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Re draw of one of my first pieces of saiki k fanart
Got some watercolours so I wanted to test out the new medium *ba dum tss*
Bonus nonsense under cut
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Toris face went through a lot of changes. I actually already posted these but I accidentally deleted the post.
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Some 1 am torisai juice for the soul.
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psi-spectacular · 5 months
Imagine, if you will:
It's 3 am and you're a janitor. You decide to clean up Sasha Neins office. He's still here, awake, but doesn't notice you entering. Everyone else has gone home. Despite the high security of your job, you just want to know whats so important to be doing this late into the night.
You take a peek at his screen.
He's playing solitaire.
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bravano · 4 months
guys today is my birthday I’m 18 amd Im finally able to get drunk which is cool and shit and omg but wonder what saiki would be like drunk like would he be emotional or like even more cold or would he be happy or even like angry maybe wait would be even be able to get drunk or would his body work like peter parkers where his metabolism is too fast to even register it
these are the questions
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ruuinxs · 6 months
do you ever think saiki gets worried that the world will go on without him? that he spent so long in this endless timeloop that those years and years have been engraved into his brain? and once it’s all over, once he saves the world and humanity, he’s going to get left behind? he has focused himself into this eruption, into the solution, into controlling the world that when he’s done he doesn’t know what to do with himself. will his friends move on? does life really continue after this? he hasn’t felt time stretch, continue, move forward in years.
Do you think he’s going to miss being a second year?
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aoki553 · 10 months
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oh-allie · 4 months
some arospec thoughts ive been thinking to say fuck you to allonormativity on vday
the guy on all the caution signs is aroace because i said so
somethin' stupid by frank sinatra is such an aromatic song please see my vision
saiki is totally aroace but i also REALLY like terusai and is that so wrong 😿
having the aromatic, asexual, and aroace tags trending on vday is the funniest thing
happy valentines pooksies <33
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