#prob a darker colored one
sparkdoesart · 4 months
if you were a bugs. what bugs woulge you be
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Moth..... my favorite<333
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fahbev · 10 months
Hey, I saw the ask/draw game and I really love “Damian’s Adventures in Being Nice,” so taking inspiration from that, maybe Dick or Damian in 4C?
From this ask game
Hmmm, Dick OR Damian? You give me a tough choice. I’ve already Drawn Damian eight times (posted four), and I’ve drawn Dick once (simple drawing, never posted). So I could either draw my blorbo again... or I could branch out and try something different with a character I also love. Hmmm...
dun dun DUN DUN!
C’mon you knew who I was gonna choose xD
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My GOD i LOVE drawing expressions! It’s SO fun to just take an emotion and go absolutely HAM.
I read this ask late at night so I didn’t notice it was talking specifically about DAiBN until i went to answer it, so I originally drew him a bit older. I usually think of Damian as being around ten, but i tried drawing him as a teen closer to sixteen-ish. I messed around with it though and liked the younger version better, but I cleaned up the other version too so here ya go
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All i did was make his face longer, cheeks slimmer and changed his nose. Well technically i did that in reverse to make the younger version but yk.
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First one done! This was so fun plz send me more!
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maythearo · 11 months
Oh my god, spider-man🇧🇷‼️ it's spider-man 🇧🇷‼️‼️ spider-man ‼️‼️🇧🇷🇧🇷‼️
Made a speed run design of my spidersona (what it was initially) for a twitter thing, and I'll probably make a cooler ref sheet with doodles n stuff, just prob not now KWNDKSDNKS
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(I censored the irl spider pic just in case, but they are based on the brazilian wandering spider! They put their arms up to look intimidating to possible predators, but I think it just makes them look like they're yelling YIPPEEE, so cute)
Some design notes:
so I'm from São Paulo aka the NYC of Brazil ig, and I have a fascination with how the city looks at night, so I thought of this darker color scheme with bright highlights for the spider suit! + the stripes on the wandering spider's legs reminded me of those caution/warning tapes, then boom everything came together! Since those spiders are known to be very agressive also 🤨
And speaking of this aggressiveness, Spidey Brasil got a brutal style of combat. They don't know their spider strength fr. Adding that wrecking ball weapon-thing to the equation, fighting with them must be one painful experience. Idk about other people but me and my friends used to call that wrecking ball-like toy "bate-bate" and it was my whole childhood 💪
Ironically enough, Miranha Armadeira is also known as the super-villain-damage- control spidey. They hate the mess those guys make around the city, so they fight aggressively WHILE avoiding total destruction??? Yeah
Special spidey power would probably be invisibility or camouflage of some sorts, like Miles'. I thought of making them have venom too but idk, maybe I'll keep things simpler for now and only make them have the invisibility + being crazy strong 👍
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also side note I feel like they would be freaking out more if she died??? Besides worrying for themselves in danger like more sad ig for her (especially Kenji, like dude ur gf died???) They prob will in the first ep of the show tho
THEIR CHARACTER DESIGNS ARE SOMETHING like idk what to feel they’re not bad buts at the same time I feel a little weird about them MAYBE ITS BECAUSE WE SAW HOW THEY LOOKED AS YOUNG PPL SO ITS ODD TO SEE THEM GROWN UP
BENS DESIGN IS GROWING ON ME (still a Bit goofy)
SO OBVIOUSLY “someone’s hunting us Darius” SO SOMEONES AFTER THEM
it’s prob someone new and I’m guessing someone from either the government or Jurassic world just someone powerful
everything’s def gonna be darker which I’m excited for!!
also they said they’re using raptors to hunt them and I’m not sure by that so maybe they mean like they’re controlling them again or idk
im kinda forgetting the trailer so imma rewatch again and prob make another post saying more BUT THIS IS A LOT ALREADY
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laughing-with-god · 4 months
What type of fashion do you think victor bts would wear including victor jungkook
oooh loves this q, if your gonna shift into my universe you prob need some visual help lmao! (i fully expect a report when you do!)
but this is roughly how I picture them;
I think Jin had a good fashion sense even before the games. his dad was the mayor of District One so I think he's always had to dress "presentable". I don't see him as a fashionista, but he does care about brands. if he was in our modern universe, he'd be the type to find Gucci very tacky and obnoxious but love Hermes and Ralph Lauren. classy and understated. honestly very "old money, country club" vibes. jin is a nepo baby lol
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there are two jimins - the one at the capitol and the one at district four. when he's in the capitol, he wears whatever his designer team arranges for him. he has lots of sponsors, and many are fashion brands so he's obligated to wear clothes or accessories from those brands. his team likes to market him as very chic and clean, lots of suits with the undershirt open to show his chest. however, when he's at home or just being himself, i think he's very in touch with his ocean roots. i see him in a "surfer boy" aesthetic, pearls, seashells, and free-flowing tops. in my universe, District Four is like a Florida or tropical place- so it's always sunny and hot.
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sweater vests. turtle necks. slacks. this is it. mainly in black, sometimes blue. very dark academia. does not really understand fashion and just wants to look as smart as he is. feel like he'd also be one of the victors who fired his designer team right away because he didn't get the point and hated being treated like a doll. sometimes he wants to try out diff styles but ultimately I see him being a creature of habit and being like "nah"
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poor boy just wants to be cozy and warm. I think I had his games take place in the Arctic? so I think he'd be like really hypersensitive to the cold now. he feels one chill and he'll want to die. he would love oversized sweaters and cardigans. I can see him wearing lots of neutral colors too, browns and creams with hints of green here and there. Very 'coffee shop boyfriend' vibes. also think he's such older bro that he'd carry a lil fanny pack or bag all the time, he carries little snacks and stuff just in case his siblings ever need anything
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tough one. I don't think he'd give a shit tbh. but he's from 11 and it's all about agriculture, so i feel like farmer vibes? like boyish cottage core. feel like he likes loose shirts as well, tae doesn't like feeling constricted so no tight clothes. also feel like he loves rolling his pants up and walking around barefoot. country boy to the core.
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hoodies, loose fitting and oversized. likes beanies too. I think he has bad blood circulation and as a kid didn't get great access to food, so he's prob anemic and smaller than his Victor counterparts. a lil insecure about it so he covers it up with baggy clothes. another one that prefers darker colors like grey and black. capitol ppl are known for their colorful clothes since they can afford them, and yoongi isn't tryna associate with that.
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i never made a victors revenge jk since i didn't know if i was just going to make it qq jk when he won the games lol. either way, i'm sticking with district two for him. so def a career and def a lil cray. i think he'd enjoy looking as intimidating as possible, fully leaning into the 'bloody thirsty career' reputation he has. I see him getting tats and piercings and wearing things like leather jackets and steel-toed boots. probably like "grunge" or "cyberpunk" aesthetic??
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thatmoththoth · 8 months
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Oh boy I sure hope nothing bad happens to you him.
(Cries in a corner)
Anyway yea I want him to have dyed hair but I’m now quite sure about the Color. It looks kinda shit I think which is funny.
I’m not the best with Colored pencils and have very limited Color so any time I draw him traditionally his skin Color will prob be way out of wack. In this one he’s darker than I intended and way too rosy toned. The woes of trying to figure out skin tones with traditional media ;-;.
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hawkinsp0st · 2 years
so this post is stuck in my mind and somehow spurred a hellfire club mike wheeler/cali mike wheeler breakdown! i’m really excited to talk about this one bc it appears so intentional! and i get to combine 2 of my truest loves: costume design and gay ppl.
let’s discuss.
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from 4x4 thru 4x8, i think we’re lowkey seeing… single mike, right? like, he thinks him and el are basically done? so during this post, keep that thought in ur back pocket like eddie’s black handkerchief <3
something i find striking about the burying the body/top of car desert scenes, during this period of “yeah me and el are prob broken up,” is that mike is back in his hellfire color scheme—he’s wearing black&white, with red, orange, gold and metallic tones everywhere.
there’s no red/gold/metallic tones on mike (except his silver belt!!), but it’s everywhere behind mike & will, especially as they dig the grave. the shovels they’re holding have metal handles; the rusting cars behind both mike and will during their staring shots are red & orange; the desert sand/hills behind mike are red-orange; will’s color palette for his cali crew outfit is yellow/gold; i even noticed on first watch that byler’s cheeks/lips are super flushed during that triple take moment.
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tldr; key byler scene where they stare at each other for several shots, and they also open up to each other. hellfire mike color palette everywhere, and it’s the only time in the show we see mike associated w these colors except for 4x1 and 4x8. coincidence? no way.
let’s take a trip to 4x1. hellfire mike, my beloved.
i love hellfire mike bc he was so Himself. i don’t even think that version of mike, even tho it was only a day apart, would’ve snapped at will in rink o mania. it’s literally just when mike is trying to force himself into his cookie cutter straight relationship, wearing pastels and shit, that he gets frustrated. “shitty knockoff” mike wheeler, not his authentic self.
i could talk about eddie and hellfire’s impact on mike all day. it’s not explored through substantial screentime the way dustin’s bond with eddie is, bc it’s a different bond, but visually it’s clear the connection they wanted us to make—mike is evolving into a mini eddie.
from a costume/hair/makeup design perspective, there’s certainly a reason joe quinn has long, dark hair and a pale, fresh face in the cafeteria scene just like finn, and that same black&white color scheme as mike does w the hellfire shirt (just w a jean jacket over top and jewelry on, the only major differences—mike doesn’t have all the embellishments yet bc he’s just coming into himself—still getting used to not wearing “whatever his mommy bought him from the goddamn gap”. i find it interesting that clothing specifically is brought up in this scene; they want us to notice).
and then that night at the hellfire game, eddie doesn’t have his jacket anymore, so he and mike have essentially the same exact visual, w the exception of eddie’s tattoos, rings, and other jewelry (long dark hair, bangs, hellfire shirt. it’s giving clones). eddie even wears a black watch :-) basically, they are trying to show us that aesthetically, mike is growing into eddie but isn’t quite there yet, isn’t quite as unhinged and bold.
this visual parallel contrasts dustin’s bond w eddie; dustin wears that colorful/bright white shirt over his hellfire tshirt, blocking out most of the black sleeves, and they put him in his blue and white “thinking cap” hat rather than a black or red one. this is bc dustin’s bond w eddie is more emotional and bright, while mike is inspired by eddie’s darker look and vibe in an aesthetic and personality sense, and i think we’re supposed to notice that because their looks are designed so similarly.
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like, they could’ve put joe quinn in any wig to be eddie, but they gave him one that reminds us of mike wheeler. i’m pretty sure they even straightened finn’s hair this season, which they weren’t doing as much previously (remember how fluffy it was in s3). i mean, look at this pic. this is the exact same queer mf and their token straight best friend.
mike under the influence of eddie/hellfire is his truest form and you can’t convince me otherwise:
he takes risks. he doesn’t listen to his parents, doesn’t care if he stays out too late playing hellfire (it’s giving bathroom stall graffiti mike wheeler from s2). he goes around school and asks everyone & their mother to play hellfire, barging into science labs and wrestling team practice and the school newspaper. he puts himself out there, passionately, talking with his hands about the game he loves, which he didn’t even want to play last season when el was around—growth and a return to his more authentic self thanks to hellfire.
he talks about “bullshit media propaganda,” which is something we just watched him learn from eddie in the cafeteria scene. he’s vibing hard with eddie’s values. this is not the mike wheeler we see arriving in california or snapping at will in rink o mania, but it is the one we get a glimpse of again in the desert.
🖤♥️⭐️ hellfire mike = hawkins/dnd dungeon master mike vibes. the mike that will fell in love with. ⭐️♥️🖤
mike + will + hawkins/dnd = mike’s happy place—“it’s not the same without you.”
back in the desert in 4x5, the use of this color palette shows us that mike feels at home and like himself again, because he’s with will. the longer he’s away from el, the more he’s shedding this artificial skin…
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…until will mentions “what if they don’t like the truth.” that resonates with mike and he gets scared of what that means. he retreats. he covers back up, goes back to wearing Ted Wheeler Turquoise™️
but we almost reached something there, in the above pic. (i also like the green plants & 7up can—green = byler reconciliation in sight 🌿)
the next time we see red associated w mike wheeler, it’s the painting scene.
and of course the bright red resonates with him. of course his smile can light up a room in this moment, of course he finds it stunning—this is who he is. the dragon is bright red. the shadows and outlines are black. the crown on the shield is gold. and the weapons are metallic…
💔▪️👑 hellfire colors. 👑 ▪️💔
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this visual thread suggests that mike feels truly like himself, and truly at home, when he sees will’s stunning canvas. (god i feel like i got punched in the throat, that’s so fucking beautiful.)
not to mention we’ve got tons of green in there for the forest background, which we can think of as not only a byler reconciliation symbol, but also the forest is a major symbol of hawkins—where will was kidnapped, where el was hiding out, where we see eddie and jason run to when they’re in distress. so this forest imagery calls back to hawkins mike, dnd dungeon master mike, looking for will in the woods mike, “it’s not the same without you” mike.
in conclusion: s4 uses the hellfire club color palette—black, white, red, gold/flame orange/yellow, & metallic—to show us that mike looks up to eddie munson and is starting to form independent, subversive ideas—“bullshit media propaganda.”
🍭🧢🚙🍬 = ❌❌❌👎👎👎
it also shows us (via mike’s cali outfit and the bright, candy colored rink o mania setting) that this self actualization of mike’s only regresses when he tries to be el’s boyfriend.
🌲🌲🌲🏡👾 = 🎱🖤🏴‍☠️‼️💌🐝🌼☀️
mike’s only place he feels he can be himself is playing dnd, in hawkins, with will—but based on what we saw in the s3 fight, there’s some elusive reason mike doesn’t let himself have all 3 at the same time. he clings to his relationship with el, but it only holds him back.
and based on the desert scene, the with will aspect is the most important part. the callback to the hellfire color palette in the desert w/ will & in the painting scene shows us that mike can feel at home anywhere in the world with will—hence the soft looks in the van scene, hence thanks, i needed that.
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gravyhoney · 5 days
ik you probs don't give a fuck
but I find the USA calling themselves diverce hilarious. Because you struggle with racism. You have white gender norms
In my country you don't even notice your skin color until you get to history class in primary (first grade)
Prefering to date a darker or whiter person is not racism, it's just a preference like prefering a skinnier or fatter one.
In my dream world the whole world is like this.
This is fucking weeeiiiiirrrrrddddddd you’re WEIRD FOR SENDING ME THIS?????????? Pleeaassseeeee get off my blog ur scaring me.
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nethhiri · 21 days
for the oc thing. please. i am so horrendously down bad for ether rn (sorry shen ilyt😭🙏)
but likee the texture question! idk she gives vibes, i feel like since she prioritizes ease of movement she would just... hate any sort of restrictive/idk body covering(?) clothing.
can imagine them getting to a winter island and ether just being like "i am absolutely not wearing that" (a coat)
also the eyes question🙏 need to know what color they are. i could probs figure it out based on like your older colored pic of her and maybe its mentioned in the story? if it has been i dont remember but i need details!!! imagining gazing into her eyes🥰 in love w her sorry
AHAHAH it’s ok. Shen will forgive you.
Oh absolutely. She likes very light fabric and would prefer to be naked if it was socially acceptable. She 100% refuses to wear anything with leg holes, including panties. It gets in the way of her tail and they’re basically pointless since they would be shredded. She has to wear skirts or dresses. She also needs the back to be open for her wings. (Actually probably soon Nami will give her clothes to borrow that are too restricting and she’ll tear them to suit her needs, incurring a tremendous debt lmao)
She runs hot anyway because of her metabolism so the cold may not bother her as much. And you will have to glue a coat on her if you want it to stay on.
Her human-like eyes are green and her siren ones are a yellowy-orange, with a slit pupil. The bottom half of the left one no matter the form is slightly darker than the main color (matches my own: one shit brown and the other darker shit brown. Lamest heterochromia ever). Also, they are reflective at night like an alligator. So if you shine a light in the water you get two glowing eyes staring back. Actually thank you for asking this bc I just decided she should have a third eyelid like an alligator too lmao.
Thanks for asking! This was fun to answer.
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socialc1imb · 1 year
Ahh!! I finally got to see all of the FF AU stuff! I have a couple questions so I hope it's not annoying 🥺 I'm just getting more and more invested haha!
1) How do you depict Green, Red and Blue to make them all slightly unique? I've noticed you draw them slightly different but also not??? And I love it!!
2) I'm kind of bad at interpreting things sometimes, but.... Is Blue using sign language? Did I miss some stuff in the tag, I was using mobile and I'm AWFUL at navigating blogs n tags on mobile so I could have missed something haha oops 😬
Anyways, I'm sorry if this is annoying osuehfhsjeh I'm genuinely excited about finding your blog, your art, and this AU! Feel free to ignore this though if you want! Or answer it later no worries ❤️
No worries, this isn’t annoying at all! I genuinely love answering questions like this :3
This’ll probs be long because im exhausted and talkative so im gonna
I depict them all kinda differently despite them all looking kinds he same! So, Green looks the most like “Link,” with the classic green tunic and white shorts n stuff, but instead if a hat he usually has a ponytail. Red has super curly hair , the hat, and a scarf (for fashion). Vio has clothes more similar to Green’s, except he gets a hat and his shorts/undershirt are darker colored, more similar to what Shadow wears in the manga. Lastly, Blue is the only one who wears pants, a long sleeved shirt, and a type of shawl/jacket and gloves (my reasoning for this is that he’s always cold thanks to being frozen for a few days). Then of course, they all have their respective elemental pendant (from Minish cap, although they arent actually the Minish cap Link, they just happen to have those pendants to help differentiate them). Of course, i have headcanons on other things such as differences in hair color and how their skin tones are all slightly different, but considering that i dont often color art anymore, im not going to get into that 💀
Yes, Blue uses sign! I’m not the greatest at drawing it, so it can be hard to tell sometimes. He’s mostly nonverbal in my au, usually opting to sign unless he a.) absolutely needs to use his voice or b.) is pissed. Sign is a lot more blunt of a language, and I think it fits his personality to prefer using it, if that makes sense? Idk if that makes sense. Whatever im exhausted
I’m really glad y’all are actually enjoying this au haha. It’s been fun doing these little drawings answering questions, and i plan to do more soon!
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dyinggraysons · 6 months
Maybe 8 and 14 for Babs, 16 and 20 for Dick, and 24 and 14 Jason? Also so you have any headcanons for each of them?
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
not include her, erase her disability (this is true for canon publications as well), give her zero personality or only characterize her a stern and “above it all.”
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
*insert the “oh my goodness, i love this question” audio.”* so dark academia is the obvious choice for some people when they think of barb. but, i think since i’m so found of her in 90s-early 00s, i want my oracle to be a bit grunge. mauve lip colors and darker nail polish. chic, thinner eyebrows, maybe? chunky loafers and chunky oxfords. again, i think it would be easy to say, “put the librarian in oversized sweaters”- and I do think she’s wearing those! but i also want to see her in tighter shirts and baggier trousers!
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
any of his siblings, bruce or deathstroke!
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
ahhh! this is so hard. i feel like one has to say donna??? i mean grayson has so many wonderful friendships, but i feel like writers also put emphasis on his connection with donna. i freaking wish donna’s own emotional needs where tackled more. i think it’s hard, because she’s a character who famously has several backstories. there’s stuff revealed in the who is donna troy? story that is honestly disturbing but is so blown past. but that’s a different rant. anyway i love how much donna and dick care about each other!
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
well obviously in comics history (and visual aesthetic), bucky barns. but i really think they are very different characters. I’m also that one dude with the white streak in his hair from voltron? lololol
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
utilitarian! things that are functional and easy to move in. lots of pockets and pouches probs. also, semi-recently he was being drawn with this bright red, sleeves hoodie? i think that’s ugly lol 🙈
this is already long, so i’ll post some wee head canons in a min. ty <3
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sunflower-gvf · 11 months
my thoughts on the new album!
fate of the faithful- obsessed with the intro, i feel like not only does it set the tone for the song, but for the entire album as well. i LOVE the tone of the guitar in this track, and danny had no right to go that hard. i feel like josh also did a lot of challenging vocals and little riffs here and there which I LOVE. i just love the overall vibe of the song and how all the individual unique parts come together. 
waited all your life- i’m obsessed with the acoustic guitar opening and the way it picks up after that little acoustic intro. josh made the vocal jumps from his lower range to his higher range sound effortless wtf. i can hear sam’s part so clearly and he is literally eating it up, it works so well with the vocals
the falling sky- again, i love the intro. i feel like i can hear a little blues influence in the guitar and especially in the opening. this whole track is super catchy, specifically the chorus, and it’s hard not to sing along. and the fucking harmonica solo omfg. i obviously hear a lot of blues in the harmonica solo and i feel like adding that into the song really separated the whole song not only from the rest of the songs on the album, but from a lot of modern songs. 
sacred the thread- this was probs my fav single they released before the actual album, i love this song sm. i love that it starts with the drums and then the guitar comes in. i’m also obsessed with the bass line, i feel like it works really well with the guitar part while still being unique and shining through in it’s own way. josh literally slayed so hard b/c this is such a challenging song vocally (at least for me b/c im an alto), but he makes it sound and look so easy. the best part of the whole song is towards the end when the vocals and the instrumentals all do the same rhythm while josh sings the lyric, “sacred the thread” (timestamp 4:47). 
runaway blues- I LOVE THE LITTLE SPEAKING THING IN THE FIRST FEW SECONDS OMG! speaking of loving a bass line, i especially adore the bass line in this track. and the fucking guitar solo at the end is so good, it makes me want to cry and scream in the best way possible. i feel like this whole track is so different from a lot of the other stuff they’ve done and that’s probably why i love it so much. 
the indigo streak- definitely one of my favorite song from the entire album omg. THE LAYERED BACKGROUND VOCALS??? HELLO???? i feel like all those background vocals added so much depth and color to the whole song I LOVE IT. starting from the timestamp 2:30, it somehow gets even better??? the guitar tone in the solo is slightly different (i think) from other songs and he plays pretty high up on the neck and it just works so well, i’m obsessed. 
frozen light- the count off in the beginning omfg it’s too much i can’t. love the guitar intro, i hear some blues influence not necessarily in the notes jake is playing, but in his tone. the section right before the chorus is so good don’t even get me started. also love how josh sings about “dreams in gold”!! i feel like i keep saying it, but sam is absolutely KILLING IT WHAT THE HELL??? and in all the songs, but for this one, danny is eating it up what the actual FUCK. 
the archer- again with the guitar intros, i adore this one so much and i love how it feels a bit lighter and then the other instruments come in and it gives it a heavier, deeper, and darker feel. the way that this song transitions into the chorus is so satisfying and works so well. i also love the vocals in this track and i feel like josh got to showcase his wide range a lot here. jake’s solo in this song is definitely one of my favorites from the album. i feel like it can be easy and tempting for guitarists to only play really high up the neck, but he utilized everything which i absolutely love. 
meeting the master- i’ve loved this song so much ever since it first got released and i think my love for it only continues to grow. to me, it really encapsulates the whole album and their new era. everything in this song works so well together and it comes together to create a transcendent track that transports you into an otherworldly head space while listening (at least for me). i really love the lyrics in this song, they’re so beautiful and hold a lot of symbolism and meaning. 
farewell for now- screaming crying throwing up. knowing that they wrote this as an appreciation for the fans makes the listening experience all the more special i feel like. i love the harmonies and similar to ‘the indigo streak’, the layers add so much depth. i love danny’s part leading into the chorus (timestamp 2:00), ITS SO GOOD HELLO??? this is also one of my favorites of jake’s solos from this album, the solo works so well with the rest of the instrumentals, while still bringing in a new vibe and introducing similar motifs from earlier in the song into his solo. the ending is so beautiful, and i love the way it slowly lessens until it’s just josh left. 
final thoughts- wow. it’s hard to put into words how i’m feeling after listening again and really hearing every little thing. i feel like all the tracks are so unique but come together to create an amazing listening experience that leaves you yearning for more (at least for me). just by listening, you can hear how much effort they put into this and how much they have grown. sam’s bass lines were so fucking impressive and while i’m not a bass player, i found myself listening to his part a lot. danny is so incredibly talented and i feel like we really got to hear him showcase his talents in a lot of the fills he did, as well as in some intros or little solos. i really loved how josh used his full range and sang in his lower register. it made it feel even more special and impressive when he went back up to his higher range. jake’s solos and guitar parts kept me on my toes for the whole album. i could hear blues influence in a good amount of his solos and i absolutely adored that. he also played on all parts of the neck and incorporated different tones throughout the album which i thought was really impressive. overall, i am so incredibly proud of them, this album is so special and i’m so impressed. they really did something special and unique with this album and i just love them so much oh my fucking god.  
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bl4cktourmaline · 8 months
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ᵎᵎ 📳 modena🎨 is calling.. | ฅ(•ㅅ•❀)ฅ
꒷꒦︶︶⬩ ︶꒦꒷︶︶꒷꒦︶⬩︶︶꒦꒷
Hai I’m Ena but my name is Mango!
୨♡୧ Pronouns:
❅ She/They
୨♡୧ Age:
❅ 12-16
୨♡୧ Hobbies:
❅ Drawing, Writing, Making bracelets, baking
୨♡୧ Specialty (chars you write well for):
❅ Tsukasa (probs add more later)
୨♡୧ Favourite food :
❅ sabritones or hot fries :3
୨♡୧ Least Favourite food :
❅ Many pastas (love alfredo doe)
୨♡୧ Favourite Color :
❅ Pink
୨♡୧ Favourite PJSK character :
❅ Tsukasa + all nightcord chars!
୨♡୧ Characters I Kin :
❅ Misturi (KNY), Himari (Doughnuts under a cresent moon), Mei (Turning Red)
୨♡୧ Genre tastes :
❅ Fluff, Angst
୨♡୧ Fav music :
❅ Rock, J-pop, K-pop, pop
୨♡୧ Fav mangas :
❅ Doughnuts under a Crescent Moon, The Summer You Were There, KNY
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ᵎᵎ 📳 modmafuyu🎼 is calling... | ฅ(•ㅅ•❀)ฅ
꒷꒦︶︶⬩ ︶꒦꒷︶︶꒷꒦︶⬩︶︶꒦꒷
Hi-nya𝅘𝅥𝅮 I'm Mod Mafuyu, otherwise known as 'X'!
୨♡୧ Pronouns :
❅ She/her
୨♡୧ Age:
❅ 16
୨♡୧ Hobbies :
❅ Gaming, Baking, Drawing & Singing
୨♡୧ Specialty(which character you write especially well for) :
❅ Nene + All of N25
୨♡୧ Favourite food :
❅ Soba + Salmon + Ice-cream!
୨♡୧ Least Favourite food :
❅ Spicy food
୨♡୧ Favourite Color :
❅ Purple and Blues~
୨♡୧ Favourite PJSK character :
❅ Nene and Mafuyu
୨♡୧ Characters I kin(Top 3) :
❅ I kin a lot of people, however I do think my highest kins are Nene, Ena and either Mizuki/Honami
୨♡୧ Genre tastes :
❅ Horror, Thriller, Fantasy and especially mystery!! I like anything sad too/hj
୨♡୧ Music :
❅ Pop, C-pop, J-pop
୨♡୧ Fav music artists :
❅ Roan Lee, Miori Celesta, Nerissa Ravencroft, Rachie, PinocchioP, DECO*27, Hachi and Ado. I love too many.
୨♡୧ Fav Animes :
❅ Kimetsu no Yaiba, No Game No Life, Gakkou Gurashi! And Mieruko-chan
୨♡୧ Fav Games :
❅ Genshin Impact, Path to Nowhere, Reverse 1999, Tears of Themis, PJSK
୨♡୧ Funfacts :
❅ I am formally known as 'Xilyks' on tumblr. I went on hiatus for exams but when I came back I was more interested in PJSK. Then I thought 'why not kidnap some friends to write with me?'' If you were an old follower of mine. Hello!<3
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ᵎᵎ 📳 modmizuki⛩️ is calling... | ฅ(•ㅅ•❀)ฅ
꒷꒦︶︶⬩ ︶꒦꒷︶︶꒷꒦︶⬩︶︶꒦꒷
(。・ω・)ノ゙ Hello
hii hii!!, I'm Mod Mizuki! I'm also known as "Yue" nice to meet youuu !! (*゚▽゚)ノ
୨♡୧ Pronouns :
❅ She/her
୨♡୧ Age:
❅ 20+
୨♡୧ Hobbies :
❅ Gaming, Writing, Reading & Listening to Music
୨♡୧ Specialty(which character you write especially well for) :
❅ Mostly male characters but I can do some girl ones if I want to be... creative enough (・∀・)
୨♡୧ Favourite food :
❅ Spicy Foods, Noodles, Fries and Waffles
୨♡୧ Least Favourite food :
❅ Vegetables (funny enough, my code color is green) ( ゚∀゚)アハハ
୨♡୧ Favourite Color :
❅ Purple, White, Blue and Light Green
୨♡୧ Favourite PJSK character :
❅ Toya, Rui, An & Shizuku
୨♡୧ Characters I kin(Top 3) :
❅ Honestly, I like everyone equally but hmm...I think my top kin is probably Rui, Touya and either Nene/Kohane
୨♡୧ Genre tastes :
❅ Pop Music, Rock & Jazz
୨♡୧ Fav music artists :
❅ Reol, Eve, Aimer, Milet, Give Heart Records & Amalee
୨♡୧ Fav Animes:
❅ Haikyuu!!, MHA, KNY, The Rising Of The Shield Hero & Jujutsu Kaisen
୨♡୧ Fav Games :
❅ Genshin impact, Honkai Star Rail, Tears of Themis, Ensemble Stars, Reverse: 1999, Xenoblade Chronicles 2&3, Persona 4&5 and Fire Emblem Three Houses
୨♡୧ Fun Facts :
❅ I start writing at the age of 12 so I'm constantly trying to find a way to improve my writing skills!
❅ I named myself as yue which is like the front face for darker and unhingedness side of me which happened often, yui for my cheesy and daydreamer part and yua for my rambling writer personality...did you notice only one letter is changed?
❅ I absolutely love folklores especially japanese folklores!! You might see a lot of references to those folklore in the future!
❅ I'm the graphic designer for those banners and headers you see here and no I don't have an degree for it but I start editing when I was still using wattpad! I'm also the editor for this blog, I want to make the blog look appealing and easy for you to navigate through!
❅ X actually kidnapped me into working together with her and mango (they are my precious friends 💕) when I was telling her one of my stories draft and that's where we are now~
❅ I mostly write yandere as less violent as most yandere that being portrayed as most bloody and unhinged killers on the media, it's meaning of the term, yan is sick and dere is love then you get lovesick! I want to be unique and tried to match the yandere traits with the existing personality of the character so I hope you enjoy my stories~
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smallboyonherbike · 1 year
will i actually abide by these results considering i've been telling myself i'm gonna dye my hair again for like a year? bc i wanted to see it again natural but now i miss the red but im way too lazy to dye it consistently? hard to say but why not have a vote
here's some reference pics
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this is my hair present day - natural color up to like the shoulder then there's still some old red
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this is how it looks right after i dye it red (i have done a few difft shades but would prob use this one again and not a darker or brighter)
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aaaand here is my legit natural hair color before i ever started dying it red
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rebelquilled · 1 year
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only post so far with the image includes all the broken covenant splash arts which, while cool, not want i want to focus on here. i'm not going to have a lot of thoughts quite yet because literally all there is to work with is the splash art. i doubt the descriptions when they come out will be super telling, as well, buuuut might give me some more thoughts, at least. initial thoughts and impressions... not sure this skinline is much of a story one as it is an aesthetic. not in that it won't have a story at all, but betting it won't be quite so fleshed out. clearly this is all for the gothic/stained glass window look, though, which is just a pretty cool concept. ...honestly i think this looks awesome. while i enjoyed arcana, it didn't strike my interest that much. this skin has me going eye emojis, though. ( note to self i really gotta do more with brave phoenix because i love that skin, too, i just haven't quite put my thoughts together for it ) kind of like elderwood and arcana, feels like they're on a bit of a forbidden love sort of deal here.
i wanna know why xayah has the glove on the one hand... and why it looks like the coloration matches rakan. struggling to figure out the person behind her. it almost looks like shen? he wasn't given a skin but it kind of has his coloration? which isn't saying much ( the staff and the body shape aren't quite right so if anyone else has a thought, i'm intrigued ), he's just the first idea that comes to mind. vladamir's splash art also features people behind him. maybe they're not champs at all, just a guess. if it is shen ( which i'm very uncertain about ), that would be intriguing because he's known for idealizing balance and rito likes to make xayah and rakan a sort of "balance" duo. ( looking harder, probs just vladimir and his spiky ball. the perspective just makes him look a little off ) i'm just hella intrigued. rakan looks the more feralistic one here... which is unusual in itself, but he's still associated with the bright/warmer colors while xayah's cast in the darker edge. it gives me the feeling that rakan is the "corrupted" one here in a sense - he's part of the "broken" covenant while xayah might be trapped or willingly within. unless it's the other way around, but gathering rakan's recall has broken windows, i'm doubtful lol... unsure if actual symbolism or just artistic decisions but. xayah's recall in the skin does include her shattering glass and then her feather shatters through a window to get to rakan in his recall so. if it's good/evil thing and rakan is on the "evil" side, they might be hinting xayah's giving in to be with him 🤔 ...but those are the initial thoughts. basically idc if it looks a bit more on the "basic" side in terms of their appearances, i think the aesthetic really suits them in a way. as well as feathers and glass can at least lmao.
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mylifeisfakeenjoy · 1 year
More Information About the Danganronpa AU!!!!!
A manipulator that tries to get everyone one on his side but Sally, Julie, and Frank don’t believe him
His appearance is where his pompadour has fallen half way down his face and it’s a darker blue than usual and his eyes are black to red and they turn into spirals when irritated or spiraling to insanity his clothes are the same except at the end where it it is half white half black to symbolize monokuma’s colors
He manipulates his victims/neighbors with he can although he will never do it to you
His execution is exactly like Junko’s just with small tweaks (I will make an animatic of it for reference)
You- (I’m kinda basing you off me)
You’re a person of the normal and you were a fan of Danganronpa and Welcome Home you had an OC for both and you’re room was filled with art of those fandoms
Your appearance was a Wally themed cardigan with danganronpa buttons you wore normal jeans and had a backpack with pins and buttons of your choice
When you woke up in the class you were shocked in fear and slight excitement when you got to the gym you realized that monokuma wasn’t there it was Home you where shocked and confused but once you saw all the neighbors you only told Wally about the real Danganronpa (More about soon prob in another post)
Julie- (Acts like Kokichi a lot)
A joker but not a liar sometimes dies in Chapter 5 like all antagonists a fun personality trait
Her appearance is a green dress with a yellow collar and blue under collar her socks are her normal same as her shoes and same hair just a black headband
Interferes with trials stays away from Wally most of the time tries to get you away from him but you don’t an antagonist
——————————————————————————————————-That’s all that will be on this post I will for sure share the rest of them but with all of that I will take my leave
(I’ll also do the challenge tomorrow I’m really not into drawing today)
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