Instagram introduced me to a new template and I had some fun with it lolZ.
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*Kicks in door*
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Like we see it with the constellations, right? So like, imagine Atlas or anywhere on Remnant gaining access to Earth tech, how? Idk, ANYWAYS-
Imagine giving James Ironwood access to deep space telescopes or those videos on exoplanets and different stars. I WANNA SEE HIM SMILE! He deserves it!
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Me reading the tags as I cradle a bottle of water in my hand, pretending that it's vodka. I hate it here
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oddlyhale · 2 months
Ironwood confronting Thornmane.
Also, this super adorable shot of Team RWBY smiling as they watch James walk away. It's like they made Dad proud. xD
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kitkatopinions · 5 months
Today I'm thinking about this one post I saw where someone basically said that Team RWBYJNOR always could see that Ironwood was bad, but were following him anyway because they had to in order to get the things they wanted and 'dropped him when they could.'
...... Huh?!
Some people are really out here like "James Ironwood was a horrible evil dictator from jump and Team RWBYJNOR always knew that, but they worked with him anyway, wasn't that so good and smart of them?" These are the protagonists, right? I'd be willing to bet that the same people thinking that Team RWBY and co knew Ironwood was bad and worked with him anyway would use 'does bad things for good reasons' and 'has an ends justify the means mentality' as bad things about Ironwood that made him a bad guy, and they would look at the Ace Ops and say 'following Ironwood when he was doing bad things made them in the wrong, no excuses.' But when it's the good guys and the show is not at all concerned with challenging them or their actions, they can literally just be like 'oh yeah, team RWBY was working with a dictator willingly because they thought he could get them stuff, but he was always clearly evil and they knew that going in.' Like, bad enough that when I was like 'the idea that Ironwood was always clearly an evil dictator actually makes the mains and the show look worse for not challenging the fact that they were willingly working for him for months' I got sent hate anons for like two weeks because of it, but some people are really out here actively saying Team RWBY and co were fully purposefully knowingly working with an evil dictator and were just doing it because 'they had to' in order to 'get what they wanted.
Like, tell me you don't actually care whether or not the show has any sort of morals without telling me. What do you mean? That makes the mains and the show look so bad! How can people actively like the show and then come up with things like this? It also definitely isn't even intended by the writers who talk about James' 'fall to villainy' and 'the path of good intentions' and have said that he 'was meant to be a douche but then they realized he truly had a heart' and talked about how the 'leaving Mantle to save Atlas' situation was SUPPOSED TO BE A NUANCED PROBLEM WITH NO CLEAR RIGHT AND WRONG CHOICE. But even if people are going to think the writers are either liars or incompetent enough to write a dictator without realizing he was a dictator (and therefore not portraying Team RWBYJNOR as thinking he was a dictator,) why would they say that RWBYJNOR were out here fully aware of Ironwood's villainous dictator-like no-good behavior and just willingly working with him anyway?
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branch-sys · 11 months
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Part two to this team. Aka team horribly written and or wronged by the writers
[ click for better quality ]
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randombook4idk · 9 months
Do you ever see at fanon version of a character which differs from the canon so much that the fandom might as well created their own version of this character?
Like, damn, you guys are dodging canon left and right just to justify on hating that fella
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camerawhoisalsocam · 11 months
Wait... this isnt Jacques? This is Ironwood?
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RT, why? Why do you keep bringing him up? You saw how slandering him has divided your fans worse than your bee ship your so desperate to use as queer bait so why do you constantly drag him through the mud? Are you just going to flat out admit you hate Asians and amputee's?
Alright my fellow Pro Ironwood protectors, gather, we aint gonna let this slide. Yall wanna start a new Hashtag called #LetRWBYDIE
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marrow-minded · 1 year
its really so funny that ruby can apologize to cordovin, someone who was blatantly racist to blake, and make peace with her that "theyre all on the same side" and "we didnt want to steal from you but you gave us no other choice" (which is total bullshit cordo literally said she would escort weiss to ironwood, why couldnt weiss have just taken oscar and qrow and the lamp and then they could have gotten direct orders from ironwood to collect the rest of the team) and after *nearly* dooming argus (through some really piss poor writing) they can all be besties and cordo gives them her blessing to steal an atlas airship, not because she was made aware of the true mission and she understands thats theres more at risk than her petty arguments with maria and sticking to the rules by the letter, but simply because ruby made a speech which included a dig at cordo physical attributes--
but General Ironwood, someone qrow has a personal connection with and history, and has actual power to make a difference in this war just from his assets alone, is someone inherently untrustworthy and needs to be lied too; not bc he did something that "forced" ruby and co to lie, but because a schnee implies that mantle didnt use to be this bad (?) and dissonance between what was being shown to the audience on screen (a pretty well taken care of couple city blocks and two drunks) and what the characters were saying (total chaos and martial law and fascist dictatorship being imposed on the poor). like ruby was willing to look past CORDOVINS blatant racism, endangerment of civilians (by jumping straight into her mech over what was essentially a petty argument that leads to the whole city being in a panic and drawing a leviathan) and is even willing to apologize and take accountability for their fuckups to leave on a good note with cordovin.
but nah ironwoods too fucked up. hes too sus. i know we literally spent the entire show up until this point showing ironwood as a well meaning ally put into tough situations and ozpin and qrow both see ironwood as an ally and yeah sure hes literally going to upgrade our weapons and gear for free and is going to give us our licenses (you know, just the entire original premise of the show being fulfilled dont focus on that) and even train us to use our semblances and aura and tools in new ways that we never thought of while also being completely open and honest about his plans that hes making with all the knowledge he has available to him (mind you, we are going to keep really vital and important information that could drastically help and change the plans around). like IGNORE all of that, its more important that we make the schnees likable and have cordovin as an ally.
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playinhooky · 8 months
thinking again about how James was cheated out of a cool semblance. His name is Ironwood, you couldn't have made him turn into metal like Colossus? tie it to his fear of being vulnerable (both emotionally and physically), hell you could even make THAT into his tinman allegory where he feels like he's not human when he's metal, like he stops having a heart.
James' semblance, like most of rw/by in general, is just a bunch of wasted potential. so many ideas, like spices and herbs, are thrown into the big ole mixing pot, but it's like they forgot to add a protein so it's just all broth, and an overspiced and weird tasting one at that.
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It's funny (read obnoxiously frustrating) that RW/BY stans accuse me of wanting a "white man" to be the lead character because I criticize the writing of James, only for those same fans to turn around and start frothing at the mouth when we criticize Jaune getting a focus episode in Beyond insisiting he is a "main" character as well and deserves development and how he doesn't take away screen time from the mains. The hypocrisy is just insane and frustrating and I cannot fathom how they refuse to see just how hypocritical they are being.
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Here are some more James Ironwood headcanons, why? Because I’m obsessed :3
James Ironwood loves star candies despite them just being crystallized sugars, mainly because this man loves sweets.
I love how we all agree James cannot cook to save his life but, I’m going to take it one step further and say one thing; James has burnt a salad. After the salad incident, he was banned from cooking in the academy. Hilariously James is excellent at cleaning.
James pretends not to notice when his students(Neon) put stickers on his coat randomly.
The first time James flustered Qrow was when he picked him up with one hand. Qrow was too stunned to speak for hours.
James treats Winter like he would his children. Winter has called him dad once but only to rub it in Jaques’ face that James is a better father figure. James cried that night because he was happy but denies it when it’s brought up.
James can sew, but only to repair clothing. He accidentally broke a few needles when handling them with his prosthetic arm.
James is addicted to caffeine but only drinks sweet drinks.
James spends time stargazing with his students. Penny and Winter bring snacks that Winter bought.
James knows how to dance but feels awkward dancing at parties. Qrow was the first one who found this out when they were both intoxicated. Glynda found out during the Beacon dance.
After Penny was ripped apart during the Vytal festival James cried for days, but he only cried in private. He comforted Pietro while Penny was being rebuilt.
James Ironwood gives the best hugs and head pats, you can’t tell me he doesn’t.
Pietro taught James how to tie a bow when Penny had trouble with her bow.
James messing with his tie is one of the ways he stims.
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lemon-butters · 5 months
A/N: What's supposed to be simple 500 short escaped me, all this stemmed from Malcc art. (I have more in the works)
Glynda lies nestled on a plush sofa, the contours of her form relaxed into the soft cushions. Her swollen belly asserts itself, an audacious curve interrupting the line of her body; it rises like a gentle hillock from the valley of her reclining figure. Atop this mound rests a tome, its pages splayed wide open, though the words seem to blur and dance under Glynda's half-focused gaze.
"Settle down, little one," she murmurs with a fond chuckle as if addressing a mischievous student rather than the life stirring within her. The baby responds not in obedience but with a series of gentle flutters against the inner wall of her womb, like the delicate wings of a butterfly trapped in cupped hands.
"Always so active when I try to read," she whispers, her voice tinged with both exasperation and wonder. She imagines she can almost discern patterns in the movement. A secret language of nudges and bumps that only she is privy to decipher.
"Are you trying to tell me something?" Glynda's bright green eyes squint as she ponders the sensation, her thin ovular glasses sliding down the bridge of her nose. With a sigh, she adjusts them back into place, yet her focus isn't on the lines of text. It's inward, attuned to the tiny dancer.
A powerful kick interrupts her reverie, drawing a gasp from her lips.
"Oh!" The fluttering evolved into more assertive taps now, commanding her full attention. Glynda places her hand gently on the epicenter of the activity,
"Easy now," Glynda murmurs.
Her tranquility fractures when she attempts to rise from the sofa, an action once simple now a feat of sheer willpower. Glynda exhales sharply, bracing herself against the cushions' soft resistance. Her muscles contract, protesting against the shift in gravity as she leans forward, seeking leverage. A pang of discomfort arcs across her lower back, drawing a tight line between her shoulder blades.
With an effort that leaves her breathless, she plants her feet firmly on the floor and pushes upward. The book that had been her companion slides off her belly and thumps onto the cushion beside her, its pages fluttering like captive birds eager for release.
Finally upright, Glynda allows herself a small smile of triumph. Her hand, still resting on her abdomen, feels the echo of the earlier kick.
Glynda's ascent begins each stair, a gentle peak to summit. She places her foot on the first step, weight shifting forward as she pulls herself up with a measured grace that belies the strain it imposes on her body. Her breath is steady, a cadence marking her progress, and her green eyes focus on the landing above.
The nursery door stands ajar, a sliver of light promising a haven. As Glynda nears the top, her gaze lifts to find James, his back to her, standing on a step ladder. Immersed in his task, the careful strokes of the brush against the ceiling painting clouds of a gentle storm grey.
Glynda's breath hitches as she crosses the threshold, her gaze sweeping over the nursery. The room is a midnight canvas, the dark walls serving as the night sky for an array of bright constellations that twinkle with vivid hues of sapphire and emerald. Each star seems to pulse with life, a cosmic dance frozen in time beneath the gentle glow of a crescent moon decal. On the lower half, a lush valley stretches across the walls, painted in verdant greens and earthen tones, a tranquil landscape under the watchful eyes of the heavens.
"James," she whispers, the words barely escaping her lips, caught between admiration and awe.
James perches precariously atop the step ladder, paintbrush in hand, as he etches the final touches on a particularly ornate cloud. The bristles dance delicately across the matte expanse, each stroke adding to the tranquil ambiance of the nursery. He steps back, his eyes scrutinizing the ceiling with an artist's critical gaze, ensuring every detail contributes to the serene tableau he envisions for their child.
"Is it too much?" he mutters.
"James, it's breathtaking," she whispers, the words barely escaping her lips, caught between admiration and awe.
A sharp jolt seizes her attention, a sudden kick from within that draws a low groan from her throat. Glynda's hand flies to her lower abdomen, pressing gently against the fabric of her blouse. The baby asserts its presence with another robust movement, shifting restlessly inside her.
"Let's sit you down," James suggests, guiding her gently toward the rocking chair nestled in the corner of the room. The celestial tapestry they've created surrounds them, stars and comets bearing witness to the quiet strength of their bond.
She breathes out, sinking into the chair with a relieved sigh. "I just need a moment."
"Stubborn, just like their father," Glynda remarks a wry smile, the tension easing from her features. Her humor, a balm to his concern, prompts a chuckle from him.
"Or their mother," he counters playfully, the warmth in his voice wrapping around her like a comforting blanket. The baby chooses that moment to kick again, a firm nudge against James' hand. His eyes widen.
Glynda leans back in the chair, her breath quickening as James' hand settles protectively on her belly. She closes her eyes and tries to focus on the feeling of his touch, the familiar warmth of his skin against hers, but it's difficult with the baby kicking so insistently. The little one seems to know exactly what it's doing; every nudge and wiggle sends a wave of joy through her body. It's like a dance between them—the baby leads, and they follow, their hearts syncing in rhythm. The rocking chair creaks softly under their weight, providing a gentle sway that matches the movements within her womb.
The celestial tapestry hangs above them, its colors shimmering in the soft light from the nearby lamp. A shooting star flashes across the fabric, leaving behind a trail of silver dust before fading away into nothingness.
The first light of dawn barely creeps through the curtains when Glynda shifts restlessly, her body heavy and cumbersome. The bed creaks softly as she turns, a deft hand nudging James. He stirs from his slumber with a groggy grunt, his eyes struggling against sleep's sticky tendrils.
"James," she whispers, urgency etched into her voice, a thin thread of panic weaving through it.
He blinks at her, his brain foggy, not yet catching the gravity of the moment. But then he sees it—the dampness spreading across the sheets like a silent alarm—and he's instantly awake. His heart hammers in his chest, a mix of fear and awe seizing him.
"Your water…" James murmurs, the words trailing off, his voice thick with emotion. He sits up, suddenly wide-eyed, every cell in his body on high alert.
"James," Glynda says again, this time a clear command. She swings her legs over the side of the bed, each movement deliberate, fought for against the weight of her belly. Small beads of sweat glisten on her skin, a testament to the effort and the pain that is just beginning to announce itself.
"Okay, okay," James replies, scrambling to his feet. He rushes to her side, his hands hovering over her as if he’s afraid to touch her, afraid to somehow make things worse. His mind races—hospital bag, car keys, call the doctor—but he forces himself to focus on Glynda.
"Are you alright? Can you stand?" His voice is steady now, the military man within finding his footing even amidst the chaos of impending fatherhood.
Glynda nods, grimacing slightly as she places a hand on her swollen stomach, feeling the stirrings of life within battling to greet the world. "I can stand," she asserts, though her voice betrays the rising tide of discomfort.
"Good, good." James is all efficiency now, his training kicking in, guiding him through the protocol of emergencies, even one as personal as this. He tries to steady his breathing, to match the calm he knows Glynda needs from him.
James springs into action, his military training kicking in as he retrieves clean clothes from the dresser. His hands are steady, belying the tempest of emotions inside him. Glynda, with the grace of a dancer even in her ungainly state, attempts to stand. He's at her side in an instant, guiding her gently to her feet.
"Deep breaths, love," he murmurs, slipping a soft maternity dress over her head. The fabric cascades down her body, a gentle wave of comfort. Her hands clutch at his forearms, her grip ironclad.
A contraction grips her then, fierce and unyielding. Glynda folds inward, a sharp inhalation marking the pain that etches across her features. "James…" she gasps out, and he feels the tremor in her voice.
"Right here, Glynda. I've got you." His words are a lifeline as he steadies her, his own heart pounding a relentless rhythm against his ribs. She leans into him, her body racked with the effort of birthing new life.
The world contracts to this single moment.
They reach the hospital, the early morning calm shattered by the urgency of their arrival. James' arm is firm around her waist, her fingers digging into the muscle of his back. Each step is measured, a testament to their shared determination.
"Almost there," he assures her, though it's more for his sake than hers. The pain is a live thing between them, a third presence that demands attention.
"I know," Glynda breathes out through clenched teeth, her nails leaving crescent moons imprinted on his skin. The sensation is grounding, a reminder of the here and now - of the life they're about to welcome.
The hospital room hums with the quietude of exhaustion and elation. Glynda, now a depository of tranquility, cradles the monumental bundle that is their daughter. Her eyes, twin emeralds softened by tears and fatigue, never leave the infant's face — a visage so new yet already etched into her heart.
"James," she whispers, "come meet your girl."
"Hey there, little one…" James begins, his voice a cocktail of awe and fear. He reaches out with his left hand, flesh and blood, trembling as it hovers above the child.
"James?" Glynda prompts, her brow arching in concern.
"Your hand won't hurt her," Glynda assures him, her tone gentle, yet edged with the steel that defines her. "She needs her father."
Taking a deep breath, James extends his flesh hand once more; his movements are deliberate, mindful of the precious cargo he's about to receive. The metal hand remains aloof, tucked against his side, a silent sentinel.
"Okay, okay." James’s internal mantra pulses with each heartbeat. "You can do this."
Glynda lifts the girl, guiding her towards James with practiced ease. Gossamer strands of black hair crown the baby's head, and her tiny nose, unmistakably his, scrunches in slumber. When the weight of his daughter settles into his arms, a rush of warmth floods through him, drowning all fears.
"Hi there, sweetheart," he murmurs, drinking in every detail. His thumb, cautiously, tenderly, strokes her cheek. She stirs, a small sigh escaping her lips, and James feels the seismic shift within him. This fragile being, part him, part Glynda, is theirs. Completely theirs.
"Look at you," James breathes, his throat tight, "you're perfect."
"Hello, my brave little girl," he says, vision blurring as he leans down, pressing a kiss so full of promise to her forehead. "Daddy's here."
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doomalade · 11 months
are you pro-ironwood or pro-ozpin?
And of course by Pro-Ironwood and Pro-Ozpin I mean “I think the writing direction behind these characters was flawed and I feel their turn to being more antagonistic was far too sudden and sharp of a turn for me to not sense the hand of the creator at work”.
So if anyone wants to say “you support fascism!”, please don’t, you don’t even know what fascism is and you’re just using it as a buzzword because you fell for the ploy of the writers making their main characters flawless saints who are always right (this isn’t good writing, it’s called being lazy).
The way I view it, either don’t have them twist into puppy kicking villains or commit to the bit from day 1 and have them always showing signs of evil bad destruction mwahaha.
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kitkatopinions · 8 months
Every single volume, Jaune becomes more and more proof that rwde posters in general aren't just "wishing a man was the protagonist" and "liking macho alpha men" like anti-rwde posters frequently say.
At the start of RWBY an argument could've been made that Jaune didn't fit the standard male power fantasy because he wasn't buff and battle-hardened and confident and knowledgeable. This argument would've been flawed because there's also a known male fantasy of being nerdy underdogs who get the girl anyway (like with Pyrrha) and who are still treated like they're super important, but it's still an argument that could've been made in the first three seasons.
Then an argument could've hypothetically been made that Jaune has non-romantic female friendships and shows deep emotions and stuff in RWBY volumes 4-6 and therefore doesn't fit a traditional mold of standard male fantasies despite having grown into a 'more built, strategist, leader role' and still getting special focus and attention. This would've been a flawed argument, because Jaune's emotional turmoil was built on Pyrrha's fridging and resulted in him taking on and holding his own against Cinder, and his lack of romantic relationships was more built on Pyrrha being his 'forever fall.' Very 'action hero who lost his wife' style of writing.
Then an argument could've been made very unconvincingly in volumes 7-8 that Jaune might be now getting played as a very muscley attractive guy that milfs lust after that keeps a cool head in arguments, but one could still argue that he was still not as experienced or skilled as Ruby, and also that he was less of a 'macho man' than the bearded older guy in charge of things that Ironwood was, and that Jaune's anger issues from the last few seasons had started winding down. Obviously this argument wouldn't be convincing, and wouldn't be a real counter argument to how he was being used and how his progress just read like a 'zero to hero,' 'kid who used to be a gangly nerd is now super desirable and cool' fantasy, but it could hypothetically be made.
But then in volume nine, Jaune becomes not only a bearded older man with all this information who is in charge of a village, but he also becomes a much more angry and prone to snapping person than ever, his emotional outbursts are now built on the deaths of two more women in Penny and Alix, and he quite literally becomes a hero of a novel he used to love as a kid, while Weiss openly is into him. Weiss, who is the girl he originally was perusing way back when who wouldn't give him the time of day. Jaune literally screamed in the face of a seventeen year old victim blaming her for stuff that either she wasn't at fault for at all or that he's at least just to blame for, and didn't get called out and instead got coddled and treated with more sympathy than Ruby. The fact that he got deaged back at the end just makes me think that the writers are intending to make him and Weiss get together eventually but didn't want there to be a twenty year age gap between them, despite the fact that he still has the memories of twenty years.
But yeah, Jaune always gave big 'male fantasy' vibes, but every single season it got worse and worse and he got more and more male fantasy vibes until he's become an angry macho man with a beard screaming in a teenage woman's faces and getting nothing but sympathy over it. And he's only gotten more and more focus and attention. So by all rights, if rwde posters actually wanted a man to be a protagonist and wanted macho manly men to be more in focus and treated as good and for them to get attention... We'd all be on board with Jaune and want more Jaune and like Jaune. Instead, with every single season, rwde posters in general dislike Jaune more and want him less. Whereas there's actually RWBY fans who do love and worship Jaune and want him around more and more and like half the fandom at this point are Jaune fanboys, but nobody actually pays any attention to them because apparently the real crime is thinking Ironwood's fall to villainy was badly written. XD The whole "Rwde posters just want men to be the protagonists and they love macho alpha men" is completely fake. It's a made up lie based in nothing that people throw around because they're mad that rwde posters don't like the writers' choices when it comes to Ironwood. XD
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Ironwood art dump
(Repost from old blog)
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