camerawhoisalsocam · 6 days
You should also add Pyrrha sash or ponytail sticking out since she was the first girl in the fridge
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I'm sorry, I just had this wild CreepyPasta idea for Jaune lmao
He's the real Robber Bridegroom this whole time. COUNT YOUR DAYS, SCHNEE.
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camerawhoisalsocam · 8 days
We should have gotten Iron-Dad instead of Iron-Monger
Ironwood confronting Thornmane.
Also, this super adorable shot of Team RWBY smiling as they watch James walk away. It's like they made Dad proud. xD
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camerawhoisalsocam · 2 months
Dibs on Mercury and Sun
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Since RT is shutting down, I call dibs on Ironwood and Penny.
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camerawhoisalsocam · 4 months
Okay I hate to be that nerd adjusting his glasses and snorting but
Its Powergirl who had "lore" to exposed skin
Same person different universes. Supergirl is Earth prime, Power girl is from an alternate earth
Cinder is a lot more sexualized then the male parts of Salem's inner circle
Like tyrian is shirtless sometimes but that does not feel as...drawn attention to, as say, the lingering shots of Cinder's butt or thighs. Or her wearing short shorts and high boots you know what I mean?
I do, anon. RWBY got a lot of attention back in the day for its anti-upskirt technology, but that doesn't give it a free pass for all the other ways you might (and it does) sexualize the cast. I've never been inclined to give RWBY too much shit in this regard because it is pulling from media with a LONG history of such designs and cinematography - it feels unfair of me to act like RWBY is uniquely responsible for such problems when I'm simultaneously willing to overlook, say, the 90's "gag" of Yusuke flipping up Keiko's skirt - but there's nevertheless a voice in the back of my mind constantly asking things like, "Why are so many of the girls fighting in heels?" and "Why are they dressed like they're going to the club and not the literal TUNDRA??" I'd kill for the whole cast, but the girls in particular, to get a re-design that focuses on fashionably compelling practicality, rather than sexy fanservice. (Though Ice Kingdom did a good job overall, particularly for Ruby.) Sure, RWBY didn't give us panty-shots, but one of the first characters we're introduced to is literally designed like a dominatrix.
If we're talking about outfits though... I'd say Emerald gets hit the worst out of Salem's minions. Yeah, Cinder is definitely sexualized in a more general sense as the tall, white (that's not a coincidence), long-legged beauty who sensually conjures fire as she prowls towards the heroes, camera focused on her hips swaying. But Emerald?
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She suffers from the same problem Yang has. AKA, if your woman isn't classically beautiful (like Wiess and to a different extent Blake), or cute / child-like (Ruby, Penny), but is instead going for a sporty, comparatively masculine-esque vibe... then they've got to show a LOT of skin. RWBY makes it sexy by just denying them clothes. You're entering dangerous battles on the daily? You want to protect yourself? Too bad. The audience needs a midriff and cleavage and your whole arms to stare at. Shorten the skin-tight pants so we can see some leg too. Oh, Yang has to have long pants because she's heading into the coldest Kingdom in Remnant? Never mind that, cut a strip out to show her thigh.
"But Clyde, the girls don't need to wear armor because of aura--" then why the hell does Jaune bother wearing that heavy-ass suit? Is it weight training? Does he just think it makes him look cool? ...or does it exist in case his aura breaks and he's allowed to wear more protective gear because there are different gender expectations attached to his design? The aura argument is just a modern rehashing of the Supergirl sun argument: using made up lore to "justify" getting your women characters into skimpy outfits, despite the men rarely being held to the same standards.
Tyrian is actually an interesting exception here and if I were less tired I'd think through this argument more, but something something as the "crazy" character he's allowed more leeway in breaking those expectations. Also the open shirt shows off his scars, which likewise help sell how dangerous he is. With the exception of characters like Cinder and Nora - whose injuries are Important Character Moments the audience gets to see play out - scars are surprisingly uncommon in Remanent. Or, again, they're severely downplayed so as not to interfere with that classic beauty design (like Weiss', or even Yang who gets a perfect cut when losing her arm). So when you see a character with giant scars spanning the length of his chest, an open shirt drawing deliberate attention to them... that makes you go, "Oh shit. What's he been through to scar like that in a world where most people make it out of fights with no permanent damage?"
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camerawhoisalsocam · 5 months
Hey yall, I've been around the block on Comic Book Twitter and let me tell ya, its worse than here. I know thats just Twitter being X and Tumblr being the lesser of the 2 evils but my god. Lemme tell you guys, CBM Twitter users like Kyle up there dont know how to read. They truly do not understand these characters at all, they forget Superman is a kind soul, they forget Batman has a compassion for others, they forget Wonder Woman is a peaceful soul. They dont know the true values of these characters or who they really are. And you wanna know why?
Zack. Snyder.
Look, I like the guy. Theres no joke there, he's an incredible chill guy and a very sweet man from all the interviews I've seen. And him and Gunn are freinds too! So this isnt a civil war im trying to create. And he's a great film maker too, his visuals are some of the best!
But holy shit, he messed up these characters
And his little fanbase, that is way too Toxic to be fans of Snyder, is one of the absolute worst I've seen in so long. Like I get it, if you dont like a movie or like another I wont judge. Its all subjective with CBM's. But if you are going to constantly
Glaze the hell out of mediocrity
Discredit many great films because they dont match your style
Constantly slander people who are in support of the new DC skate
Take so much out of context to push your narrative
Turn on actors who arent interested in doing those movies anymore
Condone, defend, or ignore the actions of multiple abusive and psychotic actors
But also constanky
Post death threats towards Gunn and his freinds and family
Post sexual threats regarding James Gunns wife
Make an edit of Henry Cavils Superman holding James Gunns severed head
Then? They have the audacity to wonder "why dont James Gunn restore the snyder verse? or sell dc o universal or netflix? or release the ayer cut? or make the batfleck movie? why wont he listen to us?" OH WOW I WONDER WHY
And yes, those examples above are not slander, they have done all of that and more. Dont ever listen to the Snyder cultist (aka the one's that do all that shit and refuse to shut up or grow up) they dont understand these characters and dont deserve the Snyderverse
Sorry I went off, I needed to vent before I go to work
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Read some actual comics, Kyle.
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Superman is an incredibly kind and tender character. (If he’s not being written that way, then he’s not being written well.) He inspires hope not just through his heroics, but also through his kindness toward other people. That’s his thing. Don’t you DARE call tenderness a “weakness.” Get your toxic masculinity the hell away from me and go read a badly written Batman comic if you want a “tough” male character.
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camerawhoisalsocam · 5 months
Omfg you're right! Imagine the individual characters moments!
Yang could have confrontations from Raven, how the two are more simalar then ever
Blake abandoning her own world like how she's abandoned others like Adam and her own team before
Weiss would deal with the witnessing Penny's death and her family being gone
Jaune killing Penny, failing to kill Cinder, all of his Ever After trauma
Ruby... oh what wouldn't she face? Penny's death, lying to Ironwood, missing her family, her feelings of being neglected, fuck it go all out on her. Why not?
And fuck it! Have Little have a mini journey of self questioning! Give the lil mouse something
But it would all lead to the same place. The one thing they all feel blame for. The Fall of Atlas.
Instead we get the forced kiss and solo Jaune trauma dumps
Nitpick for Day #18
What the hell was this?
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This is from the V9 opening. And idk about the rest of you, but when I first saw it, I thought that it was signifying that Team RWBY was going to be separated and trying to find each other outside of just like, for five minutes at the start of the season. And that Ruby would meet Alyx, or Neo disguised as Alyx, or see some sort of version of herself she has to confront.
Then after we heard about Punderstorms, I thought that they would get trapped in a punderstorm about Ruby and her issues, and be temporarily separated. Instead this just, never happened. The only 'punderstorm' we got was about Jaune's stupid issues and Blake and Yang being the only people singled out by the literal world as apparently the ones with a conflict they had to work out even though we knew that there were plenty of other conflicts too.
And that's an actual shame, because the idea of the Team getting separated from a struggling Ruby in an inherently dangerous setting they know nothing about and they're trying to find her and each other and potentially undergoing confronting their own personal conflicts while she's undergoing personal conflict is actually so interesting. But here we are, with V9 as it is.
What a shame.
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camerawhoisalsocam · 5 months
Excuse me
Uh-uh! No! This is personal! No one beats my baby Mikasa with BS offscreen feats! She would absolutely DOG WALK Blake! And no that was not a racist comment about her faunus traits! Like your telling me a nerfed Blake is given a point by beating an even more nerfed character with none of it actually being on screen!? Fuck deathbattle, fuck that bias as shit horse radish!
The more I sit and appreciate Mercury Black, the more the V5 finale battle feels more cursed because of how blatantly the writing shot Mercury's power scale down to being as weak as Ruby.
He didn't do a breakdance tornado or shoot a flurry of leg bullets, he just fucking stood there and threw punches. Sure he bullied Yang, but then he got headbutted by Ruby.
Wtf, it was so contrived.
If there was a red flag big enough to lay out the rest of the future problems with RWBY's power scaling, it was how Mercury Black was kneecapped (no pun) from cool and lethal villain to stupid.
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camerawhoisalsocam · 6 months
Its also weird how we dont have exaxt ages on alot of the adult characters. We're left to assume STRQ and the other RWBY parents are somewhere in their 40's. Ironwood and Hazel could honestly be 60. Glynda could be from her late 20's to early 40's. The Ace ops vary in age, and Winter is somewhere in her mid twenties?
It just feels odd that these very important characters lack any sort of basic information. Giving them designated ages could also help the lore and back it up too. Just seems lazy to say a characters is in a certian age demographic and not give an exact number. Just leaving it up to fans headcanons just doenst fit.
I mean if Ironwood is in his 50's built like that I won't complain
But regardless, it just leaves the wikipage a little empty
Nitpick for Day #12, the lack of birthdays in RWBY at this point in time feels legitimately weird. We never know for sure what age characters are and there's this entire discussion of how messed up and badly done the timeline has been and we only know some birthdays because of things like Chibi or author info, but it's supposed to have been two years (despite the messed up timeline reflecting that badly,) and yet... We've never celebrated a birthday?
You're telling me nobody would make a big deal out of Ruby's seventeenth birthday and apparently came and went? Jaune doesn't celebrate his birthday enough to have it be mentioned at least in passing? No one tried to make Oscar feel special by celebrating his sweet sixteen if he is in fact sixteen yet? Qrow doesn't have a birthday Ruby could make a big deal out of? Wouldn't it be nice if there had been some acknowledgement of birthdays and celebrating birthdays in RWBY at all?
Nora in volume 2: "We'd love to come with you on your super important super secret mission, guys, but Team JNPR is taking Pyrrha out today as a special treat. She just turned eighteen, so we're having a birthday dinner at her favorite restaurant!"
Ruby in volume 4: "I just realized... It's Yang's birthday today, and I'm missing it. I hope she's having a good time. Somehow."
Yang in volume 7: "Guys, Ruby's turning seventeen in a week, we need to get a cake at least, and I want to buy her something nice. It's not every day your already officially licensed huntress little sister turns the age people usually are when they enroll in a hunter school."
Like... Doesn't that feel so much more personal? Doesn't that seem caring? Doesn't that feel natural? But no, instead I guess two years have passed since the start of the show somehow and also that in that time no one has ever celebrated a single birthday.
It's just weird.
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camerawhoisalsocam · 6 months
I especially hated how the show treated Stella. She could have been an interesting villian with an understandable motive and it could have given Stolas a major flaw that affects not only him but also Octavia, Blitz, and other characters. But nope, Stolas is still the same as ever and hasnt gotten any backlash from the fans.
I understand the show wanted to show us why they wanted to show exactly why Stolas was right to want out of the relationship, but has made no effort in showing his wrongful approach. I dont justify cheating in anyway, never. Stolas having an affair could have bern an interesting way to show that behind that playful, cosmis owl is a selfish man who was broken down by a life he was forced into. But nope
Stella was always abusive
Stolas was right to cheat
Octavia doesn't get to be upset by her parents, hell she doenst even get to know of Stella was abusive
We dont even get to know how Stella treated Octavia.
We're just told that Stolas was okay to cheat and Stella was the always worst
I just can’t stop thinking about how damn bad the writing of Stella is.
Starting from the pilot and S1E1, Stolas’ affair is played off as a joke.
But then S1E2 has the aftermath of that and Stella is rightfully pissed off and you can see how hard it affected Octavia and that Stolas truly isn’t in the right. His actions were selfish and destructive of what little stability that the household had. We even see that Octavia grew up loved by both Stolas and Stella and that they really did try to make things work out even if it was a struggle or just little things.
It might have been a loveless and struggling marriage but it was something and now Stolas had thrown it all away and it’s all messy and complex and no one is winning and nothing good is coming out of this.
Then Harvest Moon Festival came out. This was the point that things started to take a turn for the worst.
At first I thought the idea of Stella hiring an assassin to kill Stolas as revenge for his affair was actually pretty in line. Like it made logical sense that something like that would happen with a royal of Hell when facing a scandal that could ruin reputations and enter lives, especially affecting Octavia who Stolas has seemingly been not caring or paying attention to during this whole thing in the way that he needs to be.
But then Season 1 progressed and Season 2 came along.
All of that interesting character drama and messiness was thrown out for Stella being a selfish evil empty headed ex who needs her brother to think for her while Stolas is so UwU innocwent bwaby who did no wrong.
And it’s just all once more building onto Viv’s inability to recognize the misogyny in her writing.
Millie isn’t a character outside of Moxxie.
Moxxie and Blitzø’s moms die off camera for a quick sad scene before the swearing and sex jokes resume.
Stella is reduced to a brainless evil ex who doesn’t care about anything other than killing Stolas and her brother has to tell her that she’s dumb and stupid and that she needs to care about the money cause Octavia doesn’t exist?
It’s just all so bad
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camerawhoisalsocam · 6 months
These movies feel like it they are making it too much of a pseudo canon. Like "they COULD be canon BUUUUT we wont say so because we dont wanna confirm anything" Like they dont want the full wrath of DC fans ready to rip RWBY to shreds even worse than I have. (I was mean as hell in my review of the first one, and im a moron, big DC fans are ruthless) They placed both of these movie's in these empty spaces, the Atlas Montage in V7 and from what im assuming is after RWBY reunited with everybody home and are helping in Vacuo. If they didnt want them canon, then dont put it in places that could have made it canon.
The reason I think the original RWBY series will de-solve everything that the team explained and settled in the RWBYxJL Part 2 movie is because of how hard it would be to explain it in V10.
Ruby can't just say she had a pep talk with Superman and now she's all good. Weiss can't say she realized her team was her real family after helping fight alongside JL to stop Watts. Yang can't just explain how worried she was after seeing Ruby get dropkicked by a possessed Wonder Woman.
Blake was... there.
Either they de-solve everything or the arcs are going to be settled and never mentioned again.
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camerawhoisalsocam · 6 months
Batman taking Jokers girl and showing her actual love and care that she so desperately needs and deserves is that trope from the 80's movies and ngl I love it
If Batman and Harley aren’t meant to be together then explain why she gets on her tippy toes and kisses him on the cheek and he has to try not to blush but fails miserably????
Checkmate bitches lmao
exactly !! if not meant to be together, why have an entire date episode for them 💖
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camerawhoisalsocam · 6 months
As a DC fan I will eventually rip it limb from limb once I bother watching it (aka i get a functional enough site to watch it)
I honestly can't wait for DC fans to tear this movie to shreds, rwby stans may eat this slop be we sure as hell won't
yeah the rt / rwby twitter posted clips of it a few times & it got ripped to shreds because it looks like absolute dogshit & is uplifting the rwby girls at the expense of the far more experienced dc characters which just reeks of insecurity lmao.
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camerawhoisalsocam · 6 months
Was Weiss also hearing screaming during those flashes? Cuz if she's seeing a falling city she wasn't there to see then chances are the screams she never actually heard could be real too.
I'm going to take two guesses.
a. This is going to be a new character arc for Weiss in V10. They'll de-solve it from this movie so that the canon series can keep the new arc going. b. This arc never comes up ever again because it was already resolved in the JL movie.
Weiss having PTSD from the fall of Atlas would make sense if the fall wasn't so mishandled and I already think she and her team are responsible for it.
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camerawhoisalsocam · 6 months
Okay im sorry I keep reblogging but I gotta confess to being an idiot. I was @ing @dragynkeep before and after trying to watch the crossover but I wasn't paying attention and it was actually @daywalker27 all along. My stupid ass needs glasses, I say that with my phone like 5 inches away from my face
I'm looking for a pirate version of RWBY x JL Part 2 because I just saw a clip of Superman talking and I am feral.
I need to make a whole compilation of just Superman when he comes up. He's so HOT.
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camerawhoisalsocam · 6 months
I gave up, the website wouldn't let me click my screen without sending me to a page for an ad, @dragynkeep that site aint it that place beat me
I'm looking for a pirate version of RWBY x JL Part 2 because I just saw a clip of Superman talking and I am feral.
I need to make a whole compilation of just Superman when he comes up. He's so HOT.
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camerawhoisalsocam · 6 months
Im about to start this ( @dragynkeep thank you for the site recommendation) wish me luck and expect me to bleed out of my fingernails when typing my review later
I'm looking for a pirate version of RWBY x JL Part 2 because I just saw a clip of Superman talking and I am feral.
I need to make a whole compilation of just Superman when he comes up. He's so HOT.
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camerawhoisalsocam · 6 months
Wait, you used to be in Red vs Blue? So - you used to work at Rooster Teeth?
(My condolences.)
Oh god no, no I never worked there. I've never left my state lol (wish i did i hate it here)
I used to be an RVB actor AU. Basically all of the characters were actors playing themselves. If someone submitted an ask I'd make a headcanon about the actors and the production, like lets say the Reds and Blues actors having prank wars, Tucker proposing to Kai at a convention, Wash having a cat named Shannon, stuff like that
But then Roster Teeths news just got worse and worse. All of the behind the scenes reveals, the controversy, the workers abuse, all of it was way to much. I went from an RVB fan account to an Anti-RT account.
Anyway thanks for the ask anon
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